The Gold Road Chapter – which includes the Scribing system – and Update 42 is now available to test on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

The base game and its future with One Tamriel

Last night during BE3 as soon as Matt Firor spoke threads popped up here on the One Tamriel announcement. There is a lot of interesting feedback going on in those general reaction threads. This is about the base game (what comes with purchase without DLC), its current state, and its possible future given the premise of One Tamriel. I've been on hiatus from the forums but I wanted to pop in to contribute something to this because there are some really interesting possibilities with the new system.

To those for whom reading something that takes longer than 20 to 30 seconds is a chore, the issues include: how the storyline will change, cleaning up and spicing up the base games quests, removing prohibitive phasing when questing in a group, and adding new repeatable content.

For everyone else, let's get into it.

If you weren't around for the PC launch in 2014 you might have missed the many negative reviews, typified by those that came from Angry Joe and Tom's Hardware. These and similar reviews pointed out issues that persist to this day. Whether you personally are bothered by these issues doesn't change the fact that fixing them won't hurt you but might make the game more appealing to newer/returning players, especially given the emphasis of One Tamriel on being able to group up in the base game and play with your friends. Making the base game better and adding replay value is smart business (the last section is all about that point), so let's look start by looking at some of the big issues people have complained about.

Cleaning/Spicing Up & Filling Out Base Game Zones & Delves

Many early reviewers noted that parts of the base game seemed rushed or bare boned. Many quests are anti-climatic, some areas of zones/delves seem empty, and the delves all have the same exact run in a square pattern (some even use the same exact template as others). ZOS hasn't done nothing about these complaints, but they haven't done a whole lot either. The typical assumption is that this is because of the switch to a Buy-to-Play (B2P) model, and at the end of this post I will explain why it is still a savvy business move to spend resources on issues like this for the base game, but for now let's focus on this particular concern. An example of trying to spice up a quest comes from Stonefalls when you help defend a farm from spiders. A new area was added for a big final fight and there is appropriate dialogue to fit this and everything, even some cool new (well at the time new) animations. No spoilers. Could work like this be done throughout the base game? Of course.

Concerning the delves, there was a project announced to go back and make them less generic and repetitive, and it did see some changes added to the game, then it seemed to be forgotten. It could be restarted. Then there is the awkwardness of key NPCs who exist in many places at once as if stuck in a weird time loop. You move forward to the next quest, or even the next zone, but if you go back to an old zone these major NPCs who make repeat appearances are still there waiting for you to do something you did weeks, months, or years ago. A clever use of phasing tech? Once you get to a certain point in the questline, make them disappear. You can still leave these NPCs (or add them with quest-stage phasing) in areas where you might expect to see them anyway, with generic dialogue reflecting the fact that you've completed that Alliance's stories. Generic NPCs don't need this treatment so they can be left alone.

As for empty/dull areas of zones, a new and simple twist on an idea kicked around for a long time can help with that -- a special treasure chest placed randomly and hard to find. This could be paired with something like a special mob that spawns somewhere in the game but only in the offbeat areas. Beyond that, the last thing I posted about before my hiatus from the forums was level-synching and adding repeatable content. Some of these could have quest objectives out in the nowhere. No need to go read up on my prior suggestion by clicking on that link, unless you just want to, as I am updating it here.

My version of level-synching wasn't the same as what ZOS is doing but the goals are the same: to let players with higher level characters play with those with lower level characters without being stupidly overpowered and ruin their experience. The same in reverse with other players being stupidly underpowered when grouping up. It can also help breath life into the old zones. I was pushing for these things and it looks like we will get them. And with the One Tamriel idea, there is also the greater freedom to go where you want when you want. The one downside is that you won't have the same sense of danger going into some areas or the same sense of getting more powerful in serious way, but maybe ZOS is working on things to help with that (cue for a ZOS employee to give us a tease...).

And other than making it easier to group with friends of all levels and not having low level dolmens ruined by General farmers, what else did I propose we could get from level-synching? Why, new repeatable quests, of course!

