PTS Patch Notes v2.4.2

Community Manager
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited v2.4.2 is our second incremental patch on the PTS that continues to fix issues across various DLC game packs and the base game patch. We’ve made several fixes to the Dark Brotherhood skill line and content, in addition to some smaller fixes for the other DLC game packs. In the base game patch, we’ve made adjustments and improvements to some class abilities and item sets, fixed several issues surrounding poison-making, and more.

In addition, we’ve copied all PC/Mac European megaserver characters for this patch, and made additional improvements to the existing character templates. Thanks to everyone for your continued feedback and bug reports, and we hope you enjoy this latest patch which is approximately 560MB.



Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    We’ve continued to make some improvements to the available character templates:
    • Character templates now have at least one wayshrine unlocked in every non-DLC zone.
    • Added a new item, The Crafter's Rune Crate, to the contents of The Ultimate Crafting Crate. This new crate contains 200 of every type of rune, and there are 10 of these crates in each Ultimate Crafting Crate.
    • Fixed an issue with Chef Donolon’s recipe books, contained in the Ultimate Crafter’s Crate. These now collectively award all currently-available recipes, as originally advertised.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Combat & Gameplay
    • There may be instances where it appears as though you’re infinitely roll dodging. You’re rolling, but you’re not actually dodging.
    • Mundus Stone buffs are appearing as though they are ten times their expected value on the Character UI. This is strictly a UI error.
    • The Sturdy trait’s block cost reduction is currently a multiplicative bonus with itself, rather than an additive.

    Crafting & Economy
    • Gradual Damage Health and Gradual Health Drain poisons currently deal a single tick of damage, instead of continuing to apply damage for the full duration of the effect.
    • Cloudy poisons currently apply for a much shorter duration than intended.
    • Ravage Stamina and Ravage Magicka poisons are only increasing costs by 30%, instead of the intended 60% cost increase.
    • The tooltips for Resolve-Draining Poisons and Potions of Ravage Armor currently indicate that Minor Fracture reduces Armor, instead of Physical Resistance.
    • Prophecy-Draining poisons created with three matching reagents are currently much less effective at reducing your target's Spell Critical than intended.
    • In several cases, applying two different poisons to your target will result in the first poison being overwritten by the second poison. This is not intended, and all different poison types will be able to coexist on the same target in a future patch.

    Exploration & Itemization
    Item Sets
    • Vicious Ophidian: This item set is currently not granting the Major Expedition buff.

    Quests & Zones
    Dark Brotherhood
    • A Lesson in Silence: Some of the Grand Sermonizer’s protectors may show up as invisible.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Art & Animation
    • Added several new animation variations when you assassinate an NPC with the Blade of Woe.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing blood to emit from your hand instead of the victim’s body when larger player characters assassinated smaller NPCs.
    • Sitting or sleeping dire wolves now stand properly before entering combat.

    Assassin Personality
    • Fixed an issue that was occasionally causing the props for some emotes to disappear or be replaced with the dagger from the Assassin personality.
    • You will now have the appropriate combat idle animation while using this personality.
    • Your eyes will no longer roll into the back of your head when performing certain idle animations.

    • Fixed an issue that was causing clipping on the buckle of Green Venom Tongue’s costume.

    • Fixed many issues with collision, texture stretching and gaps on various assets.

    Visual Effects
    • Added missing blood splatters for several assassination animations.

    • Fixed a number of text and voice over mismatches.

    Combat & Gameplay
    Dark Brotherhood
    • General
      • Increased the reputation gain required for reaching ranks beyond Rank II by 10 each.
    • Shadowy Supplier
      • Unmarked Sacks provided by Remains-Silent now correctly contain a Monk’s Disguise.
        • With this fix, the Monk's Disguise is now ready for testing! This can be found in Unmarked Sacks obtained from the Dark Brotherhood Bequeather, once you have unlocked the Shadowy Supplier passive.
      • Fixed an issue that was causing the map pin for Remains-Silent to display on the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary map before you actually unlocked the Shadowy Supplier passive.

    • Alarm-bell carriers now animate smoothly and make noise when moving faster than just walking.
    • Minotaurs will now be more lively and interactive with their environments.
    • Mudcrab Nests spawned as part of a Mudcrab swarm in the Gold Coast can now be interacted with for a chance at loot.
    • Nixads attacked while walking around will now stop and animate instead of dodging without animating. They will also no longer noticed player characters who are crouched.

