arkansas_ESO wrote: »
Not to be rude, but can you list any? Apart from repair bills and respeccing, I can't really think of anything that physically takes gold out of the economy.
What does that has to do with anything lol
Silver_Strider wrote: »
Guild Traders are a gold sink. They take out millions of gold from the game between actually getting 1 and the house cut taxes they do.
Another, albeit minor, gold sink is horse training. 8-12 characters, 250 gold a day, for 6 months. Granted this one is more lenient of a gold sink because not everyone will make 8+ characters, nor will they bother training their horses on all characters but it's still somewhat of a gold sink.
Then, there are Bag and Bank space upgrades. Bank space is once per account so it's slightly easier to manage but Bag space is a nightmare with multiple characters to fully upgrade. Same with the horse training as in it's an optional thing but it makes life so much easier when you aren't constantly overburdened with loot to sell/decon.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »I disagree
I actually believe that in addition to these crates, they should also exist in all vet dungeons too but the actual issue is that nocs drop too little gold.
That's actually the real issue. As NPcs level up, gold drops should too but now with the scaling, gold should be based on our level. I'd suggest npcs dropping 150gp at higher cap and no less than 20gp at lower cost.
asneakybanana wrote: »I totally agree about the idea of getting alchemical supplies somehow but I feel as though people should be able to choose their reward. There is a store or something that you can trade in your undaunted plunder for flowers/gold mats to make each plunder worth approximately 1k. For instance, 4 undaunted plunder=1 gold temper, 1 undaunted plunder=10 of the flower of your choice. I realize this might be pretty hard to implement but its better than adding more RNG into the game. If it cant be however then the chest/satchel idea would work well.
Any purchase from an NPC vendor, including - notably - the PvP golden vendor. She's getting 2 new 250k items per week to sell in update 12, as well as several new monster sets at 100k a piece that might entice a few to purchase (Ilambris), so that's something.arkansas_ESO wrote: »
Not to be rude, but can you list any? Apart from repair bills and respeccing, I can't really think of anything that physically takes gold out of the economy.
What does that has to do with anything lol
asneakybanana wrote: »
research Venezuelan inflation. Almost overnight totally devalued their currency. A bit of an extreme example but over time this would happen to the value of ESO gold compared to items.
I'm hoping one tamreil increased supply of flowers so it better matches the demand.
arkansas_ESO wrote: »
If anything, the supply is going to go down. Now you'll be unable to have a DC, AD, and EP instance of every zone to farm in, and the people in each of those zones is now going to be directly competing with each other for nodes. Prices are going up without a doubt.
Truth except they mentioned in their patch notes they increased the node frequency for a few zones. So we just need to make sure they look at the this issue instead of the trial change.
Sallington wrote: »
10$ says there's a bug where no nodes respawn and we're paying 50k gold per columbine by the end of the month.
Silver_Strider wrote: »
Or people say "f*** potions" and just use abilities that grant them their buffs. It's a DPS loss sure but better than dropping a million for 1 trial run