Maintenance for the week of June 3:
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A public apology? Really?

  • ComboBreaker88
    e1team wrote: »
    The comment you made would have caused you to be kicked from our guild, too. And we have never kicked anyone (only removed inactives).

    You said some cruel and ignorant things that would reflect badly on any guild, and most likely make many people want to avoid grouping and playing with you
    And I respect their decision. I just don't agree with the cause.
    You see, it's our problem: We judge people by their comments, their behavior. But we could never be more wrong. I learned that on my own example. Yes people say and do stupid stuff (or you may see stupid), and others are fast to react: We drop bombs, place embargos, kick and ban. May be we should talk before we do all that? Did anyone ask me why I think the way I do? No. No one cares. Fine. I respect that. I don't care about stuff too. But we should talk more. Know each other before we do something rash.

    Yeah, that's a crazy idea huh? Holding people accountable for their actions, judging them based on what they say and what they do, what has this world come to?

    But in all seriousness, you should be banned from the forums as well.
  • Kelces
    The GM decides the rules, and if it includes an apology, so be it.

    I agree with previous posts, describing this thread as a drama unfolding. Otherwise one would just leave it alone, if not wanting to rectify things as it is being offered...
    You reveal yourself best in how you play.

    Kelces - Argonian Templar
    Farel Donvu - Dark Elf Sorcerer
    Navam Llervu - Dark Elf Dragonknight
    Aniseth - Wood Elf Warden
    Therediel - Wood Elf Templar
    Nilonwy - Wood Elf Nightblade
    Jurupari - Argonian Warden
    Kú-Chulainn - Argonian Sorcerer
    PC - EU
    For the Pact!
  • tat2mano
    I for one agree on ur comment,
    and i have had 1-2 good friends lost by suicide and not even a year ago an uncle of mine,
    still that doesnt change my opinion that it is " the easy way out".

    I dont feel bad for those people,i feel bad for the people they leave behind.
  • e1team

    nordsavage wrote: »
    e1team wrote: »
    nordsavage wrote: »
    Funny how you think you would have a place in Valhalla.

    I wont succumb to pride by commenting on that.

    You would have to be a warrior and video games do not count.

    Isn't our life is a strife in it's own right? Don't we battle with ourselves for our ability to hold to our credos and decisions? Don't we fight our fears, laziness and desires? He who does not should throw a rock at me...
    *hides behind cover*
  • Stoopid_Nwah
    e1team wrote: »
    The comment you made would have caused you to be kicked from our guild, too. And we have never kicked anyone (only removed inactives).

    You said some cruel and ignorant things that would reflect badly on any guild, and most likely make many people want to avoid grouping and playing with you
    And I respect their decision. I just don't agree with the cause.
    You see, it's our problem: We judge people by their comments, their behavior. But we could never be more wrong. I learned that on my own example. Yes people say and do stupid stuff (or you may see stupid), and others are fast to react: We drop bombs, place embargos, kick and ban. May be we should talk before we do all that? Did anyone ask me why I think the way I do? No. No one cares. Fine. I respect that. I don't care about stuff too. But we should talk more. Know each other before we do something rash.
    Take your own advice. I don't think you realize your comment/or any comments along those lines in situations like that have the capability to cause significantly more harm than good.

    This thread is going to turn into a fiasco. Can someone at zos just shut it down before it gets there? I'm not sure who to tag otherwise I would.
    Edited by Stoopid_Nwah on September 11, 2016 7:59AM
  • Buffler
    "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

    A famous quote from an english author. Evelyn Hall I think when writing about Voltaire.
  • notimetocare
    Zolexi wrote: »
    My decision to remove you stands.
    I said the the mail if the thread is closed you can talk to me and the other leader.
    The comments you made were toxic and I have no interest in reinviting you anymore.
    The fact that other people said the same thing I did, and you didn't even link the thread, means I can rest easy knowing I made the correct decision.
    Our guild is full of amazing and lovely individuals, if you feel left out, then I'm not responsible for your actions and comments.
    How hard is it to write, "I'm sorry that was insensitive"?

    Offense is never givem, it is only taken. Nobody should be told to apologize for offending another.
  • FearlessOne_2014
    The comment you made would have caused you to be kicked from our guild, too. And we have never kicked anyone (only removed inactives).

    You said some cruel and ignorant things that would reflect badly on any guild, and most likely make many people want to avoid grouping and playing with you.

    Freedom of speech is one thing, but there are also common decency and manners.

    Like going over to some third world country and start being a ***?
    e1team wrote: »
    nordsavage wrote: »
    e1team wrote: »
    nordsavage wrote: »
    Funny how you think you would have a place in Valhalla.

    I wont succumb to pride by commenting on that.

    You would have to be a warrior and video games do not count.

