joshisanonymous wrote: »@Nooblet
That's more like a list of things that aren't exactly the same as in DAoC, and some of those things even are the same. For instance, there were certainly gap closers like charge (or even just det5 tanks that were at times basically un-CC-able). That has no bearing on whether positioning is important, though. Or listing things like animation canceling: I'm really not sure what that has to do with anything. I'm not really sure what much of that list has to do with anything.
I actually like the mechanics of ESO quite a bit but, more to the point: having different mechanics does not automatically lead to a failure to create equally engrossing PvP. If that were the case, there'd be no hope in playing good PvP again unless someone made literally the exact same game as DAoC, perhaps with updated graphics. I'm pretty sure this is the goal of Camelot Unchained, but that sounds pretty boring to me. I just want that same feeling, it doesn't have to literally be the same game to achieve that. And I get that feeling from ESO.
I will say that I was hoping for the terrain to blend in to adjacent PvE zones a bit better, too. There's some snow up along the north I guess, but I never start feeling like I'm getting close to Morrowind or something. However, I still think this is pretty minor. I mean, people spent 95% of their time in Emain in DAoC anyway. That changed in NF, but both worked, IMO.
The combat mechanics in ESO promote 1 strategy.. stacking in a ball and charging together, spamming AE dps, AE ultimates, AE healing, AE
rajaniemiorama_ESO wrote: »
I do not understand how this strategy is all enompassing. If this tactic is used shouldnt the counter be to spread out and drop AE on the group? Which in turn causes the enemy group to spread out? Am I missing something?
rajaniemiorama_ESO wrote: »
I do not understand how this strategy is all enompassing. If this tactic is used shouldnt the counter be to spread out and drop AE on the group? Which in turn causes the enemy group to spread out? Am I missing something?
anonymousshadow613b16_ESO wrote: »I want what WAR had. RVR (similar to cyrodil) AND Scenarios. I enjoy them both.
joshisanonymous wrote: »
I'm sorry, I don't mean to keep posting here as I find the topic of this thread pretty irrelevant, but people absolutely complained about classes all the time in DAoC. In fact, they complained about Clerics even. The internet was still the internet, after all.
Problem is the mentality of gamers these days as well.
Why do guilds have to run around with 24 man zergs... sure it's the group cap but run around as a 4 or 8 man and find other 4-8 mans. Personally I'm partial to 8 being meta being daoc hipster and all.
No need for BGs.
popatiberiuoneb18_ESO wrote: »
People complain and they coplained about alot of classes in daoc during the yearsits also true that there was never such a huge inbalance in DAOC as the ones in ESO (1 class, no matter how powerfull, could never take more than 2-3 players at the time, in eso you have DK's wiping raids).
The fact is that DAOC group or solo play needed alot of coordination and reflexes added on top of your character build. It wasnt enough to play the OP class to own everyone in sight, you needed to know how to play it and it wasnt as easy as it sounds. I keep repeating ESO fighting sistem seems to be a joke, you dont have positionals, you dont have interupts (dont give me the "you can bash" excuse, that is very sittuational at best), you dont have sinergies between skills and flexibility in building (you cant afford to slot them), you dont have to manage your cds and cc break and the list could go on...even more...the "best" builds atm are the faceroll builds since you cant reliably cast consecutie skills (nor have the option in many cases) with all the lag spikes, freezes and huge latency. There was NO CLASS EVER in DAOC that could be succesfull by simply mashing 2 buttons.
Ohh, DAOC also allowed diversity, ESO barely gives you any skills to use and many are broken/useless, you are preaty much forced in using the same few skills with small can mix them on your bars though, make it feel like its a different build :P
This is why it was so popular and the reason people I played DAoC with (pre wow days) miss it. I hate pvp in current games but I did participate in pvp in DAoC. The loyalty was a huge factor and because it was a group effort, it wasn't an epeen contest. Classes weren't balanced because each class had their own role and no one complained about "NERF CLERICS NOW THEY ARE TOO OP CAUSE I CAN"T KILL THEM 1v1!!111!!!!".
The current pvp generation seems to want every class to have the exact same damage output, CC abilities, CC breaks and survivability. They don't want to work as a team unless it is a mass zerg for free points/honor/etc.
JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO wrote: »So this game is ESO not DAOC which is basically what you are saying.
ae mezz
ae cap
"hard" CC
Is there somewhere that new MMORPG (Massively multiplayer online role-playing game) players can look up all of the acronyms and slang that get thrown around in these forums? I realize that learning the terms of art is important to becoming a "member" of the culture...but I get lost reading through a lot of these posts.
Trenchfoot wrote: »Oh I'm fine with differences between the classes, except when it comes to the DK. Whoever thought it was a good idea to give massive survivability, huge aoe damage and great cc to the same class must have been smoking something very potent.
It can be
Thats just not true.
On Release as Smite cleric you could solo 5-6 people. Just mezz nuke mezz. As Archer on release you could kill off as many people as you wanted by doing the Shoot/stealth before arrow hits, shoot repeat trick. Lets not forget that for a few month you could chain mezz and aoe with instant aoe stun thrown in. The DAOC you remember is about 1 year post release. Oh wait I forgot 2h PA from stealth 1 shot kills AND you stay stealthed..
Later as SM with buffbot and high RR you could solo whole groups of noobs. As a cabalist you could do similar with 3-4.
Lets not wear rose coloured glasses here
popatiberiuoneb18_ESO wrote: »The key word here is "nubs". You could kill nubs even if outnumbered, sure, if no clue how to counter mez and no purge or any group tactic..and so on. On release people were still learning that why you could pull cheap tactics and win, i didnt play myself but my roomie from back then played ever since day for the 2h PA, i remember being able to 1 shot people with my sb but it was unstealthing me. When was this possible?
Yes, there were balance problems but none even close to how unbalanced ESO is,noone denies it but the devs were alot more responsive and the fixes were actualy working towards balancing the skills rather then clumsy patches to cover for frakcups. I also had lots of fun playing the underdog against the overpowered classes and got to kill them on ocasions, it was something achievable, in ESO there is just the hopeless feeling where you have 2 options: run or die.