i've started a rp guild (mistwalkers of the hist). i've been trying to get ppl to join up so it can expand. rp isnt a requirement to be a part of it but im a long time role player and i encourage ppl to give it a try. if you are still looking ill send you an invite. just post your gamer tag
Argonian Shadowscale Nightblade and Elder Mistwalker
i have a all orc guild (clan luccin) lore friendly its on DC you dnt have to be a ww if you dnt want to but we are actively looking for new member just had a rp event last year before new years to of the orcs in the clan got married very active if your looking to join my GT covokson
Frensiflr lvl 50 cp 810 ebonheart pact
Watches-has-you-die lvl 50 cp 810 ebonheart pact And other cp character " In order to reach the top of the mountain, you must reach the bottom of it first"
My guild, Magicka, is one of ESO's longest running original RP guilds, if you're still looking to join one. Send me an xbox live message (gamertag: Senpai Fluffy) and I can send you an invite to my guild if you'd like. If you'd like to learn more about Magicka before requesting an invite, check out our guild forum thread Here.