Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

ZoS, please save PvP.

  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    If cyrodiil dies, blame the blue team. Gankheart Pact or whatever it is.
  • MakoFore
    yeah i can see farming exploits a plenty, people creating alts to throw matches , etc. any time u create a economy- u also crete incentive to exploit it.

    in LOL and DOTa- players dont farm each other- they just play and compete. if they introduce battlegrounds- i hope its pure competition. let us choose a class- a selection of armour sets- and thats it- . no poisons, no OP super builds, just four classes- same skills unlocked- lets see who has what skills- and not who is the best at min maxing frfnkentstin builds
  • AnviOfVai
    I actually went on last night to check out if my lag was better, it actually was, but the play is so messed up! whats with blazing shield? It seems to be a continuous spam attack! granted the guy who was doing it to me was friendly enough and we kept running at each other on the battle field :) But his attacks are just spamming blazing shield? you needed like 5 ultimate's on the guy to kill him! whats with that? can my pets do that amount of damage on someone please? haha!
    "I appear at my lord's behest, or perhaps I was always here, and you merely lacked the ability to see me."

    PS4 - EU

    AD - Pet Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - 160
    DC - Warden - Werewolf - in - progress - 160
    DC - Templar - Tank - 160
    DC - Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - in - progress
    EP - Dragon Knight -Fire Tank - 160
    EP - Nightblade - Damage Dealer - 160

  • Tommy_The_Gun
    "ZoS, please save PvP"

    You are right abut this. PvP has potential and right now - this potential is wasting.
    PvP currently is too broken and laggy. Just run around in a big group and spam 1 -2 skills and hope the other side has more lag. That's it.
    That basically "rejects" people (yes even PvP players). It is just a big grinding fest. Grind your alliance war skill line (mostly Vigor and Caltrops) and If you have patients you will also grind Alliance war titles & skill points. But what happens after that ? People just stop playing PvP. There is nothing rewarding abut it. Only some gold (that you can get faster i PvE) and some set items (that you can also get in PvE from guild vendor).

    The point is: if ZOS is ever going to "save" PvP - they will have to somehow make it more attractive. Even to PvE players - the majority of players. I don't know how though. There are already plenty of ideas on this forums. Those include:
    smaller maps (less keeps to attack / defend), different game modes (for example a small zone with only one keep and one side is attacking and the other - defending). Disabling some skills, or make them work different in PvP. Or even make all stats in PvP totally "fixed". It could work like a "role" in a group dungeon. Upon entering campaign you will have to chose: DPS, Heler. Tank etc. - and that will define your gear and stats.
  • hassubhai
    Dude just move to overwatch its a thousands times better and more enjoyable pvp experience.

    Ive finally excepted that eso pvp is dead, after reading about zos' intentions about what they want for pvp i just stopped caring and kinda moved on. Pretty sad but yeh especially since eso had so much potential in the pvp side of things.

    But try overwatch you will not be dissapointed
  • technohic
    Am I the only one that still enjoys the PvP here? Who are the other people in all the campaigns?

    I think they just need to address the sets more. I have no problem with someone stacking health to a point but some sets give too much healing or damage just from the sets allowing them to be more effective than they should when neglecting damage. Its too easy to stack damage with procs and neglect regen when your procs are going to hit so hard and not cost any resources. Crit nerf is not enough. Changing a big time healing set that also gives a healing ability buff to a standard non stackable buff is not enough.

    I hate to say it because a blanket nerf generally hurts lesser sets that are not a problem but I doubt they nerf specific sets any more as they seem to want them to function as is in PVE and I doubt they want to specify sets in battle spirit, so I would say they should have battle spirit reduce proc damage/healing by an extra 30-50%.
  • kevlarto_ESO
    templesus wrote: »
    Us good pvpers are dying out. Many going to other games due to the current state ESO is in. Scrubs run around in zeros with 30k+ health spamming bol. The worst part is as a good player and member of a well known guild these zergs know to kill 4 of us they have to drop all 10 destroy ults and 5 healing ults making it virtually impossible to do anything. We desperately need arenas and battleground. We need some form of ranked play in the game to keep PvP interesting. If the road ahead comes out and battlegrounds and arenas aren't listed...God help PvP in this game as awhole.

