The main issue with soulassault is:
40% of the people instantly begin to dodge multiple times when i use it.
40% still try to bash me when i use it.
5% are stamplar stamdk in medium not utilizing a sword and board bar and just die.
15% are none of the beforementioned and know how to render it completely useless.
What i want to say is: If you´re not a medium armor user that is Templar or DK soulassault is a l2p issue. Especially on nightblades.
I think even the medium armor templars and DKs should have no problem outputting more damage on an unblocking target than the soul assault does during it's channel time(especially if they also use an ultimate), making it a net loss for the soul assault caster.
To be fair - when i soulassault someone they have entropy, 2x burning, curse and mages wrath on them and most likely eaten a blocked fragment or are in the process of cc breaking/dodging and i´m standing comfortably in a circle of mines.
Soulassault alone has a tooltip of ~95k dmg.
It does hurt a lot on anyone not wearing heavy.
Doesn't soul assault slow the player while taking all that damage? Make it so you can bash them, they are already ranged using they can block and stop the ult(I think) to react throughout a fight. Soul assault in no cp sounds like a goooood thing.
The main issue with soulassault is:
40% of the people instantly begin to dodge multiple times when i use it.
40% still try to bash me when i use it.
5% are stamplar stamdk in medium not utilizing a sword and board bar and just die.
15% are none of the beforementioned and know how to render it completely useless.
What i want to say is: If you´re not a medium armor user that is Templar or DK soulassault is a l2p issue. Especially on nightblades.
this skill is completely useless until they fix the purge bug or you know how to choose your fights and only battle potatoes, right
Don't worry I made a video about it and healing ward not working properly and they are supposedly fixing soul Assault next update. It was in pts 3.0.0.
The main issue with soulassault is:
40% of the people instantly begin to dodge multiple times when i use it.
40% still try to bash me when i use it.
5% are stamplar stamdk in medium not utilizing a sword and board bar and just die.
15% are none of the beforementioned and know how to render it completely useless.
What i want to say is: If you´re not a medium armor user that is Templar or DK soulassault is a l2p issue. Especially on nightblades.
I think even the medium armor templars and DKs should have no problem outputting more damage on an unblocking target than the soul assault does during it's channel time(especially if they also use an ultimate), making it a net loss for the soul assault caster.
To be fair - when i soulassault someone they have entropy, 2x burning, curse and mages wrath on them and most likely eaten a blocked fragment or are in the process of cc breaking/dodging and i´m standing comfortably in a circle of mines.
Soulassault alone has a tooltip of ~95k dmg.
It does hurt a lot on anyone not wearing heavy.
Yeah right, but that has more to do with stacking various damage sources than with just soul assault itself. Not everyone is a sorc in cyrodiil (yet)
The main issue with soulassault is:
40% of the people instantly begin to dodge multiple times when i use it.
40% still try to bash me when i use it.
5% are stamplar stamdk in medium not utilizing a sword and board bar and just die.
15% are none of the beforementioned and know how to render it completely useless.
What i want to say is: If you´re not a medium armor user that is Templar or DK soulassault is a l2p issue. Especially on nightblades.
I think even the medium armor templars and DKs should have no problem outputting more damage on an unblocking target than the soul assault does during it's channel time(especially if they also use an ultimate), making it a net loss for the soul assault caster.
To be fair - when i soulassault someone they have entropy, 2x burning, curse and mages wrath on them and most likely eaten a blocked fragment or are in the process of cc breaking/dodging and i´m standing comfortably in a circle of mines.
Soulassault alone has a tooltip of ~95k dmg.
It does hurt a lot on anyone not wearing heavy.
Yeah right, but that has more to do with stacking various damage sources than with just soul assault itself. Not everyone is a sorc in cyrodiil (yet)
Well a NB is more dangerous than a sorc when they have 3 dots running alongside soulassault classpassive critdmg and skoria.
A templar outperforms everything else i´ve seen.
So out of 4 classes sorc comes 3rd or 4th when looking at lolassault efficiency - bc i honestly can´t comment on DKs i´ve never seen one use it.
What exactly do you want to say
The main issue with soulassault is:
40% of the people instantly begin to dodge multiple times when i use it.
40% still try to bash me when i use it.
5% are stamplar stamdk in medium not utilizing a sword and board bar and just die.
15% are none of the beforementioned and know how to render it completely useless.
What i want to say is: If you´re not a medium armor user that is Templar or DK soulassault is a l2p issue. Especially on nightblades.
I think even the medium armor templars and DKs should have no problem outputting more damage on an unblocking target than the soul assault does during it's channel time(especially if they also use an ultimate), making it a net loss for the soul assault caster.
To be fair - when i soulassault someone they have entropy, 2x burning, curse and mages wrath on them and most likely eaten a blocked fragment or are in the process of cc breaking/dodging and i´m standing comfortably in a circle of mines.
Soulassault alone has a tooltip of ~95k dmg.
It does hurt a lot on anyone not wearing heavy.
sodantokb16_ESO wrote: »The main issue with soulassault is:
40% of the people instantly begin to dodge multiple times when i use it.
