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Why ESO did not turn out to be what people wanted.

  • Laura

    Please don't take this as an insult, as this is clearly not one, but a solid statement that has yet to be proven incorrect.

    its impossible to prove an opinion incorrect
  • Laura
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    Personally i like the mmo side its why i bought the game, i expected Elder Scrolls online....

    What i didn't expect was...
    • bugs
    • broken gameplay
    • dungeons being finished by other players
    • Quests being finished by other players
    • gold farmers and bots ruining the game
    • Chest rewards not being segregated
    • no bag space
    • no bank space
    • hardly any loot
    • terrible community
    • horrible service
    • horrible forums
    • maintenance twice a week forcing me to play other games while i'm paying a subscription...
    meh in two months i'll walk away much wiser, never again touch a Zenimax product no matter the title..

    1.) Lol. I guess I'll never be seeing you in an MMO again - that's good news.
    2.) ok? what broken gameplay. Game works perfectly fine for me on all fronts. and my ava team. and all my guilds. Get your ass handed to you? you find some of the veteran dungeons too difficult and get upset?
    3.) yeah you shouldn't see other players in an MMO. *public dungeons aren't instances did you see players in instances? oh you wanted to solo them?*
    4.) what?
    5.) Lol..... see number one! gold farmers and spammers flock to a NEW MMO? NEWS AT 11
    6.) yeah they are addressing it. new MMO and all that. HERP DERP
    7.) this is stupid. stop picking up every.single.thing use your brain and figure out stale bread and maggots aren't necessary. Or help your friends level there professions and send them mats. INVENTORY IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE YOU CONSIDER WHAT YOU PICK UP. I'll bet your the idiot that picked up EVERYTHING in skyrim and got a mod to get infinite inventory space.
    8.) see 7
    9.) you complain about 7 then say this. You are a true idiot. Seriously. I am surprised you can type. The fact that you can spell is a miracle of science.
    10.) With folks like you in they are usually pretty bad, it pans out over time though.
    11.) Again. new game. with all the reports of spam and gold sellers along with everything else I am sure they are burdened. I know you expect miracles but it doesn't happen.
    12.) 100% agree. I think everyone does. but that has NOTHING to do with the actual game
    13.) oh boohoo they are fixing problems in a brand new MMO with a HUGE scope and scale with brand new megaserver tech that will most likely be the standard in the future.

    you sound like the type of person who is impossible to please. I think the correct term is overly cynical. Nobody likes a cynical person. Not even cynical people.
  • Altheina
    TESO is a great game and I can see the effort Zenimax has on trying to follow the feel of the Elder Scrolls single player counterpart. The story quests are pretty engaging, however, there are some points that affect it:

    -Character animations(npcs and players especially) need some improvement; the way character sneaks feels like they are having backache, attack animations needs more weight, bow needs recoil and the way character holding bow while running is pretty awful.

    -NPCs need to feel more responsive, especially those quests that involve an npc following; there are times where they just stand and do nothing while being pummeled by mobs

    -What if Zenimax stick with similar skill model from Skyrim, where skills are divided into Alteration, Destruction, One Handed, Two Handed, Alchemy, Enchanting,etc and have each skill leveled up the same manner as Skyrim? I think it will turn out better and result in more diversified gameplay, where players basically have the freedom to select the skills they want without being rather limited by classes (Nightblade, Sorcerer,Dragonknight).

    -True non-targeting combat system. This would really be satisfying if TESO had it, however, perhaps due to imitations they couldn't pull this off? I'll never know...

    Nevertheless, as I pointed out, the current TESO is beautiful and great. I believe it will get better as time goes by... :)

    Edited by Altheina on April 26, 2014 9:22PM
    Altheina - Wood Elf Nightblade
    TESO Fun-fact 1: It takes to kill 119,050 mudcrabs to reach level 50
    TESO Fun-fact 2: There are 61 million items in the game
    TESO Fun-fact 3: There are 40,656,000 different weapon variations in the game
  • xxslam48xxb14_ESO
    I dont get the complaining in here it seems like no one knows what they dislike about this game. Some people are saying its too much of a mmo and others are saying its too single player. I really want to think these people have only played for about 10 minutes sitting in davon's watch, but likely they have made it to coldharbour, way under leveled and now are on the forums saying they cant find the content for them. There is so much content to keep single and mmo players happy these complaints just go right over my head.

