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Explain to me exactly how stamina nightblades are cheesy

  • thankyourat
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    Lol @ people wanting to buff stamblades. Yes, the class has weaknesses. It's supposed to, as every class. Only that stamblades happen to have fewer glaring weaknesses while having an excellent toolkit. Stop asking for an I-Win-Button class and buff the classes that are really in need, like mag DKs.

    Stamblades actually have more glaring weaknessess than any other class because their healing sucks compared to other classes. It's pretty much the same with magblade. the nightblade class is weak at the moment. Still very playable, but it would probably rank in last place. It has crazy utility but major mending is so overpowered that one ability over shadows the whole nightblade tool kit. While the nightblade main strength is burst damage that is easily gained by any other class. All classes can kill someone in 3 or 4 hits and yes while mag dk isn't the best in solo PvP it's great in group play and pretty much unstoppable 1v1. A Well built dk should win every fight because of how strong the class is at the moment. The exception to this is a nightblade running proc sets. But that's a completely different problem. It's like when everyone thought magblade was op but really only proxy det was op and magblade was actually kind of weak

    Big wow the healing is bad you can build the class to have more healing though

    Try building enough sustain so you can use lingering hp pots.

    The extra 30% healing + the extra HoT will take care of all your healings needs.

    Magicka nightblades have good healing, there just like every other classes that uses healing ward only difference is they have a huge ward with 50k+ magicka and their many spammable has a nice HoT on it.

    Yea mag sorc has bad healing too because healing ward sucks and it only works half the time the other half it'll heal you for only 1 hp. Mag sorc also have 50k magicka but instead of one sheild they have two. One shield is pretty easy to deal with. A 30% heal increase is huge especially because you don't have to waste cp or a pot to get it. I'm not saying that mag dks are op in saying that they excel at 1v1 PvP. I also feel like 1v1 is the best way to see your class weaknessess and most nightblades are bad 1v1. Me personally though I feel like nightblades and sorcs shouldn't be able to get major mending because they are suppose to have burst damage. But on the flip side I feel like the other classes shouldn't have such high burst damage which for the most part isn't the case right now. That's why stam dk is op right now. Mag dk would be op but it still struggles like the rest of the magicka classes because it's slow and snares are everywhere and mist form sucks.

    Stam classes are op right now because of gear not because of skills.

    Surge is op, should try it, shield stacking 3 shields is easy 100% hp

    My magicka nb still heals so easily because i stack healing ward and dampen, my dampen is a 15k shield in pvp, they you add in image and cloak and you'll heal so easily.

    I don't have a sorc so I'll take your word for it. From fighting mag sorcs though their healing doesn't seem over the top. I'll get one once I'm finish leveling up my mag dk. I main magblade it's what I play 90% of the time. And dampen is nice. I've also had people especially stam sorcs tear through it like it was nothing, I have 55k magicka lol. I don't use cloak because it's horrible no point to even slot it. But my problem with healing ward is that sometimes it just doesn't work. alot of the time it expires and you don't get any heal at all. I disagree about stamina being op because of sets though, that's only part of it. I think it's because they excel at core combat mechanics. the ability to sprint and dodge roll is huge in open world PvP. And are alot better than shields. Being able to reposition yourself and avoid damage is alot better than being forced to face tank with wards. Vigor and rally are also alot better than healing ward. Even before the proc sets stamina was still better for solo PvP.
  • Master_Kas
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    Lol @ people wanting to buff stamblades. Yes, the class has weaknesses. It's supposed to, as every class. Only that stamblades happen to have fewer glaring weaknesses while having an excellent toolkit. Stop asking for an I-Win-Button class and buff the classes that are really in need, like mag DKs.

    Stamblades actually have more glaring weaknessess than any other class because their healing sucks compared to other classes. It's pretty much the same with magblade. the nightblade class is weak at the moment. Still very playable, but it would probably rank in last place. It has crazy utility but major mending is so overpowered that one ability over shadows the whole nightblade tool kit. While the nightblade main strength is burst damage that is easily gained by any other class. All classes can kill someone in 3 or 4 hits and yes while mag dk isn't the best in solo PvP it's great in group play and pretty much unstoppable 1v1. A Well built dk should win every fight because of how strong the class is at the moment. The exception to this is a nightblade running proc sets. But that's a completely different problem. It's like when everyone thought magblade was op but really only proxy det was op and magblade was actually kind of weak

    Big wow the healing is bad you can build the class to have more healing though

    Try building enough sustain so you can use lingering hp pots.

    The extra 30% healing + the extra HoT will take care of all your healings needs.

    Magicka nightblades have good healing, there just like every other classes that uses healing ward only difference is they have a huge ward with 50k+ magicka and their many spammable has a nice HoT on it.

    Yea mag sorc has bad healing too because healing ward sucks and it only works half the time the other half it'll heal you for only 1 hp. Mag sorc also have 50k magicka but instead of one sheild they have two. One shield is pretty easy to deal with. A 30% heal increase is huge especially because you don't have to waste cp or a pot to get it. I'm not saying that mag dks are op in saying that they excel at 1v1 PvP. I also feel like 1v1 is the best way to see your class weaknessess and most nightblades are bad 1v1. Me personally though I feel like nightblades and sorcs shouldn't be able to get major mending because they are suppose to have burst damage. But on the flip side I feel like the other classes shouldn't have such high burst damage which for the most part isn't the case right now. That's why stam dk is op right now. Mag dk would be op but it still struggles like the rest of the magicka classes because it's slow and snares are everywhere and mist form sucks.

    Stam classes are op right now because of gear not because of skills.

    Surge is op, should try it, shield stacking 3 shields is easy 100% hp

    My magicka nb still heals so easily because i stack healing ward and dampen, my dampen is a 15k shield in pvp, they you add in image and cloak and you'll heal so easily.

