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A normal day for a ganker

  • Dreyloch
    ToxicPAWS wrote: »
    Why people hate Gankers? They claim it takes no skill, well i disagree, it does take skill for a successful kill and the getting out alive. No everyone wants to be Dueling.
    So take the death with pride that you got GANKED and move on.

    No, how about not being an honorless coward and fight straight up. If your skill is that good, then you should be able to take on any adversary. Sorry, my salt runs deep for gankers. I don't even play a NB at all because just like the proc sets, they are stupidly OP when it comes to burst damage. Especially from stealth. It's a pathetic playstyle you try to assure yourself is legit when it's the most cowardly form of play period. It's probably why you don't like dueling too. Because your too chicken and unskilled to fight someone without the advantage of first strike.

    Your nerf will come someday. Your nerf will come.
    "The fear of Death, is often worse than death itself"
  • Kartalin
    felinith66 wrote: »
    What's funny is most gankers whine like a *** when u gank them in return :D

    This is the best. I kept ganking this EP yesterday that was trying to gank my teammates, he got salty after the first one, saltier after the second time, and the third time I imagine he just passed out from lack of blood flow to his head because he didn't say anything.

    Edit: Just remembered: One of the things he said to me when I beat him 1 v 1 at his own game was "Go back to your zerg noob" I was like, what?
    Edited by Kartalin on December 5, 2016 6:53PM
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • vamp_emily
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • geonsocal
    @ToxicPAWS ...I'm sooooooo jealous...

    I can't even inspire the occasionally t-bag in cyro - forget the hate whispers, the only messages I've ever received are an enemy player apologizing for killing me at a dolmen, and, an ally asking why my low level character wasn't in Backwater Blade...

    look at you big Boss - you're able to inspire 'hate' posts on the forum...oh man, guess I need to git gud, even better :(
    Edited by geonsocal on December 5, 2016 11:20PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    came to this thread late. Didn't get to read all the juicy hate before the profanity police cleaned it up. sadness
  • UrbanMonk
    Dreyloch wrote: »
    ToxicPAWS wrote: »
    Why people hate Gankers? They claim it takes no skill, well i disagree, it does take skill for a successful kill and the getting out alive. No everyone wants to be Dueling.
    So take the death with pride that you got GANKED and move on.

    No, how about not being an honorless coward and fight straight up. If your skill is that good, then you should be able to take on any adversary. Sorry, my salt runs deep for gankers. I don't even play a NB at all because just like the proc sets, they are stupidly OP when it comes to burst damage. Especially from stealth. It's a pathetic playstyle you try to assure yourself is legit when it's the most cowardly form of play period. It's probably why you don't like dueling too. Because your too chicken and unskilled to fight someone without the advantage of first strike.

    Your nerf will come someday. Your nerf will come.

    @Dreyloch - I read your post while i was heaving breakfast. Trust me it made me SMILE.

    Your point is that it's stupid that a NB from sneak can deal so much Burst damage that it's broken and OP and so many other things...Where do you think all this comes from? Have you heard about NAVY SEALS. Their style is also go in stealth, do the damage and return even before anyone knew it except for the person who got GANKED. Now in your opinion, you'd also call them as not legit fighting style and COWARDLY?

    Take another example of in game 2H. Some people use it on their off bar, for buffs and de-buffs only. And some people use it on main bar as main source of damage. Now which use you'd call legit? Both are right in their own way. Sneaking is a feature in game and not only in this but so many other and it does give you an extra edge over the enemy you are going to fight, specially for the first hit. Now yes I agree, that proc sets make it easier. But tell me who this days doesn't use proc sets? Ganker or no Ganker ! PERIOD ! You claim for others to come and fight tham mano o mano. But aren't they using BR/Viper/Veli/Tremorscale combos? Are they so pious and pure as you claim to be? Now read my # in bottom...

    So stop BSing that NB ganking is a cowardly way of playstyle but accept is that it exist in the game and you need to find a counter for this on your own if your are so worried about it.

    Have a good day.

    *FYI- I'vent been into vet PVP for ages, I play mostly in BwB where no proc, no cp and beautiful PVP happens. Visit us some day and you'll like it down there.


    -Monk I- Magden- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Tsürügi- MagBlade- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Bantam Bomber- MagPlar- AVA28
    -Hot Nöödle- MagDK - AVA37
    -Pablo Necrobar- StamCro- AVA24
    Easiest mDK for vMA and vVH-

    Balance for the Sake of Balance is no Balance at all.
  • Adrastus
    *** lol at comparing nbs to navy seals hahahahaha
  • Dreyloch
    ToxicPAWS wrote: »
    Dreyloch wrote: »
    ToxicPAWS wrote: »
    Why people hate Gankers? They claim it takes no skill, well i disagree, it does take skill for a successful kill and the getting out alive. No everyone wants to be Dueling.
    So take the death with pride that you got GANKED and move on.