    You got world bosses which are solo able by good players and for the rest you can group up. You got dungeons for the mmo crowd and literally 1000s of single player quests which can be done in a group if the group is competent enough to not out level each other. Basically if you cant find the content you enjoy, be it single or mmo, your not trying hard enough and your sitting in davon's watch playing forumscrolls online. If your going through zones on a rail and not going off to do things beside quests, maybe just maybe, the problem is you and not the game.

    Its a themepark mmo? NO. Wow is a themepark. Now im not saying its a perfect eve/mincraft kinda sandbox, but the game only loosely guides the player. You got whole zones where you can just walk off and find things to do. Look at cyrodiil, they give you a whole zone, put a couple objectives on it, and said have fun. The game has sandbox style content, you just need to get out there and find it. I know sitting on the rail is programmed into your brains from all the other mmo playtime, but really hop of it for a bit and get out there!

    As for the people whining about bugs.... nah not even worth my time im done. Going to go back and play the game and im getting off the forumscrolls online. Im going to go out into this vast world and explore, battle, craft, and save the world. Im just a player helping players on here, not exactly the mmo/singleplayer experience. I do hope this post inspires all you players asking for help how to play your game get out there and play it!
    I wrote a poem that I titled, "The ganker's delight."

    As you lay upon the ground, cry not little pawn.
    The pain will pass as quickly as my blade did take you,
    but my delight will last and you will respawn.
    My heart simply cannot contain my joy, when I ply my trade.

    The fault lies with you, your skill was lacking.
    Now your salt is mine forever, can't you hear the laughing?
    Once you were so proud and now you are reduced to this.
    A miserable, loud deuced fool.

    With every tear you drip, with every excuse you let slip.
    All of your insecurities and worries bring a smile to my lip.
    From your despair I have ripped endless glories,
    but our affair is over now. Be afraid for I will return for more.

    I have received many titles, to my allies I am The sniper Emperor and Grand champion hero of the Pact. However these titles mean little to me, it is the ones given to me by my victims that I prefer. To them I am "Xv1er", "trash", "no balls", "zerger", "noob", "cringe", "no skill", "camper", "100% new", "the reason this game is dying", "pathetic", "a sack of piece of [snip]", "mediocre", "absolute inbred", "beyond a virgin", "ganky dork", "fat smelly 40yr old virgin", "little girl", "daddy", "exploiting loser", and every [snipped] word known to man.
  • Sarenia
    I've played the Elder Scrolls series for well over a decade. This game feels like an Elder Scrolls game to me. So obviously, I'm insane, or I value different things about the series than you do.

    Of course, the issue could be that you (and most other people making this complaint) aren't actually explaining any specifics about what you're missing.

    Agreed. This is very much the game I want to be playing, and I truly hope it succeeds.
  • Morvoldo
    DanteYoda wrote: »

    What i didn't expect was...
    • bugs
    • broken gameplay
    • dungeons being finished by other players
    • Quests being finished by other players
    • gold farmers and bots ruining the game
    • Chest rewards not being segregated
    • no bag space
    • no bank space
    • hardly any loot
    • terrible community
    • horrible service
    • horrible forums
    • maintenance twice a week forcing me to play other games while i'm paying a subscription...

      my Thoughts =

      Agreed ^^^

      This is whats ruining it for me other than those i love the game, mainly for me tho its the bag, bank and I'm gonna say it cause i think it needs one
      AUCTION HOUSE LMAO Stores are not working, proven by all the posts and nothing sells, Hell half the time i don't know what something is selling for.
      Sorry had to say it.

      another note this game should of had 1 bag 2 banks, 1 account 1 character.
    Edited by Morvoldo on April 26, 2014 9:45PM
  • Phantorang
    Im very disappointed in the quests, they are way to easy and repetetive, nothing is left for the player to figure out by himself, its all arrowed and mapped out. You dont need to listen to what the NPCs say, just click really fast through it and be on your way for your xp, Kill A, deliver to B, and report to C, and maybe back to A to complete. Rinse repeat.

    I have installed an Addon that takes away the possibilty to complete the dialogue before the NPC has finished speaking (its not perfect, but its ok). Cause doing the same quests over and over without any kind of immersion gets really boring.

    The solo dungeons and public dungeons look very much the same, they are mostly wide caverns and some huge halls. Then kill boss, get the Skyshard and next Cavern or Quest.

