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Guild Spotlight

  • Karoneth

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    We are the Brotherhood of Redemption, the name was founded by Deputy Guildmaster Baranon in 1995 when we needed a name for our gaming group. Baranon's early career as a professional wrestler, plus time playing Paladins at Gencons likely influenced the name. However, we have a growing 'Sisterhood' within the Brotherhood, we have plenty of females amongst us. :-)

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    We were formed by a half dozen of us in 1995 as a LAN gaming and pencil and paper gaming group, and got into MMO's before the end of the '90's. The Founders have been playing TES games for as long as two decades.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    Daggerfall Covenant, Long Live High King Emeric!

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    We felt King Emeric had the most virtuous, least selfish motivation of the three Alliances.

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    We have been growing over the years and currently have more than 300 members actively playing ESO, and another 30 still actively playing another MMO.

    Does your guild have a website?

    Yes, the ESO website was established in January 2013 at
    We have an excellent and comprehensive forum for our members, and a good portion of it can be accessed by the public. We have an events calendar, TeamSpeak status, along with a custom widget for TESOnline's twitter feed and a custom Google search engine to search out ESO related information. We also have two 512-user TeamSpeak servers.

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    Weekends and weekday evenings, although we have coverage around the clock due to members in different timezones.

    What countries do your members span?

    We have members in these timezones, from the US, Canada, Germany, UK, Australia, Brazil, Abu-Dhabi and more:

    (GMT -10:00) Hawaii
    (GMT -8:00) Pacific Time
    (GMT -7:00) Mountain Time
    (GMT -6:00) Central Time
    (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time
    (GMT -3:00) Brazil
    (GMT -1:00) Azores
    (GMT) Western Europe, UK
    (GMT +1:00) Brussels, Paris
    (GMT +4:00) Abu Dhabi
    (GMT +10:00) Eastern Australia

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?

    Dungeons, Skyshard runs, Cyrodiil AvA, and crafting!

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    We prefer to experience all that ESO has to offer, which helps keep it fresh and exciting. So most of us do a little of all of that!

    What makes your guild unique?

    Longevity and stability. We have been together since 1995, in MMO's for over 15 years. The founders have known each other for more than 20 years, we usually remain in an MMO for at least 5 years, and our members tend to range in age mostly from 25-65.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    Yes, we are one of the founding members of the Lion Watch, a DC AvA alliance, and suggested the name based upon the heraldry of the Lion and name association with the Lion Guard. We also belong to the West Empire Trading Company.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    Yes! For unusual events, we have held a photo shoot, and scavenger hunts for items such as Motif books.
    Outside of the game, we have been having membership meetings in TeamSpeak nearly weekly since last summer, and some of us even met up at PAX East this year to get to know each other.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?

    In ESO, was coordinating a 78-person Cyrodiil guild group (with multiple parties) to collect skyshards! Outside of ESO, it was having approximately 100 of us in a TeamSpeak slumber party all night before Early Access opened!

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    No, we tend to be of good alignment and despise most of them!

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    We can often be found in crafting halls throughout Tamriel when we have wrapped up our adventuring for the day. :-)

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    1. More than 95% of our members are into Crafting in some way!
    2. We have been in our last MMO for over 8 years, so we tend to stick around.
    3. Nearly all of our members have purchased the Imperial Edition of ESO!
    4. Our members rock! A more mature, polite group of folks than them would be hard to find.
    5. One of our members personally knows Larry "Akatosh" Also Known As The Old Smog Himself!

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    They should check our site at and read our Introductions thread in the public chat forum to get to know us all, and the information in our recruiting forum. If they like what they see, sign up there or contact @Karoneth or @Ravalox in-game for more information!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • lykan_spike
    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    Our Guild is Called End Effect, we will be the one's to bring an End to the Evil Forces in Tamriel.

    When was your guild formed?

    The guild was formed in the beta testing to build a team of commited people to take on the challenges inTamriel.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    End Effect's allegiance is to the Ebonheart Pact.

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    Ebonheart Pact has over come it's own difficulties to protect Tamriel and each race enhances the other's abilities to form a formidable alliance. Sometimes the most formidable alliances can be born from a simple understanding who share the same goals.

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    We currently have 75 members.

    Does your guild have a website?

    Our website can be found at

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    We have an average of 25 members online due the evening period from 7pm GMT - 11pm GMT

    What countries do your members span?

    We cover a variety nations, myself and the deputy leader are from the UK.

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?

    We enjoy helping each other on quests, running dungeons, jumping into Cyrodiil.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    We are currently focused on learning the game and making each other better players, our goal is to be competitive in PvP & PvE. We have a dedicated crafting team.

    What makes your guild unique?

    I would say what make's us unique is we don't believe in the guild listing function for members, everyone is entitled to anything in the guild bank at any time. Our ethos is Teamwork.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    We had a Guild alliance with another guild for a few weeks, but we decided to join forces and use End Effect as the main guild, and have The Council guild for the officers, this is navigate around the limitations with the guild ranks and permissions, and for the officers to chat, as this doesn't currently work. We have also found it doubles our Guild Bank capacity and allows better management for this.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    At the moment we are leveling at our own pace to enjoy the game, we do however intend to have our 4 PvP teams up and running from the start of May, we will also be having weekly competitions within the guild to earn rewards, birthdays will also be rewarded with an in-game event, maybe steak and mead in a tavern sharing stories of our adventures with our house band playing our greatest songs!

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?

    I would say it's seeing everyone come together, helping others out with quests or just general questions about the game, it already starts to feel like home from home!

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    I wouldn't say any Daedric Prince should be followed, but we have a soft spot for Sheogorath, it's been enjoyable doing his quest line and he know's how to have fun, which is why we are here at the end of the day.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    The most common place is to find us by the guild bank in one of the many cities! After a long day there is much to sort. Though we can always be found on our 250 slot ventrilo server chatting, you would expect a variety of topics but ESO is still most talked about!

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    Our GM runs his own IT Company so is forever taking support calls, and trying to sell computers to his members! Would Zenimax need a deal on some servers?

    We have a vampire and werewolf that is splitting loyalties! There is even talk of a Hybrid being born with the help of a great sorcerer.

    Kauto Star has been picked up by our GM as his horse of choice... Ever need a good tip, you know where to ask!

    The youngest member of our Guild is 7! He happens to be the GM's son, but we suspect he is planning a hostile take over!

    When you join the guild you are reminded that End Effect is the most feared guild in all of Tamriel. Prepare to enter the History Books and be remembered long after you pass, there will be songs sung in your honour!

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    They should visit our site and make an application or speak to @Lykan.Spike in game.
  • ShannonCross
    Soul Shriven

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    Our guild name is Cross. The name has no special history or origin but has been around in multiple MMOs for the last few years.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    Cross was formed in July of 2010 as a Casual guild in World of Warcraft. It quickly grew to a 10man hardcore raiding group that extended into the Expansion of Cataclysm. With the expansion nearing an end we decided to disband and most scattered while others went onto other games continuing the name of Cross. Some of these other games were Star Wars: The Old Republic, Planetside 2, DayZ, TERA, and briefly Neverwinter Online until finally settling with Elder Scrolls Online the exact same day that BETA was announced for ESO back in January 2013. Over the year from then to now we quickly grew to one of the most known Daggerfall Covenant guilds within the ESO community with a respected reputation that we are proud of.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    Daggerfall Covenant.

    Why did you choose that alliance?
    We decided to side with the underpopulated faction of the community. Not only that but many of our members were most excited to explore the Daggerfall Faction regions over those of the other factions.

    How many members does your guild currently have?
    Cross currently holds ~200+ members both registered on our website and in-game.

    Does your guild have a website?

    What times and days is the guild most active?
    While our guild is fairly active at all times of the day we typically see a peak of ~70 online members during weekdays after 7pm Eastern. We usually see a rise during the weekend to 95-130+ members online.

    What countries do your members span?
    Primarily our members reside within the United States and Canada but also have a large group of members that are from various other parts of the world such as:
    • Netherlands
    • United Kingdom
    • Brazil
    • Indonesia
    • Australia
    • New Zealand
    • Austria
    • Germany
    • South Korea
    • Italy

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?
    They seem to enjoy crafting and trading with each other to maximize their profits and crafting research items. Many tend to group up a lot for PvE leveling and/or dungeons. At the moment PvP is low priority since many wish to level before entering. We do have regular PvP events through the week which show a high turn out of members nearing 50-60 members with more each week participating.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    Cross supports and encourages all of the above and offers one or all for our members to partake in. Our primary focus is Community. To bring our members together and ultimately have a good time. We PvE and PvP as well as RP and Trade/Craft equally throughout the guild. We even have our own separate trading and crafting guild.

    Taken shortly after invading Ebonheart Pact's section within Cyrodiil.

    What makes your guild unique?
    One thing that has made Cross stand out from the crowd is that it is not just a guild but a community that is built on respect and friendship. Many would say our unique feature is that Cross is a guild with a openly LGBTQ friendly stance within the ESO community. We believe everyone has the right to be themselves without judgement.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    We work occasionally with other guilds but we have no formal alliance. We are open to the idea and proposals. If you are interested in working with us let us know!

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    Yes! Aside from our planned Adventure Zone (for the future) and Cyrodiil Events we also have Roleplay events on our Forums and in-game. We also have one of our extremely fun events we made for ESO called "Emote Charades". We reguarly host out-of-game Cards Against Humanity game nights which are tons of fun. Our plans hold other events for the future such as Monthly Gold Lottery, Daggerfall Dance-offs, Drunken Cyrodiil Nights (Rare), Drunken Adventure Zone Nights (Rare), First-Person Only Adventure Zone Nights, Hide n' Seek, Scavenger Hunts, and so much more! We plan to have new events each month created by our members for our members!

    Boxing Night?!

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
    Well most nights in the guild are quite memorable with the kind of guild chat we have going on. It is hard not to be constantly laughing after reading guild chat!

    But I suppose it would have to be that night we ended up being led into a mass "accidental" suicide off a cliff... Oops.


    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?



    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    Usually some location within Evermore or Sentinel. It varies from time to time. Our primary hangout spot is still yet to be discovered as many have various suggestions.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    1. Cross started it's dedication to ESO in January 2013 actively recruiting from then till now.
    2. We are a LGBTQ Friendly guild.
    3. We represent No Dice Gaming's North American Division ESO Guild.
    4. The guild website has extremely active forums that have over 40 new posts across 30+ threads a day! This usually doubles on the weekends!
    5. We have a lore rich section on our forums that members are always welcome to join whether a rookie or loremaster in RP.

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    To find out more on how to join Cross players can message the follow with questions:


    We expect all applicants to Cross to be 18 years or older and to be maining a character within the Daggerfall Covenant. Cross is currently under a very selective recruitment status and all players must apply on the website. Those who are interested may apply here:
    Edited by ShannonCross on April 18, 2014 1:35AM
  • Aparthesis

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    My guild is named The Sigil of the Seven Swords. The guild was named as such off the basis of the seven deadly sins and further adapted to involve sigils which play interesting parts into the ES universe.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    May 14, 2012. My best friend Baeleron and myself where talking about how hard it seemed to find in-depth and lore related Rp. It seemed to dawn on us that we should start our own guild, study some lore, and create some player driven stories. This went great until my friend got cancer and everything spiraled out of control. It wasn't until the release of ESO the life blood started pumping again in the halls of the SSS(Sigil of Seven Swords).

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    Aldmeri Dominion

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    During Beta I played all alliances on multiple characters and it was my experience that the players in the Dominion where always available when I needed a question answered or needed help. It was a huge factor in choosing which alliance to swear fealty to.

    It was also cause of the High Elves. There nature to mess with stuff that is usually out of their reach and seeming to always reach for a greater power fits quite well into what the guild is about.

