Just awful. Plain and Simple. II

  • Volla
    Insignia91 wrote: »
    Your problem is you are trying to play on a MAC! the only thing macs are good for is searching the web and doing reports.

    just a question ... if you not mac why you here?
  • Volla
    It's not the Mac. It's the client. Doesn't matter how much RAM you have either. I had 16GB and still crashed every 30 min at minimum settings. There are lots of posts about this but they are old and mostly in the Mac technical support section. Most quit playing the game months ago. Myself included. After literally dozens of crash reports sent, incident reports filed and a few heated emails with ZOS customer support, no fix has been found and not even a single recommendation given. All they wanted was more info from me (I guess dozens of crash reports wasn't enough). I refused to keep paying money to help them find an issue on something that should've been fixed within the first few weeks. The bottom line is Mac users are a minority and not serious enough gamers to make an impact on their market. They don't care that the game doesn't work as advertised. The game says Mac compatible but it should definitely have some fine print about PVP performance. They did a good job with fixing PVE performances but PVP on a Mac is a joke. They made their big money off the release and initial subs, fixed a lot of issues but now it's all about upcoming content releases and getting the console version ready. Not being arrogant here (And I realize this is apples to oranges) but I write code for industrial automation controls and if it took me 3+ months to fix a coding issue I'd have been fired in the first couple weeks and the customer would've lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. I wish ZOS was held to the same real world standards as it's consumers were. But they don't even have to offer a refund....

    i kinda cant agree more. well said.
    the crashes is getting to me to ... i am really getting tired of em ...
  • Ecco
    "Vatter wrote: »
    I'm not quite sure if you understand the difference between minimum and recommended specs.

    Oh I understand the difference alright. What you may not understand is the marketing reality that the "recommended" specs are still going to define systems that will result in crappy play. Publishers are never going to deliberately limit their market to high end systems.
    Edited by Ecco on July 26, 2014 12:19AM
  • Ecco
    As for the comments regarding Mac "hating", I think that's going on to some extent here, but mostly I'm hearing the demonstrable fact that Macs are inferior gaming machines. You can't customize them easily, the software base is limited and you're lucky if there's a Mac version of some great new game you want to play. And even luckier to get any kind of decent tech support. There's nothing wrong with having a Mac these days, unless you're a gamer.
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    god these images are priceless.
  • Thralgaf
    So if I don't have a MAC, and I have yet to experience a crash of any sort in pve or pvp...what does that mean? This thread are confuse.
    Edited by Thralgaf on July 26, 2014 12:52AM
  • Tabbycat
    ESO runs fine on High settings with 4GB RAM on a PC.

    Even though there is a MAC client, I'd never use a MAC to play computer games. They simply aren't built for it.
    Edited by Tabbycat on July 26, 2014 1:06AM
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • Breg_Magol
    Gix wrote: »
    Anyone who blames hardware for inadequate software coding is ignorant. Doesn't matter if you like Mac, Windows or Linux.

    There's a memory leak in the client, plain and simple. Having more RAM available doesn't fix the issue, it only hides it.

    It's nice to know that the Mac team is looking into it but this issue persists even on the Windows side. My buddies have the same issue as the OP.
    If you had a PC you could just go buy some ram for a fair price and put it in yourself.
    Macs use the same kind of RAM as PCs, you dolt. It's been like that since (at least) 1996. Same goes for pretty much every thing with the exception of the motherboard and processor.

    Good idea on spending more cash to work-around something that should work from the get-go and congrats on not actually fixing the problem; but I guess this backwards way of thinking is how you do things in a Windows environment.

    I love how PC dorks think they know more about computers but they don't know anything outside their own environment... or is it just an Amercian thing?

    Woa, hold your horses there! I don't see it as a Mac vs. PC issue (that's just a red herring and you're feeding it), however it IS a hardware issue.
    Mac and Window's are the OSes in case you don't know and the discussion is really about whether the OP has enough oomph in the hardware department .. and he doesn't. 4 Gb of RAM and his video card are both sub par for the modern gaming experience, whether it's running Win OS, Mac OS or some other a Nix/BSD variant.

    If you know there's a memory leak "plain and simple" then how about providing some plausible evidence? I don't know how to do that on a Mac .. but here's some info I found on MSDN for Windows users.

    Find the memory leak –
    Detect the presence of a memory leak in the system, given a particular reproducible sequence. You should be able to identify a specific process, but demonstrating an overall increase in committed system memory can qualify a memory leak as well.
    Isolate the memory leak –
    Determine the exact location in the source code where the un–freed allocation occurs. This can be a lengthy and tedious process, requiring specific tools, trial–and–error, and teamwork with the original author of the code.
    Fix the memory leak –
    After the first two steps are completed, this is easy. Fixing the memory leak usually involves adding some code to free the memory in the questionable code path.