Here is a model of what ZOS could do with such a project for expanding content in the base game zones:
  • you have things such as the TG and DB repeatables and fishing already to get people back into these zones so leave those as they are
  • turn dark fissures into events on par with dark anchors to add more "we don't need to group but can still come together" style moments
  • add -- some to start and more over time -- new repeatable quests for the base alliance zones for 15 zones worth of "new" content for any individual player:
    • one at first and then another Wrothgar-like quest for each delve which you get from innkeepers (TES nostalgia!)
    • one at first and then up to three repeatable quests for the public dungeons
    • two or three at first and then up to ??? new quests for overworld where you either have to kill so many existing mobs and grab an item placed there by the quest, or do something with new mobs placed there by the quest, etc; can do standard MMO quests or hopefully get really creative or at least add some fun elements like in-jokes for TES fans
    • you can get an XP/gold bonus each day for doing one of each type of repeatable quest in each Alliance (so three bonuses per day times three Alliances)
    • loot table would include some fun sets that don't ever get scaled up but now will be available at your true level when scaling
    • loot table would include other items that even experienced players would like such as stacks of mats
  • redo portions of Craglorn based on the model from DLC successes
Doing these things will open up so much for ESO and really move the game closer than ever toward that TES feel people always talk about. This content can either include or be in addition to adding repeatable quests to the Fighters and Mages Guilds. For Fighters, the contract against the daedra is still in place, so either these are all still related to that (daedra have appeared outside of some town, a portal to Oblivion has spawned in some little old lady's basement, etc) or maybe there is room for a little something different. Some would be available right away when you join the Fighters Guild, and new ones would open up when you reach maximum rank in it. The Mages Guild would work the same way but without the restrictions the current setting/lore has on the targets of the Fighters Guild. Of course, the Psijic Order would--oh, wait. Sorry. Not supposed to talk about that yet. I said nothing, I wrote nothing.

Grouping and Group Content

Another criticism from launch that is still relevant is that it can be very frustrating to group with others to do quests. If we are working on the same quest while grouped and I solve a puzzle it isn't solved for you. If that puzzle opens a door and a boss appears, you can't see it or help. Yes, the difficulty in the game has been nerfed into the ground to make it solo friendly, but, some people do actually like to quest together and chat and joke around. Really. And if you've done a quest you can't help or accompany them at all. This can be solved by setting your quest phasing to whoever has the least progress on a quest in your group. Even if you've finished the quest you could still see what that player sees and interact with objects and mobs from that phase. You couldn't retake the quest or get credit for it again, but it would be much more pro-social and group friendly.

Making such group quest phasing changes allows for the addition of more group-oriented (yet still group *optional*) content. This could be among the things added to the repeatable quests outlined above. Want to go solo and show off or maybe you just don't like or are uncomfortable around other people, even online? Sure, take one of those quests and work on it solo for 20-25 minutes. Or group up and get it done in 5-10 while chatting away with others, perhaps goofing around or even role-playing your way through it. And while some may cringe at any sign of group-oriented content or say that is has no real place in ESO because data shows blah blah blah, again, I'm talking about group-oriented not group-required. But speaking of group-required content, if you build it well, they (MMORPGers who love that kind of thing) will come (to ESO).

So since we are on the topic of group content, fixing group finder and never ever breaking it again is important. So is adding Trials to the group finder. Yet so is enhancing group dungeons and adding new ones that have more diverse setting, color pallets, music, and so on. There are some MMORPGs where I like to run group content over and over because the setting is so beautiful and there is unique music for each instanced location created just for that piece of group content. Yes the fights are important, too, but the atmosphere also matters. This gives instances their own feel and adds to their replayability. Even ESO's harshest critics nonetheless credited it with amazing music. Building on that strength is a no-brainer and can be done for all existing instanced group content. Creating new types of settings unlike what the game already has is also an obvious choice.

As for giving the community sequels (i.e. veteran versions) to four player dungeons that haven't yet received them, this will also be very welcome. As an example of that combined with the call for enhanced atmosphere, take Tempest Island. The normal version happens during a fierce storm, so the music could reflect that dark, gloomy, threatening atmosphere. But even islands prone to storms have bright, sunny days. So imagine the veteran version of that locale but with blue skies bringing out brilliant hues in blooming flowers and swarms of colorful insects. Give it some music to match. Who knows what the new threat or challenge would be for the added quest, but I already want to go! (And I can picture something similar for Selene's Web but maybe in reverse, becoming more gloomy.)

Storyline Changes

Whether you love or hate the idea of opening up all of Tamriel at level 3 (except for Coldharbour and the PvP areas of Cyrodiil), a big issue is the storyline. The current story has Meridia disguise you when you start questing in other Alliances since you would be considered a hero of an enemy faction. My hope is that ZOS really puts thought into a great way to maintain this excuse or to come up with a better one rather than just let the continuity error hang there. I'm not saying the plot device originally used was the best, but it worked well enough. This of all possible changes related to One Tamriel will be the one that received the least feedback from players at a time when such feedback would be most helpful. I hope ZOS considers asking some players to sign an NDA and give feedback on this very soon. I doubt it will happen -- hopefully it already has -- but there are many players who regularly give thoughtful feedback on storylines, lore/plot consistency, and so on who could help with this.

