Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
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FPS Issue Still Is Not Fixed - 1 Month of Unplayable PvP

  • Grim13
    WebBull wrote: »
    Watching this the slow motion train wreck of ESO is unfortunately becoming more exciting than the game.

    That it is.
  • Obscure
    Obscure wrote: »

    Awww, how can I stay mad at that cute little team?

    Awww! Reminds me of this gif I found of their QA department, working hard as usual.


    Daaaawwww! Dey so cute over at Zenimax!

    Maybe when dey all grown up dey can haz people QAs!

    I will name my next kitty ZOS so when she/he destroys things that are dear to me I'll not be suprized, and anytime she/he does something right I'll immediately know there are no less than two things she/he just did wrong:

    "Hurray! You finally caught that elusive little mouse! That's a good little ZOS! that my authentic ostrich boot leather caught in your claws...and why does it smell like ammonia? Oh, you little mother f..."
  • eonowakb16_ESO
    We understand and respect the frustration in regards to the performance issues. We have our Engineering and QA teams currently working on tracking down and testing several things that we believe are contributing to the problem. This is a bit of a nebulous issue, as it has several contributing factors. Each time we nail down a contributing factor and fix it, we push that fix live. We promise to continue to keep you updated, and we do apologize that the issue is still persisting.

    Cool you have working your team on it? Now?

    I wonder what you present at the Quake-Com? The real game? Or some special server to impress the folks at the fair?

    I understand everyone that complain about nearly 3 weeks unplayable cyrodil! Why you dont put your efforts in the one major issue you have that cause players to leave this still stunning and amazing game?
    Jerak Arenreth - legendär in Glenumbra - legendär überall
  • CoUsT
    Players already found main issue. It's in particles (probably introduced in lights with 1.2.3 patch). Try disabling it in config by changing this:

    SET ParticlesEnabled

    from 1 to 0. You can stay near huuuuuge zerg and your fps will be fine. However, game is unplayable without all particles, your bar will desync, you won't see your horse and sprinting on horse will drain your stamina and many other problems.

    They should really remove a lot particles until they find what is REALLY causing this problem.
  • Xsorus
    Beeftips wrote: »
    This game is going into the books as one of the buggiest, unplayable messes in MMO history.

    And with a dev team that seems utterly, irrefutably lost.

    I can't fathom what they're thinking anymore. I really don't know. No free time to try to recoup possible lost subs. Letting major fixes go past major US holidays without being applied, leaving even more lost play time, little to useless communication aside from the occasional empty platitude followed by forum mods stomping on people for being rightfully upset.

    Why should I ever in a million years ever give you a penny of my money again?

    I don't go back to a restaurant that leaves hair in my food and won't replace it. I sure as heck don't want to continue feeding your feckless dev team.

    I don't think the tards at Zenimax realize how their actions in ESO have effected their reputation along with the reputation of the elder scrolls franchise.

    I don't know if I'll ever buy a bethesda/Zenimax game again. The lack of motivation to fix these major bugs has left a bitter taste in my mouth toward all elder scrolls and fallout games. I really don't want Zenimax to ever get another penny of my money.

    You really nailed my feelings there, Beeftips.

    I have been a huge Bethesda/Zenimax fan for years (hence getting into ESO). I loved Morrowind, then Oblivion (Shivering Isles remains my favorite Xpack of any game EVER), Fallout 3, then New Vegas, then Skyrim.

    I have a Fallout Boy bobble head sitting next to my Anduin statuette from the various collector's editions. I use the art books as my coffee table books. My fiancee and I, before we started living together and were in a long distance relationship, would do 'let's play's with just each other playing through the same parts of Oblivion while on VoIP. These games held a deep, deep place in my heart.

    That ESO is failing this miserably, that it is so terribly unfun to play, is destroying my love of these franchises and my faith in ZOS and Bethesda.

    You are doing to the franchises I love what Bioware did, ZOS. They destroyed Mass Effect with that joke of a series ending and wrecked Star Wars with SW:TOR's 1.2 patch while releasing an awful, awful sequel to Dragon Age.

    It's watching a second developer commit all the same mistakes and errors and crash and burn, leaving me broken hearted.

