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Tired of Nightblade

  • MasterLanz
    Grim13 wrote: »
    MasterLanz wrote: »
    Grim13 wrote: »
    ..And I haven't had a single successful block of an enemies two-handed heavy attack ALL DAY, inspite of the fact that I've blocked it as soon as the animation started EVERY TIME.

    That's... awfully specific. I've never had problems blocking 2h attacks unless I was too low on stamina or at a bad angle. I don't think that's a Zenimax problem. I can't recall hearing anyone else complain about that.

    1) It's specific because it happened. 2) To me, your experience is irrelevant.

    Man, I wish there was an option to down-vote idiocy on the forums.

    You can leave, if it bothers you so much. I'm just saying that blocking issues doesn't sound like a problem on the game's end.
    Edited by MasterLanz on May 18, 2014 5:08AM
  • lavendercat
    nightblade was the first class i tried. i thought i would try the siphoning.

    it was ok but i found that my spells were a bit slow. so, i was getting bashed a bit while casting.

    so then i redid my skills. i thought assassination might work better since it would be faster so i could kill them more quickly.

    this seemed better and i was really enjoying it, but you see im not very good at moving around and so i was still getting battered alot.

    so in the end i gave up and made a templar. i thought this might suit me better since i wouldnt have to move about so much and i can heal myself.

    its working out ok so far :)
    hello :)
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    so in the end i gave up and made a templar. i thought this might suit me better since i wouldnt have to move about so much and i can heal myself.

    its working out ok so far :)

    You have a talent for picking weaker classes :P

    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • Halrloprillalar
    zamiel wrote: »
    I have a destro staff NB. It was painful in the beginning, now at 35 it's getting awesome. Unstoppable+refreshing path+fire blocade+drain strength spam and everything dies easily. Probably NB deals the best AoE of all classes and are great for higher levels. 3 mobs or 8? Doesn't matter as long as you can control incoming damage.

    NB doesn't do the best aoe of all classes, it is probably the worst or tied with templar (sorry)

    However, NB has probably the best single target dps (or potential for) of any class.

    Manni was a *** *** regardless of class, some worse than others.
  • Creslian7
    Seems play as you want doesn't apply to the nightblade. I see alot of people here suggesting a light armor caster type build, but what if you don't want that type of build?
    The simple fact is a sorc in medium armor with dw/bow or DK in medium armor with dw/bow are more viable, have more options and will do more damage than a nightblade in medium armor with dw/bow. That is the problem. The class is flawed, the abilites don't synergize well and are weak.

    Each class, while you can build how you want, seems to have a niche roll they can fit into easily. Sorcs as a caster dps, templars as a healer, DKs as a tank. You don't have to play those classes that way, but playing that way meshes well with their class skills. The nightblade migrates toward the classic rogue of mmo's, the stealthy big hitter, but gets lost on the way.

    Can we make it work? painfully yes, but you're failures will outnumber your successes in the long run.
  • Halrloprillalar
    funny I killed manimarco at minimal level by spamming funnel health and devouring swarm without even bothering to interrupt him the poor sod cried

    PS: I fought him with a restoration staff (laugh)

    vampires... yep, love killing them.
  • MasterLanz
    zamiel wrote: »
    I have a destro staff NB. It was painful in the beginning, now at 35 it's getting awesome. Unstoppable+refreshing path+fire blocade+drain strength spam and everything dies easily. Probably NB deals the best AoE of all classes and are great for higher levels. 3 mobs or 8? Doesn't matter as long as you can control incoming damage.

    NB doesn't do the best aoe of all classes, it is probably the worst or tied with templar (sorry)

    However, NB has probably the best single target dps (or potential for) of any class.

    Manni was a *** *** regardless of class, some worse than others.

    I don't know. I wouldn't call it the 'worst'. I would definitely say Nightblade probably has the fewest options when it comes to AoEs, but... damn drain power is a hell of an awesome AoE. My nightblade just massacres groups of stuff with Power Drain and Steel Tornado.
  • LHJMHalmansb16_ESO

    ...where do I start where do I start....I am not an elitist lets start with that but there is a big difference between being ignorant and a complete ***....