Investing More in the Base Game is a Good Business Move

Any time someone posts a thread about improving the base game the same kinds of objections arise:
  • "I don't have a problem with it as it is now so it's a waste of time."
  • "ZOS will never make anything it can't sell as DLC now that ESO is B2P."
  • "ZOS can't do anything without screwing up so leave the base game alone."

On the surface these seem reasonable but they have some problems and shouldn't be used as an excuse not to lobby ZOS for making their basic product better.

The first objection overlooks that there are other players (and more importantly potential/new players) who do get turned off, disappointed, or bored because of the issues raised. It won't hurt people who find the current game perfectly fine to have more for those who want it. The second objection is a very good one but improving the base game will help attract and retain players who can then sub or buy the DLC. The third objection also has some merit, but let's face it: ZOS had years of private and alpha/beta development, then two years live, to get the right people hired and trained, to create and improve protocols for design, testing, feedback processing, and bug fixes, and so on. They are running what everyone describes as a AAA-level MMORPG. If, at this point, you really think that they can't make a reasonable go at incrementally improving what they've already created on a steady schedule, then why do you still play? ESO is doomed to perpetual mediocrity and any issues introduced by base game improvement will be just like the ones you already put up with for each new DLC. Why be satisfied with that? Push them to move forward and to get better and to make the game better. Don't settle.

The thing I want to focus on here, though, is the business aspect. Having a good base product that gets significantly better over time gives ESO and ZOS a better reputation. ZOS gets to talk about how they've dealt with issues people have complained about and how they then moved forward even further to make all new improvements. That's great for marketing --> sales --> player retention --> subs/DLC sales --> profits. Profits and increased player satisfaction go hand-in-hand and you better believe ZOS wants that extra money with long-term profitability. And keep in mind they don't have to do this all in one big expansion (though they could), but it would help to have noticeable progress each fiscal quarter.

This could be accomplished with a new team added to the dev squad whose job is to go back and refine, update, and add to the base game and already-released DLC (but base game fist!). To beef it up, loosen it up, and polish it until it shines. Given how ZOS keeps crowing about its sales and popularity, reinvesting back into something that will lay a foundation for increased success and financial viability is a win-win. Having that base-game team working with other departments and helping to create a superior experience for new and long term players would allow ZOS to realize the full potential of the move to One Tamriel. I sincerely hope they take a serious look into giving TES/ESO fans a chance to fully experience and enjoy that potential. Thanks for reading.

i]EDITED to correct several vexing typos. They have been sent to the Void.[/i
Edited by tinythinker on June 13, 2016 5:07PM
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Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! ◔ ⌣ ◔
(And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

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Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Enodoc
    Concerning the delves, there was a project announced to go back and make them less generic and repetitive, and it did see a few changes added to the game, then it seemed to be forgotten. It could be restarted.
    They got quite far with that one; over half way (there's only the Tier 2 and Tier 3 delves remaining), so I would hope they would endeavour to finish this soon.
    The current story has Meridia disguise you when you start questing in other Alliances since you would be considered a hero of an enemy faction. My hope is that ZOS really puts thought into a great way to maintain this excuse or to come up with a better one rather than just let the continuity error hang there.
    Story continuity is a really important one. I hope they have given this one a good deal of thought, as whatever happens, there will be a major retcon required to adjust to the new way of dealing with playing the other alliances. If they're going to be available from the start, the whole "you've done it this way, now see what would have happened if you ended up somewhere else, using the power of the Daedric Prince you meet at the end of the storyline" thing will not work.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Legoless
    The current storyline is fine. If you play the game in the correct order, the Meridia excuse still works. Just because you can quest in other alliances at level 3 doesn't mean you should. The same problem already exists but on a smaller scale, since it's currently possible to skip zones and totally mess up the story. They should introduce a Cadwell's Almanac ticklist for your first Alliance as well as for Silver and Gold, so that new players know what stage they should be at story-wise if they decide to wander into random zones and lose track.