    I expected dungeons Morrowind style, large Dwemer dungeons that took hours to clear out. Its just not in this game, I dont get engaged enough into the quests to really want to follow the story in them, simply because it doesnt matter if you listen or not, you get the arrow to next point and done. It gets boring and repetetive.

    I played TSW just now, they had quests that absolutely rocked, but ok, thats all that was better, but still in a modern game like this, everything on easy mode, this is going to get old very very fast.

    And the bots are just ruining the little fun that it is to go into dungeons, it gets irritating when I have to spam buttons to be able to get loot and boss kill.

    Im disappointed, its nothing like the solo play in the other Elder scroll games, where immersion was a huge thing.
    Fimbulwinter Recruiting true Vikings | Campaigns score | EU PC
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Sounds like people are basically saying "I dont like other players in my mmos!".
  • Selstad
    Simple. People purchased a multiplayer Elder scrolls game, and expected single player Skyrim. Either the game is "too many people" or "too few people", and none seems to be the wiser.

    So in short, it's like someone going into the car dealership and purchasing a prius, expecting it to drive like a Ferrari and handle like a Lamborghini. With that in mind I wouldn't blame the game as much as I would blame people's expectations and hype. People hyped it as the next Skyrim, failing to realize that an MMO rarely offers the same as a single player game. People's expectation and hype is now somehow Zenimax's fault. Yes wrapping ones nogging around that isn't easy.
    Edited by Selstad on April 26, 2014 9:54PM
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Laura wrote: »
    1.) Lol. I guess I'll never be seeing you in an MMO again - that's good news.
    2.) ok? what broken gameplay. Game works perfectly fine for me on all fronts. and my ava team. and all my guilds. Get your ass handed to you? you find some of the veteran dungeons too difficult and get upset?
    3.) yeah you shouldn't see other players in an MMO. *public dungeons aren't instances did you see players in instances? oh you wanted to solo them?*
    4.) what?
    5.) Lol..... see number one! gold farmers and spammers flock to a NEW MMO? NEWS AT 11
    6.) yeah they are addressing it. new MMO and all that. HERP DERP
    7.) this is stupid. stop picking up every.single.thing use your brain and figure out stale bread and maggots aren't necessary. Or help your friends level there professions and send them mats. INVENTORY IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE YOU CONSIDER WHAT YOU PICK UP. I'll bet your the idiot that picked up EVERYTHING in skyrim and got a mod to get infinite inventory space.
    8.) see 7
    9.) you complain about 7 then say this. You are a true idiot. Seriously. I am surprised you can type. The fact that you can spell is a miracle of science.
    10.) With folks like you in they are usually pretty bad, it pans out over time though.
    11.) Again. new game. with all the reports of spam and gold sellers along with everything else I am sure they are burdened. I know you expect miracles but it doesn't happen.
    12.) 100% agree. I think everyone does. but that has NOTHING to do with the actual game
    13.) oh boohoo they are fixing problems in a brand new MMO with a HUGE scope and scale with brand new megaserver tech that will most likely be the standard in the future.

    you sound like the type of person who is impossible to please. I think the correct term is overly cynical. Nobody likes a cynical person. Not even cynical people.

    Jesus wept .... is there any possible way you could make yourself look like a bigger arsehole?

    I see folk complain about the game, people throw the "troll" word around even though it's lost all meaning now .... and then I see people respond like this.

    I repeat what I said in another thread .... this is why we need an ignore button.
  • neocomab16_ESO
    Gohlar wrote: »
    ESO is another generic, theme park mmo. If anything it's step backwards with it's very poor group pve. Everything kind of looks and feels the same too, it's really a pretty dull series of quests...and that's the game.

    You and your friend are right.

    Every new MMO is more than likely to be a step backwards or sideways at best. The player community won't allow them to be much of anything else. Every single new MMO that releases has a flood of people on the forums complaining because it doesn't have all of their favorite features from all of the MMOs they already got bored playing. Today's gamer, by and large, has lost the ability to adapt and over-come in favor of scripted content that is predictable and safe.
    There's a difference between offering different stuff and not offering basics at all. Like the basic MMO group experience that is treated like *** in ESO. questing? Thanks to phasing a pain in the arse. Dungeons? There is no reason to do them more than once. I for one have turned down a group who wanted to do a dungeon I already did. Why? because there is basically no loot (3 dungeons, no loot for me = no loot in my terms) and there is no xp.

