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Population Control - LGBTQIA/Ally Aldmeri Dominion Guild

  • bthreeoh
    Soul Shriven
    Forgot to add, 34 male
  • TheRealLP
    Welcome everyone! Invites have been sent!
  • Barkingllama
    Page 4 on the forums? Unacceptable.

    Btw, there are now both werewolves and a vampire in the guild. No bites up right now (as far as I'm aware), but the cool downs are always recharging ;D
    Edited by Barkingllama on July 6, 2015 2:54AM
  • TheRealLP
    We are definitely still recruiting. Feel free to hit me up with any questions!
  • Sakurachan1
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interested in joining a gay friendly guild; Aldmeri Dominion. Gamertag = Sakurachan1

    Would love an invite!
  • aseperateb14_ESO
    I'm Aldmeri and would love an invite. My gamertag is "aseperate"!
  • Sakurachan1
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the invite! For some reason it wouldn't let me send an in game mail to xAoDx Penguin or Darth Medon with my age (37 years old). Error message said "no player with that gamertag" or something like that.

    Can you also invite my partner and our two best friends (all gay):

    Back Doctor
  • Tojoho
    The whole mail thing is kinda wonky. It seems to help if the recipient is online at the same time, and if you load the gamertag in the search box before you send anything. Maybe I'm just seeing something where there is nothing. :)
  • aseperateb14_ESO
    I'm Aldmeri and would love an invite. My gamertag is "aseperate"!

    Still hoping for an invite. :)

  • kag116
    Soul Shriven
    I'll join!! My gamertag is: kag116
  • TheRealLP
    Hey guys,

    Invites will be sent tonight. We ended up starting a new guild, due to Darth Medon being inactive. If you would like an invite to the new (and active) guild, I will get you all invited tonight @aseperateb14_ESO @kag116 @Tojoho @Sakurachan1

    New thread: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/193306/dominion-pride-lgbt-aldmeri-dominion?new=1
  • Tojoho
    Please do. I won't be on until tomorrow evening at the earliest, maybe as late as Friday, but please do! Thanks!
  • TheRealLP
    Tojoho wrote: »
    Please do. I won't be on until tomorrow evening at the earliest, maybe as late as Friday, but please do! Thanks!

    Invite was sent last night :)
  • sean_s86
    Soul Shriven
    Edit. Didn't check which console :(
    Edited by sean_s86 on July 23, 2015 7:51PM
  • Cupovboy
    Soul Shriven
    Hey can I get in my Gt: Cupo Vboy and my character name is Cupovboy
  • Japes_III
    Soul Shriven
    Hey! I'd love to be a part of this. Just got ESO a couple days ago and could use the help/can't wait to give back and help the community! My GT is: Japes III

    Anyone please feel free to add me! I'm a high elf sorcerer. Currently level 12. And I have a mic!
  • luckybush56
    my GT is advisorychimp73
    my friend GT is sensibleplace78
    plz inv us ty!!!
  • Japes_III
    Soul Shriven
    See post 102
  • ninjadragonguy
    my GT is ninjadragonguy thx
  • Leos2000
    Add me please, GT: DaiyamoLeoblaze
  • Hbadger94
    Soul Shriven
    Can I get a invite
  • homopn
    GT: npomoh
  • ninjaneer360
    GT: ninjaneer360

    Hi, I'm looking for an active guild for Group Dungeons, Cyrodiil, and trading. Please add me! I'm 29 btw.
  • abeardedprincess
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I would love to join
    My ganertag is: MichaelLuvCandB
  • Boyenga91
    Sorry for my inactivity, unfortunately out of game stuff had occurred, but, I do plan on returning very soon!

    I will definitely go ahead and start sending out invites again here in the next day or two, so, please be patient.
    Assuming all of you are still interested in joining, of course.
    • -Jon
    • Guild Master of Population Control
    • Gamertag: Darth Medon
  • magnushemi
    Soul Shriven
    add me Gamer Tag Magnus Hemi
  • XxDeadxX516
    Soul Shriven
    GT: XxDead516xX

    I mostly pvp but I'd love to do some pledges. VR 14 NB
    I really wanna be able to get on chat with peeps and not get a bunch of transphobia lol
  • Riosx
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, can i join ? Gt: CorPse MarIne. I'm active.
    And I'm really interested :smile:
    Can you add SARGES GAMING?
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