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Fishing Bugs (Unofficial Fishing Issues Thread)

  • Turelus
    Official post from Gina stating they will look into fishing achievement bugs for starter islands.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • OminousDirge
    Soul Shriven
    According to the fishing guild I am in, Right Anglers, and my own personal investigation, whatever changes were made in 1.2 have caused the Lake pools of Shadowfen, to be almost completely non-existent, I need 3 fish from lakes to earn my Pact Angler, and have spent approximately 36hours played over the last week searching every inch of Shadowfen for a lake pool. I found 1, since then none have respawned. I do not know what the cause of this is or if it is an issue for just non-VR shadow fen, or all Shadowfen's but I am at a loss for where else to post this information. It would be greatly appreciated if other players and ZoS, could investigate this situation.

    The crazy guy who thoroughly enjoy's his painful time sink and quest for an unobtainable title
  • purgatorywolf_ESO
    Last month I put up the info we collected here onto ESOhead. Been trying to make sure i put stuff on there to help other players if they get stuck, especially if i get stuck and then figure it out. Feel free to post there too. :)
    ~*~Some people are like slinkies. Completely useless, but it makes you smile to push them down the stairs. ~*~
  • Tallarra
    According to the fishing guild I am in, Right Anglers, and my own personal investigation, whatever changes were made in 1.2 have caused the Lake pools of Shadowfen, to be almost completely non-existent, I need 3 fish from lakes to earn my Pact Angler, and have spent approximately 36hours played over the last week searching every inch of Shadowfen for a lake pool. I found 1, since then none have respawned. I do not know what the cause of this is or if it is an issue for just non-VR shadow fen, or all Shadowfen's but I am at a loss for where else to post this information. It would be greatly appreciated if other players and ZoS, could investigate this situation.

    The crazy guy who thoroughly enjoy's his painful time sink and quest for an unobtainable title

    i have searched shadowfen for lake spots and have only ever seen one up. i fished it dry and got nothing.. scince then i have yet to see any..
    Edited by Tallarra on July 19, 2014 4:32AM
  • ptheoretpreub18_ESO
    Tallarra wrote: »
    According to the fishing guild I am in, Right Anglers, and my own personal investigation, whatever changes were made in 1.2 have caused the Lake pools of Shadowfen, to be almost completely non-existent, I need 3 fish from lakes to earn my Pact Angler, and have spent approximately 36hours played over the last week searching every inch of Shadowfen for a lake pool. I found 1, since then none have respawned. I do not know what the cause of this is or if it is an issue for just non-VR shadow fen, or all Shadowfen's but I am at a loss for where else to post this information. It would be greatly appreciated if other players and ZoS, could investigate this situation.

    The crazy guy who thoroughly enjoy's his painful time sink and quest for an unobtainable title

    i have searched shadowfen for lake spots and have only ever seen one up. i fished it dry and got nothing.. scince then i have yet to see any..

    I investigate the matter, mske a report of it and find a solution. In Shadowfen there is only one lake spot at a given time, when you fish everything in it visit the previous spot, if nothing find a new spot. It was very long, but I find 15 of them and catch what I need.
    From 1 to 9 the previous spot were empty, from 10 to 13 one previous spot was full, 14 and 15th two previous spot were full. I don't know if I finnd all the spots.
    On this image, the last spot with fish is where I am.
  • Tallarra
    i have been using that exact map.. i have run around to each of those lakes spots multiple times at once and only saw one up. fished it dry then again ran around to every single spot and none were ever up.. did it again with a friend the next day and same thing didnt see a single lake up..
  • ptheoretpreub18_ESO
    Tallarra wrote: »
    i have been using that exact map.. i have run around to each of those lakes spots multiple times at once and only saw one up. fished it dry then again ran around to every single spot and none were ever up.. did it again with a friend the next day and same thing didnt see a single lake up..