    Until you get marked by some random sniper hitting you with poison injection and ravage health poisons, while a FOTMknight is taunting you to death, proccing tremorscale which besides its burst, also leaves you permanently snared for the entire fight (the cooldown of the proc is shorter than the snare duration, WTF ZOS?) and you die in shame.

    Oh don't forget that reactive templar spamming heals on his friends who are hammering you and throws in a little jesustap by the end.
    EU | PC
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Yea, with Shields you assume you're committing to being LoS'ed and getting hit. I have a MagBlade, and I know we don't want to be hit at all.

    Stamina in general is only over powered but because their options in PvP are the bar none optimal way out of getting killed--which is like what thankyourat said: Roll Dodge and Sprint those combined with Stamina's melee prowess allows the user to combat a bunch of difference scenarios. Something the Magic user doesn't necessarily have options to combat to or have available to them. Since we're assuming the Magic user is running shields, they're more then likely fighting at range. It's really easy to bait the magic user behind cover so they can't LoS the stamina player.

    That is what I don't like about Shields at face value, they're basically a sponge to allow the Magic user more time to fight back. They don't necessarily play to the strengths of the Magic variation of the class. I too also wish Heal Ward when cast would hit the caster. It doesn't make a lot of sense other wise.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on November 14, 2016 6:42PM
  • Sandman929
    Master_Kas wrote: »
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    Lol @ people wanting to buff stamblades. Yes, the class has weaknesses. It's supposed to, as every class. Only that stamblades happen to have fewer glaring weaknesses while having an excellent toolkit. Stop asking for an I-Win-Button class and buff the classes that are really in need, like mag DKs.

    Stamblades actually have more glaring weaknessess than any other class because their healing sucks compared to other classes. It's pretty much the same with magblade. the nightblade class is weak at the moment. Still very playable, but it would probably rank in last place. It has crazy utility but major mending is so overpowered that one ability over shadows the whole nightblade tool kit. While the nightblade main strength is burst damage that is easily gained by any other class. All classes can kill someone in 3 or 4 hits and yes while mag dk isn't the best in solo PvP it's great in group play and pretty much unstoppable 1v1. A Well built dk should win every fight because of how strong the class is at the moment. The exception to this is a nightblade running proc sets. But that's a completely different problem. It's like when everyone thought magblade was op but really only proxy det was op and magblade was actually kind of weak

    Big wow the healing is bad you can build the class to have more healing though

    Try building enough sustain so you can use lingering hp pots.

    The extra 30% healing + the extra HoT will take care of all your healings needs.

    Magicka nightblades have good healing, there just like every other classes that uses healing ward only difference is they have a huge ward with 50k+ magicka and their many spammable has a nice HoT on it.

    Yea mag sorc has bad healing too because healing ward sucks and it only works half the time the other half it'll heal you for only 1 hp. Mag sorc also have 50k magicka but instead of one sheild they have two. One shield is pretty easy to deal with. A 30% heal increase is huge especially because you don't have to waste cp or a pot to get it. I'm not saying that mag dks are op in saying that they excel at 1v1 PvP. I also feel like 1v1 is the best way to see your class weaknessess and most nightblades are bad 1v1. Me personally though I feel like nightblades and sorcs shouldn't be able to get major mending because they are suppose to have burst damage. But on the flip side I feel like the other classes shouldn't have such high burst damage which for the most part isn't the case right now. That's why stam dk is op right now. Mag dk would be op but it still struggles like the rest of the magicka classes because it's slow and snares are everywhere and mist form sucks.

    Stam classes are op right now because of gear not because of skills.

    Surge is op, should try it, shield stacking 3 shields is easy 100% hp

    My magicka nb still heals so easily because i stack healing ward and dampen, my dampen is a 15k shield in pvp, they you add in image and cloak and you'll heal so easily.

    Until you get marked by some random sniper hitting you with poison injection and ravage health poisons, while a FOTMknight is taunting you to death, proccing tremorscale which besides its burst, also leaves you permanently snared for the entire fight (the cooldown of the proc is shorter than the snare duration, WTF ZOS?) and you die in shame.

    Oh don't forget that reactive templar spamming heals on his friends who are hammering you and throws in a little jesustap by the end.

    ^ 80% of PvP in a nutshell.
  • Kryptonite_Kent
    Okay so first off I have like the best stats that you could possibly need to play this class and it still feels extremely underpowered. I have 26k health 36k max stamina 5.1k weapon damage with purple weapons (sharpened swords and powered 2h) and 1800 recovery. That is from rally, clever alchemist and continuous attack. It is still a joke. I can't even keep myself alive and people tell me to wear heavy armor but I don't want to because I've tried it and I did not see much of a difference because people have a lot of armor penetration. I have 30 points into blessed and 45 into quick recovery. 2100 resistance total. I would like to know exactly what is cheesy about being killed in 6 hits. What am I supposed to not take damage? That is inevitable. I can't mitigate no damage because my vigor in PvP only ticks for about 2k.

    Now let's talk about every other class. Dragonknights can take a lot of damage and now they can actually do a lot of damage. Magplars have a lot of different ways to keep themselves alive plus they are actually really good damage dealers. Sorcerers have shield stacking which is still cheesy if they have good rotation. Nightblades have a useless cloak but put out great burst, the best damage dealers in the game by far. If you make any changes to the nightblade class such as nerfing incap then you are basically nerfing the class because our only defense is offense.

    I'm not making this thread to complain about nightblades being the most unfair class to play in the game but instead asking why people keep telling me that nightblades are cheesy. They are the exact opposite.

    Edit: I am more than aware that these new proc sets are cheesy on any stam tank build. However I am 100% incorruptible and no matter what cancer build ZOS adds to this game I will never use it. Also I hear people say "Every class is strong in its own way". That is such a load of bs because the only class that I believe is the absolute strongest is a magplar. They have NO FLAWS. They have tankiness, strong heals, and great dps. Every other class in this game is not nearly as strong as a magplar is. I don't care how good you think you are at this game because all MMOs are based off vairables rather than actual player skill.

