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Boss loot timer

  • esoub17_ESO28
    Soul Shriven
    This change needs to be rolled back. =\
  • Keffertjes
    Samadhi wrote: »
    ...but don't start complain just becasue they took away your exploit

    I'm not sure how much this punishes exploiters.
    It punishes legitimate players with limited playtime; however, it does not really make things any more difficult for a bot (which has all the time in the world) to get these drops.

    i tottally agree how can this be an exploit beside bot's messing it up for the player that like to farm???
  • ttwinklerub17_ESO
    simple solution change timer so a player can only get 1 instance of a boss in 4 or 8 hrs

    if they refuse to leave dungeon after finishing boss - completing quest - give 10-15 mins- they get punished to a day in empty dungeon -in game time
  • Keffertjes
    So get friends and go farm bosses in the instanced dungeons, what's the issue?

    are you RV1 already???

    you pay more in repairs then you would get doing an instanced dung!!

    ow yea try to do any RV2 dung with all RV2 people lol youlle prob never finish it^^
  • PVT_Parts
    simple solution change timer so a player can only get 1 instance of a boss in 4 or 8 hrs

    if they refuse to leave dungeon after finishing boss - completing quest - give 10-15 mins- they get punished to a day in empty dungeon -in game time

    How would this even be a thing? AFK people? Actually players farming? what kind of stupid idea is this? And why do all you non-farmers believe that public dungeons have quests to kill the boss? I believe you mean the achievement? There aren't any quests to kill the pub boss mobs except that one in windhelm and that one has always been instanced to your player to solo.
  • Toophat82
    I for one agree with op and am against this timer because it does not solve the problem and instead hurts all players and ruins some of the experience. People like to farm bosses for loot and it was fine before and I do not understand how they thought this timer would solve the issue of bots makes no sense to me I saw it being a bad idea a mile away. Now farming bosses can be annoying and having to wait so long only makes players not want to come back to that dungeon not bots in fact bots unlike people have more time to wait where as people do not always have the time. Also never mind if the timer starts getting buggy and not timing right then its even worst which has happened to me more then once.

    Also this may be off topic but I noticed lately too that I keep getting empty barrels, trunks, bags, and so on when looting them sometimes even it happens 6 times in a row and gets me annoyed so when I asked about it in game I heard they made some changes to looting also and to lessen odds of certain items like motifs which if its just for specific items that is fine but then why are they completely empty ? Now that is not cool especially if it happens over and over. Now I do not know if that's true or if its just my game but if they did do this then that's another change that is hurting the whole experience as well and didn't need to happen considering it was fine before or at least it should have only lessened the odds of just specific items not cause whatever you loot to be completely empty.

    Some of these changes are changes that you see more in f2p mmos where it would matter more considering they make money off items and stuff so they try to make it harder to get certain loot so that their for sale items become more appealing and sell more but this is a sub only mmo so that should not be the case and some people need to remember that before complaining because sometimes you find out that change is not always for the best or better period. Also ESO is not your cookie cutter MMO so please to try to make it like every other MMO and give it a chance you might find out that its a lot better the way it is then you think it should be.
    Edited by Toophat82 on May 6, 2014 11:20AM
  • UrielX
    simple solution change timer so a player can only get 1 instance of a boss in 4 or 8 hrs

    if they refuse to leave dungeon after finishing boss - completing quest - give 10-15 mins- they get punished to a day in empty dungeon -in game time

    This is why MMOs fail, devs continually listen to newbs.

    I said it weeks ago, and anyone can check my post history to verify. I said this change was only going to hurt normal players, and what did it do?

