Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Please stop stealing chests being worked on.

  • MasterSpatula
    This is kind of a scumbag move. It's rude, and it's among the anti-social nonsense that puts me and many others off of MMOs. (Even worse, of course, is jumping in and looting something that's guarded while someone else is fighting the guardian. What kind of person thinks that's cool? Really?)

    So, dickish? Yeah. But a reportable offense? No.

    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • deathly809_ESO
    No. You don't get it, I will.
  • jircris11
    if anyone in AD sees a khajiit named xirri "steal" your chest stick around i usually will unlock it then back away before it opens giving the person the loot.
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • Varivox9
    crowfl56 wrote: »
    Ok folks if you come up on a chest being worked on, please let that person alone. Don't wait for them to fail and immediately take over and basicly steal the chest.
    Let them walk away, they got to the chest first, don't be rude.

    This happened to me yesterday on a Master chest, missed my first attempt by a tick, with a player just waiting for the steal and sure enough they stole it. I asked them to stop, then reported them.

    I know there are those of you that will see this on the side of the thief which is fine, everyone has an opinion.

    I understand where your coming from (and I try not to steal myself), but those people gave you a chance. It's, imo, their turn to take a shot at it, and, if they fail, it then becomes your turn again.
  • shadoshryke
    Varivox9 wrote: »
    crowfl56 wrote: »
    Ok folks if you come up on a chest being worked on, please let that person alone. Don't wait for them to fail and immediately take over and basicly steal the chest.
    Let them walk away, they got to the chest first, don't be rude.

    This happened to me yesterday on a Master chest, missed my first attempt by a tick, with a player just waiting for the steal and sure enough they stole it. I asked them to stop, then reported them.

    I know there are those of you that will see this on the side of the thief which is fine, everyone has an opinion.

    I understand where your coming from (and I try not to steal myself), but those people gave you a chance. It's, imo, their turn to take a shot at it, and, if they fail, it then becomes your turn again.

    I agree with the disliking of hovering over people that are opening, but I also agree with the people that say "if you fail opening, it is okay for the next guy to try". People that "snipe" or "steal" a chest or node when you are attacked by things that "pop" in just as you are about to get to it, that I have a real problem with.

    However, no matter what game you play, you will encounter those type of "opportunists". The same mentality shows up in RL all the time, unfortunately. Same type of people rush into those parking spaces at the mall even though they know that you are lined up and making the safe approach to parking.

    Reportable - yes, it couldn't hurt
    Going to still see it happen- probably as long as it is humans playing the game
    Will it be acted on by the Game Masters/Admins? - only if the person does the same process to enough people that report it as spoiling the game and have enough tracking to show that this is just the additional "straw" on the camels back. This keeps "gold farmers/loot ninjas" from accusing the honest players of trying to loot THEM bogusly.

    I will say it would be nice to actually have your inventory open when you open a chest/node so you can make that extra room if you fine you are full and your chest/node had more than the typical amount. I have had three people come up and stand around a chest while I needed to drop one lower grade item to get the higher grade item from the chest/node. This is not an issue in most other games, and would not be an issue in real life unless you were a really uncoordinated person.
  • morpheusb16_ESO
    Too me it simply is a *** move to hover over someone, who is trying to open a chest hoping, that he fails to do so. One can always find another chest "elseweyr". ;) So why not just move on, I sure would. One doesn't need to be rude, just because it's the internet.
  • Sallakat
    WyeVxndzz wrote: »
    The game stops you from attempting twice in a row. If you fail, you lose out.

    Not true, I've been bored on a beach with a ton of picks when I was learning and had no problem with four attempts - there's just a cooldown on the picks. Wait your 10 or 20 seconds, whatever it was I don't remember, and try try again.