    While the Lag is awful in this game

    You do realize you're talking about Bethesda games right? Games that are usually some of the most buggy games on the market. Also New Vegas wasn't made by Bethesda, That was made by Obsidian.

    As for destroying Mass Effect..While the ending was terrible (until they actually released that free dlc) they didn't come close to destroying that IP, when ME4 is released it'll sell millions like Dragon Age 3 is going to sell.

    Same with SWTOR, not only does it have a pretty decent amount of subscribers, it's got a ton of people that pony up money for the F2P system as well.

    ZOS would be happy with anything remotely resembling SWTOR playerbase, and would kill for anything remotely close to ME/Dragon Age series in sales.

    In otherwords, Your hyperbole sucks

    Selling millions doesn't make a game good. That's what I was speaking to.

    But next you'll tell me how deep and meaningful of a gaming experience I will find in the Call of Duty and NBA2KXX and FIFA Soccer games.

    Selling Millions of copies doesn't make a game good

    But selling 10 Copies of a good game, vs 10 million copies of a bad game...a Business will choose 10 million every time.

    Hence why those *** games you're talking about get made, Because they sell.

    I'll offer another example if that flies over your head

    you can go on and on about how Michael Bay Movies are awful, But that still doesn't change the fact that the movie with the highest earned money this year is Transformers.

    Edited by Xsorus on July 7, 2014 10:24PM
  • eonowakb16_ESO
    Inimicus wrote: »
    Tracking down contributing factors - the contributing factor is patch 1.2.3. Enough is enough. My sub ends this weekend, but today was my last day of playing, as the majority of players in my guild are not subbed past tomorrow.

    I have to agree, i would cancel my supscription also if i would not have still a guild that i have to care for. Thats really to much! ZOS is able to nerv the Vetran areas, whatever you think of it...but not able to fix that FPS issues!

    Wake up!

    Edited by eonowakb16_ESO on July 7, 2014 10:28PM
    Jerak Arenreth - legendär in Glenumbra - legendär überall
  • MADshadowman
    I can confirm that the patch didn't solve anything. But with every "fix" new issues appear. This is what i experienced the last days and today:
    • FPS drops down to 1,5 (personal record)
    • huge delays for skills, effects, input
    • npc's and players are constantly invisible
    • when porting back to a base keep, first there is no keep, then everything around me slowly starts to build up
    • random load screens even in the middle of a fight
    • sound suddenly disappears
    • missing effects for skills and ults

    ...and all that jazz.

    Please ask your devs if it wouldn't be possible to add a small function, executable via chat command (/flush), that flushes the memory instantly, so players wont have to relog everytime. That can't be so hard, and would help us very much til the issue finally is fixed.
  • TehMagnus
    Don't hate the developers, they just follow the business team orders. Business team rarely has any clue about what programming is about. If devs where in charge, game would be playable, FPS issues would be fixed, prolly with a rollback on useless lighting patch. Only someone from business could imagine that having nicer interior lights is something a game needs...
  • shanersimms_ESO
    I can confirm that the patch didn't solve anything. But with every "fix" new issues appear. This is what i experienced the last days and today:
    • FPS drops down to 1,5 (personal record)
    • huge delays for skills, effects, input
    • npc's and players are constantly invisible
    • when porting back to a base keep, first there is no keep, then everything around me slowly starts to build up
    • random load screens even in the middle of a fight
    • sound suddenly disappears
    • missing effects for skills and ults

    ...and all that jazz.

    Please ask your devs if it wouldn't be possible to add a small function, executable via chat command (/flush), that flushes the memory instantly, so players wont have to relog everytime. That can't be so hard, and would help us very much til the issue finally is fixed.

    You can't /flush your memory like that... it would flush everything in memory including every desirable part of the game that is loaded into memory....
    -Lord Shaszahan the Archmage, of The Septim Bloodline
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    Beeftips wrote: »
    This game is going into the books as one of the buggiest, unplayable messes in MMO history.

    And with a dev team that seems utterly, irrefutably lost.