  • pmn100b16_ESO
    Lots of 'pro' players still crying about this. Get over it.
  • ttwinklerub17_ESO
    WTH - quit whining
    - there are bosses and dungeons everywhere even in VR zones
    - there should be a 1 boss instance per person every 4 hrs - this get rid of bots and farming bosses - if you persist in trying to ruin everyone else's experience by making it impossible for others to get loot you should be gone
    (id be willing to allow two attempts for drops)

    or punishing people for overlooting or hanging around to farm a
    boss should be put in

    Zenimax said if normal players are preventing people from getting proper loot drops from bosses then they may be violating TOS - you can be reported and zenimax can deal with boss looters that way.

    bad behavior of one person can lead to bad behavior by a bunch - it doesn't mean you have a right to do what you want
    zenimax is in charge and at any time they can change the rules without notice - get it

    you hit get it done and move on to the next boss and dungeon
    you too lazy to move your ass on to the next spot?

    you can also change it so the second kill in 4hrs gets nothing and destroys all armor 100%
    and make the 3rd attempted kill on same boss in 4hrs - the player gets killed and looted (loses everything on player) - becomes treasure for other drops

    I can deal with surface farming - nodes, chests,desks, crates,etc

    that's easy to solve by increasing spawn rate - not reducing it (that only helps the gold sellers)
    everyone can get what they need in a few mins and then bots will find it useless to sell gold and materials because everything is more abundant and so is money

    I mean people can beat the bots hanging on a node you know

    as much as I hate the bots - I abhor them
    I can live with some
    it's when they farm an area to a point no resources are found at all - picked up instantly
    or kill all the area monsters for rawhide or loot and there is nothing to hit or very barren it gets annoying

    also by increasing spawn rates and materials and basic items get cheaper - crafted high end and legendary items would be more desirable - if they can fix the decaying armor issue
    crafted/modified items beat found according to zenimax
  • Cacus
    Simplest solution was to make the Blue Items that dropped from dungeon bosses BOUND not nerf them, same for motifs no one would complain then.
    Edited by Cacus on May 6, 2014 12:11PM
  • PVT_Parts
    WTH - quit whining
    - there are bosses and dungeons everywhere even in VR zones
    - there should be a 1 boss instance per person every 4 hrs - this get rid of bots and farming bosses - if you persist in trying to ruin everyone else's experience by making it impossible for others to get loot you should be gone
    (id be willing to allow two attempts for drops)

    or punishing people for overlooting or hanging around to farm a
    boss should be put in

    Zenimax said if normal players are preventing people from getting proper loot drops from bosses then they may be violating TOS - you can be reported and zenimax can deal with boss looters that way.

    bad behavior of one person can lead to bad behavior by a bunch - it doesn't mean you have a right to do what you want
    zenimax is in charge and at any time they can change the rules without notice - get it

    you hit get it done and move on to the next boss and dungeon
    you too lazy to move your ass on to the next spot?

    you can also change it so the second kill in 4hrs gets nothing and destroys all armor 100%
    and make the 3rd attempted kill on same boss in 4hrs - the player gets killed and looted (loses everything on player) - becomes treasure for other drops

    I can deal with surface farming - nodes, chests,desks, crates,etc

    that's easy to solve by increasing spawn rate - not reducing it (that only helps the gold sellers)
    everyone can get what they need in a few mins and then bots will find it useless to sell gold and materials because everything is more abundant and so is money

    I mean people can beat the bots hanging on a node you know

    as much as I hate the bots - I abhor them
    I can live with some
    it's when they farm an area to a point no resources are found at all - picked up instantly
    or kill all the area monsters for rawhide or loot and there is nothing to hit or very barren it gets annoying

    also by increasing spawn rates and materials and basic items get cheaper - crafted high end and legendary items would be more desirable - if they can fix the decaying armor issue
    crafted/modified items beat found according to zenimax

    Is this really your idea? Shall I explain why you clearly lack the knowledge to post on this thread?

