"So what’s really missing? Truth be told, its an intangible that separates the online game from the previous titles."
I guess that's one way to spin it, typical of politicians and civil servants, however, the writer makes some very specific comments on what's lacking:Merlin13KAGL wrote: »Roughly translates to: "So what's really missing? I don't know."
Though, for all its upgrades and shiny new options, there is a lot missing from ESO. For starters, the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood are so far missing. The Dark Brotherhood is on the horizon, but no word yet on the Thieves Guild. For those players with sticky fingers, this is a major issue. At least the nefarious-minded get an outlet when the Dark Brotherhood gets uploaded. Additionally, the freedom of choice that made Skyrim a favorite in the eyes of reviewers is also gone. It’s understandable and not very surprising that an MMO would want to lock players into five specific roles. Yet, the absence of choice feels more like a step backwards than anything, especially for a game in the Elder Scrolls franchise.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »You post nothing more than a link and expect meaningful responses?
Let me summarize for everyone else:
Roughly translates to: "So what's really missing? I don't know."
You posted an article that complains of content not yet released and the fact that it's different from the standalones...
Very helpful.
It’s bigger than Skyrim, and has a more expansive weapon and armor library. It has amazing graphics, better than 90% of the competition. The only game that matches up is Destiny.
Generally speaking, the game is enjoyable, extremely so. The storytelling is well done and draws you in. Each faction’s main story is really interesting. The writing is well thought out. The environments are beautiful. It’s a great game. The only time it feels like an MMO is when other players steal kill. Though, you can’t really complain about that, because sometimes you need a random person’s help to kill a bad guy. It’s a situation of give and take. If you’re an MMO person, then you need to own this game.
So is it the fact that key elements of the Elder Scrolls franchise are missing from the game, or the absolutely atrocious job the marketing department did that caused ESO: Tamriel Unlimited to sell so poorly out of the gate? Or is it both? When does the game get a serious push, when everything is ready for the actual Elder Scrolls experience? If that’s the case, why wasn’t the game just released when everything was ready? Something tells me the console market would be willing to wait. By the early launch sales, no one noticed it was out for a while anyway. Who’s falling down on the job of making this game a success?
I honestly hope that the PR and marketing departments pick up the pace, because this is a game that MMO, fantasy, and RPG gamers should be picking up. Fortunately, word of mouth seems to be doing its job, and sales are climbing. I’m sure someone thought that after the boom of Skyrim, they wouldn’t need to give a major push to ESO, that word of mouth would carry it all the way. It shouldn’t be left solely to that. Not such a well-selling franchise. If Bethesda and ZeniMax hope to compete with the over 12 million sales Destiny has racked up, they need to pick up the pace.
@KerinKor , appreciate you taking a crack at guessing my vocation, but, no.I guess that's one way to spin it, typical of politicians and civil servants, however, the writer makes some very specific comments on what's lacking:
So what’s really missing? Truth be told, its an intangible that separates the online game from the previous titles. It’s not the absence of the Thieves or the Brotherhood, or the presence of the blacksmithing challenges. At the end of the day, there’s a hollowness to ESO that isn’t in the others.
Also suggests that you can still only play as another race if you pre-ordered............ and as previously posted in the other thread about this review, he also says the game "Has no PVP".
Elfdominion4 wrote: »
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »Let's go back to the OP, here. OP, What was your intention with this post?
This is second ESO Forbes article, so is next EA MMO already so close.
Additionally, the freedom of choice that made Skyrim a favorite in the eyes of reviewers is also gone. It’s understandable and not very surprising that an MMO would want to lock players into five specific roles.
I guess that's one way to spin it, typical of politicians and civil servants, however, the writer makes some very specific comments on what's lacking:
Wifeaggro13 wrote: »They had a great opportunity here to do something grand and missed the mark in over simplification of group combat. making everything an exercise in situational awareness while maintaining DPS. This crowd or so called crowd of people that screamed for the death of the trinity for last two AAA mmo titles GW2, ESO. Look how it has panned out for them, same for the F2P screamers. Look at the retention of these games compared to the titles that birthed the genre. Retention is no where near the level of those games. Sure they sold copies and retained thirty percent of the players 6 months in. that's horrid, games prior to 2008 would sell almost as many copies but retain 80 % player bases for 9 to 15 months. Developers are making games for Investors now not the players ESO is no different.
I would much rather have combat where every person in the group has to pay attention because the tank can't hold aggro on everything than throw in a "crowd control" role and eliminate all challenge for the rest of the group. Lack of roles != simplier, less engaging combat.
Do journalists get an extra class that we are not able to access? There are so many inaccurate statements in this article; I know someone who won't be winning the Pulitzer any time soon.