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Vote For Leveling Equality!

  • Nathano
    YES Leveling XP should be equal for all play styles.
    Audigy wrote: »
    I totally agree with @‌Cogo

    This game isn't like WoW, I said this before and say it again. The XP is equally spread among all activities right now. A dungeon lasts about 30 minutes and you get about a half level for it, a skyshard and good loot.
    I'm sorry but are you playing the same game as me? There is no way you got "about half a level" from a dungeon. I just done Wayrest Sewers on my 21 DK and the first run (including the dungeon quest) I got 6142 xp which is 24% of my next level. The second run I got 891 xp which is 3.5% of my next level. That is nowhere near the "half" you claim.

    So your claim that "XP is equally spread among all activities" is wrong. If I choose to level up using dungeons I would get 3/4 of a level in the first 3 dungeons and then roughly 1 level every 28 dungeons. Going on the 30 minutes per dungeon that is 14 hours of dungeon runs to get 1 level. The alternative is about 1-2 hours of questing so no, all activities are far from equal.
  • Badh0rse
    YES Leveling XP should be equal for all play styles.
    Nathano wrote: »
    Audigy wrote: »
    I totally agree with @‌Cogo

    This game isn't like WoW, I said this before and say it again. The XP is equally spread among all activities right now. A dungeon lasts about 30 minutes and you get about a half level for it, a skyshard and good loot.
    I'm sorry but are you playing the same game as me? There is no way you got "about half a level" from a dungeon. I just done Wayrest Sewers on my 21 DK and the first run (including the dungeon quest) I got 6142 xp which is 24% of my next level. The second run I got 891 xp which is 3.5% of my next level. That is nowhere near the "half" you claim.

    So your claim that "XP is equally spread among all activities" is wrong. If I choose to level up using dungeons I would get 3/4 of a level in the first 3 dungeons and then roughly 1 level every 28 dungeons. Going on the 30 minutes per dungeon that is 14 hours of dungeon runs to get 1 level. The alternative is about 1-2 hours of questing so no, all activities are far from equal.

    Be careful using logic and mathematics in this thread Nathan, they don't work here! You just laid it out in plain english and math ... now be prepared to have sheeple bring up a bunch of invalid or jut plain wrong points as counter arguments. They are too busy having their play style catered to and being fan boys for cogitation. (that means deep thinking you blank eyed monkeys)

  • dplary_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    YES Leveling XP should be equal for all play styles.
    Sadly, this thread is an alternate reality in which logic and mathematics not only doesn't work, but is looked down upon as some sort of evil sorcery that proves you are some sort of WoW junkie. I am really surprised that no one has pointed out your flawed sorcery and lack of "reading the box" before buying the game. No matter how hard I try, I have yet to find a post from a NO voter that is without vacuity. (I am sure that is a word that will boggle the small minded)

    Good luck my friend, all arguments made for Equality are dismissed out of hand but the minority, yet the majority is clearly scorned and ignored by the Dev community.
    The beatings will continue until moral improves......
  • Ysne58
    YES Leveling XP should be equal for all play styles.
    I do think people should not have to quest as the only viable option to gain exp. I love exploring and questing, but not everyone does.

    That being said -- people who do everything, like me, tend to outlevel content ... I'd like to see an option for people like us to opt out of getting as much experience on some of it so we can still enjoy everything without having all the quests turn grey and not get any loot off mobs.
  • Badh0rse
    YES Leveling XP should be equal for all play styles.
    dplary_ESO wrote: »
    Sadly, this thread is an alternate reality in which logic and mathematics not only doesn't work, but is looked down upon as some sort of evil sorcery that proves you are some sort of WoW junkie.

    Laughing so hard right now. All I can hear in my head is "Burn her, burn her!" in a funny Montey Python voice.

    Peasants: We have found a witch! (A witch! a witch!)
    Burn her burn her!