    I agree, but you know those same one button spammers will be teamed up in smaller groups ruining any kind of small scale pvp as well, and there is still rampant cheating in pvp, that needs to be addressed and seems like it never does, I really don't know if small scale will fix anything or make pvp more fun or just exacerbate the problems we have, the average player that is here to have fun will just be disheartened after running into a few pre-mades that kill everyone in a matter of seconds, I hope zos addresses some of this but I don't have much faith in zos doing anything right these days , been here a long time and watched the decline.
    Edited by kevlarto_ESO on January 27, 2017 1:40PM
  • dominic.iraceb14_ESO
    I just started Cyrodiil PvP last week and it wasn't very fun.. The concept is fun, but my problem was with the re-spawning after you die..

    With a battle of 20 teams members and when i died, i only had the option to re spawn at the nearest keep (understandable).. but it took me 10-15 minutes to horseback ride all the way back to the battle, which was over 10 minutes ago.. You completely lose your adrenaline rush as you slowly ride back to the battle that is on the other side of the map..

    Compared to a Call of Duty multiplayer.. when you re spawn, it takes 20-30 secs to get back into the action....making it a rush to player multiplayer... They should just put timers on everything... (if you die... you can't re spawn for 30 secs and if a Keep is taken, you can't enter or reclaim it for 5 mins...)
  • technohic
    I just started Cyrodiil PvP last week and it wasn't very fun.. The concept is fun, but my problem was with the re-spawning after you die..

    With a battle of 20 teams members and when i died, i only had the option to re spawn at the nearest keep (understandable).. but it took me 10-15 minutes to horseback ride all the way back to the battle, which was over 10 minutes ago.. You completely lose your adrenaline rush as you slowly ride back to the battle that is on the other side of the map..

    Compared to a Call of Duty multiplayer.. when you re spawn, it takes 20-30 secs to get back into the action....making it a rush to player multiplayer... They should just put timers on everything... (if you die... you can't re spawn for 30 secs and if a Keep is taken, you can't enter or reclaim it for 5 mins...)

    You should be able to spawn at a keep that surely is not 10 minutes away unless the fight is at a keep that is not the nearest one to what your faction has left. Also; there are forward camps to help out with this but the reason they otherwise would not want you just charging back in is that a side needs to win without things like CoD have where the match just ends and scores are tallied. There has to be time for a side to finish off their enemy and claim a resource/keep and that would not happen if people just endlessly lemming in non stop.