    No, how about not being an honorless coward and fight straight up. If your skill is that good, then you should be able to take on any adversary. Sorry, my salt runs deep for gankers. I don't even play a NB at all because just like the proc sets, they are stupidly OP when it comes to burst damage. Especially from stealth. It's a pathetic playstyle you try to assure yourself is legit when it's the most cowardly form of play period. It's probably why you don't like dueling too. Because your too chicken and unskilled to fight someone without the advantage of first strike.

    Your nerf will come someday. Your nerf will come.

    @Dreyloch - I read your post while i was heaving breakfast. Trust me it made me SMILE.

    Your point is that it's stupid that a NB from sneak can deal so much Burst damage that it's broken and OP and so many other things...Where do you think all this comes from? Have you heard about NAVY SEALS. Their style is also go in stealth, do the damage and return even before anyone knew it except for the person who got GANKED. Now in your opinion, you'd also call them as not legit fighting style and COWARDLY?

    Take another example of in game 2H. Some people use it on their off bar, for buffs and de-buffs only. And some people use it on main bar as main source of damage. Now which use you'd call legit? Both are right in their own way. Sneaking is a feature in game and not only in this but so many other and it does give you an extra edge over the enemy you are going to fight, specially for the first hit. Now yes I agree, that proc sets make it easier. But tell me who this days doesn't use proc sets? Ganker or no Ganker ! PERIOD ! You claim for others to come and fight tham mano o mano. But aren't they using BR/Viper/Veli/Tremorscale combos? Are they so pious and pure as you claim to be? Now read my # in bottom...

    So stop BSing that NB ganking is a cowardly way of playstyle but accept is that it exist in the game and you need to find a counter for this on your own if your are so worried about it.

    Have a good day.

    *FYI- I'vent been into vet PVP for ages, I play mostly in BwB where no proc, no cp and beautiful PVP happens. Visit us some day and you'll like it down there.


    Counter? Counter for this? Now your making me smile. Explain how someone can counter being knocked off their horse and die before they hit the ground? Explain how someone is supposed to have a virtual perma-buff against incoming BS proc damage on top of the already OP NB skill lines? I already wear plate armor, and who can keep up buffs every single second they are in Cyro especially when your no where near the action? Who would want to? Then your going to say your on BwB with new players and people that barley know the mechanics ganking? Yes, my point still stands. Your a coward that can't cope with facing your opponent in a video game. Navy Seals do what they do in RL for the safety of the country. Not because they need to stroke things like you. Your not contributing anything to w/e faction your on, and although you haven't commented on it, I love how NB's complain they are getting zerged when they get caught and can't get away. That's what happens to cowards and snipers. They get persued and tortured relentlessly if caught.
    "The fear of Death, is often worse than death itself"
  • Kutsuu
    Dreyloch wrote: »
    ToxicPAWS wrote: »
    Dreyloch wrote: »
    ToxicPAWS wrote: »
    Why people hate Gankers? They claim it takes no skill, well i disagree, it does take skill for a successful kill and the getting out alive. No everyone wants to be Dueling.
    So take the death with pride that you got GANKED and move on.

    No, how about not being an honorless coward and fight straight up. If your skill is that good, then you should be able to take on any adversary. Sorry, my salt runs deep for gankers. I don't even play a NB at all because just like the proc sets, they are stupidly OP when it comes to burst damage. Especially from stealth. It's a pathetic playstyle you try to assure yourself is legit when it's the most cowardly form of play period. It's probably why you don't like dueling too. Because your too chicken and unskilled to fight someone without the advantage of first strike.

    Your nerf will come someday. Your nerf will come.

    @Dreyloch - I read your post while i was heaving breakfast. Trust me it made me SMILE.

    Your point is that it's stupid that a NB from sneak can deal so much Burst damage that it's broken and OP and so many other things...Where do you think all this comes from? Have you heard about NAVY SEALS. Their style is also go in stealth, do the damage and return even before anyone knew it except for the person who got GANKED. Now in your opinion, you'd also call them as not legit fighting style and COWARDLY?

    Take another example of in game 2H. Some people use it on their off bar, for buffs and de-buffs only. And some people use it on main bar as main source of damage. Now which use you'd call legit? Both are right in their own way. Sneaking is a feature in game and not only in this but so many other and it does give you an extra edge over the enemy you are going to fight, specially for the first hit. Now yes I agree, that proc sets make it easier. But tell me who this days doesn't use proc sets? Ganker or no Ganker ! PERIOD ! You claim for others to come and fight tham mano o mano. But aren't they using BR/Viper/Veli/Tremorscale combos? Are they so pious and pure as you claim to be? Now read my # in bottom...