    Oh and doing stuff differently ...like letting people level the way they want. But no, that got nerfed like hell. So no no to pvp leveling, only questing or, if you know where to go, grinding.

    So yeah ...MMOs have a problem but it is basically the dev team this is simply not capable to provide both, the widely accepted standards and new exciting stuff.

    Community is just tired of shoving 60 bucks into someones mouth who doesnt provide anything new or god forbid even better than the basic WoW experience every MMO play can have for only 15 bucks because every MMO player owns WoW.
  • karmamule
    I think overall ESO does a very good job of bringing the TES experience to an MMO. There's a massive amount of content in the Tamriel setting that I know and love. Just like the single player games there's a linear main story line plus 3 faction story lines, and also mage's guild, fighter's guild quest lines to do too. And, just like the single player games those quest lines are linear, so that doesn't disappoint me.

    I'm fine with each line being linear because as a player I can take a non-linear path by mixing up main story quests, guild quests, random side quests, crafting and other activities etc.. Sure areas don't scale like the last couple TES single player games, but that's part of what you have to do for an MMO, and there's still plenty of alternative paths through each region.

    Crafting is excellent, the story lines are well done, voice acting is (mostly) well done, the environments are gorgeous, and explorers are rewarded with treasure chests, lorebooks, sky shards and more.

    There are problems, public dungeons are disappointingly similar (come in, do a big loop with a few side passages, then come back to one-way door, take a right and leave). They've got to get the bot and gold spammers under control, but those don't ruin my enjoyment, they just are making me temporarily avoid zone chat and hold off on public dungeons until it's better.

    There are plenty of filler quests, but also a healthy amount that can be involving if you actually pay attention to the dialogue and take time to also talk to non-quest-giving NPCs in the area, or read the journals, letters, and so on in each area that flesh out what's going on.

    They've made steady progress on broken quests to the point where I haven't run into one for the last couple weeks and I've been playing *lots*. That gives me confidence they'll tackle these other issues and improvements will continue.

    The deliberately minimalist UI, detailed emotes, and NPCs who keep showing up throughout each storyline until they feel like well-known friends makes it feel like they valued some of the same qualities I do that lead to an immersive experience that is more story-driven than numbers driven.

    Every design decision that pleases one person almost always alienates another, so it's no surprise some people feel disappointed in ESO. I hope the OP and anyone else who feel the same eventually find a game better suited to them.

    It's great when you do find a game that seems designed with you in mind, and there are plenty of us who appreciate the world created, all the hard work that's gone into it, and look forward to playing it for a long time to come.

  • Lalai
    Community is just tired of shoving 60 bucks into someones mouth who doesnt provide anything new or god forbid even better than the basic WoW experience every MMO play can have for only 15 bucks because every MMO player owns WoW.

    Gonna stick this here cause I think it's appropriate.. but it sums up my thoughts on the industry pretty well. I still enjoy MMOs, but I do hate how everyone holds WoW up as having the "basic" things an MMO needs because it stifles creativity. Everyone's view on what's basic, or what belongs, differs. Some people think a group finder for dungeons is basic and necessary now. Some people think an AH is, some people think chat bubbles are.. if we included all the things everyone now considers basic into one game, you'd end up with literally another WoW.


    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • kitchenguy65_ESO
    You can never make everyone happy. I see complaints that ESO holds your hand through all the content right next to complaints that ESO is too confusing or hard. Not enough like an MMO, not enough like Elder Scrolls. So which is it? If you want to be "constructive" then don't give feedback on a game YOU DON'T EVEN PLAY. You, along with many others, based your opinion on a couple of BETA weekends and whatever crap you read in the forums. ESO is way better than it was in beta and people on the forums bitching about how it doesn't do this or that, only make up a very small percentage of the players. You choose not to play the game, fine, but don't come on the forums and complain about the game when you don't play it. After re-reading the OP I'm having trouble understanding what exactly you are even trying to accomplish with this thread. There are a hundred other topics exactly like this one, pointless complaints from people who have no right to complain. Do you complain about a car you don't own? Or an apartment you don't live in?
  • Alurria
    Gohlar wrote: »
    ESO is another generic, theme park mmo. If anything it's step backwards with it's very poor group pve. Everything kind of looks and feels the same too, it's really a pretty dull series of quests...and that's the game.

