More maintenance are you kidding Zenimax?

More maintenance are you kidding zenimax? Are you trying to make us get a refund?
  • Carde
    1. You probably can't get a refund at this point anymore. Owned IMHO.

    2. Maintenance is for your benefit.
    Member of the Psijic Order PTS Group
  • felixgamingx1
    It's scheduled maintenance every server needs it leave then alone they finally doing something right
  • Hilandra
    Think they're just fixing their fixes that caused more to be fixed. :P
  • Chomag
    Neo wrote: »
    More maintenance are you kidding zenimax? Are you trying to make us get a refund?

    Wait, you haven't asked for one yet?! Kinda late to the party, aren't you.
  • Turelus
    Is this a new one for today or a complaint about the one this morning?
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Neo
    Carde wrote: »
    1. You probably can't get a refund at this point anymore. Owned IMHO.

    2. Maintenance is for your benefit.

    maintenance is not for my benefit, They can't even fix the god of schemes bug.
    Edited by ZOS_RobinsonE on April 18, 2014 3:02PM
  • Neo
    Turelus wrote: »
    Is this a new one for today or a complaint about the one this morning?
    This is happening right now, as we converse about the dreaded topic.
  • seanolan
    Neo wrote: »
    More maintenance are you kidding zenimax? Are you trying to make us get a refund?

    Seriously, I have problems with Zenimax, and their last update was awful, but this isn't something new, this is the scheduled maintenance -- it will and has happened every Tuesday and Friday. Don't whinge about things that are part and parcel of keeping the service running and improving it. Jeesh
  • babylon
    Chomag wrote: »
    Neo wrote: »
    More maintenance are you kidding zenimax? Are you trying to make us get a refund?

    Wait, you haven't asked for one yet?! Kinda late to the party, aren't you.

    Your parties must suck :3
  • UrQuan
    Neo wrote: »
    More maintenance are you kidding zenimax? Are you trying to make us get a refund?
    Yeah, they should be able to fix all the bugs and everything without doing any maintenance! Ever! To add insult to injury, they even announced when they'd be doing this scheduled maintenance days ago! How dare they?!?
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • savinel
    Zenimax! How dare you fix problems!

    We want to *** and moan about bugs and then *** and moan some more when you take the servers down to fix them! It's our right as paying customers and you know the customer is always right.

    ... with tongue planted firmly in cheek.
    Today's main: Hits Like Wet Noodle, Argonian Templar, Ebonheart Pact

    .. and stop calling me "Vestige!"
  • Chomag
    savinel wrote: »
    Zenimax! How dare you fix problems!

    We want to *** and moan about bugs and then *** and moan some more when you take the servers down to fix them! It's our right as paying customers and you know the customer is always right.

    ... with tongue planted firmly in cheek.

    Funny how they do maintenance so often but the game is still bugged to hell.
  • Turelus
    Is this NA servers or EU? EU was online a moment ago, I went to get lunch and was logged out so about to log back in if I can.

    Also I hate idle timers :(
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • babylon
    Chomag wrote: »
    savinel wrote: »
    Zenimax! How dare you fix problems!

    We want to *** and moan about bugs and then *** and moan some more when you take the servers down to fix them! It's our right as paying customers and you know the customer is always right.

    ... with tongue planted firmly in cheek.

    Funny how they do maintenance so often but the game is still bugged to hell.
    Patience goes here. It's going to take more than two weeks to fix the bugs in this game. IMO worth hanging around for it, because game itself is great.
  • savinel
    Chomag wrote: »
    Funny how they do maintenance so often but the game is still bugged to hell.

    You don't work in the software industry, do you? :)
    Today's main: Hits Like Wet Noodle, Argonian Templar, Ebonheart Pact

    .. and stop calling me "Vestige!"
  • starkerealm
    Turelus wrote: »
    Is this NA servers or EU? EU was online a moment ago, I went to get lunch and was logged out so about to log back in if I can.

    Also I hate idle timers :(

    I think I read someplace that the EU server already got this patch. If you're on 1.04 already, you should be up. The NA server is down, though.
  • Bunk
    Why can't they just wave their magic wand and fix all the bugs instantly without having to turn off the servers? I pay $15 a month for THIS? Unacceptable.
  • Capt_Lee_Adama2000b16_ESO
    think id rather have an hour or half hour maint scheduled every day rather than long one
  • Chomag
    babylon wrote: »
    Chomag wrote: »
    savinel wrote: »
    Zenimax! How dare you fix problems!

