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Why I am staying and why ESO will be one the best!

  • Krivaan
    Sandhya wrote: »
    Going by forum posts is NEVER indicative of the opinion of the entire playerbase. A large majority of players don't even know these forums exist, another part of the playerbase doesn't care about it, and the players having fun with the game have no reason to voice that on a forum, contrary to the players that have issues with the game.

    This is the way internet works... So as I'm saying: N=1. Google any random issue about anything, and you are going to find at least 10 others with a similar issue. That's what happens when the world is a village, but if you really want to go by 'what the internet says' I predict you'll have a very negative and pessimistic look on, and way of, life.

    So far I am glad ZOS is staying the course with their design philosophy and I hope they will keep doing so. I've never played an MMO that was actually laid back like this one, ESO has many unique perks that other MMO's will never be able to attain (ie art style, lore, story-based progression) and if that's not your cup of tea, I would draw my conclusions and quit, because then ESO isn't your game... By the way, they ARE slightly adapting VR experience gain in coming patches by vastly increasing mob kill XP at that level, so you can soon grind your way to cap like we do in every other MMO... oh joy! :expressionless:

    Again, by 'masses', I mean the vocal majority of people who have made their opinions clear- on the forums or elsewhere. Not the entire player base, because only a moron would assume.

    The educated people have said they don't mind the bugs and bots, because that will be sorted over time. It's the fact that it's a nice story based game, that has a short life. Like a good book, you read it once and put it down. Not pick it up again as soon as you've completed it and having to pay another £8.99 for the privilege.

    You seem to be focusing on my issue with the VR content. There's nothing essentially wrong with it, it's just the fact that there isn't anything else to do, which pushes the boundaries of my tolerance for tedium.

    I have already played the first 3 zones of the other two factions, just to determine whether I wanted to stare at grey, green, or a mix of both for four hours at a time (I went with a mix of both FYI [Daggerfall Covenant]). I had an amazing time in my trip to 50, but now I have to replay starter zones, which take that much longer because of the so-called 'challenge factor' and that just pushes all the wrong buttons.
    A wise man speaks because he has something to say; A Fool because he has to say something.
  • Sorcerious
    They promise the ones that believe in them and punish the once that don't... I mean come on, you come on the forums, complaining and saying 'waste of money' 'cancelled my sub' and whatnot over a few bugs that appear in every single game... and now that people who DIDN'T cancel get free stuff, you come back complaining you don't get it.

    I support Zenimax in this that they shouldn't reward the people who are impatient, serves you right for not having any patience.
  • AryaWythers
    Sorcerious wrote: »
    They promise the ones that believe in them and punish the once that don't... I mean come on, you come on the forums, complaining and saying 'waste of money' 'cancelled my sub' and whatnot over a few bugs that appear in every single game... and now that people who DIDN'T cancel get free stuff, you come back complaining you don't get it.

    I support Zenimax in this that they shouldn't reward the people who are impatient, serves you right for not having any patience.

    It's pathetic way to get those to re-sub by 8pm tonight...I will re-sub at 9pm when this scheme is over. Do you really think it is going to go over well if they really just reward loyal people and not everyone who PAID for this Early Release game? Just going to make people mad that's all...but we will see (buying pop-corn now)

    They still don't mention any time line on fixes for the broken game mechanics, but flash new content to distract people from the Laggy Bug Filled Mess Behind the Curtain.

    Funny how these threads are allowed but if you made one saying you are quitting the game it would be shut down with a quickness...just hypocritical and stirring reaction for those who don't agree with OP.
    Edited by AryaWythers on May 1, 2014 6:39PM
  • Nefar
    Bromburak wrote: »
    I am fine as long Matt is talking to the community this way.

    Yeah it's called public relations. He has to say something, not the first time he has and not the last. I'll pay attention to what is actually done, not said.

  • Omniphonic
    I unsubbed. Sorry Zenimax, GOLDAH owns ESO, you just work on it.
  • Yandros
    Interesting thread. I am certainly here to stay for the long term as I appreciate what the game is offering as an MMO and an RPG.

    I also appreciate that not everyone's experience has been the same.