    You and your friend are right.

    Every new MMO is more than likely to be a step backwards or sideways at best. The player community won't allow them to be much of anything else. Every single new MMO that releases has a flood of people on the forums complaining because it doesn't have all of their favorite features from all of the MMOs they already got bored playing. Today's gamer, by and large, has lost the ability to adapt and over-come in favor of scripted content that is predictable and safe.
    There's a difference between offering different stuff and not offering basics at all. Like the basic MMO group experience that is treated like *** in ESO. questing? Thanks to phasing a pain in the arse. Dungeons? There is no reason to do them more than once. I for one have turned down a group who wanted to do a dungeon I already did. Why? because there is basically no loot (3 dungeons, no loot for me = no loot in my terms) and there is no xp.

    Oh and doing stuff differently ...like letting people level the way they want. But no, that got nerfed like hell. So no no to pvp leveling, only questing or, if you know where to go, grinding.

    So yeah ...MMOs have a problem but it is basically the dev team this is simply not capable to provide both, the widely accepted standards and new exciting stuff.

    Community is just tired of shoving 60 bucks into someones mouth who doesnt provide anything new or god forbid even better than the basic WoW experience every MMO play can have for only 15 bucks because every MMO player owns WoW.

    I think your expectations are off, there should be no basic formula for a MMO. Why would any game designer aspire to that? If all you want is shiny phat lootz there are other games that provide that type of play. People race to level and never even understand the depth and scope of the journey. If this game doesn't meet your expectations you do have choices.

    Every time I see the word bored in one of these threads I swear a kitten dies. I haven't experienced any of the problems others have had, a few bugs but nothing that was a deal breaker. Lastly the title of this thread needs to be changed to some people.
  • jimbomobo
    I approached the game thinking that it would be an MMO set in the Elder Scrolls universe. To date, I have not been disappointed.

  • Varivox9

    I think, at least for me, ESO is a mediocre MMO. I try not to judge it as an ES game or as a MMO, but as its' own game. What ESO is right now is kind of a clear example of what happens when you try to please everyone. They have a great foundation (character customization/combat are great) but they tried so hard to make the WoW players happy and the Skyrim players happy, that a lot of the implementation feels like a bastardized version of what it could have been. For instance, when it comes to choices in the story, save npc1 or npc2, I'm given the illusion of choice. The normal MMO player probably doesn't care, but the Skyrim player wants to have an impact on the story. So, I save npc2. Great, however, there are no ramifications for sacrificing npc1 or saving npc2. So now the Skyrim player is sad, the MMO player doesn't care (still), and the whole experience is mediocre. Either give me a meaningful choice, or don't, not this current system of an illusion of choice.

    ESO should have been designed around making a good game and not worrying about, what feels like, trying to please everyone and their mom. As it stands, ESO is more and more of a chore to log in for me. It feels like they tried to make a subpar MMO and combine it with a shallow ES game to make something as mediocre and run of the mill as possible. They were never going to be able to make an ES MMO and please everyone, but their trying to is, imo, the biggest failure of this game.
  • fredarbonab14_ESO
    "Why ESO did not turn out to be what people wanted." What people you talking about? You are not talking for me or many on this board that's for sure.100,000s are playing it and having a ball, you are not, SO - don't play it. Stop wasting Bethesda's bandwidth.
  • Alurria
    I won't try to change your mind, it's really too bad you feel that way. I think they have a lot to work with here. Games do evolve and this one will too.
  • ZOS_JasonI
    Hey there, everyone. We just wanted to provide a reminder to please be respectful and keep all posts constructive. While we understand that some discussions can get heated, we do not allow name-calling on our forums. Please continue to keep the discuss civil and on-topic. Thank you for your understanding and for your participation on our forums.
    The Elder Scrolls Online Social Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Honn
    My thoughts at the start (1st beta)
    ME It has the feel of ESO, but Im struggling with the combat system. This softlocking stuff is tough to get used to and a little "on-rails", and the red target higlights is so ugly in the game. It strays a little too much from TES and no use of Dragon-borne abilities as I thought would be most probable in the MMO that followed Skyrim.
    The class system is too restricting and the all character stealth which deactivates after one hit, lack of negatives for armor values with game elements (stealth/ concentration) feels wrong. The perfect TES MMO would have full stealth even when attacking (must get in range to see/ hear the character) and this would be affected depending on armor you used.
    Its lacking some MMO elements....not enough grouped players (used to 6). Dungeons seem sparse in content & not enough of them. Its lacking "punch".
    The environmental design is great, although not enough exploration points (that I had found)...not enough caves and nothing exclaiming "Wow...look what I found".
    Crafting is great as it actually means something, compared to other MMO's.
    PVE is an excellent design & no need to worry about the OP high levels ganking & camping low level questing areas.
    Grouping could be better....