    Your post doesn't make me angry it makes me sad for you.

    However, if game mechanics are such that I have to use a magical staff or vampirism to deliver high end content then the class to me is completely sub par. Half of my friends have already fizzled out on this game and the ones who haven't *** all the time so I suspect it is a matter of time.

    You don't need a magical staff or vampirism for high end content actually in PVE vampirism isn't too great.... and staff DPS is nice and all but it can be done with other weapons setups.....saying something so bland just proved my point that you are not using your IQ at all......

    Vampirism is nice for dark stalker especially after the nerf to the ultimate which would bridge a small gap in AOE weakness and surviveability nightblades have in those fights but it can be done without it in the true assassin style and if you cant figure out how cause there is no I WIN button then well I feel sorry for you sir....

    Dragon knights / sorcerors have it easy right now, ill give you that but they will get toned down and I never said nightblades were ok I said it was doable if you think about your abilities and combine it with game mechanics and sure we have to put in more effort then b4 hand mentioned classes heck im sure Templars will get nerfed too however I rather just get a boost for nightblades instead.... fixing passives b4 craglorn would be a nice step....

    But yes it is possible to equal DK / Sorc in AE dps without using destro or resto staff....Its hard but possible...Anyways if all yer friends left the game why are you still playing a class that is not fun to play to you? maybe a lil masochistic haha!

    The other stuff you said in your post im just going to ignore I have every reason to react the way I did cause you just will not utilize your brains to find a solution to the issues you are finding (issues that do not all occur cause of broken mechanics or passives).

    I am tired of people who want their food (read MMO) spoonfed and prechewed for them, I played Beta and I knew nightblades were underpowered compared to the other classes I still picked nightblade because I knew I could overcome it all!

    Anyways GL in yer next game that yer gonna whine about too!

    Greetz styxxey
  • dracobains_ESO
    You listen to people about as well as a 2 year old listens. Perhaps you are just incapable of reading comprehension but it appears more like a childish rant.

    I was responding to all of those who claim how well they are doing using staffs or Vampirism which is the majority of the builds players having been spewing for successful leveling. I know you feel like the whole world evolves around you but there were other participants in this thread.

    I have leveled solo with a bow 90% of the time to V7. I also stated previously rather plainly that I play this game because I love the pvp model. So your assumptions are baseless like the entirety of your statement. Perhaps I am just using language beyond your comprehension so let me come down to a level that you might be able to handle better.

    Here we go...

    I like this game. It is a good game. Things could be better. Here are some weak points. Nightblades could use a little love. I am sure some have fun in VR content. I know of nobody who has enjoyed it. (I came real close to using a compound sentence there... sorry) Me and my friends want to see ESO succeed. We are just a little frustrated. (If any of those words are too challenging try using

    I have a subscription. I am still playing. I hope for the best. I am offering some insights from my point of view. Hopefully they will help you understand why many have not subbed. Fanboys will defend a rusted hull on the bottom of the ocean. They will tell you your ship is still sea worthy. I am relating to you the conversations I hear everyday. Lots of people are talking on many forums. They all echo the same thing. Even ESO knows this is true. They have made NBs a top priority. So here is hoping for a better tomorrow.

    Hopefully that as a bit clearer for you. If you are still struggling with literacy, let me suggest the following link.

    I found this a valuable tool for those with limited learning skills while teaching so hopefully it can assist you.
    IRONCLAD of Ebonheart Pact
    We don't have popularity contests because we believe it is better to be Feared than Loved.
  • lavendercat
    so in the end i gave up and made a templar. i thought this might suit me better since i wouldnt have to move about so much and i can heal myself.

    its working out ok so far :)

    You have a talent for picking weaker classes :P

    heh. well, ive made a dragonknight now. i really like templar but im playing an argonian and templar didnt really seem to fit.
    hello :)
  • LHJMHalmansb16_ESO
    You listen to people about as well as a 2 year old listens. Perhaps you are just incapable of reading comprehension but it appears more like a childish rant.

    I understood everything you said I had no issues with comprehension at all only thing ive had issues with which you are clearly missing is yer whining about the I picked the weakest class and I have no I WIN button or combo....