    I can't fathom what they're thinking anymore. I really don't know. No free time to try to recoup possible lost subs. Letting major fixes go past major US holidays without being applied, leaving even more lost play time, little to useless communication aside from the occasional empty platitude followed by forum mods stomping on people for being rightfully upset.

    Why should I ever in a million years ever give you a penny of my money again?

    I don't go back to a restaurant that leaves hair in my food and won't replace it. I sure as heck don't want to continue feeding your feckless dev team.

    I don't think the tards at Zenimax realize how their actions in ESO have effected their reputation along with the reputation of the elder scrolls franchise.

    I don't know if I'll ever buy a bethesda/Zenimax game again. The lack of motivation to fix these major bugs has left a bitter taste in my mouth toward all elder scrolls and fallout games. I really don't want Zenimax to ever get another penny of my money.

    You really nailed my feelings there, Beeftips.

    I have been a huge Bethesda/Zenimax fan for years (hence getting into ESO). I loved Morrowind, then Oblivion (Shivering Isles remains my favorite Xpack of any game EVER), Fallout 3, then New Vegas, then Skyrim.

    I have a Fallout Boy bobble head sitting next to my Anduin statuette from the various collector's editions. I use the art books as my coffee table books. My fiancee and I, before we started living together and were in a long distance relationship, would do 'let's play's with just each other playing through the same parts of Oblivion while on VoIP. These games held a deep, deep place in my heart.

    That ESO is failing this miserably, that it is so terribly unfun to play, is destroying my love of these franchises and my faith in ZOS and Bethesda.

    You are doing to the franchises I love what Bioware did, ZOS. They destroyed Mass Effect with that joke of a series ending and wrecked Star Wars with SW:TOR's 1.2 patch while releasing an awful, awful sequel to Dragon Age.

    It's watching a second developer commit all the same mistakes and errors and crash and burn, leaving me broken hearted.

    While the Lag is awful in this game

    You do realize you're talking about Bethesda games right? Games that are usually some of the most buggy games on the market. Also New Vegas wasn't made by Bethesda, That was made by Obsidian.

    As for destroying Mass Effect..While the ending was terrible (until they actually released that free dlc) they didn't come close to destroying that IP, when ME4 is released it'll sell millions like Dragon Age 3 is going to sell.

    Same with SWTOR, not only does it have a pretty decent amount of subscribers, it's got a ton of people that pony up money for the F2P system as well.

    ZOS would be happy with anything remotely resembling SWTOR playerbase, and would kill for anything remotely close to ME/Dragon Age series in sales.

    In otherwords, Your hyperbole sucks

    Selling millions doesn't make a game good. That's what I was speaking to.

    But next you'll tell me how deep and meaningful of a gaming experience I will find in the Call of Duty and NBA2KXX and FIFA Soccer games.

    Selling Millions of copies doesn't make a game good

    But selling 10 Copies of a good game, vs 10 million copies of a bad game...a Business will choose 10 million every time.

    Hence why those *** games you're talking about get made, Because they sell.

    I'll offer another example if that flies over your head

    you can go on and on about how Michael Bay Movies are awful, But that still doesn't change the fact that the movie with the highest earned money this year is Transformers.

    And if all they cared about were the hard numbers there'd never have been a redo of the ME3 ending. They had their money, why care about the good will of your customer base?

    Or why have they backpedaled away from the DA2 style of game to stress the more open world aspects for DA3?

    Yeah, Michael Bay movies make millions. Good movies make more. Titanic, Dark Knight, Avatar, et al. If you're an exec and have Titanic or Transformers 3 in front of you, what would YOU rather have added to your bottom line?

    Putting out trash may give you a good baseline, being good gets you money by the bucket load.

    If you want *me* to buy your game, don't be crappy. Sometimes I make a mistake and buy a crappy game, but I don't repeat that mistake if I can help it, which is the case here.

    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • MADshadowman
    You can't /flush your memory like that... it would flush everything in memory including every desirable part of the game that is loaded into memory....

    I'm sure there would be some data that could be flushed. Everything is better than:
    • find a save place out of combat
    • esc
    • logout
    • wait 10 seconds
    • 10 seconds are over
    • wait at least another 5 seconds
    • 20 seconds loading screen
    • character menu
    • play
    • loading icon
    • loading screen
    • 20-30 seconds later you're back

    There has to be some built-in workaround for this issue til it's fixed.