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    We currently have 43 members and grow everyday.

    Does your guild have a website?

    It does^.^ -

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    We seem to always have someone wondering around the world with blades dripping or sending fire flying. If I had to say our peak hours are Noon to Midnight everyday.

    What countries do your members span?

    USA, Europe, Australia

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?

    Killing members of the other alliances seems to be the biggest hit. Though you need good gear to do that so delving the deeps in search for loot is about even. There is a select few of us that believe you can't play without a little RP. Whatever it is that meets your desire, you can find it here.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving
    dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    The focus of our guild is being a home for all and making sure there is something for everyone no matter what it is you could want. We love to hang out. Isn't the goal of joining a guild to have someone to group with, share in your triumphs, and your failures. To laugh at you when you fall off that cliff but lend you a helping hand to get back on your feet. We try and combine everything into one guild, a daunting task for sure but we tend to pull it off somehow. With the help of our members and our future members of course.

    What makes your guild unique?

    People. People are always what makes a guild unique. The fact that we can have so many different types of personalities and somehow not spontaneously combust
    is a perfect example of what makes us unique. There is a place in this guild for anyone cause there is already someone there that joined for the same reason.

    I also believe in having a guild that has a story. Whether you enjoy lore or role-playing or you don't even know what those are, at the very least you will know the guild you are a part of has a reason for existing and is related to the game you are playing.

    So it boils down to whatever it is that you seek in this game or this community you can find it here and that is the only promise I can make.


    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    We are not joined into any larger alliances but it does seem that we might have some upcoming enemies. Friends are fun but I tend not to fight them so having a few enemies is just as good.

    We do have special events at least every weekend and as we grow of course so will the events. Be sure to look out this weekend in Cyrodiil, somewhere we are wrecking havoc.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?

    Do I have to just pick one?

    My most memorable moment was going through a dungeon with some fellow members and we crashed at a boss and all re-spawned at the shrine (i'm not wasting a kidding me..I got legs). I was leading everyone and I thought I would take a shortcut. Well the shortcut ended in my death and I got to watch as everyone followed. I'm still laughing.

    My second...easily..walking the plank..traitors..


    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    Sheogorath, how I love you and hate you all at once. There is some in our order that loves you for the madness you embody and some of us wish we could change it. Whether we want to kill you, change you, or worship you we all acknowledge your strength.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    Our days never seem to never end. I assume one day we will find a place to settle down but there is always something more to explore and money to be made. If we gather it is usually in skywatch.

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    Apply at the guild website or contact in game -

  • ryandaniel30nub19_ESO
    1.What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    -Our guilds name is Hells Angels and that came about because we are a werewolf guild and it seemed to fit.
    2.When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    - We were formed on March 31st, 2014. We came to be because we were just playing one day and said hey wouldn't it be cool to have an army of werewolves.
    3.What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    - We have sworn our lives to the Ebonheart pact.
    4.What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    - Because it seemed to most suit out cause and on the idea that werewolves should only belong to one worthy alliance.
    5.How many members does your guild currently have?
    - We currently have 15 members and are recruiting more for our pack.
    6.Does your guild have a website?
    - No, we do not have a website just yet.
    7. What times and days is the guild most active?w -We are most active on the weekends all day. But during the week from 4:00 pm
    to 12:00pm.
    8.What countries do your members span?
    - Our members span from the United states to France
    9.What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?
    - Mostly the guild enjoys doing large group dungeons together, but i plan to integrate some pvp in there.
    10.What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    - Delving dungeons is our most preferred thing to do, but pvp does take place every now and then.
    11. What makes your guild unique?
    - That we are an all werewolf guild
    12.Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    - No we are a standalone guild but i plan to integrate with other werewolf guilds to form an army.
    13.Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    - No, but we do plan to in the future.
    14. What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
    - I think the creating of and the meeting of all the newcomers.
    15.Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    - We do worship hircine the god of the hunt.
    16. After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    - We like to take a load off at Riften and just relax and wonder the city.
    17. Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    - We are a strictly all werewolf guild.
    - We like to frolic in the fields of the rift on sunny days.
    - We don't like vampires or elves.
    - We love to explore dwemer ruins
    - We are the children of hircine himself.
    18. If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    - They should contact me at or in game send a private message to @SwagmasterPHD
    Final- Thank you for considering us for a featured guild.
  • MrDoubleTapChap

    What is your guild’s name?
    The Vylthor Family
    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    We were formed when Lamae Bal turned our family's Father and Mother into children of the night and tasked them to build a secret sect of her Bloodline, Cyrodiil Vampyrum. Read more on our lore here.
    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    We swear fealty to no alliance for we are persecuted for our beliefs.
    How many members does your guild currently have?
    Almost on hundred and counting!
    Does your guild have a website?
    Yes - check us out here.
    What times and days is the guild most active?
    All the time.
    What countries do your members span?
    Mostly America, Romania, and the Ukraine.
    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?
    Chatting about builds and working to acquire and level their vampiric gifts.
    What does your guild focus on in-game?
    We focus on helping our family members grow to become powerful and responsible vampires.
    What makes your guild unique?
    We are a Family, not a guild. This means we are more tightly-knit and are bound by blood. We are Vampires but do not believe in selling or buying bites.
    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    We hold pilgrimages for our loyal members to get the Gift from Bloodfiends that spawn.
    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
    Getting the opportunity to help all our curious and excited members experience Vampirism for the first time in ESO.
    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    We especially despise Molag Bal for what he did to Blood Matron Lamae.
    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    In a dark cave to exchange tales of our adventures - but only for a moment. The night calls to its children.
    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    • We're for Vampires and those interested in Vampires.
    • We are working to set up a system that tracks Bloodfiend spawning for our newer members to use.
    • We enjoy taking your sweetrolls.
    • Our Patriarch was one of the first people to be turned into a Vampire upon official game release.
    • We are full of interesting people with amazing and unique talents that we learn more and more about each day

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    Message Vaelan in-game or visit us on the web.
    Edited by MrDoubleTapChap on April 21, 2014 9:16PM
  • n.englishb14_ESO

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    Exiles of Artaeum, The name speaks for itself but also alludes to the real life history of the guild. Its founders were essentially exiled from another current guild(though the term succession is now more accurate). Our role playing history is found here:

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    It was formed in February, as a result of an intense political dispute among the leaders of another guild. 3 members left or were expelled from the previous guild (which will go unnamed as a courtesy), due to mistreatment and verbal abuse. These 3 banded together, and used their unique skills to build a new guild, website, user base, and social outlet.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to? Aldmeri, For the queen.

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    The founders all had separate reasons, but as exiles of Artaeum, we struck out to the alliance we felt would be best served to unite the lands and strike against Molag Bal. The elven may be haughty but they are also long lived and can put racial disputes below current priorities.

    How many members does your guild currently have? 44

    Does your guild have a website?
    What times and days is the guild most active? Between 4am and 8pm EST
    What countries do your members span? USA, and several countries in Europe

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?

    As there is no beta, or launch for the PS4 yet we play other games like
    Mercenary Kings and Battlefield 4

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    Our members have a wide range of interests and our guild serves to bring those with those interests together. We have systems set up for Trade, Role playing, crafting, and seeking victory in PvP. One of our founders is dedicated to PvP and Trade, and another is dedicate to role playing and crafting.

    What makes your guild unique?

    Our guild is the only multinational PS4 guild in the Aldmeri Dominion. It was developed by PC players for Console players so it has all of the supports in place for them. We have made the social aspect of the PS4 a direct component of our guild and want each and every member to be able to showcase their story and their character.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    Not at this time, however; we do have 2 guilds we have historical connections too(albeit strained)

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    We currently have a story contest we are hosting, and the entries are very interesting. Showcasing the depths of character members have created.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?

    Non applicable, still waiting for beta.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    The daedric princes are powerful, but are no more than powerful spirits. They are not gods, but if our members subscribe to their teachings so be it.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    A guild base will be decided upon launch.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    We have made a guild showcase video
    Our guild was not one of the original 3 PS4 guilds(though half of our members were members of said guilds)
    We are on good terms with only the Knights of Stendarr(a DC PS4)
    One of our founders is a game developer, One a chemical/software engineer, Another an avid gamer
    We intend to have huge streaming events.

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    Just google "exiles of artaeum " and go to the recruitment page
    Edited by n.englishb14_ESO on April 18, 2014 2:14AM
  • Catdrexion
    • What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
      The Iliac Order. It refers to the body of water in between High Rock, Hammerfell and Orsinium (when it's not being sacked or moved) the Iliac Bay.
    • When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.A couple months ago I got a few friends together from a roleplaying site that were interested in pre-launch RP and did a bit of brainstorming, came up with a concept and a story and started a website.
    • What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
      The Daggerfall Covenant
    • Why did you choose that alliance?
      That is where the majority of our original member's characters were born.
    • How many members does your guild currently have?
      39 in game, a few more on the website.
    • Does your guild have a website?
    • What times and days is the guild most active?
      Most of the day, we're in a few different timezones.
    • What countries do your members span?
      The United States and Canada
    • What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?
    • What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
      Heavy RP and a ton of PVP, mostly gank squads and small scale raids since we don't have many people yet.
    • What makes your guild unique?
      The backstory, obviously, and our leadership system. Instead of giving all power to one guild master, we have a council of five officers who get equal say in everything and input from members so nobody in the guild feels excluded and keeps the guild going in a direction where everyone is happy.
    • Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
      A group of RP/PVP guilds called The Covenant. We joined before early access so we'd have more allies on the battlefield, but we haven't interacted with them much.
    • Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
      We host roleplaying events in Weynon Priory and the surrounding area and also run assault groups and gank squads in Cyrodiil.
    • What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?We once repelled seven consecutive Aldmeri Dominion zergs on our owned fort (with the help of some non-guilded PVPers looking to group)
    • Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
      No, but the in-character religious beliefs of our members does vary.
    • After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
      The Weynon Priory Monastic Lodge
    • Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
      -The black tree on our sigil represents the Wyrd trees of High Rock
      -The Council of Five exists both in and out of character
      -In character we are extremely serious, out of character we are ridiculous
      -Most of us are MMO and PVP veterans, and most were in various betas
      -We have a guy in our teamspeak who can sound like Harbinger from Mass Effect with terrifying accuracy
    • If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
      In game: @Hadrexion1 @Laelette @Grimlacing @DerrenCoyle @kitsuneshoujo‌
      or apply at the website listed earlier.

  • Soylentbob
    Soul Shriven
    The name of my guild is Free Guild. The name is based off the Free World Charter, where all resources are shared regardless of their value.

    This guild was formed so that everyone in the guild would have access to them at anytime. Members are allowed to take and leave whatever they like.

    The guild is sworn to the Ebonheart Pact. May the Dumner reign high.

    I choose the Ebonheart Pact solely because of the Dunmer. I’ve enjoyed the Dark Elfs and Marrowind for many years.

    So far there are 10 members. I hope that will change with the guild spotlight.

    No website for the guild.

    Guild is mostly active between the hours of 14:00 and 20:00 MST

    Currently members are in USA

    No current activities at this time as a group.

    Currently we have mostly been crafting items.

    The guild is unique because we accept all players in the game. On one is turned away for low level or not offering items to trade.

    We are not part of any larger guilds at this time.

    No special events at this time.

    So far I’ve enjoyed inviting players into the guild. It’s a hard task and only have been able to get one player to join.

    No Daedric Princes are fallowed at this time. (Praise be unto Sithis!) Oh did I just say that out loud?

    Guild likes to chill in the Fish Stink.

    Five facts. 1. We accept everyone. 2. All items are free trade. 3. We feel everything should be free. 4. Help one another to build a better Nirn. 5. Praise be unto Sithis.

