Alright, so I never read if cross-faction trials were a for sure go in this patch, so I decided to test it out!
I jumped on my DC character and invited an EP character to the group. I went to AA and went inside, he then ported to me! Voila! We could see each other and could both kill NPC's - great!
The bug part. I can target him. When you mouseover he has a yellow glow. I am able to target him and start a skill (I used hard cast crystal frags) where I would follow through with the animation but obviously just the projectile wouldn't go off.
I imagine in a trial where there a 12 players and it can get quit hectic, it would be very bothersome to accidentally be targeting your group members instead of an NPC.
Is this a bug? Or was cross-faction trials not even supposed to be a thing yet?
With the same characters.. I ported to a dungeon and he ported to me. We are NOT target-able inside a group dungeon.
Also saw that we are unable to heal the opposite faction group member. SO I'm guessing we aren't supposed to be doing cross faction trials?
Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.
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