    If you think Magplar has NO FLAWS as you put it, I welcome you to play one and get stunned more than 1 time with no pool of stamina lol...
    Former Emperor
    Animus Impetum -DC- Magplar
    Animus Impetus -AD- Magplar
    Impetus Animus -EP- Magplar
    Kryptonite Kent -AD- Stamblade
    Kenobi Wan -AD- Magsorc
  • exeeter702
    ToxicPAWS wrote: »
    What does comes to your mind when you say the word- NIGHTBLADE? A warrior with his beautiful chain mail and sword & board, yoloing in the massive enemy group and come out victorious? I'm sure answer is a big g NO. You'll visualise a medium sized agile, fast, super sneaking , get in get out kind of ninja who attacks from shadows and vanishes back into them.
    In TESO they have been given a new name (not really new in MMOs) GANKER. Well that's how it is. People need to deal with it and the class has been given the tools for such gameplay. We can qq all day wether cloak should be back to its formal self or not but it's very much an important tools of a NIGHTBLADE. There are players out there who excelled at this game play and to name a few like Zergbad, sribes etc...and they made the gameplay look so easy and for those wondering ...they did 1vs X but in their own way...and to date it's still being done by so many...

    Yes! PROC sets have made it difficult for other classes to survive the already existing burst but again, that's what it's all about...kill before the dead one can even realise what happened...so qq all you want. NB will and should use the PROC sets as long as DK and Templar will use Brickwall builds with inf resource management and huge damage taking capabilities...

    My 0.2$....( yes it's 20 cents not 2, I'm rich to spare another 18)

    A night blade is a warrior that harnesses the power of darkness. Taking advantage of shadowy magic, and malefic sorcery, sucking the life of enemies and using illusion to gain the upper hand.

    You see what I just did there? A heavy armor life draining sap tank, or a fearing ranged life stealing, control mage is just as much a night blade in my book. People need to stop forcing rigid mmo stereotypes onto the FOUR classes in this game. A night blade is not a rogue. It can be if built that way, but it is is not exclusively intended to be a stealth ganking rogue. Every class in this game is more then it's basic thematics suggest.

    But I digress..... cloak could use some love, but don't use it as a sticking point for what you think the night blade should revolve around.
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    ToxicPAWS wrote: »
    What does comes to your mind when you say the word- NIGHTBLADE? A warrior with his beautiful chain mail and sword & board, yoloing in the massive enemy group and come out victorious? I'm sure answer is a big g NO. You'll visualise a medium sized agile, fast, super sneaking , get in get out kind of ninja who attacks from shadows and vanishes back into them.
    In TESO they have been given a new name (not really new in MMOs) GANKER. Well that's how it is. People need to deal with it and the class has been given the tools for such gameplay. We can qq all day wether cloak should be back to its formal self or not but it's very much an important tools of a NIGHTBLADE. There are players out there who excelled at this game play and to name a few like Zergbad, sribes etc...and they made the gameplay look so easy and for those wondering ...they did 1vs X but in their own way...and to date it's still being done by so many...

    Yes! PROC sets have made it difficult for other classes to survive the already existing burst but again, that's what it's all about...kill before the dead one can even realise what happened...so qq all you want. NB will and should use the PROC sets as long as DK and Templar will use Brickwall builds with inf resource management and huge damage taking capabilities...

    My 0.2$....( yes it's 20 cents not 2, I'm rich to spare another 18)

    A night blade is a warrior that harnesses the power of darkness. Taking advantage of shadowy magic, and malefic sorcery, sucking the life of enemies and using illusion to gain the upper hand.

    You see what I just did there? A heavy armor life draining sap tank, or a fearing ranged life stealing, control mage is just as much a night blade in my book. People need to stop forcing rigid mmo stereotypes onto the FOUR classes in this game. A night blade is not a rogue. It can be if built that way, but it is is not exclusively intended to be a stealth ganking rogue. Every class in this game is more then it's basic thematics suggest.

    But I digress..... cloak could use some love, but don't use it as a sticking point for what you think the night blade should revolve around.

    A nightblade is not a rogue..... you realize nightblades have a class skill-line called Assassination right?.. a skill-line that is all about stealth ganking...

    Edited by GreenSoup2HoT on November 14, 2016 8:30PM
    PS4 NA DC
  • Sandman929
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    ToxicPAWS wrote: »
    What does comes to your mind when you say the word- NIGHTBLADE? A warrior with his beautiful chain mail and sword & board, yoloing in the massive enemy group and come out victorious? I'm sure answer is a big g NO. You'll visualise a medium sized agile, fast, super sneaking , get in get out kind of ninja who attacks from shadows and vanishes back into them.
    In TESO they have been given a new name (not really new in MMOs) GANKER. Well that's how it is. People need to deal with it and the class has been given the tools for such gameplay. We can qq all day wether cloak should be back to its formal self or not but it's very much an important tools of a NIGHTBLADE. There are players out there who excelled at this game play and to name a few like Zergbad, sribes etc...and they made the gameplay look so easy and for those wondering ...they did 1vs X but in their own way...and to date it's still being done by so many...

    Yes! PROC sets have made it difficult for other classes to survive the already existing burst but again, that's what it's all about...kill before the dead one can even realise what happened...so qq all you want. NB will and should use the PROC sets as long as DK and Templar will use Brickwall builds with inf resource management and huge damage taking capabilities...

    My 0.2$....( yes it's 20 cents not 2, I'm rich to spare another 18)

    A night blade is a warrior that harnesses the power of darkness. Taking advantage of shadowy magic, and malefic sorcery, sucking the life of enemies and using illusion to gain the upper hand.

