Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

**Update 12: Official News (Revamping, Dueling, One Tamriel and Crown Crates)**

  • Alina_Scarbridge
    In One Tamriel, what happens to the storylines?? I want to be able to still go through the story of Queen Ayrenn and the Dominion... will these stories still be there? Will the quest lines still lead us through the zones? I don't understand.
  • Holycannoli
    Enodoc wrote: »
    You missed Oblivion? If so, that's where this "scale everything" idea came from. Whatever level you were, most of the enemies were that level too. Even Skyrim didn't do that; it was similar, but there were areas in Skyrim with a minimum level, unlike Oblivion.

    That's actually one of the main reasons why I skipped it. I don't want that kind of game. I'm a fan of games like Everquest, Morrowind, Dark Age Of Camelot etc. Traditional RPGs with that traditional leveling system that's been in use since the beginning of computer RPGs. Between scaling and quest markers I decided to stick with Morrowind...until Skyrim was announced.
    Lysette wrote: »
    And as far as new content goes - I will give my low level character perspective to this. so far I did not have real access to about half of the zones, because the mob there is just too strong for my level. With One Tamriel I will be able to adventure into these zones with the expectation that I will be able to successfully fight what I come across. So to me it means the content, which is practically accessible to me will have doubled with this update. To me that is new content, because I have not seen it before and could not experience it in an enjoyable way - I tried, but to fight mobs which are 20+ levels higher and come in packs of 2 or 3 at a time, is just suicidal. So to me One Tamriel will be real fun, I loved the scaling in DLC zones.

    You progress to that harder content. You start off in newbie zones and progress to higher and higher content, earning better loot as you go. That's the computer RPG formula, that's been in use since the early 80s.

    You would have hated Everquest. Not only was the entire game based on leveling and progressing to harder, higher level content, they liked to stick higher level mobs in lower level areas to really increase the challenge. I'm not talking a zone boss you can easily avoid, I'm talking roaming mobs with a large aggro radius you always had to watch for. Even lower level zones like Oasis of Marr could become deadly when a sand giant wandered through your camp, or someone trained the spectres on the beach (classic EQ players know what I'm talking about!). The closest ESO equivalent I can think of are the roaming bosses in IC sewers, but their aggro radius is very small and highlighted in blue. Nowhere near the same danger level.

    This whole idea of scaling every zone makes no sense. They're trying to reinvent the wheel here when there's no need. My champion-level ESO characters already group with low levels in normal dungeons; there's no need for the entire world to be scaled the same way.
    Edited by Holycannoli on August 24, 2016 5:33PM
  • RoyJade
    Skyrim has a scaling system. The main difference with Oblivion is that each zone has his own base difficulty who is raised along with the player. As a result, the north of Skyrim will alway be more difficult than the south, but both are accessible and doable even at low level (the north just ask for more skill).
    That's the system I want to see in TESO : each area doable whatever your level is, but Bangkorai should have much tougher mobs than Glenumbra. Like that, even at high level the low level area will still be interesting and the high level area will be open for low level character.
  • Bryanonymous
    I think many people misunderstand how the scaling actually works. Base attributes scale. You do not get any CP buffs, so higher zones will still be much harder. This is obvious for anyone who used the group finder before they hit CP.
  • Acrolas
    They probably should have marketed the crates as the quarterly DLC and given subscribers a one-time bundle of five just to try them out risk-free. Even the most toxic business ideas are cooled off with free stuff. If you don't get anything cool, then you still got some complimentary soul gems, riding lessons, and mimic stones without ever committing to the system.

    Otherwise, this shift from "new DLC packs quarterly" to "offering quarterly DLC game packs and game updates" just enables them to slowly add, delete, and shift words. Eventually being right back where we started.

    A company with a lot of talk but a lethargic-to-nonexistent release schedule.
    A company so short-sighted in its objective it has to constantly reinvent itself.
    A company that's increasingly hard for a customer to trust.
    signing off
  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    *claps* bravoooo!!! Amazing update from ZOS. Huge congrats to you for working on all these changes. It's quite nice to see such an overhaul to base game zones including Craglorn, making old content as relevant as a new DLC!