    If anyone would like to join the guild contact the founder Soylentbob. Player @Kiyarsa Jayas
    Edited by Soylentbob on April 19, 2014 1:57AM
  • Raynal

    Vanguard of Artemis

    - Vanguard of Artemis, the name in which our pack master Fenrir Goldback remembered after his first transformation.

    "One thing I have learned on my many travels is that there are more than one realm. Through a unknown reason I was given a vision from the Daedric Prince Hircine of another world, not just that, but multiple worlds of different colors, shapes and sizes. One thing was common among them all, the entire time there was a shadow of a wolf cloaking my eyes slightly and these names burning themselves into my head. When I awoke in a forest surrounded by blood the last name was still fresh in my eyes, Artemis. From that day forth I have become a harbinger - A leader - of the Werewolf kind, gathering them in great numbers under the title of this name, for we are chosen to hunt. To bring back the lost glory of the hunt, and to show our world, our realm what true strength is!

    Though this task is a hard one, I have already gather strong and loyal pack of Sister and Brother wolves to join my cause. We shall see the Great Hunt through to the end, we will make the world bleed!"
    - Fenrir Goldback

    - We formed over a common bond, the thrill of the hunt. Artemis bestowed his gift upon each of us, then we shared his gift with our chosen few. We wish to increase our numbers with adventure loving, RP players.

    - We have aligned ourselves with the Aldmeri Dominion, but fight for the Vanguard first and foremost. Most of our players prefer the beauty of the Valenwood forests or just simply to play as Wood elf, Khajit, or High elf.

    - We currently have 35 members in our pack.

    - Our website is

    - Our guild is active throughout all times of the day.

    - We have guild members from all over the globe. We are international.

    - Our Guild mostly enjoys taking part in the hunt together. Shedding our skin and running rampant whenever possible. We also enjoy adventuring in dungeons and strange lands in the quest for gold and treasured artifacts.

    - All of the above, we role-play most of it, but we complete dungeons, fight for our HQ in Cyrodiil and help with any crafting that anyone needs.

    - What makes us unique is our dedication to role-playing and being an all Werewolf based guild. If you are not blessed with the gift, one of our own will grant it to you through the trials.

    - Special events - initiations for promotions, trials for entry, role-playing quests. Fun activities also - races across Tamriel, best screen shot of the week competition and short story/fan-fiction competition.

    - Favorite part of the guild - The promotion from pup (recruit) to the pack (member) where I was tested on my brawn by completeing a dungeon, my brains by solving several riddles that gave me the location on the Guild Oath room, where I then repeated our guild moto and was accepted as one of the pack.

    - Hircine, though to us he is known as many different gods who all share the Hunt, we call him Artemis.

    - We like to unwind at Hightide Keep which is close to our Oath room. It allows pack members access to crafting stations while also being an indoor area for the guild to meet and relax. Also allows pack members to craft armor sets if they are experienced enough.

    - Five fun facts - We are a full werewolf guild which is different to most - We hold fun activities and competitions - We have trials and initiations to be promoted to make it feel more like we are in the world of Tamriel - Everyone's opinion is welcome - we don't just play TESO with each other and nothing else, we get to know each other and become friends in real life.

    - If people wished to join our guild they are welcome to contact @Panterra01 - Fenrir Goldback, or visit the guild website and apply to join on the recruitment page.
    Edited by Raynal on April 18, 2014 9:02AM
    "I was born in darkness, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!"
  • Goldie
    [img] Abbey GRP Pic.png[/img]

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    Ex-Imperial General 'Goldie Khan' leads the legendary and revered 'Khans Legion', General Khan, having led the 12th Imperial Legion through many successful campaigns, gained legendary status in the defense of the Imperial City. Knowing that the city would fall, Khan saved countless lives by ordering the Legion to withdrawal to the Abbey of the Eight, to the southwest of the city. As the members of the 12th started to regroup at the Abbey, some of the soldiers started referring to what was left of their Legion, as Khans Legion, due to General Khans heroism.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    Khans Legion was forged in the fires of ESO Beta. The founding members, through exploration and adventure, came up with the story of the Legion and set out to make it happen.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    After the collapse of the empire, the Legion made camp in Cyrodiil at the Abbey of the Eight. As war once again swept over the landscape, General Khan, knowing that the Legion would be caught in the middle of a three way conflict, made a pact with Queen Ayrenn, and pledged to help the Aldmeri Dominion reclaim the Imperial City and the Ruby Throne that the Legion has sworn to defend.

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    General Khan and the Legion see strength in Queen Ayrenn and the Dominion. Working with the Dominion in order to restore the stability of rule in Tamriel is all that matters to the Legion.

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    Khans Legion currently has more than 500 loyal members!

    Does your guild have a website?

    Khans Legion runs a website packed full of helpful info, guides, links to official ESO news, an events calendar for members, and much much more!

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    The Legion is most active during Day and Evening in United States timezones, but we have such a diverse member pool, from all over the world, that we always have members online!

    What countries do your members span?

    The Legion has members from countries all across the globe. Japan, Australia, Denmark, Canada, England, Scotland, and the United States just to name a few!

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?

    The Legion enjoys every aspect of ESO together. From Delves & Dailies, to waging War in Cyrodiil, we are always together and laughing all the way!

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    Khans Legion has ties to nearly every aspect of ESO gameplay. We have officers that run Guild Trials Groups, and others that are solely dedicated to leading PvP Groups and some that organize groups for Delves and Dungeons!

    What makes your guild unique?

    Khans Legion accepts all players into the ranks, but adheres to a strict code of rules. Rules referred to as KCRL.

    1. Kindness: Be kind to all you meet in your travels.
    2. Compassion: If you see a fellow player in need, do what you can to help.
    3. Respect: Always be respectful to those you meet in your adventures, you never know when you may need their help in the future (or want to be in their teamspeak).
    4. Love: We all have a mutual shared love for the Elder Scrolls, we are all vigilant and mindful, and work as a whole to keep the game true to the Lore of the Series, and free from those who seek to corrupt it.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    The Legion spearheads an Alliance with Several other Dominion Guilds, forming an Alliance of Guilds with a player pool of over 2500+ Members. (This Alliance is referred to as B.E.A.S.T. in short, as the Official Name we chose for the Alliance is staggeringly long; the 'Brotherhood of Empires Alliance, of Southern Tamriel'.)

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    Khans Legion sponsors a wide variety of Guild Events from Fishing Tournaments to Daily PVP Groups, Treasure Hunts, Playing Hide and Seek in a new town each week, and holding weekly Guild Raffles!

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?

    Were you there the day Handy McFeets almost solo'd Drakelowe Keep? It was EPIC!!!

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    Hircine is secretly revered by several, somewhat furry, Legion Members. Molag Bal and Clavicus Vile have cursed others as creatures of the night.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    The Legion has adopted an in-game Tower as our Official Guild Hall, where we relax, conduct and stage Guild Meetings and Officer Conferences, but we will keep that location secretly between members. ;-P

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    1. Khans Legion founder 'Goldie Khan' in-game, received TES Arena in Easter of 1994 (almost 21 years ago), after expecting to get the game for Christmas in December of 1993, which was the official release date. (Bethesda missed their release date by a few months).

    2. The Legion has officers dedicated solely to different aspects of the game. We have Officers for PvE, PvP, Trials, Trading, Raffles, and Roleplay!

    3. Khans Legion has members from all around the world. We have forged friendships that span continents and oceans by playing the game that we love.. together.

    4. The Legion is member supported and operated. All members of the Legion contribute to our growing community. From artwork, to video content, we have a ton of stuff for just about every type of gamer!

    5. Khans Legion has a consistent online presence in-game. There are Guild Officers online 24/7 (aside from downtime) who are ready to ride in on steeds of Golden Glimmering Fire to help you take down that nasty Goblin Warchief!

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    To join Khans Legion, or our Trading Guild visit us at;
    or Look for us in game!
    Or Contact;
    'Goldie Khan' @‌tzolkin

    Edited by Goldie on July 1, 2015 7:04AM
    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood. Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves" - M'aiq the Liar
  • HaTsUnE_NeKo

    What is your guild’s name?
    Tamriel Trade Outpost
    Our name reflects our guilds goals, as being primarily traders. for every where in ESO you meet someone who needs good. or that special research. and we help provide that need.

    When was your guild formed?
    We formed on the first day of pre launch of ESO. we have no other affiliations with any other off site or long established guilds that have formed in other games.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    TTO has no set fealty that we have sworn to. For trade and research crosses all borders and races. we have players in every faction.

    How many members does your guild currently have?
    We are a slow growing guild and last count we had 130+ members.
    + This is updated to over 200 Members now {5/22/14}+

    Does your guild have a website?
    We recently where able to acquire a forum of our own. you may click this link to head to Tamriel Trade Outpost Forums

    What times and days is the guild most active?
    Most of our members play thru 8am PST to around 2am PST, it starts to die down around midnight mostly

    What countries do your members span?
    We have discovered that our members are from across the globe, with nearly a member on every continent on the planet. (Excluding Antarctica, we think...)

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?
    We do have our members get together and do crafting parties, they are starting out small but as we get more members we will have bigger events, maybe even PVP.

    What does your guild focus on in-game?
    We focus primarily on Trading, Crafting and Research. We are dedicated to improving Tamriel weapons and armour and make a good amount of gold in the process, for we are trades and we do love our piles of gold!

    What makes your guild unique?
    It would be our research and how we go about it. We encourage everyone to drop in items to help everyone else out. Help others when they call out if anyone has a specific trait that someone else needs. The more crafting options our members have the more in demand they will become.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds?
    No we are not. but we could also be secretly looking for one. for you never know!!

    Does your guild ever host special events?
    I am currently working on making a special event for our members, a huge guild event for crafting and swapping crafted items for others to DC and raise their levels. With our materials gathers i was planning a who can get the most mats contest with a special prize for the winner and 2nd and 3rd place. But its a secret so shhhhh!!!!

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
    Would have to say when our guild store was open for the first time. For thats when the gold started rolling thru. Any trader is happy to make their first gold, as is any Crafter is overjoyed when that piece of armour or weapon they worked so hard on is finally sold to someone they know will use it for good, or for evil.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince?
    Over all we do not follow one, but the closest and mostly secret would be Hermaeus Mora, for knowledge is power, and knowledge know one else knows about and we only hold can make us rich beyond our wildest dreams. and give us better items to craft and sell that no one else has.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    Researching and crafting do not take breaks, so we don't have time to sit back and wind down. for we enjoy our trade and craft. giving us satisfaction when we complete something new.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    1. A Mad Cat runs the guild and she calls herself the Power Mad Wench! no really she does.
    2. Our chat can be layed back and at times full of silliness.
    3.Our Recruiting messages hardly ever stay the same and will sometimes become silly just to be different from everyone else advertising their guilds.
    4. In truth we are a guild full of hungry undead trying to lure snacks into it. but says we want only un-dead to join us. Brainz!!!!! yum!
    5. We really like shinnies, I mean how can you not?? its shiny!!

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    They can contact the guild leader HaTsUnE_NeKo. or visit our new Forum and fill out the application to join.
    Edited by HaTsUnE_NeKo on May 22, 2014 11:37PM
  • BluteMeister
    Cult of Cthulhu

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    The name of our guild is Cult of Cthulhu, it has a very special significance, we were/are a cult of moderately deranged folks, Cthulhu found us and now he is our dark lord and savior.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    When did we form our guild? When the stars were just right.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    The Cult of Cthulhu is currently aligned with the Ebonheart Pact.

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    Our choice of faction alliance was simply due to one of our master's random whims. The guild could have just as easily gone with either of the two other factions if our master had wished it so.