    We want to *** and moan about bugs and then *** and moan some more when you take the servers down to fix them! It's our right as paying customers and you know the customer is always right.

    ... with tongue planted firmly in cheek.

    Funny how they do maintenance so often but the game is still bugged to hell.
    Patience goes here. It's going to take more than two weeks to fix the bugs in this game. IMO worth hanging around for it, because game itself is great.

    Or maybe THEY should have had more patience and not released a half baked game.
  • Winnower
    It would be nice if they did late night / early morning NA time. They could start maintenance at 8 am GMT for EU servers and follow that up with NA maintenance about 3 or 4 am EDT, which would still inconvenience people between the 'Nesias and the 'Stans but would probably inconvenience the fewest total people.
    VR14 Templar, VR14 DK, VR8 DK, VR7 NB, VR1 Sorcerer;
    All 3 Alliances;
    2 Pre-order Imperial Accounts, yes that means 16 characters on NA alone
  • Carnage2K4
    Neo wrote: »
    More maintenance are you kidding zenimax? Are you trying to make us get a refund?

    GOOD, I rather they fix the game, rather then just keep the bugs like some people seem to suggest that they do... it's still in launch area, EXPECT MAINTENANCE... if you can't handle it, come back in 2 months.
    Human Infant Connoisseur
  • Sykosematic1
    The new maintenance time for Friday sucks. It is 8pm Friday night in Australia. Glad to see looking after their global audience.
  • Shanna
    Chomag wrote: »

    Or maybe THEY should have had more patience and not released a half baked game.

    I have to say, I'd rather being playing it with how it is now than to still be stuck in that anticipation of waiting for it to come out zone.
    This is all part of the game.
  • Opunake
    Hey - we don't mind maintenance...BUT IT'S FRIDAY *** NIGHT and I'd like to play my *** game.

    Who schedules maintenance on a FRIDAY *** NIGHT.....?
  • Magischzwei
    The new maintenance time for Friday sucks. It is 8pm Friday night in Australia. Glad to see looking after their global audience.

    Ouch, absolute weekend prime time scheduled maintenace every week.

  • Cowgomoo

    Honestly, it should be Monday/Thursday to prevent Friday conflicts for non Americans. Also, I wish they had estimated windows. Call me spoiled, but those would be nice quality of life changes.

    Edit: Forgot about the Aussies
    Edited by Cowgomoo on April 18, 2014 12:08PM
  • mfischer303b14_ESO
    All new MMO's go through this, Is call pay to play beta for a couple months, but in the long run it will be worth it, Fixin bugs, Banning gold sellers, Siezing they bank hordes, Improving performance ect..
  • Chomag
    Carnage2K4 wrote: »
    Neo wrote: »
    More maintenance are you kidding zenimax? Are you trying to make us get a refund?

    GOOD, I rather they fix the game, rather then just keep the bugs like some people seem to suggest that they do... it's still in launch area, EXPECT MAINTENANCE... if you can't handle it, come back in 2 months.

    I'll come back if Wildstar sucks, if not, too bad, guess WS will have stolen the title of "MMO to play for the next 7 months until Warlords of Draenor" from ESO due to ZOS' endless train of failures.
  • Mix
    This maintenance is to address the bank issues. Player banks resetting to 60 slot default and the Guild Bank issues with item replication. I really appreciate these fixes because logging in to find that your bank has magically reset itself would be awful (and was awful for several of my guildmates). The other bug was really messing the economy yesterday!
  • babylon
    Chomag wrote: »
    babylon wrote: »
    Chomag wrote: »
    savinel wrote: »
    Zenimax! How dare you fix problems!

    We want to *** and moan about bugs and then *** and moan some more when you take the servers down to fix them! It's our right as paying customers and you know the customer is always right.

    ... with tongue planted firmly in cheek.

    Funny how they do maintenance so often but the game is still bugged to hell.
    Patience goes here. It's going to take more than two weeks to fix the bugs in this game. IMO worth hanging around for it, because game itself is great.

    Or maybe THEY should have had more patience and not released a half baked game.

    Yeah but that never happens does it. Gamers get screwed around every new game release. At least this time game seems pretty solid (apart from the bots, the bugs, the crappy bank sizes, UI functions being a bit 2002...etc). But game itself is great! :3
    Edited by babylon on April 18, 2014 12:07PM
This discussion has been closed.