Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Why I am staying and why ESO will be one the best!

  • Sandhya
    Krivaan wrote: »
    Sandhya wrote: »
    Though I do recognize the 'being worn out' of questing, every day I come back to doing it I do find some new stuff that is interesting to do or see. What I've learned is that in this game you need to let go of the idea of 'getting to cap' and just play through the zones at a comfortable pace. Let's face it, at level 50 you've got sufficient experience to make some nice builds, but it is in VR content that you truly get tested in terms of sustainability and survivability. There is also the misconception that VR 1-10 is 'endgame' because it is not, it is just part of the levelling process. And looking at it that way, I feel ESO offers the most enticing levelling process on the market. I'm past the idea that farming or grinding 40000 mobs to level is even remotely entertaining or relaxing - but I really do like the way ESO does it. If I want to grind I can still do it, but it won't advance me in content. Just fine to me.

    Your general consensus is exactly that: yours. N=1.

    'Consensus' means the general opinion/agreement of the masses, not my personal opinion. It's what I've read in countless posts over the last month.

    I'm feeling worn out because there's nothing else to do but quest for veteran points. I'd like to do something else that gains me just as many Vet points, just so I can break the tedium once in a while.

    Going by forum posts is NEVER indicative of the opinion of the entire playerbase. A large majority of players don't even know these forums exist, another part of the playerbase doesn't care about it, and the players having fun with the game have no reason to voice that on a forum, contrary to the players that have issues with the game.

    This is the way internet works... So as I'm saying: N=1. Google any random issue about anything, and you are going to find at least 10 others with a similar issue. That's what happens when the world is a village, but if you really want to go by 'what the internet says' I predict you'll have a very negative and pessimistic look on, and way of, life.

    So far I am glad ZOS is staying the course with their design philosophy and I hope they will keep doing so. I've never played an MMO that was actually laid back like this one, ESO has many unique perks that other MMO's will never be able to attain (ie art style, lore, story-based progression) and if that's not your cup of tea, I would draw my conclusions and quit, because then ESO isn't your game... By the way, they ARE slightly adapting VR experience gain in coming patches by vastly increasing mob kill XP at that level, so you can soon grind your way to cap like we do in every other MMO... oh joy! :expressionless:
    Edited by Sandhya on May 1, 2014 2:14PM
  • Dunhilda
    Smells like Quick resub to get five days FOR FREE, why else would they give a time frame? Legit would had been, we know about the issues here five days for free for our current subs only.

    yeah no, fix the game first, a bribe won't buy loyalty might buy some from fools.

    Still staying unsubbed until they fixed a number of bugs and add Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild.
    Edited by Dunhilda on May 1, 2014 2:22PM
  • Nephelai
    Free days mean nothing to people who subscribe with a credit card they never use them. A discount for the month would be more appropriate.
  • Wintermist
    Nephelai wrote: »
    Free days mean nothing to people who subscribe with a credit card they never use them. A discount for the month would be more appropriate.

    I think if you subscribe you can still make use of those 5 days, it would be 5 days later until they charge your card.
  • Morduil
    I might have some faith in what he is promising if they had actually done what he says they have. Specifically, in my experience: 'We’re also continuing to fix bugs as we find them and as players report them to us.' - not true, many of the bugs have been known about and reported for weeks - 'In a world as large as ESO’s, with endless variations of gameplay by players, it is impossible for QA to identify all bugs before launch' - ok, but couldn't you have addressed all the ones that were identified before launch. Surely that would be a basic presumption? Because from my own experience I can confirm that you didn't - 'but we’re working hard to find and close them quickly.' - it's been three weeks on the one that is blocking my progress, and I don't call that quick - 'We’ve fixed many quest blockers, especially in zone, NPC guild, and main story quests, but we know there are still others.' - but in this patch you didn't even fix all of the ones that the patch notes said were being fixed, that's quite an important verbal disconnect - 'These affect far fewer players,' - no, I'm stuck on Messages across Tamriel, a main story quest that (without an unintended bypass), to judge by the in-game and in-forum comments, has affected a very large number of players - 'they’re annoying when encountered and we will address them.' - addressing is not the same as solving, apparently -

    On that basis, anything promised in future updates just sounds, to borrow the old phrase, like jam tomorrow....
  • scruffycavetroll
    they'll get 1 month out of me with a sub fee, but man, they need to step their game up...
  • Wintermist
    But seriously, do we need to subscribe to get this? I felt from what was written that everyone who is still playing the days that the game came (as in those 30 free days) with would get them?
  • Muletide
    Why would they give anything free to someone who jumped ship in the first few weeks?
  • Wintermist
    Muletide wrote: »
    Why would they give anything free to someone who jumped ship in the first few weeks?