    I also would suggest getting with a guild or at least getting in voice comms with people. Its much better in an organized group starting off and getting a feel for the flow of the game. Then after getting some time under your belt; you might be able to branch out and try going solo looking for smaller fights but if you want the instant action of COD, you are in the wrong place until they bring out arenas or battle grounds.
  • dominic.iraceb14_ESO
    It wouldn't be non-stop.. I'd rather have a 1-2 minute timer on my respawn than gallop for 15 minutes back to the battle.. I just felt that it was 2 minutes of action.. and 10 minutes of running back to the battle field with my entire group asking "where are you??"..
  • Venom4You
    imo all the whining in the forums about the power of organised guild groups got us to the bad state pvp is in. back in 2014 when the game launched there was so much action all over the map. the key to that were guild groups. every alliance used to have some kind of a pvp council guild where all guild leaders of their faction were in. they coordinated attacks on different keeps and thereby spread out all the pugs and enemy guilds over the map which resulted in more enjoyble pvp with players actually being spread instead of being all in one place. problem was that lots of casual pugs cried on the forum about guilds being too powerful and that there has to be anti "zerg" mechanics...
    btw is no guild group to be considered a zerg because the definition states "a zerg is a slang term for a group of low-level gamers who depend on overwhelming numbers to achieve victory, rather than relying on technique or strategy"
    as a result of the whining they gave us prox det which turned out to make the hardcore guilds (guilds that have group setups and certain gear requirements) even stronger. now it was not only possible to easily kill 100 pugs with a well organised 12 men group with timed detos but also to destroy other casual guilds with about 2 x 24 players. so from now on in addition to the pugs the casual guilds complained as well.
    as a result we got vicious death set in order to make it possible for individuals to "bomb" the "evil" enemy guild groups.
    and that was when things in pvp went south.
    of course all hardcore guilds started running vd on all magicka builds while increasing passive resistances to counter vd by making gear adjustments.
    but all the casual guilds were screwed. when they went to a keep in the middle of nowhere in order to creat pvp with their group one vd bomb blade was enough to take them out. as a result a lot of the casual guilds died out over the last years OR stopped creating their own pvp somewhere because they weren't competitive anymore. instead they created faction armies running together with all pugs and all other guilds to one spot on the map in order to win and conquer keeps by numbers. thats where we are today. nearly no action on map. horrible lag because all peps are in the same place. nearly no guilds to creat action or to cherish community events like tournaments. well done
    Edited by Venom4You on January 27, 2017 2:32PM
    Aka Crowley

    Member of Zerg Squad (EP/AD - EU)
    Role: Raid Healer
    Main Characters: Majestic Crowley (Warden Healer - EP) / Father Crowley (Templar Healer - AD) / Brother Crowley (Templar Healer - DC)
  • HegemonIQ
    Stovahkiin wrote: »
    Frankly, it would help if Zeni just added conditions onto some abilities like, "does not do (insert affect here) in pvp" or "does 10% less damage in pvp". I'm certainly no expert, but is there really no way to make it so that abilities or armors have different affects and stats while in cyrodiil than they do in pve? We already have a similar system in place, aka character scaling, so it can't be that hard, right? (That is a serious question, so correct me if I'm wrong)

    Thank you...yes, this is exactly what my guild mates have been asking for. I don't have a problem with treating PVP and PVE as completely separate games with different set and ability requirements. It's never made sense to me why Zeni would put themselves in the position of having to constantly nerf and balance between the two...knowing that true balance is never going to happen.

    Proc sets are fun and necessary in PVE when you're fighting dungeon bosses with 5 mil health...but not against a single player with 30k health. So they nerf the proc, yeah, the player target is happy, but now that dungeon boss is too hard...and back and forth infinity.

    Zeni, just do yourself a favor and separate the formats. Make your game designers jobs easier, save time and development resources, while also satisfying your player base. You'll strengthen (and grow again) the PVP only player base (by finally resolving nagging skills, sets, and lag issues you can move designers on to developing new content and innovations - this will grow PVP even more), PVE only players won't have to deal with the constant skill changes and set nerfs (instead precious developer time can be better spent on improving existing content and gameplay, ie more dungeon levels would be nice) ...and players will still cross over between both sides...

    I have many guildmates that love this game and the great potential they see in it's PVP ....but I'm losing them week after week to rage quits. So many players lost over issues that should have and can be fixed. Zeni, this game could be's such a shame that we can see it and have passion for it, but you don't.
    Edited by HegemonIQ on January 27, 2017 3:01PM
  • templesus
    I am in what is undoubtedly the #1 pvp guild on NA ps4 with likely the best crown in the game. I can assure you we don't get "baited" we do the "baiting". But when you are fighting a 20 man group and they drop 8 destro ults and 5 healing ults you can't do ANYTHING. Sure it will still happen in smaller scale, but I know for a fact that 4v4 5v5 nobody could take us. Our guild has 30 members all the top pvpers and is definately known as one of if not the best pvp guild on the server. The issue I'm trying to outline is A. Healtanks running around spamming healing ultimate and BoL with insane survivability and B. Destro ult and proc sets absolutely carrying the lower skilled players. With the addition of ranked arenas atleast there will be more skill put into the game, and from there you can even expand cyrodiil campaigns having one for each rating level, so only the top play against the top. Skilled play is gone from there current game, small scale play is the only thing to save it.
  • Lore_lai
    While I might enjoy Arenas and Battlegrounds from time to time, nothing will compare to what I really like about Cyro - which is randomness.

