[Review] Breton Hero Outfit is a complete disaster!

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Yikes!!! This looks absolutely horrendous! Definitely not worth the 2k crowns cost and the quality is sub par compared to the wonderful finer detailed new costumes we've had (Treasure Hunter, Toxin Doctor, Priest of the Green). I absolutely don't like this one at all. For that pricetag one expects something truly exceptional.

There's so many flawed things about it:

1. The outfit makes one look inexplicably fat and bloated around the waist (Male Character). I like that not all costumes are body hugging, and liked how the Priest of the Green had the voluminous look - however this one just looks plain bloated.

2. The cowl overhang isn't deep and menacing enough like the art preview it also is much narrower than portrayed before. The Thieves guild leathers executed a much better cowl look.

3. The movement is attrocious, the cloak bit sticks to your legs and creates a dress like feel that is completely unnatural, particularly from the back.

4. There's no body shape contouring on the back of it, it just looks like a drape hanging off someone.

Try it out before you buy it and be aware that the in game movement is horrid. If you're a completionist like me who bought it purely because you have the other two hero armours then go for it, but otherwise save your crowns.

What a disappointment. Hopefully this one will get reworked.
  • Sporvan
    I think I've figured out why it makes you look so oddly proportioned. The arm sleeves are thin and tight and the body is fat because of the opened flare so it accentuates the contrast and makes it look worse.

    Also, the clipping with wielding swords and daggers is terrible. My sheathed daggers are literally stabbing through the fabric of the cloak and coming out the back of it....

    For a much hyped premium costume is looks so hastily executed. Who does the art quality assurance?

    Such a dismal failure.
  • Rohamad_Ali
  • Paulington
    I must agree to a certain extent. The way the "cloak" sticks to your legs looks abysmal, I'd love to know if there is a technical reason for why it must stick to your body like that and not just hang down like you would expect, I assume there must be.

    My Khajiit tails just clip straight through, same with daggers as you say.

    However I could look past all this if the cloak just did not stick to your legs like a wet washcloth, it ruins the costume completely.


    That looks fantastic, just please sort the sticky issue! :smile:.
    Edited by Paulington on July 21, 2016 4:18PM
  • Sporvan
    Here's my fatcloak in action, it seems like the female model is better than the male one.

  • Paulington
    A few more images to show the costume in better light on a male model and illustrate the clipping.

    Breton Male front:


    Khajiit Male front:


    Khajiit Male rear:

  • Ffastyl
    Sporvan wrote: »
    3. The movement is attrocious, the cloak bit sticks to your legs and creates a dress like feel that is completely unnatural, particularly from the back.

    This is how cloth works in ESO, or to say, how cloth does not work. In recent games, cloth is Havok (physics engine) enabled, so cloaks, capes and the like are believably realistic in their movement. Nothing on the character model is Havok enabled, save for the character as whole when in free fall.

    Recently their art & modeling team(s) have been using solid blocks on armor, to recreate how metal behaves. In the original designs (which are still ingame) everything is essentially a retexture of the skin, stretching and compressing with the body during movements and form fitting as a result. Cloth still largely works like this, though as mentioned above, the art & modeling team(s) have begun adding volume to equipment, increasing realism on the designs.

    When it comes to using IK (Inverse Kinematics) or Havok to animate characters, there are three choices: animate nothing, animate the player's character only, or animate everything. Games that do use IK and/or Havok to animate characters do so for the player's character only. Other entities such as NPCs and other players are not animated. Real time physics is an intensive, continuous calculation, so usage is restricted, if used at all.
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  • rhapsodious
    Paulington wrote: »
    A few more images to show the costume in better light on a male model and illustrate the clipping.
    Khajiit Male rear:

    Good Lord.

    I'm thinking they could fix a large portion of the problem if they made the cape ... hold on, I'm gonna have to mock this up.

    Those blobs are where the cape would start fraying. Gives space for the beast races' tails and for the 1H weapons to feasibly be poking out. And would still give the wartorn look.
  • LearnThis
    This is another FAILED costume. I was super excited for this costume and have been waiting all month for it. How come they make such great hero costume designs as artwork but they cannot make the actually costume look the same? Is it really that challenging for their design team to make it work. My characters look fat in it! It is just ugly. I really wish they would re-do each hero costume and release them all again.

    Terrible fail ZOS. Terrible.
    PSN: LearnThis
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  • reclaimervii.sierra117ub17_ESO
    Sporvan wrote: »
    I think I've figured out why it makes you look so oddly proportioned. The arm sleeves are thin and tight and the body is fat because of the opened flare so it accentuates the contrast and makes it look worse.

    Also, the clipping with wielding swords and daggers is terrible. My sheathed daggers are literally stabbing through the fabric of the cloak and coming out the back of it....

    For a much hyped premium costume is looks so hastily executed. Who does the art quality assurance?