    You see what I just did there? A heavy armor life draining sap tank, or a fearing ranged life stealing, control mage is just as much a night blade in my book. People need to stop forcing rigid mmo stereotypes onto the FOUR classes in this game. A night blade is not a rogue. It can be if built that way, but it is is not exclusively intended to be a stealth ganking rogue. Every class in this game is more then it's basic thematics suggest.

    But I digress..... cloak could use some love, but don't use it as a sticking point for what you think the night blade should revolve around.

    A nightblade is not a rogue..... you realize nightblades have a class skill-line called Assassination right?.. a skill-line that is all about stealth ganking...

    They also have Shadow Barrier which gives Major Resolve and Major Ward for a period of time that scales with heavy armor pieces equipped...2 buffs that other classes have to slot a specific skill to get, NBs get for using a great spammable DPS and a great CC.
    NBs don't have to be sneaky.
  • Sandman929
    NBs are versatile. More so than the other classes IMO.
  • Darnathian
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Giving the Nightblade a passive that increases their max stamina by 8% when there's an assassination ability would be more than fair. We also need some form of a healing buff as well. Templars get the strongest heals, a purge, and an offensive shield; DKs have the strongest defense, incredible self healing (Stam DK > Stamplar), and have the best CCs in the game; Sorcs are top dog in the realm of damage shields, and have the best escape in the game; Nightblades have the best 1vX CC in the game, but have nothing for defensive properties outside of cloak which is only effective against crappy players (much like spamming ambush over and over).

    Here's the thing, in terms of burst the Nightblade and magicka sorc are top dogs; however unlike the sorc, we don't have a reliable means of defense. ZOS really needs to give us something in terms of stronger healing or survivability.

    Id rather nb be the class with the worst healing and relie on dodging and being very hard to target.

    If nbs got are cloak purge back, we would be fine.

    Absolutely not. If u feel that slot purge. That skill was OP and completely neutralized a class on its own. Magicka DKS.

    Without cloak purge now you have a class that cant even compete against a couple dots unless they build like a wanna-be dk red guard in heavy armour. Mag dks with skoria or grotharr can melt medium nbs like nothing.

    Back in the day mag dk was neutralized sure but now there is a 100 more ways to neutralize cloak. Reapplying dots isnt hard either. It doesn't have to take off negative effects either, just dot's. That's ill i ask.

    Templars have purge, Dk's have shields with major mending, Sorcs have dark deal and surge. In my opinion, nbs need this cloak purge to be at least a little competitive while in medium Armour. It may be hard to justify in this proc heavy meta we live in but thats why i said earlier that a lot of adjustments would need to occur before this change to cloak was even considered.

    All those dots cost way more to reapply than that one skill. Ithe reset fights and put the Magic DK immediately on the defense and with less resources available. Sorry but if NBs don't want to build more sustain then that's on them. If you try your burst and fail then it's the other players turn. Not press one button and reset.

    If the put purge back to where it was the pots and whips need to be reverted as well my friend
  • exeeter702
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    ToxicPAWS wrote: »
    What does comes to your mind when you say the word- NIGHTBLADE? A warrior with his beautiful chain mail and sword & board, yoloing in the massive enemy group and come out victorious? I'm sure answer is a big g NO. You'll visualise a medium sized agile, fast, super sneaking , get in get out kind of ninja who attacks from shadows and vanishes back into them.
    In TESO they have been given a new name (not really new in MMOs) GANKER. Well that's how it is. People need to deal with it and the class has been given the tools for such gameplay. We can qq all day wether cloak should be back to its formal self or not but it's very much an important tools of a NIGHTBLADE. There are players out there who excelled at this game play and to name a few like Zergbad, sribes etc...and they made the gameplay look so easy and for those wondering ...they did 1vs X but in their own way...and to date it's still being done by so many...

    Yes! PROC sets have made it difficult for other classes to survive the already existing burst but again, that's what it's all about...kill before the dead one can even realise what happened...so qq all you want. NB will and should use the PROC sets as long as DK and Templar will use Brickwall builds with inf resource management and huge damage taking capabilities...

    My 0.2$....( yes it's 20 cents not 2, I'm rich to spare another 18)

    A night blade is a warrior that harnesses the power of darkness. Taking advantage of shadowy magic, and malefic sorcery, sucking the life of enemies and using illusion to gain the upper hand.

    You see what I just did there? A heavy armor life draining sap tank, or a fearing ranged life stealing, control mage is just as much a night blade in my book. People need to stop forcing rigid mmo stereotypes onto the FOUR classes in this game. A night blade is not a rogue. It can be if built that way, but it is is not exclusively intended to be a stealth ganking rogue. Every class in this game is more then it's basic thematics suggest.

    But I digress..... cloak could use some love, but don't use it as a sticking point for what you think the night blade should revolve around.

    A nightblade is not a rogue..... you realize nightblades have a class skill-line called Assassination right?.. a skill-line that is all about stealth ganking...

    Your point?
  • leepalmer95
    Just fear a dk off you before you roll dodge and cloak. Mag dk's dont use gap closers.

    Use lingering hp pots and nb's can heal just fine. Stop trying to face tank everything.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    ToxicPAWS wrote: »
    What does comes to your mind when you say the word- NIGHTBLADE? A warrior with his beautiful chain mail and sword & board, yoloing in the massive enemy group and come out victorious? I'm sure answer is a big g NO. You'll visualise a medium sized agile, fast, super sneaking , get in get out kind of ninja who attacks from shadows and vanishes back into them.
    In TESO they have been given a new name (not really new in MMOs) GANKER. Well that's how it is. People need to deal with it and the class has been given the tools for such gameplay. We can qq all day wether cloak should be back to its formal self or not but it's very much an important tools of a NIGHTBLADE. There are players out there who excelled at this game play and to name a few like Zergbad, sribes etc...and they made the gameplay look so easy and for those wondering ...they did 1vs X but in their own way...and to date it's still being done by so many...

