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Vet white gold - Planar Inhibitor.

So basically we are struggling alot with this boss in particular, and was wondering about any tips people could give us about it.

So far what we figured out is:

- Everyone needs to rotate the pinion to not gain insane dots
- Everytime after it is has cooled down on the ground the pinion will fire 1 additional dot(making it a race)
- after 50% health 2 guys have to pop portals.

Sometimes we are unlucky with the boss walking past portals etc. we got him to around 30% health and then things always just go wrong.

So could anyone help us out? What skills is a must? Whats the best way to kite the boss?

We are running dk stamina tank, dk magick dps, templar stamina dps and templar heal.

Thanks in advance
My youtube channel: Beruge Casualgaming
  • paulsimonps
    Is the tank running a dps set up during the boss? He needs to be able to kill the portals ASAP. I flip to full medium armor and bow when I "tank" that boss. I put on everything a dps does only difference is I don't have 64 in stamina. One shots portals with Focused Aim.
  • Magdalina
    Well what exactly is getting you killed there? It can be a tough fight - or a very easy one once you all know what to do ;)

    If you die from ads, you need to focus portals more. The tank and healer have to put out some decent dps there. It helps that there's no need to actually tank that boss, as been said above, so tanks just throw on a dps outfit usually. Best place to see portals is generally from the centre of the room, I usually run around the pinion platform - do watch out for the boss though, especially when she's in the blue stage.

    A lot of the times people die when healer gets portals and can't heal (as well) because he/she has to focus dps, so it's ideal if someone can offheal or you all can shield or something(Annulment does wonders there, for magicka builds at least).

    The boss herself barely hurts aside from the blue stage, which is also when a lot of people die, either from getting that snare(roll dodge away from it or streak if you're a sorc) or from being accidentally run over by boss. If you have the boss during the blue phase you might want to get her away from the centre of the room so she doesn't run over pinion closing guy.

    If any ads get through the portals, kill them first(and fast). If someone dies, perfect ressing time is when she does her jump(or whatever it is called) and stays there for a few seconds. If you're magicka build, do use Annulment. If you're stamina, do try to slot something ranged. If you can offheal, do it. When she drops low on health it is generally easier and faster to just burn her than try to close the endless portals, however it depends on your group's dps. Some people can burn her down from 30-40% because they have crazy good dps, but even with a very average dps if she's at, say, 10% and you get portals you might want to ignore them and execute her.

    Hope this helps ^_^
  • Septimus_Magna
    1) tank can switch to dps during this fight
    2) everyone needs ranged attack for the portals
    3) take turns with pinions and take it as soon as it gets up again
    4) after you take pinion move away from the middle, if you dont do this the one closing the portals can have trouble to hit them
    5) use a speed buff like Boundless Storm or Double Take to make positioning to shut the portals easier

    Usually we drop a banner on the boss when he gets on his knees, at this point we dont take the pinion so we can put out some solid dmg.
    PC - EU (AD)
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    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • Vaoh
    You've gotten some really good advice from @paulsimonps and @Magdalina

    Still, I have completed this dungeon many, many times. I'll try to break down this interesting and difficult battle for you as best I can! :smile:

    How to defeat the Planar Inhibitor
    You will find yourself throughout the fight in either one of two positions.
    1. Portals: Forget about Planar Inhibitor! Another player will distract the boss. You will know that you are "on portals" when your screen turns grey, the sound of battle muffles, and portals become targetable. A black aura will also radiate from your character's head which is visible to everyone. You must destroy all portals ASAP, or mobs will pour through and slaughter your team. Keep an eye on the Inhibitor's location though if the pinion radiates blue flames. This signals her slow-moving, instakilling proximity that incinerate players in her path.
    2. Not on Portals: Attack the boss as much as possible. Make sure to rotate the pinion often to make sure no one ends up with a massive DoT. When Portals begin to spawn (NPC will call it out) you have pretty much lost a team member/2 team members (double portals). You must now split the pinion rotation between the 2 or 3 remaining non-Portal players and let the Portal players specifically focus on their role. If any Daedra pour through those portals, fight/distract the boss as usual but redirect your DPS toward them instead.

    Planar Inhibitor repeats a cycle with three different phases.
    1. Fire/Normal Pinion: The boss will fixate on whomever last closed the pinion. This means she will toss her mediocre fireballs at the last pinion grabber, and cause them to accumulate a personal DoT that continuosly increases until someone else grabs the pinion (making it important for everyone to hold the pinion at some point during a cycle). The pinion itself will blast out medium damage fireballs to all players when left open. Fire will also spout from the ground dealing HIGH mini-AoE damage that you must avoid. Planar Inhibitor will occasionally dive into the ground, creating an AoE you also need to avoid too. This is the less hectic phase.
    2. Cold-Fire/Blue Pinion: The boss will fixate whoever last grabbed the pinion. Planar Inhibitor radiates an aura of flames around her which will almost immediately kill a player when contact is made. She will slowly make her way toward the fixated player, and gradually decrease the fixated player's movement speed to 0% until the pinion is grabbed by someone else.
    3. Planar Inhibitor Down: After the "Blue Pinion" phase, she will scream in pain and lose control of the flames, falling to the ground for a short time (like 6s-8s). Planar Inhibitor will then get up and repeat the cycle from Phase 1. During this time it is easiest to kill remaining Daedra and revive players, or drop Ultimates and inflict massive damage.