    1. "Zenimax said if normal players are preventing people from getting proper loot drops from bosses then they may be violating TOS" No farmer or bot is preventing people from getting proper loot drops. If you don't do enough damage, your proper loot is nothing. If you do enough damage, like all the farmers figured out how to do and you can too, then you will get the drop. This is an issue of not understanding the game and how your character can do damage.
    2. Second kill destroys all armor? Okay, lets get a group together and go kill it without armor, or you will have the people who don't read the patch notes trying to kill the boss and get their blue drop(which doesn't come the first kill) and they will be killing it a second time when, oh look all your armor is destroyed, go pay 1k to get it repaired because you killed a boss twice within 4 hours because whiners like twinkle had a "great" idea.
    3. Have everything in your inventory looted upon death after 3rd kill? LMAO, ok, that is a great idea. Again, people who don't read the patch notes would have a lot of fun. Lets play the way we want to and kill this boss a few times, first kill, no blue, sadness. Second kill, armor destroyed, but of course no one would notice because there is no alert or anything and no one is going to check their armor quality after 2 kills. 2nd kill still no blue, better kill it again. 3rd kill WTF HAPPENED TO MY 100,000 gold, my armor, my horse, my sweet roll recipe, All those daedric motifs I had in my bag, my weapons, etc. This is a golden idea, great fore thinking on your part.
    4. "everyone can get what they need in a few mins and then bots will find it useless to sell gold and materials because everything is more abundant and so is money" What do you think the legit players who farm were doing. You state that we are helping stop the bots and the gold sellers, but want us to die and lose what we have on us because there are some bots out there and you aren't smart enough to get credit for the kill?
    5. "I can live with some it's when they farm an area to a point no resources are found at all - picked up instantly or kill all the area monsters for rawhide or loot and there is nothing to hit or very barren it gets annoying" you will see a lot more of this now that the bosses in dungeons are nerfed. Endless jute wasn't a problem till boss update.
    6. "also by increasing spawn rates and materials and basic items get cheaper - crafted high end and legendary items would be more desirable - if they can fix the decaying armor issue crafted/modified items beat found according to zenimax" Alright, this is where you really show your ignorance. Where do you think all those cheap dwarven oils came from? They came from boss farmers. Now we see blue items found around selling for 300-500g, to make your own blue you have to buy 1500g worth of dwarven oil. Now that boss farming is not a viable blue temper farming area, the price of these blue items will go up. Or maybe they won't because no one will sell blue crafted items because they will cost too much.
  • aipex8_ESO
    Go run through Bonesnap Ruin in Stormhaven. Extremely difficult public dungeon with multiple bosses. Hope you like that 5 gold on all the bosses after you kill the first one. This is a not well thought out, Band-Aid fix that effects legit players killing different bosses. That was a hard dungeon and I should be rewarded with some loot/soul gems.
  • aeroch
    Dunno why it's so hard to set the timer to that specific boss either. Went from a world boss, got my gem and gold and vendor trash, then killed a delve boss and didn't receive anything.

    But agreed that the timer is a dumb bandaid fix
  • ttwinklerub17_ESO
    1. zenimax is in charge they set the rules.... you don't.... I don't
    they already said farming bosses can be considered a reportable offense

    people can report you - they can go "suspect bot"
    a gm can come in watch and they don't have to give you any reason and ban you
    they have proof they watched you for awhile - logged or recorded it

    they don't have to ask if you are a real person - because some botters have a devised a method to alert them when someone contacts them - so bots can have a human responder and bots are now having more real names

    people have a right to do so (without impunity) - - the onus is on you not to behave in a way that makes you a suspect bot or impedes normal gameplay - or solo gameplay (even in a public dungeon)

    they can come on with a regular player alt - -(not in GM mode) and tag you
    and then switch to GM (god mode) and boot/ban you because you behaved like a bot

    remember just how do you know "who is what" - they do have regular characters they played while testing the game

    2. farming a boss -by hordes of bots or players makes it unchallenging for a player
    you take the skill and cunning of doing it on your own or with a small team

    fine and dandy if you let people play thru but not all do that

    so what happens you take the intended way of playing the dungeon out and any challenge associated with it

    that is breaching TOS - any behavior that diminishes or wrecks gameplay for others is out - they said that - remember that

