Hardcore Realism Mode

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Personally i prefer a rather challenging and immersive experience and recently set up my UI and map to accommodate this. After doing so the difficulty increased dramatically and i find myself more immersed and generally enjoying myself much more in-game. For that reason I thought there would be some of you out there that have been playing these type games for a while and crave something new. So i present a playstyle you may be able to appreciate.

I leveled a VR1 and burned out completely, not playing for a couple weeks. I really needed more challenging gameplay with some critical thinking in the mix.

While some prefer to get addons that add unit frames, buff bars etc etc, i personally prefer a very minimalistic UI and more realistic approach to gameplay. Details include:

- No quest markers in 3D space or on the map.
- A completely clean UI, literally nothing displayed but your character(unless 1st person mode ofc) and the 3D environment aside from the chat box, which thankfully goes invis when inactive.
- Chat box with zone chat disabled.
- No health/stamina/magicka display
- No enemy health bars or target display.
- No fast travel.
- No crosshairs.
- No action bar.
- No stealth meter.
- A completely bare map, no markers for towns/wayshrines/skyshards etc. It's just a map of the land.

I'm even considering disabling guild chat and private messages for the sake of immersion. Relying on mail instead.

I do this by using these specific addons:

- Clarity: Allows you to hide any frame you like with the ability to bind a key to bring it all back up at once. In my case i hide everything. Sounds a lot like the hide UI button but if i were to use that route i'd have to turn it on and off just to look at a menu or read some quest dialogue.

- Pin Killer: I use this since i can't seem to find the core frame in Clarity to remove quest pins for NPCs and objectives in 3D space. It also removes all pins/markers from the map including wayshrines and town icons.

All this means that I HAVE to read the quest in order to be able to complete it. Even then I have to explore the map and take my time to find each objective. The only indication i have of low health is the red border on the edge of the screen. Being a vampire, i only get the audio queue for when i am able to feed. I literally walk/mount to everything(except Cyrodiil), exploring, gathering and farming aggressive mobs all the way.

I also disable all glowing borders on targets and objects via the in-game menu. As well as disabling enemy and player health bars over their heads. As for pvp, i keep the alliance indicator on so i don't put myself at a severe disadvantage.

Combat now takes planning, serious tactics and critical thinking. I cannot tell the level, difficulty or whether an NPC is aggressive or not without a little thinking or trial and error. My entire playstyle is now based on intuition and paying attention. Admittedly it's renewed my interest in the game and really can't imagine playing any other way now, it's sooo good.

I understand that some people prefer to have things pointed out to them. Others want to burn through the content as quickly as possible for some reason i don't understand. This to me is very mind-numbing and the game gets very boring to me very quickly if i have every bit of information provided to me via quest markers, health displays etc. I can respect that difference and hope you can return that respect.

If you find yourself getting bored... try this out. It made all the difference for me.

EDIT: I added some things i left out of the original post.
Edited by Mnemosyne on May 10, 2014 1:56PM
  • Vazkahkatz
    I personally would not enjoy this ui style. however I do know some hyper immersion people so, in my opinion, this would be a good idea for an add on.
    feel da powah of da katz!
  • reggielee
    sounds fun for awhile and for something new to experience. I would have to put on some ui elements after a bit out of frustration tho.

    dont let the above twits get your fun down

    cheers mate!
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • Mnemosyne
    I'm quite immune to people's narrow thinking. Self-contrived people will be self-contrived.

    Nevertheless, despite unconstructive opinions that contribute nothing, or those that pretend to play the game better, the purpose of this thread remains. Even if only one person likes the idea and gives it a try with a positive benefit then the purpose has been met.
  • Xithian
    I'm seriously considering starting a character like this, or similar. I've been debating RP, but I dunno yet.
  • Xithian
  • Mnemosyne
    Oh nice. Just installed it :)

    I've been playing regularly like this now and have completely adjusted from the modern way of MMO'ing. I've even gone to the extent of not using the skill 'keen eye' for spotting alchemy mats, relying solely on the naked eye.

    I can literally tell you details on every pickable plant i've come across lol.

    After playing this way for a couple weeks i can tell you I have noticed and learned to appreciate MUCH more than what was possible previously. I don't ride my horse much anymore and even do crazy *** like walk, literally walk, through the woods picking plants and finding lorebooks/solo dungeons etc taking in as much of the environment as possible.

    I'm still level 24, stretching out this experience as much as i possibly can.