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    We are proud to say that we currently have 250 active members/cultists!

    Does your guild have a website?

    Our guild website can be found at

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    We are the sleepless children of the Elder Gods; the Cult of Cthulhu is ever present in fishy smells and unholy chants. We are the unsettling rumble of your stomach, the inexplicable gag.

    What countries do your members span?

    Can you please rephrase the question? Because we currently have members who are not of this dimension.

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?

    We enjoy the literary connection between Elder Scrolls titles and Lovecraftian lore, which is obviously an influence. To extend that realm for exploration and experience within a guild that shares interest in that connection is fun!

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    When we're not busy spreading the word about our lord and savior Cthulhu, we like to raid dungeons, participate in weekly role-play events, and work to leave our mark upon Cyrodiil.

    What makes your guild unique?

    What makes us unique? Why, we have the Necronomicon!

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    Our guild currently in an alliance with the guild of players who have seen fit to name themselves the Nightmare Legion.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    Do we hold special events? Why, of course. Every Wednesday we go door-to-door in Mournhold asking the citizens, "Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about our dark lord and savior Cthulhu?"


    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?

    The moment our guild claimed it's first keep on the Goldbrand Campaign of Cyrodiil. (Castle Bloodmayne :D)


    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    Absolutely! Cthulhu will consume them all in time, so we kind of pay it forward.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    The Mountains of Madness, of course.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    1. We dream of a vacation home in R'yleh
    2. We're crazy. No, literally. We're crazy!
    3. Our leader won a spelling bee as he was the ONLY one to correctly spell 'IA!' "
    4. Our guild's favorite song is that Moby smash hit, 'We are all made of Star-Spawn'.
    5. We love calamari.

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    There are currently two methods to joining the Cult of Cthulhu, interested players can either sign up and express interest in joining on our website at, or contact me via in game at @Asmoral -- Mephisto.

    Edited by BluteMeister on April 21, 2014 3:43PM
    Character(s): Crowley, Gluttony, Mephisto, Tabula Smaragdina
    Main Class: Sorcerer (Heals)
    Alliance: EP
    Guild Master of Cult of Cthulhu
  • wOOOOt_of_SD
    • What is your guild’s name?
      Semper Danica
      "SD" in short.
    • Does that name have a special history of significance?
      It is latin and mean "Always Denmark". Being an all Danish guild, we both wanted the name to reflect our nationality, but also to be understood by non danes in the international MMO Community.
    • When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
      SD was formed in late 2002 when I was searching for fellow danes to play Star Wars Galaxies with. My "looking for Danes" threads on the official SWG boards quickly grew to several long threads, and the danis community there decided to start an all Danish guild for SWG.
      After a few months, SWG didn't deliver for some of our members, and a lot went back to DAoC, where we also formed SD. And since then we decided to be a mixed hardcore/casual and mixed MMO guild. Why quite a nice guild, just because some MMO developers don't deliver what we need?
    • What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
      We play as the Daggerfall Covenant.
      But choosing side in every new MMO, is alway a big event in the guild. Because for SD, the guild came before all the MMO's we try out, so its not like most guilds that are formed for a specific MMO with a pre-chosen faction/alliance.
      In our guild, we decide faction with a poll, and the majority wins. And somehow our polls are alway extremely close, like 49/51 right to the end.
      But because our members are really devoted and have strong bonds with the guild, the loosing side never quit, but accept the result and follow the guild even though they lost.
    • Why did you choose that alliance?
      Because Daggerfall got the most votes by our members.
    • How many members does your guild currently have?
      As a guild total, we have around 350-400 danish members playing different MMO's. In ESO we have about 100 old members and 30 new ESO trials.
    • Does your guild have a website?
      Our forum is our Guild Home Base. And with more than 150 daily unique visitors and around 200-400 new daily posts, we are more forum social and active than most guilds.
    • What times and days is the guild most active?
      Since we are all Danes, and play the EU server, you can find us online mostly between 11am - 11pm GMT+1, with our rush hour being 5pm - 10pm GMT+1.
    • What countries do your members span?
      We are all Danes.
      We love to play with all other nationalities, but back when we started, when the MMO genre was young, there was something appealing to us to show that even if Denmark is a tiny little country, we can still form a great guild. And so we did!
    • What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?

      That would be all of them except roleplaying hehe. One of our guild policies is that we embrace all parts of the MMO. So we have members doing everything from crafting, gathering, soloing, doing dungeons and a lot love the ESO PVP.
      Some delve deep in the vast story, and some skip through it all to get to endgame fast hehe.
      What almost everyone is looking forward to is the Adventure Zones and endgame raiding.
      So far, ESO seem to have hit the sweet spot for our guild, giving everyone some of what they love most about MMO's. We just cross our fingers, that ESO will keep us entertained and challenged on a longterm basis!
    • What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
      I guess I just answered this question above :smiley:
    • What makes your guild unique?
      Well, that would be a good mix of keep going strong for 11+ years, being all Danish, and one of our coutrys largest guilds. Combined with being a bunch of Old farts in the eye of the average gamer. And last but not least being a very large guild, that still manage to be very social, friendly and free from serious drama.
    • Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

      We are part of the Nordic Daggerfall Alliance - NDA :wink:
      We started the alliance with the Danish Solution Guild, and now we are around 4 Danish guild in the alliance. Its only a Danish alliance to start with. If we have room for more, we will invite some of our brothers from Sweden and Norway.
    • Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
      One of the reasons we are all Danish, is that Denmark is a small country, so we don't have far to travel for Guild Events in real life.
      So a big thing in our guild is several yearly random events like parties, movie events, bowling, paintball, dinners etc. etc. But the main event every year is our large Christmas Party, where we usually have 100+ members attending.
    • What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
      The game is still young, so we have only had one guild/alliance PVP event with 100+ players joining.
      But the moment where every member online fell down the chair laughing, was right in the beginning, where we are sitting 40+ on our mumble chat, and one member says that he is now lvl 6, but he cannot find any of us ingame, and he wanted to join the ingame guild. We tried to help him find us, but the best - and correct suggestion was, that he stopped playing US server, and joined us on the EU server :smiley:
    • Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
      Well no - we do not roleplay. But we do suspect several members of having a very dark sence of humour!
    • After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
      We hang out in our mumble chat, on the forums, and with friends and family in real life ;o)
    • Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
      - More than 5000 danes have applied for membership over the past 11 years.
      - Several married couples met each other via the guild. We call it Semper Dating. Personally I also live with my girlfriend from the Guild who also play ESO.
      - It's 11 Am. And there are currently 112 people on our forum, that holds 48,944 threads and 758,687 posts.
      - We only have 5 rules to guide our members. They are our values, and boil down to respect and good behaviour. And our guild is 99% drama free.
      - Our guild have been in the national medias for interviews several times, both papers and television, often related to a new MMO release.
      We don't seek fame or focus, but we try to spread the good message, that MMO gaming is not just for gaming geeks, but a good serious and social hobby for lots of "normal" people with family, jobs, kids, other hobbies and real life on the side.
    • If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

      We are open to a few new trials, but remember we only accept danes who are 18+. Contact is via our application forum here:øgninger-til-SD
      Our recruitment officer in ESO is @Panseranden

  • Thegremlin599
    (excuse me for some possible spelling and grammar mistakes, English isn't my main language)

    As the leader of the major Flemish guild Axiom I would like to provide some feedback on the current guild system.
    I think you have a solid base now but I would like so more control over my guild, some more combustibility if you know what I mean.
    For example:

    • Guild ranks can be created or deleted so you can have more or less than 4, I think 4 is a little bit on the low side
    • An in-game event planner so that we don't need a site to plan a guild event, a site costs money and not all people want to go to a site every time they want to know something about the guild.
    • please make it so that you can place more characters in the guild description and MOTD.
    • The guild bank in my opinion is also missing some customization options, instead of saying that rank has access to the bank and that rank doesn't, why not work with tabs? or as example let the guild master decide on how many bank slots each rank gets. Maybe guild bank space upgrades would also be handy.
    • I would like that guilds could have their own banner that distinguishes it from other guilds, like if a certain guild claims a keep that the banner of that guild shows on that keep, or on the map. I hope you know what I mean with this.
    • this is maybe a far fetched feature but it would be quite cool if you could buy a guild house or keep with a message board, a guild store, a guild banker. And what would also be cool is that you could for example as a guild invest in the house or crib or how you want to call it to buy upgrades for it like make it bigger, buy objects, place crafting possibilities and so forth. This crib or house thing could than be visited by other player to give an idea of the guild they are dealing with.

    In my opinion all of these suggestions are very do able and would enhance the guild system significantly. I hope some or all of these suggestions get implemented, please don't discard these ideas. A good guild system in a game really improves how the game feels, with a good guild system you feel like you are part of a community which makes it so much more enjoyable to log on every day. It gives you a reason to play.

    Please tell me what you think about these ideas.
  • Scan
    •What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    Relentless, it stems from groups desire to complete hard and challenging content, to keep going even in the face of defeat.

    •When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    We were originally a group of RL friends that played UO in 1997, the guild has developed and grown over many years and many games, there are currently 85 core members but over 400 in ESO.
    •What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?


    •Why did you choose that alliance?

    Random choice.

    •How many members does your guild currently have?

    85 core members, 30 or so very active and over 400 in ESO.

    •Does your guild have a website?

    Not specifically, we use a social website to stay in contact and organise ourselves.

    •What times and days is the guild most active?

    Everyday, all times. International group.

    •What countries do your members span?

    The world. We have people from everywhere, the only stipulation is the ability to speak clear English.

    •What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?

    Grinding to V10 at the moment, we are endgame specialists and only come alive when under pressure and stress.

    •What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    All aspects of the game.
    •What makes your guild unique?

    The players in it.

    •Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    No, but we are all members of other clans.

    •Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    Not yet!

    •What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?

    Getting know the new players in TeamSpeak.

    •Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?


    •After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    Gags on TS.

    •Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    We have players that loved UO and still reminisce to this day.
    We have players that killed the sleeper in EQ1 - even though he was designed to be immortal.
    We have players that killed C'thun in Vanilla, possibly the hardest encounter due to the co-ordination of 40 players.
    We have many YT vids of ingame fun, from crashing the server to pirate invasions.
    We age from 16-60.

    •If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    @scan69 in ESO or Shaun Paul Saunders on Facebook or by e-mail.
  • Lifemaul
    • What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

      Name: Death Nation

      Significance, First real Toon I ever made was Deathmaul51 in Runescape like 10 years ago. After that I always stuck with something to do with death in guild names and usually something to do with Maul in other names.

    • When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

      I met other gamers from a lot of other games. When ESO came out we decided to get together and start several guilds. We met up with other guilds who had done the same thing and joined forces.

      We formed the guild the 2nd day of Pre-Release.

    • What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

      The Only real Alliance. (AD)
    • Why did you choose that alliance?

      Most of the people that we have in our guilds have main characters in AD.
    • How many members does your guild currently have?

      Currently the guild I am the owner of has 12 members, it isn't used much just yet as we have other guilds that the group uses.

      I am recruiting for my guild and anyone vet+ I will refer to the other higher level groups if interested.
    • Does your guild have a website?

      Working on it, was late to the game as first time knowing about it was when I bought it. 2nd Day of pre release. Wish I had more time to look into things like this.

    • What times and days is the guild most active?

      Early to late evenings Eastern Time USA, some times early morning/mid afternoon.
    • What countries do your members span?

      Any and all, we don't hate.
    • What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?

      PVP has been a favorite as well as questing and dunging.

    • What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

      All of the Above and then some, we play the game in ways that everyone wants to. We break up into groups and when those groups get to big to manage we split them and appoint new leaders and new groups. As well as new ideas, and game play fun!
    • What makes your guild unique?