    During the 2nd and consequent betas.........
    ME The combat system isn't so bad, its very much needed in PVP and is a counter balance to the design of the stealth system.
    The lack of dragon-borne skills is understandable (even though they would make a great touch), but its not exactly fitting in the time frame of the lore (even though Dragon borne would have existed then also).
    The Stealth system itself is a compromise that prevents frustration for other class types and lends itself to the use of group content better.
    The class systems, although a little restricting to the older TES gamer, its not so restricting & opens up nicely for choices later. It also provides a guide for everyone, which can be invaluable as the skills of classes & weapons are an unknown even for TES fans.
    The 4 player grouping suits the game better....another 2 people would make the dungeons feel crowded and it would become an unbelievable mess at confrontations.
    PVP is brilliant. Everyone has a chance , even coming straight in from PVP, mainly because there are no major differences to the armor people have
    Grouping could be better

    Stealth is part of the game & works for it....although with some frustration with the lack of negative valuse depending on armor. But I can live with it.
    Soft-locking is very much needed in the game & can be ignored.
    The red target glow can be altered/turned off and an addon used for crosshair /tells. I just hope they add the crosshair /tells from that addon as a choice for console gamers.
    Dungeons are fun & a challenge for 4 players, but not enough group dungeons.
    Crafting system is still great, but there is a little collision with dungeons. Because crafting is so good & meaningful, dungeon runs for drops is no longer a necessity to get good gear, so ESO doesn't have that feeling of "raids" from other MMOs. So...other than specific traits or drops for non-crafters, dungeons lack a little of that incentive to do them.
    Still love the PVE and the fact that its a safe zone.
    Still lacking that amazing sense of adventure of finding that "secret area that makes you go WOW".
    Grouping should be better.
    PVP is great still...even with the fact that there are some PVP specific armors (but at least they are not OP like WoW). But the PVP is lacking something.....its lacking incentive to take keeps or to hold a keep you took with your guild. Why should anyone care about having keeps apart from a transit point to get closer to take another Keep? Who benefits other than the top rankers on the leaderboard?
    I think Keeps need that incentive. To become a home base for a guild, with benefits for that guild. Maybe cheaper equipment? Specialized crafting areas? Minimal short term PVP buffs (30 mins)......each buff specific to specific NPC (mages at the transit shrine inside a keep)?

    Craiglorn is on its way & yet you have to be level 50 rank10 to take part.
    This means that people have to either complete the other factions (which may ruin their gaming as they may want to keep characters factions specific).
    My suggestion is to open Craiglorn to all level 50's in the same way ZOS have designed group Dungeons.
    Craiglorn lvl50 rank1 - rank3
    Craiglorn lvl50 rank4- rank6
    Craiglorn lvl50 rank7- rank10
    And then the trials for lvl50 rank10....

    In all, a great game in general design yet....it needs something more. Additional Incentives, without making it a typical MMO where people are given OP items (wow & its PVP item design).
    Edited by Honn on April 26, 2014 11:19PM
  • cubansyrusb16_ESO
    Yeah OP you're correct, i also can't wait till it goes F2P so i can spend £300 a month to be competitive.
    Edited by cubansyrusb16_ESO on April 26, 2014 11:58PM
  • Sarenia
    Title should probably be "Why ESO isn't what I wanted" so as not to be misleading.
  • LadyInTheWater
    Technically, ESO isn't "what I expected". It's about 100x better. It's definitely what I wanted.

    Elder Scrolls Online has provided solutions to nearly every single complaint I've had about prior MMOs that I've played. It's rare for a company to look at the core values of any particular MMO that exists, isolate the aspects of those games that corrupt the playerbase, and virtually eliminate them.The absolute effectiveness of those solutions is illustrated by the handful of manipulators, exploiters, and all-around selfish people creating a whirlwind of angry posts on the forums about them. Kudos to the devs for that. They're making the MMO genre a nicer, more cooperative place, one angry person at a time.

