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Why ESO did not turn out to be what people wanted.

Soul Shriven
Sorry if this is the wrong section but i couldn't find the right one.

This is to the Devs of the game that tried so hard to do this right, but in the end for many fans, ruined the very essence of what the Elder Scrolls series as a multiplayer game should've been. THIS IS NOT AN INSULT! This is a conversation i find highly true between a friend, me, and many others. Please feel free to move this to the proper forum section if need be.

Friend: in the golden days of gaming, money and hardware limitations made developers be creative to get around those limitations
Me: ESO tried to make that work, and it failed horribly for me
Friend: and make things unique and interesting
Friend: but now its just "lets make it generic as *** and cheap as possible"
Friend: eso woulda been good if they didnt force all the *** mmo elements into it
Friend: if they kept it elder scrolls plus multiplayer it woulda been good
Me: exaaaaaactly
Friend: MMO just means multiplayer with a bunch of people
Friend: it doesnt mean you have to make it like EQ/ WoW
Friend: thats what nobody understands

Please don't take this as an insult, as this is clearly not one, but a solid statement that has yet to be proven incorrect.
  • Gohlar
    ESO is another generic, theme park mmo. If anything it's step backwards with it's very poor group pve. Everything kind of looks and feels the same too, it's really a pretty dull series of quests...and that's the game.

    You and your friend are right.
  • nerevarine1138
    I've played the Elder Scrolls series for well over a decade. This game feels like an Elder Scrolls game to me. So obviously, I'm insane, or I value different things about the series than you do.

    Of course, the issue could be that you (and most other people making this complaint) aren't actually explaining any specifics about what you're missing.
  • Gohlar
    I've played the Elder Scrolls series for well over a decade. This game feels like an Elder Scrolls game to me. So obviously, I'm insane, or I value different things about the series than you do.

    Of course, the issue could be that you (and most other people making this complaint) aren't actually explaining any specifics about what you're missing.

    ESO is a linear, restricted theme park.

    Other elder scrolls games aren't.

    They also made an mmo and made the multiplayer parts completely unrewarding. They finally made multiplayer Elder Scrolls and the multiplayer part sucks. Anyone being objective could spot these issues a mile away and would never say it feels like other Elder Scrolls games when it's barely even in the same genre.

    ESO is setup like F2P questing games and falls way short as an mmo. It also falls short as an Elder Scrolls game with it's painfully dull and generic series of solo quests.
    Edited by Gohlar on April 26, 2014 3:07PM
  • nerevarine1138
    Gohlar wrote: »

    ESO is a linear, restricted theme park.

    Other elder scrolls games aren't.

    Man, you must have hated Morrowind.
  • Orizuru
    Gohlar wrote: »
    ESO is another generic, theme park mmo. If anything it's step backwards with it's very poor group pve. Everything kind of looks and feels the same too, it's really a pretty dull series of quests...and that's the game.

    You and your friend are right.

    Every new MMO is more than likely to be a step backwards or sideways at best. The player community won't allow them to be much of anything else. Every single new MMO that releases has a flood of people on the forums complaining because it doesn't have all of their favorite features from all of the MMOs they already got bored playing. Today's gamer, by and large, has lost the ability to adapt and over-come in favor of scripted content that is predictable and safe.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    If people came to ESO expecting a single player experience no wonder they are disappointed.
  • Lazarus_Long
    @robby41525_ESO‌ You should write this as /feedback in game and send it in that way. Then ZOS will (100% for sure) pay someone to read it. That's why there is no feedback section on the forums. You are right that they made compromises when converting to an MMO. It would never have worked otherwise.
    The List For Living - A guide for new or troubled players

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    Take a lag spike and make it better
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    The Bohemian Auction House
  • seanolan
    I will admit, I was hoping for something more along the lines of Skyrim or Oblivion. It's similar, but I miss a bunch of things from those games. I understand the limitations, but I admit to feeling some disappointment. I still enjoy the game, but not as much as I had hoped to.
  • Gohlar
    Gohlar wrote: »

    ESO is a linear, restricted theme park.

    Other elder scrolls games aren't.