    3. I suggested far less imposing methods first to fix the issue - and then added far worse ones later
    I was pointing out it that zenimax can make it much worse

    zenimax can come up with similar or worse ideas than mine or just outright ban boss farmers

    they don't have to warn you - the TOS already is vague enough to give them room to do it now

    as far as destroying the armor - isn't zeni doing that with the armor decay issue already
    there is enough people complaining about that - after 1 boss they have no armor

    well maybe zeni wants to make it unprofitable - just do it once get your drop and get out for your achievement

    I suspect it's more of a bug - but with zeni stating it's working as intended leaves me wondering

    4. at my level I have no issues getting blues from bosses
    the fact is I get far more blues not doing bosses

    Im full - easier to get than pie - and I don't have to sit in one area to get them
    in fact I don't farm a single area and move around looting several areas - move from area to area - glean what I can - do 10k a night easy ...maybe 20k on a good night

    plus sell blues and deconstruct some and barely take any damage to boot

    the fact is there are more profitable ways and better ways to have fun than sit in one dungeon all night farming one boss

    boring, dull, and repetitive - just like a bot - why bother being there in person and do what the bots do

    5 the onus is on you to keep informed on updates - not for them to update you on changes - either patches or rules

    They provide courtesy announcements or posts - if you don't bother to check or get caught by a change then you pay.

    6. zeni is reasonable - if you get caught doing something - they may only give a warning the first few times(maybe some temp suspensions) before a hammer comes down for good

    we already seen people get caught in bot kills, bugs, and other things that led to suspensions

    that be a prudent course anyways - mistakes happen, so do judgement errors
    Im all for giving people second or third chances
  • Jim_McMasterub17_ESO
    Exploiting game design so you can continuously loot the same areas comes in many forms, & is inherently against the very essence these games are created with.

    Loot something, & move ON.

    Diminishing returns remove part of the incentive to sit in one area & continuously kill the same creatures, or loot the same chests after logging & relogging; or staing in the same area with the bots spamming their attack at the boss spawn area.

    over & over & over... That's not playing a game, that's gaming the system.

    I for one am for the changes made in a continuing effort to stop the gold farmers & motif farmers from eroding the financial basis of the game.

    As for me, it's not affecting me in the least.
  • Cowgomoo
    Loot something, & move ON.
    As for me, it's not affecting me in the least.

    I finished a public dungeon last night and 'moved on.' I then killed a world boss outside of that public dungeon because that was on the way to my next destination. I received no loot because I had killed an unrelated boss a few minutes prior.

    That is impacting normal game play no matter how you slice it.
  • PVT_Parts
    1. zenimax is in charge they set the rules.... you don't.... I don't
    they already said farming bosses can be considered a reportable offense

    people can report you - they can go "suspect bot"
    a gm can come in watch and they don't have to give you any reason and ban you
    they have proof they watched you for awhile - logged or recorded it

    they don't have to ask if you are a real person - because some botters have a devised a method to alert them when someone contacts them - so bots can have a human responder and bots are now having more real names

    people have a right to do so (without impunity) - - the onus is on you not to behave in a way that makes you a suspect bot or impedes normal gameplay - or solo gameplay (even in a public dungeon)

    they can come on with a regular player alt - -(not in GM mode) and tag you
    and then switch to GM (god mode) and boot/ban you because you behaved like a bot

    remember just how do you know "who is what" - they do have regular characters they played while testing the game

    2. farming a boss -by hordes of bots or players makes it unchallenging for a player
    you take the skill and cunning of doing it on your own or with a small team

    fine and dandy if you let people play thru but not all do that

    so what happens you take the intended way of playing the dungeon out and any challenge associated with it

    that is breaching TOS - any behavior that diminishes or wrecks gameplay for others is out - they said that - remember that