      Just about everyone in the guild is different from the next. We hate BS and Drama and simple cut it out at the heart of the source.

    • Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

      Yes, we have several Gaming communities that we are a part of.

      Legacy Gaming
      *** Deep Gaming
      Outcry Gaming
      Deth Nation Gaming
      The Deth Legion
      and more to come..... (some don't own the game yet)

    • Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

      Yes, we use Team Speak and Mumble to coordinate events, as well as Guild Chat and groups to make sure people are where they need to be doing what they need to be doing.

    • What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?

      We owned the Emperor on PVP twice, it was awesome fighting him. Taking scrolls is always a blast.

    • Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

      Unknown... Sorry, I do not understand the question. Ask around for more information.

    • After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

      At home with families, haha just kidding. We take to TS and PVP to have some intense PVP battles and chit chat about the day.

      After PVP music, leader meetings, and more.

    • Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

      We have someone who has the name "America"

      While in PVP we had to deal with a spy stealing the scroll and taking it to lava and dropping it in.

    • If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    We don't want you....

    Just Kidding contact one of these guys to get a guild invite. Just say you saw the post on the forums and want an invite. We will kick you if we don't like you.




    -Leaders of Death Nation
  • jovial

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    Our name is Astral Riders. The name is related to a dangerous area of exploration in the MMORPG where our community was born, Allods Online.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    The guild itself was formed in the MMORPG Allods Online back in 2009 from a few different endgame guilds and players wanting to merge for a stable endgame guild. We became a gaming community with the release of RIFT, and has since also branched out to titles such as Star Wars The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2, and now Elder Scrolls Online. Smaller groups of us also play other games, such as DayZ and Path of Exile.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    We are sworn to the Daggerfall Covenant.

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    It was the preference of the majority of our members for its questline and beautiful maps. Also, some of us are hardcore elf-haters, so that had an impact too!

    How many members does your guild currently have?


    Does your guild have a website?


    What times and days is the guild most active?

    All days, late afternoon to midnight CET (GMT+1).

    What countries do your members span?

    Mostly european countries in the CET timezone, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, France, etc. We strictly speak english in guildchat and Teamspeak.

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?

    Right now, as we are all leveling, we mostly enjoy coming together for dungeons and Cyrodiil.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    We are open to all parts of the game. We have quite a few dedicated crafters, and we will participate in both fights in Cyrodiil as well as raids in Craglorn. Regular dungeon runs will also be a regular feature.


    What makes your guild unique?

    We are casual, yet progressive. We will participate in all of the content without crazy schedules and hardcore atmosphere. We offer a stable and friendly long term gaming community that members can benefit and be a part of even after they stop playing whatever game they joined us through.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    Not at the moment, though we may be open to trading alliances and PvP alliances in the future.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    We are planning to start hosting regular Cyrodiil events soon, as well as regular Craglorn raiding sessions when more of us hit VR10+.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?

    I think we all have our own favorite memories, for many of us it has been doing guild dungeon runs for the first time, learning the tactics for a new boss.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    We don't generally meddle in our members religious life, we are very tolerant. :)


    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    Do you know the old saying; neither a borrower or a lender be? Rubbish! Without borrowers and lenders, how would we ever be able to buy or sell anything? But pardon me. Welcome to the bank of Daggerfall. :)

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    1. Some of our members have played together for nearly 8 years.
    2. Our members age span is between 18 to 55. Most of us being in our 20's or 30's.
    3. We're too lazy to come up with 5 fun facts.

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    If you wish to join, go directly to our website and apply (, or if you have some specific question, feel free to whisper @Gudzilla or @jovial in game.
    Edited by jovial on April 18, 2014 12:08PM
  • ZurinArctus

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    High Rock. Possibry!

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    3/30 during first day of Early Access. Guild came to be from brother and I being Daggerfall fanatics. It was a simple name, and one easily recognizable in regards to Wayrest and such.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Why did you choose that alliance?
    Is there really a choice? The Dominion and Pact can't compete.

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    Does your guild have a website?
    No. Our contributions have been made towards fan sites and other in game material and lore. Our guild is not big enough to necessitate a personal guild website.

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?
    Leveling and eagerly awaiting next tier of gear to craft. Exploring as well as reading all the books and lore materials we come across!

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    Combination of dungeon delving and crafting. We've done some Cyrodiil for skyshards and dungeons, but nothing beyond that for PvP.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    No we're our own group. We have no particular ties to any other guilds or any alliances.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    Not an organized event, but have helped plenty of newcomers in Daggerfall... getting them familiar overall with the game. It's pretty cool running into people who have played Arena and Daggerfall, we get some good chats going.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
    Glitching out doing dance twirls while flying through the air. I was showing as on the ground, twirling but on others screens it was shown as above the tree line.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    We follow Mehrunes Dagon and pegasus dance group in Cyrodiil, along with Sheogorath and his cheese palette. No cabbage though.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    Daggerfall or Wayrest.
  • aidevelopmentb16_ESO
    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    Moon Sugar Traders Inc. ... Yes, it does. Hopefully it is obvious to all, without having to be spelled out.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    Back in beta ~ September. Somebody was spamming /zone with "WTT Moon Sugar for Skooma PST" as a joke. Bam! Guild was formed.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    Those are harsh words... we're primarily composed of Aldmeri Dominion members. Of course, we would never turn one down for being born in another land.

    Why did you choose that alliance?
    AD was pre-determined in beta to be the strongest alliance, also the Skooma quests fit in well.

    How many members does your guild currently have?
    Over 100 members. We focus on working together and scratching each other's backs, far more than numbers of members.

    Does your guild have a website?
    Yes, simple for now, will be re-designed in the future. Moon Sugar Traders Inc. Guild Website

    What times and days is the guild most active?
    M-F Evenings in NA timezones, and weekends. We also have a number of Oceanic players who are online during evening Oceanic hours.

    What countries do your members span?
    Canada, U.S., Australia, New Zealand at least.

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?
    We focus on crafting, lore, and group PvE; however everyone is welcome. We will be expanding in to heavy trading, PvP, exploration, etc soon.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    We have quite a collection of members, with many subgroups, who work together to get the most out of the experience.

    What makes your guild unique?
    We're very helpful and caring for each others. We don't ask a lot of questions, we don't judge. We work together for the better of all of us.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    Yes, our guild is a member of The Aldmeri Council. We joined TAC to expand our network of contacts and opportunities.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    As of yet, none have been guild wide, due to our unique and broad member base. However, this will certainly be done more often in the future, as members progress in level, content, and relations.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
    A couple of our officers duo'd an appropriate level dungeon without a healer. Congratulations on being so full of win.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    This kind of question is unacceptable in our guild. We don't ask, and we don't judge. Members are free to share if they want.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    Casual conversation on mumble. Running lower level dungeons together with absurd 'challenges', doing fun and crazy things, just for the fun of it.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    All new recruits get sample moon sugar.
    We're a welcome, and non-judgemental community.
    Guild members randomly break in to song.
    We have an ability to be able to acquire nearly anything.
    *EVERYTHING* is negotiable.

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    @Lycanthian (Recruiting Officer)
    @Lunalle (Guild Master)
    Anyone else in the guild. Everyone has invite privileges, but please be sure to speak to Lycan or Luna.

    Those interested in joining can also sign up for an account on the website, and we will contact

    Picture will be posted in the future, servers are down for maintenance atm.

    Edited by aidevelopmentb16_ESO on April 18, 2014 1:39PM
    Moon Sugar Traders Inc - GM
    Guild Website
  • Romanapcownereb17_ESO
    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    Our guilds name is Vokurta, Yes it does. Vokurta translated from one of the Sergatical languages is Power Realm. (Sergatical languages were formed by Urbuntoom the Mad to unsure the rule over all and every living thing)

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    The Guild was formed in 2010 (4 Years ago) The guild is based on a long relaying story about a spirit named Urbuntoom (Later known as Urbuntoom the Mad) created a realm of power for himself and named it Vokurta. Urbuntoom created 2 other helpers to build Vokurta up Ist and Haal both were faithful and powerful men served Urbuntoom to build Vokurta's might after Urbuntoom had full power he destroyed Haal and took his creations as his own but Ist rebelled and destroyed Urbuntoom in war. The war lasted 3 Years and 10 days as soon the this Event was named the "War For Power" as Urbuntoom wanted complete dominance after the ages.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    The Ebonheart Pact. As in honor of war bound relationship between the races of nords, dark evles and the free argonians

    Why did you choose that alliance?
    In dark times Vokurta has faced we know how much tougher would a warrior be when the trust binds are bound by fire of war and dominance The Ebonheart pact is perfect for our occupation the Pact has strong solders ready to fight not those milk drinkers in tartans slacking off doing nothing. Vokurta believes that power should be gained not given. The Pact is sworn to every of its men it will not adondon us. And after all we need to overcome all others who stand in our way with force if needed.

    How many members does your guild currently have?
    Vokurta is new to the game. Only our leader is present

    Does your guild have a website?
    Yes. But currently it is under maintenance it should be available shortly

    What times and days is the guild most active?
    Vokurta is present at any time to join but on Saturdays at the evenings are the best times to siege and demolish or roleplay and create.

    What countries do your members span?
    As I would like to apologize we will not be giving such information for privacy reasons.

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?
    Domination and Demolishes of Keeps of Cydroill

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, relaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    Vokurta Focuses on IN-Game domination and giving power to everlastingly player in the game but inorder to do that we must have absolute power first, our main focus is to fight out for the pact than receive ultimate power and free it out but we also roleplay.

    What makes your guild unique?
    Have you ever bothered about not being powerful enough to do something or have not enough courage or fear that the Emperor will smite you? Join Us, Fight for power in one gain absolute power smite your enemies off, and bring everyone your power raid keeps like a lord, demolish peasants like a lord. Than Fight for Us, Fight for Power, Fight for Vokurta!

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    Our Guild is a solo fighter!

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    Yes focuses roleplayes are hosted weakly by the members, Siegges are hosted about every 3-4 Days and Of course Ranking updates are done daily

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
    Sadly we are new so we do not have any yet.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    Yes we follow Molag Bal! The god of dominance and power as once we have absolute power we will overcome there will be new world order (In this case ESO order)

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    Tarvens are perfect place to settle down but we never stay anywhere for too long ears everywhere!

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    1. We Do not take any orders from anybody but our selves
    2. We Demolish our enemies with power not weapons
    3. We kill Peasants
    4. We Treat each other as Comrades
    5. We fight for power, we fight for The Pact, once we gain absolute power we will share it with everyone.

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    PM me directly or if in game contact @lordefe (Character: Urbuntoom The Mad/Sergatez)
    Edited by Romanapcownereb17_ESO on April 19, 2014 10:47AM
  • moussasleiman1ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    My Guild is called "The Blood Brotherhood"

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    The Guild was formed April 15, 2014. After seeing and hearing of guilds seiging and laying waste to their enemies in Cyrodiil, I have decided that I wanted to be the leader of a guild and shake the land under our feet with armies ready to take on the enemy factions.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    We have sworn fealty to the Daggerfall Covenant.

    Why did you choose that alliance?
    I have always loved Daggerfall, and have always used Bretons as a race, I wanted my guild to be accessible to me, so the Daggerfall covenant I chose.

    How many members does your guild currently have?
    We are a small number of three total, I have submitted this in hopes of gaining more members.

    Does your guild have a website?
    We do not have a website, we thought that we did not need one.

    What times and days is the guild most active?
    3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EST on weekdays and 1:00 PM to 12:00 PM EST (we are in the UTC time zone, so times vary for us)

    What countries do your members span?
    mostly Europe

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?
    We tend to do instanced dungeons, kill bosses, participate in PVP, explore, craft and trade, and many other things.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    At the moment, we trade and finish PVE content. We hope to get enough members and capture a keep in Cyrodiil.