    So stop BSing that NB ganking is a cowardly way of playstyle but accept is that it exist in the game and you need to find a counter for this on your own if your are so worried about it.

    Have a good day.

    *FYI- I'vent been into vet PVP for ages, I play mostly in BwB where no proc, no cp and beautiful PVP happens. Visit us some day and you'll like it down there.


    Counter? Counter for this? Now your making me smile. Explain how someone can counter being knocked off their horse and die before they hit the ground? Explain how someone is supposed to have a virtual perma-buff against incoming BS proc damage on top of the already OP NB skill lines? I already wear plate armor, and who can keep up buffs every single second they are in Cyro especially when your no where near the action? Who would want to? Then your going to say your on BwB with new players and people that barley know the mechanics ganking? Yes, my point still stands. Your a coward that can't cope with facing your opponent in a video game. Navy Seals do what they do in RL for the safety of the country. Not because they need to stroke things like you. Your not contributing anything to w/e faction your on, and although you haven't commented on it, I love how NB's complain they are getting zerged when they get caught and can't get away. That's what happens to cowards and snipers. They get persued and tortured relentlessly if caught.

    I main a ganker. It's my thing - I gank people. It's quite entertaining to watch the angry people trying to find me while I pick them off one at a time, and seeing half a dozen of them teabag me when I end up getting caught. That said, I recently created a magplar that I hunt gankers on. The trick to dealing with horse ganks is as follows: 1. Do not drain your mount stamina. It is paramount that it has full stam so you can block yourself off the mount instead of getting stuck in a dismount CC. If they open with Agony, you can hit your dismount button and CC break. 2. Run radiant magelight on your traveling bar. With these conditions met, you need to be attentive and ready to react very quickly. Often I hear them hit radiant magelight (you can hear it from like 20m away, it's crazy) and begin blocking before they even hit me with their heavy attack. Other times I hear the twang of a bow heavy attack and manage to get block up in time. Worst case, I get hit by the heavy attack and ambush and immediately block the incap while block casting a heal - it's possible to die here if they get a crit velidreth/selene proc before you begin blocking. Either way, Block instantly dismounts you and puts you into a defensive stance where you can block the incap. Once the initial gank fails you need to be ready to CC break a fear immediately. I often mist form before they have the chance to cast fear, then re-engage within 2-3 seconds under my terms.

    Now I will say that the simple action of running radiant magelight on your travel bar will reduce gank attempts against you by a large %age. Many gankers will see the buff on your bar and wait for a weaker target. If I know a ganker is around, I will stealth up myself and wait for them to attack someone, then hunt them down. It's almost impossible to escape from someone with a gap closer and radiant magelight. Once in combat with them I recast the radiant buff every 6 seconds just like I would shields on a sorc - so the moment they try to cloak away it's not happening. That is assuming they don't die in 3-4 seconds, which is the case for most since they have 18-23k HP and medium armor - just a single jab channel often does over 10k damage.
    Edited by Kutsuu on December 6, 2016 7:09PM

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • BuggeX
    the best part getting gank, Smash both noobblades into ground.

    dont forgett to t-bag them after
    Edited by BuggeX on December 6, 2016 8:54PM
  • Darnathian
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    He was replying to your comment about ganking. If you use mark you warn them. They have time to go on defensive. Will only work on potatoes.
  • God_flakes
    Darnathian wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    He was replying to your comment about ganking. If you use mark you warn them. They have time to go on defensive. Will only work on potatoes.

    Correct. It's a pretty worthless skill. I am in 7 pcs light and fairly easy for skilled gankers to one piece. If they mark me it's over, I've never been killed after being marked.
    Edited by God_flakes on December 7, 2016 3:46PM
  • KisoValley
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    Try gank someone with a double digit iq after marking them first. You'll fail.

    I'm not talking about zerging and marking enemy NBs for the zerg to run over. I'm talking about using it as a ganker.
  • Kutsuu
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    Try gank someone with a double digit iq after marking them first. You'll fail.

    I'm not talking about zerging and marking enemy NBs for the zerg to run over. I'm talking about using it as a ganker.

    This is 100% correct. Any time I am marked, I am instantly holding block and block casting my buffs. It's one of the biggest "noob ganker" mistakes that I see out there.

    Radiant Magelight is much better for countering stealth overall. It's your source of Empower without having to Ambush first, it can be used to hunt people who are currently in crouch without first spotting them like you need to do with Mark. It's simply a more dynamic and powerful skill.

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • joe.smith21b14_ESO
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    Try gank someone with a double digit iq after marking them first. You'll fail.

    I'm not talking about zerging and marking enemy NBs for the zerg to run over. I'm talking about using it as a ganker.

    This is 100% correct. Any time I am marked, I am instantly holding block and block casting my buffs. It's one of the biggest "noob ganker" mistakes that I see out there.