    Isn't our life is a strife in it's own right? Don't we battle with ourselves for our ability to hold to our credos and decisions? Don't we fight our fears, laziness and desires? He who does not should throw a rock at me...
    *hides behind cover*

    I didn't know people hold to any credos other then money and power these days. To crush those to weak of will to stand against them. (Like burning ants with a magnifying glass, and laughing at the horrible act after the fact.)
  • Ch4mpTW
    Damn, bruh-bruh. Exposed like a Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton DVD. If I were you, OP? I'd just keep strolling, and let the haters hate. I wouldn't apologize for jack squat. Everyone has a right to an opinion. Everyone. And if people dislike it, that's fine. But, if they want to be so immature as to remove you from a guild for your opinion(s), AND try and chump you by trying to make you apologize for giving your opinion? I say you don't need them to begin with.
  • notimetocare
    Wait... Did this allnstart about a comment over suicide? It is notoriously known as the cowards way out and rightfully so... Yes, i do know people who killed themselves, and no view didnt change.

    Tbh OP, better off without a hypersensitive guild. I understand people are super sensitive these days, but for f*** sakes... Telling someone to apologize publicly for a statement of fact?
  • tat2mano
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Damn, bruh-bruh. Exposed like a Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton DVD. If I were you, OP? I'd just keep strolling, and let the haters hate. I wouldn't apologize for jack squat. Everyone has a right to an opinion. Everyone. And if people dislike it, that's fine. But, if they want to be so immature as to remove you from a guild for your opinion(s), AND try and chump you by trying to make you apologize for giving your opinion? I say you don't need them to begin with.

    its defenitly a Guild i dont want to be part of.
    And i will also avoid buying from a Guild Trader with that name.

  • Zolexi
    I have to say I am swayed.
    I shouldn't have asked you to say sorry for being insensitive, that being said,
    I still stand by my decision that someone with those sorts of disgusting and neanderthalic views isn't right for us.

    This thread has done nothing but create more bad blood between a lot of people for a few different reasons. This wasn't the intention of my choice. This topic has also once again brought suicide into the spot light, this isn't the place to discuss these things, and if someone reading has been adversely affected I can only apologise.
    "I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes"...
  • bIuhazelnut
    So I read the comment... I was really expecting more based on all of the backlash. I get that it's a sensitive topic, but is it really so bad he has a negative outlook on it? It's like getting upset and asking for an apology because you were offended by someone's differing political views. Sure it was a bit tactless, but certainly nothing I'd hold over someone I play an mmo with...
  • ComboBreaker88
    Zolexi wrote: »
    My decision to remove you stands.
    I said the the mail if the thread is closed you can talk to me and the other leader.
    The comments you made were toxic and I have no interest in reinviting you anymore.
    The fact that other people said the same thing I did, and you didn't even link the thread, means I can rest easy knowing I made the correct decision.
    Our guild is full of amazing and lovely individuals, if you feel left out, then I'm not responsible for your actions and comments.
    How hard is it to write, "I'm sorry that was insensitive"?

    Offense is never givem, it is only taken. Nobody should be told to apologize for offending another.

    If that were true then "offensive" wouldn't be a word.
  • Lettigall
    Zolexi wrote: »
    I have to say I am swayed.
    I shouldn't have asked you to say sorry for being insensitive, that being said,
    I still stand by my decision that someone with those sorts of disgusting and neanderthalic views isn't right for us.

    This thread has done nothing but create more bad blood between a lot of people for a few different reasons. This wasn't the intention of my choice. This topic has also once again brought suicide into the spot light, this isn't the place to discuss these things, and if someone reading has been adversely affected I can only apologise.

    You kicked him out just because you didn't like his opinion... If you think that he's wrong you should have presented arguments why he's wrong and give some time to think it through.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • CherryCake
    Oh deer kindergarden...
    I like sweetrolls and I cannot lie
  • e1team
    Oblivion take you all! Lol! Why is it when I do something with good intentions (a.k.a apologizing for the inconvenience, believe it or not that was ALL) people perverse it, find deep meanings in what I see as meaningless? This thread was a fiasco.... So sad it wasn't my intention.
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    Offense is never givem, it is only taken. Nobody should be told to apologize for offending another.
    I completely disagree. Some people shoot off their mouths with the intent to offend. In many cases, they know EXACTLY how to create the exact reaction they want.

    Long story short: When Eleanor Roosevelt said "No one can make you feel X/Y/Z without your permission", she was DEAD wrong.

    Sounds like the OP meant to get a rise out of someone. Then when it blew up in his face, he fell back on the old "everyone's so PC these days" defense in an effort to look like the injured party.

    I just wish people would own what they do and say.
  • subtlezeroub17_ESO
    You know what I say. If you dont have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. I get it, we all have opinions and the freedom to express said opinions.