    Monster Abilities
    • Minotaur Shaman
      • Pillars of Nirn now targets player characters more aggressively.

    World Bosses
    • Tribune’s Folly
      • Fixed an issue with the Shadow Shadecaller’s voiceover.

    Justice System
    • Guards in Kvatch and Anvil will now carry proper loot, and are now correctly marked as members of the Guard profession.

    Quests & Zones
    • Fixed a number of typos found in dialogue and in books.
    • Improved a number of animations for NPCs involved in the main story.
    • Fixed an issue where the Smuggler's Den and Sewer Tenement were not properly gated for access via the Dark Brotherhood DLC.
    • You must now complete your first Sacrament in order to obtain the Litany of Blood introduction quest.

    • Garlas Agea
      • Fixed an issue where Ironfang could instantly respawn under particular conditions.
    • Hrota Cave
      • Fixed an issue where Exulus was respawning far more quickly than intended.

    • A Lesson in Silence
      • Fixed an issue where some NPCs would occasionally talk over one another.
      • Pins directing you through the At-Himah estate will now display on your map.
      • Fixed an issue where you could get a conversation option from Mirabelle before and after it was necessary.
      • Corrected the prerequisites for this quest so you cannot accept it until after you complete the quest Contract: Kvatch.
      • You will no longer be prompted to complete a particular bonus objective if you have already completed it.
    • A Special Request: Fixed an issue where Count Carolus would occasionally not respond when you approached him during the quest step "A Special Request."
    • Pious Intervention: The speakers of Akatosh found in Kvatch will now properly display conversation pins over their heads.
    • Filling the Void
      • Primate Artorius will now properly leap back to the dais when he teleports.
      • The southeast hourglass fixture during the encounter with Primate Artorius now works like the other hourglass fixtures within the room.
      • The Primate’s shield casting animation will now be more noticeable.
      • Redesigned the fight with Captain Furia so there is less downtime and more clarity with his voiceover audio.
    • Questions of Faith
      • Fixed an issue where Hildegard was not howling when confronting Kor.
      • When discussing travel plans with Bilami the Caravaneer, Bilami will now end the conversation when it is appropriate for her to do so.
    • The Sweetroll Killer: One of your allies will no longer vanish without warning when you help them complete their task.
    • The Wrath of Sithis: If you abandon your mission to defeat an important enemy after defeating that enemy, you will now be prompted to defeat the enemy again.

    • Members of the Imperial University will no longer hang out with members of the League of Kwama Miners in the Smuggler's Den.
    • Fixed numerous issues with the camera positioning in hiding spots.
    • Vile's Overseer will now behave more like the other overseers found in Sacraments.
    • Fixed an issue where hiding in an official Hiding Spot was preventing Sacrament quests from properly progressing.
    Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on May 9, 2016 2:19PM
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Dungeons & Group Content
    • Imperial Prison
      • Lord Warden Dusk will no longer banish you when you use a movement-based ability.
    Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on May 9, 2016 5:46PM
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Combat & Gameplay
    Monster Abilities
    • Priest of Trinimac
      • Divine Leap no longer results in the NPC being untargetable for several seconds after he lands.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Art & Animation
    • Fixed an issue that was causing Anton Jenole’s face to not display.

    Dungeons & Group Content
    Maw of Lorkhaj Trial
    • The following effects from monsters can no longer be blocked or dodged:
      • Shadowguard's “Bleeding Edge”
      • Ogre Flesh-Render's "Bloodbath"
      • Dromathra Hulk's "Bleeding"
      • Ghostly Sar-m'Athra's "Bleeding Claws"
    • Maw of Lorkhaj no longer has a weekly cooldown on its best rewards! Each subsequent run now has the same chance at high-quality loot as the first.

    Exploration & Itemization
    • The Time Trial achievement for Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj now begins at the same time the on-screen message appears stating that the Trial has started.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Alliance War
    • All new player characters can now join their first campaign and change their first campaign for free.

    Art & Animation
    • Fixed an issue that was causing hats to display incorrectly overtop of some costumes.

    • Ebonheart Light Alliance Armor: Fixed an issue that was causing masks to clip through the chin and hood when worn by some male player characters.