    You never know what's around that corner - could be a nice, even fight that you walk away from happy, no matter the outcome, or it could be Pact Militia Raid 1 stealth bombing u with Meteor and Destro Ults.
  • phairdon
    What intrigues me about the alliance war is how over powered certain builds appear to be. No way should one player be able to stroll through large groups without their health bar moving, while players trying to kill them are using every skill in their arsenal, including ults. Just head to Alessia bridge to witness this happening.
    Can also understand 8 destro ults etc being used against a good organized small group. You're going to use anything you can to bring those players down before they kill you.
    Yesterday at a lumber mill, five of us were trying to recapture against one player. First time around we were wiped. Like above, we hardly made a dent against the said person. 2nd time, it took a well placed negate to be successful.
    Too much disparity between builds in the alliance war. Problem made even worse when players are up against very talented individuals or groups with a very good understanding of how the builds work together.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • technohic
    phairdon wrote: »
    What intrigues me about the alliance war is how over powered certain builds appear to be. No way should one player be able to stroll through large groups without their health bar moving, while players trying to kill them are using every skill in their arsenal, including ults. Just head to Alessia bridge to witness this happening.
    Can also understand 8 destro ults etc being used against a good organized small group. You're going to use anything you can to bring those players down before they kill you.
    Yesterday at a lumber mill, five of us were trying to recapture against one player. First time around we were wiped. Like above, we hardly made a dent against the said person. 2nd time, it took a well placed negate to be successful.
    Too much disparity between builds in the alliance war. Problem made even worse when players are up against very talented individuals or groups with a very good understanding of how the builds work together.

    It is an interesting dynamic. Especially seeing that the other way is possible and someone can be insta-gibed. There are some stupid armor sets out there that synergize with different classes way to well.
  • Lore_lai
    phairdon wrote: »
    What intrigues me about the alliance war is how over powered certain builds appear to be. No way should one player be able to stroll through large groups without their health bar moving, while players trying to kill them are using every skill in their arsenal, including ults. Just head to Alessia bridge to witness this happening.
    Can also understand 8 destro ults etc being used against a good organized small group. You're going to use anything you can to bring those players down before they kill you.
    Yesterday at a lumber mill, five of us were trying to recapture against one player. First time around we were wiped. Like above, we hardly made a dent against the said person. 2nd time, it took a well placed negate to be successful.
    Too much disparity between builds in the alliance war. Problem made even worse when players are up against very talented individuals or groups with a very good understanding of how the builds work together.

    Terrible mentality!
    Disparity between builds? The gear/build that one player has is available to *everyone* - made even easier with 1T.
    All you need is the will to grind for it. If anything, it's so much easier now to get gear that was once hard to get/very expensive.
    From there on all it is is work and work and determination.
    Just because you are willing to throw your hands up in the air and call quits doesn't mean that Zeni should make it easier for you to zerg down that one player or make it harder for him/her to 1vx you just because s/he worked harder to get there.
  • phairdon
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    phairdon wrote: »
    What intrigues me about the alliance war is how over powered certain builds appear to be. No way should one player be able to stroll through large groups without their health bar moving, while players trying to kill them are using every skill in their arsenal, including ults. Just head to Alessia bridge to witness this happening.
    Can also understand 8 destro ults etc being used against a good organized small group. You're going to use anything you can to bring those players down before they kill you.
    Yesterday at a lumber mill, five of us were trying to recapture against one player. First time around we were wiped. Like above, we hardly made a dent against the said person. 2nd time, it took a well placed negate to be successful.
    Too much disparity between builds in the alliance war. Problem made even worse when players are up against very talented individuals or groups with a very good understanding of how the builds work together.

