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PvP or PvE which do you enjoy more?

Which is more important to you?
Edited by Tasear on April 29, 2017 6:54AM

PvP or PvE which do you enjoy more? 270 votes

28% 77 votes
71% 193 votes
  • max_only
    I only pvp when I feel ZEN af.

    I do mindfulness meditation before hopping into Cyrodiil so that I can keep a level head as I die again and again and again. I also put a self imposed timer on so that when I leave it's because I had already planned to do something else, not because I'm rage quitting.

    I try to do the pve parts of Cyrodiil when the server is at it's lowest population and according to my experience that's usually a weekday during EST grade school hours.

    I love pve and endeavor to take it very slow. I was cp 300 before I got my first character to Coldharbor. I try to solo most content including normal dungeons so I can read the story. Also, it keeps me topped up on funds if I farm between quest locations. I haven't joined any guilds yet and I'm not hurting for money.

    I currently am taking two AD characters through simultaneously and it's fun to switch up tactics/responses/choices for the same content.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
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    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Turelus
    Now PvE.

    That's mainly because I spent two years doing almost nothing but PvP and got bored/burnt out from it. I consider myself a retired "elite" and just play like a casual now.

    *whispers* Sometimes I don't even use meta sets.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • IronCrystal
    Primarily PvE (specifically end game trials). But if the changes on PTS go live as they are currently or with very little changes, there's a good chance that may change.
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  • Casterial
    Now, don't get me wrong. I've been PVPing since 2014 April. However, I recently learned how to leave Cyrodiil after soo many major changes... And now I must say outside of the war infested zone is so lovely.... Except for the AD side, its ugly.
    Edited by Casterial on April 29, 2017 8:15AM
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
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  • MjolnirVilkas
    Can't decide, I love both.
    Sick liaisons raised this monumental mark
    The sun sets forever over Blackwater Park
  • Tasear
    Can't decide, I love both.

    You must pick >:)
  • Kay1
    I need to do hard stuff.

    PvE is too easy and unrewarding in this game, the changes to sustain won't make the game harder it will just make everything more boring.
    Edited by Kay1 on April 29, 2017 8:05AM
    K1 The Big Monkey
  • BomblePants
    PVP, more excitement..... not that I'm any good at it mind -.-
    Edited by BomblePants on April 29, 2017 9:29AM
  • MattT1988
    I like the pve in this game, especially the co-op. I enjoy the crafting and trading part of the game.

    I hate the PvP in this game. I find both the ganking and zerging playstyles disgusting. I have no interest in attempting them or being subjected to players who find that rubbish fun, so no PvP for me and that's fine with me.
  • menedhyn
    PvE, played at a relaxed pace whilst enjoying the dialogue of NPCs, the interaction with other players, the exploration and adventure and immersing myself into the stories that develop. All in all I have found that to be pretty rewarding.
    'Pure rains make sweet rivers'
  • Bombashaman
    PvE 100%
  • Shader_Shibes
    I get bored with pvp after a week or 2. However I probably won't be doing either much, come morrowind.
  • Miruku
    I enjoy both Ive done both PVE and PVP well i like to believe. PVP when im solo or in a grp of 2-3 i really enjoy it and PVEing with my raid is always enjoyable all though PVP gets annoying sometimes PVE is always fun just depends on the day o/
    Also turelus calling himself a retired elite kek.
    Edited by Miruku on April 29, 2017 8:59AM
  • Ainikki
    100% PvE.
    I enjoy running VMA, Trials or Dungeons. From time to time i PvP a bit, but with all the changes and the current meta it is no fun to do it.
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  • CalydorEstalon
    I can choose between the following:

    60 FPS, 100 ms latency PvE
    4 FPS, 1700 ms latency PvP

    Guess which one I prefer!
  • KeiruNicrom
    I enjoy pvp more but i pve more than i pvp
  • Buffler
    PVE is boring and far too easy.
    PVP (smallscale) is far more skilled and unpredictable.
  • Nord_Templar
    I recognize PvP only in the arena, according to strict sports rules. The war in Sirodil is an Evil, like any war.
      There are no rules in PvP.