    Visual Effects
    • Fixed an issue that was causing some effects from mounts to not to display on the Character Select screen.

    Combat & Gameplay
    • Fixed an issue where several abilities (such as Daedric Curse or Weapon Enchantment damage procs) was causing your health bar to become desynced.

    • Siphoning
      • Power Extraction (Drain Power morph): This morph now deals Disease Damage instead of Physical Damage.

    • Dark Magic
      • Dark Exchange: Increased the amount of health restored from this ability and its morphs by 100%.
    • Storm Calling
      • Disintegrate:
        • Renamed this passive ability to Implosion.
        • This passive ability now also grants all Physical Damage you deal a chance to instantly pulverize low health enemies, dealing additional Physical Damage to them.
        • Updated this passive’s tooltip to indicate what the health threshold is for it to trigger.
      • Energized: This passive ability now also increases your Physical Damage done in addition to the Shock Damage done.
      • Hurricane (Lightning Form morph): This morph now also grants the Minor Expedition buff at all times while it is active.
      • Surge: This ability and its morphs now restore a flat value of health whenever you deal a Critical Strike. It will now also proc on any Critical Strike instead of only direct damage Critical Strikes, but can only restore health once every second.

    • Restoring Light
      • Extended Ritual (Cleansing Ritual morph): This morph now also increases the amount of negative effects cleansed from the casting Templar to 5 from 2.
      • Ritual of Retribution (Cleansing Ritual morph): This morph now also increases the amount of healing done to you and your allies by 20%; the damage done to enemies has been increased to match this value.
      • Sacred Ground: Fixed an issue where this passive ability’s Movement Speed reduction was removing enemy players from crouch or Invisibility.

    • One Hand and Shield
      • Fortress: Increased the block cost reduction from this passive ability to 18/36% at Ranks I/II from 15/30%.
    • Bow
      • Volley: Fixed an issue where the visual effects from this ability and its morphs was not displaying when you cast it while silenced.

    • Vampire
      • Dark Stalker:
        • Fixed an issue where this passive’s Movement Speed bonus while in crouch was not applying reliably.
        • Updated the tooltip of this passive to better describe its bonuses.
    • Werewolf
      • Werewolf Transformation: Fixed an issue where the fear from this ability and its morphs was not applying CC-immunity at the end of its duration.
      • Roar: Fixed an issue where the fear from this ability and its morphs was not applying CC-immunity at the end of its duration.

    • Fighters Guild
      • Silver Leash (Silver Bolt morph):
        • Reduced the range of this morph’s secondary pull to 22 meters, which will no longer allow you to pull yourself up Keep walls in Cyrodiil. The initial bolt can still be fired if the target is out of range for the secondary pull.
        • Fixed an issue where the initial bolt from this morph could not be cast on enemies at higher or lower elevations from you.
      • Skilled Tracker: Fixed an issue where this passive’s bonus was not working against enemy Vampire and Werewolf player characters.

    Champion System
    • The Steed
      • Block Expertise:
        • Renamed this Champion ability to Shadow Ward.
        • This Champion ability has been switched with the Elusive ability from The Shadow constellation.
    • The Shadow
      • Elusive:
        • Renamed this Champion ability to Ironclad.
        • This Champion ability has been switched with the Block Expertise ability from The Steed constellation.

    • Fixed an issue where the group boss at Bitter Strand in Malabal Tor would not respawn.

    Monster Abilities
    • Storm Mage
      • Thunder Thrall now displays a cast animation.

    Crafting & Economy
    • Fixed an issue that was causing heavy sacks in Cyrodiil to occasionally appear empty.

    • Fixed an issue that was causing several poisons to have different durations than intended. Some poisons have had their durations rebalanced alongside this fix.
    • Damage from poisons can now be properly mitigated by poison resistance and physical resistance.
    • Drain Health poisons now deal damage to your target over the full duration of the ability, and correctly heal you.
    • Rebalanced Drain Magicka poisons and Drain Stamina poisons so they now restore roughly 60% as much Magicka and Stamina respectively.
    • Protection-Reversing poisons now correctly grant the Minor Vitality buff instead of Major Vitality.
    • Updated the timing of the visual effects for poisons. These effects now match your weapon impacts, instead of appearing a moment before the impact.
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing you from using stamina potions while moving.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing Protection-Reversing and Vitality-Draining poisons to have a longer cooldown between applications than intended.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing reagents and oils to drop much more frequently than intended in Trials.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing poisons of Ravage Health obtained from vendors, monsters, and containers to last much longer than intended under specific circumstances.
    • The duration of poison effects now takes into account the number of effects on the poison. The more effects present on a poison, the more diluted each individual effect becomes, and the shorter their durations become.
    • Updated the tooltips for the following Alchemy passive abilities to reflect the addition of poison-making.
      • Solvent Proficiency
      • Chemistry
      • Laboratory Use

