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Should CP simply be removed?

You won't have a better a chance than this to remove the broken CP system. The community is already as upset as it can possibly be, and for good reason. You let people see what changes you have envisioned to fix an inherently flawed mechanic. And they did not like it. To make up for the bonuses of CPs, you are stripping classes and races of their core skills, of what actually made them unique. Battlegrounds are already non CP, Azura's Star is already increasing in popularity day by day. Just pull the plug, kill the CPs. We got it, you can't fix them, probably no one could. Nerfing armor and all around sustain, making end game PvE even less accessible than it already is, that's just a terrible choice, players already struggle to reach it even though they want to and these changes will keep frustrating those who couldn't before as well as those that won't be able to anymore. PvP will be a ganker paradise, and we all know people love to get ganked... But even more than a balancing issue, I think these changes strip the very essence of some classes, well almost all of them (unless you're a sorc, i guess, but we'll see).

Stamplar had good burst and heals, that's gone. Templar healer, game staple thanks to their ability of keeping up the group resources... yeah that's gone. I hear you like your new dragon blood magDK, I'd better take back that major mending(oh and from templars too... they're the healing class but whatever). StamDK, viable only because of its resource management, only real viable tank in end game since the start of the game, let's make it worse, like a lot worse. Oh you like to try and put some effort on your NB sap tank? Eh, you're gonna have to try harder, a lot harder from now on.

People were curious to enthusiastic about Morrowind. You managed to kill all that with a single patch note. You don't need the Warden to sell the expansion, pushing it will only result in less sales. Those who want to try it will, and those who don't, if it will result in a master class, will simply stop playing, and certainly won't buy Morrowind. I Know I'm not going to if things stay as they are.

P.S. The last changes to templar (last but not least the stun removal from blazing spear and the damage nerf to Jbeam,still think it should have been a range nerf) pigeonholed it as a healing class, was that a good idea if you wanted to push the warden as the best healer?
Edited by Briuce on April 19, 2017 10:49PM
Pc/EU (DC)
lvl 50 Redguard Stamplar
lvl 50 Breton Magplar
lvl 50 Redguard StamDK

Should CP simply be removed? 77 votes

mesnaForestd16b14_ESODirtySmeegs33MurderMostFoulstevvvob16_ESOsantos.vellab16_ESOTurelusZoltan_117makrethdvogiatziseb17_ESOWingAllu07neb18_ESOTanis-StormbinderlookstwicePhingersakray21SorisFearlessOne_2014SarevoccNeartheral 47 votes
NorakaimoutonhesobadRagnaroek93Cillion3117DerrashadelonMarineDeathBananaButtersEPDarth_TrumpiousLadislaoChilly-McFreezewimhwimladimf 14 votes
No, but the general sustain and class changes are not a good idea
vailjohn_ESOApostusAsgariLaRoseNoireDr.NRGOrbitalDark_AetheroMrRustGamanoidMorgul667StereoLizSparklyRookInsanepirate01DanSmithKY 14 votes
Yes, but keep the current changes
deepseamk20b14_ESOSydria 2 votes
  • MurderMostFoul
    It needs a total overhaul. Honestly, to keep it under control, CPs should just grant passive, non combat bonuses
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • hesobad
    It needs an overhaul. I completely agree with nerfing sustain in the champ point system. I wish sustain were more actively maintained, i want to see more abilities like the old siphoning attacks added to classes.
    Ad Victoriam!
  • SkylarkX
    They are trying to balance race, class, gear, poisons/potions, group synergies, and CP for cp pve, cp pvp and no-cp pvp game modes..

    ESO needs a vertical progression system but I think the CP system needs to be put on ice at least until they get to where they're trying to go with everything else.

    Nocturnal - Oceanic PvX Guild
    Skylärk / Dunmer DK
    Skylårk / Bosmer NB
    Skylörd / Khajiit Sorcerer
    Elizabeth Skylark / Breton Templar
  • Sydria
    Yes, but keep the current changes
    The CP System is encouraging players to only take the mandatory Points that make them stronger.
    Because of this many of the utility effects are never considered.

    Another problem would be that the best possible CP Point combination for a role e.g. Damage can be calculated mathematically.

    My suggestions:
    - Remove all Damage, Heal, Shield, Resistance etc increasing Stars and add those mandatory picked values to the actual skills instead (so it is not a Nerf)
    - CP contains only non combat related utility to choose from (e.g. like War Mount, Treasure Hunter)
    - Not sure about effects like Tumbling. Anyone got any ideas?

  • Turelus
    I would be fully behind it being gutted.

    I liked the idea at the initial talks, but it didn't become what was said or what I hoped.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • BalticBlues
    Rich Lambert himself said that ESO should be played for fun as FIFA.
    A good game needs a fair and square playing field.
    CPs are ruining the balance.
    Edited by BalticBlues on April 20, 2017 10:26AM
  • Ragnaroek93
    Back in the days there people had no CP at all the skill costs weren't as high as they are now, we had softcaps and not so many gamechaning sets. All you do by removing CP now is taking away the only thing that allows a bit build variation, without them everyone will use exactly the same.
    Rich Lambert himself said that ESO should be played for fun as FIFA.
    A good game needs a fair and square playing field.
    CPs are ruining the balance.

    And OP gear which is locked behind hundred hours of grinding isn't ruining balance? Huh...

    Just remove CP from NA server (since all NA people hype no CP anyways) and leave EU server untouched <.<
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • Soris
    Total overhaul yes but just cp removal no
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • Ladislao
    CP shouldn't be removed because it's important part of build crafting. Also it's some kind of character progress system (so-called paragon system).
    But it must be reworked more radically. IMO, CP has to increase infinitely (as bonus for activity for your characters) but influence much less (imagine 0.01% for magic damage and you can spend all your points into this). While developers are afraid to make such drastic changes.
    Everything is viable
  • wimhwimladimf
    Even as a new players who far behind others, i would say no. CP gives more options to customize your character and makes end game content more interesting in long time scenario.
  • FearlessOne_2014
    Champion Point system in it current form. Good for single player RPGs. Very bad for MMORPGs. I believe that the CP system should be atleast completely revised from the ground up. Instead of giving flatout increase in stats. How about giving players the option to completely change the way their builds works instead of adding more power to their builds?
  • NightbladeMechanics
    I'm just tired of dealing with CP imbalance, and now one of my class's most distinguishing class abilities is being gutted as collateral damage. :/

    I'd love to have a robust and balanced CP system. These changes may give us that -- we can't know until we test -- but I'm about to the end of my patience with CP. I've played a lot of non-CP PvP over these last patches, and now I'd almost rather just rebalance the whole game to play without CP entirely.
    Edited by NightbladeMechanics on April 20, 2017 1:53PM
    Legion XIII
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    Here's a great thread collecting community ideas for PvP updates.

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