Who do you think you are?

I have seen alot of people getting bullied by the Elite users or users with some type of add-on. Either it being DPS or being told to link gear. Who do you guys think you are? I'm paying $14.99 a month for someone to tell me how i should play and how im maybe to weak?

So, is your $14.99 a month you pay special? You get some perk im not aware about? This is the issue i have with subscription based games. I'm paying (Not mommy or daddy) to play this game online. When i run into other users who think they own this game and can kick people out of groups drives me crazy.

Between my days playing MMO's in 2001 and in 2014 are totally different. You have WAY more Elite players telling other players what they should do or how they should play. I dont spend 20+ hours doing research on toon builds to make sure im doing max damage.

This happen once in FF11. Ninja and paladin had a big battle with tanking. A build came out where PLD would sub NIN. It was PLD/NIN (If you didn't play FF11 you have no clue what im talking about) I didn't want to sub NIN so i said no, did that for years. Got to the point where i wouldn't get party invite if i didnt have NIN sub.

I said to myself, I'm paying for a game that other people are telling me how to play. So i simply just quit. Everyone needs to know this is your money your spending. Play the way you want, THATS the point of ESO. You can be a tank in all light armor if you want with a staff.

Please just enjoy the game and have fun....
Edited by Hrithmus on May 5, 2014 2:14PM
  • Dominulf
    It's not the players fault the game isn't balanced. If a Pld/War can't clear the content but a Pld/Nin can, or do it with less strife then there is a reason for not preferring you.

    ESO is a very badly balanced and buggy game.
    The Elder Scrolls Online - Where the best spells are AoEs and the strongest weapon is a Shield!

    "I used to be the most beloved roleplaying series of a generation... but then I took $14.99/mo to the knee."
  • Shillen
    When you group with someone you are affecting their game experience. They can choose to group with you or not for whatever reason they want. Who are you to tell them they can't?
    Edited by Shillen on May 5, 2014 2:16PM
    Please LOL my comments. I'm an aspiring comedian.
  • Moon449
    Find a group of people you like playing with then. Don't get mad when someone doesn't invite you to a party (or kicks you from one) because you're not building the best you can.
  • Harkrider
    Hrithmus wrote: »
    Play the way you want, THATS the point of ESO. You can be a tank in all light armor if you want with a staff.

    Sure, you can do that, and nobody can stop you.

    But nobody has to respect your decision nor allow you into their group.

  • Hrithmus
    Shillen wrote: »
    When you group with someone you are affecting their game experience. They can choose to group with you or not for whatever reason they want. Who are you to tell them they can't?

    So they have that right and i do not? Explain
  • Audigy
    I agree that it is a shame that online gaming today has become a second job for many. All those add-ons that track stats and control how people perform are a real nuisance.

    While it didn't happen to me yet at ESO, its frightening to know that Elitism has arrived here too. Especially with the Trials in Craglorn people will start telling others that they don't belong if they don't copy spec x of pro gamer y.

    I sincerely hope that ZO is able to remove Elitism in one way or another. Wow has been taken over by Elitist´s, so has SWTOR both were once great games and it would be a real shame to see ESO follow their footsteps because of an entitled crowd that doesn't understand that games are about fun and not work.
  • seanolan
    What, specifically, are you TALKING about? I see tons of advice, but very little "you must do this or you suck" threads that aren't just tongue in cheek. Sure, there are some strong opinions, but if you are so weak-willed that a few players' disapproval can cause you to give up, then perhaps your quitting is but small loss to the MMO community at large. Seriously, what specifically happened here? Someone said no thanks to you for a group? Someone told you that you suck? What?
  • Hrithmus
    Everyone is missing the point. They made this game to be played the way you went yet everything has already fell into a certain mold already.

    So whats the point of them making the game like this. Why not just have tanks all wear heavy armor and be done with it. Or mages only wear light armor. Why even give the chose? If you stray from the path some nerd did hours of research you get your wrist slapped.
  • Soloeus
    This is common among elitists in MMO's who demand you wear a specific set or specific build template or bye.

    The best you can do, is notify them of their new residence in your ignore list and move on.

    Within; Without.
  • Fairydragon3
    They don't want to kick you out, they just don't want to play with you. Honestly it's their choice to play with you or not, you are always welcome to start your on group, then you make the rules. But you can't judge someone just because they want to play differently than you. also you could just Lie, there is no way they can monitor your stats during gameplay, they can only see their own
    Edited by Fairydragon3 on May 5, 2014 2:22PM
  • Shillen
    Hrithmus wrote: »

    So they have that right and i do not? Explain

    No one said you don't. But it's the people who are mad about someone kicking them out of their group that are making all these threads. The ones doing the kicking are just enjoying the game the way they want. The ones coming to the forums complaining about it are trying to tell them they can't do that.
    Please LOL my comments. I'm an aspiring comedian.
  • Harkrider
    Hrithmus wrote: »
    Everyone is missing the point. They made this game to be played the way you went yet everything has already fell into a certain mold already.