    The battle levelling might even be beneficial for maintaining the storyline. Currently, home Alliance and Silver zones suffer from over-levelling if a character does any DLC content. With scaled content, it would actually be worth it for a DLC- or PvP-centric player to go fill out the Stonefalls story they may have skipped, rather than wasting all that XP.
  • Sausage
    Investing More in the Base Game is a Good Business Move.

    This is what I agree totally too, thats why Ive suggested, add Housing, as upgradeable, you get new upgrade every char you level to lvl 50, add couple class and watch how zones are full.

    Also Tamriel's Holdays would be great use of the base game too.
    Edited by Sausage on June 13, 2016 4:58PM
  • Enodoc
    Legoless wrote: »
    The current storyline is fine. If you play the game in the correct order, the Meridia excuse still works.
    It almost still works. It was kinda broken already when they added the option to travel to the other alliances using mundane transport (boats from the first city's harbours), but before that, the only way into those zones was through Meridia or wayshrines, both of which are mystical. There's no way to use the Meridia excuse if you use the mundane transportation option, as she hasn't gotten involved in your access to those zones.
    Just because you can quest in other alliances at level 3 doesn't mean you should. The same problem already exists but on a smaller scale, since it's currently possible to skip zones and totally mess up the story. They should introduce a Cadwell's Almanac ticklist for your first Alliance as well as for Silver and Gold, so that new players know what stage they should be at story-wise if they decide to wander into random zones and lose track.
    That's certainly true. Before they announced One Tamriel I was generating a concept for "Cadwell's Bronze" which would have served the same purpose.
    The battle levelling might even be beneficial for maintaining the storyline. Currently, home Alliance and Silver zones suffer from over-levelling if a character does any DLC content. With scaled content, it would actually be worth it for a DLC- or PvP-centric player to go fill out the Stonefalls story they may have skipped, rather than wasting all that XP.
    Absolutely. But without the zones having a defined level, how will you know where the storyline goes next? Before, you knew that the quests in the Level 25 area came some time after the quests in the Level 15 area. If everything is battle-levelled, that directional guidance will no longer exist. (Possibly rather ironically, this is exactly the opposite problem to the original setup for Cadwell's Silver and Gold :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Legoless
    Enodoc wrote: »
    But without the zones having a defined level, how will you know where the storyline goes next? Before, you knew that the quests in the Level 25 area came some time after the quests in the Level 15 area. If everything is battle-levelled, that directional guidance will no longer exist.
    They could just disable story quests until you're caught up. :/ Ideally there'd be some sort of timeline indicator, but I don't think the story is of that much concern to most players. Although if all mobs in the game are gonna be CP160, there's room on the HUD for zone tier or something.

    Edit: Since quest difficulty will no longer be a thing, quests which are too far ahead story-wise could be colour coded instead. I'm sure plenty of players would appreciate a red warning if they pick up a Greenshade quest which would spoil half the AD story.
    Edited by Legoless on June 13, 2016 5:34PM
  • tinythinker
    Legoless wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    But without the zones having a defined level, how will you know where the storyline goes next? Before, you knew that the quests in the Level 25 area came some time after the quests in the Level 15 area. If everything is battle-levelled, that directional guidance will no longer exist.
    They could just disable story quests until you're caught up. :/ Ideally there'd be some sort of timeline indicator, but I don't think the story is of that much concern to most players. Although if all mobs in the game are gonna be CP160, there's room on the HUD for zone tier or something.

    Edit: Since quest difficulty will no longer be a thing, quests which are too far ahead story-wise could be colour coded instead. I'm sure plenty of players would appreciate a red warning if they pick up a Greenshade quest which would spoil half the AD story.

    They could also: 1) put a different shape/stylized quest marker over NPCs tied to the main alliance story quest chain and 2) have an NPC for a link in the chain you haven't earned yet not talk to you or at least not offer the quest. The special quest marker could be greyed out or something (lots of games use red but it's kind of ugly and intrusive). You can still do side quests to your heart's content while realizing "Oh if I want that one over there I have to go back and pick up where I left off in the main quest chain."
    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! ◔ ⌣ ◔
    (And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • rotaugen454
    They closed my thread on the topic, but my main concern is quest phasing,as others have pointed out. If I take my (former) VR16 EP Templer to run with lowbie AD friends in Auridon, it will boost everyone so we can be together. Fine and dandy. But, if we go to the village near Vulkel Guard that was overrun, I will see townsfolk rebuilding because I finished the quest, and they will see enemies that I don't. We will be invisible to one another. They need to implement some sort of "quest phase set to leader" mechanic so we can quest together. Otherwise, we will miss MOST of the content together. Have it match leader while grouped, then go back to player's phase when they ungroup.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Talemire
    Moved my response to the main thread regarding One Tamriel: Post #382
    Edited by Talemire on June 14, 2016 12:59AM
  • NewBlacksmurf
    I often wonder if we're even playing the same game OP.