    There had been similar efforts, but not other MMO come to mind who had accomplished it at this level! Oh and the sense of freedom. ESO feels more and more as a sandbox and less as a theme park MMO!

    Crates on the other hand sucks. Remove these please. People don't want them.

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • Dubhliam
    Enodoc wrote: »
    You missed Oblivion? If so, that's where this "scale everything" idea came from. Whatever level you were, most of the enemies were that level too. Even Skyrim didn't do that; it was similar, but there were areas in Skyrim with a minimum level, unlike Oblivion.

    That's actually one of the main reasons why I skipped it. I don't want that kind of game. I'm a fan of games like Everquest, Morrowind, Dark Age Of Camelot etc. Traditional RPGs with that traditional leveling system that's been in use since the beginning of computer RPGs. Between scaling and quest markers I decided to stick with Morrowind...until Skyrim was announced.
    Lysette wrote: »
    And as far as new content goes - I will give my low level character perspective to this. so far I did not have real access to about half of the zones, because the mob there is just too strong for my level. With One Tamriel I will be able to adventure into these zones with the expectation that I will be able to successfully fight what I come across. So to me it means the content, which is practically accessible to me will have doubled with this update. To me that is new content, because I have not seen it before and could not experience it in an enjoyable way - I tried, but to fight mobs which are 20+ levels higher and come in packs of 2 or 3 at a time, is just suicidal. So to me One Tamriel will be real fun, I loved the scaling in DLC zones.

    You progress to that harder content. You start off in newbie zones and progress to higher and higher content, earning better loot as you go. That's the computer RPG formula, that's been in use since the early 80s.

    You would have hated Everquest. Not only was the entire game based on leveling and progressing to harder, higher level content, they liked to stick higher level mobs in lower level areas to really increase the challenge. I'm not talking a zone boss you can easily avoid, I'm talking roaming mobs with a large aggro radius you always had to watch for. Even lower level zones like Oasis of Marr could become deadly when a sand giant wandered through your camp, or someone trained the spectres on the beach (classic EQ players know what I'm talking about!). The closest ESO equivalent I can think of are the roaming bosses in IC sewers, but their aggro radius is very small and highlighted in blue. Nowhere near the same danger level.

    This whole idea of scaling every zone makes no sense. They're trying to reinvent the wheel here when there's no need. My champion-level ESO characters already group with low levels in normal dungeons; there's no need for the entire world to be scaled the same way.

    THE formula also includes skills with cooldowns, a cluttered UI, a minimap, revealing female armor and much much more.
    I don't know what you expected coming here, but you are in the wrong place.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    Also I really could do with exact dates for the Witches Festival, or else I'm not going to be able to get the time off for it. Just sayin'.

    ^This. I doubt I'd be taking time off from work for it, but it would help me plan ahead.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • Holycannoli
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    THE formula also includes skills with cooldowns, a cluttered UI, a minimap, revealing female armor and much much more.
    I don't know what you expected coming here, but you are in the wrong place.

    It doesn't always include cooldowns, cluttered UI, minimap and skimpy female armor.

    ESO was a fairly traditional MMORPG that was pleasantly soloable, and in beta had large AvA battles I only dreamed of before, full of siege weapons and castle walls crumbling. The areas where it lacked, like UI, were fixed with mods.

    Between scaling and gambling boxes I'm so disappointed I haven't even logged in the past two days to do dailies or anything. It has sapped all my desire to play. I don't look at this game the same now. It's soon to turn in to a game I know I won't enjoy.
    Edited by Holycannoli on August 25, 2016 6:12AM
  • old_mufasa
    aren't they as well adding a 5500 crown pack for the 1st 4 dlc as well.. that's pretty big thing as well I think
    Edited by old_mufasa on August 25, 2016 1:46PM
  • Avenias
    Auto scale is by far the best feature of u12. Second best feature is gurantee monster helm for vet dungeon. I can start screwing around in vet pve content for a change now. The abysmal drop rate now is a nono for me. I am curious to see how undaunted will be streamlined.
  • Lysette
    Enodoc wrote: »
    You missed Oblivion? If so, that's where this "scale everything" idea came from. Whatever level you were, most of the enemies were that level too. Even Skyrim didn't do that; it was similar, but there were areas in Skyrim with a minimum level, unlike Oblivion.