    What do you mean "jumped ship"? We already bought the *** game, is that not valid?
  • ZiRM
    I'm a big supporter of this game but the fact that they are working to release craglorn which is just more VR to grind instead of fixing glaring problems in the game is just too much to ignore. 5 days is like saying let them eat cake.
    They really messed up the loot and scavenging, loot chest etc. The bots, gold spammers and exploiters are ROFL ZOS.
    Exploiters at vr10 are lol and I'm stuck at vr4 grinding tediously. Quit rewarding exploiters, bots, exploiting guilds and gold sellers.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Jade1986
    Holy shitzus! He said the EU servers will be coming to the date still....but here is hoping SOON. Also, horse races! Thank god! something else to do aside from questing!
  • Willow
    I am staying and enjoying my time . I eagerly await armor dyes. I hope we see housing within the 2nd year.

    we shall see!
  • Udaku
    Chanz wrote: »
    Agreed. Everybody needs to get 5 days, even those who have unsubscribed.

    What do you mean, don't everyone who are playing their game included days get these?
    Here you go. Active Sub.

    Boycott, oppose & unsubscribe!
  • Wintermist
    Udaku wrote: »
    Chanz wrote: »
    Agreed. Everybody needs to get 5 days, even those who have unsubscribed.

    What do you mean, don't everyone who are playing their game included days get these?
    Here you go. Active Sub.

    Wow, well, I can interpret that as my account being active, since I can play. I had to setup a subscription to activate the game, just that I cancelled it last week.

    If they will give me the 5 days then remains to be seen.
  • Taid
    Dont know if this satisfy me. Its like, theres zero compettion in here, basically every item in this game is worthless. Everyone has enough mats to do anything, the economy is nonexistent, theres just no rewarding in any aspect of the game. The social stuff suffers from every of these problems. Why working together to achieve something if theres just nothing to achieve? I like the fun part in this game, the questing to 50 was nice, story and all GG, im vet 1 since one week since i have zero motivation to do anything in the game, because its neither fun nor meaningfull for my environment. From the sight of a gamer who trys to be good in a game, ESO has zero to offer. You can hardly call it even a real game, its more like a rebuild of tamriel with some happyfunfeatures. My friendlist is grey'd out, my guilds are grey'd out for the most time.

    Lets hope craglorn changes something, my sub for the month is payed due to bad paying method on release. I personally have lost all hope in this game. The only positive i can tell is, that it motivated me to make a full modded oblivion playthrough^^ never finished it. Or maybe i check the latest mods for skyrim.
    You know the old saying.....Neither a Troll, nor a Fanboy be? :o


    Without Trolls and Fanboys, how could we ever be able to sell anything? :#
  • Reenlister
    Yes it has a lot of bugs. Oh yes there are a lot of problems.
    But I am sticking around.
    I am one who is confident that it will get worked out, albeit not as fast as most of us would like, but its still early in. Still have not hit the official one month out yet.
    I imagine that before to long many of us will be sitting here, or in game listening to the screams of the truly new ones, about how this is bad and that is bad, and we will be like old timers on the front porch. We will be thinking to ourselves, man, these kids have no idea what a real problems was.
  • GreySix
    Really want to keep our subscriptions and play this game with my wife, as there is a lot to enjoy.

    But simply cannot do so, so long as we're forced into solo-only instances. Once they fix that to allow group play, we'll return.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Alpha_Protocol
    AlliN wrote: »
    I've browsed through your posts, and if I did not see a forum mod drone before, I would know I see one now.

