[Spoilers] What did you do at the end of the Mages Guild quest line?

As per title. If you finished the Mages Guild quest line you know what this is about. If you haven't and don't want spoilers, I suggest you stop reading.
Edited by ThatHappyCat on April 17, 2014 8:24AM

[Spoilers] What did you do at the end of the Mages Guild quest line? 370 votes

I struck a Daedric bargin for personal gain.
cybersam.p_ESOOsiRestirnaeidoublestickjock7_ESOlordxyrax_ESOvyalar_ESOVeritasObscuraConquersGeeYouWhyWicked_Wolfaeneas_21b14_ESOdaryl.rasmusenb14_ESOIvysaurGlassHalfFullTheVindelatorHakokeKalmanPyatrabronweneverdeadEZBakedMuffin 171 votes
I released someone from Daedric influence.
KalfisMaxDerhundJusticiarPEZRhevetryia3b14a_ESOAltDeLeetAnthonypjrushb14_ESObloodenragedb14_ESOSurragardeobethb14_ESOSyndyRatatouilleHitchhikerjgward87b14_ESOBeastnasnoahstephens1997b14_ESOrichardgrillob14_ESOSergeant_NovakGatlan 199 votes
  • Sergeant_Novak
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    I try to make an effort to make my characters a little evil for depth, but dammit I always seem edge onto paragon shepard.
    Kol Blakmarc - Dwemer Archeologist, Mage, Not such a great dancer
  • Areski
    Soul Shriven
    I left them waiting and went back to Tamriel to decide.
  • Restirnaei
    I struck a Daedric bargin for personal gain.
    I wanted to be good, but it's impractical to give up character power for a trash item.
  • Justiciar
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    There are enough skill points that I didn't mind missing two from sheo. But dang I was dissapointed that all I got was a staff that was disenchanted
    Conquest, Victory, Profit
  • Antonie
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    Though i was thinking of taking the deadric deal. Not because of personal gain, but because of what Sheogorath said. Valaste being lonely having only her books or her being happy in a crazed mind state and going on a trip with her patron. Stupid people are usually happier compared to intelligent ones.
    Edited by Antonie on April 19, 2014 6:46PM
    “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”-Albert Einstein
    Leben ist ein RPG. Was ist DEINE Rolle?-Motto von http://rpgspielen.de/

  • Frail_Old_Man
    I struck a Daedric bargin for personal gain.
    The moment Daedra S mentioned F being worth 4-5 Sk, it ran all the warning bells in my head.

    I'm just glad I made the right choice. Although finding out the rewards, I feel sorry for the blue people.
    Sanguine's testers, the best testers.
    Alas we are no longer labeled as such.
  • Malediktus
    I struck a Daedric bargin for personal gain.
    Personal gain all the way! As an loyal ebonheart pact member I shall not care about the fate of an Altmer anyway.
    Edited by Malediktus on April 20, 2014 12:17PM
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Pyatra
    I struck a Daedric bargin for personal gain.
    I chose to send her with Sheo BECAUSE I thought it was the right thing to do. Pay attention to the visions you find in one of the trials when you go off the main path into the buildings. Also her inflection of the voice actor did a really good job of breaking a few words of lucidity that made me think she really wanted to go. I won't spoil her back story for people who haven't done it yet. Mages guild quest line = amazing voice acting (mostly, I can't remember any bad ones.)
  • ThatHappyCat
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    Pyatra wrote: »
    I chose to send her with Sheo BECAUSE I thought it was the right thing to do. Pay attention to the visions you find in one of the trials when you go off the main path into the buildings. Also her inflection of the voice actor did a really good job of breaking a few words of lucidity that made me think she really wanted to go. I won't spoil her back story for people who haven't done it yet. Mages guild quest line = amazing voice acting (mostly, I can't remember any bad ones.)