    There is almost nothing that needs to be cleaned up....jumping around works now but the levels are all over the place but it works just fine. For those who want to do things in order...they can do so

    Those who want to bounce around....they can

    Those who want to skip...they can

    It seems like the best overall change we've seen yet as a huge base game update to gameplay
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Ffastyl
    You have covered most my concerns and the developers should be aware of this thread since mods are consolidating them into this one. There are two issues left, one of which you brushed upon.

    The lack of difficulty and crowding. If the group oriented quests are instanced, then good (for me). Even phasing will help a bit to reduce crowding. And level scaling may even help increase the difficulty slightly. But I would like to see a reappropriation of another suggestion I made towards this: expanding the normal/veteran toggle for instances to zones. The base idea is to use this built in setting to allow players to alternate between normal and Veteran zones willingly rather than their own alliance being fixed as normal and the other two as Veteran. The toggle will take effect next time the player/group enters another zone or instance, as opposed to taking effect as soon as the setting is changed. This idea can be applied to One Tamriel as not only a phase to reduce crowding but a difficulty setting. Veteran zones can be buffed to 2014 launch difficulty or Craglorn difficulty, satisfying players (like myself) who crave a challenge without forcing that difficulty on the entire playerbase. This also addresses the issue brought up by other suggestions on the same subject: "What if someone on a lower difficulty attacks the same mob as me?" The two players will be in separate phases of the world in this implementation, preventing them from interacting.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • tinythinker
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    expanding the normal/veteran toggle for instances to zones. The base idea is to use this built in setting to allow players to alternate between normal and Veteran zones willingly rather than their own alliance being fixed as normal and the other two as Veteran. The toggle will take effect next time the player/group enters another zone or instance, as opposed to taking effect as soon as the setting is changed. This idea can be applied to One Tamriel as not only a phase to reduce crowding but a difficulty setting. Veteran zones can be buffed to 2014 launch difficulty or Craglorn difficulty, satisfying players (like myself) who crave a challenge without forcing that difficulty on the entire playerbase. This also addresses the issue brought up by other suggestions on the same subject: "What if someone on a lower difficulty attacks the same mob as me?" The two players will be in separate phases of the world in this implementation, preventing them from interacting.
    Yeah I recall that level of difficulty, with players sharing strategies on the forums on how to take out groups of three trash mobs. They already have "hard" phases of the base game zones, which they could buff a bit, and rather than phasing easier/harder by which Alliance you rolled like they do now they could do it by toggle upon entering as you suggest.

    If you want this though try to get as many people as you can sending this feedback in-game: "Hi, the new scaling changes sound awesome and I want to see a veteran difficulty toggle for the new One Tamriel phasing as per this suggestion on the forums;

    That would include your friends, guildies, etc, and people here on the forums who read this thread and agree. Just type /feedback in game, copy the text (or write a unique version), and use control+V to paste. Obviously console users would need to type it out or whatever they do for feedback. Then also get them to "agree" or "awesome" your comment. This doesn't guarantee anything, but if there is enough buzz then ZOS might at least publicly acknowledge the request even if they pass on implementation.
    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! ◔ ⌣ ◔
    (And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Ffastyl
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • Dedhed
    Most likely this has already been posted by someone else or several, but still:

    I'm hoping the way they reconcile the alliances outside Cyrodiil has to do with the upcoming storyline hinted at by the Prophet. The races all see the bigger threat and drop their grudges outside of the people who won't give up the war in Cyrodiil.

    This would require a lot of quest reworking, but that could actually be great and further the new storyline without having to add new areas.
    Edited by Dedhed on June 22, 2016 9:05PM
    "This is like talking to breakfast cereal" -- Fredericks in Otherland talking about Wicked Tribe. Also a great description of zone chat.
  • JkahrrRadnar
    A small but possibly very effective way to preserve immersion concerning the Alliance War in PvE would be to stop showing Alliance colors/PvP ranks next to players names.
    If you wanna do your Alliance questline in order you can still do that with One Tamriel, right? -but seeing a group of clearly identified blue players hop through the AD refugee camp you just saved, while an NPC cries about how the DC army burned down their village and killed their dog would feel ridiculous (and be entirely unbelievable).