    *Edited: Insults*
    Edited by ZOS_LenaicR on May 1, 2014 6:33PM
  • Dunhilda
    AlliN wrote: »
    I've browsed through your posts, and if I did not see a forum mod drone before, I would know I see one now.

    ... Some of us like the game and aren't all cynical little whiny ***.

    You don't think anything is wrong with the game? Or is this just plain denial?

    Some of us voiced our opinions on this game, we're whiny ***? So it would be best to keep paying and hope they fix the game? No sorry, Once they fixed the game I may return, if not then good luck to them, hope they remember what coming out in the future in terms of MMORPGS and I hoped they looked back to the the train wreck that was APB.

    APB shut down in 6 months before going F2P with P2W, I hope ZoS isn't aiming to beat that, no really I hope not.

    Edited by Dunhilda on May 1, 2014 3:38PM
  • GreySix
    ... Some of us like the game and aren't all cynical little whiny ***.

    Such an ill thought-out statement appears to pre-suppose that those who post concerns about the game want it to fail.

    That is of course nonsense.

    Most of us want to see the game succeed, and we enjoy many aspects of ESO. Many who are considering unsubscribing or have already done so will gladly re-subscribe once what we see as critical issues have been rectified.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Hrithmus
    Post number 5,909,987 about this. Why do some users think when they find something like this NO ONE has ever seen it until now. So funny
    Edited by Hrithmus on May 1, 2014 3:47PM
  • Chomppa
    Willing to stay for a month or two , I'm just hoping that once the subs are up they take care of those people spawn camping and spawn killing the vampires just so I could get a bite .
    :):D:(;):\:o:s:p:'(:|B):#o:)<3 (*) >:)
  • Jadakin
    Game has more content than any other MMORPG I've played at launch, since Vanilla WoW. I'm here for awhile to see how all this pans out.
  • Chanz
    AlliN wrote: »
    I've browsed through your posts, and if I did not see a forum mod drone before, I would know I see one now.

    ... Some of us like the game and aren't all cynical little whiny ***.
    Sorry mate, but it is you who ruin games, not those who make valid critics. Deep down you are afraid and know things are messed up, but because of your (sick, deluded) love towards the elder scrolls, you keep being deluded and ruin the game even more by neglecting the obvious problems.
    *Edited: Insult*
    Edited by ZOS_JoanaL on May 1, 2014 10:46PM
  • South_of_Heaven
    Chanz wrote: »
    AlliN wrote: »
    I've browsed through your posts, and if I did not see a forum mod drone before, I would know I see one now.

    ... Some of us like the game and aren't all cynical little whiny ***.
    Sorry mate, but it is you elitist fanboys who ruin games, not those who make valid critics. Deep down you are afraid and know things are messed up, but because of your (sick, deluded) love towards the elder scrolls, you keep being deluded and ruin the game even more by neglecting the obvious problems.
    Get your head out of your ass and realize this game is nowhere an AAA game in its current format.

    It's ok they will realize it as soon as they are the only ones left playing the game.

  • Guizan
    I for one am staying as it for me has been a 90 percent pleasant game this far. Sure I am irritated when the server goes down 3days in a row but as far as to bugs I think I can count the number of bugged quests on my fingers. There is not a single one left in my journal that is bugged and I abandoned none, one by one I have been able to finish them off.

    I have signed up for the 6 months plan and intend to play longer than that.
  • dobrt
    I believe they should close the "I'm sucking up" threads, just as quick as they do for the "here's my review" threads......
  • the.dzeneralb16_ESO
    I don't know why people resort to calling each other names and the like, obviously no game will be for everyone. With that said, there is no reason to be either: Whiny, or aggressive towards people who do like/dislike the game. Nothing wrong with a little criticism (constructive of course).
  • AryaWythers
    I bet their newest cash grab scheme wont go over too well. You only get rewarded five days if you sing up now, and to HELL with all those who bought the suffered without giving us more of your money...real Grade A business tactics here. All I picture is another bomb blowing up in Wiley Coyote's face.
  • GreySix
    All I picture is another bomb blowing up in Wiley Coyote's face.

    To help you out, here you go.
    Edited by GreySix on May 1, 2014 5:49PM
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
This discussion has been closed.