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Templars Are so underpowered

  • Therium104
    This is unbelievable. I have never played a game with so much forum crying in the first few weeks of release.
  • Travail
    Dubah wrote: »
    I don't know what you are doing wrong, but i sustain magicka without the use of pots and can keep going like the energizer bunny. Every once in a blue moon i mess up and get merc'd but thats only cause i dont pay attention to my health sometimes. Magicka and Magicka Regen has not been an issue whether AE'ing for a dungeon or just solo, and i have no problems. Now healing i posted my healing build which is very magicka heavy and can run out of magicka just by using a heal 5 or 6 times but still magicka regen has not stopped me from doing anything. Whatever you are doing you need to think about your spec. I don't even use a fire staff for pulsar. TBH i dont like the way it plays out. But i can guarantee you all my damage skills are straight templar and people complain about the CC, I have absolutely no problems.

    I use light armor and can do the same kill that the person who posted the video can. It's not about the templar its about the way you play. Same goes for NB people think they are underpowered. You are out of your minds, learn to play your class then complain til then this is enough said

    Without pots? This is very easy to say on a forum, but I'll believe it when I see it.

    I'm honestly curious if you can back that up, though. What's your setup? Spec, gear? I have the Warlock set bonus and still have to spam potions like crazy. The last time I could sustain my own magicka without pots was AoE farming in Coldharbour on the way to lvl 50, because you could kill Daedra fast enough with Impulse spam+Evil Hunter that the magicka regen built into the Destro Staff (+magicka on kill) was enough to keep me going, so long as I pulled large enough packs.

  • KaneK899ub17_ESO
    Stamina-heavy builds for Templars don't work very well. Shield Bash, and one AoE/cone from a weapon line is adequate. Stick to class skills, they actually work pretty well. Think about what skills you choose - taking a heavy-mana heal when soloing isn't particularly efficient.

    Try clipping attacks (light attack and press a skill when you hear it connect) and block while you spam any instant-cast skills (the block works even during the animation as long as you hold the button). With 5 LA, Warlock set, and some magicka investment, you really shouldn't be running into mana issues solo.

    Repentance and Blazing Shield are very solo-friendly skills, as well. With 2H you can run something like Explosive charge, Brawler/Carve, Biting Jabs, FDawnbreaker/Sweep, with Repentance/Blazing Shield. I don't normally use Carve since Brawler has a significant impact on survivability, but it's definitely viable. Hold block while spamming Brawler = 4-5 swings while taking minimal damage and easy ultimate > Dawnbreaker/Sweep > Biting Jabs to finish. Explosive Charge gets you some quick damage and a gap closer on any pack. Another tip is to strafe while swinging those Brawlers. The mobs get blocked by each other but stay within cone range for Brawler while being unable to hit you except for the closest one or two.

    Similar can be done with DW. Steel Tornado is large enough you can stay almost completely out of melee range while spamming and take minimal damage. But even basic WW and the other morph can function extremely well if you keep strafing.
  • Nickdorlandb16_ESO
    My self and a few friends have made Templar. We enjoyed these character up until level 50. Since then we are having a hard time soloing any trash mobs, I personally have to dodge 3 man trash mobs or I'll get killed.

    A.) the heals are useless compared to the Resto staff tree. B.) Skills like Puncturing strikes sucks considering you unlock it at level 1 and everyone uses it all the way through V10 spamming the crap out of it. Basically, the Templar doesn't progress at all. Blinding Light? What a joke, Dual Wield line has a better skill that is similar as a fourth tier. All this to say, this is a terrible class that needs to be remolded. My Veteran Rank 4 Templar is going to sit on the shelf until this is fixed. I feel like ZOS went for too much freedom combined with too much structure in the wrong way and wound up with the cons of both worlds. I love this game and will just have to reroll another char I guess, but this is really disappointing. If any of you have suggestions plz pm me, I'd love to hear them

    They are, but not in heals.. but some class skills could use a inc in dmg or decrease in casting
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Yea, you have so many self sustaining abilities that I finish almost every fight at 100%health and 85%+ on Stam and Magicka. Even against 3 man mobs 3-4 levels higher.

    You must be jking.

    Do you even play a templar in VR lvls?

    Since you said something about 3/4 lvl higher im guessing you tried something below VR , let me tell you , below VR , anyone can destroy the content, no need to be a templar.

    When you enter VR , is when you will notice what classes can and cant do.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Aaren
    Yea, you have so many self sustaining abilities that I finish almost every fight at 100%health and 85%+ on Stam and Magicka. Even against 3 man mobs 3-4 levels higher.

    You must be jking.

    Do you even play a templar in VR lvls?