    Craft Bags
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing materials in the Craft Bag from being visible under certain circumstances.

    • All Enchanting Runes can now be sold to vendors for at least 1 gold.
    • Potency runes can once again be obtained from runestones!
      • Each harvestable runestone is guaranteed to contain an Essence and an Aspect rune, and one third of the runestones you find will also contain a Potency rune.
      • Half the time, when you find a Potency rune it will be scaled to your combat level, and the other half of the time it will be scaled to your rank in the Potency Improvement passive.

    Crown Store
    • Rebalanced the damage of the Crown Lethal Poison so it now spreads its damage over the full duration of its effect. This better matches the behavior of crafted poisons.

    Dungeons & Group Content
    • Crypt of Hearts
      • The gate before the Ilambris Brothers boss encounter will now always open after you kill the previous dungeon bosses.

    • Sanctum Ophidia
      • The Warpriest’s “Heavy Bleeding” effect can no longer be blocked or dodged.

    Veteran Dungeons
    • Veteran Elden Hollow
      • Bakkhara now lights her brother Kargand on fire if you choose to execute him during the quest “Consuming Darkness.”

    Exploration & Itemization
    Item Sets
    • Dreugh King Slayer: Fixed an issue where the Major Expedition buff granted from this item set did not have a visual FX.
    • Elemental Succession: Fixed an issue where this item set’s ability was not being removed whenever you unequipped the set.
    • Pelinal’s Aptitude: This item set has been re-enabled for PTS testing.
    • Robes of Transmutation: Fixed an issue where this item set’s proc was triggering on direct healing abilities instead of only heal over time abilities.
    • Syvarra’s Scales: Fixed an issue where this item set’s damage proc was being mitigated by the target’s Spell Resistance. It will now be properly mitigated by their Physical Resistance.

    Item Traits
    • Sturdy: Increased the value of the Sturdy trait by 1% at all quality levels. Gold Sturdy-traited gear now gives 4% block cost reduction instead of 3%.

    Justice System
    • Updated the treasure type for several stolen treasures.
    • Updated the professions and pickpocket difficulty of several Tamrielic citizens.

    Mac Client
    • Fixed an issue with Intel Iris GPUs that was causing the game camera to get stuck in a broken position.

    • Opening a container from your inventory will now always display the contents of that container, even if you have auto-loot enabled.
    • Fixed an issue where long character or zone names in the Character Select screen would become truncated in the German game client.

    • Fixed an issue where your game could crash when attempting to retrieve information using GetItemLinkTraitOnUseAbilityInfo.

    Alliance War
    • Fixed an issue where a UI error would display when the locked campaign timer would reach 0.

    Crown Store
    • When previewing a Crafting Motif in the Crown Store, the preview will now always start at the first preview variation instead of the last variation previewed.

    Gamepad Mode
    • Fixed an issue where a UI error could display when using a Motif from the gamepad inventory.
    • Fixed an issue where the French and German text for "Use Alliance Points" in the Abandon Campaign menu would occasionally overlap with the text for Alliance Point cost.
    • The Craft Bag pop-up tutorial now has appropriate text.
    • Fixed an issue where the Campaign bonus screen would not consistently update.

    Nameplates & Health Bars
    • Added nameplate and healthbar settings for neutral NPCs. Note that these are off by default.
    • Readjusted the size of the health bars so they are more consistent with other meters.
    • Added two keybinds for toggling nameplates and healthbars on and off, which are unbound by default.
    • The icon displayed above a revivable player character is now less transparent. 
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Alcast
    Class Representative

    [*]Ravage Stamina and Ravage Magicka poisons are only increasing costs by 30%, instead of the intended 60% cost increase.

    Hahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahah wait what?


    Power Extraction (Drain Power morph): This morph now deals Disease Damage instead of Physical Damage.

    This is wrong/typo. It used to be magic damage, not physical damage.
    Edited by Alcast on May 9, 2016 6:00PM - Builds & Guides - Sets, Skills, Guides & News - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  • bikerangelo

    • Restoring Light
      • Extended Ritual (Cleansing Ritual morph): This morph now also increases the amount of negative effects cleansed from the casting Templar to 5 from 2.
      • Ritual of Retribution (Cleansing Ritual morph): This morph now also increases the amount of healing done to you and your allies by 20%; the damage done to enemies has been increased to match this value.

    In all seriousness, thank you.
  • Hutch679
    Alcast wrote: »

    Hahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahah wait what?

    60% is what is intended? My God why would you run any other poison or weapon enchant in pvp.... Good lord...
  • ManDraKE
    Alcast wrote: »

    Hahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahah wait what?

    maybe is a typo and is ravage stamina and ravage magicka POTIONS?
  • Teridaxus
    ✭✭✭✭✭ nerfed blocking again....well done.
  • Siluen
    Champion System
    • The Steed
      • Block Expertise:
        • Renamed this Champion ability to Shadow Ward.
        • This Champion ability has been switched with the Elusive ability from The Shadow constellation.
    • The Shadow
      • Elusive:
        • Renamed this Champion ability to Ironclad.
        • This Champion ability has been switched with the Block Expertise ability from The Steed constellation.

    If I understand this correctly this seems like a rather odd change. Why move the block cost reduction from a tree that gives you bonuses for blocking with it's passives to a tree that is all about avoidance and vice versa?

    ... and where am I going to get all them Thief CPs from? :<

    Do like the buff to Fortress and Sturdy and the room this gives for heavy armor to develop beyond just the block-cost-reduction armor.

  • Dyride

    • Ravage Stamina and Ravage Magicka poisons are only increasing costs by 30%, instead of the intended 60% cost increase.
    V Є H Є M Є И C Є

      Revenge of the Bear

      Revenge of the Hist
      Revenge of the Deer

      Remember the Great Burn of of the Blackwater War!

    1. hammayolettuce
      ManDraKE wrote: »

      maybe is a typo and is ravage stamina and ravage magicka POTIONS?

      I hope so .. holy hell.
      Snü (Magicka DK) ♥ Thnu (Stamplar) ♥ Pizza for Breakfast (Magplar) ♥ Sparklefingers (Magicka Sorc) ♥
      Bean and Cheese Burrito (Magicka DK) ♥ Snurrito (Stamplar) ♥
    2. Ajaxduo
      Wait...more block nerfs? Cost reduction is far too valuable. Why would you even change that lol?
      - - -
      GM of Verum Aeternus, PC EU
      - - -
      Couple things.
      1. I'm glad the all runestones are worth something but 1 gold?! I'd rather keep my stacks of ta at that terrible vendor price.
      2. Glad you gave a little love to stamsorcs but seriously, NO ONE USES DARK EXCHANGE. PLEASE CHANGE THIS SKILL. IT IS TRASH. The skills at the stamsorcs disposal are few and far between.
      3. No word on the inevitability of cyro becoming elder shields online with the changes to annulment, bone shield?
      4. Giving the Templar back their purge number of 5 is much appreciated. My pocket healer @wellendaoud says thank you.
      5. The poisons are absolutely overpowered and I can't believe 60% drain is intended.
    4. Valrien
      You guys had a chance with sorcs and you guys dropped the ball again. Passive changes for Stam Sorc, and nothing for Magicka players? Not even an instant damage spam for example? Nice. Fantastic job, ZOS.
      Valrien Dravic -- Level 50 Dunmeri Sorcerer (EP)
      Garahel Dravic -- Level 50 Bosmeri Nightblade (EP)
      Tamriel Unlimited was a mistake. One Tamriel was a bigger mistake
    5. Cinbri
      No CD on MoL, yay :)
    6. Baconlad
      Wow, gave us our purge back! But ill still use the other damaging morph. REALLY excited about it. I am concerned about the 60% cost increase... that is ver worrisome, although it may encourage pvp players to use less max magic and more regent, reducing damage as a whole me thinks. Which isn't bad. Ive recently dropped my buffed spell power from 3800 to around 3300 and gotten the regent magic mundus, along with bloodspawn for molag kena, and swapped food for drinks. Still hit hard as a ton of brick though =)
    7. kadar
      All Enchanting Runes can now be sold to vendors for at least 1 gold.
      YUS. My stacks-on-stacks-on-stacks of TA have MEANING. :D
    8. GoodOlPinkly
      Why did you guys hit blocking reduction with another Nerf....
    9. olsborg
      [*]Ravage Stamina and Ravage Magicka poisons are only increasing costs by 30%, instead of the intended 60% cost increase.