    Yes! PROC sets have made it difficult for other classes to survive the already existing burst but again, that's what it's all about...kill before the dead one can even realise what happened...so qq all you want. NB will and should use the PROC sets as long as DK and Templar will use Brickwall builds with inf resource management and huge damage taking capabilities...

    My 0.2$....( yes it's 20 cents not 2, I'm rich to spare another 18)

    A night blade is a warrior that harnesses the power of darkness. Taking advantage of shadowy magic, and malefic sorcery, sucking the life of enemies and using illusion to gain the upper hand.

    You see what I just did there? A heavy armor life draining sap tank, or a fearing ranged life stealing, control mage is just as much a night blade in my book. People need to stop forcing rigid mmo stereotypes onto the FOUR classes in this game. A night blade is not a rogue. It can be if built that way, but it is is not exclusively intended to be a stealth ganking rogue. Every class in this game is more then it's basic thematics suggest.

    But I digress..... cloak could use some love, but don't use it as a sticking point for what you think the night blade should revolve around.

    A nightblade is not a rogue..... you realize nightblades have a class skill-line called Assassination right?.. a skill-line that is all about stealth ganking...

    Your point?

    That most people who pick up nightblades are using them for the rogue playstyle. Sure there are other playstyles but the assassination skill-line suggests they want you to play like a rogue. Thats my point.
    PS4 NA DC
  • Edziu
    connorw53 wrote: »
    I think this patch especially is the most lobsided I've ever seen.

    The heavy armour meta has only existed due to carnage proc sets turning average players into animals, and let's all be honest Stam nightblades have taken a spectacular fall due to this meta.

    So personally, I think it's hilarious, because by introducing crazy new monster sets ruining pvp, they've in turn self created a meta that has totally nerfed the previously strongest pvp class

    Im not sure but if I good remember heavy armor meta was created before that all proc sets.

    at all now nb without p[roc sets to burst is ***, now everyone on stamina can reach burst like nb ithout proc sets, now nb without proc sets...meh, he will have no problem to kill someone only in light armor from gang, normally he just got cancer by heavy armor meta and need to use proc sets to be just viable with burst on pvp.

    and look on heavy armored scrubs....build for max sustain etc and they can have easily burst like nb just thank those crap proc sets
    Just fear a dk off you before you roll dodge and cloak. Mag dk's dont use gap closers.

    Use lingering hp pots and nb's can heal just fine. Stop trying to face tank everything.

    can you please stop write about *** pots for healing? why we should be forced to use damn those potions insted someothing for other buff etc while this tankly, unkillable dk, templar have major medning in own class skills which is doing so huge gape in healing between them and nb, sorc.

    EDIT: if not proc sets now magica will be more op with burst, NB will be just garbage because of no any good sustain, healing, cloak broken as hell, eveyone can reach same burst without any problems, especially stamsroc, dk
    Edited by Edziu on November 15, 2016 9:08AM
  • Edziu
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Just like in any other MMO, the "stealther" class gets tons of hate because of their ability to gank efficiently. Sure other classes can hide, but NBs have the best tools for ganking from stealth and the vast majority of stamblades play a high damage build that can gank pretty well. Why? Well mostly because the more survivable builds that other classes run aren't as good on stam NBs. A skilled player can make it work but if you want to be an out in the open Xv1 skirmisher other classes bring more to the table, so we play to our strengths. Most stamblades end up using very similar skills because some are just too good to take off your bars and people "get tired of dying to the same attacks": Incap, Surprise Attack, Cloak, Ambush, Mass Hysteria to name a few.

    Interestingly Magicka NBs can gank almost as well and bring more versatility, survival, and utility to the table. However the fallacy that they are weak is somehow perpetuated around here to the point that people respect you for "out of the box" play if you go Magicka. If it's really bothering you so much that people think you are bad for playing a stam NB, consider a Magblade. One cannot have too many NBs, I have a mag+stam on each faction!

    edit: also, if you're having trouble playing stam NB it's not for everyone... but just keep in mind you shouldn't be playing it like a DK and trying to tank "6 hits". Getting a good hang of your animation cancelling, situational awareness, and spatial awareness (having LOS nearby to help escape, etc) changes things a lot.

    I pay it like a ganker but now I don't want to do it anymore because it no longer works on people anymore.

    Oh no... we can still gank the crap out of anyone with less than 35k HP - more HP than that if you build specifically for ganking. You of course aren't going to gank a sorc who's sitting in mines with a full shield stack up, but if they were to let those shields lapse for a moment or try to get back on their horse...

    so for what is "assasin" class who is able to gang maybe 20% of population on pvp because rest are in just in damn have armor? why glass cannon isnt able to gang someone with 30k health in heavy armor, HE IS NOT ABLE TO GANG HIM BUT THIS TANK CAN EASILY WRECK HIM IN *** TANKLY BUILD.

    nb using those proc sets, ganking in this *** tank, attack, meh, failure, tank even not lost half hp after this attack and prc sets but oh yey, tank also have proc sets and in moment ganger is died because of proc sets working better on tank than on glass cannon attacking tank(someone of 80% population on cyrodil)
  • Edziu
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Giving the Nightblade a passive that increases their max stamina by 8% when there's an assassination ability would be more than fair. We also need some form of a healing buff as well. Templars get the strongest heals, a purge, and an offensive shield; DKs have the strongest defense, incredible self healing (Stam DK > Stamplar), and have the best CCs in the game; Sorcs are top dog in the realm of damage shields, and have the best escape in the game; Nightblades have the best 1vX CC in the game, but have nothing for defensive properties outside of cloak which is only effective against crappy players (much like spamming ambush over and over).

    Here's the thing, in terms of burst the Nightblade and magicka sorc are top dogs; however unlike the sorc, we don't have a reliable means of defense. ZOS really needs to give us something in terms of stronger healing or survivability.