    What makes your guild unique?
    We communicate a lot, we want to hear what each member has to say and be friends with them. We want to know everyone that joins. We also reward members who participate and are very helpful and active within the guild. We are not a strict guild, we want to know what other members think before making decisions.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    Our guild has made alliances through my "Red Scribe" (highest rank after "Crimson", or guildmaster), We have made these alliances because we figured that having people on our side would be more of a benefit for us.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    yes, events like underwear dungeon raids, dance-offs in big towns, "firework shows" (we use fire staves), but I cannot list all of them. We have many more planned for when our guild grows in size!

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
    The cooperation we have and our understanding of one another. We achieved it through all our failures in Spindleclutch!

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    We do follow Daedric Princes, mostly through appreciation, we follow Sheogrorath. (our "Red Scribe" disagrees with Daedra due to his position as a Templar)

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    We usually gather close to the places we are going to explore. One exploration session is usually between one-and-a-half to two hours. Our favorite meeting place (where we dance, make music and... fireworks) is mostly the city of Daggerfall.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    - I named the guild after a group of ninjas I made a few drawings I made when I was 5. I did change the name which was originally "The Blood Brothers".
    - The "Red Scribe" is my younger brother. (I was really into ESO before it came out and he said I would be addicted and he is now the addicted one)
    - We made up the "Fireworks when my best friend accidentally looked up and pressed his left mouse button and fired his fire staff into the night sky. (It happened when he got an electrical shock during the beta)

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    Ask me in my game mail

    Annagon Fein or @Annagon1

    or contact my "Red Scribe"

    Arius Varien or @‌Annagon

    Thank You! I hope this gets me new members!
  • xcrimsonaceb14_ESO

    [*] What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    The Guild name we use is Aldmeri Uprising and its meaning is to signify that the Dominion has risen up to take over Tamriel and lead it to a better future.

    [*] When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    The Guild has been around since shortly before Christmas and was made when me and a Friend decided it would be fun to create our own ideal guild for players of all kind where no one is left out or felt unwanted or even demanded to much of. The CO-Founder and I have both been leader of clans and guilds that have had anywhere from 100-3,000 members under us at any point in time and have been high ranking officers in communities with anywhere from 1,000-70,000 members. With our experience we have learned over the past 10 years, we know what makes a guild and how it should run.

    [*] What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    Our guild has sworn fealty to the Aldmeri Dominion.

    [*] Why did you choose that alliance?
    We decided to chose Aldmeri Dominon because we had a feeling that many of the larger clans and communities would side with the Ebonheart Pact due to the high fan base of Nords from playing Skyrim.

    [*] How many members does your guild currently have?
    Our guild currently has about 200 registered users on the site and currently just over 100 members in the guild.

    [*] Does your guild have a website?
    Yes we due and all our Information can be found at

    [*] What times and days is the guild most active?
    Our guild is active at all times and days but the majority seem to be most active in the late day since many of our members have families, jobs and much more that require their attention first.

    [*] What countries do your members span?
    From what we have noticed we have majority members in United States but we do have a few members in Australia, and All over Europe.

    [*] What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?
    Our guild enjoys doing everything together from PvP to PvE, and just simply crafting together.

    [*] What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    Our Guild has Three Sectors in the guild that are divided on what we felt like what players would focus on most. PvP,PvE, And Crafting and why we did this is players would be put into Sectors they play the most so they could play with people of the same interest, but it does not mean they cant do anything else. All member are free to play with who they want when they want. Our system simply lets members of the guild know who prefers what, but still allowing them to play all aspects of the game.

    [*] What makes your guild unique?
    Our Guild is unique for its experienced leaders and outstanding members always being social, playing together, and helping one another out and its very hard to find a guild like that these days.

    [*] Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    Yes our Guild is Currently in an alliance with two other guilds and the reason why we joined is, The two other guilds are not only the same in size but they have outstanding leaders who think, act, and run things almost the exact way we do things which has made our alliance strong and very fun to be apart of.

    [*] Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    With players still currently leveling and enjoying the content we have had only 1 event but plan to host much more very soon even events with the guilds we are allies with.

    [*] What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
    When A group of 40 members in our guild ran in cyrodiil with our Allies in another guild numbered over 80 members and claimed 5 keeps in total and 4 keeps for our guilds in the alliance.

    [*] Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    Our guild does not really follow a Daedra Prince, we simply just play the game to have fun and if someone says they like one prince or another that's perfectly fine.

    [*] After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    Our members simply like to chill in majors cities and talk on Teamspeak since all our members are usually to busy enjoying the game and kick some but in dungeons or PvP.

    [*] Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    1)Our Guild has leaders with experience of being in some of the worlds biggest communities in the world.
    2)Almost 90% of our members are 20 years or older allowing a mature environment for all those who are looking for one without a ton of drama or any other issues that usually would arise.
    3) Our guild has an average amount of 30 players on through the day and close to an average amount of 15-30 people one teamspeak.
    4) We offer Media/Design teams for those who love to create Banners,sigs, logo, or even videos for the guild.
    5) Our guild has a unique system set up that allows people to help decide who they wish to be a leader in the guild and even help supplying our crafters of the guild with supplies to ensure they can craft anything at anytime for those in the guild who need it.

    [*] If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    If we people wish to join our guild and wish to contact us they can contact
    Crimson Ace-@Crimson_Ace

  • ineedcoffee
    Merchant’s Guild
    “The Place to be for all your Trade Necessity!”

    Guilds were an important part of life in the Middle Ages. In Medieval times, merchants would join merchant guilds to gain prestige within their district, avoid large taxation and uphold fair trade practices. The Merchant's Guild strives to bring this sense of comradery among the commerce in Tamriel.

    The Merchant’s Guild was formed during the pre-launch of ESO and had a membership roster of over 200 members before official launch. Some of our members have been playing together for more than 10 years in various gaming environments.

    We are aligned with the Aldmeri Dominion in location, but all alliances are welcome to join and trade among our fair markets.

    The Aldmeri Dominion has interests which mirror that of the Merchant’s Guild, to seek an alliance founded on mutual cooperation, not one of bloodshed nor to seek power for its own sake, but rather to work together for a common goal of fair trade...and to dominate, the market that is. Also, their flag is made of gold. The official element of Merchant’s Guild.

    We currently have 500 active members in the guild. There are over 2500 members within The Fair Trade Network of guilds, of which the Merchant's Guild is an affiliate.

    As an affiliate of The Fair Trade Network, the Merchant’s Guild will be utilizing their main website, which is currently under construction. Forums and other resources will soon be available to our members at

    The majority of our members play during peak hours of 5pm – 10pm, but we have several hundred who also play during off hours.

    Most of our members are from North America and Europe but there are members worldwide.

    Our members enjoy trading in our store, working together to mutually benefit our crafts, socializing and advertising in our guild chat, forming groups for dungeons and fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil. A few of us enjoy role-playing.

    The main focus of our guild is trade; the buying and selling of found or crafted goods and gear.

    Our members are jacks-of-all-trades; among the lot of us we do it all. While some prefer to focus on exploration and dungeon conquering, others enjoy browsing our market place to find great deals on materials to use in their craft. Each member has complete access to our Guild Store, so whatever direction they choose, utilizing the countless armors, foods and materials available there will help them on their journey. Some of our affiliate guilds are focused solely on artisan's who utilize the Guild Bank to trade materials used in their crafts.

    We were among the first guilds to offer a store, our members are not required to socialize but being part of a large guild offers numerous opportunity for forming groups and other various activities. Members can be anonymous among the ranks and quietly share their wares on the store or they can become masters of trade if they choose dominating a corner of the market in specialized goods. Casual conversation as well as group exploration has led to many friendships being formed among our members.

    The Merchant’s Guild is an affiliate of The Fair Trade Network, consisting of over 2500 members. The Fair Trade Network offers a way for individual guilds to collaborate and provides a resource for trade outlets.

    We do not have any special events planned as of yet but look forward to offering our members to participate in these types of things in the future.

    As the founder of the Merchant’s Guild, my most memorable moment was reaching the member mark that allowed us to unleash our guild store. Conversation and grouping are among my favorite activities with members.

    Officially our guild does not follow a specific Daedric Prince, open talk of such things will get you an arrow through the knee.

    After a long day of adventuring, members of the guild like to congregate near the town banks and crafting areas to hold reverence on the treasures they have gathered, created, bought or sold.

    All members, regardless of rank have access to trade within the guild store. We strive to provide fair trade among our members but do not impose any strict pricing guidelines. However, it is against a member’s best interest to sell useless items or to sell items for exorbitant prices as this does not encourage cooperation but rather individual goals. Promotions among the ranks are earned through dedication and good trade practices; not by privilege, inheritance or any other unfair method.

    The Merchant’s Guild frowns upon any unfair policy or discrimination among members. Racism, homophobia, bullying and trolling will result in immediate dismissal from the guild. Any action which purposely imposes negatively unto an individual or group within or outside the guild is not tolerated. This includes purposeful spamming and other obnoxious and distracting behaviors. Warnings will be provided only once. Our members are expected to be courteous, helpful and basic common civility must be presented within the entire community of Tamriel.

    Interested parties may contact @ineedcoffee by leaving an in game mail message. Space is limited, but we are always looking for active merchants. Alternatively, joining another guild among The Fair Trade Network may be a good fit.
    Edited by ineedcoffee on April 18, 2014 8:27PM
  • bennett.zuritaub17_ESO
    •What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    It is called the Fair Trade Network. It consist of 5 guilds with 1500+ members in all.
    •When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    April 2014
    •What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    I am Aldemeri Dominion, but my guild is open to anyone who is interested.
    •Why did you choose that alliance?
    I wanted to explore my options
    •How many members does your guild currently have?
    •Does your guild have a website?
    •What times and days is the guild most active?
    •What countries do your members span?
    NA and EU
    •What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?
    Crafting, PVE, PVP
    •What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    Crafting, PVE, PVP
    •What makes your guild unique?
    It is a new guild that is growing steadily
    •Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    We are currently at 2000 Members. It has a wide range of options including (Store, Bank, and Trading)
    -The Fair Trade
    -The Fair Exchange
    -The Fair Market
    -The Fair Bazaar
    -The Fair Deal
    •Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    Crafting, PVE, PVP
    •What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
    •Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    •After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    •Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    -It has players from all alliances.
    -It has it's own website
    -Open minded
    -Widely known
    •If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
  • Caspertricks

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    The guild TSYM (Tactical Symbiosis) is a good representation of our guild, a blending of tactical thinking and symbiotic relationships between members.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    During the early days of Guild Wars 2, World vs World was in full swing, and huge armies (zergs) were running rampant and unchecked across the battlefield. In this, TSYM was founded. We believed that a small, well trained, and smart group of players could take on many times its size and succeed. As we grew beyond the small group focus, averaging around 40-60 players during WvW operations, we continued to expect that same small group synergy and teamwork no matter the size of our fielded forces. We also found that if we invested time and effort into training our members, that investment would pay off big time. Performance went up, moral went up, and member retention was through the roof! It was in the training and creative workshopping that TSYM attained a competitive advantage over many other PVP guilds at the time, and an advantage we continue to practice to this day.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    Long live the Ebonheart Pact

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    Argonians, Dark Elves, and Nords. No other faction has such a diverse racial mix, and that drew us to them. Were also a guild that values the diversity of our members. We have young and old, rich and poor, serious and casual, you name it. Bound together with common ties, TSYM loves battlefield PVP, values the team environment, and craves a higher level of strategic play than the average AvA guild can offer.