    Since you said something about 3/4 lvl higher im guessing you tried something below VR , let me tell you , below VR , anyone can destroy the content, no need to be a templar.

    When you enter VR , is when you will notice what classes can and cant do.

    This is entirely possible. The more enemies in a pack the easier it is to do. You just mix volcanic rune in with pulsar spam while blocking, and heal with repentance. I actually use radiant aura pre-pull w/ breath of life for oh-*** moments, but repentance would better here. I throw in eclipse (with the blowy-up morph) on the casters. It isn't what I'd call skillful, but it is effective.

  • Mephiston87
    people are suggesting way to improve and mostly suggesting weapon abilities? were talking about class abilities here because its a class discussion. No point suggesting full weapon ability builds to be compedetive. We chose the class to play the class not ignore all and use weapon skills.

    In the end it comes down to templars having no CC other then 2 snares and a knock back, Next to no resource management, No escape abilities, and no AOE. Wheras every other classes have these, even night blades tho some are broken/bugged.
    Edited by Mephiston87 on May 13, 2014 3:41PM
  • eliisra
    In the end it comes down to templars having no CC other then 2 snares and a knock back, Next to no resource management, No escape abilities, and no AOE. Wheras every other classes have these, even night blades tho some are broken/bugged.

    No. NB and Sorcs skill lines have no decent sustainable AoE either, not outside of Ultimate.

    Not sure if it's a design choice or just a miss. Most class skills lines are heavily lacking AoE.

    Point is, no class should be restricted to Destruction Staff only, just to be able to help AoE down trash. Every class should get at least 1 decent spammable AoE, that's not bound to a specific weapon. Just because this game is heavily designed towards taking down large groups of trash (in both PvE and PvP).

    But yeah, Templars could definitely use a little love in some departments. I personally feel they need more survivability when healing.
  • Aaren
    We supplement damage and CC with weapon skills because we are packed with support skills. That is what our class is all about.

    I agree no class should be limited to destruction staff. That is the case more so because impulse with the mana return passive is too powerful. We do have spammable AoE's though. We have solar barrage, and biting jabs. I agree that impulse is better than either, but it is better than every classes AoE abilities. Our weakness is CC and magicka regen.
  • sommazzatoreb14_ESO
    Yea, you have so many self sustaining abilities that I finish almost every fight at 100%health and 85%+ on Stam and Magicka. Even against 3 man mobs 3-4 levels higher.

    You must be jking.

    Do you even play a templar in VR lvls?

    Since you said something about 3/4 lvl higher im guessing you tried something below VR , let me tell you , below VR , anyone can destroy the content, no need to be a templar.

    When you enter VR , is when you will notice what classes can and cant do.

    Dude, I was talking about playing with a Nightblade... I'm the one that created this thread. As a templar I couldn't harldy face bosses my own level while leveling lol.
    Khale Justice - V14 Breton Templar (Rank 17)
    Sommozzatore - V14 Imperial Nightblade (Rank 16)
    Sommazzatore - 46 Wood Elf Sorc (Rank 6)
    Nazeem Ula'q - 35 Dark Elf DK (Rank 3)
    100 CPS
  • Wifeaggro13
    if your templar is under powered your playing wrong. :P
    LOL the only true healer in game. its the only class you cannot do end game activites with out. you have to have a temp for any of the 6 VR dungeons. Nightblade is a different story.

  • UniscornScarebear
    I love my Tempy! I must be doing something wrong... :anguished:
  • Pmarsico9
    Puncturing Strikes is crap compared to tab-spamming Reflective Light.
    I respecced and dumped it. The class is probably the closest to balanced overall as it is the game's only true support with off heals and OK damage. Seeing Temps spam Puncturing strikes makes me angry. And any templar tank you see using that ability is a fool: You can't block while the animation is going off. You feed the Aedric Ult with Reflective Light spam and push to get as many Aedric Ults off as possible and you can do solid damage. Even single target the Aedric Ult is high. You can feed Nova, too, but it doesn't generate Ult nearly as quickly as Reflective Light does for the Aedric Spear Ult, which if you are doing it right should almost always be up.