    My appreciation of the work involved in creating the world has risen ten fold easy.
  • Valturion
    This mode is completely useless. IF you are bored... you should be PvPing @VR ranks. When next main patch comes out then do that stuff.
    You don't understand what's being discussed in this thread.

    @Mnemosyne I just finished creating a new character a few minutes ago so I can go first-person-hard-mode with Wykkyd's Full Immersion, PinKiller, and Ak0's No Written Dialogue. It's nice to see someone else who enjoys a challenge!

    @TheGrandAlliance and @deathly809_ESO are the kind of players who cover their screens with combat queue add-ons; otherwise, the game is too har-I mean "inconvenient" for them.
  • Mnemosyne
    @Valturion lol such is the way of people. I see it as part of the journey. Those people are here to remind us why we're humble and patient, while we're here to show those how to be decent ha!

    Congratz on your new char :) You're in for quite a unique ride. I'm still only lvl 26.... enjoying every minute of it. I've been gathering all the different baits i can find recently, trying to get those rare fish. I've only gotten one... green quality no less but was exciting irregardless. Fist pumps and all!

    At this point I feel confident when saying i've explored every square inch of the first two zones of my alliance. Absolutely certain i've been to every point of interest and collected all the lorebooks, as well as having a HUGE cache of alchemy ingredients.

    Playing this way reminds me of the good old days when you either figure out how to get the quest or objective done or you simply don't progress any further in the game. It's quite a rewarding playstyle i think. Sometimes i quest, sometimes i grind but always paying attention to detail.

    Good stuff really.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Valturion wrote: »
    You don't understand what's being discussed in this thread.

    @TheGrandAlliance and @deathly809_ESO are the kind of players who cover their screens with combat queue add-ons; otherwise, the game is too har-I mean "inconvenient" for them.

    I dont use a single addon. I hate them too.

    However... I am not gonna delete things that the game comes with: That is standard. To do so would greatly disadvantage yourself esp in PvP.... and every advatange your enemy has means more points for their faction. PvE wise... other then quest markers I don't see the problem.

    IF you want a "clean UI"... turn of your UI. Problem solved.
    Edited by TheGrandAlliance on May 18, 2014 11:31PM
    Indeed it is so...
  • Xithian
    IF you want a "clean UI"... turn of your UI. Problem solved.
    Mnemosyne wrote: »
    - Clarity: Allows you to hide any frame you like with the ability to bind a key to bring it all back up at once. In my case i hide everything. Sounds a lot like the hide UI button but if i were to use that route i'd have to turn it on and off just to look at a menu or read some quest dialogue.

    As was pointed out in the OP (You did at least read it before criticizing how other people play, right?) turning off the entire UI keeps you from even seeing quest notices, incoming trades, the rez button...everything. You'd have to keep turning it off and on every few minutes for random things.

    Even in PvP it's not going to make any difference since the people playing without UI elements are not the people running organized PvP with voice. Also, even if they were it's all able to be toggled. I don't know why you'd have a problem with anyone playing like this, or any other manner.
  • lavendercat
    i really like this idea but i dont quite understand how you have done it.

    im not really familiar with all the settings. im going to have to read your first post several times to see if i can understand what i would need to do to begin playing like this.

    i really like the idea though, it sits well with my vision of my character.
    hello :)
  • Mnemosyne
    @TheGrandAlliance - What @Xithian said. Read the original post please. This thread is not a debate on whether or not people approve of this playstyle. I play this way every day.

    I can assure you quest pins are for time efficiency and absolutely are not necessary. I haven't used one in weeks now.

    Furthermore you speak entirely in generalities. Give me one specific example how i'm at a disadvantage in pvp or would need a quest pin in pve.

    EDIT2: Came off as a lot more serious than i actual am.

    @lavendercat - Hey :) (below the mountain of text is a run-down for you)Specifically I remove all but those things that put me at a disadvantage in group or pvp, using clarity and pinkiller to hide all mentioned UI elements and quest pins. In PvP, i keep alliance indicators on and just kill it until it is dead. Everything else is quite unnecessary given that you get visual cues when low health, and audio cues when low stam/magicka. Only a healer would need to see health bars.

    In PvE I just explore everything. I don't have quest indicators of any sort, so i search and explore, literally, everything. I see what every NPC has to say. Often times when a NPC has a quest to give, they will tell you before you even press E to talk to them. I both listen and read quest information from the NPC intently for any clues to the objective. More often than not everything you need to know is in the quest text in your journal. Pins are completely unnecessary and i believe detract from the experience. If you're one to rush through the content then this playstyle certainly isn't for you. But if you like to stop and smell the roses... then give it a try :)

    There are some quests that require you to press E to read a book they gave you or something of the like, which is when having the crosshairs off becomes a pain. There is an addon that i use now called Reticle Settings that i've made to have the crosshairs be nothing but a dot at 20% transparency, specifically for those quests.