    3. I suggested far less imposing methods first to fix the issue - and then added far worse ones later
    I was pointing out it that zenimax can make it much worse

    zenimax can come up with similar or worse ideas than mine or just outright ban boss farmers

    they don't have to warn you - the TOS already is vague enough to give them room to do it now

    as far as destroying the armor - isn't zeni doing that with the armor decay issue already
    there is enough people complaining about that - after 1 boss they have no armor

    well maybe zeni wants to make it unprofitable - just do it once get your drop and get out for your achievement

    I suspect it's more of a bug - but with zeni stating it's working as intended leaves me wondering

    4. at my level I have no issues getting blues from bosses
    the fact is I get far more blues not doing bosses

    Im full - easier to get than pie - and I don't have to sit in one area to get them
    in fact I don't farm a single area and move around looting several areas - move from area to area - glean what I can - do 10k a night easy ...maybe 20k on a good night

    plus sell blues and deconstruct some and barely take any damage to boot

    the fact is there are more profitable ways and better ways to have fun than sit in one dungeon all night farming one boss

    boring, dull, and repetitive - just like a bot - why bother being there in person and do what the bots do

    5 the onus is on you to keep informed on updates - not for them to update you on changes - either patches or rules

    They provide courtesy announcements or posts - if you don't bother to check or get caught by a change then you pay.

    6. zeni is reasonable - if you get caught doing something - they may only give a warning the first few times(maybe some temp suspensions) before a hammer comes down for good

    we already seen people get caught in bot kills, bugs, and other things that led to suspensions

    that be a prudent course anyways - mistakes happen, so do judgement errors
    Im all for giving people second or third chances

    You don't understand human nature. Ask any game creator and they will tell you that people do act like bots. People do sit at 1 boss or 1 node and farm it. Humans are very bot like. I have fun killing a boss over and over again. You don't. I'm not insulting you for doing your loot and move on technique, just insulting the fact that the people who couldn't get loot and were complaining are idiots and couldn't figure out how to get loot, it is very easy. Zen can ban me for acting bot like, but then I would easily get unbanned for not being a bot. They unbanned the bank dupers, and that was a glitch exploit, not a game mechanic. Have fun finding the blues, because you will never be able to efficiently make them yourself. Blue market value 500g. Make your own blue, 1500+. But then again, you probably don't craft either because honestly, who wants to stand at a bench/anvil crafting, just get your loot and move on to the next quest because that is the ONLY fun thing to do and no other gameplay style is acceptable. Take your narrow mindedness and GTH off my thread.
    Edited by PVT_Parts on May 7, 2014 2:32AM
  • Aerion
    Soul Shriven
    For the love of sanity Zenimax, please change this system to lock out specific bosses, or just revert it altogether! You must have noticed by now that it solved nothing...

    Please remove or change the global cool-down, it completely nullifies any reason one might have in doing a Public Dungeon with multiple bosses. It also makes hunting world bosses pointless, unless it's once every # minutes.

    This is an honest question: have you not even given the slightest thought to things you would break by doing this?

    EDIT: @ttwinklerub17_ESO, any developer will tell you that punishing players for actually playing their game (not exploiting loopholes, playing), regardless if it's how they intended it or not, is tantamount to suicide.

    I will not dignify any of your "suggestions" with a comment, but let's just say that if any would be implemented, they (Zeni) might as well hang themselves before facing the instant, devastating backlash.
    Edited by Aerion on May 7, 2014 3:41AM
  • Kontonno
    There are several things wrong with the boss timer.