    Terrible mentality!
    Disparity between builds? The gear/build that one player has is available to *everyone* - made even easier with 1T.
    All you need is the will to grind for it. If anything, it's so much easier now to get gear that was once hard to get/very expensive.
    From there on all it is is work and work and determination.
    Just because you are willing to throw your hands up in the air and call quits doesn't mean that Zeni should make it easier for you to zerg down that one player or make it harder for him/her to 1vx you just because s/he worked harder to get there.

    Not a terrible mentality at all. Ever considered not every player wants to run the same build with the same gear just to try and be competitive. I have not called it quits. Least of my concerns is whether I get killed in Cyrodiil. Simply made a statement about understanding why players might use 8 ults etc during a battle.

    What I'm saying is the game should be more balanced, no one should have to run the current meta's or go farm dungeon sets. You'll never hear me complaining about any players being more talented than I am. Such is life. Yet from what I read in these forums, from time to time, or in the chat panel of streamers, its perfectly acceptable for a solo player to slaughter whatever size group they encounter, however, when the situation is reversed, its not okay, everyone is zerging and too many want to dictate how everyone else should play.

    You do know a zerg is 20+ players? Not 2v1 or 5v1. This is aside from the hypocritical mentality at times when you see these top players 5v1 other players, doing the exact thing they were getting upset about. Just like I witnessed on a stream yesterday afternoon my time.
    Going by what you're saying, using the lumber mill scenario as an example, the five of us should have battled the player 1 by 1 until we were all wiped over & over again or someone managed to be successful. This is the alliance war, not dueling or small scale pvp, so expect players to use whichever method leads to success.
    Edited by phairdon on January 27, 2017 9:10PM
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Lore_lai
    phairdon wrote: »
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    phairdon wrote: »
    What intrigues me about the alliance war is how over powered certain builds appear to be. No way should one player be able to stroll through large groups without their health bar moving, while players trying to kill them are using every skill in their arsenal, including ults. Just head to Alessia bridge to witness this happening.
    Can also understand 8 destro ults etc being used against a good organized small group. You're going to use anything you can to bring those players down before they kill you.
    Yesterday at a lumber mill, five of us were trying to recapture against one player. First time around we were wiped. Like above, we hardly made a dent against the said person. 2nd time, it took a well placed negate to be successful.
    Too much disparity between builds in the alliance war. Problem made even worse when players are up against very talented individuals or groups with a very good understanding of how the builds work together.

    Terrible mentality!
    Disparity between builds? The gear/build that one player has is available to *everyone* - made even easier with 1T.
    All you need is the will to grind for it. If anything, it's so much easier now to get gear that was once hard to get/very expensive.
    From there on all it is is work and work and determination.
    Just because you are willing to throw your hands up in the air and call quits doesn't mean that Zeni should make it easier for you to zerg down that one player or make it harder for him/her to 1vx you just because s/he worked harder to get there.

    Not a terrible mentality at all. Ever considered not every player wants to run the same build with the same gear just to try and be competitive. I have not called it quits. Least of my concerns is whether I get killed in Cyrodiil. Simply made a statement about understanding why players might use 8 ults etc during a battle.
    What I'm saying is the game should be more balanced, no one should have to run the current meta's or go farm dungeon sets. You'll never hear me complaining about any players/players being more talented than I am. Such is life. Yet from what I read in these forums, from time to time or in the chat panel of streamers, its perfectly acceptable for a solo player to slaughter whatever size group they encounter, however, when the situation is reversed, its not okay, everyone is zerging. You do know a zerg is 20+ players? Not 2v1 or 5v1. This is aside from the hypocritical mentality at times when you see these top players 5v1 other players, doing the exact thing they were getting upset about. Just like I witnessed on a stream yesterday my time.
    Going by what you're saying, using the lumber mill scenario as an example, the five of us should have battled the player 1 by 1 until we were all wiped over & over again or someone managed to be successful. This is the alliance war, not dueling or small scale pvp.