    This class works better as melee than at ranged simply due to how Dawn's Wrath Ult takes forever to build up, even talented.
  • nephitis
    Oh please don t tell such storys .....
    Really bored how many people here who think they knows better.

    you make solid damage pmarsico?
    Then show me the solid damage.

    i show you broken nb damage 700-900 and you show me the solid damage from templar.

    ps i am speaking from single target and not a 5 second fight against a wolf somewhere
  • Cheatingdeath23
    Pmarsico9 wrote: »
    Puncturing Strikes is crap compared to tab-spamming Reflective Light.
    I respecced and dumped it. The class is probably the closest to balanced overall as it is the game's only true support with off heals and OK damage. Seeing Temps spam Puncturing strikes makes me angry. And any templar tank you see using that ability is a fool: You can't block while the animation is going off. You feed the Aedric Ult with Reflective Light spam and push to get as many Aedric Ults off as possible and you can do solid damage. Even single target the Aedric Ult is high. You can feed Nova, too, but it doesn't generate Ult nearly as quickly as Reflective Light does for the Aedric Spear Ult, which if you are doing it right should almost always be up.

    This class works better as melee than at ranged simply due to how Dawn's Wrath Ult takes forever to build up, even talented.

    In PvP, I am surprised how quickly Dawn's Wrath Ult can level up. I have the set that reduces Ult by 20%, but if I make a point to fire Reflective Light at groups and every few minutes I have an ultimate. Bigger problem is getting everyone to sit still long enough to use it.
  • WingZer0
    Templar classes are the most versatile and probably has the best skills for survivability in PvE especially in VR content. You can have subpar gear with a decent weapon and solo.
  • nephitis
    haha wingzero that was a good one :D.
  • Pmarsico9
    nephitis wrote: »
    Oh please don t tell such storys .....
    Really bored how many people here who think they knows better.

    you make solid damage pmarsico?
    Then show me the solid damage.

    i show you broken nb damage 700-900 and you show me the solid damage from templar.

    ps i am speaking from single target and not a 5 second fight against a wolf somewhere

    Which nightblade has a spammable 1.5 second heal that costs next to nothing and puts out big HPS across multiple targets?

    As I said: it's the only true support class. In both Cyrodiil and in VR's I've run with templar tanks and dps that can pop out healing that allow the healer to toss out more damage, too. From that perspective, it's not really apples to apples. Temps are very unique in what they are, more differentiated from the other 3 classes.

    With that said, I would say that your statement is more of a testament to the ease of doing big damage with the Nightblade, Sorc, and DK compared to the Templar than it is a statement that the Templar is UP'd. But hey, if you want to petition for buffs for the Temp, go for it. I won't complain if they buff Templar damage.

    Also, just a note: Templars are even easier, in my experience, to tank with than any of the other trees simply due to how Healing Threat works in this game. If you are built tough enough, you can hold the attention of many mobs and quick spawns very quickly by tossing out a heal.
  • nephitis
    And i say that is just not right.

    the best tank is the dk.

    he have not the tiny little radius of the aura for armor and so on.
    he have thanks to his heart infinity endurance and never have to take his shield down

    he can root all the trash adds and take care that the healer will not fokused.
    he have 10% less damage als passive.

    i could tell more but for what?
    you think templer is better tank?
    Cool just no one will beliefe you sorry.
  • Capicorp
    Soul Shriven
    I am having a very fun time as a dual-wield templar in medium armor. I use Blood Craze, Rapid Strikes, and Whirling Blades for damage (DW skills) and then Blinding Flashes and Blazing Shield for utility with Crescent Sweep as ultimate. On my switch, which I use for kiting and difficult bosses, I use a bow with Bombard, Venom Arrow, Binding Javelin, Breath of Life, Total Dark, and Soul Assault. I haven't had any problems in veteran content. Is it the templar mages that have the most trouble?
  • nephitis
    no but you have to wait for vl9-10 have fun :D
  • sommazzatoreb14_ESO
    WingZer0 wrote: »
    Templar classes are the most versatile and probably has the best skills for survivability in PvE especially in VR content. You can have subpar gear with a decent weapon and solo.

    Is there a button where I can just delete people's comments and save them some humiliation?
    Khale Justice - V14 Breton Templar (Rank 17)
    Sommozzatore - V14 Imperial Nightblade (Rank 16)
    Sommazzatore - 46 Wood Elf Sorc (Rank 6)
    Nazeem Ula'q - 35 Dark Elf DK (Rank 3)
    100 CPS
  • sommazzatoreb14_ESO
    Capicorp wrote: »
    I am having a very fun time as a dual-wield templar in medium armor. I use Blood Craze, Rapid Strikes, and Whirling Blades for damage (DW skills) and then Blinding Flashes and Blazing Shield for utility with Crescent Sweep as ultimate. On my switch, which I use for kiting and difficult bosses, I use a bow with Bombard, Venom Arrow, Binding Javelin, Breath of Life, Total Dark, and Soul Assault. I haven't had any problems in veteran content. Is it the templar mages that have the most trouble?

    So once again, basically use nothing of the templar skills... got it haha.