    Important Notes:
    - If the boss is at 10%-15% health and everything is looking good, you may consider using Ultimates/Executes while ignoring portals to finish her off.
    - There is no "tank" role in this battle. Everyone must have some sort of ranged DPS to destroy portals. If the tank can't do this, the fight will be even more difficult, yet still very much possible. You must keep in mind that whoever Planar Inhibitor is fixated on at the time of portals opening will NEVER gain the "Portal" position. This can be timed to make sure the "tank" never gets Portals but deals with a higher DoT from Planar Inhibitor fixating them.
    - At (I think) 50% health the boss will begin to spawn double the amount of portals which will need to be closed. Two people will now be in the "Portal" position instead of one. It's not that bad, but may put more pressure on the two non-Portal players.
    - If an Ogrim spawns from a Portal, your group must kill it immediately after closing all portals. Drop Ultimates. Do everything you can to kill it before it annihilates you. It's not a typical ogrim, this thing is heavily armored, very angry, and blasts high damage fireballs at players.

    Hopefully this helped you! New players will definitely take a lot from this.
    Edited by Vaoh on February 19, 2016 9:48AM
  • Beruge
    Really appreciate all this guys, thanks alot. We will win it next time!
    My youtube channel: Beruge Casualgaming
  • Taryf
    Imperial Dragonknight Stamina Tank
    Ebonheart Pact

    M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk - M'aiq the Liar
  • Beruge
    Havent given it a go since last time. But we clearly notice the problem the guy that plays a tank is facing because he didnt have proper long ranged. We are switching out a tank and going to try it again.
    My youtube channel: Beruge Casualgaming
  • Taryf
    There is one more way:

    Only tank uses Pinion

    Boss go on tank and tank... just RUN! Go circles. Use everything to keep alive.

    DPS closes portals and attack boss, Healer heals and close portals and if possible helps attack boss.

    On Blue phase 2 players get closer to Boss - but not so close. When tank die (and will for sure just after boss "freezes" him) boss will random (?) agro to someone. Player with agro run, second player ressurect tank.

    Ressurected tank takes Pinion and start to run again.

    Repeat till boss die. Good luck and have fun!
    Imperial Dragonknight Stamina Tank
    Ebonheart Pact

    M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk - M'aiq the Liar
  • NBrookus
    Beruge wrote: »
    Havent given it a go since last time. But we clearly notice the problem the guy that plays a tank is facing because he didnt have proper long ranged. We are switching out a tank and going to try it again.

    I had to respec my tank and craft new gear. It was an expensive dungeon completion.
  • Beruge
    Well i did it a few times now. 3 DPS and a healer seems like the way to go.
    My youtube channel: Beruge Casualgaming
  • Lyrebon
    We don't have a dedicated tank because one just isn't feasible in this fight. There are four pinion interactions per phase (red flames and blue flames), once she's in blue flame phase the person she's attracted to should kite her wide and someone should be standing by the pinion to close it a.s.a.p. It's also important that said person not kite her through the pinion itself and keep her on the edge.

    Gap closing skills are a necessity I should say, since you need to get those portals down as fast as possible. Beside that Doncellius has provided a nice in-depth review of the fight.
  • efster
    Taryf wrote: »
    There is one more way:

    Only tank uses Pinion

    Boss go on tank and tank... just RUN! Go circles. Use everything to keep alive.

    DPS closes portals and attack boss, Healer heals and close portals and if possible helps attack boss.

    On Blue phase 2 players get closer to Boss - but not so close. When tank die (and will for sure just after boss "freezes" him) boss will random (?) agro to someone. Player with agro run, second player ressurect tank.

    Ressurected tank takes Pinion and start to run again.

    Repeat till boss die. Good luck and have fun!

    With this strategy, you can actually avoid the tank dying if you have good group coordination and/or everyone is on voice comms. As soon as she turns blue AND someone has portals, one person without portals (healer or DPS) needs to pick up the pinion, kite her to the far edge of the room, and then tank can take the pinion again. @code65536 showed me this strategy and it is great if your tank doesn't have DPS gear to switch into or just wants to be a tank -- and if all goes well, you can still go no-death, even.
    AD is the best looking faction. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them.
  • Taryf
    Tank wont get cumulative DMG when again take Blue Pinion?
    Anyway - I will try this next time.


    BUT! If someone else gets Pinion there is chance that Tank gets portals. And this is baaaad.
    Edited by Taryf on March 9, 2016 8:23PM
    Imperial Dragonknight Stamina Tank
    Ebonheart Pact

    M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk - M'aiq the Liar
  • efster
    @Taryf -- I am pretty sure the DoT resets as soon as someone else takes the pinion, so when tank picks it up again, the counter starts again. Healer just has to be really on point healing the tank through that DoT.

    There is indeed a small chance that tank will get portals in the seconds between DPS/Healer kiting her to the other side and the blue pinion opening up again, but because of the timing (tank doesn't lose pinion duty until someone is on portals while she is blue) it's not likely -- chances are the prior portal-duty person is still closing the portals at that time.

    It can get very tricky with two people on portal duty but if there's enough DPS in the group she'll die shortly after the first blue phase, anyway.
    AD is the best looking faction. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them.
  • code65536
    Taryf wrote: »
    Tank wont get cumulative DMG when again take Blue Pinion?
    Anyway - I will try this next time.


    BUT! If someone else gets Pinion there is chance that Tank gets portals. And this is baaaad.

    Oh, the tank will get a pretty substantial DoT from holding the pinion for so long. But since the tank has pretty good resistance, they should be able to take that DoT with help from the healer. The DoT resets after the Planar Inhibitor ends the blue phase. The thing that kills the tank usually isn't the DoT, but rather the Planar Inhibitor catching the tank during the blue phase, which is why someone must take the pinion away from the tank and alternate pinions during the blue phase.

    As for portals, that is why someone must take the pinion after the blue phase portals have started, so that the tank won't get portal duty. There should only be one round of portal spawns during the blue phase, so if the tank takes the pinion back as soon as the blue phase ends, the tank should never receive portal duty.
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