    Id rather nb be the class with the worst healing and relie on dodging and being very hard to target.

    If nbs got are cloak purge back, we would be fine.

    Absolutely not. If u feel that slot purge. That skill was OP and completely neutralized a class on its own. Magicka DKS.

    Without cloak purge now you have a class that cant even compete against a couple dots unless they build like a wanna-be dk red guard in heavy armour. Mag dks with skoria or grotharr can melt medium nbs like nothing.

    Back in the day mag dk was neutralized sure but now there is a 100 more ways to neutralize cloak. Reapplying dots isnt hard either. It doesn't have to take off negative effects either, just dot's. That's ill i ask.

    Templars have purge, Dk's have shields with major mending, Sorcs have dark deal and surge. In my opinion, nbs need this cloak purge to be at least a little competitive while in medium Armour. It may be hard to justify in this proc heavy meta we live in but thats why i said earlier that a lot of adjustments would need to occur before this change to cloak was even considered.

    All those dots cost way more to reapply than that one skill. Ithe reset fights and put the Magic DK immediately on the defense and with less resources available. Sorry but if NBs don't want to build more sustain then that's on them. If you try your burst and fail then it's the other players turn. Not press one button and reset.

    If the put purge back to where it was the pots and whips need to be reverted as well my friend

    how about purge cost hmm 6k? magica on stamblade while have 12k max magica? vigor heal ticks under 2k crit and 1k non crit + rally burst heal for this 5-7k only once per 10-15 sec?
  • leepalmer95
    Edziu wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Giving the Nightblade a passive that increases their max stamina by 8% when there's an assassination ability would be more than fair. We also need some form of a healing buff as well. Templars get the strongest heals, a purge, and an offensive shield; DKs have the strongest defense, incredible self healing (Stam DK > Stamplar), and have the best CCs in the game; Sorcs are top dog in the realm of damage shields, and have the best escape in the game; Nightblades have the best 1vX CC in the game, but have nothing for defensive properties outside of cloak which is only effective against crappy players (much like spamming ambush over and over).

    Here's the thing, in terms of burst the Nightblade and magicka sorc are top dogs; however unlike the sorc, we don't have a reliable means of defense. ZOS really needs to give us something in terms of stronger healing or survivability.

    Id rather nb be the class with the worst healing and relie on dodging and being very hard to target.

    If nbs got are cloak purge back, we would be fine.

    Absolutely not. If u feel that slot purge. That skill was OP and completely neutralized a class on its own. Magicka DKS.

    Without cloak purge now you have a class that cant even compete against a couple dots unless they build like a wanna-be dk red guard in heavy armour. Mag dks with skoria or grotharr can melt medium nbs like nothing.

    Back in the day mag dk was neutralized sure but now there is a 100 more ways to neutralize cloak. Reapplying dots isnt hard either. It doesn't have to take off negative effects either, just dot's. That's ill i ask.

    Templars have purge, Dk's have shields with major mending, Sorcs have dark deal and surge. In my opinion, nbs need this cloak purge to be at least a little competitive while in medium Armour. It may be hard to justify in this proc heavy meta we live in but thats why i said earlier that a lot of adjustments would need to occur before this change to cloak was even considered.

    All those dots cost way more to reapply than that one skill. Ithe reset fights and put the Magic DK immediately on the defense and with less resources available. Sorry but if NBs don't want to build more sustain then that's on them. If you try your burst and fail then it's the other players turn. Not press one button and reset.

    If the put purge back to where it was the pots and whips need to be reverted as well my friend

    how about purge cost hmm 6k? magica on stamblade while have 12k max magica? vigor heal ticks under 2k crit and 1k non crit + rally burst heal for this 5-7k only once per 10-15 sec?

    Psst use lingering hp pots

    Or play something other than meta, theres a nice hp regen build somewhere.

    Nb's give up healing for burst dmg, it's that simple if you want to faceroll everything and heal for 3k+ vigor ticks then go stam dk.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • Edziu
    Edziu wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Giving the Nightblade a passive that increases their max stamina by 8% when there's an assassination ability would be more than fair. We also need some form of a healing buff as well. Templars get the strongest heals, a purge, and an offensive shield; DKs have the strongest defense, incredible self healing (Stam DK > Stamplar), and have the best CCs in the game; Sorcs are top dog in the realm of damage shields, and have the best escape in the game; Nightblades have the best 1vX CC in the game, but have nothing for defensive properties outside of cloak which is only effective against crappy players (much like spamming ambush over and over).

    Here's the thing, in terms of burst the Nightblade and magicka sorc are top dogs; however unlike the sorc, we don't have a reliable means of defense. ZOS really needs to give us something in terms of stronger healing or survivability.

    Id rather nb be the class with the worst healing and relie on dodging and being very hard to target.

    If nbs got are cloak purge back, we would be fine.

    Absolutely not. If u feel that slot purge. That skill was OP and completely neutralized a class on its own. Magicka DKS.

    Without cloak purge now you have a class that cant even compete against a couple dots unless they build like a wanna-be dk red guard in heavy armour. Mag dks with skoria or grotharr can melt medium nbs like nothing.

    Back in the day mag dk was neutralized sure but now there is a 100 more ways to neutralize cloak. Reapplying dots isnt hard either. It doesn't have to take off negative effects either, just dot's. That's ill i ask.

    Templars have purge, Dk's have shields with major mending, Sorcs have dark deal and surge. In my opinion, nbs need this cloak purge to be at least a little competitive while in medium Armour. It may be hard to justify in this proc heavy meta we live in but thats why i said earlier that a lot of adjustments would need to occur before this change to cloak was even considered.

    All those dots cost way more to reapply than that one skill. Ithe reset fights and put the Magic DK immediately on the defense and with less resources available. Sorry but if NBs don't want to build more sustain then that's on them. If you try your burst and fail then it's the other players turn. Not press one button and reset.