    You don't even need the compass, just look at the sun or moon, open your map and see what direction you're facing. You then have a point of reference to navigate anywhere you need to go.

    You just have to be patient with yourself and enjoy the journey. Looking at and appreciating the small things.... like me and alchemy ingredients. I know them all and can spot most from 50 ft or more at this point!

    Everything you need is in your surroundings or quest journal. Every building has a sign out front. Every person has a name you can see after you talk to them, just like in the real world. I just try to emulate circumstances to use real life intuition in the Elder Scrolls game world.

    EDIT: To make it easier for you i'll give a run down of each add-on i use for this particular playstyle and what i have disabled.

    - Clarity - By Dio: Frames disabled are as follows
    - ZO_Compass
    - ZO_CompassFrame
    - ZO_PlayerAttribute
    - ZO_PlayerToPlayerArea(disables "Hold F to Interact" text when looking at a player.)
    - ZO_UnitFrames

    - Pinkiller: This addon disables all quest markers in 3D space and on the map. There has been a recent update that enables wayshrines and town markers on the map.

    - ReticleSettings: I make the reticle as transparent as possible. I only use it for those pesky quests that require you to see the crosshair text for a particular action. IE read book the NPC gave you or use an item in a particular spot.

    These settings can be turned off in game:
    - Combat Cues
    - Action bar
    - Active combat tips
    - Quest tracker
    - Healthbars(above heads)
    - Indicators of all types(i keep alliance indicators on, and just rez people i see lying in the grass....)
    - Glowing borders around target and items.

    I also turn the music volume down to 15. Ambient volume up to 90.

    I also use fun/convenience/immersion addons such as:
    - Ak0s No Written Dialogue(thanks Xithian)
    - Autoemote
    - Bank Stuffer
    - Greymind Quick Slot Bar: I have my potions set to F1, F2 and F3. That way i just hit the F button and then Q for a quick potion.
    - Research Assistant
    - Research Tracker
    - Softcapinfo
    - Spamfilter
    - SpentSkillPoints
    - TamrielTime
    - XAutoRepair
    Edited by Mnemosyne on May 20, 2014 1:17PM
  • Xithian
    Mnemosyne wrote: »
    Looking at and appreciating the small things.... like me and alchemy ingredients. I know them all and can spot most from 50 ft or more at this point!

    This is true for me even having always had my glow effect on. I was kind of shocked when I realized that I can tell all of the plants on sight. I've spent probably 10+ hours doing nothing but picking flowers.

    ...Also, I can't see Cornflower without thinking about Fight Club.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Mnemosyne wrote: »
    @TheGrandAlliance - What @Xithian said. Read the original post please. This thread is not a debate on whether or not people approve of this playstyle. I play this way every day.

    Furthermore you speak entirely in generalities. Give me one specific example how i'm at a disadvantage in pvp or would need a quest pin in pve.

    ...because you have 0 idea on who is friend/enemy: You cannot tell by looking at them at a distance. Without alliance indictators you WILL be at a disadvantage.
    Indeed it is so...
  • Mnemosyne
    You're not even reading the post. I've mentioned on more than one occasion in this thread that I keep alliance indicators on so as not to be at a disadvantage. Your stubborn ignorance is only wasting my time.

    This will be my last reply to you.
  • Casdha
    Sounds interesting, now imagine doing this with TS3 or your favorite chat server, in character (acting the part) with no alliance markers and in first person mode, the only way to watch your back is to bring a few friends, never knowing who is gonna attack until they swing a sword or raise a staff. Ya might not last long, but who would in a world like this, I know I couldn't, at least not without eyes in the back of my head. Did I mention doing this in first person mode? ;)
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • SilvaRavenheart
    Awesome immersion. I'm starting a new character to give this a try, I'll keep u posted on how I go. Looking forward to it, you guys seem to be getting so much out of simple things in the game and I want in. C u there xo
    I am the flame which lights the way. I am wisdom attained and knowledge sought.
    By my power the darkness is burned. My will the tides are turned. Arcane might is my weapon. Elemental fury, my shield. Know me as The Sorceress. And fear the name,
  • Mnemosyne
    Update 2 is bringing the FOV slider for FPV too. As i imagine, it will make a world of difference for this playstyle. Looking forward to it :)
  • Gisgo
    Its already in game, its called stamina build.
  • Mnemosyne
    Gisgo wrote: »
    Its already in game, its called stamina build.

