This just isnt good enough and is getting to the point of being disgraceful!!!

I think we all know what i am talking about, as we all have to deal with the daily lag issues and crashes. No sorry this is now hourly and quarter hourly crashes and lag. This has come to the point where the game cannot be played the way it was meant to be. I am an eso plus member, i also pay for my sons and wife's eso plus membership per month which amounts to around £30 a month as well as our xbox live subscriptions, you get where im coming from. I could list hundreds of crashes and lag issues that occur every day. I will give you an example of the last hour. So i log in and load into Deshan, no i have to load in again, no wait i take a step or 2 and yes, i have to load in again, eventually after "this may be an unusually long load time(no a normal load time)i am able to get myself to the undaunted enclave at which point i have counted 15 seconds until i can visibly see either of the undaunted bounty givers to pick up the quests, oh wait another load screen. I go to the main square to pick up my writs, manage to get through these and use the wayshrine to Wrothgar. Now i purposely, as i know others do, having spoken in guilds, load into a wayshrine out of Orsinium because that place is just a no go zone, you are guaranteed a crash without fail, you are unable to craft there, unable to use vendors and even just going into the city the frame rate drops and the game becomes almost unresponsive. Baring in mind i am paying a monthly subscription to use this content. Whilst i am delivering my writs i decide to put myself in a que for a dungeon, normally if i am a dps character, i can have a wait of around at least an hour sometimes a lot longer(dont get me started on the morons that put themselves as dps\tank\healer with 10 champ points that spoil it for the group). On this occasion the group is disbanded within seconds ( didnt think the group leader could do this anymore?!?) and i now have a 15min penalty which is not my fault at all then probably another hour or 2 wait. So i decide to go and pick up my daily delve quest and within seconds of starting on my way to do this i have a, you guessed it a game crash, at which point i am now waiting another 5mins to load in,at which point i have just given up trying to play the game tonight as really cannot be bothered anymore with looking at endless load screens and game crashes. Now before we go any further, i have a degree in networking and am currently working in remote support. I can categorically tell you that all ports regarding not just xbox live but those concerning the ESO ports are all forwarded and my NAT type is open. I currently having just tested a minute ago to see i have an 80meg connection and have extensively tested other multiplayer games to find that they work perfectly without issue, so this has nothing to do with my connection this is purely down to the "supposed" ESO European megaserver. This has now got to a point where i am starting to begrudge paying my subscription and those of my families. I am aware of the DB update and the issues a new patch can bring in its infancy but this\these are not new issues, they have just got worse. I think it is disgusting that they are still taking my money with no apology, no mention of any fixes or what they are going to do to resolve these issues, in fact i would go as far as to say they seem to be quite incompetent in what they are trying to achieve with this game and quite frankly i have become very annoyed (as you may well be able to tell) with the total lack of disregard and respect for the loyal paying members of this community. I love this game and have put many hours into it, i have amassed a wealth of gold and collateral, as well as nearly 600 champ points and 3 characters. But enough is enough, if there is no improvement within the coming weeks, i will put all of my horded goods in the guild bank along with my gold, delete my characters and my account and say goodbye to this shambolic game. Sorry for this rant, but it has been a long time coming and good luck trying to play this very broken game. Peace
  • Teridaxus
    Ever heard of paragraphs?
  • UltimaJoe777
    Can I have your stuff?
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • Tryxus
    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • Sunburnt_Penguin
    For love of God: paragraphs, please.
  • wayfarerx
    OMG what happened to your enter key man?
    @wayfarerx - PC / North America / Aldmeri Dominion
  • Robbmrp
    Ever heard of paragraphs?