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    Closing on 175 members in ESO

    Does your guild have a website?


    What times and days is the guild most active?

    We are NA prime time, and generally run between 6pm PST (9pm EST) till around 11pm PST (2am EST) on the weekdays, and between 2pm PST (5pm EST) till whenever we get tired on the weekends. TSYM is currently in our team building phase, so we only AvA Fri-Sun, dedicating the other 4.5 days to character building in PVE or crafting. As the mean guild level approaches VR5, we will start turning on more weekdays in AvA, and you can expect to see more and more AvA action from TSYM.

    What countries do your members span?

    We are an English speaking guild, so most of our players are from countries like US, Canada, England, and Australia. That doesn't mean we don't have others, there are a few English speaking members from countries like Singapore, Malaysia, UAE, Argentina, to name a few.

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?

    Getting together to put our crazy AvA tactics into action. If you can dream it, we would try it! Sometimes its amazingly effective, sometimes its blooper reel content, but it's always a learning experience. When we get a winning strat though, the guild energy is amazing, and it makes all the hard work worth it!

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    PvP and more PvP. We do enjoy the PvE content, dungeon diving, crafting, and eventually higher level group content, but it is all to one glorious end. To secure TSYM as an undefeated force on the battlefield!

    Were not quite there yet, but it's good to have goals :)

    What makes your guild unique?

    We feel TSYMs training program is a unique feature when compared to most guilds. Generally when a guild tries to go for great community, the social level goes up but the performance level goes down. This is typically due to recruitment focusing on fun social people rather than functional players. When the opposite is done, performance and progression go up, but the community suffer. You guessed it, its mainly because the guild recruits based on performance rather than personality. TSYM has proven that if you recruit good people, and invest time and effort to training them up, a fun social group of people can dance toe to toe with the strongest teams out there!

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    TSYM loves working with other teams tactically, however do not have nor are we open to a firm alliance. We prefer to remain free agents in this aspect!

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    Whenever we field, we invite anyone willing to join us on Teamspeak 3 to come along. While these events usually lead to a few new recruits, its main goal is to meet people and share the fun. If you're interested in a different kind of AvA, message @coronbale and join us on the field!

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?

    Our first keep siege after release, we had about 40 on the field, and we all had siege out. It was epic to pan around, and see all of these siege engines tearing down this keep wall, and the subsequent battles and sieges we were getting into that night had more than one of us staying up WAY past our bed time!

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    Don't know about the guild, but I've always had a soft spot for Nocturnal. Her interaction with her followers are less worship, and more of a mutually beneficial deal being made, and she doesn't seem to talk down to her followers and belittle them like other Princes.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    Well rest when were in Cold Harbor... Till then, there is a crown up for grabs!

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    1) We had a play in GW2 using portals called the Bilbo, where we would use one Mesmer to teleport out to an enemy's flank, hit them for 10 seconds, then a second portal to bring us back. Was coined for the phrase "there and back again"

    2) We enjoy hanging out and experiencing new music together on a site called PlugDJ, where you can build a playlist from YouTube songs, and share them on a DJ booth to the rest of the guild.

    3) TSYM operates with a special ops division of stealthy (mostly vampire) guildies. This team performs all kinds of special jobs, from surprise flanks during an open field battle, to cutting off reinforcements while the main force whittles down a keep siege.

    4) Our community has played together (at numbers ranging from 5 to 500) on over 30 games in the past few years. Our philosophy? Good guilds that 'get you' are hard to come by, why fish for a brand new one in every game you play, when you can join one and stick with them!

    5) At this very moment on our guild Teamspeak, were discussing ways to keep your hands warm during long stints of ESO by readjusting your chair and desk setup to increase circulation. Learn something new in TSYM every day!

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    Feel free to contact me directly @coronbale anytime to chat, or apply to our site at Tsym.Enjin.Com. I'll do my best to answer any questions you might have, or throw you an invite to our AvA group. As stated before if you would rather see us in action before accepting an invite, all those who are willing to learn to fight as a team, and die for The Pact are welcome to come along! While you're a guest with us, we ask that you join us in Teamspeak 3 during the entire operation, as well as treat your fellow players with respect.
    Edited by Caspertricks on April 18, 2014 9:22PM
  • meaghs
    • What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    We are RELIC. When asked what is Relic our response is always, that which binds us together - Quid est Vinculum Quid Nos.. In its essence it is History, Community and Friendship. All of this can be found in Relic.
    • When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    We came into ESO during beta. Our facebook gaming group has been around for over five years now. We are a group of mature adult gamers who have gamed and actively game a wide variety of games; cutting our teeth as a group in Evony, gaming in LOTRO and now here on ESO. Our history, the highs and the lows, has brought us together as a community and has let many of us form lifelong friendships with people of like-mind. We support each other in-game in all aspects of game-play (PVE, questing, gearing, crafting, AvA and even light RP). This community is what we invite new players to be a part of.
    • What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to? Why did you choose that alliance?
    We choose to game with the Ebonheart Pact. This pact seemed to represent best our own mores, fighting for our freedom rather than conquest - forged to stand against invasion. Even the manner of governance, the Great Moot, resembles our own Guild where the Guild Leader looks to a Council of Players for ratification of major decisions and policy.
    • How many members does your guild currently have?
    We have a little over twenty members. We are always on the lookout for new members as well as we try to maintain an activity level so there are always five or six other members online. We enjoy that small family guild feel.
    • Does your guild have a website?
    You can find us on guildlaunch and facebook
    • What times and days is the guild most active? What countries do your members span?
    You will find us gaming throughout US and Australian timezones. Most of our members are from the US and down under.
    • What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most? What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    Our Guild focuses on PVE content and player progression. In practice this means that we will focus on dungeon delving, questing, crafting and shard hunting. Through our larger community (the Tuatha Social Gaming Community) our players also have access to PVP and RP activities. It is our goal to ensure that our players can experience all of the content that ESO has to offer.
    • What makes your guild unique?
    It's the special kool-aid Meagh Brewmaster makes for guild runs... Or rather the fact that we are an adult gaming guild that understands what it means to be an adult gamer.
    • Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    I'm not sure if it's proper to call it an alliance of guilds. We are members of the Tuatha Social Gaming Community with Gaiscioch. We joined the Tuatha to make it easier for our members to participate with the wider community on the NA Server.
    • What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
    Probably our first run through Fungal Grotto...
    the first time is always the most memorable...
    • Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    We are forbidden to speak on this to the uninitiated.
    • After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    Wind down after adventuring? We are adult gamers.. we adventure to wind down!
    • Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    1. Our warrior-princess.
    2. Sassy doesn't need a broom to fly.
    3. We are really photogenic.
    4. If you're teased it means we love you.
    5. Make sure to drink the special kool-aid...
    A Jarl to keep order... a hotheaded princess... and a bunch of rowdy nords..what more do you need for fun?
    • If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    contact @meaghs‌ or @Sass‌ in game for an invite, apply on guildlaunch or post up right here in our forum thread.
    Edited by meaghs on April 19, 2014 4:13AM
  • Marginis
    Magicka is led by a khajiit, an argonian, and a high elf, and it has many others besides. It spans the entire continent of Tamriel and does a great many things, from supporting the war to helping the locals. Everyone will have something different to say about Magicka, but this tale will be told by the khajiit known as Kha'jiri, guildmaster and founder of Magicka.


    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    The name of this one's guild is Magicka. It has a long story, one which intertwines with this khajiit's own, but to keep it short, Kha'jiri came from a distant land, quite different from Tamriel. There he studied the natural magicks, but once he came to Tamriel he found an entirely new way of viewing that which in Tamriel is called magicka. In time, having studied with many Tamrielic scholars, he came to a new appreciation of the workings of magicka, and it is in that vein that the guild is so named.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    Magicka was formed late in the history of Nirn (relatively), but early in the lifecycle of the Aldmeri Dominion and the other alliances. [Magicka was one of the first Aldmeri Dominion guilds created in the beta. The old leader did not recreate the guild upon The Elder Scrolls Online's full release, and so @Marginis rebuilt it from the ground up as a roleplaying guild.]

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    Magicka is based in the Aldmeri Dominion, but magicka flows through every race in every alliance - warrior, mage, and rogue alike - so like the mages guild and the fighters guild, Magicka takes in members from all across Tamriel, from the nords of Skyrim to the redguards of Hammerfell.

    Why did you choose that alliance?
    During Kha'jiri's travels, he noticed that Auridon and the other lands that fall under Dominion protection are where the magicka flows strongest. In the lands of high elves, wood elves, and khajiit, one can even see magic being practiced in the streets commonly, although like this one said, the essence flows through every race everywhere on the continent.

    How many members does your guild currently have?
    Magicka currently has over one hundred members. The number is always moving, and this one's guild is growing fast all the time!

    Does your guild have a website?
    [Having prior experience with guilds, the guildmaster had previously decided not to place to much emphasis on any external site to base interactions. The immersion is often strongest when all communication is done in-game, plus it makes activity less of a requirement, so members can simply enjoy being in the guild. We do though have a teamspeak now, and our rapid expansion may have us getting a website sooner or later. Never rule anything out.]

    What times and days is the guild most active?
    The one has found Magicka to be most active in the evening hours. Of course this is a relative term with the variety of members Magicka has. While to some this may be the hours just before they go to sleep, to others it is the morning and they may be just making their guar egg breakfast. Magicka even has a few members that inhabit Tamriel around the clock.

    What countries do your members span?
    [Magicka is on the North America (NA) server, and most of our members live in North America. All the same, Magicka counts among it's composition many different people, who live anywhere from Russia to Australia.]

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?
    Magicka is like many other guilds. We go and help the locals, do quests, drink in the taverns, stop for some music, fight a daedric prince, take a run into Cyrodil, come back and train our skills crafting the best armor this side of Tamriel. [The main difference is that we do all of this while roleplaying. Almost everything we do is in character, adding for many to the enjoyment and immersion The Elder Scrolls Online offers. Whether in guild chat, at the local tavern, or treasure hunting down the beach, you are no longer N00bPwn3R420, you are Gar-Tei! Famous argonian chef and adventurer! (or whomever you decide your character will be.)]

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    This is one of the things this one thinks makes Magicka so great, is that we have so many different members who do different things. Whether you prefer to craft, explore, quest, or war in Cyrodil, (or just laze about), you'll find someone doing the same in Magicka.

    What makes your guild unique?
    Hahah, the name yes? Magicka is normally known as a mystical essence, not so much a guild. Other than that, Magicka is just a group of those who truly appreciate Tamriel and being in it. [The love of the universe Zenimax has taken on in TESO is the reason we RP, and the reason we play the game.]

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    As of right now Magicka is not actively pursuing any more alliances. Kha'jiri is always open to options, and has looked into a few prospects, but for now this one thinks it is fine just to be ourselves and see where the magicka flow takes us. He should mention though that Magicka is part of The Aldmeri Council, a guild of different representatives of Aldmeri based guilds all across the Dominion, set up for the betterment of those guilds, and to ease trade and alliances between them. The Aldmeri Council has been quite influential in the early development of Magicka, especially with helping find some of those early members.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    Magicka's members come up with events all the time. Gar-Tei (Kha'jiri thinks he mentioned him earlier) is an actual member of Magicka, and is currently looking forward to playing host to a cooking class. Kha'jiri does not know entirely what this will entail - he simply hopes for some Bosmer cuisine to be brought back afterward. But this one's favorite event is something he calls Kha'jiri's Storytime. Members of the guild meet up in a location (those who don't just get to listen in), and listen to Kha'jiri tell a tale from his past, or retell the origins of the guild. After that, other guildmembers get to tell their own stories, whether it is how they came to Tamriel or some other experience they had. It may not have that same sense of adventure as slaying mudcrabs over and over again for rawhide, but Kha'jiri and a good number of Magicka members enjoy it just the same.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
    Tamriel holds many good memories, but the one Kha'jiri would pick would be when Magicka just started taking off. At first there were only two members, and for a few days this is how it stayed. But then more and more came flooding in, and hasn't stopped yet! These are exciting times, with many firsts, still.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    Hm... Kha'jiri does not follow any daedra, but he does know some in Magicka who do, particularly some of Magicka's dunmer. Magicka's diverse makeup does not let it follow any one deity. What we do have though is a very good knowledge of the history and lore surrounding both the daedra and divines. This is part of the guild, why we have the name Magicka!