    So I suggest you reread those things yourself! But I am tired of listening to people like you who clearly want that button to push.... whether is PVP or PVE if you have no way to coop and get things done right now or not happy about how you do get things done, then you might as well unsub and be off whining elsewhere!

    The only thing we agree on is that nightblades need some love but they are not so broken to the point of unplayeable.....and if people are quitting cause of VR stuff being too hard then that is their choice its my choice to pick a class that requires some thought when I play it and not just spam away like a madman but actually plan my attack like a true assassin wait for the right time to strike and use everything in your toolbox to get the job done!

  • Selodaoc
    zamiel wrote: »
    I have a destro staff NB. It was painful in the beginning, now at 35 it's getting awesome. Unstoppable+refreshing path+fire blocade+drain strength spam and everything dies easily. Probably NB deals the best AoE of all classes and are great for higher levels. 3 mobs or 8? Doesn't matter as long as you can control incoming damage.

    NB doesn't do the best aoe of all classes, it is probably the worst or tied with templar (sorry)

    However, NB has probably the best single target dps (or potential for) of any class.

    Manni was a *** *** regardless of class, some worse than others.

    I dont even think NB have the strongest ST.
    Sure, they have the burst from veiled strike, but after that, dmg becomes very subpar even at ST.
    After the initial hit, veiled (or its morphs) hits for 1/5 the dmg even from stealth.
  • Evergreen
    if people are quitting cause of VR stuff being too hard then that is their choice its my choice to pick a class that requires some thought when I play it and not just spam away like a madman but actually plan my attack like a true assassin wait for the right time to strike and use everything in your toolbox to get the job done!

    Nightblade should have an easier time in VR content once they fix our broken/bugged skills. I'm VR 6 NB for example and facing the tougher quest mobs like Storm Atronachs which you have to fight to complete some quests requires all tanking skills to be working properly for the Nightblade. Leeching Strikes for example is a broken/bugged skill only returning about 2.4% health instead of the 4% it is supposed to so .

    These tougher vet rank fights are much more difficult for the Nightblade with critically bugged/broken skills like Leeching Strikes than other classes who not only have working skills but awesome synergy between their skills. I can't wait until we are fixed but in the meantime Nightblade is worth playing imo even if it means more repair bills.

  • LHJMHalmansb16_ESO
    Evergreen wrote: »
    if people are quitting cause of VR stuff being too hard then that is their choice its my choice to pick a class that requires some thought when I play it and not just spam away like a madman but actually plan my attack like a true assassin wait for the right time to strike and use everything in your toolbox to get the job done!

    Nightblade should have an easier time in VR content once they fix our broken/bugged skills. I'm VR 6 NB for example and facing the tougher quest mobs like Storm Atronachs which you have to fight to complete some quests requires all tanking skills to be working properly for the Nightblade. Leeching Strikes for example is a broken/bugged skill only returning about 2.4% health instead of the 4% it is supposed to so .

    These tougher vet rank fights are much more difficult for the Nightblade with critically bugged/broken skills like Leeching Strikes than other classes who not only have working skills but awesome synergy between their skills. I can't wait until we are fixed but in the meantime Nightblade is worth playing imo even if it means more repair bills.

    Finally someone who makes sense and actually agrees with me!
    Btw here is a tip for you instead of just relying on leeching for you heals when solo have degeneration on your sidebar in case you have trouble killing something.

    Blood craze + swallow soul + degeneration = almost unkilleable nightblade add a few potions just in case and you should be able to kill al the tougher ones without resorting to a tank build.

  • dracobains_ESO

    I have no I WIN button or combo....

    So I suggest you reread those things yourself! But I am tired of listening to people like you who clearly want that button to push.... whether is PVP or PVE if you have no way to coop and get things done right now or not happy about how you do get things done, then you might as well unsub and be off whining elsewhere!