    So because you want to "play how you like" using crap gear, people who min-max should be punished/given a handicap so you don't get 1vx'd?
    You say you don't want to be competitive then don't complain that one player who "does" want to, will wipe your group of "casual" pugs with bad gear, and call it imbalanced. FFS - that's like complaining that a super disciplined Roman cohort wipes a larger, disorganized army. You *should* wipe.
  • phairdon
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    phairdon wrote: »
    Lore_lai wrote: »
    phairdon wrote: »
    What intrigues me about the alliance war is how over powered certain builds appear to be. No way should one player be able to stroll through large groups without their health bar moving, while players trying to kill them are using every skill in their arsenal, including ults. Just head to Alessia bridge to witness this happening.
    Can also understand 8 destro ults etc being used against a good organized small group. You're going to use anything you can to bring those players down before they kill you.
    Yesterday at a lumber mill, five of us were trying to recapture against one player. First time around we were wiped. Like above, we hardly made a dent against the said person. 2nd time, it took a well placed negate to be successful.
    Too much disparity between builds in the alliance war. Problem made even worse when players are up against very talented individuals or groups with a very good understanding of how the builds work together.

    Terrible mentality!
    Disparity between builds? The gear/build that one player has is available to *everyone* - made even easier with 1T.
    All you need is the will to grind for it. If anything, it's so much easier now to get gear that was once hard to get/very expensive.
    From there on all it is is work and work and determination.
    Just because you are willing to throw your hands up in the air and call quits doesn't mean that Zeni should make it easier for you to zerg down that one player or make it harder for him/her to 1vx you just because s/he worked harder to get there.

    Not a terrible mentality at all. Ever considered not every player wants to run the same build with the same gear just to try and be competitive. I have not called it quits. Least of my concerns is whether I get killed in Cyrodiil. Simply made a statement about understanding why players might use 8 ults etc during a battle.
    What I'm saying is the game should be more balanced, no one should have to run the current meta's or go farm dungeon sets. You'll never hear me complaining about any players/players being more talented than I am. Such is life. Yet from what I read in these forums, from time to time or in the chat panel of streamers, its perfectly acceptable for a solo player to slaughter whatever size group they encounter, however, when the situation is reversed, its not okay, everyone is zerging. You do know a zerg is 20+ players? Not 2v1 or 5v1. This is aside from the hypocritical mentality at times when you see these top players 5v1 other players, doing the exact thing they were getting upset about. Just like I witnessed on a stream yesterday my time.
    Going by what you're saying, using the lumber mill scenario as an example, the five of us should have battled the player 1 by 1 until we were all wiped over & over again or someone managed to be successful. This is the alliance war, not dueling or small scale pvp.

    So because you want to "play how you like" using crap gear, people who min-max should be punished/given a handicap so you don't get 1vx'd?
    You say you don't want to be competitive then don't complain that one player who "does" want to, will wipe your group of "casual" pugs with bad gear, and call it imbalanced. FFS - that's like complaining that a super disciplined Roman cohort wipes a larger, disorganized army. You *should* wipe.

    You have no idea what gear I'm running, so stop making assumptions. Also, its not about handicapping anyone, more about making an even playing field, if there ever could be such a thing in the alliance war.
    Simply play it for what it is, a game. I die often and have absolutely no problem with being outclassed by solo players or groups. I run into the midst of battles being totally outnumbered and more often than not fail without getting upset . Yes, I will play how I desire in the alliance war, regardless of the outcome.