    That's actually one of the main reasons why I skipped it. I don't want that kind of game. I'm a fan of games like Everquest, Morrowind, Dark Age Of Camelot etc. Traditional RPGs with that traditional leveling system that's been in use since the beginning of computer RPGs. Between scaling and quest markers I decided to stick with Morrowind...until Skyrim was announced.
    Lysette wrote: »
    And as far as new content goes - I will give my low level character perspective to this. so far I did not have real access to about half of the zones, because the mob there is just too strong for my level. With One Tamriel I will be able to adventure into these zones with the expectation that I will be able to successfully fight what I come across. So to me it means the content, which is practically accessible to me will have doubled with this update. To me that is new content, because I have not seen it before and could not experience it in an enjoyable way - I tried, but to fight mobs which are 20+ levels higher and come in packs of 2 or 3 at a time, is just suicidal. So to me One Tamriel will be real fun, I loved the scaling in DLC zones.

    You progress to that harder content. You start off in newbie zones and progress to higher and higher content, earning better loot as you go. That's the computer RPG formula, that's been in use since the early 80s.

    You would have hated Everquest. Not only was the entire game based on leveling and progressing to harder, higher level content, they liked to stick higher level mobs in lower level areas to really increase the challenge. I'm not talking a zone boss you can easily avoid, I'm talking roaming mobs with a large aggro radius you always had to watch for. Even lower level zones like Oasis of Marr could become deadly when a sand giant wandered through your camp, or someone trained the spectres on the beach (classic EQ players know what I'm talking about!). The closest ESO equivalent I can think of are the roaming bosses in IC sewers, but their aggro radius is very small and highlighted in blue. Nowhere near the same danger level.

    This whole idea of scaling every zone makes no sense. They're trying to reinvent the wheel here when there's no need. My champion-level ESO characters already group with low levels in normal dungeons; there's no need for the entire world to be scaled the same way.

    Well, I am not really fond of a level-system at all, I like it skill-driven and One Tamriel has more the feeling of a skill-driven system. Those levels are just good in One Tamriel to unlock skills and attribute points are no longer making you stronger, but are just there to fine tune the relation between those attributes and their influence on your gameplay. This is clearly into the direction of skill-driven and less a level-driven system - I really like it - I do not like level-gated zones and linear progression.

    It makes sense, but you have to look at it from the view point of a skill-driven system - One Tamriel basically kills the level-driven approach. And to come with the argument this is the formula since the 80s - well, the 80s are more than a quarter century in the past - it WAS that way, but it does not have to be that way for all eternity. I like skill-driven systems, but the only MMO, which has a purely skill-driven system is EVE online. Now ESO is going into the direction of skill-driven over level-driven and this is a very good move.
    Edited by Lysette on August 25, 2016 9:45AM
  • Riksis
    Even lower level zones like Oasis of Marr could become deadly when a sand giant wandered through your camp, or someone trained the spectres on the beach (classic EQ players know what I'm talking about!).
    Oh that memory of 'train incoming to zone xy'. Especially if entering the zone just after the train warning ^^

    English is not my native language. Please bear with me if spelling, grammar or word choice is not correct.
  • catsgomeow
    I am fine with everything in this update except the crates, the day they are introduced is the day i stop purchasing extra crowns for my collecting hobby, i dont like the idea of my limited time purchases being cheapened by rng, the day they lock exclusive collectable content behind rng that i would like to purchase that is not out right buyable in the crown store is the day i unsub, the day my sub runs out is the day i stop playing.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates !
  • Dubhliam
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    THE formula also includes skills with cooldowns, a cluttered UI, a minimap, revealing female armor and much much more.
    I don't know what you expected coming here, but you are in the wrong place.

    It doesn't always include cooldowns, cluttered UI, minimap and skimpy female armor.