    Also yeah, I'm very curious to see what impact this will have on performance and crowding... started a new toon recently and was silently horrified at how many ppl were in the public dungeons and how hard that made it to complete them at all (one gets used to the empty higher maps).
    In all seriousness if One Tamriel means it will be this crowded *all the time* on *all the maps* I may have to find a different game for after work. :neutral:
    Edited by JkahrrRadnar on September 29, 2016 12:30PM
  • Enodoc
    A small but possibly very effective thing to preserve immersion concerning the Alliance War in PvE would be to stop showing Alliance colors/PvP ranks next to players names.
    If you wanna do your Alliance questline in order you can still do that with One Tamriel, right? -but seeing a group of clearly identified blue players hop through the AD refugee camp you just saved, while an NPC cries about how the DC army burned down their village and killed their dog would feel ridiculous (and be entirely unbelievable).
    Showing Alliance War progress is nice; just like showing level, it's a marker of progress. But I agree the colours are an issue for immersion. Overhead Alliance indicators don't show in PvE, so the colour of the rank icon is the only thing that shows your alliance. What they could do is change all the Alliance Rank indicators to show green in PvE, and only show in the Alliance colours during PvP.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • idk
    Base game is fine. Some may complain about it but very few. No need to fill it out more and no need to add/change the base story line.

    Besides that, tye original story line will not change in a game of this age. It is expected to continue in some manner based on the convo we have with the prophet in a DLC zone, but it will not change the early part or the main some story lines.

    Just doesn't happen at this stage In a games life.
  • Cherryblossom
    They need markers that differentiate between normal quests and the main quest, fighters guild, mages guild ect.
  • Enodoc
    They need markers that differentiate between normal quests and the main quest, fighters guild, mages guild ect.
    Is that necessary? These are easily determined by location when picking them up, and are already split up in the Journal. If you're in the Harborage, it's a Main Quest. If you're in a Mages Guild or Fighters Guild, it's a Mages Guild or Fighters Guild quest. Everything else is a normal quest.
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  • potirondb16_ESO
    One-Tamriel is a great idea if only it could serve any purpous. I understand that ZoS has put a lot of effort to retain TeS game fan Inside TESO. The attention to detail, the uprise of dailies and solo content. ZoS pushed that into the game as far as they could, while maintaining a decent ratio of solo and group content to keep their old crowd interested.

    But I think TESO lost the most interesting aspect of this game of sight during that period, they stop being a Story-Driven MMO to a Dailies pick-up progression type, and that's why One-Tamriel to me doesn't add anything interesting Inside the game. It's because it's once again a revamp of the base-game instead of being a Story-Driven extension.

    TBH, since EsoTU none of the extension did give me the feeling of a Story-Driven extension, not even Wrotghar even if Wrotghar was a Quest-Driven DLC with a whole new world to explore and everything, it didn't bring anything new to the game story progression and that's a huge issue Inside an MMO.



    (Existencial Crisis)



    Personnally I would push foward a new level cap (not cp cap) for base characther level, let's say 60 instead of 50, and bring new skill points, new health/mana/stamina point, and create a new progression for 10 level. While that is going on, people would still have acces to their cp gear which mean that by level 50 you start gaining CP + Level Xp and you keep the same gear you had with CP points.

    I would also create PVE exclusive skill and PVP one, which would mean I would no longer have to care about balancing for the two playstyle but I could focus on giving one Something and then the other Something else. Maybe with guild system, some guild could have pvp focus and some pve, and those who are pve won't fit for pvp, and some who are pvp won't fit for pvp).
    Edited by potirondb16_ESO on September 29, 2016 4:25PM
  • Mandragora
    I wish they would add new achievement with quests/areas for different RP achievements, which would highlight such quests for someone, who would like to roleplay, never played the game and doesn't know, where to go if he wants to have such experience.

    It is an old idea btw, but with One Tamriel it is more actual:
    green line - for hunter/druid like quests (Glenumbra Wyrds, Greenshade rangers etc)
    blue line - all quests with necromancers, scholars
    red line - all quests with soldiers, army or defending something

    the rest would be left as misc.

    I'm really glad for one Tamriel. I never realized how badly some players wanted that until my friends started to play (after adding the guilds DLCs) and we were not able to group up at all. So it is not really about if it is a good idea, it is more about if it will be without bugs and lags. So that is my biggest wish.
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