Option to remove vampire OR make disguises visible on the character selection screen

  • Aliyavana
    Zimbugga wrote: »
    Why is so hard to understand..? You are vampire, so you must have pale skin and red eyes... Just stay stage 1 if you don't like how you look like. At stage 1 you look "normal". Always you can cure yourself.

    Sometimes I think, are there anymore people, who knows how vampires really looks like? Why pale skin and red eyes surprise everyone? Vampires aren't like those "vampires" in Twilight, sorry.

    Lore, illusion magic, count verandis...
  • mystfit
    Niobium wrote: »
    Everstorm wrote: »
    The reason I am against this is that I favor immersion over everything else.

    So how does the colour of my skin impact your immersion? I'm not playing with you, I don't interact with you, if you pass me in the street you wouldn't look twice, regardless if my skin was black or vampire white.

    I can understand that you would want it for yourself - if you are a vampire you want to look the part, for you.

    So, how would a toggle changing my character look impact you? How would you even know? Why does it matter?

    You are playing an MMO. In MMO's there are other people in it. Hence other people are impacted.
    I dont' care for the vamp look. I cured it because it wasn't worth it to me. I've since started a new toon I planned from the get-go to look pretty ok I think...well in stage 1. I'll get back to you on later stages ;) I did both those actions, curing and creating a new toon to follow the rules of the MMO world I chose to live in.
  • Tonturri
    mystfit wrote: »
    Niobium wrote: »
    Everstorm wrote: »
    The reason I am against this is that I favor immersion over everything else.

    So how does the colour of my skin impact your immersion? I'm not playing with you, I don't interact with you, if you pass me in the street you wouldn't look twice, regardless if my skin was black or vampire white.

    I can understand that you would want it for yourself - if you are a vampire you want to look the part, for you.

    So, how would a toggle changing my character look impact you? How would you even know? Why does it matter?

    You are playing an MMO. In MMO's there are other people in it. Hence other people are impacted.
    I dont' care for the vamp look. I cured it because it wasn't worth it to me. I've since started a new toon I planned from the get-go to look pretty ok I think...well in stage 1. I'll get back to you on later stages ;) I did both those actions, curing and creating a new toon to follow the rules of the MMO world I chose to live in.
    Just because there are other people somewhere in the MMO does not mean that are impacted by whatever it is I happen to be doing, nor does it mean that impact is in any way significant. Saying 'they're impacted' without a reason (other than 'they're there', I guess?) doesn't work :)

    I could be afking in Elden Root. Does that impact people? Sure...it may take them milliseconds longer to load the area. Is is impacting anyone in a significant way or any way worth mentioning when trying to debate a point? No.

    For funsies, here's my Argonian with vampirism in stage 1. https://imgur.com/a/J6Ve4

    Here she is before vampirism. https://imgur.com/a/EURxY

  • Niobium
    mystfit wrote: »
    You are playing an MMO. In MMO's there are other people in it. Hence other people are impacted.

    You've not said how anyone would be impacted. If I run past with a paper bag over my head, you have zero idea that I'm a vampire. If I run past with normal skin tone, you'd have zero idea that I'm a vampire. What's the difference? There is nothing in the world that reacts to my vampirism in any way.

    The downsides to vampirism are in the passives (despite how harsh or mild they may be - that is a different topic), not red eyes. The better option would simply have been a vampirism skin achievement when hitting rank 10 and folks could choose to use it or not.

    So, how does me wearing a disguise impact your gameplay?

    How does the colour of my skin have an impact on your gameplay?

    One of the folks against it, please tell me how my red eyes and pale skin in any way affects you personally.

    As a side note, it would be awesome to see werewolves running around too.
  • Subversus
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Subversus wrote: »
    Vapirko wrote: »
    Pale skin and red eyes is the price you pay for the power of the damned. If you can't pay the price then return to the realm of mortals.

    It's not a matter of price to pay. I don't give a damn about the price, the undeath passive is simply broken and anyone not running it in PvP is gimping themselves. I'd rather not shoot myself in the leg.