    ESO was a fairly traditional MMORPG that was pleasantly soloable, and in beta had large AvA battles I only dreamed of before, full of siege weapons and castle walls crumbling. The areas where it lacked, like UI, were fixed with mods.

    Between scaling and gambling boxes I'm so disappointed I haven't even logged in the past two days to do dailies or anything. It has sapped all my desire to play. I don't look at this game the same now. It's soon to turn in to a game I know I won't enjoy.

    To each his own, but I can honestly say I don't understand why you and other people make such a big fuss over this.

    Can you explain to me what the big downside of zone scaling is?
    I simply don't see anything worth leaving the game over.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Lysette
    It is the way in which they look at us players basically. I want to be seen as a customer, who enjoys what is offered and is gladly paying a reasonable amount for the entertainment. This kind of thing is a win-win situation for both sides, the company and the player. But what is coming with those RNG boxes is quite different - they do not see us as good customers anymore, but as a milkable crowd, which is just too stupid to look through this gamble scam.

    That is why they offer us this with arguments like "you'll have a chance to get an extremely rare mount", while in fact they are selling you just a crate with low-value consumables and a scheme, which tricks you into buying a huge amount of crates without to ever really get what you want. They think, we are too stupid to recognize, how they are trying to trick us with their crates and even more evil is their attempt to prey on people with a gambling addiction or collectors - who want all items, but if some of them are exclusive to the RNG boxes, ZOS is trying to abuse the collectors behavior and trick them into gambling for a ridiculously low chance to ever be able to complete their collections. They think we are as stupid as a slice of bread.

    And this is insulting and abusive - that is what makes it so unacceptable.
    Edited by Lysette on August 25, 2016 10:40AM
  • Dubhliam
    Lysette wrote: »
    It is the way in which they look at us players basically. I want to be seen as a customer, who enjoys what is offered and is gladly paying a reasonable amount for the entertainment. This kind of thing is a win-win situation for both sides, the company and the player. But what is coming with those RNG boxes is quite different - they do not see us as good customers anymore, but as a milkable crowd, which is just too stupid to look through this gamble scam.

    That is why they offer us this with arguments like "you'll have a chance to get an extremely rare mount", while in fact they are selling you just a crate with low-value consumables and a scheme, which tricks you into buying a huge amount of crates without to ever really get what you want. They think, we are too stupid to recognize, how they are trying to trick us with their crates and even more evil is their attempt to prey on people with a gambling addiction or collectors - who want all items, but if some of them are exclusive to the RNG boxes, ZOS is trying to abuse the collectors behavior and trick them into gambling for a ridiculously low chance to ever be able to complete their collections. In short, they think we are stupid as a slice of bread.

    And this is insulting and abusive - that is what makes it so unacceptable.

    I'm not talking about crates, those are highly unpopular and I get the reason why.

    I don't get why people make a big fuss about zone scaling.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Lysette
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    It is the way in which they look at us players basically. I want to be seen as a customer, who enjoys what is offered and is gladly paying a reasonable amount for the entertainment. This kind of thing is a win-win situation for both sides, the company and the player. But what is coming with those RNG boxes is quite different - they do not see us as good customers anymore, but as a milkable crowd, which is just too stupid to look through this gamble scam.

    That is why they offer us this with arguments like "you'll have a chance to get an extremely rare mount", while in fact they are selling you just a crate with low-value consumables and a scheme, which tricks you into buying a huge amount of crates without to ever really get what you want. They think, we are too stupid to recognize, how they are trying to trick us with their crates and even more evil is their attempt to prey on people with a gambling addiction or collectors - who want all items, but if some of them are exclusive to the RNG boxes, ZOS is trying to abuse the collectors behavior and trick them into gambling for a ridiculously low chance to ever be able to complete their collections. In short, they think we are stupid as a slice of bread.

    And this is insulting and abusive - that is what makes it so unacceptable.

    I'm not talking about crates, those are highly unpopular and I get the reason why.

    I don't get why people make a big fuss about zone scaling.

