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Have the bots won?

  • OFC_it
    So I ask this, Why are bots hitting the alchemy mats so hard when they have no value? I don't see them for sale either so where are they going? These are not gold sellers taking these mats. This is someone else.
  • katfiveknivesub17_ESO
    Yes for now. As a gathering and crafting are one of the things that drew me to this game, it's almost impossible to do now as nodes disappear right before my eyes with no visible, targetable entity to report. Once plentiful materials are now scarce, if not impossible to harvest.

    I hope something is done soon.
  • starkerealm
    OFC_it wrote: »
    So I ask this, Why are bots hitting the alchemy mats so hard when they have no value? I don't see them for sale either so where are they going? These are not gold sellers taking these mats. This is someone else.

    Maybe they're crafting potions and vendoring those? That's all I can think.
  • zaria
    I saw bots in veteran zone today, Stonefall VR1 farming Dreugh east of Ebonheart.
    First minute I thought they was an player farming group, around 7, they was a bit spread out however then I noticed the names, it was not asøduhasoda but rater stuff like random sentences, one was named an alien probe, and the play style, templar using spear only. (note if you farm or grind with an templar have some rotation or you will get taken for a bot)

    Now the fun part was that they wiped, as the group was pretty small and they had no sense for self preparation the first in tend to take a lot of damage if he held agro and he might die if take much damage against the next group.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Pele
    I voted No.

    There are far less bots now than when I first started playing a month ago. I can actually complete dungeons now, and chat bot spam has been reduced considerably.

    Is the game bot free? No.
    Is the bot problem being dealt with? Yes—Perhaps not to everyone's satisfaction, but progress is being made.

    Note: The upper levels of the game have little to no bots.
  • Phantorang
    It only been a few weeks since launch, and we are ready to declare a winner? We have just begun,

    its first and foremost us the players that has to say NO to buy gold and equipment for real money, there will always be a way, Zenimax job is to limit them.
    Fimbulwinter Recruiting true Vikings | Campaigns score | EU PC
  • MissKiwiana
    I voted yes.

    I un subbed a couple of weeks ago and re subbed to play another couple weeks more after reading progress was being done to deal with these bots. Well I am just about to un sub again as it seems I spend almost all my time in game reporting the cheats and I am not enjoying this game at all.

    I can't just carry on and play and just ignore what is going on around me... it just rubs me the wrong way.

    So yeah - I doubt very much I will ever re sub.
    PC Platform all the way! Windows 10.
    Guilds I belong to: Lone Wolf Help & The Conclave of Shadows.
  • Eeter
    Soul Shriven
    In high levels bots aren't so obvious. But when i rolled small alt and went to Khenarti Roost, then its felt like "Yes".
    Bots porting all over zone and harvesting every stone and plant. Other bots invisible or underground doing same. I barely saw any harvest node there, because of instant porting bots. After few tries i reported at least one, who ported around and was visible. How hard can be identify such exploit? Apparently very hard... as in next day Zenimax still wasn't sure is that kind behaviour worth a ban or not, because same bot was still happily harvesting everything.

    Hearing my guildmembers saying that's reporting bots is pointless and just waste of your own time is very discouraging too. Many of them saying that they tried and same bots are still there, nothing happened to them.

    And for last - now those gold sellers sending PMs to forum accounts directly and i cant even find a way to report them in forums! Or disable random persons sending me messages!