    Man, you must have hated Morrowind.

    Nah, I actually played it. Exploring was pretty neat.

    Much better than the invisible wall, hand holding approach that ESO uses.

    You should try playing Morrowind, it's actually pretty good. Then you don't have to make posts that make no sense. :)

    Also, nice job asking for examples and then cutting them out of your quote. Very weak. Kind of stinks when the truth is so in your face. Have you even played Morrowind? It's nothing like ESO.
    Edited by Gohlar on April 26, 2014 3:12PM
  • nerevarine1138
    seanolan wrote: »
    I will admit, I was hoping for something more along the lines of Skyrim or Oblivion. It's similar, but I miss a bunch of things from those games. I understand the limitations, but I admit to feeling some disappointment. I still enjoy the game, but not as much as I had hoped to.

    Single-player mechanics generally don't work in MMOs.
  • Gohlar
    seanolan wrote: »
    I will admit, I was hoping for something more along the lines of Skyrim or Oblivion. It's similar, but I miss a bunch of things from those games. I understand the limitations, but I admit to feeling some disappointment. I still enjoy the game, but not as much as I had hoped to.

    Single-player mechanics generally don't work in MMOs.

    And yet they attempted to make a single player mmo.

    Like you said, it didn't work. Bit of a disaster really. Not a good mmo and not a good single player game.
  • robby41525_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    seanolan wrote: »
    I will admit, I was hoping for something more along the lines of Skyrim or Oblivion. It's similar, but I miss a bunch of things from those games. I understand the limitations, but I admit to feeling some disappointment. I still enjoy the game, but not as much as I had hoped to.

    Single-player mechanics generally don't work in MMOs.

    Thats the thing though, they CAN work if developers put more work into it!
    @robby41525_ESO‌ You should write this as /feedback in game and send it in that way. Then ZOS will (100% for sure) pay someone to read it. That's why there is no feedback section on the forums. You are right that they made compromises when converting to an MMO. It would never have worked otherwise.

    I would if i didn't have to pay for the game, i got into the beta, but i didn't feel like blowing money on a game that i had this opinion on, i just hope a Mod or Dev see this...
  • Gohlar
    Gohlar wrote: »
    ESO is another generic, theme park mmo. If anything it's step backwards with it's very poor group pve. Everything kind of looks and feels the same too, it's really a pretty dull series of quests...and that's the game.

    You and your friend are right.

    Every new MMO is more than likely to be a step backwards or sideways at best. The player community won't allow them to be much of anything else. Every single new MMO that releases has a flood of people on the forums complaining because it doesn't have all of their favorite features from all of the MMOs they already got bored playing. Today's gamer, by and large, has lost the ability to adapt and over-come in favor of scripted content that is predictable and safe.

    This is probably true. It's just frustrating to see ESO crank up the noob dial to 11. Although judging by many on this forum, perhaps that is their target audience.
    Edited by Gohlar on April 26, 2014 3:18PM
  • nerevarine1138

    Thats the thing though, they CAN work if developers put more work into it!
    @robby41525_ESO‌ You should write this as /feedback in game and send it in that way. Then ZOS will (100% for sure) pay someone to read it. That's why there is no feedback section on the forums. You are right that they made compromises when converting to an MMO. It would never have worked otherwise.

    I would if i didn't have to pay for the game, i got into the beta, but i didn't feel like blowing money on a game that i had this opinion on, i just hope a Mod or Dev see this...

    Yeah, that's not how things actually work. What single-player mechanics are you missing that you think wouldn't mess with balance in an MMO world?

    And you don't get to provide feedback on a game you aren't playing. Period.
  • PBpsy
    ESO turned out very much like many people wanted. For me It actually surpassed many expectations. It has problems but I think it will grow into a great game in the coming months. You on the other hand, since you are not playing it ,should go away and continue having b******t imaginary conversations with your friends and leave this section of the forum for what it was intended 'Players helping Players'.

    Edited by PBpsy on April 26, 2014 3:34PM
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • DanteYoda
    Personally i like the mmo side its why i bought the game, i expected Elder Scrolls online....

