In daoc you had with the ae mezz, no ae cap, group speed and speed traps enough items to counter a zerg. And you had a group size of 8 and no raid size, only chatgroups. A zerg contained many groups but wasn't a whole group itself.
Daoc had "hard" interupts and "hard" CC. This game has neither.
Also the pvp in daoc was based around 8v8, 3-4 (small man), or 1v1. Capturing keeps was never really used that much tbh aside from relic take/defends which were pretty epic. Guild vs Guild open field fighting were wildly competitive from release and fueled the game to the present day.
Different game is different
Daoc had "hard" interupts and "hard" CC. This game has neither.
Also the pvp in daoc was based around 8v8, 3-4 (small man), or 1v1. Capturing keeps was never really used that much tbh aside from relic take/defends which were pretty epic. Guild vs Guild open field fighting were wildly competitive from release and fueled the game to the present day.
Different game is different
This game has both hard interrupts and hard CC.
Maybe you're not using the terms in the same way though...? (never played DAoC)
JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO wrote: »Cyrodill is instanced.
Instanced means that it was created at the point of entry and will end when you have completed the match. AvA is on going, all the time with no start or ending.
JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO wrote: »With that logic it is instanced since someone will win at the end of the 90 days.
The thing you are describing is open world PvP not AvA.
joshisanonymous wrote: »
I'm sorry, you don't know what instancing is.
Edit: Also, can the 3 or so people making numerous threads about the same exact subject just stop? Seriously, use one thread. You made your argument; there's no need to repeat it with 15 new threads just to make it look like there are a lot more people who agree with you. In fact, you should probably just be using /feedback if you want BGs and arenas.
I also don't agree with this assessment that ESO has failed to create the same sort of PvP as DAoC because of combat mechanics. Hell, I don't even agree that ESO has failed in this task in the first place.
It did fail so far because of the campaign transfers and guesting mostly.
joshisanonymous wrote: »
I agree that's detrimental, but the basic game succeeds greatly in achieving DAoC-style PvP, IMO. It easily has the potential to be just as good.
What DAOC had was Realm and Server loyalty and pride. This came from few things:
1. Unique classe/races
2. LONG PVE lvl grinding(we are talking 3 month on release if you were not exploiting) VR level are an absolute joke in comparison. People were invested into their character
3. Very strong class/grp dependency. You had to have a Healer, you had to have buffer, you had to have some sort of CC, you had to have some kind of speed. You knew people on your server because you had to.
4. You could not transfer servers or respec for that matter. Here in ESO we jump campaigns daily, does anyone even give a F?
I don't think combat mechanics are the issue here. DAOC took LONG time to evolve into its golden age. First few month of RvR would make 99% of the people on this forum insta quit, it was so broken that Bat spamming DK Emperor would seem balanced in comparison.
What DAOC had was Realm and Server loyalty and pride. This came from few things:
1. Unique classe/races
2. LONG PVE lvl grinding(we are talking 3 month on release if you were not exploiting) VR level are an absolute joke in comparison. People were invested into their character
3. Very strong class/grp dependency. You had to have a Healer, you had to have buffer, you had to have some sort of CC, you had to have some kind of speed. You knew people on your server because you had to.
4. You could not transfer servers or respec for that matter. Here in ESO we jump campaigns daily, does anyone even give a F?
Camelot Unchained hopefully will try to replicate some of this. But you got to remember that MJ also gave us WAR. And that thing sucked more then ESO by far. I still remember sitting in that dumb ass Elf beach scenario farming pugs for weeks. Was there even world pvp? ya there was except that zones were absolutely terrible for it. Also 2 sides.. and channel everyone into fortress fights.. ya that will work.
They need to start simple. Disable campaign transfers and guesting, everything else is a bonus.
This game has both hard interrupts and hard CC.
Maybe you're not using the terms in the same way though...? (never played DAoC)
Classes weren't balanced because each class had their own role and no one complained about "NERF CLERICS NOW THEY ARE TOO OP CAUSE I CAN"T KILL THEM 1v1!!111!!!!".