    Such a dismal failure.

    It looks bad, -100 on the team who worked on this not worth 2k crowns
  • jan.denaanb16_ESO

    I currently can't buy it but I really wanted to... Glad I saw this thread first...

  • DragonSamurai360
    You know this is probably the best looking costume out of all of the costume's I have seen on the Crown Store. It looks really good on my Imperial character. In my opinion I think all the hero costume's look really good, I think most of you are just too picky.
    Edited by DragonSamurai360 on July 21, 2016 6:25PM
  • Sporvan
    You know this is probably the best looking costume out of all of the costume's I have seen on the Crown Store. It looks really good on my Imperial character. In my opinion I think all the hero costume's look really good, I think most of you are just too picky.

    You're one of the extreme minority here. Most people are upset about it, it's all over reddit and the general forum.
  • Ghost-Shot
    I don't understand why they couldn't take the same physics that already apply to the butt flaps on armor and apply it to the cloak to make it move, it looks completely ridiculous the way it is now.
  • andreasranasen
    I'm laughing so hard to all of these posts xD. Can someone please explain why capes on costumes even light armor is glued to your character? I've seen other games such as Guild Wars 2, and their capes/dresses/light armor looks and feels flowy. It moves in the wind etc. I feel like Zenimax needs to take a fashion class on how to create beautiful silhouettes.

    Ex: http://s1223.photobucket.com/user/drosera123/media/HumanEngineerFemale.jpg.html
    Edited by andreasranasen on July 21, 2016 7:11PM
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  • Osukā
    The front of the costume is good for me, the glued cloak withot physics make think two times after buying this costume... I was assuming this since I watch the pic a month ago, I really hope this get fixed, that would be awesome.

    The costume looks very good on Dunmer muscle/skinny vampire, High elf and Nord Vampire, I can't say very much the same about Breton, Breton seems Fat with a ''Puffy'' chest as well and the Khajiit one doesn't look pretty good and also is a 50/50 for Orcs, It just need to get fixed of that glued Cloak, please!
    Edited by Osukā on July 21, 2016 8:04PM
  • Mojmir
    I like how zos never showed the backside because it's glued to it's legs.lololol
  • Holy-Dope
    DC- Holy DOPE, Altmer Nightblade
    (And many those who did not make it to the end R.I.P.)

  • Preyfar
    Paulington wrote: »
    A few more images to show the costume in better light on a male model and illustrate the clipping.

    Khajiit Male front:

    It looks pretty good on your Khajiit, but mine gets some awkward child bearing hips for some reason.

  • RogueShade
    Was considering buying this until I saw how it looked. The trend of only male body models strikes again and it looks terrible on females. So not buying it. Also haven't bothered with most of the newer motifs for the same reason. Doing this with a limited time item is horrible.
  • Elsonso
    So where do I find a video of this costume in action?
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  • SpearofBitterMercy
    Should have pushed for a CoE
  • Niastissa
    It's processing but in a few moments you can see what it looks like on my character in a higher resolution.

    I like the overall design but the overcoat or cloak, whatever it is, needs a lot of work behind the legs.

  • Sporvan
    Niastissa wrote: »
    It's processing but in a few moments you can see what it looks like on my character in a higher resolution.

    I like the overall design but the overcoat or cloak, whatever it is, needs a lot of work behind the legs.


    Yep, looks terrible - where's her buttocks contour in this? Looks like a tortoise shell C curve from behind.
  • Niastissa
    Sporvan wrote: »

    Yep, looks terrible - where's her buttocks contour in this? Looks like a tortoise shell C curve from behind.

    I know. :cry:

    I got so excited when I saw the preview but the preview is just a static pose. I didn't realize the back end didn't move like cloth. I really would like my crowns back.
  • rhapsodious
    Niastissa wrote: »

    I know. :cry:

    I got so excited when I saw the preview but the preview is just a static pose. I didn't realize the back end didn't move like cloth. I really would like my crowns back.

    Damn, it's like the cape is made of plastic and taped to your legs. I think I'd really rather go without. Or just have a little tiny cape that goes to like elbow-length. \:
  • Aeladiir
    Please listen to your consumer base.
  • Mojmir
    this was the one costume I was waiting for since they we're previewed, no faith in any of your future costumes.
  • Jordanory
    Most of the costume I thought was fine, but the one detail that REALLY bugged me was the gloves. It seems like they completed the first arm's design and just mirrored it over to the other arm to save time. Couldn't they have at least mirrored the other arm, with the fingerless glove? That looked much more badass imo breton_render.jpg
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  • Elfbait
    This armor had "pudgy suburban edgelord" written all over it from the start, so I'm glad the in-game model is consistent with that feel. Once costume dyes become a thing, this outfit will be even more fun to look at.
  • E-Zekiel
    This outfit makes the need for cloth simulation in ESO all the more clearer, imo.
This discussion has been closed.