    Radiant Magelight is much better for countering stealth overall. It's your source of Empower without having to Ambush first, it can be used to hunt people who are currently in crouch without first spotting them like you need to do with Mark. It's simply a more dynamic and powerful skill.

    I use mark once in a while but it's not for Nb's it's for that major fracture but lately I just use that 2h ulti I mean why do I need major fracture when I can't just bypass all the physical resistances. Am I right.
  • Ragnaroek93
    I don't understand how ganking is fun. In my opinion it's just another lame mechanic in a broken game which is heavily abused by people who are not good at all.
    That's just my opinion, do whatever you want to do, but don't expect that I show respect towards someone who instakills me out of stealth while I'm already fighting against several people.
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • RinaldoGandolphi
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    He was replying to your comment about ganking. If you use mark you warn them. They have time to go on defensive. Will only work on potatoes.

    Correct. It's a pretty worthless skill. I am in 7 pcs light and fairly easy for skilled gankers to one piece. If they mark me it's over, I've never been killed after being marked.

    Piercing mark is the best anti-nightblade/stealth skill in the game. You don't use it before trying to jump someone you use it on other Nightblades and classes trying to run and hide

    Piercing mark shuts down invis pots, cloak, and stealth it's such a huge advantage. no one can hide from
    You once's a game changer against Stam blades
    Rinaldo Gandolphi-Breton Sorcerer Daggerfall Covenant
    Juste Gandolphi Dark Elf Templar Daggerfall Covenant
    Richter Gandolphi - Dark Elf Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant
    Mathias Gandolphi - Breton Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant
    RinaldoGandolphi - High Elf Sorcerer Aldmeri Dominion
    Officer Fire and Ice
    Co-GM - MVP

    Sorcerer's - The ONLY class in the game that is punished for using its class defining skill (Bolt Escape)

    "Here in his shrine, that they have forgotten. Here do we toil, that we might remember. By night we reclaim, what by day was stolen. Far from ourselves, he grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through him do we see. Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak. And when the world shall listen, and when the world shall see, and when the world remembers, that world will cease to be. - Miraak

  • Izaki
    If you ganked without proc sets like a real man, it would be a different story. I love ganking people, its fun. Especially, when there's 10 people with mage light on searching for you and you take em all out 1 by 1. That takes skill. So people who say that ganking doesn't require a minimal amount of skill or thought are just wrong. Ganking with proc's does take away a lot of meaning and thought from the actual combo you perform.
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • Kartalin
    I don't understand how ganking is fun. In my opinion it's just another lame mechanic in a broken game which is heavily abused by people who are not good at all.
    That's just my opinion, do whatever you want to do, but don't expect that I show respect towards someone who instakills me out of stealth while I'm already fighting against several people.
    It was more challenging/fun before proc sets were a thing and everyone and their khajiit wasn't a ganker.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • joe.smith21b14_ESO
    Kartalin wrote: »
    I don't understand how ganking is fun. In my opinion it's just another lame mechanic in a broken game which is heavily abused by people who are not good at all.
    That's just my opinion, do whatever you want to do, but don't expect that I show respect towards someone who instakills me out of stealth while I'm already fighting against several people.
    It was more challenging/fun before proc sets were a thing and everyone and their khajiit wasn't a ganker.

    Yeah thanks sribes and xin
  • Kutsuu
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    Try gank someone with a double digit iq after marking them first. You'll fail.

    I'm not talking about zerging and marking enemy NBs for the zerg to run over. I'm talking about using it as a ganker.

    This is 100% correct. Any time I am marked, I am instantly holding block and block casting my buffs. It's one of the biggest "noob ganker" mistakes that I see out there.

    Radiant Magelight is much better for countering stealth overall. It's your source of Empower without having to Ambush first, it can be used to hunt people who are currently in crouch without first spotting them like you need to do with Mark. It's simply a more dynamic and powerful skill.

    I use mark once in a while but it's not for Nb's it's for that major fracture but lately I just use that 2h ulti I mean why do I need major fracture when I can't just bypass all the physical resistances. Am I right.

    If you're using the 2h ult, then you are stam and should have surprise attack for your fracture... That ult only bypasses resists for that SINGLE attack. It doesn't bypass it for subsequent attacks.
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    He was replying to your comment about ganking. If you use mark you warn them. They have time to go on defensive. Will only work on potatoes.

    Correct. It's a pretty worthless skill. I am in 7 pcs light and fairly easy for skilled gankers to one piece. If they mark me it's over, I've never been killed after being marked.

