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Mannimarco LOCKING important game features, AND almost impossible.

  • sociald100ub17_ESO
    aipex8_ESO wrote: »

    I think the Molag Bal fight is easier than the Mannimarco one actually. challenging fights but its as I said earlier, its mostly strategy. Once they do the right things the fight is very do-able.
    My GF on her sorc tends to stand there and spam aoe's. My biggest instruction for her was being mobile. you cant stand there like you are a tank when you wear cloth.
  • kellemdros
    Seriously, im going crazy?, i did that quest the one level above had it, and beat him at the first, with a sorcerer too, cmon, in not that hard man, i am amazed of reading this... just follow the tips other people are giving to you, even respec, hell, even i give you gold for that but cmon... just try it not harder but smarter
  • ruzlb16_ESO
    OP must surely be trolling by this stage, guys. Seriously, his argument hinges on being extremely bad at the game (which he takes no offense to having pointed out - just about the only thing that doesn't cause him to rage), he ignores all advice and responds to it with weird accusations of 'bragging', he claims that only a respec can possibly give him the skills he needs to complete the encounter (and if he's vet 1, he must have like 100 skill points by now) and wtf is with the constant repetition of the stuff about the submarine and the aeroplane?
  • KracsNZ
    ...and wtf is with the constant repetition of the stuff about the submarine and the aeroplane?

    He's trying to use it as an analogy in regards to his roll, in that say he is a plane (say for example a dps only sorc), and he shouldn't have to be say a submarine (heal spec sorc???) to beat content. Doesn't seem to understand that by the time you hit vet1 you could be all 3 rolls, DPS/Tank/Heals, so his analogy breaks down somewhat. So many damn points.

    Think though for the less skilled/more casual players, Zenimax should let them group up (but still scale the content). That would allow them to play the way they want to play and wouldn't dumb down the content for the rest of us.
    Edited by KracsNZ on May 15, 2014 2:41AM
  • Taleof2Cities
    Yes, Mannimarco was not bad on my sorc either. There is plenty of advice in this string ... so I'll just read what the forum-goers are saying. Good luck!

    kellemdros wrote: »
    Seriously, im going crazy?, i did that quest the one level above had it, and beat him at the first, with a sorcerer too, cmon, in not that hard man, i am amazed of reading this... just follow the tips other people are giving to you, even respec, hell, even i give you gold for that but cmon... just try it not harder but smarter

  • Yankee
    I would have been glad to spend time helping the OP with a build...up until maybe the first page of his replies.

    At page five I am now rooting for Mannimarco.

  • Leovolao
    My Gawd are the good people of tamriel still trying to help this troll? Follow advice man and L2P or take your plane and fly away to another game
    tea pot

    "What if my problem wasn't that I don't understand people but that I don't like them?"
  • Grao
    Dear OP,

    First, if you are looking for help in a quest (from ZoS or the community), please be kind enough to mention the name of said quest instead of leaving us to guessing.
    Second, the quest "Castle of Worms" is indeed rather hard, it took me a few tries on my main sorcerer because I kept running out of mana at critical stages. I have to warn you though, Molagbal is at least 10x harder for a sorcerer.
    Third, the number of hints and offers of help you got should be more then enough to get you past the fight... To win when I completed I soot back simply keeping my pets alive (I am rather reliant on the two draedric summon pets - why Molagbal f***ed me hard. He one shots them every time). At the time I had no healing skills and was on the right lvl to complete the quest. If you are failling this hard the problem is not the game, it is you >.>
  • Brakkar
    Guys, please, for all Gods sake, could you please stop feeding the troll already?
    Poor thing is going to explode soon...

    OP: I did this quest as level 40 dk, in full medium armor and without using banner. On 3rd try. You are doing something fundamentaly wrong. L2P, go read guides, watch the fight on youtube, stop with poor attempts at trolling CS forums.

    Good luck...
  • Sakiri
    Yankee wrote: »
    Evandus wrote: »
    By allowing people to skip the any/all of the main story quests and do VR content - it becomes reasonable to assume that many truly broken and non functional builds will be present. Imagine the complaining then...

    So easy then, even a bot could get into VR.

    Theyre *in* VR.