    1: There are still bots farming the bosses. It only slowed them a little.
    2: It's global across all bosses. If you kill a dungeon boss, you have to wait before you can get loot from a world elite. Why!?
    3: It inconveniences players that are trying to farm a specific blue item from specific bosses.
    4: I'm part of 5 trading guilds and everything from VR2-VR9 is stupidly limited and now I can't enjoy loot drops from dungeons and world elites either?
    5: It adds further limitations to the variety of items in auctions. As if the auction wasn't limited enough by the poor core design choices.
    6: VR public dungeons are now hollow, unpopulated and practically useless for everything except that skyshard.
    7: This is a band aid style fix to a gaping wound. There are better ways to handle drops from bosses that don't kill the fun and feeling of progression and achievement for those of us NOT abusing the system.
    8: It's taxing on a player's patience, it adds another time-based grind wall to the game. Anyone that plays games will tell you that RGN is annoying. Adding a timer between RGN chances? Who the hell would want to even try at that point?

    The one good thing.

    There aren't 6 human players mixed with the 8 bots in a spam war over drops.


    In a nutshell, I feel like this game has forced me to solo constantly. I wont make a list of the reason why this game is NOT group friendly. There are already threads talking about that. Again and again, I'm playing by myself FOR myself. In the very few instances I did farm a boss, it was for myself. Now I can't even do that. What's the point? I don't see myself playing this game too much longer.
  • PVT_Parts
    Kontonno wrote: »
    There are several things wrong with the boss timer.

    1: There are still bots farming the bosses. It only slowed them a little.
    2: It's global across all bosses. If you kill a dungeon boss, you have to wait before you can get loot from a world elite. Why!?
    3: It inconveniences players that are trying to farm a specific blue item from specific bosses.
    4: I'm part of 5 trading guilds and everything from VR2-VR9 is stupidly limited and now I can't enjoy loot drops from dungeons and world elites either?
    5: It adds further limitations to the variety of items in auctions. As if the auction wasn't limited enough by the poor core design choices.
    6: VR public dungeons are now hollow, unpopulated and practically useless for everything except that skyshard.
    7: This is a band aid style fix to a gaping wound. There are better ways to handle drops from bosses that don't kill the fun and feeling of progression and achievement for those of us NOT abusing the system.
    8: It's taxing on a player's patience, it adds another time-based grind wall to the game. Anyone that plays games will tell you that RGN is annoying. Adding a timer between RGN chances? Who the hell would want to even try at that point?

    The one good thing.

    There aren't 6 human players mixed with the 8 bots in a spam war over drops.


    In a nutshell, I feel like this game has forced me to solo constantly. I wont make a list of the reason why this game is NOT group friendly. There are already threads talking about that. Again and again, I'm playing by myself FOR myself. In the very few instances I did farm a boss, it was for myself. Now I can't even do that. What's the point? I don't see myself playing this game too much longer.

    I agree with everything, including your last point to an extent, but I think the problem is also the opposite. Quite a few things were not meant to be soloed and are forced solo or just a quest that is fine to solo and then the last boss kills you easy.
  • Zephara
    Soul Shriven
    Correct me if I am wrong but are the items not bind on pick up, if not would that not be a better alternative then the system put in to use now. I have notice a major drop in bots however i see the time it takes for me to get the rare item the mob drops significantly longer then when there were 7 bots running around.

    As said in other comments it isn't hard to hit a boss with a spell/skill and be able to loot it you just have to be in the right spot to pull that skill off. This system really ruins solo dungeons for me, I lost that whole want of going in to receive some rare item that could replace an item I am using or deconstruct it for mats.

    I merely go into these dungeon to pick up a quick achievement, get the skyshard/quest and see that on my map I have another completed marker on my map. However I know there is more to be gained in the dungeon but I don't care to get it if I haven't obtained the item on my 1st go around. it made the feel of the solo dungeon feel a lot less rewarding for going in and I come out with a feeling of like I have not completed everything that could have been achieved. I would rather deal with bots then loss the ability to get another unique looking item usually. I came back after working for 3 weeks and I am sorely disappointed at how the new system is turning out. I am not meaning to complain just hate the fact that these solo dungeons just seem worthless minus the skyshard.
  • mondy00
    Boss loot timers are SO unfun and soul crushing that I googled it and resurrected this ancient thread out of sheer despair from dealing with them
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