    Piercing mark is the best anti-nightblade/stealth skill in the game. You don't use it before trying to jump someone you use it on other Nightblades and classes trying to run and hide

    Piercing mark shuts down invis pots, cloak, and stealth it's such a huge advantage. no one can hide from
    You once's a game changer against Stam blades

    As long as you keep within 12m when someone is running, Radiant is just a more versatile ability due to the reasons I explained in my last reply - I wouldn't consider Mark over Radiant (or keeping both) on a stamblade. I can see Mark as being extremely valuable to a staff/staff magicka nightblade since it is also your easiest source of spell resist debuff, though, and you can't always guarantee you'll be close enough to keep them out of stealth with radiant magelight... plus you might be running inner light for magicka.

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • joe.smith21b14_ESO
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    Try gank someone with a double digit iq after marking them first. You'll fail.

    I'm not talking about zerging and marking enemy NBs for the zerg to run over. I'm talking about using it as a ganker.

    This is 100% correct. Any time I am marked, I am instantly holding block and block casting my buffs. It's one of the biggest "noob ganker" mistakes that I see out there.

    Radiant Magelight is much better for countering stealth overall. It's your source of Empower without having to Ambush first, it can be used to hunt people who are currently in crouch without first spotting them like you need to do with Mark. It's simply a more dynamic and powerful skill.

    I use mark once in a while but it's not for Nb's it's for that major fracture but lately I just use that 2h ulti I mean why do I need major fracture when I can't just bypass all the physical resistances. Am I right.

    If you're using the 2h ult, then you are stam and should have surprise attack for your fracture... That ult only bypasses resists for that SINGLE attack. It doesn't bypass it for subsequent attacks.
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    He was replying to your comment about ganking. If you use mark you warn them. They have time to go on defensive. Will only work on potatoes.

    Correct. It's a pretty worthless skill. I am in 7 pcs light and fairly easy for skilled gankers to one piece. If they mark me it's over, I've never been killed after being marked.

    Piercing mark is the best anti-nightblade/stealth skill in the game. You don't use it before trying to jump someone you use it on other Nightblades and classes trying to run and hide

    Piercing mark shuts down invis pots, cloak, and stealth it's such a huge advantage. no one can hide from
    You once's a game changer against Stam blades

    As long as you keep within 12m when someone is running, Radiant is just a more versatile ability due to the reasons I explained in my last reply - I wouldn't consider Mark over Radiant (or keeping both) on a stamblade. I can see Mark as being extremely valuable to a staff/staff magicka nightblade since it is also your easiest source of spell resist debuff, though, and you can't always guarantee you'll be close enough to keep them out of stealth with radiant magelight... plus you might be running inner light for magicka.

    I knew there would be at least one person to say use sa but I use concealed weapon on my stam blade and before you go and say I'm doin it wrong trust me bruh I got this. And also I know the 2h is only good for the first attack but it's all I need.
    Edited by joe.smith21b14_ESO on December 9, 2016 1:28AM
  • LegendaryChef
    I spent a short time ganking a while back without proc sets and I have to say it was the most relaxing time I've had in Eso but I'm struggling to believe anyone saying that it takes skill.

    To kill someone who is completely unaware of your presence or unable to fight back is skilless. For me there is no question in that because I guarentee if the person knew that you were there then most of the time it would be a completely different story.

    Zos' fault on the stealth gameplay design IMO.
    Zzoro/Elliot Brown/Baldy ~Kitesquad/Noricum~
    PC EU.
    Spider mount was the only good part about morrowind release.
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    I spent a short time ganking a while back without proc sets and I have to say it was the most relaxing time I've had in Eso but I'm struggling to believe anyone saying that it takes skill.

    To kill someone who is completely unaware of your presence or unable to fight back is skilless. For me there is no question in that because I guarentee if the person knew that you were there then most of the time it would be a completely different story.

    Zos' fault on the stealth gameplay design IMO.

    Yeah stealth could be alot more indepth but its not. Here's an example of what i wish nightblade's were more like but there are a couple mechanics in eso that prevent the fluidity you see in this video.

    Theres one thing about Guild War 2 that i love that is not present in eso as frequently and that is snare's (they call it cripple). In the video im about to link, the gameplay is very similar to a nightblade. He cloaks around, uses purge basically and applies big burst on targets. All though hes able to stay very mobile the entire time and also has an abiltiy similar to Shadow Image.

    In my opinion Gap Closer snares and snares in general really are a huge issue for solo players. I miss GW2..
    Edited by GreenSoup2HoT on December 9, 2016 3:20AM
    PS4 NA DC
  • Kutsuu
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    Try gank someone with a double digit iq after marking them first. You'll fail.

    I'm not talking about zerging and marking enemy NBs for the zerg to run over. I'm talking about using it as a ganker.

    This is 100% correct. Any time I am marked, I am instantly holding block and block casting my buffs. It's one of the biggest "noob ganker" mistakes that I see out there.

    Radiant Magelight is much better for countering stealth overall. It's your source of Empower without having to Ambush first, it can be used to hunt people who are currently in crouch without first spotting them like you need to do with Mark. It's simply a more dynamic and powerful skill.