    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Lore_lai
    phairdon wrote: »
    You have no idea what gear I'm running, so stop making assumptions. Also, its not about handicapping anyone, more about making an even playing field, if there ever could be such a thing in the alliance war.
    Simply play it for what it is, a game. I die often and have absolutely no problem with being outclassed by solo players or groups. I run into the midst of battles being totally outnumbered and more often than not fail without getting upset . Yes, I will play how I desire in the alliance war, regardless of the outcome.
    "Making an even playfield" how? What more even can it be than everything available to everyone to use as they want.
    Aside from class/gear imbalances among themselves, the actual classes and gear are available to all players.
    Why exactly do you think you wiped against that one player? Because s/he had better gear? - Go get it yourself - it's there.
    Because s/he was better? Well then, why should s/he be punished?
    How exactly would you "balance" that situation where you wiped? It's easy to make requests but not give ideas.

    And my point stands - all throughout history there have been real-world cases of small armies wiping large forces because of better discipline/gear/tech. Why is it so outlandish that in this alliance war, a small force would wipe a larger one?
    Wouldn't that ruin your "immersion" if it wouldn't be possible? ;)

  • Ch4mpTW
    Hm... It appears to me that the problem you're describing is with the meta. Not exactly the base of PvP by itself. A "hive" behavior/mentality is in any game that has a form of team-oriented play in it. Do you really think an arena or form of battlegrounds will really stop the base of the problem (which are proc-sets and "super-builds")? Not really. The only difference will be the difference of set names, the set bonuses, and lack of groups of players targeting a central area. And that's all.
  • sirston
    really easy to fix meta's....Once a week do a rotation of Items that are not allowed in the arena/battleground
    1. week 1 No proc sets
    2. week 2 Proc sets allowed but No 25% and less sets
    3. week 3 Proc sets and 25% and less sets are allowed but No guarantee sets
    4.week 4....etc etc etc. Easy fix, people make it hard with complaining about what they want.

    And before people complain, about the fact item gets temp banned. Do you want an area with No rules? the just have tank build and burst damage builds and no diversity this would keep the damn PVP fluid and make a leaderboard with rewards in certain tiers..
    Edited by sirston on January 27, 2017 11:05PM
    Whitestakes Revenge
    WoodElf Mag-Warden
    Magickia Dragonknight

    Pride Of The Pact
    The Crimson Order

    victoria aut mors
  • cpuScientist
    sirston wrote: »
    really easy to fix meta's....Once a week do a rotation of Items that are not allowed in the arena/battleground
    1. week 1 No proc sets
    2. week 2 Proc sets allowed but No 25% and less sets
    3. week 3 Proc sets and 25% and less sets are allowed but No guarantee sets
    4.week 4....etc etc etc. Easy fix, people make it hard with complaining about what they want.

    And before people complain, about the fact item gets temp banned. Do you want an area with No rules? the just have tank build and burst damage builds and no diversity this would keep the damn PVP fluid and make a leaderboard with rewards in certain tiers..

    And one week no stam builds and one week no mag builds and week no templars and one week no mines and one week no cloak and one week no one with an e in their name.....
  • DHale
    None of the super tanks wear malubeth. Once proc sets are nerfed they will be unkillable. Which is cool I will kill the people on them. Easy ap. It's not up to ZOS to fix pvp it's up to players. It's up to players to not be such scrubs. The radiant spammers at full health cannot be helped by ZOS. Or the incap viper validreth ganker who think they are any good and if they miss or fail to kill you they run away. ZOS cannot fix those people.
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • Valykc
    Two words...


    I have officially quit ESO now. Rest In LAG and Bad decisions.
  • Durham
    I would recommend some of you leave the boards some of you get to worked up over this game.... I think the boards make it worse for you.....
    PVP The Unguildables
  • maxjapank
    templesus wrote: »
    I am in what is undoubtedly the #1 pvp guild on NA ps4 with likely the best crown in the game. I can assure you we don't get "baited" we do the "baiting". But when you are fighting a 20 man group and they drop 8 destro ults and 5 healing ults you can't do ANYTHING. Sure it will still happen in smaller scale, but I know for a fact that 4v4 5v5 nobody could take us. Our guild has 30 members all the top pvpers and is definately known as one of if not the best pvp guild on the server.

