Campaign Performance

Maintenance for the week of March 31:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 31, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Niaver
    There are some bugs, why PvP experience is worse then in previous patch, but in terms of ping i think this patch is a little bit better.
    PC EU - Daggerfall Covenant - @Niaver
    Erazar (main) - Khajit DK tank

    Proud owner of Maelstrom Sharpened Bow
  • DaveMoeDee
    Niaver wrote: »
    There are some bugs, why PvP experience is worse then in previous patch, but in terms of ping i think this patch is a little bit better.

    I have spent a few hours in Trueflame the last two days and I was involved in a few very large scale battles and sieges.

    While the lag was really bad, I think I agree that it wasn't as bad as I experienced a month or two ago.

    I'm not sure what bugs people are experiencing because I'm not a particularly sophisticated PvP player. I had crashes initially, but none last night.
  • Pr0jektile

    For lack of patience to read through ten full pages of what is most likely blaming lag for loss of PvP battles, I wanted to consolidate recent experiences I've had in Cyrodiil as well as my concerns moving forward:

    XBOX ONE | NA | EP

    I mostly play on Scourge, with my grinding/farming in Azura's Star

    Recent Issues:

    1.) When Reviving at a Keep, I am instead being redirected to the Morrowind Gates. This is an issue when PvP'ing in a region that we may have a Keep we could have revived at, but that keep may be disconnected from our Transitus network. Really hard to get back in the fight and support allies when running from Drakelowe out to Roebeck or Brindle.

    2.) Lag - Now, I'm not going blame lag for my PvP deaths. Yes, it's difficult to really tell what attacks are registering on a delay, but I am of the mind the other party(ies) are experiencing the same lag, thus leveling the playing field. The more adaptable player will overcome and be victorious.

    Where this becomes issue is when i read the comments stating that this is 'not a hardware' issue, or maybe it was the solution is not hardware. Instead, looking into incentives for players to not group up.

    This is alarming to me. I fully enjoy the large scale battles. And no, it's not because I need a zerg to be able to farm AP. It's more because I find it very immersive that Armies clash at the walls of a keep. The large scale conflict promised in the trailers is a huge attraction from me. I've been a long time fan of both MMORPG's and RTS. These epic battles give me a small sensation of both. I feel less like the hero of Tamriel and more like a cog in the wheel. A small part of a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

    There is nothing more satisfying than dropping a cold fire or firepot treb from atop a keep wall, right into the center of a 10-15-20 enemy mob right before our allies launch a counter-attack.

    IT takes large scale battles like this to really immerse one into the taking of a keep. We've 2-man and 3-man captured keeps, running multiple siege engines simultaneously, sure. That's not really fun. It's far more engaging to have a group dedicated to siege lines, Another dedicated to siege security and skirmishing, and a dedicated assault team for when the walls finally come down.

    When that happens, I hope to find a sizeable force inside awaiting our entry. Firing Ballistas and arrows into the breach at the wall. I expect there to be many casualties on both sides. As the siege and skirmish teams break down the siege equipment, they follow in as wave 2, stepping over our dead bodies at the breach to finish off what is left of the defending enemies. The healers and archers behind the front assault line are picking up the dead, replenishing our forces to ultimately take the objective. (yes, my team wins, because I like happy endings). But seriously, these huge chaotic environments are so much fun. Trying to pick out an enemy and have a mini-duel in the midst of all the action, only to have someone from one side run in and tip the balance.

    Having multiple large groups coordinating organized assaults and defenses create a huge immersion factor for many players. I love playing this way, and really could care less about the AP I get form the experience. Maybe one day I'll worry about farming the Emperor with a big group/guild, but that's not so much my style right now.

    Please, ZOS, do not destroy the 'Massive' in MMORPG.

    It is not your ability, so much as your willingness to do what is right that will set you apart from the rest.
  • Wollust
    We have more fixes incoming over time and while there have been some improvements, it's still far from where we want to be. Some of these will continue to come in hot fixes and others in major patches.

    Why can't you guys just risk something for once? Not those small changes to some passives or abilities but rather something big, something we can feel? Do it on the PTS, ask us to give it our best to kill the server. Just do something real. It can hardly get worse at this point.
    From what I've experienced over the past 1.5 years or so, the lag has gotten worse and the amount of times you guys have been saying "we're working on it", "doing small changes and fixes" has accumulated to a ridiculous amount. Lag has never been worse than it is now. 1.6 we had a different kinda lag with 10min ability not firing and stuff, but the overall performance was still slightly better than now. After all those times you've been saying the lag is your top priority, it still hasn't gotten any better whatsoever.

    People are seriously tired @ZOS_BrianWheeler

    Zerg Squad
  • tinythinker
    Wollust wrote: »

    Why can't you guys just risk something for once? Not those small changes to some passives or abilities but rather something big, something we can feel? Do it on the PTS, ask us to give it our best to kill the server. Just do something real. It can hardly get worse at this point.
    From what I've experienced over the past 1.5 years or so, the lag has gotten worse and the amount of times you guys have been saying "we're working on it", "doing small changes and fixes" has accumulated to a ridiculous amount. Lag has never been worse than it is now. 1.6 we had a different kinda lag with 10min ability not firing and stuff, but the overall performance was still slightly better than now. After all those times you've been saying the lag is your top priority, it still hasn't gotten any better whatsoever.