    The only semi-exhausting thing about playing ESO is waiting for the real nasty people to get tired of it and quit. In the interim, I'll just have to sift through their tantrums here on the forums, so I can find the real gems of community support, information, and cooperation.
    The moment you call someone stupid, or try to display your opinion as "fact", you lose all credibility.
  • marty83

    DanteYoda wrote: »
    Personally i like the mmo side its why i bought the game, i expected Elder Scrolls online....

    What i didn't expect was...
    • bugs
    • broken gameplay
    • dungeons being finished by other players
    • Quests being finished by other players
    • gold farmers and bots ruining the game
    • Chest rewards not being segregated
    • no bag space
    • no bank space
    • hardly any loot
    • terrible community
    • horrible service
    • horrible forums
    • maintenance twice a week forcing me to play other games while i'm paying a subscription...
    meh in two months i'll walk away much wiser, never again touch a Zenimax product no matter the title..

    You do realize that bethesda is owned by ZeniMax media. So to not touch another ZeniMax game you'd have to swear off all bethesda games. They also own Id software, and arkane studios, and quite a few more. Infact if ZeniMax media were publicly traded they'd prob be 3rd biggest pure game company behind Ea, and activision/blizzard.
  • SluggoV2
    Gohlar wrote: »
    ESO is another generic, theme park mmo. If anything it's step backwards with it's very poor group pve. Everything kind of looks and feels the same too, it's really a pretty dull series of quests...and that's the game.

    You and your friend are right.

    Every new MMO is more than likely to be a step backwards or sideways at best. The player community won't allow them to be much of anything else. Every single new MMO that releases has a flood of people on the forums complaining because it doesn't have all of their favorite features from all of the MMOs they already got bored playing. Today's gamer, by and large, has lost the ability to adapt and over-come in favor of scripted content that is predictable and safe.

    This sums it up pretty well...

    I myself find this as an amazing Elder Scrolls experience. I am very happy with it. Is is perfect? well that would depend on who you ask and what that person's expectations are. But no, it's not perfect, but it is Elder Scrolls.
  • reggielee
    I play the game mostly as a solo pve game with some grouping when my friends come on or random pugs for quests. It works marvelous at that. All the rampant cheating led to impossible advantages in pvp so I just let that go, enjoyed it all during beta and the first week but now its just stupid. I also have turned off most zone chat, avoid the bots and life is good again.

    its a great game, immersive, fun combat, I enjoy the slow climb up the skill tree and crafting. When I get a skill point it feels great. I love the graphics, the stories, the random funny npc interactions. I love getting my arse handed to me by difficult bosses on level.

    all in all in my opinion its a great game. sorry it doesnt do it for you, take some time off and give it another go later on before your paid sub runs out.

    cheers mate
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • ignatz22
    I've played the Elder Scrolls series for well over a decade. This game feels like an Elder Scrolls game to me. So obviously, I'm insane, or I value different things about the series than you do.

    Of course, the issue could be that you (and most other people making this complaint) aren't actually explaining any specifics about what you're missing.

    While I can't speak to everyone else's complaints, I think the loot-able boxes and baskets system is good, but the resources disappearing with LONG waits to re-spawn causing me to spend more time looking for fewer resources is indicative of more people being online. I am essentially competing for the right to acquire resources. This was NOT the case in any solo game, and as it's in the PvE area but works more like PvP, is a glaring statement that this is NOT Oblivion or Skyrim.
    I can accept this and BUY the items, but the in-game vendors do not SELL craft items, only Racial Traits and the like, To craft or build my proficiency in crafting in Skyrim, I could battle then buy and Forge. Here? I have to get lucky, as many encounters offer only a coin as compensation, not even destructible armor and weapons.

    Looting enemies is an afterthought. I might get scraps of rawhide but never armor or weapons, forget higher level or more valuable ones. All I get is experience and something to sell for a pittance, and no craft items in the vendors to level my skills. In the previous solo games, attacking a superior opponent could lead to higher level loot, not running an entire quest and perhaps getting one item, worse yet having that "Boss" killed by a group camping on his spawn point to collect loot and experience points. Perhaps I get lucky and get the goods, perhaps not. I can understand that's the way MMOs work, but I don't want to pay to wait around for others to give me the opportunity to finish a quest or get the valuables from it. In Skyrim, I chanced a higher adversary and was rewarded. In this game, my armor is damaged yet a gather a single coin; does no one in this game carry pocket change?? It isn't worth the effort or the time.