    I use mark once in a while but it's not for Nb's it's for that major fracture but lately I just use that 2h ulti I mean why do I need major fracture when I can't just bypass all the physical resistances. Am I right.

    If you're using the 2h ult, then you are stam and should have surprise attack for your fracture... That ult only bypasses resists for that SINGLE attack. It doesn't bypass it for subsequent attacks.
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    He was replying to your comment about ganking. If you use mark you warn them. They have time to go on defensive. Will only work on potatoes.

    Correct. It's a pretty worthless skill. I am in 7 pcs light and fairly easy for skilled gankers to one piece. If they mark me it's over, I've never been killed after being marked.

    Piercing mark is the best anti-nightblade/stealth skill in the game. You don't use it before trying to jump someone you use it on other Nightblades and classes trying to run and hide

    Piercing mark shuts down invis pots, cloak, and stealth it's such a huge advantage. no one can hide from
    You once's a game changer against Stam blades

    As long as you keep within 12m when someone is running, Radiant is just a more versatile ability due to the reasons I explained in my last reply - I wouldn't consider Mark over Radiant (or keeping both) on a stamblade. I can see Mark as being extremely valuable to a staff/staff magicka nightblade since it is also your easiest source of spell resist debuff, though, and you can't always guarantee you'll be close enough to keep them out of stealth with radiant magelight... plus you might be running inner light for magicka.

    I knew there would be at least one person to say use sa but I use concealed weapon on my stam blade and before you go and say I'm doin it wrong trust me bruh I got this. And also I know the 2h is only good for the first attack but it's all I need.

    Lol you're certainly not the first to use concealed on a stam build - we know why you're using it. And no it's not because Sribes invented it. haha.

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    Try gank someone with a double digit iq after marking them first. You'll fail.

    I'm not talking about zerging and marking enemy NBs for the zerg to run over. I'm talking about using it as a ganker.

    This is 100% correct. Any time I am marked, I am instantly holding block and block casting my buffs. It's one of the biggest "noob ganker" mistakes that I see out there.

    Radiant Magelight is much better for countering stealth overall. It's your source of Empower without having to Ambush first, it can be used to hunt people who are currently in crouch without first spotting them like you need to do with Mark. It's simply a more dynamic and powerful skill.

    I use mark once in a while but it's not for Nb's it's for that major fracture but lately I just use that 2h ulti I mean why do I need major fracture when I can't just bypass all the physical resistances. Am I right.

    If you're using the 2h ult, then you are stam and should have surprise attack for your fracture... That ult only bypasses resists for that SINGLE attack. It doesn't bypass it for subsequent attacks.
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    He was replying to your comment about ganking. If you use mark you warn them. They have time to go on defensive. Will only work on potatoes.

    Correct. It's a pretty worthless skill. I am in 7 pcs light and fairly easy for skilled gankers to one piece. If they mark me it's over, I've never been killed after being marked.

    Piercing mark is the best anti-nightblade/stealth skill in the game. You don't use it before trying to jump someone you use it on other Nightblades and classes trying to run and hide

    Piercing mark shuts down invis pots, cloak, and stealth it's such a huge advantage. no one can hide from
    You once's a game changer against Stam blades

    As long as you keep within 12m when someone is running, Radiant is just a more versatile ability due to the reasons I explained in my last reply - I wouldn't consider Mark over Radiant (or keeping both) on a stamblade. I can see Mark as being extremely valuable to a staff/staff magicka nightblade since it is also your easiest source of spell resist debuff, though, and you can't always guarantee you'll be close enough to keep them out of stealth with radiant magelight... plus you might be running inner light for magicka.

    I knew there would be at least one person to say use sa but I use concealed weapon on my stam blade and before you go and say I'm doin it wrong trust me bruh I got this. And also I know the 2h is only good for the first attack but it's all I need.

    Lol you're certainly not the first to use concealed on a stam build - we know why you're using it. And no it's not because Sribes invented it. haha.

    ninja speed!
    PS4 NA DC
  • joe.smith21b14_ESO
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    Try gank someone with a double digit iq after marking them first. You'll fail.

    I'm not talking about zerging and marking enemy NBs for the zerg to run over. I'm talking about using it as a ganker.

    This is 100% correct. Any time I am marked, I am instantly holding block and block casting my buffs. It's one of the biggest "noob ganker" mistakes that I see out there.

    Radiant Magelight is much better for countering stealth overall. It's your source of Empower without having to Ambush first, it can be used to hunt people who are currently in crouch without first spotting them like you need to do with Mark. It's simply a more dynamic and powerful skill.

    I use mark once in a while but it's not for Nb's it's for that major fracture but lately I just use that 2h ulti I mean why do I need major fracture when I can't just bypass all the physical resistances. Am I right.