    @mzapkeneb18_ESO They lagged out before being able to make more than one......
    NA Server - Kildair
  • babedenny
    At first I thought it was a 1024bit PGP signature.
  • cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO
    Well, the game has been dying for a while now, ZoS is just busy milking all the naive people actually paying them for the mess of a game we got these days until they shut the servers down.
    R.I.P. Daranth Spellborn
    VR16 Dunmer Sorcerer
    March 2014 - May 2016
    He was a skilled Crafter and a reliable Sorcerer;
    Then came the Dark Brotherhood

    Wrobel wrote: Surge is now more effective for tank characters.
    Because crit tanks are so good, LOL. xD
  • Woeler
  • ShedsHisTail
    Only disgrace I'm seeing here is your failure to utilize paragraphs.
    "As an online discussion of Tamrielic Lore grows longer, the probability of someone blaming a Dragon Break approaches 1." -- Sheds' Law
    Have you seen the Twin Lamps?
  • MasterSpatula
    Samuel Beckett once wrote an 83-page-long paragraph, but then he had something original to say.

    I managed to skim enough to get the tired old, "no fixes, no apologies line." You believe this because you want to believe it. You're not getting your way, and it's human nature to believe that people who aren't giving us what we want must be nefarious in some way.

    It's false, though. A quick search of these forums would have found plenty of threads on the topic, discussions of the issues involved, statements of their strategy, explanations of why things they've tried haven't worked, and, yes, apologies.

    There is simply no argument to be made that they don't care.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Darkestnght
    Well said. I am on Xbox One NA and have the same issues. I do not pay a subscription but I certainly will not be buying the DB DLC, not until I can play the game without all the above you mentioned happening. I really like this game and have for 2yrs but enough is enough. When is spoils my night and waste my time I'd rather play another game.
    Xbox NA - CP1300+
    Xbox EU - CP400+

  • FloppyTouch
    I got lost in the wall of txt someone come find me idk how to get out :(
  • UltimaJoe777
    I got lost in the wall of txt someone come find me idk how to get out :(

    Just break down the 8th wall and you'll be fine.
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • Garldeen
    Yes paragraphs could have been used but doesnt make the argument any less valid so lets not make the formatting the issue here.

    You have lasted much longer than i would have. The more we let companies get away with second rate service, the more they will do it. I bet any problem with the crown store woild be fixed instantly...
  • bedlom
    We know.
  • Cazzy
    In all seriousness, OP, unfortunately I have Chronic Migraines so found it a little difficult to understand. I'm guessing it's about the lag and crashes currently affecting the game? ZOS are looking into it as a matter of priority, I believe :smile:
    Edited by Cazzy on June 21, 2016 9:45PM
  • UltimaJoe777
    bedlom wrote: »
    We know.

    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • babedenny
    Nope. I'm staying hung up on the formatting. I won't even bother to read it.

    I will also continue to sub.
  • UltimaJoe777
    babedenny wrote: »
    Nope. I'm staying hung up on the formatting. I won't even bother to read it.

    I will also continue to sub.

    Mmmm... Sub...

    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • Immortal_Dark410
    Well said. I am on Xbox One NA and have the same issues. I do not pay a subscription but I certainly will not be buying the DB DLC, not until I can play the game without all the above you mentioned happening. I really like this game and have for 2yrs but enough is enough. When is spoils my night and waste my time I'd rather play another game.

    I think they basically put the game out on to many levels that they dont even have enough staff hired to deal with the issues they create themselves. I believe it is a $$ mentality on there part so they tend to run towards the $$ like any company without getting the help or resources needed to fix the issues that are arising with-in the game on a daily basis.
    Well, the game has been dying for a while now, ZoS is just busy milking all the naive people actually paying them for the mess of a game we got these days until they shut the servers down.

    well if they shut the servers down alot of ppl that supported them with there $$ and Time would be pissed more so then they are now with the bugs lol!