    In Elder Scrolls games, the goal was not to compete against others in the game but a computer opponent, and the entirety of the games allowed the character to develop towards that end. In this game, characters are groping about with few tutorials towards a massive "King of the Hill" ending more akin to "Risk"; the largest group will be made of players wanting to prevail, who in turn banded together to become that largest group, and yet there cannot be a "final victor" as after this champion were crowned, no one would have reason to continue the struggle. So the 50-level tutorial exercise may be for naught if one chooses incorrectly, or cannot put the time into managing the character as well as more seasoned players. While realistic, it's hardly something worth paying a monthly fee to bolster...

    The economy is a joke. Because there are few slots to hold valuables and components, the player must be constantly micromanaging his resources to maximize skills. At the same time, resource acquisition (as mentioned above) is not dependent upon effort but to some degree, chance and time of day. One might forgo this aspect of the game to concentrate upon leveling, but then more income is needed to purchase what was not recovered as loot or crafted, a need filled by vendors who frustrate the resource-players by harvesting. The game becomes Pay-to Play even with the monthly fee. Resources for leveled crafting are available in some areas only, demanding the progression of the character leveling just to get the option to acquire these, which was not the case in the solo games; resource acquisition was more logically implemented with mines and required abilities to use the particular ore or material, not acquire it. Because the in-game rates are set arbitrarily, the aftermarket fills the need better. Thus the game becomes Pay-to-Win, in some cases Pay-to-Progress, as it's easier to BUY than harvest resources needed for craft leveling. In other games I could buy craft materials; the economic model here forces the same thing, but through a non-approved aftermarket. Guilds and guild fees for auctions may excite the vendor classes, but they're not integral to the game. If they were, the developers would have in-game stores as other MMOs have done, not just external websites and separate venues. I doesn't seem well planned, and the veracity with which the developers are hunting gold sellers, a natural outgrowth of their management of player rewards and in-game monetary system, is indicative of their lack of foresight into this inevitable development...

    The previous games were immersive; this is a GAME. It FEELS superficial. It is Elder Scrolls covering a DeathMatch First-Person-Massive-Shooter, wherein the characters are less lore than game designed.

    I'm not whining. I paid my pre-launch, I gave it 30 days (or I will, not over yet) and I won't re-subscribe. If you like it, Great for you. If you wanted to understand why everyone doesn't agree with you, I think I offered some examples. If you disagree, that too is your prerogative. From my perspective you will do better without those of us not interested in PvP, as you'll have more dedicated HALO players in Cyrodill. There are just too many other, perhaps better games coming soon or out now to pay for something like ESO.

    Is it salvageable? Yes. I'll watch and return if the fees are omitted or the content and direction change. It's not designed for non-PvP players.

    I wanted otherwise, though...

  • Singular
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    Personally i like the mmo side its why i bought the game, i expected Elder Scrolls online....

    What i didn't expect was...
    • Quests being finished by other players
    • terrible community
    • maintenance twice a week forcing me to play other games while i'm paying a subscription...
    meh in two months i'll walk away much wiser, never again touch a Zenimax product no matter the title..

    - How are other players finishing your quests??? That's not possible - but it could be, if grouping functions were fully instanced (not that that would be good, it would be yuk).

    - The community is terrible??? How mean of you! Did you come to the community just to tell us we suck?

    - If you don't like bugs, bots and broken quests, then maintenance is good.
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    Gohlar wrote: »
    seanolan wrote: »
    I will admit, I was hoping for something more along the lines of Skyrim or Oblivion. It's similar, but I miss a bunch of things from those games. I understand the limitations, but I admit to feeling some disappointment. I still enjoy the game, but not as much as I had hoped to.

    Single-player mechanics generally don't work in MMOs.

    And yet they attempted to make a single player mmo.

    Like you said, it didn't work. Bit of a disaster really. Not a good mmo and not a good single player game.

    I love it when people say stuff like this. You're opinion is just that, an opinion. Therefore and most importantly meaningless due to the fact that 99 percent of the people that play the game do not come here. Also, the main reason they don't is because they are online playing the game instead. Bye Bye.

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