    Ok, I think that is because they are used to the effects of level-based systems - whereas the new system with One Tamriel is more skill-driven and progression in it feels different - you gain skills, but you do not really become stronger level by level - your progress is in more skills and abilities to use, but your stats based on attributes do not increase in the same way as they did before. This is untypical for a TES game, and that is why I think a lot do not like it - it is unfamiliar to them.

    I love it, but I play EVE since 2008 and that is fully skill-driven and has no levels - so I clearly love skill-driven over level-driven. But TES players come from a level-driven system - skill-driven came a bit into focus with Skyrim's perk system, which was unlike the other TES games. Now ESO is again doing it differently - and that is maybe a bit too much for older TES fans.
  • snakester320
    Lysette wrote: »
    It is the way in which they look at us players basically. I want to be seen as a customer, who enjoys what is offered and is gladly paying a reasonable amount for the entertainment. This kind of thing is a win-win situation for both sides, the company and the player. But what is coming with those RNG boxes is quite different - they do not see us as good customers anymore, but as a milkable crowd, which is just too stupid to look through this gamble scam.

    That is why they offer us this with arguments like "you'll have a chance to get an extremely rare mount", while in fact they are selling you just a crate with low-value consumables and a scheme, which tricks you into buying a huge amount of crates without to ever really get what you want. They think, we are too stupid to recognize, how they are trying to trick us with their crates and even more evil is their attempt to prey on people with a gambling addiction or collectors - who want all items, but if some of them are exclusive to the RNG boxes, ZOS is trying to abuse the collectors behavior and trick them into gambling for a ridiculously low chance to ever be able to complete their collections. They think we are as stupid as a slice of bread.

    And this is insulting and abusive - that is what makes it so unacceptable.
    im going to have to stop you there we are as stupid as a slice of bread ( while not all of us ) but the majority of the community is ( even with the hate thread of them ) there going to buy these boxes by the 100s and 1000s and until they relize that there getting screwed over and stop ZOS will have made more money all off idiots!! sell 500 boxs and its a win!!

  • Sneaky-Snurr
    I'm wondering how the Alliance questline/story will unfold now that the restriction is going to be lifted. Like eg. meeting Razum Dar at Reaper's March and having him greet you like an old friend even though you just met him lol.
    The Order of the Shadows: Nightmare
      EP CP810 Nightblade
      AD CP810 Templar
      AD CP810 Dragon Knight
      AD Lvl 25 Sorceror
      DC Lvl 23 Nightblade
    {PC•NA•no-CP Ravenwatch}

    Shadow hide you. -Unknown
    There is no clean fight in a war. -Shun Izaki
  • Dubhliam
    A bit too much?
    What is a bit too much?

    The game does not meet their expectations so they just quit?
    Some people really need to get over themselves.

    Both Skyrim and Oblivion were highly popular, and nobody seemed to mind scaling content.
    After all, why should they?

    Zone scaling is one of the best things that are happening to ESO right now, and if people feel like quitting because it does not meet their expectations, I won't stop them.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Lysette
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    A bit too much?
    What is a bit too much?

    The game does not meet their expectations so they just quit?
    Some people really need to get over themselves.

    Both Skyrim and Oblivion were highly popular, and nobody seemed to mind scaling content.
    After all, why should they?

    Zone scaling is one of the best things that are happening to ESO right now, and if people feel like quitting because it does not meet their expectations, I won't stop them.

    I think as well that is over-reacting - it takes to get used to it - but I enjoyed playing in a DLC zone so much more than in a normal zone. Even my lowest level character could play there with stats, which were even better than those of my more advanced characters - but the lower level one has less skills and abilities, so he is not better than the others, but he can still hold his ground in a DLC zone - with stats like 18k/27k/28k for example (using a blue health/stamina food) - and this is great, with that he can play there with a good chance to make up for his lack of skills yet - and this is great with this system, he can effectively go anywhere in Tamriel and adventure there - sometimes he might meet something what kills him, but otherwise a lot of fun and freedom - so much better than before.
  • sadownik
    Lysette wrote: »
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    A bit too much?
    What is a bit too much?