    Why does this continue to go back to your reading comprehension? My initial post on this thread was about this:
    I cannot count how many hundreds of times elitist players and devs have spewed "there is no right way, play however you like"

    Because that is all I heard in beta and early release. Then all of a sudden that mantra changed to "you clearly suck and don't know how to PLAY THIS CLASS CORRECTLY..." So what irked me in my original response is how the arrogance among some is trying to have it both ways. We can play however we want, ie spec, but we are piles of feces for not picking the combinations which are needed for success. Narcissism at its best.
    ..."yer too stupid to make it work" ..."yer doing it wrong...

    You make so many assumptions and keep saying I am not doing things right and that is why I am not succeeding yet I have made it through the vet levels almost entirely solo. Making these huge assumptions about me based on nothing but your imagination constitutes either a weak comprehension of dialogue or a childish mind.

    Absolutely nowhere have I suggested anything about wanting a one shot button or even to be comparable to anyone else, like Sorc aoe, but this class needs some help which it clearly does with the numerous bugged abilities. This is not even disputed anywhere. I have never said anything about choosing the weakest class. I know very little about other classes because I only play rogue archetypes. Yet you continue to conjure up things I have supposedly said in your imagination and post it here as if it were fact. Then the audacity to demand I go back and re-read my posts as if that somehow validates your position...

    I pay to participate in this game. Zenimax encourages feedback. As a paying customer I offer that feedback to which they have AGREED with. This:
    Nightblade – We have many fixes coming to the Nightblade in our next patch, including fixes to abilities and passives that weren’t working properly, and adjusting the responsiveness in high-intensity combat. We’ll continue to monitor the Nightblade after we push these fixes live.

    And there is this:

    I know it is difficult for you to comprehend, but whining is not synonymous with complaints. There is an enormous list there of valid reasons for complaint. You on the other hand have made incorrect suppositions in droves.

    IRONCLAD of Ebonheart Pact
    We don't have popularity contests because we believe it is better to be Feared than Loved.
  • patrykplawskib16_ESO
    Word of Advice if you do not like resto staff and destro staff with light armor quit the class and use DK if your into hardcore melee, a sorc for Huge DPS spells or templar if u like to heal and do DPS in fights other than that if your intrested in the best build for night blade or should i say only build its the "bloodmage" full light Armour with light Armour passives and everything maxed and all attribute points in magika while using the warlocks set very important than u can spam dark cloak go behind menimarco use surprise attack make sure to use siphoning strike to keep your magika flowing as well as swallowing soul to heal and apply a DoT on him. Here's the link to the build.

    Follow this build and u will surely dominate all bosses u can use shadow cloak to interrupt all bosses and u just gotta keep your magika up spam it heavy attack with resto staff and all your other abilties to use in pvp as well or u can try this out

    mainly for PVPbut doable in PVE
    Dunmer Master Race
  • Sanguisaevum
  • LHJMHalmansb16_ESO

    I have no I WIN button or combo....

    So I suggest you reread those things yourself! But I am tired of listening to people like you who clearly want that button to push.... whether is PVP or PVE if you have no way to coop and get things done right now or not happy about how you do get things done, then you might as well unsub and be off whining elsewhere!

    Why does this continue to go back to your reading comprehension? My initial post on this thread was about this:
    I cannot count how many hundreds of times elitist players and devs have spewed "there is no right way, play however you like"

    Because that is all I heard in beta and early release. Then all of a sudden that mantra changed to "you clearly suck and don't know how to PLAY THIS CLASS CORRECTLY..." So what irked me in my original response is how the arrogance among some is trying to have it both ways. We can play however we want, ie spec, but we are piles of feces for not picking the combinations which are needed for success. Narcissism at its best.
    ..."yer too stupid to make it work" ..."yer doing it wrong...

    You make so many assumptions and keep saying I am not doing things right and that is why I am not succeeding yet I have made it through the vet levels almost entirely solo. Making these huge assumptions about me based on nothing but your imagination constitutes either a weak comprehension of dialogue or a childish mind.

    Absolutely nowhere have I suggested anything about wanting a one shot button or even to be comparable to anyone else, like Sorc aoe, but this class needs some help which it clearly does with the numerous bugged abilities. This is not even disputed anywhere. I have never said anything about choosing the weakest class. I know very little about other classes because I only play rogue archetypes. Yet you continue to conjure up things I have supposedly said in your imagination and post it here as if it were fact. Then the audacity to demand I go back and re-read my posts as if that somehow validates your position...