    That happen to me more then 10 times, when it happen you have to find a completly new spot, it will take 1 to 3 hours. That is insane and that's why I report this problem, it takes 3 mail until they seem to understand.
    One hope is that this will reset when they bring a new patch, another hope is to find all spot (I guess there is aroung 20 of them), or maybe they will simply fix it.
    At a point I though I could catch lake fish in foul or river after hundreds of attempt I see it was not the case. Maybe you should report the problem too. I was able to catch my last lake fish at a moment when I was able to fish two consecutive lake hole with small amunt of time.
  • Tallarra
    i know only one lake spot is up at a time. i have checked every lake spot on that map 3 times today after finding the one fishing spot this morning and fishing it dry. never saw another one. seems like its not only shadowfen though... i was fishing rivers in auridon and then fished all the river spots dry. but everytime i logged out and tried to get them to spawn back (even waiting like 3 hours without being online) nothing has respawned. same goes for foul waters in reaper's march. they just dont seem to be respawning for me at all today... i'll try submitting a bug report though see if it helps~
  • traigusb14_ESO2
    Tallarra wrote: »
    i know only one lake spot is up at a time. i have checked every lake spot on that map 3 times today after finding the one fishing spot this morning and fishing it dry. never saw another one. seems like its not only shadowfen though... i was fishing rivers in auridon and then fished all the river spots dry. but everytime i logged out and tried to get them to spawn back (even waiting like 3 hours without being online) nothing has respawned. same goes for foul waters in reaper's march. they just dont seem to be respawning for me at all today... i'll try submitting a bug report though see if it helps~

    They may share a spawn table with another type. I have spawned lake types with end of river spawns before (not in shadowfen).

    Everything that random spawns in ESO seems to be on shared tables (pub dungeon bosses, harvetsables, cyrodil bosses, chests, and fishing spots etc.).

    Camping 1 spot usually doesn't work for anything else, so I assume it is true with fishing (which I am just starting)... don't assume linked spots are close by either.
    Stuff like chest spawns can be linked over a pretty big area.

    ESO seems to assume a lot of people are doing whatever activity (like killing bosses in public dungeons) so doing them alone or off peak times (and fishing is not popular so is always offpeak) can really make it hard to get spawns to work the way you want. The lake spawns could be down because nobody is fishing in a river on the other side of zone :(

    Hard to know how local fishing node rotation is, plus it can vary from zone to zone.
  • ptheoretpreub18_ESO
    Tallarra wrote: »
    i know only one lake spot is up at a time. i have checked every lake spot on that map 3 times today after finding the one fishing spot this morning and fishing it dry. never saw another one. seems like its not only shadowfen though... i was fishing rivers in auridon and then fished all the river spots dry. but everytime i logged out and tried to get them to spawn back (even waiting like 3 hours without being online) nothing has respawned. same goes for foul waters in reaper's march. they just dont seem to be respawning for me at all today... i'll try submitting a bug report though see if it helps~

    For Auridon : may help, maybe you miss some river spot.
    For Reaper's March : , for this one you have to wait 30 min after fishing them dry, after you can go back fishing in those foul spot. Don't forget the north spot under the bridge. Maybe someone else was fishing at the same time, sometimes only 1 or 2 spot respawn and you have to wait another 30 min.
    For Shadowfen, maybe it will be reset this monday after the maintenance, If it is you may have 15 spots to fish in (one at the time, wich is still long). Here is my map .
  • Tallarra
    ooh thank you for those maps that will help~ i was missing some foul spots in reapers march i didnt know where they were lol. as for the auridon map i know of more river spots than shown there but i will try those ones too~ i did however log out and wait about 3 hours for the 2 i was at to respawn with no luck. same for auridon river. i'll try again for everything today and hopefully i can finish up these last 4 fish!
  • Natjur
    What add-on or map web site you using? Now that there is a 'hot' pink dye linked to this achivement, it might be time for me to fish finish it
    Edited by Natjur on July 22, 2014 12:42AM
  • ptheoretpreub18_ESO
    Natjur wrote: »
    What add-on or map web site you using? Now that there is a 'hot' pink dye linked to this achivement, it might be time for me to fish finish it

    I uae Harven's Custom Map Pins to make my maps.
  • Turelus
    All fishing related information from 1.3.1 PTS Patch Notes.
    • Fixed an issue where Used Bait was incorrectly labeled as a usable bait item.
    • The achievements Catching Trophy Fish will now update the associated achievements properly.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Kyoma
    Natjur wrote: »
    What add-on or map web site you using? Now that there is a 'hot' pink dye linked to this achivement, it might be time for me to fish finish it
    What pink dye? Aren't the fishing achievement dyes just red/blue/yellow/green?

    Will I be able to forget all the wounds that pierce my flesh?
    You and your childish justice. I'll rip it to pieces.
    Come on, it's showtime. A rain of blood like a volcano
    And now I'll blow all of you and you and you...
    All to tiny pieces. All to tiny pieces.
  • BloodRayn
    Here's a 16th lake fishing spot for Shadowfen.

    Blood Rayn
    Serveur EU
    Chevalier Dragon 402
  • Tallarra
    ooh i will keep an eye on that spot~ ty~ here's a lake spot i found while running around yesterday~
  • Navuri
    I found this topic because I took up fishing yesterday (had fun) but when I saw the known issues it bothered me a lot to be honest.