    You could tp to player to VR zones in beta from what I heard. If that went live then one hacked or sold account moves in the bot army.
  • Sakiri
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    I completely agree. Make it groupable. Forced solo in an mmo is assinine.
    No thanks, I don't pay to play games where I have to rely on others wanting to do something in order to progress .. that's so very 1990s.

    Grouping for side stuff like raids is fine, I can ignore it, grouping for optional content is fine, I can choose to do it or not, but don't revert back over 15 years to 'group or die' critical path content.

    Youre going to LOVE Craglorn. Its 100% group or die.

    And me having the option to bring my scrub friend through mandatory content isnt group or die.

    Hell, Id be doing the heavy lifting while hes dead on the ground.
  • Sakiri
    aipex8_ESO wrote: »
    @Loxy37: How? well, it seems that you have to end the warrior and mage guilds quest. Then, do the east and west parts of Coldharbour with their respective quest ( I don't remember which side has to be done first), which unlock the north part. Nothing out of the ordinary there.

    Mannimarco quest blocks the veteran context, since you have to speak to Caldwell to do so. It is NOT the quest itself which seems to be a pre-requisite for being Veteran, but which seems to be a pre-requisite to unlock Caldwell "re-action".

    Many people, including myself, have tried to explain this to you already. I'm going to try one more time, and I'll even do it in all caps so you'll actually see it. YOU HAVE NOT BEATEN MOLAG BAL. YOU DESTROYED THE PLANAR VORTEX WHICH IS PART OF THE COLDHARBOUR QUESTLINE. DEFEATING MOLAG BAL IS PART OF THE MAIN QUEST WHICH REQUIRES YOU BEAT MANNIMARCO FIRST. MOLAG BAL IS EVEN HARDER. GOOD LUCK.
    No hes not.
    I laughed and tripped on Molag Bal, killing him.

    Only time I died out of two characters was my dumb arse trying ww on him, having it bug out and me getting squashed while transforming back.
  • KerinKor
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    I completely agree. Make it groupable. Forced solo in an mmo is assinine.
    No thanks, I don't pay to play games where I have to rely on others wanting to do something in order to progress .. that's so very 1990s.

    Grouping for side stuff like raids is fine, I can ignore it, grouping for optional content is fine, I can choose to do it or not, but don't revert back over 15 years to 'group or die' critical path content.

    I didn't say make grouping mandatory you know. Grouping should be allowed for these fights.
    Okay, I thought that may be what you'd say and on the face of it that's fine, I presume you're thinking of leaving the fight as-is but allowing the possibility of 'grouping up'.

    That would be a solution, except that sure as night follows day there'd be QQ from other sections of the player base complaining that it was 'dumbed down' group content that was soloable and they'd then demand it be made group-only.

    Already in this thread one sees rabid hostility by some towards the OP and others like him have severe problems with this fight, if the fight was made 'groupable' then I'm sure at least some of those posters would be those who would then QQ in the way I just explained.

    I would argue for the current 'solo' fights to be made solo/duo to help, some other games scale content in this way (Rift for one has such content albeit not in the main story line), I'm not sure if the game's engine could handle that but it may be a way to appease the GROUP-OR-DIE brigade while at the same time helping players like the OP get past critical roadblocks.

  • Loxy37
    eliisra wrote: »
    Loxy37 wrote: »
    Yeah that's the lines I was thinking on. If he think that's Molag bals worse then he will hissy fit when he gets throttled by him and his little friends!

    Molag Bal is a lot easier than Mannimarco. It's one of the easiest story bosses in the game. People are being scared of by this fight for no particular reason.

    If you follow the (very simple) tactic you can do Molag Bal without gear on. It's more similar to quests where you have to dodge traps and lighting, interact with environment etc, than an actual boss fight.

    Mannimarco is harder on level, because it comes with skill requirements. You need the right set up to deal with the adds while keeping yourself alive. If you didn't level up the right skills, you can't do it on level. That's why people are struggling.

    Yes it is but I aced mannimaco on 2 characters, 1 sorc and 1 templar. Molag requires you to at lease develops a strategy. The point I was trying to make is that if this guy won't adapt for mannimarco and listen to the help being given then how will he deal with the Gargoyles because even to this day, people still don't know the shield can be used to great advantage.
  • KerinKor
    KracsNZ wrote: »
    I never said to make all the quests easy! Can keep the crazy ones optional. But that, you won't play games where you cannot brag about your success? Do you play to enjoy your play, or you play to fill your apparent lack of ack. from the real word?

