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Population Control - LGBTQIA/Ally Aldmeri Dominion Guild


If you are wondering what that acronym stands for, I'll break it down for you:

I am recruiting for a brand spankin' new Aldmeri Dominion guild that will be focusing on social aspects of the game as well as PvE and PvP gameplay.
Our main goal here is to build lasting, healthy, relationships for our members inside and possibly outside of the game.
This is a predominantly LGBTQIA guild, we will be accepting allies into our ranks as well (we're not heartless!).
Currently we're just looking to bolster our ranks, but, later on there will definitely be a more stringent application process for entry.

I understand we're all (semi)human and sometimes we don't get along with each other, all I ask is that you keep the drama out of the guild. If you have any issues with any of the members, including myself, please feel free to block me, I really don't mind! Would rather a stress free environment.
On that note, I will not tolerate any type of bullying or teasing, that's not us.
I personally don't mind adult discussion taking place, however, it's probably poor taste to hold such conversation within earshot of our younger members.
As such, when you are invited into the guild, I would like for you to tell me your age that way I can make note of it for everyone to see. It's for respect!
Younger members means that this guild is not like the LGBT guilds in other games, I don't require you to be over the age of 18 to join, I'd love to see this guild as a safe haven for the future, even a support group (if need be)!

Go ahead and leave your gamertag in the comments section below so that one of our members is able to add you.

Some of the activities that I hope come to fruition in this guild are:
  • Grinding Together
  • Delving Together
  • Crafting
  • Trading
  • Participate in Chat
  • Take Cyrodiil
  • Rule the World

Be active in the Guild Bank, you never know who may be looking for what when you don't need something! I will vie eagerly for a Guild Trader once we meet the requirements!

Thank you all for reading this, hope you all have a lovely day!

PS. Those of you who are looking for a temporary guild, like some that have asked to join, only to quit a few minutes after looking... Please, pass this thread up. I don't, and I'm sure others do not, have time for your antics. Thanks! :D
Edited by Boyenga91 on June 17, 2015 6:58AM
  • -Jon
  • Guild Master of Population Control
  • Gamertag: Darth Medon
  • TheRealLP
    Im in! GT: xAoDx Penguin
  • alps1979
  • alps1979
    Na server?I think it matters
  • TheRealLP
    Yes alps, this will be on the NA Server. :)
  • Boyenga91
    I've updated the original post to reflect some of what the guild is about.
    • -Jon
    • Guild Master of Population Control
    • Gamertag: Darth Medon
  • dblurxd_ESO
    Invite me, my gamertag is dBluRxD!
  • Boyenga91
    I am currently at work, I will be sure to add you in later on today though. <3
    • -Jon
    • Guild Master of Population Control
    • Gamertag: Darth Medon
  • JoeGawson
    Soul Shriven
    iCy x Gawson
  • WyldfireWyrm
    Gamertag is WyldfireWyrm.
  • panterrokatt
    Soul Shriven
    Omg count me IN!!! My gamer tag is PanterroKat
    Im on online most days after 6pm est
    looking forward to meeting yall in game
  • dblurxd_ESO
    Invite me please, my gamertag is dBluRxD!
  • TheKeLWord
    Soul Shriven
    Yay! I'm really excited for this! My gamertag is The KeLWord. Make sure you put a space after "The" or it won't work. See you in Tamriel! Let's glitterbomb Cyrodiil!
  • dblurxd_ESO
    you should change it to LGBTS(S being straight) so that everyone can be equal as one. not trying to be a pain just want everyone to get along
  • alps1979
    Let me create a AD toon and then you can send me an invite.
  • alps1979
    K...I have an altering toon now.can I get an invite when your ready.
  • Barkingllama
    I'd love an invite :3.

    Gamertag: Domingo Montoya
  • alps1979
  • locorebel
    Soul Shriven
    Gt: locorebel invite pls also looking for a friend for a bite would like to go vamp
  • jrossusaf
    Soul Shriven
    My gamer tag is Ross La Boss please inv me
  • Letspretend96
    Invite me! I am gay and an active player daily, My gamer tag is Letspretend96
  • Boyenga91
    Invitations have been sent! :)
    • -Jon
    • Guild Master of Population Control
    • Gamertag: Darth Medon
  • ETHAN24
    Soul Shriven
    I would love to join your guild! My gamer tag is ETHAN x l24l
  • TheRealLP
    Invite sent, Ethan. :)
  • etan924
    Soul Shriven
    This sounds like fun. Could someone invite me please? My gamer tag is Etan924. I'm away this week, so I won't be on until next week. Thanks!!
  • tinybats
    Soul Shriven
    Please send me an invite! Gamertag is TINYBATS
  • Barkingllama
    Hey there, see you sent out invites but I don't see that I got one :(

    Could I get a resend please, GT Domingo Montoya
  • Boyenga91
    I did send you one, how odd. I'm working currently... If you are able to wait until I log on, or if one of the other members sees this(who are able to invite) could do so... I'd appreciate it.

    Thank you for your patience! <3
    • -Jon
    • Guild Master of Population Control
    • Gamertag: Darth Medon
  • cmarflak1
    Soul Shriven
    I'll join!
    Gamer tag: CMarflak1
  • connor43
    Soul Shriven
    can i get and invite please
    my gt is s0up son 21
  • alps1979
    Thank you :)
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