    If you're using the 2h ult, then you are stam and should have surprise attack for your fracture... That ult only bypasses resists for that SINGLE attack. It doesn't bypass it for subsequent attacks.
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    He was replying to your comment about ganking. If you use mark you warn them. They have time to go on defensive. Will only work on potatoes.

    Correct. It's a pretty worthless skill. I am in 7 pcs light and fairly easy for skilled gankers to one piece. If they mark me it's over, I've never been killed after being marked.

    Piercing mark is the best anti-nightblade/stealth skill in the game. You don't use it before trying to jump someone you use it on other Nightblades and classes trying to run and hide

    Piercing mark shuts down invis pots, cloak, and stealth it's such a huge advantage. no one can hide from
    You once's a game changer against Stam blades

    As long as you keep within 12m when someone is running, Radiant is just a more versatile ability due to the reasons I explained in my last reply - I wouldn't consider Mark over Radiant (or keeping both) on a stamblade. I can see Mark as being extremely valuable to a staff/staff magicka nightblade since it is also your easiest source of spell resist debuff, though, and you can't always guarantee you'll be close enough to keep them out of stealth with radiant magelight... plus you might be running inner light for magicka.

    I knew there would be at least one person to say use sa but I use concealed weapon on my stam blade and before you go and say I'm doin it wrong trust me bruh I got this. And also I know the 2h is only good for the first attack but it's all I need.

    Lol you're certainly not the first to use concealed on a stam build - we know why you're using it. And no it's not because Sribes invented it. haha.

    I was ganking way before sribes started to. Didn't you notice I have a beta name. Also the fastest ninja in the game no one beats my speed.
    Edited by joe.smith21b14_ESO on December 9, 2016 5:00PM
  • Kutsuu
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    Try gank someone with a double digit iq after marking them first. You'll fail.

    I'm not talking about zerging and marking enemy NBs for the zerg to run over. I'm talking about using it as a ganker.

    This is 100% correct. Any time I am marked, I am instantly holding block and block casting my buffs. It's one of the biggest "noob ganker" mistakes that I see out there.

    Radiant Magelight is much better for countering stealth overall. It's your source of Empower without having to Ambush first, it can be used to hunt people who are currently in crouch without first spotting them like you need to do with Mark. It's simply a more dynamic and powerful skill.

    I use mark once in a while but it's not for Nb's it's for that major fracture but lately I just use that 2h ulti I mean why do I need major fracture when I can't just bypass all the physical resistances. Am I right.

    If you're using the 2h ult, then you are stam and should have surprise attack for your fracture... That ult only bypasses resists for that SINGLE attack. It doesn't bypass it for subsequent attacks.
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    He was replying to your comment about ganking. If you use mark you warn them. They have time to go on defensive. Will only work on potatoes.

    Correct. It's a pretty worthless skill. I am in 7 pcs light and fairly easy for skilled gankers to one piece. If they mark me it's over, I've never been killed after being marked.

    Piercing mark is the best anti-nightblade/stealth skill in the game. You don't use it before trying to jump someone you use it on other Nightblades and classes trying to run and hide

    Piercing mark shuts down invis pots, cloak, and stealth it's such a huge advantage. no one can hide from
    You once's a game changer against Stam blades

    As long as you keep within 12m when someone is running, Radiant is just a more versatile ability due to the reasons I explained in my last reply - I wouldn't consider Mark over Radiant (or keeping both) on a stamblade. I can see Mark as being extremely valuable to a staff/staff magicka nightblade since it is also your easiest source of spell resist debuff, though, and you can't always guarantee you'll be close enough to keep them out of stealth with radiant magelight... plus you might be running inner light for magicka.

    I knew there would be at least one person to say use sa but I use concealed weapon on my stam blade and before you go and say I'm doin it wrong trust me bruh I got this. And also I know the 2h is only good for the first attack but it's all I need.

    Lol you're certainly not the first to use concealed on a stam build - we know why you're using it. And no it's not because Sribes invented it. haha.

    I was ganking way before sribes started to. Didn't you notice I have a beta name. Also the fastest ninja in the game no one beats my speed.

    Guessing you didn't catch the extreme level of sarcasm in that statement, which is understandable because text. Lots of us were ganking long before he started playing a NB. I've got my monkey, but didn't join this cesspool for a while. Still kinda regret joining. I don't know why I read/post here. lol
    Edited by Kutsuu on December 9, 2016 5:24PM

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    Try gank someone with a double digit iq after marking them first. You'll fail.

    I'm not talking about zerging and marking enemy NBs for the zerg to run over. I'm talking about using it as a ganker.

    This is 100% correct. Any time I am marked, I am instantly holding block and block casting my buffs. It's one of the biggest "noob ganker" mistakes that I see out there.