    You don't have to wait 10-20 seconds, count to 2 and the chest is able to be tried out again. And my 'record' was to try 8 times on a master chest before I managed xD

    Edited by Sallakat on April 24, 2014 6:49AM
    Rebuilt - Aldmeri Dominion

    Kaia Linnea - templar
    Ruusu - sorcerer
    Aino - nightblade
  • sgtalexinsidpreeb18_ESO
    bigger broblem i see is the fact that OP reported him because rage...
  • poochie
    I've actually had someone back at the start of the Pre-access loot a chest I unlocked before I even got the loot out of it. I duno how the hell that happened. But yea if others are around fighting in public dungeons I go for the chests first while they are fighting. Also if others are around I don't hit R I just leave it open until they go away if my bags are full. I don't care if I have to stay there for 20 mins they'll get it eventually.
    Edited by poochie on April 24, 2014 12:25PM
  • zhevon
    The game stops you from attempting twice in a row. If you fail, you lose out.
    Not in my experience - last night I must have tried a master chest at least 5 times before succeeding. Timeout might be a bit longer - but I really didn't notice at the time.
  • McUsher
    When i picked up my daugher from Kindergarden today, she was going on the swings.... A boy next to the swing was ranting to me, that he just went to get something to drink and my daughter stole the swings from him....

    That reminded me of this discussion :stuck_out_tongue:
    Are you still old school or yet unprogressive?
  • natsuki
    Soul Shriven
    McUsher wrote: »
    When i picked up my daugher from Kindergarden today, she was going on the swings.... A boy next to the swing was ranting to me, that he just went to get something to drink and my daughter stole the swings from him....

    That reminded me of this discussion :stuck_out_tongue:
    Not quite the same situation.. The boy clearly gave up his turn on the swing when he went to get a drink. Now if a Bear had spawned by the swing, attacked him, and when he got of the swing to deal with it, your daughter hopped on.. Then I feel the boy would be justified in posting a complaint on the school bulletin board. He could even complain about your daughter to the principle. I don't think your daughter should get expelled for it though.. at most maybe a lecture on manners. She should have waited until the boy was dead before taking his place on the swing.
  • IronMaiden_burnout
    I'm sorry but you had your chance , you failed now give someone else a chance! there is not your name on the chest
  • darthbelanb14_ESO
    Yeah, I think the OP gets the point. Also, how would you figure this was a re-portable offence, makes me think of that old saying...something about snitches and stitches.
  • Abigail
    This is kind of a scumbag move. It's rude, and it's among the anti-social nonsense that puts me and many others off of MMOs. (Even worse, of course, is jumping in and looting something that's guarded while someone else is fighting the guardian. What kind of person thinks that's cool? Really?)

    This kind of behavior happens in all MMOs, but for all of ZOS's BS about community this and community that, I think this game is setup to create what I can only call esophathic behavior. Everything is a freaking race to the next node or treasure chest. Kill stealing is as bad in ESO as I've ever seen. Several times I've had players jumping around and making mock fighting motions, trying distract my lock picking (doesn't work on me, btw B) ) And, yeah, there are those who steal a node while you're fighting off the guarding mob.

    I'm old, I'm all about polite, and I don't differentiate between online behavior and real-life behavior. Virtual reality and anonymity are not excuses for acting like a turdbucket. Unfortunately, MMO communities are what they are and it's best to grow a thick skin and realize there will always be another chest or node. Move on and take nothing seriously.

    Coincidentally, I have a rather advanced case of MS, my hands shake badly, and one of the hardest things for me to do it pick locks. Still, I've gotten to the point where I can almost always open Advanced-level chests and sometimes the Master ones. It just takes practice.

  • Artemiisia
    yes its rude....but

    im with most people in this thread for sure. if you fail, its your lose, if someone is quicker to get the next try. All is fair game in open world

    only place Im against it is in group dungs, where you team up with others. Kinda disloyal to do it against teammates :)
  • Phabiusbile
    the group dungeon chests are being split between the party in a future update regardless of who loots it
  • Soul1172
    there is nothing in this game yours until you`ve got it in you bag/bank...
    just face it.
  • Etchesketch
    The only weird thing about this situation is that you reported the guy....