    I'm guessing English must be your second language because your comprehension skill are severely lacking. Either that or you're a troll trying to get a rise out of everyone who disagrees with your point of view. The challenge aspect of a game is the "fun" aspect. Why do you think games like Dark Souls is so popular? If a game is not challenging then it becomes repetitive, monotonous and no longer "fun". Brag about successes? My gawd, get off your bandwagon.
    The fundamental flaw in your argument is that what's 'fun' to you is 'fun' to everyone else.

    Your comment about Dark Souls (about which I know little but I think I get your reference to it) is obviously valid, but then so is the statement GW2 very popular so clearly people don't want 'hard' content.

    New games like FFXIV which demand frequent and regular grouping even just to level up are popular but that doesn't mean equal or even larger numbers are turned off and don't play because of that: I think it fair to say a goor proportion of players of games you probably look down on as 'eZmode' like LOTRO and GW2 wouldn't go anywhere near games that force grouping in that way.

    That's the problem so many times on forums like this, people are insular, they only consider what THEY want and how THEY view things and deride anyone else who disagrees .. classically seen in the 'casuals versus hardcore' wars .. and this thread so clearly encapsulates this problem.

    Some of the rabid comments hurled at the OP are appalling. Not all who vehemently disagree with him are like that, some are well-argued but some are simply toxic 'you suck, l2p'.
    Edited by KerinKor on May 15, 2014 6:56AM
  • LadyDestiny
    No problem on my nb. I know I had to use ranged on him, some stealth and try weaving in and around those pillers to keep distance. Take down the ads first while the npc's tank and pet if you have one. Stay out of the ring of red and that blast he emits. It's a slow fight, but can be done with patience and a lot of running lol
  • KerinKor
    freespirit wrote: »
    Just do this, copied from another thread.............
    I'm fine with cheese. :D Thanks for posting that as it gave me an idea I'd probably not have had.

    I wasn't intending to try this fight until a lot later (I'm 43 ATM) but due to the game-breaking bug with The Moonlit Path my Templar had nothing else to do so I thought I'd take her to say "Hi" and see how badly she did.

    First attempt was f'ugly, I'm not at all a good FPSer, to me 'twitch' gaming has no part in an RPG but that's what the game demands so I try.

    So then I thought I'd see what the strategy you posted could do. I screwed-up at the start because I didn't wait for him to teleport as that says, however I did manage to get away and let the NPCs tackle him.

    That seemed the key. Pretty much the whole fight was me running in to do some damage, then back off and kite a bit while the NPCs chipped away. Because of this tactic I never interrupted the beams and got caught in the ranged AoE he does many times.

    I assume it's part of the NPCs' AI that towards the end they stop fighting and you're on your own but by then I'd figured that in fact as long as I avoided some damage, as a Templar I had the healing to stay alive.

    I was more than a little surprised (pleasantly) when I realised I was going to beat him.

    So, I didn't use the 'hide' tactic much as most times I tried he saw through it .. I don't play 'stealthy' characters so maybe I just don't know how to do it right .. but I don't think I'd have thought about backing off and letting the NPCs do some of the hard work had I not read the strategy you posted, so thanks a lot. :disappointed:

    I'm not sure how a Sorceror would deal with it on level considering they have no real healing unless they staff-switch and given the glitchiness of weapon swapping that must be very 'iffy'.

    I then took her and beat the last two Guild fights, and found the Fighter's Guild a LOT harder dealing with the Harvester while at the same time being pounded on by her adds, in that fight the NPC is pretty useless for boss distraction .. the final Mage's Guild quest is of course a cakewalk in anyone's terms and just another example of how inconsistent the game is in terms of difficulty.
    Edited by KerinKor on May 15, 2014 7:10AM
  • KerinKor
    Loxy37 wrote: »
    people still don't know the shield can be used to great advantage.
    And that's entirely unsurprising isn't it?