    Radiant Magelight is much better for countering stealth overall. It's your source of Empower without having to Ambush first, it can be used to hunt people who are currently in crouch without first spotting them like you need to do with Mark. It's simply a more dynamic and powerful skill.

    I use mark once in a while but it's not for Nb's it's for that major fracture but lately I just use that 2h ulti I mean why do I need major fracture when I can't just bypass all the physical resistances. Am I right.

    If you're using the 2h ult, then you are stam and should have surprise attack for your fracture... That ult only bypasses resists for that SINGLE attack. It doesn't bypass it for subsequent attacks.
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    KisoValley wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I don't care if people call it non-skill, I love to gank :) I enjoy when they message me after they die, it just lets me know when I did it the right way :)

    Yesterday I was in TF sneaking up on my target, I was getting ready to move in for the kill. I marked him and then.. BAMM! I got ganked :)

    Want some advice?

    Don't use mark.

    Why is that?

    This was a topic of discussion the other day in TF. I was on my healer and every time I start to leave Ash, some ganker got me and then disappeared. I was not the only victim, almost everyone who left Ash solo got ganked.

    I got in zone chat and asked if any NBs knew what pierce marking was, someone replied "yes", and I said "learn to use it". Then a few people said using mark target was a waste of a skill slot. I then hopped on my NB and helped kill 3 NBs after I marked them.

    So tell me why I should not mark them? I am guessing because it is an indication that they are about to get ganked? I've saved many lives using it.

    He was replying to your comment about ganking. If you use mark you warn them. They have time to go on defensive. Will only work on potatoes.

    Correct. It's a pretty worthless skill. I am in 7 pcs light and fairly easy for skilled gankers to one piece. If they mark me it's over, I've never been killed after being marked.

    Piercing mark is the best anti-nightblade/stealth skill in the game. You don't use it before trying to jump someone you use it on other Nightblades and classes trying to run and hide

    Piercing mark shuts down invis pots, cloak, and stealth it's such a huge advantage. no one can hide from
    You once's a game changer against Stam blades

    As long as you keep within 12m when someone is running, Radiant is just a more versatile ability due to the reasons I explained in my last reply - I wouldn't consider Mark over Radiant (or keeping both) on a stamblade. I can see Mark as being extremely valuable to a staff/staff magicka nightblade since it is also your easiest source of spell resist debuff, though, and you can't always guarantee you'll be close enough to keep them out of stealth with radiant magelight... plus you might be running inner light for magicka.

    I knew there would be at least one person to say use sa but I use concealed weapon on my stam blade and before you go and say I'm doin it wrong trust me bruh I got this. And also I know the 2h is only good for the first attack but it's all I need.

    Lol you're certainly not the first to use concealed on a stam build - we know why you're using it. And no it's not because Sribes invented it. haha.

    I was ganking way before sribes started to. Didn't you notice I have a beta name. Also the fastest ninja in the game no one beats my speed.

    Guessing you didn't catch the extreme level of sarcasm in that statement, which is understandable because text. Lots of us were ganking long before he started playing a NB. I've got my monkey, but didn't join this cesspool for a while. Still kinda regret joining. I don't know why I read/post here. lol

    Ive been ganking day 1 since console release. Pc players ganked before me but it doesnt really matter. Dedicated gankers all have there own styles and have tried them all. I found what i liked just like everyone else.

    My all time favorite ganker on pc is kerviz. He was real laid back, im sad he doesnt play anymore. Current favorite on pc is probably smiff because he makes entertaining videos and genuinely presents himself as a nice guy. I personally dislike sribes, i find his videos toxic and crude.

    There are not many console players i know of that purely gank. As a ganker you dont really run into other gankers because were always on opposite sides of the map.

    I know of many forum gankers though. :)

    p.s Smiff. You may be faster but i got more style. ;)
    Edited by GreenSoup2HoT on December 9, 2016 7:07PM
    PS4 NA DC
  • Dr.NRG
    Dreyloch wrote: »
    ToxicPAWS wrote: »
    Why people hate Gankers? They claim it takes no skill, well i disagree, it does take skill for a successful kill and the getting out alive. No everyone wants to be Dueling.
    So take the death with pride that you got GANKED and move on.

    No, how about not being an honorless coward and fight straight up. If your skill is that good, then you should be able to take on any adversary. Sorry, my salt runs deep for gankers. I don't even play a NB at all because just like the proc sets, they are stupidly OP when it comes to burst damage. Especially from stealth. It's a pathetic playstyle you try to assure yourself is legit when it's the most cowardly form of play period. It's probably why you don't like dueling too. Because your too chicken and unskilled to fight someone without the advantage of first strike.

    Your nerf will come someday. Your nerf will come.

    Says the guy running black rose, spamming radiant op, soultrike and da desto ulti.

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