    People are seriously tired @ZOS_BrianWheeler

    I suggested this, then I changed it to having a PvP test weekend on the live servers, because you need the larger numbers of players to really see how it works. They kind of replied to some of us suggesting this by saying that they can't do different rules, mechanics, rendering, etc for one campaign and not the others, but I'm saying is do it for all of them. Just let people know that the third weekend each month is the weird test weekend, with a patch rolled out early Friday morning and rolled back early Monday morning.

    I am betting this would speed up testing and refining improvements by a large factor. Some test weekends might have a large patch, taking an hour to download, others would be smaller and take ten minutes. Either that, or move the PTS to a larger sever so more players can hop on and test. Only you wouldn't have to take it down again, just leave it as is until the next round of fixes.
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  • sparafucilsarwb17_ESO
    We have more fixes incoming over time and while there have been some improvements, it's still far from where we want to be. Some of these will continue to come in hot fixes and others in major patches.

    Nope, it's worse than ever before. I go into pvp and get latency that skyrockets to 999+. You can't swap weapons, your skills fire off 10 seconds after you actually used them. It is not even close to being playable.

    PvP is broken.
  • silky_soft
    We have more fixes incoming over time and while there have been some improvements, it's still far from where we want to be. Some of these will continue to come in hot fixes and others in major patches.

    I have no will left to help with lag until high action per minute devs play via a vpn from Asia or Oceania to NA and live stream thier experience of thier actions being declined by the server because they are out of frame.
  • Göttermutter
    My mentions by that are on 180 degrees what is going on and to destroy a existing challange, only with a finger snipp.
    I am not a one you can put on like a sheepon the iceplateau and dance with me, because i have more experiances in PvP, than maybe your age is, wheeler.
    Shame on you, that you have done, this was not professional like the other parts are to less than to say you are the one.
    I dont knew, their you get your informations and after that you decide on it, for me on the european server it looks at all stupid, that you have done and i play PvP over 20 -25 years now.
    I could say more about the champion system than every over one because i leved up a char from level 10 in PvP to 50 only, means take away the some guilds missions and the main story to 5o. It takes me over 1.7 years by that without questioning like a pve in cyrodyyl, who is for low ones like you, comprende!?
  • RoxyPhoenix
    My mentions by that are on 180 degrees what is going on and to destroy a existing challange, only with a finger snipp.
    I am not a one you can put on like a sheepon the iceplateau and dance with me, because i have more experiances in PvP, than maybe your age is, wheeler.
    Shame on you, that you have done, this was not professional like the other parts are to less than to say you are the one.
    I dont knew, their you get your informations and after that you decide on it, for me on the european server it looks at all stupid, that you have done and i play PvP over 20 -25 years now.
    I could say more about the champion system than every over one because i leved up a char from level 10 in PvP to 50 only, means take away the some guilds missions and the main story to 5o. It takes me over 1.7 years by that without questioning like a pve in cyrodyyl, who is for low ones like you, comprende!?

    ermm, no comprende senior! pls stop using translator, it hurts my eyes.
  • Waseem
    We have more fixes incoming over time and while there have been some improvements, it's still far from where we want to be. Some of these will continue to come in hot fixes and others in major patches.

    there were no improvements, Cyrodiil performance is worst that its ever been.
    i am writing this reply while logging in to my account for the 4th time after being kicked from Cyrodiil campaign
    PC EU

  • Johnmirolha
    Soul Shriven
    PVP has never been so bad as it is now for me. Everytime i get into a large scale battle everything but me freezes and after 30 seconds or so i get disconected from the server.
  • Docmandu
    For me at least, performance since TG in Cyrodiil is somewhat better.. I've had a few days where there was no lag at all, which was awesome. Alas, since then, the stack-on-crown AP farm fest groups are back and it really shows.. it really pisses me off that 20-or-so people can cause so much misery for the rest of us. (as in server lag.. not as in QQ got killed in an RvR zone)

    But there's enough times when those groups aren't online, that Cyrodiil in Azura / EU is quite playable and performing well. To my recollection, before TG that basically never happened, unless you played in the middle of the night in an empty campaign.
  • Robbmrp
    Each Campaign does have it's own dedicated "world" that it resides on. Furthermore, if Cyrodiil is having performance issues in Azura's Star, Imperial City in Azura's star is not effected by said issues.

    Hello @ZOS_BrianWheeler, for these dedicated "worlds", are they operating on the same server or separate ones? If they are on the same one, it's possible that these could be adding to the existing server load issues in the normal campaigns. If they are on the same server, would it be possible to move the instances of Imperial City to their own server? You could put all of the IC Worlds on the same server and would probably work fine. Then each of the main Cyrodil Campaigns could be on their own server as well so that the only calculations being done on that server is for just one campaign.

