WARNING: Daedric style Heavy Armor Looks...

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  • Moonchilde
    I have to agree, they could have done far better. Look at armor in Lineage II, the game is 10 years old, and they had far lower polys and performance to work with. Yet their armors still shine even today. I make rigged models for games, and its all in how you design your mesh, and the quality you put into your textures. They don't have to be memory intensive to look awesome.
  • Zimnel
    Daedric always has been black and red, with spikes (sorry folks who don't like spikes) and terrifying. That inspired modders for ages, as in this version of the daedric armor of Morrowind for Skyrim.

    All daedric artifacts shared that look, and even dremora faces and bodies are red and black. The TESO version looks bland in comparison, tiny and non-agressive.
    In my humble opinion it lacks that "badass" feeling we have when we look at daedric, be it armor, weapons or artifacts.

    From left to right, Morrowind version, Oblivion version and Skyrim version of daedric armor.

    Morrowind Dremora

    Oblivion daedric armor.

    Daedric Prince Sanguine in Skyrim.

    Daedric weapons for Skyrim.

    Quoted from Ray Lederer's blog:

    " I felt it should look like it was forged in some other hellish dimension to empower and torment it's user for the amusement of some elder god. I felt like this is a powerful piece of equipment but almost too powerful for any mere mortal to wear. It should look painful to wear as if that cost was worth it."
    Edited by Zimnel on April 15, 2014 9:59AM
  • Victt
    Lol.. nearly 2 weeks into release and still 0 pictures of Medium Armor Daedric on the net. OP, you should make that and show us.
  • vegeta0585b14_ESO
    It looks like poop. Was the most disappointing armor in the game. You'd think it'd be the one they spent the most time on, it's like the epitome of heavy in every TES game, and now it looks like shredder boned the blue ranger.
  • Resourceful
    Sooo.. I was enjoying the new cinematic.. and it seems like they know what it is supposed to look like... they just need to convey the information to the artist in charge of armor types.

  • Resourceful
    BTW skip to 1:45 for the image that we all think is Daedric Armor.
  • Godzeelas
    Victt wrote: »
    Lol.. nearly 2 weeks into release and still 0 pictures of Medium Armor Daedric on the net. OP, you should make that and show us.

    When I get more Daedric Hearts (they are hard to come by) I will make the Leather one and post it here as well.

    Jokes aside though, we need to take this to the attention of Zenimax and Bethesta so that something is done about it.
    "χους εις χουν και πνεύμα εις πνεύμα απελεύσει"
    @godzeelas - Godzeela the Cataphract
    GM of Elysium Gaming PvX guild [EU]
  • our0b0r0s689ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I agree with many of you. I know there are alot of issues running rampant since the release of the game, and this can wait. The point though that needs addressed is that Daedric Heavy Armor does not look nearly as appealing or intimidating as seen in previous titles, or even in THIS games cinematics. You may not all agree with the spikes and evilness, but the simple matter is that the armor you can craft is a poor interpretation of what it should be like.
  • bramlowenthalb16_ESO
  • Daenerys
    wow :( who knew I already had daedric armor? *casts bound armor* :(

    I was so happy when I found a daedra heart last night, now... meh
  • Locke_ESO
    Expansion content Prediction:

    Elite Daedric Motif
    Elite Ancient Elf motif
    Elite Imperial motifc

    While I understand people wanted an exact copy of Skyrim's armour this is a different game and there will be more art styles in the future. Personally I will probably be looking to do one of the racial styles which imo look much more awesome than looking like another "133t daedric guy".
  • Godzeelas
    Expansion content Prediction:

    Elite Daedric Motif
    Elite Ancient Elf motif
    Elite Imperial motifc

    While I understand people wanted an exact copy of Skyrim's armour this is a different game and there will be more art styles in the future. Personally I will probably be looking to do one of the racial styles which imo look much more awesome than looking like another "133t daedric guy".

    That would suck and the point is not about the Skyrim/Oblivion style m8. The problem is that this armor doesnt look HEAVY enough for a freaking heavy armor set. It's like a skintight suit with some minor ornaments.... I wouldnt really mind if they just buffed up the Chest/Shoulder/Gloves/Boot parts to actually have more "weight" if you know what I mean. As it is right now it looks like an fancy medium armor. And one last thing, The color changes according to the material/Vlvl used to craft it and also changing according to the items quality. (but yeah the V1-V4 armor looks like the illegal child of Shreder and the Blue PowerRanger...

    "χους εις χουν και πνεύμα εις πνεύμα απελεύσει"
    @godzeelas - Godzeela the Cataphract
    GM of Elysium Gaming PvX guild [EU]
  • jackmcclareb16_ESO
    Looks disgusting. Man, It just doesn't look...daedric
  • Kryzen
    Also picked this up today and the Rank7 looks even worse! Im not sure if its meant to be like this or it's missing colours/textures

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/gsjc3ag7sw0zg6i/Screenshot 2014-04-16 02.01.19.png
    Edited by Kryzen on April 16, 2014 1:16AM
  • Jirki88
    Kryzen wrote: »
    Also picked this up today and the Rank7 looks even worse! Im not sure if its meant to be like this or it's missing colours/textures

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/gsjc3ag7sw0zg6i/Screenshot 2014-04-16 02.01.19.png

    Desert camouflage...?
    Veritas et aequitas, et usque ad mortem.
  • Zimnel
    It totally lacks texturing : /
    I hope we'll see the trailer armor at some point in crafting.
    ZOS please hear us, Daedric armor needs to be Daedric!
  • Godzeelas
    Kryzen wrote: »
    Also picked this up today and the Rank7 looks even worse! Im not sure if its meant to be like this or it's missing colours/textures

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/gsjc3ag7sw0zg6i/Screenshot 2014-04-16 02.01.19.png

    Holy when I thought it couldn't get any worst...
    What quality is this? white/green/blue?

