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PvP or PvE which do you enjoy more?

  • Coilbox
    PvP should never exist in ESO.

    End of all balancing problems! :*
    Comrade, a word...
  • Keldheir
    I don't care about PVP. I might give it a try one day but until then I'd rather do the same PVE quests over and over.
    PC EU
  • Cadbury
    ESO is the first MMO I played predominantly PvE. I'm sure my old LOTRO and WoW guildies would shake their heads in disgust at me if they knew.
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Amayna
    PvE, I only PvP if I'm forced to do so, Vigor, Caltrops, .. etc etc other wise I'm fulltime PvE however this will change as I'm very unhappy about the changes to CP system, and this will make it even harder than it is currently
  • SnubbS
    PvP. Ball-zerging is fun, Ap farming is fun—I'm sure trials are fun too, I just never got into End game PvE.
    Xbox NA: SnubbS
    GoW eSports player & part time ESO Pug Ball Zerger.
  • eso_nya
    It's competing against the inherent unknown that is another player? Every encounter has the potential to be a challenge, unlike PvE which is... Well you know what you get every single time. Pointless grinding for pixels on screen.

    No offending/bashing intended, really curious about it: When watching streams of pvpers, it looks to me that those guys r picking their fights very carefully, as if trying to reduce the chance of a potential challenge as much as possible.
    To me, their fights look exactly the same as me stomping beetles on the starter island.
    Is it really that more challenging than pve to u?

    Nothing against u, i read that argument alot and always wondered, u were just the last person i saw bringing it up :)

  • WalksonGraves
    Eso has the worst pvp I have ever seen, plants vs zombies gw2 has better class balance.
  • Kiralyn2000
    Wot m8? Have you even PvPed? Like it ain't that? It's contests of skill? It's competing against the inherent unknown that is another player? Every encounter has the potential to be a challenge

    Perhaps sometimes. Problem is it's the most vocal folks in any group that become the example everyone else sees. In the case of pvp, it's the guys who spew trash-talk across the chat, the little jerks ranting profanity & slurs across the mic in CoD, the guys on the WoW PvP forum talking about how hilarious it was to corpse-camp some dude for an hour til he logged out in frustration or how a Lv90 squishing Lv10's is "real pvp" because it involves two players. Who think that incivility & insults are awesome and everyone else just needs to 'grow a thicker skin' or get off the internet. Griefers who think it's Great Fun to screw up other people's play time.

    Bullies, given the opportunity to show themselves openly, and get praised for it.

    Again, not every pvper.... just the most obvious ones.

    Wot m8? Have you even PvPed?

    Yes. Before I gave up on it completely, I did in early WoW (made it to rank 8 or 9 in the first pvp system). And read the WoW pvp forums even after that. Saw obnoxious pvpers ranting in general chat in other MMOs I've played. And keep seeing articles in gaming news about toxic players, hate speech, bullying, etc.... in online pvp and esports. So yeah.

    Honestly, our entire culture (not just gaming) has become overly focused on "competition" and "us vs them" to an unhealthy level.
  • Ch4mpTW
    I enjoy PvE far more than PvP. PvP gets incredibly boring and frustrating after awhile. It also doesn't help that PvP is incredibly unbalanced, and filled with: Griefers, egomaniacs, trolls, and tryhards. After going back and forth from keep to keep (or outpost I suppose), and then rinsing and repeating. That in and of itself makes me want to not even care anymore. Throw in gankers and the zerg mentality, and you have a true mess on your hands.

    By the way, I won't even factor in the: Lag, gap-closing into load screens, siege randomly disappearing, doors not working, etc.
  • Bananko
    Undoubtedly PvE.

    I don't enjoy PvP. At all.
  • eso_nya
    Perhaps sometimes. Problem is it's the most vocal folks in any group that become the example everyone else sees. In the case of pvp, it's the guys who spew trash-talk across the chat, the little jerks ranting profanity & slurs across the mic in CoD, the guys on the WoW PvP forum talking about how hilarious it was to corpse-camp some dude for an hour til he logged out in frustration or how a Lv90 squishing Lv10's is "real pvp" because it involves two players. Who think that incivility & insults are awesome and everyone else just needs to 'grow a thicker skin' or get off the internet. Griefers who think it's Great Fun to screw up other people's play time.