    What i didn't expect was...
    • bugs
    • broken gameplay
    • dungeons being finished by other players
    • Quests being finished by other players
    • gold farmers and bots ruining the game
    • Chest rewards not being segregated
    • no bag space
    • no bank space
    • hardly any loot
    • terrible community
    • horrible service
    • horrible forums
    • maintenance twice a week forcing me to play other games while i'm paying a subscription...
    meh in two months i'll walk away much wiser, never again touch a Zenimax product no matter the title..
    Edited by DanteYoda on April 26, 2014 3:44PM
  • robby41525_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    PBpsy wrote: »
    ESO turned out very much like many people wanted. For me It actually surpassed many expectations. It has problems but I think it will grow into a great game in the coming months. You on the other hand, since you are not playing it ,should go away and continue having b******t imaginary conversations with your friends and leave this section of the forum for what it was intended 'Players helping Players'.

    i hit level 20 in the beta before i couldn't handle the fact that it wasn't truly an Elder Scrolls experience. Tell me to go away all you want, its not going to do anything, it's not constructive either.
  • Greyhaven
    I'm having fun with the game...what I don't like is hearing groups like Angry Joe's Army coordinate on how they are going to flood forums and news sites with hate...while promoting Archage. If you don't like the game move on and let those of us who enjoy it use this forum for what it was intended for.

    IMO accepting money and other compensation for Astroturfing is the height of toolery
    Edited by Greyhaven on April 26, 2014 4:15PM
  • jimmulvaney
    I have got to say that I am not having any of these issues other than the bots and gold sellers and maybe one or two bugs with the Ebonheart Pact. Not saying anyone is wrong and I am sure some of you are playing Ebonheart but I am curious as to why very little of this pertains to my experience and I have been with TES since Arena (minus Tower and Shadow Key of course). I am not asking for insults or facetious comments but a serious possibility as to why you and not me? Personally, I think they started developing the EP experience first because of the Nords coming off of the recent Skyrim, so that is likely where the most enthusiasm was placed. Likewise, the DC had some reference material to go off of but the AD is being created for the first time ever and it shows.
    Edited by jimmulvaney on April 26, 2014 4:40PM
  • Etchesketch
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Gohlar wrote: »

    ESO is a linear, restricted theme park.

    Other elder scrolls games aren't.

    Man, you must have hated Morrowind.

    Nah, I actually played it. Exploring was pretty neat.

    Much better than the invisible wall, hand holding approach that ESO uses.

    You should try playing Morrowind, it's actually pretty good. Then you don't have to make posts that make no sense. :)

    Also, nice job asking for examples and then cutting them out of your quote. Very weak. Kind of stinks when the truth is so in your face. Have you even played Morrowind? It's nothing like ESO.

    That's how a lot of people in this entire forum operate/discuss.
    The number one rule of online gaming is now and has always been, Never play on Patch Day.
  • PBpsy
    PBpsy wrote: »
    ESO turned out very much like many people wanted. For me It actually surpassed many expectations. It has problems but I think it will grow into a great game in the coming months. You on the other hand, since you are not playing it ,should go away and continue having b******t imaginary conversations with your friends and leave this section of the forum for what it was intended 'Players helping Players'.

    i hit level 20 in the beta before i couldn't handle the fact that it wasn't truly an Elder Scrolls experience. Tell me to go away all you want, its not going to do anything, it's not constructive either.

    Actually it is quite constructive. If you and the rest of the trolls leave and stop posting these stupid threads saying the same damn things over and over and over again then maybe players would actually start talking about various aspects of gameplay and maybe help each other.

    Edited by PBpsy on April 26, 2014 4:23PM
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • Naguur86
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    Personally i like the mmo side its why i bought the game, i expected Elder Scrolls online....

    What i didn't expect was...
    • bugs
    • .......

    You didn't expected bugs? That's odd.
  • Jonnymorrow
    This game feels like an Elder Scrolls game but its so singleplayer its barely an MMO which is what it is supposed to be. Its boring as *** solo quests, I came here to play with friends, not alone.
  • Etchesketch
    This game feels like an Elder Scrolls game but its so singleplayer its barely an MMO which is what it is supposed to be. Its boring as *** solo quests, I came here to play with friends, not alone.