      So I just play PvE. Health and nerves are dearer to me.
  • Tandor
    I've done PvP in other games in the past, but it really doesn't interest me and these days I'm 100% PvE.
  • xeNNNNN

    You really should of added a both or neither option tbh.

    Inefficient poll.
    Ah, e-communities - the "pinnacle" of the internet............yeah, right.
  • Tasear
    xeNNNNN wrote: »

    You really should of added a both or neither option tbh.

    Inefficient poll.

    It's intentional o:)

    Was curious what people liked more if they had to pick one.
    Edited by Tasear on April 29, 2017 11:20AM
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    PvE. I dont care to do stuff unless there is some goal, killing anonymous players (and being killed by) over and over to no end is boring af.
  • TequilaFire
    But voted PvP because of bias.
    Edited by TequilaFire on April 29, 2017 12:44PM
  • Kiralyn2000
    I think the last time I pvp'd was....hmm. One try at a pvp match in Neverwinter, back in 2013.

    Oh, wait, no, I did try going in the Dark Zone a handful of times in The Division. That was pretty lousy. Guess Neverwinter was the last MMO pvp.

    Will it count as "pvp" if I go into Cyro just to do PvE/delves & skyshards? If someone sees/fights my many-stealth-passives Nightblade, I plan to just stand there til they go away. /shrug
  • eso_nya
    At times its relaxing to sit back on a keepwall and shoot ppl in the face with fireballistas. Mostly it feels like a 3d-version of dota with awesome graphics tho. I wonder why the lanecreeps in my team r always weaker than opposing ones ;)

    Last time i pvped a lot was, when i tryharded to grind 4,3m ap for akaviri motif. Wll have the same motivation soon as it looks :/

    I enjoy mmos for the cooperative aspect, and dont give a *** about the competitive one.
    Imo mmos r not good for pvp, cause u have to balance around "If i have invested a lot of time and efford in my build, i wanna feel like a demigod" vs "gear and level shouldnt matter when my skill is superious". both paradigms r unbalanced. ends up in stomp or getting stomped usually. Tho for pvp, i prefer "real" pvp games cs, ut, mobas.

    I enjoy pve in eso very much :)
  • ParaNostram
    Not that we should have to choose? I play both and agree with the decision by ZOS to balance both sides the same? But if I had to choose something I'd choose PvP as on the current live server with our infinite resources and no real downside builds PvE offers so little challenge that it's straight up boring.
    "Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."

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  • mewcatus
    If I wanted backstabbing, grand standing, show boating and all in general selfish hateful behaviour, all I need to do is watch politics. PvP is pointless drama over pixels on a screen.
    Edited by mewcatus on April 29, 2017 1:07PM
  • Voxicity
    Both. Me and my wife tend to drift from one to another.
  • TequilaFire
    mewcatus wrote: »
    If I wanted backstabbing, grand standing, show boating and all in general selfish hateful behaviour, all I need to do is watch politics.

    Or que for a trial or dungeon using group finder! lol
  • ParaNostram
    mewcatus wrote: »
    If I wanted backstabbing, grand standing, show boating and all in general selfish hateful behaviour, all I need to do is watch politics. PvP is pointless drama over pixels on a screen.

    Wot m8? Have you even PvPed? Like it ain't that? It's contests of skill? It's competing against the inherent unknown that is another player? Every encounter has the potential to be a challenge, unlike PvE which is... Well you know what you get every single time. Pointless grinding for pixels on screen.

    (See? We can be just as dismissive of your playstyle as you can be of ours so how about you don't *** in somebody else's cheerios because you prefer frosted flakes?)
    "Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."

    Para Nostram
    Bosmer Sorceress
    Witch of Evermore

    "Death is a privilege that can be denied by it's learned scholars."
    Order of the Black Worm
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