    Let me ask you one question. If you were able to wipe those 20-man groups, what would your reaction be? Would you "high five" your teammates and call the 20 players you just wiped "scrubs"? And if your guild is as good as you say, don't you think that those 20 players know this? And know that the only way to beat you is doing what they are doing?

    This situation is the same that all the "best" pvp'rs face. They want to 1vX and succeed. But sometimes they lose to X. Many of them just brush it off. But yes, a few of them complain about losing to X.

    The adjustment of aoe caps should help make it easier for smaller groups to kill larger ones. But honestly speaking, I don't blame "pugs" or "20-man groups" for using everything they have to wipe you or your group. Of course, I get irritated sometimes, too. But if I'm really honest with myself, I would much rather them to keep coming with everything they have, rather than just give up and avoid the fight.
  • templesus
    maxjapank wrote: »
    templesus wrote: »
    I am in what is undoubtedly the #1 pvp guild on NA ps4 with likely the best crown in the game. I can assure you we don't get "baited" we do the "baiting". But when you are fighting a 20 man group and they drop 8 destro ults and 5 healing ults you can't do ANYTHING. Sure it will still happen in smaller scale, but I know for a fact that 4v4 5v5 nobody could take us. Our guild has 30 members all the top pvpers and is definately known as one of if not the best pvp guild on the server.

    Let me ask you one question. If you were able to wipe those 20-man groups, what would your reaction be? Would you "high five" your teammates and call the 20 players you just wiped "scrubs"? And if your guild is as good as you say, don't you think that those 20 players know this? And know that the only way to beat you is doing what they are doing?

    This situation is the same that all the "best" pvp'rs face. They want to 1vX and succeed. But sometimes they lose to X. Many of them just brush it off. But yes, a few of them complain about losing to X.

    The adjustment of aoe caps should help make it easier for smaller groups to kill larger ones. But honestly speaking, I don't blame "pugs" or "20-man groups" for using everything they have to wipe you or your group. Of course, I get irritated sometimes, too. But if I'm really honest with myself, I would much rather them to keep coming with everything they have, rather than just give up and avoid the fight.

    Please before posing ignorant questions like that take the time to read my original post. I literally say this exact statement in it.
  • maxjapank
    templesus wrote: »
    maxjapank wrote: »
    templesus wrote: »
    I am in what is undoubtedly the #1 pvp guild on NA ps4 with likely the best crown in the game. I can assure you we don't get "baited" we do the "baiting". But when you are fighting a 20 man group and they drop 8 destro ults and 5 healing ults you can't do ANYTHING. Sure it will still happen in smaller scale, but I know for a fact that 4v4 5v5 nobody could take us. Our guild has 30 members all the top pvpers and is definately known as one of if not the best pvp guild on the server.

    Let me ask you one question. If you were able to wipe those 20-man groups, what would your reaction be? Would you "high five" your teammates and call the 20 players you just wiped "scrubs"? And if your guild is as good as you say, don't you think that those 20 players know this? And know that the only way to beat you is doing what they are doing?

    This situation is the same that all the "best" pvp'rs face. They want to 1vX and succeed. But sometimes they lose to X. Many of them just brush it off. But yes, a few of them complain about losing to X.

    The adjustment of aoe caps should help make it easier for smaller groups to kill larger ones. But honestly speaking, I don't blame "pugs" or "20-man groups" for using everything they have to wipe you or your group. Of course, I get irritated sometimes, too. But if I'm really honest with myself, I would much rather them to keep coming with everything they have, rather than just give up and avoid the fight.

    Please before posing ignorant questions like that take the time to read my original post. I literally say this exact statement in it.

    You are unlikeable. Very.
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