    The information that can be gathered in the first step becomes very helpful in completing step 2 and step 3.

    It's a fact of life that most modern programs function better with more RAM. Basically a rule of thumb on a 64 bit OS is that the more RAM is available, the less the OS has to use virtual swap space to run complex programs .. that's how it pretty much works in Windows and in BSD (Mac OS is based on BSD).

    Therefore, you most likely will have to spend cash to get the experience you want.

    FWIW, I run the following ..
    OS - Win7 64 Bit
    CPU - Intel i5-3570 @ 3.40GHz 3.80GHz
    RAM - 8.00 GB
    Video - AMD Radeon 7850 2 GB

    and I get a fairly smooth experience most of the time, ranging from 80 - 15 FPS depending on the situation and scenery.

  • Moonraker
    1. The Mac ESO Client has a known memory issue which has had some fixes released and continues to be worked on. In PVE it will usually go 2-3 hours before a crash. In PvP big battles it is more like 25-45 minutes which is the real problem still which remains to be addressed.

    This is noted for some time now even in the Mac Known Issues sticky
    Frequent Mac Client Crashing:
    Could be due to the game client slowly leaking memory over long play sessions.
    Memory usage can be significantly reduced by turning textures down to medium or by turning the graphics settings down to medium.

    and covered more directly in the Mac Technical Support section.

    2. PC v Mac posts? Really? Get a perspective.

    Given that no one claims Macs are gaming computers is no surprise. They are however quite capable of running ESO as well as the vast majority of PCs running Windows, given that 'gaming PCs' form a small percentage of actual market share (plenty of players using cheaper and laptops also) It doesn't have to be stellar just work well enough for people to enjoy the game. On top end Macs it plays great at top settings as it is.

    Other than that they are very good all-round computers which people use for lots of things, including gaming.

    The reality is that both the PC & Mac ESO clients performance is pretty much on par which is a credit to the development team. The one outstanding difference remaining is the memory issue which is primarily related to the use of a different graphics API in OpenGL and the requirement for more overhead loaded into memory on launch which compounds the problem.

    Other than that there is little difference in 'like for like' testing (given that the player can boot into either OS via Bootcamp if desired on a Mac) which was shown in early comparisons and holds true now.

    Mac knocking is so old hat...

    3. It's great to have some CS feedback to this specific issue. However, why is that it has not been available to the specific Mac Technical Support forum @ZOS_JessicaFolsom where this issue has been discussed and such communication not forthcoming there where most Mac players will check?
    Edited by Moonraker on July 26, 2014 4:31AM
  • Cyberdown
    Recommended specs = the game will start and it will "work"

    doesn't mean he will be able to enjoy the most graphically intensive activity know to man: mass mmorpg pvp

    Crashing is most likely due to driver issues...and just because they are up to date doesn't mean the install was clean and flawless...and AMD is known to have fickle drivers.

    If it was 100% clearly the game, everyone would have this issue...and most don't...to me the issue is clearly on your end...unless someone at zeni knows you and dislikes you and made code just to spite you...which is possible I guess.

    Edited by Cyberdown on July 26, 2014 4:58AM
  • pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO
    I don't think YOU have been on these forms enough. Go over to the alliance war section. The majority of posts there are about this exact issue. Constant crashes and rollbacks in Wabba sometimes as close as twenty minutes apart. Not only that, most of the posts about aoe caps also end up discussing this topic. Massive blobs spamming aoe heals and impulse are causing server crashes. Apparently it sounds as though it is a problem exclusive to Wabba. OP, is that the campaign you play in?

    O RLY? I went to check AW forums and found one discussion on the issue with 14 comments where one guy was having an issue and the rest just came to support the discussion.

    There were two more discussions dated 25th of July but they were mostly discussing the general issue of Wabba being down due to some clever tactics from DC crowd. And that was two pages of AW forum that I've checked. Maybe there more further down but I can't be bothered to check.

    So what you said of majority of posts being about this exact issue is just plain wrong. Rollbacks and campaign being inaccessible are general issues that affect everyone so those are irrelevant to this particular discussion.
    Edited by pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO on July 26, 2014 5:49AM
    "Do you want the book or not? Then go whack some people with Wabbajack!!"
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    I won't go into details on the Mac vs PC debate in general, but I want to say this much: reinstalling the OS every few months to "keep your computer fresh" is a Windows thing. MacOS X is not prone to acquire the kind of "system rot" for which Windows is infamous. Reaching for the OS reinstall disk at every problem that might possibly be system related is not the right thing to do on a Mac.