    I was just having fun with my answer, I will disagree with you even though I used to think the same. The undeath passive is ok. It depends on your play style. As a solo player I've found vampire to a death sentence against other talaneted players primarily mag DKs where you can basically just kiss your ass goodbye. The extra damage you take from dawnbreaker can also ruin you. The recovery drop isn't huge. On my stam sorc SB build I gave it up. It just wasn't worth it. On my woodelf stamblade I've kept it for now but generally avoid facing off against good mag DKs. You're not gimping yourself by not using it. A good player will recognize vamp status and exploit it. I think the undeath passive does help when you're trying to survive a talaentless zerg group and get some los. I used to be completely sold on vamp now I'm not so sure. It does add a ton of recovery on my stamblade woodelf wearing willows, but if I had a vma 2H and the extra wpn damage that provides I would probably drop vamp and simply add another recovery glyph.

    EDIT: forgot to mention, I am mostly talking about absolute top tier 1v1s, 1vXing is nothing anymore since if the X has a single experienced player it's gg tbh.

    Mate, when it comes to pvp I am 100% sure I know more about it than you. Let me tell you how overpowered the undeath passive really is. At 10% hp left, a stamina nightblade with a 12k tooltip on his surprise attack hits me for 3k (taking my 32k resistances into account and w/e else). I am sure you don't find it good or whatever, but trust me; me and some VERY good players theorycrafted this and MANY other things in order to cheese 1v1 builds in the most possible way. Undeath passive is literally at the top, no other passive in this game offers as much damage reduction. At the end of the day, however, you are free to think what you want - but after your statement, it is very clear that we are playing in different skill tiers.
    Edited by Subversus on September 16, 2017 8:44AM
  • Runschei
    Zimbugga wrote: »
    Why is so hard to understand..? You are vampire, so you must have pale skin and red eyes... Just stay stage 1 if you don't like how you look like. At stage 1 you look "normal". Always you can cure yourself.

    Sometimes I think, are there anymore people, who knows how vampires really looks like? Why pale skin and red eyes surprise everyone? Vampires aren't like those "vampires" in Twilight, sorry.

    So in your opinion, vampires are purple and veiny?
  • mystfit
    Niobium wrote: »
    mystfit wrote: »
    You are playing an MMO. In MMO's there are other people in it. Hence other people are impacted.

    You've not said how anyone would be impacted. If I run past with a paper bag over my head, you have zero idea that I'm a vampire. If I run past with normal skin tone, you'd have zero idea that I'm a vampire. What's the difference? There is nothing in the world that reacts to my vampirism in any way.

    The downsides to vampirism are in the passives (despite how harsh or mild they may be - that is a different topic), not red eyes. The better option would simply have been a vampirism skin achievement when hitting rank 10 and folks could choose to use it or not.

    So, how does me wearing a disguise impact your gameplay?

    How does the colour of my skin have an impact on your gameplay?

    One of the folks against it, please tell me how my red eyes and pale skin in any way affects you personally.

    As a side note, it would be awesome to see werewolves running around too.

    This same argument gets used by people who bot, who afk kill, who exploit. Not alot of sympathy there either but feel free to continue saying it ;)
  • TheShadowScout
    Runschei wrote: »
    Zimbugga wrote: »
    Why is so hard to understand..? You are vampire, so you must have pale skin and red eyes... Just stay stage 1 if you don't like how you look like. At stage 1 you look "normal". Always you can cure yourself.

    Sometimes I think, are there anymore people, who knows how vampires really looks like? Why pale skin and red eyes surprise everyone? Vampires aren't like those "vampires" in Twilight, sorry.

    So in your opinion, vampires are purple and veiny?
    Our opinions about vasmpire appearance do not really matter here, and neither does how vapires look in other universes - what matters is that the developers -decided- this strand of vampirism makes people look purple-pink-pale and veiny.
    That's how it is.
    If you want them to tell it ought to be different, you gotta buy the elder scroills license first before your opinion matters... ;)

    But as I have been saying, we also know from their in-game precedents that there IS a way for vampires to hide their nature and seem mortal. Something that should be available for player character vampires as well, though since it seems pretty rare among NPC vamps, it probably has some drawback... like I outlined before.