    The game does not meet their expectations so they just quit?
    Some people really need to get over themselves.

    Both Skyrim and Oblivion were highly popular, and nobody seemed to mind scaling content.
    After all, why should they?

    Zone scaling is one of the best things that are happening to ESO right now, and if people feel like quitting because it does not meet their expectations, I won't stop them.

    I think as well that is over-reacting - it takes to get used to it - but I enjoyed playing in a DLC zone so much more than in a normal zone. Even my lowest level character could play there with stats, which were even better than those of my more advanced characters - but the lower level one has less skills and abilities, so he is not better than the others, but he can still hold his ground in a DLC zone - with stats like 18k/27k/28k for example (using a blue health/stamina food) - and this is great, with that he can play there with a good chance to make up for his lack of skills yet - and this is great with this system, he can effectively go anywhere in Tamriel and adventure there - sometimes he might meet something what kills him, but otherwise a lot of fun and freedom - so much better than before.

    And thats a problem for me. I have absolutely no problem in down - lvling characters. I find up leveing characters as atrocious. ESO is not a skill based game however many times you will repeat that. It is a game of stats and up lvling takes away that little feeling of character developement i had in ESO.
  • Dark_Aether
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    driosketch wrote: »
    Boxes aside, I've noticed we've gone from a full zone update, to a series of half zones, to a pair of dungeons to no DLC at all for update 12.

    Free stuff is always fine by me. Especially revamped craglorn and dueling, which you don't pay a single penny to get. Plus, we're getting vet versions of all the dungeons we currently have as normal, and normal dungeons for all current vet versions.

    Sounds a whole lot better than a new zone to me =)

    And people will keep saying ZOS does not listen, not realizing they cannot do everything at once.
  • Dubhliam
    sadownik wrote: »
    Lysette wrote: »
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    A bit too much?
    What is a bit too much?

    The game does not meet their expectations so they just quit?
    Some people really need to get over themselves.

    Both Skyrim and Oblivion were highly popular, and nobody seemed to mind scaling content.
    After all, why should they?

    Zone scaling is one of the best things that are happening to ESO right now, and if people feel like quitting because it does not meet their expectations, I won't stop them.

    I think as well that is over-reacting - it takes to get used to it - but I enjoyed playing in a DLC zone so much more than in a normal zone. Even my lowest level character could play there with stats, which were even better than those of my more advanced characters - but the lower level one has less skills and abilities, so he is not better than the others, but he can still hold his ground in a DLC zone - with stats like 18k/27k/28k for example (using a blue health/stamina food) - and this is great, with that he can play there with a good chance to make up for his lack of skills yet - and this is great with this system, he can effectively go anywhere in Tamriel and adventure there - sometimes he might meet something what kills him, but otherwise a lot of fun and freedom - so much better than before.

    And thats a problem for me. I have absolutely no problem in down - lvling characters. I find up leveing characters as atrocious. ESO is not a skill based game however many times you will repeat that. It is a game of stats and up lvling takes away that little feeling of character developement i had in ESO.

    And what EXACTLY is the problem in upscaling?
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Holycannoli
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    I'm not talking about crates, those are highly unpopular and I get the reason why.

    I don't get why people make a big fuss about zone scaling.

    Well for me it makes no sense for a low level to be able to grind in a high level zone like Bangkorai or Coldharbour, and it equally makes no sense for a high level to be able to grind in a low level zone like Glenumbra the entire time.

    Honestly, if you start a DC character you can go to Glenumbra and literally never leave the zone all through cp 531 (barring things like missing out on skill points). That makes no sense at all.

    I'm also very concerned about how resource nodes will be scaled. I don't at all like how they're scaled in Wrothgar even though I know it's necessary. My high level crafters farm for and create the gear my low levels need. My enchanter has barely ever collected a resource node and yet he's level 32 enchanting from my high level characters collecting runes for him.