    Of course gold sellers are just consequence. Gold buyers are real problem, so if we cant get rid of players who love to cheat, we cant get rid of goldspammers.
    Still very slow reaction from Zenimax.
  • Squishy
    No, because...
    They have an Army... we have a Squishy.
    "In 2014, a possible bot was sent to coldharbour by a military GM for a crime she didn't commit. This argonian promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Ebonheart underground. Today, still wanted by the developers she survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a bot problem, if no one else can bite you, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The SQUISHY."
  • Savinder
    Eeter wrote: »
    In high levels bots aren't so obvious. But when i rolled small alt and went to Khenarti Roost, then its felt like "Yes".
    Bots porting all over zone and harvesting every stone and plant. Other bots invisible or underground doing same. I barely saw any harvest node there, because of instant porting bots. After few tries i reported at least one, who ported around and was visible. How hard can be identify such exploit? Apparently very hard... as in next day Zenimax still wasn't sure is that kind behaviour worth a ban or not, because same bot was still happily harvesting everything.
    This is also another reason the bots "have won": what would a new player think when he witness something like this?
    That the game is overrun with cheaters/bots and that it's not worth playing (and paying) any further.
    Edited by Savinder on May 20, 2014 11:22AM
    Var var var
  • whykillme
    270 bots voting no.. come on REAL players, vote! We're losing the battle!
  • david271749
    whykillme wrote: »
    270 bots voting no.. come on REAL players, vote! We're losing the battle!

    Hey, now. You might offend somebody. Please be respectful of everyone's opinion.
  • Zionysus
    "I fought the bots and the bots won. I fought the bots and the bots won..."

    No we'll win. Zmax just needs to change a few things, and ban some accounts. People are just really negative these days. Just in the last two weeks it has reduced.

    Don't quit now. This is when history is being made. 8 months from now, there will be a new poll: 'Did you stay subbed during the "Bot Crisis?" And of course you'll vote yes, but in your heart you'll know you un-subbed.
    Edited by Zionysus on May 20, 2014 12:26PM
  • Oblongship
    Yes....when I am receiving spam from ZoS own forums....yep they won.
  • moonsugar66
    I'm really on the fence about this.

    I said "no" with some optimism. Really hoping the devs are working frantically to solve the problem.

    While I have yet to notice any in the Vet content (currently in V7), I observed them swarming like fleas in the newb zones (Kenarthi's Roost, Betnek, Stros M'Kai). Chat channel got pretty toxic as some individual raged on and on about the bots. Sure wished a GM had been present to see it.
  • Kjiel
    Soul Shriven
    Came on the forum just because of spam received by gold sellers in my mailbox... so I guess Yes, they won.
  • nerevarine1138
    OFC_it wrote: »
    Anybody else getting mail on their personal email accounts. I don't mean ingame email I mean the email you use everyday. If so how did they get my address, are they hacking the game for personal info ?.

    No, they are not pulling your personal info from the game. ZO (like every other company) is required by law to report any compromise on their end that could even potentially lead to your data being seen.

    Spam email goes to a lot of email addresses. I've gotten spam email from WoW gold-sellers on an address I never even associated with the game.
    B.S. I got an offer in my email. ZOS is the only way they got it. Spam email! LOL

    So the WoW gold-sellers must have gotten my emails from Blizzard, despite the fact that I never used those addresses with that company?

    Again, companies are required by law to report a security compromise on their end. If ZO had been breached, we'd know.
  • AngryNord
    Eeter wrote: »
    In high levels bots aren't so obvious. But when i rolled small alt and went to Khenarti Roost, then its felt like "Yes".

    I hardly saw a bot, or received gold seller spam on the chat, in Deshaan and Shadowfen. Then, reaching Eastmarch - a Level 30+ zone! - I suddenly see heaps of bots and start receiving gold seller spam again... Like WTF??

    There are a lot less bots now than there were closer to launch. Also, bots have impacted my play very minimally. Sure, I've seen them around but they haven't prevented me from making progress. They can be a minor annoyance but nothing more than that.
  • Sharee
    The battle has not ended yet, so no, they have not won.
    (But it sure looks like they did if you want to farm any resources near Daggerfall. There simply aren't any. Resources, not bots. Plenty of the latter :p)
  • silent88b14_ESO
    RedTalon wrote: »
    Who are bots?
    No. Bots are things, not people. The 'who' controlling them is an exploiter and a cheat. Everything is made easy because of the automation. There are different kinds.