    Edited by MADshadowman on July 7, 2014 10:45PM
  • rich_nicholsonb16_ESO
    We understand and respect the frustration in regards to the performance issues. We have our Engineering and QA teams currently working on tracking down and testing several things that we believe are contributing to the problem. This is a bit of a nebulous issue, as it has several contributing factors. Each time we nail down a contributing factor and fix it, we push that fix live. We promise to continue to keep you updated, and we do apologize that the issue is still persisting.

    Why didn't they roll back to patch 1.2 a day after the fps problem started? There is no harm in saying "we screwed up". Also why did you continue to patch the EU server knowing there was an issue in the first place? and tomorrow your going to patch the EU server knowing that the fix is still not solving anything and some have reported its made it worse. It's crazy we're paying for all this!
    Patch 1.2.3 nerfed the game....
    Zergballing wrecked pvp......

    Now waiting for Camelot Unchained!!
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    We understand and respect the frustration in regards to the performance issues. We have our Engineering and QA teams currently working on tracking down and testing several things that we believe are contributing to the problem. This is a bit of a nebulous issue, as it has several contributing factors. Each time we nail down a contributing factor and fix it, we push that fix live. We promise to continue to keep you updated, and we do apologize that the issue is still persisting.

    Why didn't they roll back to patch 1.2 a day after the fps problem started? There is no harm in saying "we screwed up". Also why did you continue to patch the EU server knowing there was an issue in the first place? and tomorrow your going to patch the EU server knowing that the fix is still not solving anything and some have reported its made it worse. It's crazy we're paying for all this!

    Why they went ahead and pushed the patch to the EU servers anyways is a good question. It implies a bullheaded, gives no cares decision making process.
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • timidobserver
    LrdRahvin wrote: »
    Two (what should have been) bullet proof IPs sunk within the last three years. Hope you're happy you just put yourself on the list of shame ZOS- right there alongside EAWare with SWTOR.

    I hate bad comparisons. Yes SWTOR sunk, though came back pretty strong in the long run. However, SWTOR didn't have performance issues after the expected launch issues. The one thing I'll say about the game is that it performed like a champ for me after the first 2-3 weeks. SWTOR's issue is that they released with like 1/10 of a game due to sinking all of their time and money into cutscenes and voiceovers.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Anastasia
    You can't /flush your memory like that... it would flush everything in memory including every desirable part of the game that is loaded into memory....

    I'm sure there would be some data that could be flushed. Everything is better than:

    • find a save place out of combat
    • esc
    • logout
    • wait 10 seconds
    • 10 seconds are over
    • wait at least another 5 seconds
    • 20 seconds loading screen
    • character menu
    • play
    • loading icon
    • loading screen
    • 20-30 seconds later you're back

    There has to be some built-in workaround for this issue til it's fixed.

    So frickin' unbelievable now, still, yea.

    Edited by Anastasia on July 7, 2014 11:07PM
  • Malmai
    LrdRahvin wrote: »
    Beeftips wrote: »

    I think it's going to take more than a standard "we are working on this issue" comment to try and stop the hemorrhaging of subscriptions. We'd the in-depth explanations of the follow:

    1. How did 1.2 even get past QC?
    2. Why didn't you consider an immediate rollback after the patch was released and the complaints started rolling in about the FPS issues?
    3. Will subscribers be compensated for last 3 weeks of the game being unplayable?
    4. What are you currently doing to fix this issue?
    5. What is the primary cause of the issue? Can the game still be rolled back but have the data retained so people don't lose progression?

    The main complaint that everyone has is the lack of communication from the Zenimax end. We get vague promises that the issue is being investigated but no results are yielded.

    Mock answers from ZOS' crack team:

    1. QC...what is quality control? Hey Bob do we have any testing/QA at all? No, I didn't think so, someone asked is all. Nope no QC here...We do have a lot of Q(uestionable) C(omedy) here though :D
    2. Hodor?
    3. What, me worry? (you guys are all beta testers for the console-kiddie market after all)
    4. Hey Bob, has our team ordered lunch yet?
    5. Hodor? Hodor Hodor Hodor!!! (see also number 2)

    We know that these issues are frustrating and we will keep you updated.
    Stay tuned for more vague promises and empty attempts to look like we know what we're doing!