    Bullies, given the opportunity to show themselves openly, and get praised for it.

    Again, not every pvper.... just the most obvious ones.

    Its a part of the community called "killers", to be read up here:
    TL/DR: ppl who only enjoy games, where/when they can make other ppl suffer. Always wondered why games cater to that specific mindset, maybe to keep them from going out and interacting with the real world?

  • Bananko
    Bananko wrote: »
    I don't enjoy PvP. At all.

    To clarify: I didn't necessarily mean that I don't enjoy this game's PvP specifically, but rather that I don't enjoy PvP in any game. :(
  • IronCrystal
    Kay1 wrote: »
    I need to do hard stuff.

    PvE is too easy and unrewarding in this game, the changes to sustain won't make the game harder it will just make everything more boring.

    You think vet trials are easy? Lol. It's fun to push top scores in trials and try to do the best we can possibly do.

    Rakkhat aint' gonna pm you after and *** about how you killed him either.
    Make PC NA raiding great again!

    Down with drama!

    What Mechanics Healer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer

    Homestead Raid Scores
    vHRC 157,030
    vAA 138,287
    vSO 153,393
    vMoL 154,550

    Not raiding in Morrowind
  • KhajiitLion
    PVE is more enjoyable and relaxing
    PVP is too competitive and it doesn't feel fun
  • Rinmaethodain
    I enjoy PVE the most and with each Patch full of nerfs caused by PVP balance issue i have more and more negative feelings towards PVP ruining my enjoyment of PVE.

    And believe me, i tried getting into PVP but each time some PVP player pointlessly chases me for 5 minutes die hard set on killing me (to feel better or what, i dont know) while im on horse simply trying to ride somewhere or each time some PVP player decides to camp a crafting station entrance in IC and gank anybody trying to craft pair of pants like if his honor depends on that or when you see 30 players camping alliance gate and killing every single person exiting it and then group t-bagging them... i just give up.

    Im perfectly fine with PVP coexisting with PVE but for as long PVP will be hurting PVE (while ZOS refuses to start balancing these two separately my feelings towards PVP will not change anytime soon.
    Edited by Rinmaethodain on April 29, 2017 3:42PM
  • raglau
    PvP in this game is absolutely horrible. It's frustrating because out of all MMOs, ESO has the potential to make a really good PvP game. It's like they tacked it on at the last minute and simply thought, "yeah, it's ***, but we have the Elder Scrolls licence, so people will put up and shut up", which is actually what people have done, despite PvP actually being far worse now than at release time.

    ZOS should either commit to truly over-hauling PvP and allowing it to live up to its potential, or simply remove it from the game and accept it as the bodge job it always has been.
  • Drdeath20
    The reality of pvp is all the gitguds or "top end" players group up and choose the alliance/campaign to farm AP against noobs.

    Very rarely see real competition in cyrodil
  • Cillion3117
    I went from PVE to PVP, then back to PVE. Next will be PVP.
  • Galwylin
    PvP is the most superficial aspect of a game. Yet it can get so much attention from the developers. I haven't seen one but is there any game that starts out as PvP only then adds PvE later?
  • Grunim
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    The reality of pvp is all the gitguds or "top end" players group up and choose the alliance/campaign to farm AP against noobs.

    Very rarely see real competition in cyrodil

    I don't view Cyrodiil as being about competition, after all it's not meant to be an e-sport. For myself and many others, it's a place where not having a perfect rotation doesn't matter and when you die people aren't upset with you because even the best players will die.

    Cyrodiil can be great for relaxed players and I feel far less judged when I play in Cyrodiil than when I try to join a PvE group for a dungeon.
    Am a whimsical Generation Jones gamer. Online RPGs hooked me since '94 and no sign of stopping soon...

  • ADarklore
    It's interesting... EVERY poll on this topic shows exactly the same thing... the overwhelming majority of players prefer PvE... yet ZOS insists on "balancing" everything to PvP. Then they admit on ESO Live that they're too lazy to implement a system to separate the two, even though it would make the overwhelming majority of players happy. Go figure.