    During the tutorial the game teaches you that you 'block' an attack when the mob gets the 'white shooting lines' animation .. which is entirely absent when the 'blue sphere' attack happens with Titans and the like.

    I'm probably just stupid, but until I read about this tactic I don't think I'd have done that .. it's illogical that a staff could block magic so why would a non-shield user ever consider it?

    Yes, it's easy to poke fun at those who don't know something which seems obvious to you, but instead of laughing maybe you should pause to think how you learned it and then realise it's not at all 'obvious'.

    Edited by KerinKor on May 15, 2014 7:19AM
  • phairdon
    I tried MANY times with a sorcerer, 1- 3- 1 ratios for mana-health-stamina. I can stand at almost 100% of every thing (mana/health/stamina) until I am left alone with him, at less than 20% of his hits points. From that point, even if I throw every thing that I have, even if he does not have any more visible health point, he refuses to die, and it is me who die.
    I have no way to get gold LEFT to respec, since all other quests are done, and selling stuff from monster at 30 gold per inventory slot is... well, can HARDLY keep the REPAIR of my armor.

    Defeated him playing as a sorc. Make sure you have familiars - preferably 2 of them. One being the summoned winged twilight as it heals you.
    Go buy some food and increase your health levels.
    Be smart with magic use as you will need to respawn the familiars.
    When the add's spawn - concentrate on them.

    If possible go back to the quest at a higher level.
    Edited by phairdon on May 15, 2014 7:46AM
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Sakiri
    KerinKor wrote: »
    freespirit wrote: »
    Just do this, copied from another thread.............
    I'm fine with cheese. :D Thanks for posting that as it gave me an idea I'd probably not have had.

    I wasn't intending to try this fight until a lot later (I'm 43 ATM) but due to the game-breaking bug with The Moonlit Path my Templar had nothing else to do so I thought I'd take her to say "Hi" and see how badly she did.

    First attempt was f'ugly, I'm not at all a good FPSer, to me 'twitch' gaming has no part in an RPG but that's what the game demands so I try.

    So then I thought I'd see what the strategy you posted could do. I screwed-up at the start because I didn't wait for him to teleport as that says, however I did manage to get away and let the NPCs tackle him.

    That seemed the key. Pretty much the whole fight was me running in to do some damage, then back off and kite a bit while the NPCs chipped away. Because of this tactic I never interrupted the beams and got caught in the ranged AoE he does many times.

    I assume it's part of the NPCs' AI that towards the end they stop fighting and you're on your own but by then I'd figured that in fact as long as I avoided some damage, as a Templar I had the healing to stay alive.

    I was more than a little surprised (pleasantly) when I realised I was going to beat him.

    So, I didn't use the 'hide' tactic much as most times I tried he saw through it .. I don't play 'stealthy' characters so maybe I just don't know how to do it right .. but I don't think I'd have thought about backing off and letting the NPCs do some of the hard work had I not read the strategy you posted, so thanks a lot. :disappointed:

    I'm not sure how a Sorceror would deal with it on level considering they have no real healing unless they staff-switch and given the glitchiness of weapon swapping that must be very 'iffy'.

    I then took her and beat the last two Guild fights, and found the Fighter's Guild a LOT harder dealing with the Harvester while at the same time being pounded on by her adds, in that fight the NPC is pretty useless for boss distraction .. the final Mage's Guild quest is of course a cakewalk in anyone's terms and just another example of how inconsistent the game is in terms of difficulty.

    My med armor bow sorc crit build ised magicka exclusively on critical surge to proc heals.
  • nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO
    If you can't beat Manimarco and later Molag Bal then there is no reason for you to even go to veteran levels because big quest bosses in veteran level are often harder to beat there than those 2 fights.

    Serioisly those fights are a good benchmark of early veteran levels and a good indicator of whether or not your build will work at those levels.
  • vanderghast
    @Svenja: I got many unexpected reply to my post, and while I like those like yours, oriented toward communication, my post is not about HOW TO defeat Mannimarco, neither the forum about Players Helping Players, isn't it? I appreciate your offers, but even IF I was getting support to pass through this quest, the problem will still be there for many other players. That is why I feel legitimated to insist on the intrinsic FLAW of that quest.
    Edited by vanderghast on May 15, 2014 11:27AM
  • vanderghast
    @phairdon: I like your very positive approach, and I selected to reply to you instead to some others who say that I don't care about suggestions presented: this forum is about Customer support (from ESO), not about players helping players. I did, in the past, ask about suggestions in players helping players, and even tried suggestions given THERE. But HERE, I am past that step, and my goal is not much about HOW TO defeat Mannimarco, anymore, but to report a fundamental game flaw, as I perceived it, and as ESO may "think" about it, then, they can do what they want about it, that is their business, after all, not mine.