    Peasant 1: We have found a witch, may we burn her?
    Vladimir: How do you known she is a witch?
    P2: She looks like one!
    V: Bring her forward
    Woman: I'm not a witch! I'm not a witch!
    V: ehh... but you are dressed like one.
    W: They dressed me up like this!
    All: naah no we didn't... no.
    W: And this isn't my nose, it's a false one.
    (V lifts up carrot)
    V: Well?
    P1: Well we did do the nose
    V: The nose?
    P1: ...And the hat, but she is a witch!
    (all: yeah, burn her burn her!)
    V: Did you dress her up like this?
    P1: No! (no no... no) Yes. (yes yeah) a bit (a bit bit a bit) But she has got a wart!
    (P3 points at wart)
    V: What makes you think she is a witch?
    P2: Well, she turned me into a newt!
    V: A newt?!
    (P2 pause & look around)
    P2: I got better.
    P3: Burn her anyway! (burn her burn her burn!)
    (king walks in)
    V: There are ways of telling whether she is a witch.
    P1: Are there? Well then tell us! (tell us)
    V: Tell me... what do you do with witches?
    P3: Burn'em! Burn them up! (burn burn burn)
    V: What do you burn apart from witches?
    P1: More witches! (P2 nudge P1)
    P3: Wood!
    V: So, why do witches burn?
    (long pause)
    P2: Cuz they're made of... wood?
    V: Gooood.
    (crowd congratulates P2)
    V: So, how do we tell if she is made of wood?
    P1: Build a bridge out of her!
    V: Ahh, but can you not also make bridges out of stone?
    P1: Oh yeah...
    V: Does wood sink in water?
    P1: No
    P3: No. It floats!
    P1: Let's throw her into the bog! (yeah yeah ya!)
    V: What also floats in water?
    P1: Bread
    P3: Apples
    P2: Very small rocks
    (V looks annoyed)
    P1: Cider
    P3: Grape gravy
    P1: Cherries
    P3: Mud
    King: A Duck!
    (all look and stare at king)
    V: Exactly! So, logically...
    P1(thinking): If she ways the same as a duck... she's made of wood!
    V: And therefore,
    (pause & think)
    P3: A witch!

  • Thralgaf
    YES Leveling XP should be equal for all play styles.
    At the very least, they should reimplement dungeon exp for the simple reason that dungeons bug out. For instance, right now Vaults of Madness is a complete waste of time due to the quest giver being a bugged out piece of crap.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    NO Leveling XP should be not be equal for all play styles.

    Do you like your bots? Then you can KEEP your Bots!
    Edited by TheGrandAlliance on May 19, 2014 12:33AM
    Indeed it is so...
  • Badh0rse
    YES Leveling XP should be equal for all play styles.

    Do you like your bots? Then you can KEEP your Bots!

    Grinding mobs is actually a FAR MORE VIABLE way to level than, let's say, doing dungeons. Which is arguably some of the hardest content in the game. If you can read you can do a quest, no challenge there. This game, at this point, rewards the easiest things the game has to offer. Why not show people who put effort into running dungeons and spend hours crafting some love?
  • TheGrandAlliance
    NO Leveling XP should be not be equal for all play styles.
    Badh0rse wrote: »

    Grinding mobs is actually a FAR MORE VIABLE way to level than, let's say, doing dungeons. Which is arguably some of the hardest content in the game. If you can read you can do a quest, no challenge there. This game, at this point, rewards the easiest things the game has to offer. Why not show people who put effort into running dungeons and spend hours crafting some love?

    1. Can bots read? No.
    2. Boost EXP from boss kills of Dungeons... but not mobs.
    3. Quests are not as "easy" as you claim.
    Indeed it is so...
  • ErilAq
    NO Leveling XP should be not be equal for all play styles.
    I would say yes.... but with how easy it is to level crafting, I'd say leave that one out. but pve/pvp should be the same, or at least very similar. The biggest issue with that is people like to break the system. if you get the same exp for killing a player as you do a mob, then what will stop kill trading? As long as there's a balance, I'm all for it, but it'd be hard to stop players abusing the system.
    Internet armchair warriors attack! Yayayayayayaaaaaah!!!!
  • ReaperCJ
    NO Leveling XP should be not be equal for all play styles.
    Dungeons and PVP should never be viable leveling options. It's absurd to think that you should be able to go into a dungeon or match, gain as much XP as the guys putting in real work on the map, and come out even or ahead of them. It's that mentality that creates these problems to begin with.

    First off these guys didn't spend years developing hundreds of quests and stories for you to just ignore. What makes people think that they should be able to ignore the largest portion of the game and still level as fast as others? That's like saying you do not want to have to go to school, but still want the graduation party. Personally I think that dungeons should all be locked until you get to a certain part of the story that unlocks that dungeon.

    Dungeons in MMO's for the most part create problems and an unbalanced leveling scale. You can clear them quickly and get a large amount of loot and XP compared to questing out in the world. So not only are you power-leveling, you also get more money because the best loot drops in dungeons. At least with ESO they have made it pretty much fair because you are either getting a lot of loot from dungeons, or you are getting a lot of XP grinding mobs and questing.

    Their game, their design...quit crying and play the game the way they want you to. It's Elder Scrolls...did you really think you were not going to have to do a quest and explore the world?? What Elder Scrolls game did you repeatedly do the same dungeon in to level up?? Why would it be any different just because they added Online to the end of the title??!!
  • Badh0rse
    YES Leveling XP should be equal for all play styles.
    Felt the need to come back to this topic and state that the game is moving more and more in the direction of leveling equality .. as it NEEDED to do ... despite what all the questing fanboys cried about. Level through PvP? YES! Level through dungeons? YES! So I guess I can tell all you people flaming the "change things" posts saying "working as intended" to go suck a .......................... egg!
    Looking forward to the changes, great job ESO!
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