      Say what? .....this is ridiculous, poisons are still way, way too strong..

      PC EU
      PvP only
    10. Ilsabet
      • Half the time, when you find a Potency rune it will be scaled to your combat level, and the other half of the time it will be scaled to your rank in the Potency Improvement passive.

      Is this scaling going to happen in all zones, or only zones like DLC areas that already have the scaling? It's handy to be able to go to certain zones to farm runes if you need something that doesn't match your current crafting level or combat level.
    11. Enodoc
      Crafting & Economy
      • Potency runes can once again be obtained from runestones!
        • Each harvestable runestone is guaranteed to contain an Essence and an Aspect rune, and one third of the runestones you find will also contain a Potency rune.
        • Half the time, when you find a Potency rune it will be scaled to your combat level, and the other half of the time it will be scaled to your rank in the Potency Improvement passive.
      So now it's no longer possible to get low-level potency runes from harvesting? That will be very bad for crafter players who create glyphs for lower-level friends or guild mates. The level of harvested Potency runes should depend on the zone level, not player level (except in battle-levelled zones, obviously).
      UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
      Join us on Discord -
    12. ShalidorsHeir
      stam sorc is not buffed in any way ... was that another awesome idea by wrobel who was using dark exchange in PvP?
      stamina based classes needs magicka as ultity and stamina as damge abilities... is it that difficult?

      And stop forcing us to use hurricane ... xDDD reason is written one sentence above
      Edited by ShalidorsHeir on May 9, 2016 6:18PM
      Eltrys Wolfszahn
      Julia Ansei at-Tava
      C H I M
      "Find a new hill, become a king"
    13. Contraptions
      Thanks for giving stam sorc some nice passives, but can sorc as a whole get spammable mag and stam class skills please?

      Also, remove the cooldown on surge, since it's going to proc on DOTs now and since it's now a flat value.

      Yes I get DB is the "stam patch" but that doesn't mean mag and other roles can all go fly kites you know. PVE wise sorcs are in an awkward position where we don't seem to excel at any role and yet we're getting more nerfs? Oh Negate got a slight buff after it was nerfed into uselessness, but is that all sorcs can look forward to? I just don't understand the logic.

      As for the patch and DLC itself, no substantial content, boringly implemented fetch quests and systems, more tedious rep and motif grinding, constant nerfs and "improvements" pulled from who knows where, I am really starting to dread the DB patch launch. If ZOS expects us to pay 20 dollars (or more) for this they can just... nvm.

      P.S Reduce the cost of the runeboxes please, 250k each is just ridiculous.
      Edited by Contraptions on May 9, 2016 7:52PM
      Patroller and Editor at UESP
    14. sunshineflame
      Why all the complaints about a nerf to blocking? All I saw was in increase in block cost reduction from 30% to 36% and 1% more on your gear. That makes a potential total of 13% more reduction. Am I missing something, because that sounds like a buff.

      Edit: Ah, Champion tree changes. I see it now
      Edited by sunshineflame on May 9, 2016 6:17PM
    15. ClockworkArc
      I guess we got our answer as to how they were going to deal with infinite sustain builds.
    16. Woeler

      Champion System
      • The Steed
        • Block Expertise:
          • Renamed this Champion ability to Shadow Ward.
          • This Champion ability has been switched with the Elusive ability from The Shadow constellation.
      • The Shadow
        • Elusive:
          • Renamed this Champion ability to Ironclad.
          • This Champion ability has been switched with the Block Expertise ability from The Steed constellation.

      What the actual ***? And if you have to make this completely unnecessary change, at least move shield expert with it. This change really falls under the "If it ain't broken, lets break it!" mentality.
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