    For me it's the completely broken grouping in the open that's a mess and the bot issue. The bots are a killer for me. Public dungeons are just so disappointing.

    Add those two things to all the other things that are just average at best and you get, for me, disappointment in ZoS and what they did with their opportunity and in Bethesda for allowing it to happen.
    The number one rule of online gaming is now and has always been, Never play on Patch Day.
  • Nathano
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Actually it is quite constructive. If you and the rest of the trolls leave and stop posting these stupid threads saying the same damn things over and over and over again then maybe players would actually start talking about various aspect of gameplay and maybe help each other.
    Agreed. This is yet another pointless post by someone expecting a multiplayer version of Skyrim. It's an MMO not a single player game. Get over it!!
  • Etchesketch
    Nathano wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Actually it is quite constructive. If you and the rest of the trolls leave and stop posting these stupid threads saying the same damn things over and over and over again then maybe players would actually start talking about various aspect of gameplay and maybe help each other.
    Agreed. This is yet another pointless post by someone expecting a multiplayer version of Skyrim. It's an MMO not a single player game. Get over it!!

    This is a terrible argument and typical of the type of response you get in this forum.

    Saying this game should be less than Skyrim or some other solo game because it's an mmo is really annoying.
    The number one rule of online gaming is now and has always been, Never play on Patch Day.
  • nerevarine1138
    Gohlar wrote: »

    Nah, I actually played it. Exploring was pretty neat.

    Much better than the invisible wall, hand holding approach that ESO uses.

    You should try playing Morrowind, it's actually pretty good. Then you don't have to make posts that make no sense. :)

    Also, nice job asking for examples and then cutting them out of your quote. Very weak. Kind of stinks when the truth is so in your face. Have you even played Morrowind? It's nothing like ESO.

    Yeah, I cut out the rest of the post because brevity is the soul of wit.

    Morrowind had leveled content. You couldn't go to ash mountain at level 5, and you couldn't be archmage right away. Scaling came much later.

    And of course Morrowind is nothing like ESO. Morrowind was single-player. ESO is an MMO, which means it has to make concessions to MMO balancing and general systematic requirements. I have yet to see you (or anyone else) offer a substantive, specific explanation for how this isn't an Elder Scrolls experience (whatever that means, since it's been radically different through all 5 games).
  • Nathano
    Nathano wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Actually it is quite constructive. If you and the rest of the trolls leave and stop posting these stupid threads saying the same damn things over and over and over again then maybe players would actually start talking about various aspect of gameplay and maybe help each other.
    Agreed. This is yet another pointless post by someone expecting a multiplayer version of Skyrim. It's an MMO not a single player game. Get over it!!

    This is a terrible argument and typical of the type of response you get in this forum.

    Saying this game should be less than Skyrim or some other solo game because it's an mmo is really annoying.

    And people expecting single player game mechanics are just as annoying. The most common complaint from people expecting online Skyrim is that the game isn't open world (i.e can't go to any zone and complete any quest). The only reason this is possible in a single player game is because the world scales around you which is not possible in MMOs. I'm personally getting sick of people coming on here complaining about the game mechanics and expecting something that is next to impossible in an MMO.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Greyhaven wrote: »
    what I don't like is hearing groups like Angry Joe's Army coordinate on how they are going to flood forums and news sites with hate...while promoting Archage.

    I wouldn't call them an army .... more comparable to junior cadets to be fair.
  • Orizuru
    Nathano wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Actually it is quite constructive. If you and the rest of the trolls leave and stop posting these stupid threads saying the same damn things over and over and over again then maybe players would actually start talking about various aspect of gameplay and maybe help each other.
    Agreed. This is yet another pointless post by someone expecting a multiplayer version of Skyrim. It's an MMO not a single player game. Get over it!!

    This is a terrible argument and typical of the type of response you get in this forum.

    Saying this game should be less than Skyrim or some other solo game because it's an mmo is really annoying.

    So you're saying the only people who should be allowed to say what they think the game should be are the ones who agree with you about it being a single player game? That's constructive. :/

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