    Retired Guild Leader Of AMAZING DEALS OF TAMRIEL
    Retired Guild Leader Of AMAZING DEALS OF NIRN

    DC - DARKDROGO | ORC | STAM DK | LVL 50 | CP 1285
    EP - DARK-ABYSS | DUNMER | MAG TEMP | LVL 50 | CP 1285

  • UltimaJoe777
    Well said. I am on Xbox One NA and have the same issues. I do not pay a subscription but I certainly will not be buying the DB DLC, not until I can play the game without all the above you mentioned happening. I really like this game and have for 2yrs but enough is enough. When is spoils my night and waste my time I'd rather play another game.

    I think they basically put the game out on to many levels that they dont even have enough staff hired to deal with the issues they create themselves. I believe it is a $$ mentality on there part so they tend to run towards the $$ like any company without getting the help or resources needed to fix the issues that are arising with-in the game on a daily basis.
    Well, the game has been dying for a while now, ZoS is just busy milking all the naive people actually paying them for the mess of a game we got these days until they shut the servers down.

    well if they shut the servers down alot of ppl that supported them with there $$ and Time would be pissed more so then they are now with the bugs lol!

    Game isn't dieing by the way so don't listen to people that say it is because it's only an opinion. Stats and current populace speak for itself.
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO
    Well said. I am on Xbox One NA and have the same issues. I do not pay a subscription but I certainly will not be buying the DB DLC, not until I can play the game without all the above you mentioned happening. I really like this game and have for 2yrs but enough is enough. When is spoils my night and waste my time I'd rather play another game.

    I think they basically put the game out on to many levels that they dont even have enough staff hired to deal with the issues they create themselves. I believe it is a $$ mentality on there part so they tend to run towards the $$ like any company without getting the help or resources needed to fix the issues that are arising with-in the game on a daily basis.
    Well, the game has been dying for a while now, ZoS is just busy milking all the naive people actually paying them for the mess of a game we got these days until they shut the servers down.

    well if they shut the servers down alot of ppl that supported them with there $$ and Time would be pissed more so then they are now with the bugs lol!

    Eh, I can't say I care if they shut down the servers anymore myself, I've seen the game go downhill for 2 years now and I'd rather it just ended quickly so we can remember a good game rather than a bad money grab.
    R.I.P. Daranth Spellborn
    VR16 Dunmer Sorcerer
    March 2014 - May 2016
    He was a skilled Crafter and a reliable Sorcerer;
    Then came the Dark Brotherhood

    Wrobel wrote: Surge is now more effective for tank characters.
    Because crit tanks are so good, LOL. xD
  • Molag_Crow
    Instead of focusing on his text format, listen to what he's saying. I totally agree with you, OP. It's happening to us on PS4 too and it's ridiculous. I'm going to upload footage of it if that's what it takes for ZOS to acknowledge the issue.
    --ϟ-- Crows_Descend - Templar - Ebonheart Pact [PS4]&[PC] [EU] --ϟ--
    YoutTube ESO Playlist
    The greatest prison that people live in, is the fear of what other people think. - David Icke
    Be your true, authentic self.

  • UltimaJoe777
    Molag_Crow wrote: »
    Instead of focusing on his text format, listen to what he's saying. I totally agree with you, OP. It's happening to us on PS4 too and it's ridiculous. I'm going to upload footage of it if that's what it takes for ZOS to acknowledge the issue.

    You do know they already acknowledged it though right?
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • Garldeen
    We shouldnt keep needing this stuff fixed, it shouldn't be released in this state in the first place. Finish the content then set the release date not set the release and hope you finish it by then.
  • Tryxus
    Molag_Crow wrote: »
    Instead of focusing on his text format...

    Well, it's kinda hard not to...
    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • BigBragg
    I used to be literate, before I took a wall of text to the eye.
  • UltimaJoe777
    wonkydog wrote: »
    We shouldnt keep needing this stuff fixed, it shouldn't be released in this state in the first place. Finish the content then set the release date not set the release and hope you finish it by then.

    Part of the "finish" is seeing how it goes when it's live. There is no way for them to know what will happen when it goes live until it does. It's step 3 of their testing process.
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
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