    If the put purge back to where it was the pots and whips need to be reverted as well my friend

    how about purge cost hmm 6k? magica on stamblade while have 12k max magica? vigor heal ticks under 2k crit and 1k non crit + rally burst heal for this 5-7k only once per 10-15 sec?

    Psst use lingering hp pots

    Or play something other than meta, theres a nice hp regen build somewhere.

    Nb's give up healing for burst dmg, it's that simple if you want to faceroll everything and heal for 3k+ vigor ticks then go stam dk.

    pssst, just playing as I want, no any meta but just getting cancer by other players mentality(with proc meta builds) while my glass cannon burst is nothing against heavy armored scrubs and I getting rekt by 70% snare from tremorscale for so long time and rest proc sets used with heavy armor

    if I will be albe to to seriously goot damage to gan somone then ok, I can haave no heal, kill or be killed but now damage burst which we have on nb is easily to get by heavy armored proctards
    Edited by Edziu on November 15, 2016 9:49AM
  • Sanct16
    Shadow Image.
    - EU - Raid Leader of Banana Zerg Squad
    AD | AR 50 | Sanct Fir'eheal | ex Mana DK @31.10.2015
    EP | AR 50 | Sanctosaurus | Mana NB
    AD | AR 44 | rekt ya | Mana NB
    AD | AR 41 | Sanct Thunderstorm | Mana Sorc
    EP | AR 36 | S'na'ct | Mana NB {NA}
    AD | AR 29 | Captain Full Fist| Stam DK
    AD | AR 29 | Sanct The Dark Phoenix| Stam Sorc
    EP | AR 16 | Horny Sanct | Stam Warden
    EP | AR 16 | Sánct Bánáná Sláyér | Mana DK
    DC | AR 13 | ad worst faction eu | Stam Sorc
    DC | AR 13 | Lagendary Sanct | Mana NB

    >320.000.000 AP
  • leepalmer95
    Edziu wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Giving the Nightblade a passive that increases their max stamina by 8% when there's an assassination ability would be more than fair. We also need some form of a healing buff as well. Templars get the strongest heals, a purge, and an offensive shield; DKs have the strongest defense, incredible self healing (Stam DK > Stamplar), and have the best CCs in the game; Sorcs are top dog in the realm of damage shields, and have the best escape in the game; Nightblades have the best 1vX CC in the game, but have nothing for defensive properties outside of cloak which is only effective against crappy players (much like spamming ambush over and over).

    Here's the thing, in terms of burst the Nightblade and magicka sorc are top dogs; however unlike the sorc, we don't have a reliable means of defense. ZOS really needs to give us something in terms of stronger healing or survivability.

    Id rather nb be the class with the worst healing and relie on dodging and being very hard to target.

    If nbs got are cloak purge back, we would be fine.

    Absolutely not. If u feel that slot purge. That skill was OP and completely neutralized a class on its own. Magicka DKS.

    Without cloak purge now you have a class that cant even compete against a couple dots unless they build like a wanna-be dk red guard in heavy armour. Mag dks with skoria or grotharr can melt medium nbs like nothing.

    Back in the day mag dk was neutralized sure but now there is a 100 more ways to neutralize cloak. Reapplying dots isnt hard either. It doesn't have to take off negative effects either, just dot's. That's ill i ask.

    Templars have purge, Dk's have shields with major mending, Sorcs have dark deal and surge. In my opinion, nbs need this cloak purge to be at least a little competitive while in medium Armour. It may be hard to justify in this proc heavy meta we live in but thats why i said earlier that a lot of adjustments would need to occur before this change to cloak was even considered.

    All those dots cost way more to reapply than that one skill. Ithe reset fights and put the Magic DK immediately on the defense and with less resources available. Sorry but if NBs don't want to build more sustain then that's on them. If you try your burst and fail then it's the other players turn. Not press one button and reset.

    If the put purge back to where it was the pots and whips need to be reverted as well my friend

    how about purge cost hmm 6k? magica on stamblade while have 12k max magica? vigor heal ticks under 2k crit and 1k non crit + rally burst heal for this 5-7k only once per 10-15 sec?

    Psst use lingering hp pots

    Or play something other than meta, theres a nice hp regen build somewhere.

    Nb's give up healing for burst dmg, it's that simple if you want to faceroll everything and heal for 3k+ vigor ticks then go stam dk.

    pssst, just playing as I want, no any meta but just getting cancer by other players mentality(with proc meta builds) while my glass cannon burst is nothing against heavy armored scrubs and I getting rekt by 70% snare from tremorscale for so long time and rest proc sets used with heavy armor

    if I will be albe to to seriously goot damage to gan somone then ok, I can haave no heal, kill or be killed but now damage burst which we have on nb is easily to get by heavy armored proctards

    If you was a proper gank only build you can gank anything pretty much.

    If your using a usual build with sustain etc... then no you won't be able to completely bring down a 25k s&b heavy tank in 1 incap/ heavy combo. That would be stupid.

    But you can burst them if you time it right, make sure injection is on, when their 70% heavy/incap + light attack then execute should kill them.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • SilentBoomstick
    Biro123 wrote: »
    I'm in the middle of dusting off my old stamblade after seeing some of the new sets with their stealth detection reduction, and also getting hit by one for a 17k heavy attack opener (to be fair, it was on my light-armour magsorc with shields down).

    But playing magsorc recently has made me see how strong NB's can be - but then again, the fact that they always seem to go for the magsorc could be more of an indication of how weak they are vs many other classes.

    Truth be told though, I think the Op's issue is probably more about gear. Seen so many posts from him complaining about proc sets - and refusing to use them. The thing is, MMO's evolve. gear changes, you get new sets that upstage the old - its a constant evolution. They do it to keep the grind, to make you re-do the same content over and over to get that new gear. So when they work on and release that content, they don't get people running through it once and straight away saying 'done - wheres my next new content?'

