So they have that right and i do not? Explain
Everyone is missing the point. They made this game to be played the way you went yet everything has already fell into a certain mold already.
So whats the point of them making the game like this. Why not just have tanks all wear heavy armor and be done with it. Or mages only wear light armor. Why even give the chose? If you stray from the path some nerd did hours of research you get your wrist slapped.
So is your issue with the developers or the players?
And if you don't like either group, then why are you here? Sincere question.
Also calling people 'nerds' in such a manner is EXACTLY what you're complaining about. They do things differently than you, so you insult them?
Hypocrisy. wrote: »Well, indeed it does not make the other players special... but they do have just as much right as you do to pick who they group with... Your argument works both ways man... seriously.
I do however hate DPS meters, and gear checks... I always have, in any game... Even if I was always top healer and got payed ingame gold to waiste my raid timers to go heal raids for guilds... I "did" always hate dps/hps meters and people that use them...
But again, people "do" still have a right to pick who they group with... "If" they use the groupfinder, well then they are just idiots to expect everyone in groupfinder to be up to "their" standers and you're better of not grouping with them anyway wrote: »As for your comment of "people being bullied" ... well... this isn't highschool man... always have to option of walking away (which in highschool you can't always do)
"If" you get bullied in a game then that's upto you if you stay and take the abuse or walk off.
If people bully you in zone chat or mails then report them... But in a group ? Nope... that in a game is on the "bullee" not the "bully"
Fairydragon3 wrote: »They don't want to kick you out, they just don't want to play with you. Honestly it's their choice to play with you or not, you are always welcome to start your on group, then you make the rules. But you can't judge someone just because they want to play differently than you. also you could just Lie, there is no way they can monitor your stats during gameplay, they can only see their own
DMuehlhausen wrote: »Welcome to the new world of MMOs. Brought to you by the edition of add ons like recount and gearscore.
As for ESO if they tell you they can see your dps then report them for exploiting. Since the API is closed they shouldn't be able to run anything like that.
As for their being more "elite" players. I honestly don't find that be true. I have been playing MMOs since 2002. I think there are (on a scale due to the number of people that play now) about the same amount of elite players. The only difference back then they were patient enough to answer questions, or help you become geared enough. The reason for was we were able to police ourselves so much better than now.
Back in EQ if you were a total jerk people you just wouldn't get groups anymore. Now when they put in these stupid group finder tools you can still be the biggest jerk, but there is no drawback cause you will still get groups.
If they figured out someway for us to get back to policing ourselves you would see the behavior drop drastically.