    Also with the removal of CP in Azura, that's pushed a lot of players into the other campaigns overloading those. Has @ZOS considered opening up another CP 30 Day Server to help those players out. I've played in Trueflame and at times the lag there is worse that it's ever been. The populations needs to be reduced on it by 1/3 and split out into another campaign. There's just too many players trying to fight there.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • Enodoc
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    Also with the removal of CP in Azura, that's pushed a lot of players into the other campaigns overloading those. Has @ZOS considered opening up another CP 30 Day Server to help those players out. I've played in Trueflame and at times the lag there is worse that it's ever been. The populations needs to be reduced on it by 1/3 and split out into another campaign. There's just too many players trying to fight there.
    Yeah it might be time to open up Spell Breaker and/or Ebony Blade for NA. We have three 30-day campaigns on EU and I think Azura players distributed themselves pretty evenly across them.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • RobboEU
    u did good

    n a h t
    Xbox One EU

    GT; Ash Robbo TI

  • Lava_Croft
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler, should I just accept the fact that PvP will run worse for me with every new large update without anything to justify said performance decrease?
  • AbraXuSeXile
    I like how they write something and won't hear from them again for months.
    Grand Overlord Rank 50 [First EU]
    Clan Leader of eXile
    Gaming Community - Est. 1999
    Crashing an EP Wedding | DK Emp | 1vX | Between Enemy Lines | Hate Video | 5 v Many

  • Sallington
    I like how they write something and won't hear from them again for months.

    We'll hear about some other "small improvement" come DB launch.
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • _Chaos
    I like how they write something and won't hear from them again for months.

    "We've made some minor improvements, but are no where near where we want to be. We will continue to look into the problem, hang in there guys!" - Every response with regards to server performance since 2014.

    Edit: @ZOS_RichLambert I remember you saying Cyrodiil performance was a top priority. Do you mind weighing in on what changes we have to look forward to? Are we ever going to get a moderately lag-free PVP zone?

    Edited by _Chaos on March 22, 2016 5:40PM
  • pmn100b16_ESO
  • Lava_Croft
    I'm alm
    Tumbleweed isn't teleporting over the place and the animations are fairly smooth.

  • Cinbri
    I wonder does old change to increase all parameters to 10% increased lags since it was done to calculate even those like some useless 0.001% changes?
  • Cbdudek
    The lag is just unbearable in Trueflame. I had to quit out last night because I couldn't get any of my abilities to go off reliably. I think I am going to step away from the game for a while and play something else I can PVP in for the time being. I love this game, but the campaign performance has sucked a big one since TG came out.
  • JamilaRaj
    Please stop making fun of Brian Wheeler. He is not just some forgotten cron job posting "we are working on it / fixes coming" over and over for two years now, but a human being with feelings. It is not easy to keep coming here, making false promises. But it has to be done. Commander Adama also had to promise the Earth, just to keep the fleet together, even though he had no clue where it was.
    Edited by JamilaRaj on March 24, 2016 11:24PM
  • Farorin
    Bugs and issues I have experianced after patch during PVP:

    Dropping siege often means I cannot use the siege, and have instead, just lost the siege from my inventory to make a useless "dummy siege".

    I never got as bad lag as some other people, but lag has definitely gotten worse and more frequent for me.

    FPS is dropping more regularly, even when I lower my graphics settings a bit to compensate for high stress times.

    Endless loading screens which I haven't experienced in a long time are back with a vengeance.

    Certain abilities are invisible sometimes. I die and I don't know how or why, and in myt death recap was an ability I should have seen, but did not.
  • iTzStevey
    Eso has been practically unplayable since TG came out, as soon as i jumped on after downloading the patch i could feel just how sluggish and unresponsive the game is. Had to stop playing last night because abilities weren't firing and it was taking 8 seconds to swap weapons. This cant be the patch that was on pts.
  • Cbdudek
    I really wish the developers would address the craptastic performance on Trueflame. The lag is just soooooo bad. My abilities fire 8 seconds later when I use them. I am just sick of this. If they are trying to drive people away from the game, then they are succeeding.
  • phillyboy7897
    We feel lied to. It is getting worse not better. Why are we getting told its getting better?

    When does it get fixed? Console just got broken. 20% chance abilities won't fire in Cyrodiil. Bar swap fails even more often. 5 fps average.

    I have had to abandon my v16 and move to backwater blade. This sucks.
  • forzajuve212
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_GinaBruno

    Can we get some kind of update regarding lag and performance issues in Cyrodiil post-TG? What is the next step in your plan towards improving this situation? An update of any kind would be hugely helpful to the PvP community, to at least see some kind of progress/plans on your end. Thanks!
  • Zaldan
    Lava_Croft wrote: »
    I'm alm Tumbleweed isn't teleporting over the place and the animations are fairly smooth.


    not once does it go backwards lol
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

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