    I'll tell you guys, I just hit VR with my NB, I literally didnt notice I changed over to veteran ranks. I am taking on mobs of 4 on my own and coming out with all attributes pretty dang high still. I think I died twice from laggy/bad pulls in all of the first two zones. That includes all boss fights and so on and so forth.

    I think ZOS was afraid of giving the support class too much damage in fear of it being op and it ended up not even solo-able while using class skills.
    Considering we only get 5 skills on the hotbar, I would like to see the templar buffed a little bit.
    Khale Justice - V14 Breton Templar (Rank 17)
    Sommozzatore - V14 Imperial Nightblade (Rank 16)
    Sommazzatore - 46 Wood Elf Sorc (Rank 6)
    Nazeem Ula'q - 35 Dark Elf DK (Rank 3)
    100 CPS
  • Capicorp
    Soul Shriven

    So once again, basically use nothing of the templar skills... got it haha.

    For weapon damage based builds there would be no point to use class skills for primary damage.
  • sommazzatoreb14_ESO

    For weapon damage based builds there would be no point to use class skills for primary damage.[/quote]

    I'ma go out on a limb a say that that changes nothing of what I said lol
    Khale Justice - V14 Breton Templar (Rank 17)
    Sommozzatore - V14 Imperial Nightblade (Rank 16)
    Sommazzatore - 46 Wood Elf Sorc (Rank 6)
    Nazeem Ula'q - 35 Dark Elf DK (Rank 3)
    100 CPS
  • Nidwin
    We have no burst but sustained damage, aoe or single target. That's why it's a bit more tricky on a Templar.
    Our main issue is being able to manage our Magicka for dps and Stamina for defense (rolls/dodge and blocks) and not running out of both.

    Nidwinqq Templar (healzzz) United Warhammer Vets
    Nidwinqq RR100 Magus till the end, R.I.P. Badlands
  • Gaudrath
    I'm currently running a class-skills based build in vet content, basically 5/2 light/heavy armor, destruction staff with following skillset:

    1. Biting Jabs for finisher/late combat and some light cone attack action
    2. Reflective Light - nice to set multiple targets on fire
    3. CC skill - Binding Javelin or Volcanic Rune
    4. Situational, could be defensive like Blazing Shield or Rune Focus, could be stamina based defensive like Circle of Protection or Immovable, or AoE, Blazing Spear or Pulsar.
    5. Heal. I use Breath of Life personally

    Ultimate is either Empowering Sweep for extra spammable damage&protection or Soul Strike because I just like it. :p

    Gameplay style is a very active one - I never spam skills. I do not use tab targetting, instead prefer to switch targets on the fly and constantly. Usually with groups of three I go with a defensive approach using both stat pools - stamina for defensive stuff, magicka for everything else.

    I use basic light/heavy attacks A LOT and chain their animations to keep the pauses low. Biting Jabs are for finishing targets low on health. Volcanic Rune is better than Binding Javelin with groups of 3+, of course, but Javelin can do wonders too. Blocking is of course essential.

    Mixing light attacks with your skills fills up the pauses you would otherwise have with animation cooldowns. It allows you, if you use a ranged weapon, to pretty much nuke one target right off the bat. Plus, it looks good. ;)

    If I go full defensive, I usually come out of the fights pretty much intact, though it obviously takes longer. More aggressive style is more fun for me, and I haven't ran into any issues with being killed or running out of magicka/stamina. In fact I often don't even buff my stats with food, to keep things interesting.
    Edited by Gaudrath on May 19, 2014 1:08PM
  • Jimm_ay
    I find VR you really need to find the right combo per fight - in missions where I had a tough time being a holy archer I found my battle axe two handed really let me do the job - Three mobs will be tough and if they have an archer I am running but with the JAV kb and bow and/or two hand kb I can manage a small mob. I find the three warlock set really helps manage my magicka...and using two handed or bow lets me feed off stam for attacks and then use magicka and let either side rebuild. A good control power always helps the volcanic rune from the mages guild works well. I may level a DK just to compare but I have built my skills up as such that I can solo when I have to and play the healer when I had to (my favorite was when I went back to do sewers - I got an invite to a team and they said "do you mind healing?" lol..sure you 4 level 10s fight and have the vr1 heal...good use of dmg but hey lol..I got to use my reso staff :open_mouth:
    - it is a bit harder for us templars...especially when you see a sorc or dk running around killing mobs but you can always go back and make a sorc or dk :)
  • Jimm_ay
    oh my guild a sorc and I were talking the end story mish and laughed because we both did the same thing - ran around kiting for 20 mins no matter the set there are great equalizers :)
  • Inupis
    Low level Templar weak...high level and made right they are gods.
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