You don't like having abundant materials?
I'm personally glad that these new reagents they added are easy to farm, no hassle.
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »I imagine they wanted fighting trolls and such actually worthwhile for people. Alchemy materials also do not have hirelings.
First, imo its the lack of demand more than supply. If poisons were the game breaking monsters of all the pre-release panic, even patched down, you would still make plenty. I keep one stack of cloudy drop poisons per char for missions which say use poison.
Second, i just reject thst availability should be drivem by the desires of dome to use scarcity to make more gold off others. Scarcity for unusual or rate items of specific potent capabilities makes sense, like say kuta.
Scarcity for core components like water to make potions or fat to make poisons or orher commonplace elements is absurd, especially when the argument boils down to you wsnting yo take more gold from others.
I guess it has been proven that we will complain if there are not enough mats, but also if they drop too often
kargen27 wrote:Abundance of poison ingredients isn't hurting the economy at all. Claiming so is akin to saying the dollar menu at Taco Bell is hurting new car sells. The introduction of poisons and the ingredients to make them actually has had no significant impact on the economy good or bad.
Carbonised wrote: »
Getting 1-2 Alkahest from a troll, maybe even 3 on a rare occasion, is alright. Getting 5-6 every kill is too much.
And yes, I imagine they did it too because they wanted everyone to 'try out their new and cool poisons' when they introduced them. The problem, however, is that the current market for poisons and poison ingredients is stagnant and boring.
Carbonised wrote: »
Well, yes. And why is this any surprise to you?
Reading some of these post, they seem to be written by 16 year olds who know nothing about economy.
Of course too many and too few mats is a problem. One will drive the market, and prices, close to zero, the other will create scarcity and inflated prices. That is why there needs to be a reasonable level between supply and demand.
You're arguing against yourself, man. Or with straw men anyway.
Nowhere have I said that poison ingredients is harming the economy elsewhere, I have said that the overabundance have failed to create an interesting and healthy market for poison ingredients.
And had you even bothered reading my post, you would see that I have not bothered farming anything related to poison. I have gotten hundreds and hundreds of poison ingredients just doing my normal things like dungeon runs, because the drops are so insanely high. So no, this is not an "I have farmed these for days and now I can't sell them boo hoo" post in any way.
Ultimately, your arguements make no sense whatsoever. Following your logic, we should just hand out Columbine and alchemy ingredients to everyone too, and ruby mats while we're at it, maybe Repora and Kuta too. Because every market is bad, and it is a good thing that everyone has access to everything all the time. Well no, it isn't. This game, like all other MMOs, is about spending real life time and effort doing something in a game that advances you, gives you progress and profit, and thus keeps you interested in the game and your investment. This is exactly how it works in all other aspects of the crafting experience as well, so why do you insist that poison ingredients should be any different.
No, what I hear is a lot of people who have not spent any skill points in crafting, who don't do material gathering, and who are extremely pleased that they have easy access to poison ingredients without lifting a finger or spending a single coin.
Ultimately this attitude is unhealthy in a vitual economy, and I'm glad that this is at least only a problem regarding poison ingredients, since the system works, more or less, in other areas of the crafting economy of ESO.
To make poison a worthwhile choice, it has to be comparable to what it costs to keep recharging a weapon with soul gems. If it's far easier and cheaper to just recharge an enchantment than it is to gather or buy poison mats, then the rational choice would be to drop poisons. Since Zenimax added them to the game, I assume they want them to be a viable option in this respect.
This is what the drop-rate of poisons is based around, not the crafting market.
Carbonised wrote: »Well, yes. And why is this any surprise to you?
Reading some of these post, they seem to be written by 16 year olds who know nothing about economy.-snip-
To make poison a worthwhile choice, it has to be comparable to what it costs to keep recharging a weapon with soul gems. If it's far easier and cheaper to just recharge an enchantment than it is to gather or buy poison mats, then the rational choice would be to drop poisons. Since Zenimax added them to the game, I assume they want them to be a viable option in this respect.
This is what the drop-rate of poisons is based around, not the crafting market.
Elephant42 wrote: »
Arguing about how poisons are affecting the economy is moot IMHO. I think that @Skritha has the right of it:
Poisons are in direct competition with enchantments and the availability/ease of use between the two MUST be kept similar.
Carbonised wrote: »universal, poisons are really only for pvp. They have no use in pve.