    That's really all there is to this discussion I would think...
    (And vamp players, just be happy they went with the visual thing instead of making you take permanent damage in sunlight like in other TES games! :p;) )
  • mb10
    Can this thread stop reappearing??? ffs

    If you are a vampire, LIVE WITH THE DISADVANTAGES OF IT.

    You people want stealth speed and stat recovery but want to look like a normal civilian.
  • mb10
    aliyavana wrote: »
    And for the 25916062nd time it's a curse... It always has been and always will be part of the elder scrolles lore. If you don't like it simply cure yourself. Or would you prefer all the townspeople run in fear and guards attack you at stage 4? Because they could have just made it like that instead.

    Or make it so during the day your health slowly depletes, but the developers were kind enough to spare you from that burden.

    In fact compared to other Elder Scroll games having a pale skin and a weakness to Fire as the only drawbacks is a pretty good deal. But some people always have that give me, give me, I'm entitled attitude.

    Don't use lore as an excuse when illusion magic and count verandis exist

    Illusion magic is in relation to spells. There are no spells in ESO to hide your physical apperance and ive never seen that in any TES game.

    As for Count Verandis, there's every possibility he's a stage 1 or 2 vampire and definitely not 4.
  • TheShadowScout
    mb10 wrote: »
    aliyavana wrote: »
    And for the 25916062nd time it's a curse... It always has been and always will be part of the elder scrolles lore. If you don't like it simply cure yourself. Or would you prefer all the townspeople run in fear and guards attack you at stage 4? Because they could have just made it like that instead.

    Or make it so during the day your health slowly depletes, but the developers were kind enough to spare you from that burden.

    In fact compared to other Elder Scroll games having a pale skin and a weakness to Fire as the only drawbacks is a pretty good deal. But some people always have that give me, give me, I'm entitled attitude.

    Don't use lore as an excuse when illusion magic and count verandis exist

    Illusion magic is in relation to spells. There are no spells in ESO to hide your physical apperance and ive never seen that in any TES game.

    As for Count Verandis, there's every possibility he's a stage 1 or 2 vampire and definitely not 4.
    Generally I consider every disguise an illusion spell. I mean, what else vanishes when somebody takes a stab at you?

    As for count verandis, well, stage is dependent on hunger, and he obviously feeds on a regular basis from willing servants, so I doubt he ever goes much past stage 2...

    But the point is valid, any illusion skill or item might only raise appearance one stage... meaning if it existed, it would make a great mechanic to need your vamp to stay at stage 1 to look mortal. In addition to the other drawbacks I mentioned before (giving up a trinket or skill slot for it)
  • Abeille
    Another day, another batch of people who think vampires can't look like mortals for reasons already debunked.

    Guys, please, read before posting. There were some very comprehensive explanations posted already in this thread.
    mb10 wrote: »
    aliyavana wrote: »
    And for the 25916062nd time it's a curse... It always has been and always will be part of the elder scrolles lore. If you don't like it simply cure yourself. Or would you prefer all the townspeople run in fear and guards attack you at stage 4? Because they could have just made it like that instead.

    Or make it so during the day your health slowly depletes, but the developers were kind enough to spare you from that burden.

    In fact compared to other Elder Scroll games having a pale skin and a weakness to Fire as the only drawbacks is a pretty good deal. But some people always have that give me, give me, I'm entitled attitude.

    Don't use lore as an excuse when illusion magic and count verandis exist

    Illusion magic is in relation to spells. There are no spells in ESO to hide your physical apperance and ive never seen that in any TES game.
    There is the enchanted bauble Raz gives you in Skywatch. You use it twice in the Dominion story line to disguise yourself as other person. Also, the enchanted gem that makes you look like a goblin.

    Also also, all illusion spells that make you at least partially invisible technically affect your appearance (by making you blend in with your surroundings).
    Edited by Abeille on September 16, 2017 2:36PM
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • Qbiken
    I´m still confused why people are being so salty about players wanting to hide an appearance that they don´t like. Why does it concern you how other players decide to "paint" their character??
  • Abeille
    Qbiken wrote: »
    I´m still confused why people are being so salty about players wanting to hide an appearance that they don´t like. Why does it concern you how other players decide to "paint" their character??