    From my own perspective, I am playing on a MAC (so it comes with its own added memory leak issues right now, but I like to think of it a built in rest breaks), I am about to hit VR1, I have completed every single quest and almost every achievement on my journey through the AD. I have maxed some crafting lines and I am high in the others. I have completed Mage line, Fighter line and am about to do the last Main story line quest. I have done all the 4 man dungeon content and progressed in Cyridiil. I have never had to abandon a quest but I have needed to leave some in place and then go back several days later to finish up after a server restart or a patch update. (annoying but not earth shattering)

    While there have been some frustrating fights along the way and many deaths, I have had nothing but fun and entertainment. I have never once felt I was not getting value for what I have paid for, and never questioned an ongoing payment to continue to play this game the way I am playing it.

    Like any other MMO game launch, I know there are issues, (I take my time and send /bug and /feedback reports all the time to enhance the game for myself and others) however the fact that so many people are levelling at a steady pace, around me and within my guild (its a full guild) makes me think that the game itself is doing what it sets out to do. Its not broken beyond playability, otherwise I could not have accomplished all the things I (and others) have done.

    Sure, over time it will expand past its first month of being live, to include a vast number of alternate paths to levelling, adventuring, raiding, filling time, or just messing around in game with friends. Do I personally need that now after only 1 month into a game that I am still progressing in.... not really. When I finally get to higher VR levels... there will be a significant amount of content for me to enjoy.... when I finish that... they say there will be more for which right now I have no reason to doubt them. On top of that there will be other guild lines to follow and new features to play with.

    My journey is fun right now and consumes approximately 30 - 40 hours a week of my life playing (not sure what the brackets are for casual through to hardcore categorization).... but I am having a damn good time.

    When looking at all the comments on fix this... fix that... I am unsubbing....only 5 free days....this games going F2P, I ran through everything so quick and now I am bored, etc etc, it makes me wonder

    1. What I am doing so different to everyone else
    2. Am I just a more patient gamer
    3. Am I just really lucky
    4. Do I have a play style that just really suits this game
    5. Does my age give me a different view on the world (I am over 40)

    What ever the answers, it does not change the fact that for a complex game that has only been out for 1 month, that offers the freedom of play that it does, in a world of MMORPG's where millions of people want something different out of game..............

    I am having a blast and will be around for a very long time to come.
  • AryaWythers
    Some of us just want broken PvP features it to hard to let people group in Cyrodiil before announcing new content.

    They had beta and knew about so many patience has worn out for many of us

    Edited by AryaWythers on May 1, 2014 10:23PM
  • scruffycavetroll
    GreySix wrote: »
    All I picture is another bomb blowing up in Wiley Coyote's face.

    To help you out, here you go.
  • willpascoe24prb19_ESO
    they'll get 1 month out of me with a sub fee, but man, they need to step their game up...

    This is also the way I am playing i want to see the "end game" IF it has the OOOOOO factor I'll think about a second

    But for me I dout it, constantly running a raid just to get a better time seems a very strange way of giving out loot in a game, that has had duping in it from beta i.e if you can dupe a bank and they didn't fix it months back, then I am sure there will be players willing to cheat the times!

  • AryaWythers
    they'll get 1 month out of me with a sub fee, but man, they need to step their game up...

    This is also the way I am playing i want to see the "end game" IF it has the OOOOOO factor I'll think about a second

    But for me I dout it, constantly running a raid just to get a better time seems a very strange way of giving out loot in a game, that has had duping in it from beta i.e if you can dupe a bank and they didn't fix it months back, then I am sure there will be players willing to cheat the times!

    I'm beginning to think all these betas should be done away with...seems like just lets some of the player base abuse and exploit the system and leaves the rest of us behind, since they don't listen to the exploits and bugs in beta. And there have been some pretty big exploits these people are abusing from being in the closed beta.

    Edited by AryaWythers on May 1, 2014 10:27PM
  • JKorr
    I bet their newest cash grab scheme wont go over too well. You only get rewarded five days if you sing up now, and to HELL with all those who bought the suffered without giving us more of your money...real Grade A business tactics here. All I picture is another bomb blowing up in Wiley Coyote's face.

    Yes. They should bend over backwards and grovel to people who have already decided they are done with the game and are leaving. Makes perfect sense to give more time to the ones who have announced they have no intention of renewing their sub and are leaving for whatever reason, right?

    Or should they do something for the people who are willing to give them a chance to fix things and decided to stay for a while? If you say you don't like the game for your own reasons, and its something that can't be fixed in the next five minutes so you've decided to cancel your sub, you're gone. I would rather they concentrate on the players who are staying.

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