Fairydragon3 wrote: »...but don't start complain just becasue they took away your exploit
I'm not sure how much this punishes exploiters.
It punishes legitimate players with limited playtime; however, it does not really make things any more difficult for a bot (which has all the time in the world) to get these drops.
codyyoungnub18_ESO wrote: »So get friends and go farm bosses in the instanced dungeons, what's the issue?
ttwinklerub17_ESO wrote: »simple solution change timer so a player can only get 1 instance of a boss in 4 or 8 hrs
if they refuse to leave dungeon after finishing boss - completing quest - give 10-15 mins- they get punished to a day in empty dungeon -in game time
ttwinklerub17_ESO wrote: »simple solution change timer so a player can only get 1 instance of a boss in 4 or 8 hrs
if they refuse to leave dungeon after finishing boss - completing quest - give 10-15 mins- they get punished to a day in empty dungeon -in game time
ttwinklerub17_ESO wrote: »WTH - quit whining
- there are bosses and dungeons everywhere even in VR zones
- there should be a 1 boss instance per person every 4 hrs - this get rid of bots and farming bosses - if you persist in trying to ruin everyone else's experience by making it impossible for others to get loot you should be gone
(id be willing to allow two attempts for drops)
or punishing people for overlooting or hanging around to farm a
boss should be put in
Zenimax said if normal players are preventing people from getting proper loot drops from bosses then they may be violating TOS - you can be reported and zenimax can deal with boss looters that way.
bad behavior of one person can lead to bad behavior by a bunch - it doesn't mean you have a right to do what you want
zenimax is in charge and at any time they can change the rules without notice - get it
you hit get it done and move on to the next boss and dungeon
you too lazy to move your ass on to the next spot?
you can also change it so the second kill in 4hrs gets nothing and destroys all armor 100%
and make the 3rd attempted kill on same boss in 4hrs - the player gets killed and looted (loses everything on player) - becomes treasure for other drops
I can deal with surface farming - nodes, chests,desks, crates,etc
that's easy to solve by increasing spawn rate - not reducing it (that only helps the gold sellers)
everyone can get what they need in a few mins and then bots will find it useless to sell gold and materials because everything is more abundant and so is money
I mean people can beat the bots hanging on a node you know
as much as I hate the bots - I abhor them
I can live with some
it's when they farm an area to a point no resources are found at all - picked up instantly
or kill all the area monsters for rawhide or loot and there is nothing to hit or very barren it gets annoying
also by increasing spawn rates and materials and basic items get cheaper - crafted high end and legendary items would be more desirable - if they can fix the decaying armor issue
crafted/modified items beat found according to zenimax
Jim_McMasterub17_ESO wrote: »Loot something, & move ON.
As for me, it's not affecting me in the least.
ttwinklerub17_ESO wrote: »1. zenimax is in charge they set the rules.... you don't.... I don't
they already said farming bosses can be considered a reportable offense
people can report you - they can go "suspect bot"
a gm can come in watch and they don't have to give you any reason and ban you
they have proof they watched you for awhile - logged or recorded it
they don't have to ask if you are a real person - because some botters have a devised a method to alert them when someone contacts them - so bots can have a human responder and bots are now having more real names
people have a right to do so (without impunity) - - the onus is on you not to behave in a way that makes you a suspect bot or impedes normal gameplay - or solo gameplay (even in a public dungeon)
they can come on with a regular player alt - -(not in GM mode) and tag you
and then switch to GM (god mode) and boot/ban you because you behaved like a bot
remember just how do you know "who is what" - they do have regular characters they played while testing the game
2. farming a boss -by hordes of bots or players makes it unchallenging for a player
you take the skill and cunning of doing it on your own or with a small team
fine and dandy if you let people play thru but not all do that
so what happens you take the intended way of playing the dungeon out and any challenge associated with it
that is breaching TOS - any behavior that diminishes or wrecks gameplay for others is out - they said that - remember that
3. I suggested far less imposing methods first to fix the issue - and then added far worse ones later
I was pointing out it that zenimax can make it much worse
zenimax can come up with similar or worse ideas than mine or just outright ban boss farmers
they don't have to warn you - the TOS already is vague enough to give them room to do it now
as far as destroying the armor - isn't zeni doing that with the armor decay issue already
there is enough people complaining about that - after 1 boss they have no armor
well maybe zeni wants to make it unprofitable - just do it once get your drop and get out for your achievement
I suspect it's more of a bug - but with zeni stating it's working as intended leaves me wondering
4. at my level I have no issues getting blues from bosses
the fact is I get far more blues not doing bosses
Im full - easier to get than pie - and I don't have to sit in one area to get them
in fact I don't farm a single area and move around looting several areas - move from area to area - glean what I can - do 10k a night easy ...maybe 20k on a good night
plus sell blues and deconstruct some and barely take any damage to boot
the fact is there are more profitable ways and better ways to have fun than sit in one dungeon all night farming one boss
boring, dull, and repetitive - just like a bot - why bother being there in person and do what the bots do
5 the onus is on you to keep informed on updates - not for them to update you on changes - either patches or rules
They provide courtesy announcements or posts - if you don't bother to check or get caught by a change then you pay.
6. zeni is reasonable - if you get caught doing something - they may only give a warning the first few times(maybe some temp suspensions) before a hammer comes down for good
we already seen people get caught in bot kills, bugs, and other things that led to suspensions
that be a prudent course anyways - mistakes happen, so do judgement errors
Im all for giving people second or third chances
There are several things wrong with the boss timer.
1: There are still bots farming the bosses. It only slowed them a little.
2: It's global across all bosses. If you kill a dungeon boss, you have to wait before you can get loot from a world elite. Why!?
3: It inconveniences players that are trying to farm a specific blue item from specific bosses.
4: I'm part of 5 trading guilds and everything from VR2-VR9 is stupidly limited and now I can't enjoy loot drops from dungeons and world elites either?
5: It adds further limitations to the variety of items in auctions. As if the auction wasn't limited enough by the poor core design choices.
6: VR public dungeons are now hollow, unpopulated and practically useless for everything except that skyshard.
7: This is a band aid style fix to a gaping wound. There are better ways to handle drops from bosses that don't kill the fun and feeling of progression and achievement for those of us NOT abusing the system.
8: It's taxing on a player's patience, it adds another time-based grind wall to the game. Anyone that plays games will tell you that RGN is annoying. Adding a timer between RGN chances? Who the hell would want to even try at that point?
The one good thing.
There aren't 6 human players mixed with the 8 bots in a spam war over drops.
In a nutshell, I feel like this game has forced me to solo constantly. I wont make a list of the reason why this game is NOT group friendly. There are already threads talking about that. Again and again, I'm playing by myself FOR myself. In the very few instances I did farm a boss, it was for myself. Now I can't even do that. What's the point? I don't see myself playing this game too much longer.