    So, thanks none less for your suggestion, written in a pleasant way without extra paternalism too often use by those who pretend to help others, it can be useful to other players having a problem with this quest and falling to this thread of discussion with a search engine.
    Edited by vanderghast on May 15, 2014 11:38AM
  • vanderghast
    KracsNZ wrote: »
    ...and wtf is with the constant repetition of the stuff about the submarine and the aeroplane?

    He's trying to use it as an analogy in regards to his roll, in that say he is a plane (say for example a dps only sorc), and he shouldn't have to be say a submarine (heal spec sorc???) to beat content. Doesn't seem to understand that by the time you hit vet1 you could be all 3 rolls, DPS/Tank/Heals, so his analogy breaks down somewhat. So many damn points.


    Right about the analogy. As for the dual role (I fail to see how you can have three) my roles are DPS-in quest/dungeons, and DPS-in monsters grinding. NOT the same tactic, indeed.

    And just to avoid going in all direction, it seems that people here forget that this forum is about CUSTOMER SUPPORT (from ESO), not about PLAYERS helping PLAYERS. I though that it was evident, at first, but many comments made here would have been more appropriate in ANOTHER forum, and I would have better welcome them, would I have chose that other forum.
  • zeuseason
    Mannimarco told you he'd kick your butt all over Tamriel.....and he's doing it. What's wrong exactly?
  • Fairydragon3
    honestly I'm a crafter...and I thought manimarco was a push over, the ghosts did more damage than him so i totally ignored him when they came. although bash wont stun him im still able to mess up his spells, i guess my only real advantage is that Im a siphoner, but again i only have like 13 points in combat skills
  • Yankee
    @Svenja: even IF I was getting support to pass through this quest, the problem will still be there for many other players. That is why I feel legitimated to insist on the intrinsic FLAW of that quest.

    This is less for the OP (who will never change his mind) than for others who think optional main quest fights is a good idea.

    As he should see from 5 pages of replies, the MANY (most) other players crowd just adapted to complete this quest and moved on. In most of the threads complaining about the difficulty of Mannimarco/Molag people expressed frustration, asked for and recieved suggestions, and completed the quest.

    The number of players that would be better off or would even want to skip the main quest bosses so they could hurry to VR and die are perhaps not as MANY in the overall population as he claims. If they do not get a rather rude awakening on those main quests, step back and think, then likely by VR4 they certainly will.

    Most people, if they like the solo main quest parts or not, acknowledge that what the Op sees as a FLAW was purposful game design.

    The only concession I could see is to allow a pair of players into these fights to accomodate the husband/wife, friend/friend people leveling all content together.

    And then someone can carry this guy through it so he can get into VR content and get his butt kicked there.
    Edited by Yankee on May 15, 2014 1:08PM
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    I don't challenge the presence of difficulty, I challenge it in the case where it locks important GAME FEATURES.

    By the way, I am not level 40, I am Veteran 1. Locked there.... because of Mannimarco. And, by the way, the game is really easy, otherwise (except for Mannimarco, and SoulHarvesters, but SoulHarvesters ARE not an obligation to be defeated SOLO, and don't unlock game feature.

    As far a giving me order such as "don't come crying", WHO do you think ARE YOU?

    Your problem is you are bad. And whiney. And bad.
  • vanderghast
    @coryevans_3b14_ESO: your problem is that you have nothing to say. As for an airplane being a bad submarine, if you didn't get it yet, you, as human being, are not bad, you are dumb. Yes, that is calling a cat, a cat, and under the name of science and observation, I claim the right to call a dumb, a dumb.
  • Zebug
    OP...this advice is not just for the game but for yourself to deal with life in general......"Adapt and overcome"
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