    What you fail to realize is that people are going to react and take action to them when you publicly express yourself and they have the right to do so. If you can't handle any future repercussions of what you say. Shut up and keep it to yourself.

    People who say awful things under the veil of "opinion" need to realize the world is not about "you".
    Edited by subtlezeroub17_ESO on September 11, 2016 8:34AM
  • WhiteMage
    I wouldn't call it "disgusting and neanderthalic" either. People have different ways of expressing grief.

    I was close to my grandfather, but when he died I didn't shed a tear for him. He died on his own terms. The only tears I shed were for my grandmother who he left behind, for how devastated she was at losing him.

    I'm sure we all have a story, and for each different story there is a different way people handle it. Heck, I know someone who can only laugh uncontrollably when plagued by grief. We should respect each other through our differences, even if we disapprove.
    The generally amicable yet sporadically salty magplar that may or may not have 1vXed you in Sotha Sil. Who knows?
  • Gargath
    tat2mano wrote: »
    And i will also avoid buying from a Guild Trader with that name.
    C'mon there must be some good guys in Brave Cats who are selling good stuff in good prices - they did nothing wrong. Here it's just an issue between a member and GM :).
    I would buy in any guild trader with prices better than the others, because it's simply my profit :).

    Edited by Gargath on September 11, 2016 8:36AM
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • CherryCake
    Edited by CherryCake on September 11, 2016 8:50AM
    I like sweetrolls and I cannot lie
  • Buffler
    e1team wrote: »
    Oblivion take you all! Lol! Why is it when I do something with good intentions (a.k.a apologizing for the inconvenience, believe it or not that was ALL) people perverse it, find deep meanings in what I see as meaningless? This thread was a fiasco.... So sad it wasn't my intention.

    If it was meaningless to you then you would not have posted it on a public forum. You could have simply messaged the GM or forgot about the whole thing. The mere fact you posted it, again on a "public" forum will start debate. Afterall, thats what forums are for.

    I agree with your initial post but this 2nd "woe is me" victim post is irritating.

    You posted it here, you encouraged debate, judging by the reaction most people agree with you. Be silent and content knowing you have had a small moral victory.
  • susmitds
    I totally support the comment he made and that is a personality trait to think that way BTW.
  • CherryCake
    susmitds wrote: »
    I totally support the comment he made and that is a personality trait to think that way BTW.

    What did he comment?
    I like sweetrolls and I cannot lie
  • susmitds
    susmitds wrote: »
    I totally support the comment he made and that is a personality trait to think that way BTW.

    What did he comment?

    Check his profile. It is in the suicide thread.
  • Wolfshead
    Honest guys just leave the guild kick e1team fine and Zolexi stand with his/her decision fine stop make a big deal about both of you the most grown up would be just leave at that serious just move along.

    If you guys want drama go and watch so reality tv shows instead and go back to play ESO instead of sit here on forum wasting good ESO play time :)
    If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead
    What we do in life, echoes in eternity
  • CherryCake
    susmitds wrote: »
    susmitds wrote: »
    I totally support the comment he made and that is a personality trait to think that way BTW.

    What did he comment?

    Check his profile. It is in the suicide thread.

    Saw it now... whilst my opinion is totally different than his, I find it extremely childish for a guild to think that they can keep tabs on who is a "good human being and agrees with us" in their guild and not. Seriously, its kind of silly to think that you can only have good people in your guild. People lie. People pretend to be someone else. People can ACT. So yeah maybe you have some flower children there in the guild but you cant know whether they are who they say they are or not. And good luck finding out the personality of all your guild-mates once they are 500.
    I like sweetrolls and I cannot lie
  • Majic
    The next time someone complains about how modern society doesn't support drama and the fine arts, I'm pointing them to this thread.
    Epopt Of The Everspinning Logo, Church Of The Eternal Loading Screen
    And verily, verily, spaketh the Lord: "Error <<1>>"
  • templesus
    Zolexi wrote: »
    I have to say I am swayed.
    I shouldn't have asked you to say sorry for being insensitive, that being said,
    I still stand by my decision that someone with those sorts of disgusting and neanderthalic views isn't right for us.

    This thread has done nothing but create more bad blood between a lot of people for a few different reasons. This wasn't the intention of my choice. This topic has also once again brought suicide into the spot light, this isn't the place to discuss these things, and if someone reading has been adversely affected I can only apologise.

    "I am swayed" no not even you punked out because people agreed with the OP, stop worrying about what other people think that's what brought you here in the first place.
    Edit: I just read the comment and dude you have got to be kidding me, you tripped over that? I bet if I told you Donald Trump is running for president you'd start crying because for some reason you can't take fact. Don't take things personal. That's a sign of weakness.
    Edited by templesus on September 11, 2016 9:14AM
This discussion has been closed.