    So whats the point of them making the game like this. Why not just have tanks all wear heavy armor and be done with it. Or mages only wear light armor. Why even give the chose? If you stray from the path some nerd did hours of research you get your wrist slapped.

    So is your issue with the developers or the players?

    And if you don't like either group, then why are you here? Sincere question.

    Also calling people 'nerds' in such a manner is EXACTLY what you're complaining about. They do things differently than you, so you insult them?

  • stefaan.de.wasch1b16_ESO
    Well, indeed it does not make the other players special... but they do have just as much right as you do to pick who they group with... Your argument works both ways man... seriously.

    I do however hate DPS meters, and gear checks... I always have, in any game... Even if I was always top healer and got payed ingame gold to waiste my raid timers to go heal raids for guilds... I "did" always hate dps/hps meters and people that use them...

    But again, people "do" still have a right to pick who they group with... "If" they use the groupfinder, well then they are just idiots to expect everyone in groupfinder to be up to "their" standers and you're better of not grouping with them anyway
    The statement "if you put enough monkeys behind enough typewriters... sooner or later one will produce the works of Shakespeare" has sadly been proven utterly wrong by the internet...
  • seanolan
    I know, personally, and play often with:

    A light armor tank
    A heavy armor destruction staff dps
    A player who switches builds more often than underwear
    A jack of all trades
    A crafter with few skills left over

    None of whom are not playing the game right. I seriously have NO clue what you are complaining about, but it feels like a persecution complex.
  • Xaaz
    Nobody has to put up with you or play with you. THEY also pay. Get over yourself.
  • Fairydragon3
    Harkrider wrote: »

    So is your issue with the developers or the players?

    And if you don't like either group, then why are you here? Sincere question.

    Also calling people 'nerds' in such a manner is EXACTLY what you're complaining about. They do things differently than you, so you insult them?


    LOL Nerd is SOOOOO NOT an insult to me.
  • Armoril
    If somebody has a problem with the way you're playing, with your build or your choice of skills, you need to just tell them to suck it, put them on ignore, and just move on. Don't let some snob ruin the game for you, you don't need these people.
  • Fairydragon3
    Well, indeed it does not make the other players special... but they do have just as much right as you do to pick who they group with... Your argument works both ways man... seriously.

    I do however hate DPS meters, and gear checks... I always have, in any game... Even if I was always top healer and got payed ingame gold to waiste my raid timers to go heal raids for guilds... I "did" always hate dps/hps meters and people that use them...

    But again, people "do" still have a right to pick who they group with... "If" they use the groupfinder, well then they are just idiots to expect everyone in groupfinder to be up to "their" standers and you're better of not grouping with them anyway

    Good thin zeni though of this and disable the ability to get info about other players, you can only make addons to report your own stat output
  • stefaan.de.wasch1b16_ESO
    As for your comment of "people being bullied" ... well... this isn't highschool man... always have to option of walking away (which in highschool you can't always do)

    "If" you get bullied in a game then that's upto you if you stay and take the abuse or walk off.

    If people bully you in zone chat or mails then report them... But in a group ? Nope... that in a game is on the "bullee" not the "bully"
    The statement "if you put enough monkeys behind enough typewriters... sooner or later one will produce the works of Shakespeare" has sadly been proven utterly wrong by the internet...
  • luizterra23
    I agree with the most of this topic, but it doesnt have anything to do with the developers of the game, but only about the people that play it.

    If people cant respect you for a piece of armor that you wear, how can they be patient about you knowing the fight?

    My suggestion: kiss these people goodbye so they can learn a bit about humility and partnership next time they look for a group!
  • Harkrider
    As for your comment of "people being bullied" ... well... this isn't highschool man... always have to option of walking away (which in highschool you can't always do)

    "If" you get bullied in a game then that's upto you if you stay and take the abuse or walk off.

    If people bully you in zone chat or mails then report them... But in a group ? Nope... that in a game is on the "bullee" not the "bully"

    Oh please. I definitely walked away a lot in high school. Ran, actually, and then hopped a fence or two. I was always back before lunch period was over though. :sunglasses:
  • DMuehlhausen
    Welcome to the new world of MMOs. Brought to you by the edition of add ons like recount and gearscore.

    As for ESO if they tell you they can see your dps then report them for exploiting. Since the API is closed they shouldn't be able to run anything like that.