    I did note her backstory as shown by Sheogorath (note that it is Sheogorath who's showing you all that), but I don't think it justifies leaving her in the hands of a malevolent entity who's admitted to have tampered with her mind. Also, consider the fact that her mind is her greatest pride, Sheogorath took that away from her.
  • GeeYouWhy
    I struck a Daedric bargin for personal gain.
    Sorry Valaste, I liked you and hated Shalidor but come on ... 2 skill points.
    Konrandir, Vampire Sorcerer
  • Ageless
    I struck a Daedric bargin for personal gain.
    Now, the other weird thing here is at the real end of that quest, whatever you chose, Shalidor will tell you something. I chose to send Valaste along with Uncle Sheo, as it felt the correct thing to do. Then when you next speak with "Shalidali" outside, he says something along the lines of having a "gift for you and a warning", after which the rest of the speech and options are only about the gift. I must've missed the warning. :wink:

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • Nox_Aeterna
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    Ofc , i saved her.

    Still , i dont even understand my reward...
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • gurluasb16_ESO
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    Saved her. I won't let someone be lost in Oblivion, not even for two skill points.
  • Rudal
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    I saved her as well, it just didn't sit right with me to leave her all insane.
    I'm making another character now, a Dark Elf Nightblade, she will be a proper ***! All personal gain and all backing the Dunmer, screw the rest!!
    - And is your heart black and full of hate? - Black as midnight, black as pitch, blacker than the foulest witch... -
  • Viverim
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    I'm glad I found this post, as I was wondering what others did.

    Personally there was never even a choice. No matter how "happy" she might have been, the fact that Sheo might turn on her in the blink of an eye means I would not abandon her to such a fate. After all, look at what 'lovely' care he took with all of his other minions during the quest line. And she was lonely in her life, true, but that's before I came along. Now she has me for a friend! So, her life is looking up already. B)

    (yes, that last bit is humor...)
  • fiachsidhe
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    I was already angry at Shalidor for being such an idiot, and putting Valeste at risk anyway. Also seeing how deals with Sheogorath and tomes go down first hand, I decided to take the humble route and and cure the poor woman. I've seen what happens to Sheogorath's chosen.
    Don't have an intelligent argument? Just LOL a post!

    Dire Crow - Ebonheart Pact - Dunmer Nightblade
  • ancienthero
    Soul Shriven
    I struck a Daedric bargin for personal gain.
    I'll save her next time.......probably.
  • Tonicle
    Soul Shriven
    I struck a Daedric bargin for personal gain.
    Antonie wrote: »
    Though i was thinking of taking the deadric deal. Not because of personal gain, but because of what Sheogorath said. Valaste being lonely having only her books or her being happy in a crazed mind state and going on a trip with her patron. Stupid people are usually happier compared to intelligent ones.

    I did the same, I also thought that, yes she went mad, but she could have stopped sending me to get more and more books at any time... The fact that Shalador used her wife as an excuse for me not to make the choice and take the book made it seem a bit odd to me, like he was comparing her to his wife and that she would somehow replace her or that me making the opposite choice he made would redeem him vicariously through me, I was concerned for Shaladors intentions towards Valaste.

    so to save her from a life of being depressed and just reading books and probably being lonely while Shalador heavy breaths down the back of her neck... i saved her.

    stupid people are happier.
  • IKilled007
    I struck a Daedric bargin for personal gain.
    Sent her packing. I warned her several times that she seemed tired and needed rest and wasn't herself and she kept shushing me and telling me she was fine, etc. She became an invalid when I needed her most: at the end to face Sheogorath's bald-headed clown sidekick. Now that she was a liability rather than an asset, and given that her brain had been microwaved, I traded her for the skill points. Let that be a lesson: don't crap out on me when I finally need you, after I've done all the leg work and wet work for you up to that point.
    The only substitute for victory is overkill.
  • DeLindsay
    I struck a Daedric bargin for personal gain.
    Yeah even though my "main" plays as a basically good and just character there was no way I was going to give up 2 free SP at level 37 when I completed the chain. Besides did you even see how happy she was to go play with the butterflies?
  • Rirenraejir
    Soul Shriven
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    I released that certain someone. It felt refreshing that an MMO gave me such a choice - do I do a good thing and not get the better reward? I chose what I think was right, and given her dialogue afterwards, she seemed very thankful.
    The fattest cat of Tamriel.
  • Soloeus
    I struck a Daedric bargin for personal gain.
    I took the book. Look, 2 skill points or an NPC that I will probably never interact with again anyway? And even if she did have further purpose why make me choose between that purpose and the book?