    My main is a cp 182 clothier, level 50 clothing. He collects all the ore my blacksmith needs, who is only level 17 but 45 in blacksmithing. He can go to any zone and collect the appropriate level ore, except DLC or Cyrodiil where he only gets iron ore. So when I need ore or ingots for one of my lower level alts what can I do if resources are scaled like they are in Wrothgar and Cyrodiil? Only my blacksmith can collect the ore so I'm not stuck with iron all the time? And where will he collect mid level ore? He'll be 50 blacksmithing by then, how will he find dwarven ore, ebony ore, orichalcum etc.? My level 50 clothier never finds anything but void bloom and ancestor silk from nodes in Wrothgar and Cyrodiil, but right now if he needs lower level materials he can go to the appropriate zone and collect them no problem. I'm afraid they're gonna screw that up with One Tamriel and make all resource collecting like Cyrodiil and DLC.
    Lysette wrote: »
    Ok, I think that is because they are used to the effects of level-based systems - whereas the new system with One Tamriel is more skill-driven and progression in it feels different - you gain skills, but you do not really become stronger level by level - your progress is in more skills and abilities to use, but your stats based on attributes do not increase in the same way as they did before. This is untypical for a TES game, and that is why I think a lot do not like it - it is unfamiliar to them.

    I love it, but I play EVE since 2008 and that is fully skill-driven and has no levels - so I clearly love skill-driven over level-driven. But TES players come from a level-driven system - skill-driven came a bit into focus with Skyrim's perk system, which was unlike the other TES games. Now ESO is again doing it differently - and that is maybe a bit too much for older TES fans.

    I don't like EVE whatsoever but it's not because it's skill-driven. Skill-driven is fine for some games, but ESO was not designed to be a skill-driven game. For over two years it's been level-driven. They're reinventing the wheel and the game is not designed for it. TES was always level driven even though you did level skills (which they sadly did away with in Skyrim). Skill leveling was the means to increasing level in Morrowind and I loved it.

    I loved Morrowind - one of my favorite RPGs ever, along with Daggerfall. Oblivion changed too many things like level scaling and quest markers so I never bothered with it. Then Skyrim came and totally did away with Morrowind's skills and dumbed everything down for today's console gamers, which I hated and so didn't play it all that much, and then comes ESO which combines Skyrim with a traditional MMORPG and I actually really enjoyed it, so much so I preordered it during beta and subbed the entire time it was sub-based.
    Edited by Holycannoli on August 25, 2016 9:01PM
  • Dubhliam
    Here is some more details on the crates.
    Crate-only items are confirmed, although it can be somewhat reassuring for "collectors" that all those exclusive items can be obtained directly from the store with Gems you get from duplicate items.

    "It makes no sense"

    Seriously? This is your argumentation against battle leveling?
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • phbell
    I have several concerns with this upgrade, but by far the biggest is that it will now triple the number of players in a zone - will it not? That means more people competing for already limited mats, and quests and dungeons will be noticeably more crowded. I already having issues when trying to log into game in the main zones (Mournhold, for instance). How will it be better when 3X the number of players occupy the same zone. I run a high-end gaming rig with a GTX1080 card on a 50Mbps synchronous fiber and sometimes the performance issues are horrible. Tripling the players in zone will only hammer the server resources even more. I suspect that this will be a very rocky undertaking.
  • Dubhliam
    phbell wrote: »
    I have several concerns with this upgrade, but by far the biggest is that it will now triple the number of players in a zone - will it not? That means more people competing for already limited mats, and quests and dungeons will be noticeably more crowded. I already having issues when trying to log into game in the main zones (Mournhold, for instance). How will it be better when 3X the number of players occupy the same zone. I run a high-end gaming rig with a GTX1080 card on a 50Mbps synchronous fiber and sometimes the performance issues are horrible. Tripling the players in zone will only hammer the server resources even more. I suspect that this will be a very rocky undertaking.

    It won't triple.
    I can't be bothered to repeat myself, read this.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Holycannoli
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    "It makes no sense"

    Seriously? This is your argumentation against battle leveling?

    Yes. That you can level from 3 to cp531 in the same starter zone makes no sense. It makes as much sense as spamming iron daggers in Skyrim to reach daedric and dragon crafting.
    Edited by Holycannoli on August 26, 2016 12:27AM
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