    I have computers running MacOS X, Windows and Linux, sometimes all on the same machine, and never once have I been required to reinstall MacOS X to set things straight. However, because I have a choice, I never use MacOS X for gaming.
  • Madval
  • Moonraker
    Cyberdown wrote: »
    Crashing is most likely due to driver issues...and just because they are up to date doesn't mean the install was clean and flawless...and AMD is known to have fickle drivers.

    If it was 100% clearly the game, everyone would have this issue...and most don't...to me the issue is clearly on your end...unless someone at zeni knows you and dislikes you and made code just to spite you...which is possible I guess.
    That's the problem with posting to a general forum section with a platform specific issue.

    With Apple OS X all drivers are included within the OS installation and official OS X updates. There are no separate drivers to install (except a few cases in Mac Pro computers where it is possible to install GPUs)

    Also, it is a 100% repeatable crash issue which has been known and documented and posted many times both by players and even identified specifically by the developers (in known issue sticky)

    Reading previous comments would help avoid posting misinformation.
    Edited by Moonraker on July 27, 2014 1:23PM
  • Istyar

    I have the solution for you.
    Last week I was having the same problems that you have now, and I noticed that the game was using almost all my RAM which was 4GB, then I bought +2GB and since then, I never got another crash.

    My laptop config:

    I5 3337u - 2,8Ghz
    GT 730M - 2GB, 128bits
    **6GB DDR3 1600Mhz**
    1 TB 7200 Rpm Hard Disc

    I'm playing on max graphics with 35-60 FPS depending on how many particles has in the area.

    I realy hope that help you.
    Istyar ~ Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion - Savior of Nirn - Hero of Tamriel

    Istyar, the old sorcerer from Summerset Isles, Master of the Old Ways of the Psjiic Order and Grand Master of the Illusion and Mysticism Divison of Aldmeri Dominion Army.

    Check the UESP and learn more about TES universe: https://www.uesp.net/wiki/Main_Page
  • bertenburnyb16_ESO
    Guppet wrote: »
    its the memory leak that still hasn't been fixed

    Memory leak combined with minimum ram is the issue. Upgrade ram or wait for the leak to be fixed.

    I got 8gig of ram in my late 2013 macbookpro and the game still crashes every 15-30 min in Cyro, if theres mora than 50 people running around me it can crash any moment, so no, its not "minimum" ram issue, its the game thats frakked up, and I'm getting tired of it
    Haze Ramoran Dunmer Dragonknight Tank/Dps – Smoked-Da-Herb Saxheel Templar Tank/Healer

    Red Diamond, Protect us 'til the end (EU EP Thorn)
  • Mondo
    Allready told the TE that a 4GB Mac is to LOW for that Game. Was reported twice. I think he only wanna hear that his Mac is Ultra but the Game fails.

    @Vatter!!!! Upgrade your lame Mac or get an PC its so simple and pls stop reporting me cause i tell you the truth. If you cant handle it you should get away from Internet
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • CapuchinSeven
    @Vatter - We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing such a frustrating issue. Our Mac team has been on the case tracking this one down. We are currently testing a fix for what we believe is causing your issue. If it passes, it will be in Update 3.

    The fact that we see posts like this and yet we STILL have people posting "it r ur computz" is sort of confusing to me...
  • bertenburnyb16_ESO
    @Vatter - We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing such a frustrating issue. Our Mac team has been on the case tracking this one down. We are currently testing a fix for what we believe is causing your issue. If it passes, it will be in Update 3.

    The fact that we see posts like this and yet we STILL have people posting "it r ur computz" is sort of confusing to me...

    haters gonna hate
    Haze Ramoran Dunmer Dragonknight Tank/Dps – Smoked-Da-Herb Saxheel Templar Tank/Healer

    Red Diamond, Protect us 'til the end (EU EP Thorn)
  • Volla
    just to leave a note here. if you using PC on this topic, if you don't have constructive comments don't respond.
  • cuz_mike200
    Don't worry, I have some problems like this on PC and I have got Intel i5 which isn't best speed for gaming.
  • Frenkthevile
    Do not play on a Mac.
  • Micallef
    Started getting these crash reports yesterday, two of them, first time since the official beta (considering that the unofficial one is still being conducted...)
    Running a PC with following specs:
    Asus Z87-A
    Intel 4771
    16GB of RAM
    Asus GTX660TI
    Asus Xonar D2X
    Running off secondary WDC Black, both system and secondary disks over 50% free
    OS (Win7 64 bit) and drivers up to date

    Crash reports are now on top of non-responsive ability bars, invisible enemies and random drops to 4 fps.
    The state of this game is awful and they're only going to heap further problems onto the already borked client with 1.3. Never mind fixing the existing stuff first.
    So frustrated with this waste...
  • lestaudenmaierub17_ESO
    Vatter wrote: »
    Here are some games I have had no trouble running.