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    This khajiit has found guildmembers in the bank, in the taverns, in the streets, and on the beach, all the time, just playing their instruments or swigging some ale. Perhaps they are always winding down he thinks.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    • So a dark elf, a khajiit, and a priest walk into a bar (this actually happened when some guildmembers met up - you can decide the punchline).
    • [What most people even in Magicka don't know is that Kha'jiri is based off an old D&D character I made.]
    • [That D&D character was actually based off an Elder Scrolls character I had made (IT'S ALL A CIRCLE).]
    • ["Magicka" was almost instead named "Khajiit" [the name of my guild during the beta], but instead stuck with Magicka because of better backstory potential and attractiveness to more than just khajiit characters, as well as the short but strong history early on in the game's lifecycle].
    • Kha'jiri, and therefore Magicka, has much darker (and often more comedic) origins than you think. Tis a tale to behold. But you would have to ask this khajiit for the story some other time to know why (be sure to ask about Bob the sorcerer).
    • Kha'jiri is terrible at counting.

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    If anyone wishes to join Magicka, they should contact this one [Kha'jiri or @Marginis in-game] however they wish. He is more than glad to offer more information or an invitation to join Magicka. Otherwise, you can also check out our flyer (for Magicka's forum thread and a good amount more information and screenshots, click Here).
    Edited by Marginis on May 6, 2014 9:51PM
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
  • momoh
    Soul Shriven

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    The Gotes.
    It may seem a bit strange at first glance, but it comes with an even less impressive backstory. Basically me and my buddy back high school, (which I started the guild with) would game often and whenever we would get on Skype to talk while we gamed, instead of saying yo, we would say "Yote! What's up?" or something along those lines. That eventually evolved into us saying random strings of words that rhymed with "Yote". Gote was one of those words, which stuck. So its basically an inside joke between me and a buddy and has no relevance to anything else. But hey, unique!

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    Originally when we pre-ordered the game, we had to come to a decision as to if we wanted to create a guild, or to just join one. I had no idea at the time, so we waited until 5 day early access, and I decided right then and there that I was going to be playing this game.. a lot. So with that kind of dedication, I could create a guild (with help) and run it efficiently.
    We may not have a 8+ year old gaming community with hundreds of committed players across the globe, but everyone has to start somewhere, right?

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    Daggerfall Covenant!

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    Well when we had originally created our first toons, we had agreed to join the Aldmeri Dominion, because we had agreed it looked the coolest and had an interesting back-story. So, I ended up deciding that I wanted to level quickly and learn about the game at an accelerated pace, so I could be an efficient leader and be knowledgeable about the game, when my guild-mates had any questions. Once I am well armed with knowledge about the game, I would then proceed to make a toon in the Aldmeri Dominion and take my time and enjoy the game for what it is. But I learned thats not really practical if I ever wanted to PvP with my guild, or interact with them at all, and besides, Daggerfall has definitely grown on me.

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    We are ~130 strong.

    Does your guild have a website?

    Unfortunately, we started the guild about 3 weeks ago and haven't had much of a reason to. However, with more dedicated players and a more fine-tuned Gote community, it would be very helpful. The guild web-site is in future plans for sure.

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    We tend to be most active around 8p.m. to 1 or 2a.m., EDT.

    What countries do your members span?

    We are founded and we recruit on the U.S. megaserver, so 80% of our members are from the states. We have a handful in Canada, and a couple from Australia.

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?

    We are a very casual, chill guild. There are always members in the teamspeak channel just casually talking while they play, or coordinating while we are doing in game activities such as PvP, dungeons, mob grinding, questing, etc. Every once in a while I host a spontaneous trivia in guild chat for fun, however in the future there will be rewards for contests like these, encouraging friendly competition! Also have guild activities in mind such as naked foot-races from Glenumbra to Wayrest, things of that nature.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    Our guild has somehow managed to amass a group of super friendly people. We have a guild bank with hundreds of items in it, for questers, and crafters alike. All donated generously by the members. Anyone can take and leave things as they please. Our guild isn't specifically a certain trade or craft, we are an all around community and learning about the game together. We do a lot of everything, but in particular, we really enjoy Cyrodiil, crafting, and sharing knowledge to the guildies.

    What makes your guild unique?

    I host a PvP event every other night, at 8pm EDT, to encourage guild unity, and bring the members together. Every event gets more successful, with people in the teamspeak channel, and more attendants in general.
    Our guild name, which has no relevance to anything, but when I googled it I found this:
    GOTE, which stands for "Goal, Obstacle, Tactics, and Expectation", is an acronym devised by Robert Cohen to remind actors of four basic elements to consider while preparing a character for the theater.
    I thought it was kind of interesting and actually might have some sort of application in terms of role-playing or maybe a future guild motto, I don't know haha :disagree:

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    Yes, in fact. Our guild is part of a PvP alliance on the server Goldbrand. HOWEVER, we have our PvP events, as well as the guild home campaign set at Bloodthorn. We sometimes guest their campaign to help them and their assault on the EP and AD.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    The main special event that we host is the every-other-day PvP event. Our guild is fairly new, so once we get a core base of gamer's and an established community, we can start creating special Gote events and get more involved with that side of the spectrum.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?

    Definitely, some of the crazy conversations exchanged between members on the teamspeak channel. Some pretty memorable moments in PvP as well. Leading the push on fort Glademist and claiming it for our guild is definitely rewarding and memorable.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    Well you see... if I told you, i'd have to kill you.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    PvP. Its just.. so addicting and extremely fun. Even when you get tired of sieging forts, there are daily quests and other activities in Cyrodiil that we usually find rewarding and fun to do. For example me and a few of my buddies were in pvp for 8 hours straight yesterday..

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    -We have 2 members from Mississippi. Like.. whaaaaattt
    -12 veteran rank 1+ members!
    -five fun facts about your guild

    We just started on day 1! Fun and memorable moments take time :smile:

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    You can contact:


    Thanks for checking us out!
    Edited by momoh on April 21, 2014 2:48AM
  • bryon.taylor_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    ~ Elderblade ~

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    Elderblade. It started as just a unique name that fit in the lore of Elder Scrolls, though as we were drawn towards the dominion, the name started to pick up more significance. The name is now indicative of mature, veteran gamers who have come together to form a new community under the banner of 'Elderblade'.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    We formed on 11/12/13, led by two friends Vhalan & Sandiarye with a vision of creating a strong, core community of active players dedicated to various aspects of the game. Dungeons, PvE, RvR, RP, trading and etc., the intention that if the guild is comprised of competent and experienced gamers dedicated to ensuring the guild community could experience all aspects of the game with options for both the 'casual' and 'hard-core' players.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    The Aldmeri Dominion, and within it, the Guardians of the Dominion.

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    Initially, we chose Aldmeri Dominion because we thought that the actions of the Thalmor in Skyrim would make the Dominion the smallest group of the three, and we wanted to bring a fighting chance to the underdogs. However by launch, the Dominion was among the largest and we were too vested in the lore and allegiance to the Dominion to change.

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    We have been vigilant in closing recruitment when getting too big, and wanted to limit our members to 100 prior to launch. Recruitment and the possibilities of opening up to new members is being discussed. Elderblade has 100 highly active members.

    Does your guild have a website?

    Our website is, and our member base have created thousands of threads with tens of thousands of posts since launching in November 2014.

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    The guild has a wide range of active times and members from around the world. This geographic diversity manifests in an active base at all times and days. You will never find a time that we are not fighting in Cyrodiil, delving into dungeons, and crafting.

    What countries do your members span?

    We have members in many timezones and spanning almost 20 countries.

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?

    We have worked hard to develop a close community of friends, and even before launch, you could find many of us in GameVox plotting our push into Tamriel. We have a dedicated events team that promote guild contests, events, and activities including shard runs, guild progression RP, launch parties, crafting parties, RvR training missions, in-game trivia events, live streaming and various other persuits. The intention is to provide activities and events to appeal to various interests of our members and use the framework of the game to promote community-building events and activities.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    In-game we cater to the changing interests of our members. What gamers are interested in can change depending on their mood, time of day and etc., so we try to build events and community resources around what our members tell us they want. Shard runs in Cyrodiil, dungeon runs across tamriel, happy hour in Grahtwood, lore hunts in Malobal Tor...our goal is to work within the Elder Scrolls Online framework to keep it interesting and experience all aspects of the game.

    What makes your guild unique?

    Our members are our greatest strength and element of 'uniqueness'. From long before launch, we have been fortunate to find a close, tight-knit group of players with vast experience in MMO's and Guilds at all levels. Most in our guild are officers, gm's, dm's and etc. from games past, and we all pool our talents experience to try and encourage the kind of guild community that many guilds strive for; a group of friends to share accomplishments and enjoy the game with.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    We are part of the 'Guardians of the Dominion', an alliance group spanning multiple guilds in the dominion. As architects of the alliance, our goal was to create a competent and dedicated force to be reckoned with in Cyrodiil without having to flood our own guild with members who may want dedicated RvR. With the alliance, members get all the benefits of a dedicated RvR group while maintaining the flexibility to focus on trade, PvE, RP, etc. within their own guilds.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    We have hosted special events for months now. Some of them that come to mind are elements such as our launch parties which included free subscription time prizes and a host of events within the event. Our 'Agent of Elderblade' contest resulted in 40+ character backstories prior to launch. Trivia challenges and media team events have members meeting for social hours and lore hunts, and we're often hosting RvR training events or our upcoming 'Friday Night Fight Clubs' where we will be drinking whiskey or ale and kicking ass our in Cyrodiil.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?

    Dawnbreaker, our alliance campaign. While we have dominated it from the beginning, one of our most memorable experiences came when hordes of Ebonheart Pact and Dagerfall Covenenant operatives flooded into Cyrodiil to start taking back keeps with Superior numbers. A scout from our guild saw the push immediately, and within 10 minutes our alliance had mobilized. While the first three hours were a struggle against overwhelming odds, we held our ground, strategically sacrificing some keeps to thin their lines and running hit-squads with specific tasks, bounties, kill orders or objectives. After 10 hours of fierce battle, we drove them back without losing a single scroll.

    *The alliance riding to war in Cyrodiil

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    While we may or may not 'follow' them, we certainly have quite a few run-ins with two in particular. We'll defer from naming them in order to impress Mephala with our discretion...

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    On Game-Vox with a beer, in Cyrodiil with a quick push, or in EldenRoot, crafting with friends!

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    • We coordinated one of the first Dominion Dance parties here...
    • We have a crafting guild called Eldercraft within Elderblade that specifically caters to helping people level their profession while outfitting our raiding and RvR teams
    • Prior to launch, we had a site crash resulting in tens of thousands of threads being lost. Within a few weeks, activity on the new site made up for the loss.
    • We have a media team creating audio, video, streaming, design and website content. Here is our recruitment video from pre-launch.
    • We have a full guild story and lore that is playing out. It's said that more about our guild can be found in Vahtacen...
    *At the doors of Vahtacen

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    Come to ~ We look forward to meeting you. Also find us at and
    Peridyn - Elderblade Guild -
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