    You may not like the fact that currently, the mechanics of the best gear for ganking is procs - but it doesn't change that it is the best gear for ganking. Since most ppl are now using that, players have to try to build in defence to have a chance to survive that gank - which means your old burst setup just doesn't do it anymore.

    That sounds so dumb. There is no creativity in using these broken proc sets because everyone in the whole game is using them. How does it sound that in order to play competitive PvP in this game like 4 updates ago you were required to play a magblade with proxy det and vicious death? Oh let me go be like everybody else and do the same exact thing as everybody else like a mindless idiot. I get using the 18 new armor sets that were added to create my own build but for me to go and play the exact same build as everyone else is highly unethical and also immoral in my eyes. I have never used the meta and I never will. That's why I hate the PvP so much in this game.
  • bowmanz607
    OP see my comment in your other thread pertaining to how to survive in med armor as a stam nb.
  • SilentBoomstick

    If you think Magplar has NO FLAWS as you put it, I welcome you to play one and get stunned more than 1 time with no pool of stamina lol...

    It's called black rose or reactive...
  • SilentBoomstick
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    NBs are versatile. More so than the other classes IMO.

    Versatile? Seriously? So you are telling me that the one class that can die in 4 hits is versatile? Are you trolling?
  • Kutsuu
    NB is one of the few classes that can play cheesy even in medium armor without proc sets.

    The following video will probably trigger many of you. It certainly triggered my subscribers.

    My build uses full impen and Serpent mundus - you could really pump up the damage with Divines and Shadow.

    Edited by Kutsuu on November 15, 2016 3:55PM

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • Kutsuu
    Edziu wrote: »
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    Just like in any other MMO, the "stealther" class gets tons of hate because of their ability to gank efficiently. Sure other classes can hide, but NBs have the best tools for ganking from stealth and the vast majority of stamblades play a high damage build that can gank pretty well. Why? Well mostly because the more survivable builds that other classes run aren't as good on stam NBs. A skilled player can make it work but if you want to be an out in the open Xv1 skirmisher other classes bring more to the table, so we play to our strengths. Most stamblades end up using very similar skills because some are just too good to take off your bars and people "get tired of dying to the same attacks": Incap, Surprise Attack, Cloak, Ambush, Mass Hysteria to name a few.

    Interestingly Magicka NBs can gank almost as well and bring more versatility, survival, and utility to the table. However the fallacy that they are weak is somehow perpetuated around here to the point that people respect you for "out of the box" play if you go Magicka. If it's really bothering you so much that people think you are bad for playing a stam NB, consider a Magblade. One cannot have too many NBs, I have a mag+stam on each faction!

    edit: also, if you're having trouble playing stam NB it's not for everyone... but just keep in mind you shouldn't be playing it like a DK and trying to tank "6 hits". Getting a good hang of your animation cancelling, situational awareness, and spatial awareness (having LOS nearby to help escape, etc) changes things a lot.

    I pay it like a ganker but now I don't want to do it anymore because it no longer works on people anymore.

    Oh no... we can still gank the crap out of anyone with less than 35k HP - more HP than that if you build specifically for ganking. You of course aren't going to gank a sorc who's sitting in mines with a full shield stack up, but if they were to let those shields lapse for a moment or try to get back on their horse...

    so for what is "assasin" class who is able to gang maybe 20% of population on pvp because rest are in just in damn have armor? why glass cannon isnt able to gang someone with 30k health in heavy armor, HE IS NOT ABLE TO GANG HIM BUT THIS TANK CAN EASILY WRECK HIM IN *** TANKLY BUILD.

    nb using those proc sets, ganking in this *** tank, attack, meh, failure, tank even not lost half hp after this attack and prc sets but oh yey, tank also have proc sets and in moment ganger is died because of proc sets working better on tank than on glass cannon attacking tank(someone of 80% population on cyrodil)

    It's more like 90% of the population that I can gank effectively before they're capable of reacting. Even radiant magelight users are in trouble if they have less than 25k HP, as you can clearly see in the video I just posted. Against a target with 25k armor, I'm penetrating over 15k of it before Major Fracture is even applied. I don't mess with blazing shield builds.. that's about it.
    Edited by Kutsuu on November 15, 2016 3:49PM

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • SilentBoomstick

    Psst use lingering hp pots

    Or play something other than meta, theres a nice hp regen build somewhere.

    Nb's give up healing for burst dmg, it's that simple if you want to faceroll everything and heal for 3k+ vigor ticks then go stam dk.

    You must be trolling because every other class in the game has no healing issues (except magicka sorcerer which has no heals). Everyone is a tank/healer/dps. Nowadays you do not have to be a nightblade in order to have a good burst. Now tell me again how there isn't anything wrong with a nightblade at the moment.
  • SilentBoomstick
    If you was a proper gank only build you can gank anything pretty much.

    If your using a usual build with sustain etc... then no you won't be able to completely bring down a 25k s&b heavy tank in 1 incap/ heavy combo. That would be stupid.

    But you can burst them if you time it right, make sure injection is on, when their 70% heavy/incap + light attack then execute should kill them.

    NO YOU CANNOT! So you're telling me that I can actually create a proper gank build that can allow me to kill a guy walking around with 30k physical and spell resistance with 5.1k weapon damage and 36k max stamina? I have never heard such lies before on a thread post. I have tested this out myself after failing one too many times. I had a friend that just sat there with no buffs active as a stamina dragonknight, then tried to burst him down. The amount of time that it took to kill him was basically enough time for him to react and melt me in 4 hits. Now tell me again why I need to believe you that ganking is still viable in this game.
  • SilentBoomstick
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    OP see my comment in your other thread pertaining to how to survive in med armor as a stam nb.

    I don't know which one.
  • bowmanz607
    Last comment in make nb cloak damage again
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