    As for their being more "elite" players. I honestly don't find that be true. I have been playing MMOs since 2002. I think there are (on a scale due to the number of people that play now) about the same amount of elite players. The only difference back then they were patient enough to answer questions, or help you become geared enough. The reason for was we were able to police ourselves so much better than now.

    Back in EQ if you were a total jerk people you just wouldn't get groups anymore. Now when they put in these stupid group finder tools you can still be the biggest jerk, but there is no drawback cause you will still get groups.

    If they figured out someway for us to get back to policing ourselves you would see the behavior drop drastically.
  • Eris
    It is a problem that I've seen in MMOs since forever.

    There are a select few who consider themselves elite that bully everyone else into conforming to their vision of reality. They think that there are a lot of them, but really if they were not forcing others into their pigeonhole, there would be far less of them than anyone thinks. The mob mind is lead by a few.

    Remember, these guys are in it for the loot at the end and the less time it takes them the faster they get the loot. That is generally why they want only the best off the best, cause they aren't really in it for the adventure, they are in it to get out of it.

    So the key is, yes you can play the way you want. Everyone can. You don't need to be a follower, be a leader. Create your own contacts, run the dungeons or trials. Don't expect to be on top of any leaderboards, but you might have more fun with friends than with rulers anyways.

    There are plenty of instance leader/strategists out there that feel the way you do. If you've not run a certain instance, find a guide, someone to help your team with strategies.

    Put together a team of your contacts and have a great adventure! Be mindful that you don't become one of the elites though, cause power corrupts. :)
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • concobar
    I am the night!
    I will still look across the lands from my perch at Arrius, Nerf or no I will still be the Night. I may not be the hero Ebonheart Pact wanted but I will be the hero Ebonheart pact deserves.
  • Milanna
    Best thing you can do is to avoid them.
    Play with guildies, try to find other casual people to play with.

    I find them quite amusing.
    Mila the True (Aldmeri Dominion)
    Milanna the Cold-hearted (Aldmeri Dominion)
    Raphael the Cunning (Ebonheart Pact)

    Cassius Tanicius (Daggerfall Covenant)

    I just found garlic, you blood-suckers better stay clear
  • Hrithmus
    Like i said before. I have seen Melee users get kicked for no reason then, them not being able to keep up with someone else's DPS. Me being a tank i speak up and say i'll leave if your kick that person because they like to play how they want.

    Was a melee using all light armor and a 2 handed axe. Why should he get punished? He get kicked so i left the group.

    Just like this thread. People are missing the point. If each class already has a set mold then so be it. I guess im maybe trying to shed the light on this happening way more then it should.
  • sandermdmb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    It's all about effiency. The faster a dungeon can be completed, equals more runs, equals more loot and less repair cost etc.

    Tbh those elitist/ min-maxers should group up with friends/ guildmates and not join a pug/ group finder. And if they do, they need to adapt. The reality however..
  • Audigy
    They don't want to kick you out, they just don't want to play with you. Honestly it's their choice to play with you or not, you are always welcome to start your on group, then you make the rules. But you can't judge someone just because they want to play differently than you. also you could just Lie, there is no way they can monitor your stats during gameplay, they can only see their own

    Do you see the flaw in your own statement?

    You say that the OP should make his own group, but why not the Elitist´s?

    Look, from my point of view random groups are exactly this, random. Nobody in these groups has the right to flame someone for his spec, dps, race or choice of pink armor. That's why these groups are called random ;)

    However, if someone wants to make some super elite group with a professional environment, why does he look for that group in a random group tool?

    The issue the OP and many of us have is the abuse of the group finder tool, the abuse of random groups in MMO´s where one or two Elitist´s get in and start to boss around others.

    If someone wants to break a new world record in gaming then he should open a guild for this. There is no reason to expect or demand professional gaming in a random pug.
  • Harkrider
    Welcome to the new world of MMOs. Brought to you by the edition of add ons like recount and gearscore.

    As for ESO if they tell you they can see your dps then report them for exploiting. Since the API is closed they shouldn't be able to run anything like that.

    As for their being more "elite" players. I honestly don't find that be true. I have been playing MMOs since 2002. I think there are (on a scale due to the number of people that play now) about the same amount of elite players. The only difference back then they were patient enough to answer questions, or help you become geared enough. The reason for was we were able to police ourselves so much better than now.

    Back in EQ if you were a total jerk people you just wouldn't get groups anymore. Now when they put in these stupid group finder tools you can still be the biggest jerk, but there is no drawback cause you will still get groups.

    If they figured out someway for us to get back to policing ourselves you would see the behavior drop drastically.

    ESO's API does not allow for data collection regarding most statistics for other players. So damage meters, etc, are not going to appear (rather, reemerge) here unless the API is changed again.
  • Harkrider
    concobar wrote: »
    I am the night!

    That's my favorite picture on the internet!
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