    Known Issues:

    Rare fish are not moved to the inventory when caught.

    This needs to be fixed very soon otherwise there's no real point in fishing up a rare fish (except for the achievement).
  • Umfafa_Umfafason
    I'm wondering if you guys that have posted Shadowfen lake maps are in a different alliance or something. None of your locations contain lake nodes. In fact, the 1 lake location that I do know of is where I caught both of the greens. That location is not on any of your maps. Still need the blue, but there's no accurate information about where lake nodes are.
  • Tallarra
    i am in EP and have found/fished 4 of the spots marked on that map.
  • Natjur
    Bait. So where is the best places to farm for bait so when patch 1.31 comes out and fishing is worth it, I will be ready.
  • Taleof2Cities
    DC here and happened to be in VR8 Shadowfen today. Took snapshots of the three fishing holes I happened upon. They seemed to be spawning for me OK (see pictures attached).

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on July 28, 2014 1:42AM
  • Turelus
    Natjur wrote: »
    Bait. So where is the best places to farm for bait so when patch 1.31 comes out and fishing is worth it, I will be ready.

    Firstly I'm an EP player so these are my locations and I am not sure how well they translate to other factions.

    Worms = Coldharbour Zombies.
    Crawlers = Outside Davons Watch towards Bal Foyan (the small spiders)
    Guts = Eastmarch rabbit hunting contest area.
    Bug guts = Rivenspire from all the thousands of flying insects.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Tallarra
    DC here and happened to be in VR8 Shadowfen today. Took snapshots of the three fishing holes I happened upon. They seemed to be spawning for me OK (see pictures attached).


    what types of water are those spots? cause river and foul spawn fine its just lake that dosen't.
  • BloodRayn
    I've tried to make another map (with bigger resolution) for shadowfen lake spots (with 20 spots).

    EDIT : Shadowfen achievement finally unlocked ;)

    Edited by BloodRayn on August 2, 2014 7:43PM
    Blood Rayn
    Serveur EU
    Chevalier Dragon 402
  • bluesodafizz
    This makes me so irritated. I keep switching which achievements I'm working on because so many of them are bugged that I have to put them off. I really thought the fishing ones would be okay but even that has now got me stuck.

    Please fix these problems.
  • ptheoretpreub18_ESO
    BloodRayn wrote: »
    I've tried to make another map (with bigger resolution) for shadowfen lake spots (with 18 spots).


    I happy to see that people continue my work. I've stop at 15 nodes and did'nt continue when I catch the fish I need.
  • ptheoretpreub18_ESO
    Turelus wrote: »
    Natjur wrote: »
    Bait. So where is the best places to farm for bait so when patch 1.31 comes out and fishing is worth it, I will be ready.

    Firstly I'm an EP player so these are my locations and I am not sure how well they translate to other factions.

    Worms = Coldharbour Zombies.
    Crawlers = Outside Davons Watch towards Bal Foyan (the small spiders)
    Guts = Eastmarch rabbit hunting contest area.
    Bug guts = Rivenspire from all the thousands of flying insects.

    Here are my spot

    Worms and Crawlers = In the prison where you have to choose a weapon with a level 1. Just log out/in, you may get 200 of each every hour.

    Crawlers = Around the south-east dolmen in Rivenspire. You can have 25 of them, repop in 2 min.

    Guts = In the east cave in Grathwood near the foul water spot, 25 guts very fast on frogs but 10 min repop. I combine this with prison farming.
  • MeowGinger
    Turelus wrote: »
    Natjur wrote: »
    Bait. So where is the best places to farm for bait so when patch 1.31 comes out and fishing is worth it, I will be ready.

    Firstly I'm an EP player so these are my locations and I am not sure how well they translate to other factions.

    Worms = Coldharbour Zombies.
    Crawlers = Outside Davons Watch towards Bal Foyan (the small spiders)
    Guts = Eastmarch rabbit hunting contest area.
    Bug guts = Rivenspire from all the thousands of flying insects.


    I've had trouble harvesting guts. I thought Auridon and Grahtwood (for AD/vet players) would be great places to harvest guts by killing all of the monkeys... but I've killed more than 50 of them and I've never seen a monkey drop anything, ever. I think this might be a bug. It could just be bad luck, but the deer, sheep, snakes, etc. all drop something at some point...

    Crawlers are also good to get from zombies, especially the ones in Coldharbour (they can be found with worms in the flesh heaps too).
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