    Moral Choices should impact a lot of things, but not a "power or good feeling" reward and not a choice where you miss content for choosing the other way.

    Within; Without.
  • xxslam48xxb14_ESO
    Wow this poll is biased. I gave her up not only for the unobtainable skill points, but also because she would be happier there. Sheogorath is not really an evil deadra and the shivering isles is arguably safer then tamriel right now. If you played the shivering isles dlc of oblivion you probably seen this for yourself too. She sounds like she will be going to the mania side of the isles too so she will be happy there.
    I wrote a poem that I titled, "The ganker's delight."

    As you lay upon the ground, cry not little pawn.
    The pain will pass as quickly as my blade did take you,
    but my delight will last and you will respawn.
    My heart simply cannot contain my joy, when I ply my trade.

    The fault lies with you, your skill was lacking.
    Now your salt is mine forever, can't you hear the laughing?
    Once you were so proud and now you are reduced to this.
    A miserable, loud deuced fool.

    With every tear you drip, with every excuse you let slip.
    All of your insecurities and worries bring a smile to my lip.
    From your despair I have ripped endless glories,
    but our affair is over now. Be afraid for I will return for more.

    I have received many titles, to my allies I am The sniper Emperor and Grand champion hero of the Pact. However these titles mean little to me, it is the ones given to me by my victims that I prefer. To them I am "Xv1er", "trash", "no balls", "zerger", "noob", "cringe", "no skill", "camper", "100% new", "the reason this game is dying", "pathetic", "a sack of piece of [snip]", "mediocre", "absolute inbred", "beyond a virgin", "ganky dork", "fat smelly 40yr old virgin", "little girl", "daddy", "exploiting loser", and every [snipped] word known to man.
  • AbraCadabra
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    I don't really think he was her "uncle". o:)

    And Eidelic memory will be pretty cool when it's fixed.
    Edited by AbraCadabra on May 5, 2014 4:45PM
  • elvigy01
    I struck a Daedric bargin for personal gain.
    Wow this poll is biased. I gave her up not only for the unobtainable skill points, but also because she would be happier there. Sheogorath is not really an evil deadra and the shivering isles is arguably safer then tamriel right now. If you played the shivering isles dlc of oblivion you probably seen this for yourself too. She sounds like she will be going to the mania side of the isles too so she will be happy there.

    Ehhhh...he was pretty bad. Do you remember his "family"? Uncle Leo or whatever his name was?

    I gave her up for personal gain. I wanted to do the right thing, really, but in the end it's a game and I'm not going to gimp my character for a fake moral choice. :wink:
  • SuperScrubby
    I struck a Daedric bargin for personal gain.
    While you can get 300 SP's in this game a lot of those come about from the VR zones and some shards in Cyrodil so realistically the 2 SP's sooner rather than later was definitely a motivator for me.

    Not like this game actually has these choices follow you throughout the game in a meaningful way. Just helps you feel like your character is "bad" or "good".
    Edited by SuperScrubby on May 5, 2014 10:20PM
  • Ezeklol
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    I figured she was a very intelligent person, and the world needs as many of them as it can get.

    Hopefully this will benefit me in the future lore wise, but i doubt it.
  • Falmer
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    Wasn't too tough of a decision for me. Obviously, curing her was the "good" decision. From the sound of it, I only would have gained a skill point or two. By this point I already have 7 unspent skill points on that character, so not really gaining anything and I probably would feel bad on top of it.
  • Heraclea
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    I saved her, mostly to annoy Sheogorath.
    Hircine loves me, this I know,
    Your intestines told me so.

    Quæ tam fera immanisque natura? - Cicero
  • anothername
    I released someone from Daedric influence.
    I went already in with the intention to do whats possible to save her and was glad that the option even was presented. And even more so in such a "tempting" manner :D

    2 SP really are not missed. Getting the eidetic memory was an awesome surprise. Does everybody gets that or is it the "I sacrificed 2 SP" tradeoff?
    Edited by anothername on May 18, 2014 7:33AM
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