    Lord Of The Rings Online

    Calling your bluff: Ever play on Brandywine? There is no way you ever played in the moors without lag, rollbacks, creep immunity bugs, etc. unless you were on the least populated server that existed. Everyone had issues with PvP in that game, and it never got fixed during the 3 years i played it.
    Vatter wrote: »

    My specs are-
    iMac OS 10.9.4
    intel i5
    4 GB ram
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512MB
    500 GB Hard Drive (450 GB free)

    An i5 processor with 4GB or RAM and a 512 MB video card? You can't expect miracles running this type of rig. Yes, I realize it meets the minimum & recommended requirements and maybe ZOS needs to update those requirements to something more realistic.
    Edited by lestaudenmaierub17_ESO on July 29, 2014 11:34AM
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Tabbycat wrote: »
    ESO runs fine on High settings with 4GB RAM on a PC.

    Even though there is a MAC client, I'd never use a MAC to play computer games. They simply aren't built for it.

    my experiences differ greatly, I have tried it at both 4 and 8gb and at 4 it was getting regular slideshow effects.

    However, something has happened recently that has caused me to no longer be able to run the settings on high as I had been. I am not sure what was done, but the game was fine until very recently and then started getting massive fps drops, had to change my settings to medium.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • SavageHenry
    Having the same problem on PC, sent in a petition, did everything possible and still crashes every hour or so. it is extremely annoying.
  • Srugzal
    Don't worry, I have some problems like this on PC and I have got Intel i5 which isn't best speed for gaming.

    i5 comes in different speeds, you know. I run everything on ultra with mine, no issues to speak of. Kinda good to avoid generalizing with there being so many different versions of hardware out there.
  • Wolfster
    Akiainavas wrote: »
    We all know that the Mac client has some issues, especially with memory leaks etc. But to be honest - the first thing I would do is upgrade your RAM. 4GB is not enough for big PVP fights.

    4 Gig is more than enough. The game client is 32 bit, and can't even use 4 gigs of RAM.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    It's not the Mac. It's the client. Doesn't matter how much RAM you have either. I had 16GB and still crashed every 30 min at minimum settings. There are lots of posts about this but they are old and mostly in the Mac technical support section. Most quit playing the game months ago. Myself included. After literally dozens of crash reports sent, incident reports filed and a few heated emails with ZOS customer support, no fix has been found and not even a single recommendation given. All they wanted was more info from me (I guess dozens of crash reports wasn't enough). I refused to keep paying money to help them find an issue on something that should've been fixed within the first few weeks. The bottom line is Mac users are a minority and not serious enough gamers to make an impact on their market. They don't care that the game doesn't work as advertised. The game says Mac compatible but it should definitely have some fine print about PVP performance. They did a good job with fixing PVE performances but PVP on a Mac is a joke. They made their big money off the release and initial subs, fixed a lot of issues but now it's all about upcoming content releases and getting the console version ready. Not being arrogant here (And I realize this is apples to oranges) but I write code for industrial automation controls and if it took me 3+ months to fix a coding issue I'd have been fired in the first couple weeks and the customer would've lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. I wish ZOS was held to the same real world standards as it's consumers were. But they don't even have to offer a refund....

    You can't blame ZOS for not making the game based on Mac specs. Mac is great if all you do is A/V stuff otherwise buy a real computer. This is Apple's fault for making proprietary stuff that is just not compatible with what 80% of people use. It stuns me that people still buy their products even though there is absolutely nothing special about them. I am using Windows 8.1 and I have zero problems aside from the already established bugs. And I love Windows 8.1 BTW.
  • Jeth
    @Vatter - We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing such a frustrating issue. Our Mac team has been on the case tracking this one down. We are currently testing a fix for what we believe is causing your issue. If it passes, it will be in Update 3.

    Might be the most ridiculous statement EVER. "We" have been getting 20 to 30 crash logs from me since beta. 5+months....... "I" normally have an application crash once every few months while "we's" crashes once every 20 minutes. Perhaps someone in Maryland might appreciate how "sorry" you and and the other person that constitutes the "we" , the rest of us who have to re-login and run for 30 minutes across Cyrodiill are far less impressed, much less sympathic. "You" can tell "we" that "we" sold "me" a game for $80 US and that game doesn't work for 5+ months. Your Mac team needs to find some Mac people or "we" needs to pull the product from the shelf and refund the "they" their money.

    Clear enough?
    Edited by Jeth on July 30, 2014 4:51AM
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