    That's a good question. It was widely demonstrated through examples that hiding vampirism is lore-friendly, and vampires have gameplay-related weaknesses so it is not like their appearance is the only downside. You can also already hide it if you put on a disguise or a polymorph so saying you should be able to tell at a first glance if someone is a vampire or not also doesn't hold any water.

    So, given all of this, why indeed they feel like this should not be added?
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • Runschei
    Why do people keep commenting ''lol just put on a skin''?? Man, not everyone has the required DLCs/ESO+, and even if they do they might not have the skilled team needed for the achievements! Putting on a skin is simply avoiding the issue too. Not everyone wants to go to great lenghts just to get that skin to hide vampirism. Not just that, but who says a meatball or a character from Tron is any better than a face freshly dipped in flour?
  • Abeille
    Runschei wrote: »
    Why do people keep commenting ''lol just put on a skin''?? Man, not everyone has the required DLCs/ESO+, and even if they do they might not have the skilled team needed for the achievements! Putting on a skin is simply avoiding the issue too. Not everyone wants to go to great lenghts just to get that skin to hide vampirism. Not just that, but who says a meatball or a character from Tron is any better than a face freshly dipped in flour?

    Also almost no skins hide vampirism. They look different when put on vampires when compared to when put on mortals.
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • Runschei
    Abeille wrote: »
    Runschei wrote: »
    Why do people keep commenting ''lol just put on a skin''?? Man, not everyone has the required DLCs/ESO+, and even if they do they might not have the skilled team needed for the achievements! Putting on a skin is simply avoiding the issue too. Not everyone wants to go to great lenghts just to get that skin to hide vampirism. Not just that, but who says a meatball or a character from Tron is any better than a face freshly dipped in flour?

    Also almost no skins hide vampirism. They look different when put on vampires when compared to when put on mortals.

    That is also true.
  • ConeOfSilence
    Choose to go with vampire and live with the consequences.
  • Niobium
    mystfit wrote: »
    This same argument gets used by people who bot, who afk kill, who exploit. Not alot of sympathy there either but feel free to continue saying it ;)

    People who bot run trains over mobs, killing everything in their path leaving nothing for anyone else and then sells high cp characters to people with no clue how to play = impact on other players.

    AFK Killing I'm assuming you mean killing someone afk in pvp? If so, you're in a pvp map so that's what you get for afk'ing.

    Exploiting ruins the economy and unfairly advantages people who are using the exploit whether it be to gain items or gold (who then in turn can use that in pvp for instance) or the most recent killing inside IC base. Obviously that would impact the player being killed since they were in what would be a safe zone.

    Nice strawman there, but the colour of my skin doesn't ruin economies or impact anyone's game play or even give me any kind of advantage.

    So whether my skin is black or under a robe, what does it matter?
  • Abeille
    Choose to go with vampire and live with the consequences.

    Why though, if it is completely possible both from a lore and a technical standpoint to hide vampirism, and taking into consideration that the appearance isn't the only downside to it?
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • Yamenstein
    Subversus wrote: »
    I know this has been requested 25916061 times before, and I'll make it a 25916062nd time. On a game that emphasizes so much on 'medieval barbie dress up', it's absurd that this is still a thing we have to trouble ourselves with.

    Easiest option is to add an option in the settings, much like the horse and head appearance options.

    If that's too hard for you, at least make it so that our disguises can be seen in the character selection screen. And please for gods sake make it possible for us to use custom crown store hair while wearing disguises, it makes no sense that we have to use the hair everyone knows us by WHEN WE ARE UNDER DISGUISE.

    So you don't want to look like a vampire? Then get the cure! :smile:

    I don't want to morph into a giant wolf that moves around on its back legs, and guess what? I don't have to because I didn't become one! :smiley: I know it's a strange concept.
  • Abeille
    Yamenstein wrote: »
    Subversus wrote: »
    I know this has been requested 25916061 times before, and I'll make it a 25916062nd time. On a game that emphasizes so much on 'medieval barbie dress up', it's absurd that this is still a thing we have to trouble ourselves with.

