Hello everyone
We've all seen it many times. A game is launched which has a number of set classes within which are a wide variety of possible skill lines. A particular skill line gives better dps. Suddenly, anyone who has not built their character in this one specific way gets booted from groups and is seen as a liability and/or a naïve noob. Before long, the game is populated by clones.
More to the point, boss encounters become timed to match this 'perfect' build so thus supporting the player-based insistence on conformity. Attempts to add diversity by 'evening out' the skills leads to years of rebalancing and counter-rebalancing until in the end you have every class and build being either simplified down to largely cosmetic 'bulk builds' or being completely interchangeable.
And in all of this, class-specific contributions to the wider adventure, such as detecting magic or unlocking chests and doors, is quietly forgotten.
Weapon types are also equalised. A two-handed weapon is a slow provider of a powerful blow. Nobody armed with daggers ever won a fight against an equally-skilled opponent with swords, and yet no assassin ever achieved speed or surprise with a four foot piece of tempered metal-- well apart from that one who hid in the toilet....
I'm not sure if this is a lost battle in a world where so many people seem to expect that every game has the same mechanics and should appeal to the same gamer lust for numbers. The irony is that, when even the most principled of game providers bows to the clamour of the masses for 'moar dots', the game then becomes dreary, dull and unappealing.
What am I arguing for here? Perhaps a little resistance to the above. What am I going to get?