    I'm honestly considering jumping back to DCUO when their revamp/overhaul occurs. ZOS is following the same tactic that DCUO had been doing, yet at least DCUO seems to have realized and admitted their mistakes and are now going back and completely revamping everything in order to make it better... even admitting they cut corners and made mistakes in doing so.
    Edited by ADarklore on April 29, 2017 4:29PM
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Akselmo
    I find both really fun.
    Hun-Tra@Akselmo (EP-EU-PC)
    A fan of TES-series since 2005.
  • Morimizo
    PvE 100%, but would be more than happy to PvP if they let us take the reins of delve/dolmen bosses in Cyrodiil and see how many players we can surprise with different tactics!
  • Ch4mpTW
    In my opinion, PvE dwarfs PvP in terms of enjoyment. How someone can go about enjoying something with so many exploits and bugs is beyond me. Throw in: Insane lag, numerous balance issues, the heavy toxicity, and you have a recipe for disaster that will get worse as time goes on. ZOS should just go on and remove it, in my opinion.
  • FluffyReachWitch
    PvE. It's way more relaxing and there's the huge variety of content. And the crafting writs, monster drops, and the occasional Undaunted pledge feed my crafting bag and my bank.

    PvP is fun in its own ways, but I've only got so much time and so many spoons.
  • AnnieBeGood
    For a long long time, I was afraid to pvp. So I pve'd my way round the map with more than a few chars.... then I realised I was getting a bit bored... I knew how to make a build by then so it all got a tad easy. Plus once you done a dungeon 10 times it is kinda done really.

    I didn't enjoy Hews Bane much or the Gold Coast. Loved Wrothgar. And I so looking forward to Morrowind.

    So I decided to try pvp. I thought well maybe just for a little while till I get to Captain. Nice rank that. Now I am Tribune and still playing pvp. I really enjoy the manipulations of the map and the chess-like quality. Mind you slamming some AD/DC guys into the ground is somehow...... satisfying :wink:
    Gulrosa V160 Templar -healer and master crafter
    Annie Spaceshifter V160 magica NB - just a thieving assassin, now retired
    Katerina - 'Daedric Annie' - V160 Stamina DK - now bank alt, wardrobe mistress
    Anni Bee - Vet 160Templar - pvp magica templar - Daedric Lord Slayer
    Lily Malone - stam sorc - pve goddess
    Rey of Jakku Plain - Vet 160 - magica templar dd
    Savanna - magica warden, still learning to play
    and several babies...... learning to ride
    EU server, pc and All for the Pact
    Alith, the best guild in the EU
  • Rainwhisper
    I despise everything about PvP. I'd rather poke myself with a sharp stick than PvP.

    PvP'ers play a much more complex and challenging game than I want. I want to log in, use my hard-won skills to do some quests, explore, help out some friends, then log out. No stress, no frustration.
  • Princess_Ciri
    When PvP is fun, I enjoy it more than any vet trial or w/e. But PvE is a more solid enjoyment, there aren't that many times when PvE is so frustrating I stop it (maybe vMA, but then I go to do a different PvE) Whereas PvP definitely has more frustrations than PvE, and I never leave Cyrodil thinking 'hmmm gonna go cool off by duelling people.'
    GM and raid leader of Hot Girls Play DPS, the cutest guild EU
  • Anlaemar
    I've always been into PvE more than PvP. I've tried PvP in other MMOs and I just don't care for it much. GW2 for example. But I hadn't played GW2 for very long before trying it out. I've been playing ESO for 3 years now and with BG coming out I'll finally have a reason to get into PvP here.
    (NA) Anlaemar with 750+ Champion Points
    Member Since April 15, 2014
    (EP)Alrik Vadason - Nord Dragonknight
    (EP)Matdasi Hlarrobar - Breton Mageblade
    Formerly known as Ra'dar Ahdhari - Main DPS 40k Self Buffed
    (EP)Marrec Vadason - Breton Templar Healer
    (EP)Nameless - Altmer Sorcerer - Secondary DPS
    - The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason -
  • Tandor
    xeNNNNN wrote: »

    You really should of added a both or neither option tbh.

    Inefficient poll.

    If people enjoy neither, why are they even here? Their opinion counts for nothing.

    On the other hand, I agree that those who enjoy both play styles equally should be able to say so - as indeed they can, by commenting without voting.
    Edited by Tandor on April 29, 2017 6:06PM
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