    That went right over my head. How does a stamina build relate to first person field of view?
  • Gisgo
    Mnemosyne wrote: »

    That went right over my head. How does a stamina build relate to first person field of view?

    Ill be honest i just read the title, sorry :#
    "hardcore realism mode" = stamina build

    Edited by Gisgo on June 9, 2014 3:06PM
  • Mnemosyne
    Oh i see lol, was getting brain cramps trying to figure out wtf you were talking about.

    Give me some more details if you're being serious. About your stam build. It might actually fit in with this playstyle. Plus new things and all that.
  • DisgracefulMind
    I would very much like to duel you in Cyrodiil. It seems that your playstyle will, indeed, put you at a severe disadvantage, and, perhaps, allow you to change your mind about going into Cyrodiil like this.

    And if you just go into Cyrodiil to quest, please let me know the next time you come in, so that I may hunt you down and use my viewing of your health bar as a way to know exactly what I need to do and the ability combos I need to take you down in the quickest manner possible.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Dekkameron
    I would very much like to duel you in Cyrodiil. It seems that your playstyle will, indeed, put you at a severe disadvantage, and, perhaps, allow you to change your mind about going into Cyrodiil like this.

    And if you just go into Cyrodiil to quest, please let me know the next time you come in, so that I may hunt you down and use my viewing of your health bar as a way to know exactly what I need to do and the ability combos I need to take you down in the quickest manner possible.

    That's quite some piece of necromancy you did there.

    Judging by the OPs forum activity they appear not to have posted anything for nearly 8 months.
    - Veteran Combat Librarian -
  • DisgracefulMind
    Dekkameron wrote: »

    That's quite some piece of necromancy you did there.

    Judging by the OPs forum activity they appear not to have posted anything for nearly 8 months.

    On the subject of immersion, I want a Necromancer skill line. Do it ZoS.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Panda244
    Sounds like playing Fallout 3 with 128 mods on the modded Hardcore difficulty...

    I couldn't do this simply because I need to know everything for Peh Veh Peh.
    Aldmeri Dominion For Life!
    Crassus Licinius II - DK - V14 - Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade NA (The Dragonknight that refuses to go Vampire.)
    N'tel Arlena - NB - V14 - Retired Sap Tank of Haderus NA, Harasser of Many (Also, not a vampire. Goes by nickname Nutella.)


    Officially Resigned From Cyrodiil As Of 4/15/15 10:24 PM EST.
  • Ffastyl
    You forgot something for hardcore immersion: Combat Cues > OFF.
    That's the yellow/red sparks and telegraphs.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
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    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
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    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
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    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • TryynityB
    I used to play Permadeth on DDO to combat boredom. If you died, you re-rolled (unless there was someone who could resurrect) . No twinking, only one legacy item was allowed, you could only use what you found in-game. It added an element of real fear and suspense. I actually leveled my rogue to lvl 16 (20cap).

    I like your suggestions for removing UI :smile:

    I spend 3/4 of my time RPing and love it. Being a NB and with the new justice system in the update I am looking forward to this even more so.

    Tactics are important and that is what PD encourages, sadly though DDO is the only game I have played with ultimate tactical abilities such as using your environment. It is so out-dated and clunky now that game, but I have yet to see someone do something better in a MMO.

    Thanks for your suggestions, I am all for keeping things interesting. Zenimax do an awesome job I think with their content updates. If they continue to fluff out the game as they have they will keep me forever. I still prefer SWTOR and miss it greatly but bit by bit ESO steals another piece of my heart.
  • DovresMalven
    I prefer the same kind of experience - and I am really proud of my Morrowind-esque UI ^_^
    Installing Clarity now, thanks for that one!

    Dovres Malven
    - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Krist
    I never understood how ideas like this somehow intimidate those that feel the need for all add ons, all the time. Some people like full immersion into the game setting. I can respect that. Some day I may try this out, but I think I will be better off learning the ends and outs of it first.

    Nice OP though. Very good idea.
    "Krist the Lionheart? No. Lionheart was my dog" -Krist
    "Darling, if looks were everything, I would be king of the world" -Luke
    "That place, between day and night, that purple color just before dark, that is where you will find me"- Hughe
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