    Easiest option is to add an option in the settings, much like the horse and head appearance options.

    If that's too hard for you, at least make it so that our disguises can be seen in the character selection screen. And please for gods sake make it possible for us to use custom crown store hair while wearing disguises, it makes no sense that we have to use the hair everyone knows us by WHEN WE ARE UNDER DISGUISE.

    So you don't want to look like a vampire? Then get the cure! :smile:

    I don't want to morph into a giant wolf that moves around on its back legs, and guess what? I don't have to because I didn't become one! :smiley: I know it's a strange concept.

    Actually... You can be a werewolf and not transform if you want to without being cured. You are not forced to morph into a werewolf, ever, not in ESO.


    Abeille wrote: »
    Choose to go with vampire and live with the consequences.

    Why though, if it is completely possible both from a lore and a technical standpoint to hide vampirism, and taking into consideration that the appearance isn't the only downside to it?

    Edited by Abeille on September 16, 2017 2:38PM
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • Yamenstein
    Abeille wrote: »
    Yamenstein wrote: »
    Subversus wrote: »
    I know this has been requested 25916061 times before, and I'll make it a 25916062nd time. On a game that emphasizes so much on 'medieval barbie dress up', it's absurd that this is still a thing we have to trouble ourselves with.

    Easiest option is to add an option in the settings, much like the horse and head appearance options.

    If that's too hard for you, at least make it so that our disguises can be seen in the character selection screen. And please for gods sake make it possible for us to use custom crown store hair while wearing disguises, it makes no sense that we have to use the hair everyone knows us by WHEN WE ARE UNDER DISGUISE.

    So you don't want to look like a vampire? Then get the cure! :smile:

    I don't want to morph into a giant wolf that moves around on its back legs, and guess what? I don't have to because I didn't become one! :smiley: I know it's a strange concept.

    Actually... You can be a werewolf and not transform if you want to without being cured. You are not forced to morph into a werewolf, ever, not in ESO.


    Abeille wrote: »
    Choose to go with vampire and live with the consequences.

    Why though, if it is completely possible both from a lore and a technical standpoint to hide vampirism, and taking into consideration that the appearance isn't the only downside to it?

    That doesn't change the fact that I don't get the benefits if I don't transform. So nice smart Alec remark but my point still stands.

    If you want the benefits of a vampire you look like a vampire. Unless of course you want the vampire line changed so you only get those benefits and access to skills after you transform - like a werewolf?

    If that isn't what you want then I want to be able to access all the werewolf benefits and the skills without changing as well. Why should I have to change into a wolf (or any creature) to jump at people, claw at faces and eat dead bodies to extend a buff?

    Edit: sorry didn't see the other quote you did - for some reason it looked like you quoted me twice.

    Mind linking me to the lore side of things? Also for disguises it's obviously just the role playing/it's a game side of things. If you drink blood doesnt that make the appearance of a vampire less... Vampire like.
    Edited by Yamenstein on September 16, 2017 2:47PM
  • Niobium
    Yamenstein wrote: »
    Unless of course you want the vampire line changed so you only get those benefits and access to skills after you transform - like a werewolf?

    If that isn't what you want then I want to be able to access all the werewolf benefits and the skills without changing as well.

    Whether werewolves have to transform or not to gain the skill line is irrelevant to the vampire thread - although I think you should definitely make your own thread about whether werewolves should have their abilities passively or be able to wear their werewolf skin all the time without burning an ultimate just to look like a werewolf.

    I would be all for that - I even stole a Dog Training Manual off a Khajiit recently.
  • Abeille
    Yamenstein wrote: »
    Abeille wrote: »
    Yamenstein wrote: »
    Subversus wrote: »
    I know this has been requested 25916061 times before, and I'll make it a 25916062nd time. On a game that emphasizes so much on 'medieval barbie dress up', it's absurd that this is still a thing we have to trouble ourselves with.