40% still try to bash me when i use it.
5% are stamplar stamdk in medium not utilizing a sword and board bar and just die.
15% are none of the beforementioned and know how to render it completely useless.
What i want to say is: If you´re not a medium armor user that is Templar or DK soulassault is a l2p issue. Especially on nightblades.
I think even the medium armor templars and DKs should have no problem outputting more damage on an unblocking target than the soul assault does during it's channel time(especially if they also use an ultimate), making it a net loss for the soul assault caster.
To be fair - when i soulassault someone they have entropy, 2x burning, curse and mages wrath on them and most likely eaten a blocked fragment or are in the process of cc breaking/dodging and i´m standing comfortably in a circle of mines.
Soulassault alone has a tooltip of ~95k dmg.
It does hurt a lot on anyone not wearing heavy.
To be even more fair I dont use any of that (except poison injection) on stam build lacking CP to boost it and everytime medium user drops to 80% hp they just melt away. While for many it is l2p issue, I as a user of it do not really feel like I need to l2p to use it effectively. It is soooo easy to kill with this I feel dirty. This 85 ultimate (on sorc anyway) that kills most medium armor builds (which then rewards you with 20ulti back) does feel pretty too strong (even more if you compare it with bow ulti that works in same way, except its worse in everything)
There are many ways to boost the results, by CCing the target, aplying many executes and DoTS or waiting till they have low HP. But most of the time it is not really needed. Any medium armor build will die or be close to death after it anyway and if they survive it you will have it back in no time and then you can care about better use.
sodantokb16_ESO wrote: »The main issue with soulassault is:
40% of the people instantly begin to dodge multiple times when i use it.
40% still try to bash me when i use it.
5% are stamplar stamdk in medium not utilizing a sword and board bar and just die.
15% are none of the beforementioned and know how to render it completely useless.
What i want to say is: If you´re not a medium armor user that is Templar or DK soulassault is a l2p issue. Especially on nightblades.
I think even the medium armor templars and DKs should have no problem outputting more damage on an unblocking target than the soul assault does during it's channel time(especially if they also use an ultimate), making it a net loss for the soul assault caster.
To be fair - when i soulassault someone they have entropy, 2x burning, curse and mages wrath on them and most likely eaten a blocked fragment or are in the process of cc breaking/dodging and i´m standing comfortably in a circle of mines.
Soulassault alone has a tooltip of ~95k dmg.
It does hurt a lot on anyone not wearing heavy.
To be even more fair I dont use any of that (except poison injection) on stam build lacking CP to boost it and everytime medium user drops to 80% hp they just melt away. While for many it is l2p issue, I as a user of it do not really feel like I need to l2p to use it effectively. It is soooo easy to kill with this I feel dirty. This 85 ultimate (on sorc anyway) that kills most medium armor builds (which then rewards you with 20ulti back) does feel pretty too strong (even more if you compare it with bow ulti that works in same way, except its worse in everything)
There are many ways to boost the results, by CCing the target, aplying many executes and DoTS or waiting till they have low HP. But most of the time it is not really needed. Any medium armor build will die or be close to death after it anyway and if they survive it you will have it back in no time and then you can care about better use.
This was exactly the reason they buffed it. Before a light armor target had to wait until meteor was available to try and burst someone down that constantly dodge rolled. While he got 2 dawnbreakers before 1 meteor would be available. Almost 4 incaps.
Bow ultimate being worse is only the poison morph. The other with the turret is crazy strong. Especially on nightblade with fear or jabs.
Tan9oSuccka wrote: »I got hit by a 24k Soul assault last night.
Seems balanced. *facepalm".
sodantokb16_ESO wrote: »Tan9oSuccka wrote: »I got hit by a 24k Soul assault last night.
Seems balanced. *facepalm".
TBH getting hit for that much usually means you failed to block at least 90% of the damage.
jasonthorpeb14_ESO wrote: »I wouldn't mind if you had a 180 degree LOS on soul assault like the new breath of life in PTS. I say it is fair.
sodantokb16_ESO wrote: »Tan9oSuccka wrote: »I got hit by a 24k Soul assault last night.
Seems balanced. *facepalm".
TBH getting hit for that much usually means you failed to block at least 90% of the damage.
melloni_aleb16_ESO wrote: »sodantokb16_ESO wrote: »Tan9oSuccka wrote: »I got hit by a 24k Soul assault last night.
Seems balanced. *facepalm".
TBH getting hit for that much usually means you failed to block at least 90% of the damage.
yestarday i have tested with a friend SA on PTS , firts of all , it should not be used on a target with 100% of health ...but when the enemy is at 60% or under 60% of health; you can block and spam vigor and potion but you die , no way .I was a stam DK in heavy full buffed.
If then to use it is a magicka templar Always paired with SA + radiant D.
nerfed heavy armour that's right , All changing to stamina should also be made to some build-magicka-sets And some ultimately used by the magicka classes as SA or Ulti destro staff
SA must come back as before ; interruptible
on Azura SA Gives you the kill at 100%