    This one got me hard haha
  • texugo1337
    Soul Shriven
    We all play in the PTS, Paid Test Server.
  • DemonNinja
    All joking aside, as a developer myself. This is unacceptable. @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌, I know its not your fault but someone over there needs to take the responsibility and do something about this. @ZOS_MattFiror‌ care to chime in?
    Aerilon Starsider - Best Sorcerer NA
    World Record Trial Team Member & Game Breaker of Days Past
  • Obscure
    At this point I hope you pull the plug on the console version before it even releases, you are going to destroy an entire beloved franchise, if it hasn't already been completely destroyed, because you are lazy, greedy devs with complete lack of foresight. Does anyone ever take pride in their work these days?

    /End Rant

    Interesting that you mention console release... BEHOLD! the competition:

    They don't need to pull the plug on the console version. The console market will do that for them all by itself.

    To answer your question, yes, someone does take pride in their work these days. They work at studios called Bungie, Respawn, Nintendo, Insomniac, Valve, Undead Labs, and the list is actually pretty long...just wont find ZOS on it.

    @ZOS Have a Happy Bungie Day! (A.K.A. console ESO is effin' screwed day)
  • dcincali
    Remember when /reloadui would fix all the issues.. Oh the good old days..
  • Cyanhide
    dcincali wrote: »
    Remember when /reloadui would fix all the issues.. Oh the good old days..

    This is something you need to do every now and then in Wildstar, just saying. Doesn't fix too much tho.
  • Oberon
    Oberon wrote: »
    One month? Virtually my entire pvp guild left the game to head to Wildstar (a game I would definitely not recommend btw) because of unplayable lag in major Wabbajack battles. We dominated the top 20 Aldmeri Emperor list, held the Emperorship and had 6 in the top 10. Unplayable = game over.

    It's worse right now, but it's always been really, really bad in active Cyrodiil campaigns.

    ESO would have to physically kick me in the nuts for me to go play Wildstar at this point.
    I agree--Wildstar is bad.

    I was just pointing out in my post that Wabbajack and any other active campaign has been broken for months.

    This "fps issue" is not something new. We all experienced vicious lag in major battles where it would take the servers 15 to 30 seconds to respond to a single key press. It is not just an fps problem. The big problems are server side and have been for a very long time.

    On the client end, my cpu would overheat (and force a shutdown of my system if it didn't just lock up spontaneously) if I played in Cyrodiil for extended periods of time without rebooting. This has never happened in any other game and has only ever occurred in ESO, and only in Cyrodiil following long play periods with a lot of large battles. The graphics card simply is not being utilized properly, and the cpu is being overworked in a very big way. That part at least is not server side.

    It's a mess on both ends and is not something that just cropped up only because of the last patch. It got worse, to be sure, so more feel the pain now, but it was there long before this latest patch.

    I've stopped going to Cyrodiil (a shame since we were unstoppable and had a fantastic time when it actually worked....but my guild is gone now) and am simply playing on the pve side until my sub runs out.

    Maybe Everquest Next will turn out to be good. Sigh.
  • Grim13
    Obscure wrote: »
    At this point I hope you pull the plug on the console version before it even releases, you are going to destroy an entire beloved franchise, if it hasn't already been completely destroyed, because you are lazy, greedy devs with complete lack of foresight. Does anyone ever take pride in their work these days?

    /End Rant

    Interesting that you mention console release... BEHOLD! the competition:

    They don't need to pull the plug on the console version. The console market will do that for them all by itself.

    To answer your question, yes, someone does take pride in their work these days. They work at studios called Bungie, Respawn, Nintendo, Insomniac, Valve, Undead Labs, and the list is actually pretty long...just wont find ZOS on it.