    Edited by ZOS_LeroyW on April 16, 2014 9:10AM
    "χους εις χουν και πνεύμα εις πνεύμα απελεύσει"
    @godzeelas - Godzeela the Cataphract
    GM of Elysium Gaming PvX guild [EU]
  • Kryzen
    Godzeelas wrote: »

    Holy when I thought it couldn't get any worst...
    What quality is this? white/green/blue?

    All blue with helm, chest and legs upgraded to epic

  • rtx
    I really like it.
    Except the colour.
  • huytorwb17_ESO
    I agree the armor skins are seriously lacking quite a bit.
    This is not Skyrim, I don't expect Skyrim armors with awesome spikes and stuff but still... the current armor skin in ESO is very lacking...
  • fiachsidhe
    The entire armor design for the game, is utterly uninspired, and half-assed. The Dunmer should be wearing bonemold and chitin. The Bosmer wear more Dunmerish armor. Yeah they include the Ordinator armor but even that was ruined by making the helmet an embarrassing, over-sized mess of amateur level spot welding, with a giant dopey looking face, rather than the graceful and ornate stuff from Morrowind.

    Not to mention the fact that they cheaped out and went with WoW-style skins, so it looks painted on and flexes when you breath. and any pieces float alongside you barely connected.

    Now this?
    Who thought that this was good for Daedric armor? It looks like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Shredder cosplay.


    Its bad enough that the uninspired racial styles look virtually the same as they level. But to take the most wanted style and turn it into this Power Ranger villain getup, is so artistically and thematically inept its like they made it look stupid on purpose just so it would rarely be seen.
    Edited by fiachsidhe on April 17, 2014 10:46PM
    Don't have an intelligent argument? Just LOL a post!

    Dire Crow - Ebonheart Pact - Dunmer Nightblade
  • steven_shidiwenb16_ESO
    ZoS added first person for the role players... Change this, Its absolutely *** Also i made leather armor and the boots turn GREEN when you make them legendary rarity... i was hoping for black... *** GREEN?!!!? GREEN?!?!?

    Also edit. Leather Daedric armor is the same as Sorcerers Bound armor, but *** colors. I would rather have the silver color the bound armor has.
    Edited by steven_shidiwenb16_ESO on April 17, 2014 5:41PM
  • Drachenfier
    Moonchilde wrote: »
    I have to agree, they could have done far better. Look at armor in Lineage II, the game is 10 years old, and they had far lower polys and performance to work with. Yet their armors still shine even today. I make rigged models for games, and its all in how you design your mesh, and the quality you put into your textures. They don't have to be memory intensive to look awesome.

    Indeed, it's sad that Lineage 2 came out before World of Warcraft, and its character and armor models still put some new MMO's to shame. Not to mention how horrible WoW looks by comparison LOL.
  • Catdrexion
    Why is it blue? Daedric armor is supposed to be black and red.
  • Nadijeh
    ew the r7 looks incomplete. they need to add dyes or something.
  • jones52j
    Hmmm I bought this last night, i may sell it back. Its just bad..
  • Moonchilde
    fiachsidhe wrote: »
    The entire armor design for the game, is utterly half-assed. The Dunmer should be wearing bonemold and chitin. The Bosmer wear more Dunmerish armor. Yeah they include the Ordinator armor but even that was ruined by making the helmet an embarrassing, over-sized mess of amateur level spot welding, with a giant dopey looking face, rather than the graceful and ornate stuff from Morrowind.

    Not to mention the fact that they cheaped out and went with WoW-style skins, so it looks painted on and flexes when you breath. and any pieces float alongside you barely connected.
    Sculpting is one thing, but stretchy rubber armor that looks painted on - that means they did not want to spend the time to do vertex-weighting. Weighting tells the model what parts of the body stretch (skin) and what parts of the body don't (plate armor). Its a design choice, if you want rigid plates, you will have clipping - body parts will move through the plate when the animation tells them to. You saw that in games like Warhammer Online. But, most players are ok with clipping because the overall character seems more realistic when steel armor doesn't stretch.

    To do this right, you need people that know how to rig a model so it looks like its wearing armor. Sounds like they didn't, and/or didn't want to spend the money to contract model riggers for dozens of different armor types in EOS. Its got to be a cost decision, and that's understandable.

    BUT - even so, when your talking about THE epic armor, which is Daedric, what is a few thou$and extra dollars to make that one armor exceptional? Considering the multi-millions they are going to make in this game's first year, just in subscription profit alone...

  • Najarati
    And we're certain none of this is placeholder art?
  • steven_shidiwenb16_ESO
    My Daedric medium gear is legendary rarity and its green... *** green, having uncommon rarity your daedric is BLACK!?... Legendary is green, Uncommon is black? REVERSE THAT *** NOW.... thats some stupid ass ***!
  • jones52j
    If it is. Forum community moderator should have pipped in 50 comment ago.
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