Repairing your own items needs to be a thing

If your character can create their own armor and weapons then it only makes sense that they should be able to repair their own armor and weapons. Repairing through a vendor or buying repair kits is absurdly expensive. ZoS, please consider adding this to the game.
  • Sunah
    So you want us to go to a station and repair our gear manually? Instead of clicking on a vendor and repair, you want us to click on a station and repair? I dont really see the difference haha. Got like.. an example?
  • Thunderknuckles
    Sunah wrote: »
    So you want us to go to a station and repair our gear manually? Instead of clicking on a vendor and repair, you want us to click on a station and repair? I dont really see the difference haha. Got like.. an example?

    Yes. I'm talking about it either being free to do it yourself or costing you a few mats instead of gold at a vendor. Can you possibly contest that an armor/weapons maker can't do this themselves? It wouldn't impact the game at all to eliminate repairing through a vendor. It makes perfect sense for your character to be able to do it themselves.

    Edited to mention that I do realize that using a repair kit means your toon is doing it themselves, but it's very expensive. :) Moreover it takes up inventory space. Personally I think it'd be superb if you could do it yourself at a work station if you choose to.
    Edited by Thunderknuckles on August 9, 2017 2:43AM
  • JKorr
    Sunah wrote: »
    So you want us to go to a station and repair our gear manually? Instead of clicking on a vendor and repair, you want us to click on a station and repair? I dont really see the difference haha. Got like.. an example?

    My crafter has all 9 traits researched, maxed smithing, maxed clothing, maxed woodworking, maxed enchanting, maxed alchemy, and maxed provisioning. My crafter can't repair her own gear.

    However the CHEF at the tavern can repair her gear. The mages's guild mystic can repair her gear. The mages's guild enchanter can repair her gear. The BREWER at the inn can repair her gear. I believe everyone except the banker and the bag space seller can repair her gear.

    Even if it still cost me gold for special mats, I would really like to be able to repair my own gear. I believe the "any merchant repairs everything" was designed as a gold sink. It is rather ridiculous that a maxed out crafter who can make any level gear or item can't repair the gear they made for themselves, in many cases. I made it in the first place, and I don't know how to repair it?
  • Reivax
    If I create armor from scratch without spending any gold, I ought to be able to repair armor without any gold. Just use materials. So to repair Iron armor, I need x pieces of armor. Like others say, it makes zero sense that I made the armor with my years of skill, traveling to a magical forge in a far off land, and using exotic materials to construct it, and I cannot repair it.
    But some pudknocker wandering the country side selling used bait, and having no forge with him, can fix my armor...

    I don't get the "Gold sink" concept in MMOs. If you want me to have less gold, then give me less gold to begin with. It's not like the game needs my gold to do maintenance and upkeep on the buildings in Belkarth.
  • ChronoChristophe
    I use the vendors to repair my gear all the time. The cost of repair is easily offset by the look I pick up and sell. On average it costs me 123 - 200 gold to repair my armor. I usually get about 3-4 thousand gold from the loot I sell. That's not even counting the quest reward gold or items I "liberated" from their owners and found "new homes for". being able to repair your own armor could be fun, but it doesn't cost much of anything to have a vendor do it. I also find it quicker to have a vendor do it.
  • Rouven
    It's a game mechanic and not about logic. I mean I agree but a certain gold sink is necessary and that is what we have to accept. If you continue this train of thought then you will have to pay for access of the crafting facilities, repair those as well, make your pick axe first, repair your house or apartment, potentially pay taxes. Pay a toll upon entering cities etc etc.
    Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. ~ Terry Pratchett
  • QuebraRegra
    for certain!

    any level 50 craft should be able to repair like equipment.
  • MissBizz
    But I like how the chef repairs my armor. The mystic is a good runnerup too.

    Really though, I'd love to see it, but also keep gold at merchant a possibility.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • agn231
    Have you tried using repair kits? You get them as a reward for doing writs - I think you can buy them as well.
  • DeadlyRecluse
    That's more or less what the repair kit reward from writs is for, though.

    I don't remember the last time I payed a vendor to repair my gear. 100s of repair kits on each toon for free.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Apherius
    awesome , i was just thinking about that 5 min ago O_o

    create repair kit could be a good thing ...
    i really dont care about repairing item, as it''s really not a lot of coin to repair and i rather pay coin then use mats to repair!
    But what i do want is to change STYLE, i would love to be able to change the look of an armor!
  • Thunderknuckles
    Rouven wrote: »
    It's a game mechanic and not about logic. I mean I agree but a certain gold sink is necessary and that is what we have to accept. If you continue this train of thought then you will have to pay for access of the crafting facilities, repair those as well, make your pick axe first, repair your house or apartment, potentially pay taxes. Pay a toll upon entering cities etc etc.

    Why is a certain gold sink "necessary"? For RP's sake? If that's the case, then your character should, for RP's sake, be able to repair the very armor and weapons he/she can make. It only makes sense.
  • Taleof2Cities
    Agree with the OP ...

    I'm sure ZOS could find something (that's balanced) to where we can repair our own gear out adventuring or in town.
  • Thunderknuckles
    JKorr wrote: »

    My crafter has all 9 traits researched, maxed smithing, maxed clothing, maxed woodworking, maxed enchanting, maxed alchemy, and maxed provisioning. My crafter can't repair her own gear.

    However the CHEF at the tavern can repair her gear. The mages's guild mystic can repair her gear. The mages's guild enchanter can repair her gear. The BREWER at the inn can repair her gear. I believe everyone except the banker and the bag space seller can repair her gear.

    Even if it still cost me gold for special mats, I would really like to be able to repair my own gear. I believe the "any merchant repairs everything" was designed as a gold sink. It is rather ridiculous that a maxed out crafter who can make any level gear or item can't repair the gear they made for themselves, in many cases. I made it in the first place, and I don't know how to repair it?

    And, JKorr, for the ridiculous cost of repairs you don't even get a free cupcake from the Chef or mug of beer from the brewer. LOL
  • davey1107
    In the time it took ypunto wrote that post you could have earned enough gold for a year of armor repair. Lol.

    I did the math once on psijic public dungeon runs. The NPCs you kill literally award you 400% the cost of repairing armor from that run. The armor repairs are absurdly cheap. So much so that it's more a nuisance than anything...but it's always seemed like a fine mechanic to me.
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