    @ZOS Have a Happy Bungie Day! (A.K.A. console ESO is effin' screwed day)

    Yeah, I definitely cannot see ESO succeeding on Console.
  • Talrenos
    We understand and respect the frustration in regards to the performance issues. We have our Engineering and QA teams currently working on tracking down and testing several things that we believe are contributing to the problem. This is a bit of a nebulous issue, as it has several contributing factors. Each time we nail down a contributing factor and fix it, we push that fix live. We promise to continue to keep you updated, and we do apologize that the issue is still persisting.


    "We are working on the issue, however we really don't know exactly what the issue is. Our devs who coded the game simply lack the talent to find the issues and were taking small steps attempting to fix it blindly. We will continue to spin our ineptitude into telling you were working on it and being cautious, as if we did know the issue it would be fixed."
  • Xsorus
    Beeftips wrote: »
    This game is going into the books as one of the buggiest, unplayable messes in MMO history.

    And with a dev team that seems utterly, irrefutably lost.

    I can't fathom what they're thinking anymore. I really don't know. No free time to try to recoup possible lost subs. Letting major fixes go past major US holidays without being applied, leaving even more lost play time, little to useless communication aside from the occasional empty platitude followed by forum mods stomping on people for being rightfully upset.

    Why should I ever in a million years ever give you a penny of my money again?

    I don't go back to a restaurant that leaves hair in my food and won't replace it. I sure as heck don't want to continue feeding your feckless dev team.

    I don't think the tards at Zenimax realize how their actions in ESO have effected their reputation along with the reputation of the elder scrolls franchise.

    I don't know if I'll ever buy a bethesda/Zenimax game again. The lack of motivation to fix these major bugs has left a bitter taste in my mouth toward all elder scrolls and fallout games. I really don't want Zenimax to ever get another penny of my money.

    You really nailed my feelings there, Beeftips.

    I have been a huge Bethesda/Zenimax fan for years (hence getting into ESO). I loved Morrowind, then Oblivion (Shivering Isles remains my favorite Xpack of any game EVER), Fallout 3, then New Vegas, then Skyrim.

    I have a Fallout Boy bobble head sitting next to my Anduin statuette from the various collector's editions. I use the art books as my coffee table books. My fiancee and I, before we started living together and were in a long distance relationship, would do 'let's play's with just each other playing through the same parts of Oblivion while on VoIP. These games held a deep, deep place in my heart.

    That ESO is failing this miserably, that it is so terribly unfun to play, is destroying my love of these franchises and my faith in ZOS and Bethesda.

    You are doing to the franchises I love what Bioware did, ZOS. They destroyed Mass Effect with that joke of a series ending and wrecked Star Wars with SW:TOR's 1.2 patch while releasing an awful, awful sequel to Dragon Age.

    It's watching a second developer commit all the same mistakes and errors and crash and burn, leaving me broken hearted.

    While the Lag is awful in this game

    You do realize you're talking about Bethesda games right? Games that are usually some of the most buggy games on the market. Also New Vegas wasn't made by Bethesda, That was made by Obsidian.

    As for destroying Mass Effect..While the ending was terrible (until they actually released that free dlc) they didn't come close to destroying that IP, when ME4 is released it'll sell millions like Dragon Age 3 is going to sell.

    Same with SWTOR, not only does it have a pretty decent amount of subscribers, it's got a ton of people that pony up money for the F2P system as well.

    ZOS would be happy with anything remotely resembling SWTOR playerbase, and would kill for anything remotely close to ME/Dragon Age series in sales.

    In otherwords, Your hyperbole sucks

    Selling millions doesn't make a game good. That's what I was speaking to.

    But next you'll tell me how deep and meaningful of a gaming experience I will find in the Call of Duty and NBA2KXX and FIFA Soccer games.

    Selling Millions of copies doesn't make a game good

    But selling 10 Copies of a good game, vs 10 million copies of a bad game...a Business will choose 10 million every time.

    Hence why those *** games you're talking about get made, Because they sell.

    I'll offer another example if that flies over your head

    you can go on and on about how Michael Bay Movies are awful, But that still doesn't change the fact that the movie with the highest earned money this year is Transformers.

    And if all they cared about were the hard numbers there'd never have been a redo of the ME3 ending. They had their money, why care about the good will of your customer base?

    Or why have they backpedaled away from the DA2 style of game to stress the more open world aspects for DA3?

