So I ask this, Why are bots hitting the alchemy mats so hard when they have no value? I don't see them for sale either so where are they going? These are not gold sellers taking these mats. This is someone else.
This is also another reason the bots "have won": what would a new player think when he witness something like this?In high levels bots aren't so obvious. But when i rolled small alt and went to Khenarti Roost, then its felt like "Yes".
Bots porting all over zone and harvesting every stone and plant. Other bots invisible or underground doing same. I barely saw any harvest node there, because of instant porting bots. After few tries i reported at least one, who ported around and was visible. How hard can be identify such exploit? Apparently very hard... as in next day Zenimax still wasn't sure is that kind behaviour worth a ban or not, because same bot was still happily harvesting everything.
B.S. I got an offer in my email. ZOS is the only way they got it. Spam email! LOLnerevarine1138 wrote: »abuniffpreub18_ESO wrote: »Anybody else getting mail on their personal email accounts. I don't mean ingame email I mean the email you use everyday. If so how did they get my address, are they hacking the game for personal info ?.
No, they are not pulling your personal info from the game. ZO (like every other company) is required by law to report any compromise on their end that could even potentially lead to your data being seen.
Spam email goes to a lot of email addresses. I've gotten spam email from WoW gold-sellers on an address I never even associated with the game.
In high levels bots aren't so obvious. But when i rolled small alt and went to Khenarti Roost, then its felt like "Yes".
There are many ways to obtain personal email addresses that have nothing to do with Zen.nerevarine1138 wrote: »B.S. I got an offer in my email. ZOS is the only way they got it. Spam email! LOLnerevarine1138 wrote: »abuniffpreub18_ESO wrote: »Anybody else getting mail on their personal email accounts. I don't mean ingame email I mean the email you use everyday. If so how did they get my address, are they hacking the game for personal info ?.
No, they are not pulling your personal info from the game. ZO (like every other company) is required by law to report any compromise on their end that could even potentially lead to your data being seen.
Spam email goes to a lot of email addresses. I've gotten spam email from WoW gold-sellers on an address I never even associated with the game.
So the WoW gold-sellers must have gotten my emails from Blizzard, despite the fact that I never used those addresses with that company?
Again, companies are required by law to report a security compromise on their end. If ZO had been breached, we'd know.
I voted No.
There are far less bots now than when I first started playing a month ago. I can actually complete dungeons now, and chat bot spam has been reduced considerably.
Is the game bot free? No.
Is the bot problem being dealt with? Yes—Perhaps not to everyone's satisfaction, but progress is being made.
Note: The upper levels of the game have little to no bots.