    Behold the great Oak. Just a little nut who stood his ground.
  • rjfallier
    Soul Shriven
    Old McZenni had a farm EEEE IIIII EEEE IIIII OOOOOH
    With a bot bot here and a bot bot there, here a bot , there a bot everywhere a bot bot .... Old McZenni had a farm EEEE IIII EEEEE IIIII OOOH !
  • Zanagan
    Yes, I surrender.
  • silent88b14_ESO
    OFC_it wrote: »
    Anybody else getting mail on their personal email accounts. I don't mean ingame email I mean the email you use everyday. If so how did they get my address, are they hacking the game for personal info ?.

    No, they are not pulling your personal info from the game. ZO (like every other company) is required by law to report any compromise on their end that could even potentially lead to your data being seen.

    Spam email goes to a lot of email addresses. I've gotten spam email from WoW gold-sellers on an address I never even associated with the game.
    B.S. I got an offer in my email. ZOS is the only way they got it. Spam email! LOL

    So the WoW gold-sellers must have gotten my emails from Blizzard, despite the fact that I never used those addresses with that company?

    Again, companies are required by law to report a security compromise on their end. If ZO had been breached, we'd know.
    There are many ways to obtain personal email addresses that have nothing to do with Zen.

    I think in-game spam comes from those people in the starting coldharbour dungeon who sent you a 'friend' invite that you accepted just to get it off your screen when you didn't want to risk offending someone you thought might be bona fide or just testing. By interacting with you in any way they can automate the harvest of in-game identities for the purposes of selling things in the game for real money. The spammers entered the game from the start, probably as early as closed beta, with an express business interest. For them a game is nothing more than a business opportunity. Banned accounts are merely a necessary business expense. Raging at them is meaningless.

    If Zen is going to suceed, I believe, not only must spammer accounts be banned, but spammer customers as well. All those players who bought power leveling should disappear the same day Zenimax wins the fight. If they don't, then Zenimax will have surrendered.

    Behold the great Oak. Just a little nut who stood his ground.
  • SantieClaws
    For those receiving e-mails directly from goldsellers there are other ways they can get your e-mail.

    I have never had anything to do with Blizzard yet I get spam e-mails claiming I have a warcraft account and trying to get me to click on a link and give away all my personal details.

    I think they just send these randomly to every e-mail address they can get from anyone in the hope of hitting lucky once or twice.

    It only started after I put my e-mail into a gaming site that was running a competition in association with LOTRO (a competition that was officially promoted by Turbine).

    It may be that spammers/scammers have picked up (pinched) a mailing list from a gaming site somewhere and are using that in the hope of hitting as many ESO players as possible.

    There were plenty of promotions to give away beta keys etc on all sorts of gaming sites.
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Phantax
    They may be winning, but I'm not giving up the war !
    (and that's in just a few
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • JJDrakken
    Pele wrote: »
    I voted No.

    There are far less bots now than when I first started playing a month ago. I can actually complete dungeons now, and chat bot spam has been reduced considerably.

    Is the game bot free? No.
    Is the bot problem being dealt with? Yes—Perhaps not to everyone's satisfaction, but progress is being made.

    Note: The upper levels of the game have little to no bots.

    Says one of the botmasters. You obvioulsy very oblivious or you are part of the issue.
    Leader of Oblivion Crisis. Bunch of Daedric Worshiping MF's. We'll Bang Ok.
  • kewl
    I just got this in my forum notifications, 2nd bots have won.

    knightangle sent you a message
    *** is the most secure place to buy Elder Scrolls Gold.

    Very low price

    Instant Delivery.

    This company has very good reputation, selling in-game currencies since 2005.

    100% Handwork Guaranteed!

    7/24 Customer Service!


    Warm Regards, the ***
    Edited by kewl on May 20, 2014 1:32PM
  • moonsugar66
    Somebody posted on Reddit that bots should be plagued with swarms of Cliff Racers. I think that's a brilliant idea!

  • kewl
    From the yellow box above this thread, "We have temporarily disabled private messages on the forums as of 9:30 AM EDT in order to address gold spam issues. We will update this message when they are re-enabled."

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