    Yeah, Michael Bay movies make millions. Good movies make more. Titanic, Dark Knight, Avatar, et al. If you're an exec and have Titanic or Transformers 3 in front of you, what would YOU rather have added to your bottom line?

    Putting out trash may give you a good baseline, being good gets you money by the bucket load.

    If you want *me* to buy your game, don't be crappy. Sometimes I make a mistake and buy a crappy game, but I don't repeat that mistake if I can help it, which is the case here.

    They put out a "redo" of the ending because they could still make money off the DLC's....The entire redo of the ending just fleshed out some of the weird parts of that original ending (like how my crew got on that ship suddenly?) The entire choice system didn't change. DA2 was actually even more interesting, It sold well, but they looked at the metrics and decided that the Expansion they were working on (which was going to be more open worldish) probably wouldn't do to good. Either way they made a buttload off the title because it sold a lot of copies and the development time was incredibly short (took like a year to release it) As for why they're stressing the old world nature in DA3? One simple answer..Skyrim

    Its the same reason Witcher 3 is doing it as well, Because Skyrim sold a crap ton of copies, and people making games look at Skyrim, and decided that's how they're going to make their money. If Skyrim was a 1 room RPG, and it sold the same number of copies, Witcher 3 and DA3 would be a 1 room RPG.

    As for good movies make more... Titanic was all intents of purposes, wasn't that great of a movie, It got a lot of money because of the male lead, which pulled in a large female audience...But don't pretend it was an amazing movie. Same with Avatar...Again..You really think that was an amazing movie? Or were you just "impressed" with the "graphics"

    And if you really want to laugh

    The Dark Knight Rises which is substantially better then Transformers 3, Made less over all.

    In fact..transformers 3 is one of the worst movies I've ever seen..But its still number 7 on the highest grossing films of all time.

    Edited by Xsorus on July 7, 2014 11:39PM
  • zScars
    are you really talking about this over the fps issue
    Founder of Incognito Merchants. Join us- head to our thread for more info.
  • BrassRazoo
    Samadhi wrote: »
    DemonNinja wrote: »
    If this was truly the "number one priority" as the developers have stated over and over today's patch notes would have lead off with "Fixed issue causing severe FPS drop for some players in PvP". Instead we got "we made the game more easy because the casual players complained enough."

    The FPS issue started impacting PvE players after the first attempted Cyrodiil fix. FPS drop was causing people to die to mobs.

    So PvE was nerfed in difficulty to minimize the issues PvE Players have.

    As long as the PvE players aren't vocally complaining about an issue, it can be put on the backburner.

    Meanwhile those of us who want to maximize time in PvP are left out.


    So when PvP players complain about skills they get owned with ZoS come along and nerfs them.
    Those poor old PvP players just can't cope.
  • Beeftips
    Shut up Zyler
  • Mujuro
    We understand and respect the frustration in regards to the performance issues. We have our Engineering and QA teams currently working on tracking down and testing several things that we believe are contributing to the problem. This is a bit of a nebulous issue, as it has several contributing factors. Each time we nail down a contributing factor and fix it, we push that fix live. We promise to continue to keep you updated, and we do apologize that the issue is still persisting.

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Thanks for the update; I know you and the rest of the community team have been taking the brunt of customer frustration on this issue. That said, I truly believe ZOS needs -- at a minimum -- to replace the current PM/tech lead, as well as QA lead. Given the host of issues, and subsequent, repeated failures on arguably simple matters (e.g., stuff that should have been caught in unit/integration/regression testing) ... I've lost confidence in the current team.
  • c0rp
    I have never seen a p2p game be broken for so long with a crippling issue like this. Did the original engine designers all quit for what lol.
    Force weapon swap to have priority over EVERYTHING. Close enough.
    Make stamina builds even with magicka builds.
    Disable abilities while holding block.
    Give us a REASON to do dungeons more than once.
    Remove PVP AoE CAP. It is ruining Cyrodiil.
    Fix/Remove Forward Camps. They are ruining Cyrodiil.
    Impenetrability needs to REDUCE CRIT DAMAGE. Not negate entire builds.
    Werewolf is not equal to Vamps/Bats.
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