    Gonna be a long disappointing mmo for you I think.
    The number one rule of online gaming is now and has always been, Never play on Patch Day.
  • Nikkae
    What's worse is when you take the time to unlock a chest only to find your pack is full so you cannot loot it. Someone else comes along and steals the loot after you unlock it for them!
  • Artemiisia
    lol nfade, I have lost some blue potency runes like that, and the person im angry with is myself, not keeping an eye on my bag :)
  • Bazzakrak
    ElSlayer wrote: »
    Oh, look, someone has peed into poor hamster's burrow...
    Do I smell an Eve player there......
    We're born, we live, we die. And along the way, you do the best with whatever crap you step in :p

    I'm stranded all alone in the gas station of love, And I have to use the self-service pumps <3

    Post Hoc Ergo Proptor Hoc o:)

    Motivation alone is not enough. If i had an idiot with me and i motivated him, then i will have a motivated idiot to do stuff :s
  • Evergnar
    It's not going change. You have one shot to get a chest open with someone hovering over you. Really it's not that big of deal. It's not like there is any shortage of chests in the game. I actually find it kind of funny or racing to a chest or resource against someone else.

    I walk up to players all the time working on chests. Adds a little suspense for them. Rather than kipe em I usually get more satisfaction out of using /laugh.
  • dido9880ub17_ESO
    I am going to have to agree with the majority here. If you fail on your attempt to open it then you failed. If there is no one around you can try again, but if someone is there then you get to wait and see if they succeed in opening it.

    I will also agree that CS has a lot better things to do than deal with reports of players looting chests in the way that was designed.
  • Firmament
    BETAOPTICS wrote: »
    So you failed, it happens but you know what is more d0uche move? When you see a chest that is guarded by mobs, you start fighting them and then some d0uchebag comes along and steals it while you are fighting the mobs and then he/she even leaves you without any help with the mobs even. You can not take it until the mobs are killed and they will only target you since you are the only one attacking those mobs.

    Now that, if something is irritating.

  • cisadanepajsuxrwb17_ESO
    Its perfectly legit to do so, doesnt violate anything other than the other person's ego. And well....this is the internetz after all
  • jircris11
    its rude,but sadly welcome to the internet, it is filled with rude people and people who just get a joy out of being pricks. Not saying everyone is like that but it seems like a lot of them.
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • Ummaguma
    If you fail to finish the job with a chest, it is fair game IMHO. That is the reason that failure triggers a lockout(pardon the pun) for a few seconds.

    Personally, when more than one person is working on a chest that i unlock. I leave stuff in the box i wont personally use.
    I may or may not be spending too much time with Sheogorath, but I cant help it... He makes the BEST Nachos! >:)
  • Pr3ist
    Soul Shriven
    Soul1172 wrote: »
    Pr3ist wrote: »
    It can be annoying when someone waits there in case you fail, true. They are not technically doing anything wrong by jumping in if you fail, but it is a tad immature, IMO. However I don't really have issue with that.

    What I do, however, have issue with is the following. Say I unlock a chest, having no idea how many good items will be available to me before opening. Now I'm sure everyone who crafts has inventory issues when farming mats/chests. So I open a chest, grab what I can/have space for, then attempt to rummage through my bags to see what is of lesser importance so I can toss it and make room for whatever items remain. Then some child opens my already unlocked chest and grabs the item for which I was making room. Now that is pure and simple immature MMO behavior. Not "reportable" ...but I've played MMOs for over 15 yrs. Eventually once you do that to enough people, you end up with a server reputation and it bites you later on.

    15 years - realy ?? just wondering wich games did you play - where ppl are polite and do think about others or a server reputation....???

    simple advice - don`t be newbe - make a room in your bag before looting something... gosh... 15 years of gaming... omg...

    to TS: you realy are naive... look around - there always survive the strongest - and thats not rudness - thats what happens everyday in nature...

    I played FFXI Online for 10 years alone, and yes, all MMOs there are jerks who play and only think of themselves, such as presumably you seem to do based on your sarcastic "..."s and "omg"s. You seem to be the typical WoW player, which is why I left that game after about 4 weeks.

    Yes, believe it or not, people who choose to play an MMO more than a few months try and make their gaming community better by not being an ass to everyone.
  • Vez
    You're locked out of trying again for a few seconds because you had your chance when you got there first. It's specifically designed that way.

    As a side note, if you open a chest with a full inventory while someone is clearly hovering for a chance but you still want the chest loot, don't open your inventory to find out what you can trash. It will close the chest and make it available to the next person. Instead, just stand there with the chest loot window open until they get bored and run off. This might not work with auto loot on.
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