    Easiest option is to add an option in the settings, much like the horse and head appearance options.

    If that's too hard for you, at least make it so that our disguises can be seen in the character selection screen. And please for gods sake make it possible for us to use custom crown store hair while wearing disguises, it makes no sense that we have to use the hair everyone knows us by WHEN WE ARE UNDER DISGUISE.

    So you don't want to look like a vampire? Then get the cure! :smile:

    I don't want to morph into a giant wolf that moves around on its back legs, and guess what? I don't have to because I didn't become one! :smiley: I know it's a strange concept.

    Actually... You can be a werewolf and not transform if you want to without being cured. You are not forced to morph into a werewolf, ever, not in ESO.


    Abeille wrote: »
    Choose to go with vampire and live with the consequences.

    Why though, if it is completely possible both from a lore and a technical standpoint to hide vampirism, and taking into consideration that the appearance isn't the only downside to it?

    That doesn't change the fact that I don't get the benefits if I don't transform. So nice smart Alec remark but my point still stands.

    If you want the benefits of a vampire you look like a vampire. Unless of course you want the vampire line changed so you only get those benefits and access to skills after you transform - like a werewolf?

    If that isn't what you want then I want to be able to access all the werewolf benefits and the skills without changing as well. Why should I have to change into a wolf (or any creature) to jump at people, claw at faces and eat dead bodies to extend a buff?

    Edit: sorry didn't see the other quote you did - for some reason it looked like you quoted me twice.

    Mind linking me to the lore side of things? Also for disguises it's obviously just the role playing/it's a game side of things. If you drink blood doesnt that make the appearance of a vampire less... Vampire like.

    Werewolves have the increased stamina regen when not transformed, actually, as long as they have the ultimate equipped. Vampires and werewolves to not work the same way in the lore anyway, though. Look up "vampire bloodlines" in the wiki.

    I'm on my phone, but you can check it out in game if you wish. We have Count Verandis, who can disguise himself in the Rivenspire main quest line. We have two instances when we wear an earring to look like someone else in the Dominion main quest line (one in Auridon and other in the Reaper's March). We have one instance when we are made to look like a goblin for a quest in Stonefalls. This is part of the story of the quest, it is not just a gameplay thing, it is part of the lore.

    Check the rest of the thread for more lore tidbits.
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • manavortex
    Why is so hard to understand..? You are vampire, so you must have pale skin and red eyes... Just stay stage 1 if you don't like how you look like. At stage 1 you look "normal". Always you can cure yourself.

    This is my Imperial, both in a disguise and without:

    Just for that matter, this is Verandis Ravenwatch, Vampire pureblood and Son of Coldharbour:

    So please don't give me sh*t about looking normal on stage 1 or looking like someone's *** being the price for power.

    As for getting cured, for roleplaying purposes I do just that. It's almost as annoying as the Planemeld.

    Reading all the replies, I think that I can re-phrase what I really want:

    Please give me an option to hide vampirism while not in PVP or nerf the f*ck out of it so that I can get cured for good.

    Edited by manavortex on September 16, 2017 7:19PM
    Stop Zanil Theran's sinister plot to exterminate bank space! Give ESO+ subscribers a virtual Furniture Bag!
  • icontrive
    Its weird how much eso is about customization yet this is the one thing you can not change. Eso is best because the amount of options it offers. Vampirism shouldn't be an exception. If you want to look like a vamp you should be able to and if you don't you shouldn't have to.
  • notimetocare
    Much easier fix tbh. Cure it
  • Betsararie
    Removing vampire would give you an advantage in PvP, because then people won't know that you're a vampire and have the advantages of it.

    It's the same way that costumes give you an advantage. I don't run it, but I have no idea why you'd want to let people know you're running skoria. It's very easy to tell if you dont have a costume.

    Costumes will give you an advantage.

    I also think we should be able to hide vampire if we so choose.
  • Ladislao
    Well, ZOS just should fix the bug with disguises which hide your vampirism. Then there will be no way to hide vampirism as intended. And there will be no desire to demand more of these opportunities.
    Everything is viable
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