    I pay to participate in this game. Zenimax encourages feedback. As a paying customer I offer that feedback to which they have AGREED with. This:
    Nightblade – We have many fixes coming to the Nightblade in our next patch, including fixes to abilities and passives that weren’t working properly, and adjusting the responsiveness in high-intensity combat. We’ll continue to monitor the Nightblade after we push these fixes live.

    And there is this:

    I know it is difficult for you to comprehend, but whining is not synonymous with complaints. There is an enormous list there of valid reasons for complaint. You on the other hand have made incorrect suppositions in droves.

    Moderator Edit: Removed for Flaming
    Edited by ZOS_LucasA on May 20, 2014 4:15PM
  • LHJMHalmansb16_ESO
    I agreed with the fact that nightblades need some love I never refuted that.....

    You said you did bow / dual wield ....and are struggling im saying I do that too so same playstyle and I am not struggling read the b4mentioned tips again....

    You did say you wanted a I win button not literally but between the lines and if you cant see that yerself then you are portraying yer shortcomings onto me, The available target I guess. Man would Freud have a fieldday with you!

    Anyways all I hear from you is QQ and some more QQ and my friends QQ this and QQ that your preaching try to comprehend better but you yerself are having these issues.... kinda the pot and kettle thing right!

    Anyways if anyone who plays dual wield + bow needs help you can page me in game my name ingame is styxxey aside from you who clearly already can manage and understands everything yet your QQ about an I win button oh no wait you were not you were just wanting the bugs to be fixed right! Well if the latter is the case we are on the same page but im sure after those fixes you will still struggle cause the class doesn't suite you or you would be able to find a way around the weaknesses without referring to destroy or vampirism!

    Anyways GL
  • dracobains_ESO

    You did say you wanted a I win button not literally but between the lines and if you cant see that yerself then you are portraying yer shortcomings onto me, The available target I guess. Man would Freud have a fieldday with you!

    "You said something.. oh wait.. not really, it is what I think you you said that matters.. reading between the lines"

    You readily affirm everything I have mentioned above about comprehension and imagination.

    What the hell does Freud have to do with a gaming dispute? Is that some weak jab about my mental health or something?

    Sigh... seriously this is pitiful and non productive. Nobody has the right to tell others they suck because their experience is so grand. That is the bottom line. It is arrogant and repugnant. But people will justify rudeness whenever it suits them I suppose.

    Let me reiterate something to all those opposed to change. I am truly happy you are enjoying the game and find it fulfilling; you are getting your money's worth. There is, however, a very significant player base who either do not enjoy the level of intensity or find it too difficult for enjoyment and or success. If balance cannot be found to make their gaming experience more inclusive, then they will move on. It really is that simple. No muss no fuss have a great day and wish you the best. There is no malice here just a lot of different people expressing frustration to which they have a right to do. It doesn't make them right, it is merely an expression of their personal experience and it is as valid as anyone else. You do not have a right to malign people and call them stupid because their personal experience was different from yours. It is a juvenile approach to a conversation and that is what I called you out on.

    IRONCLAD of Ebonheart Pact
    We don't have popularity contests because we believe it is better to be Feared than Loved.
  • williams226
    Kinda defeats the purpose of a MMORPG game, Massively Multiplayer.... wow turned the MMo into a solo any class can rip through the game its easy and people expect the same now with all games.

    I remember old eq where unless u were a specific class ( necro, Beastlord etc ) you really had to group all content. Solo just wasn't an option.

    One thing I have noted you can join 5 guilds, many with over 400 players in them and people want to solo through the game.

    I know its your choice, but don't ask the game to be easier so you can rip through areas if anything make it harder so more people have to group up.

    Having a great community and players and friends will keep people playing the game for longer.

    This is just my opinion

  • Sanguinantis
    The NB will be updated with the next Update!

    Cheers! :D
  • williams226
    is 1.1 the next update?

  • Jaxom
    The NB will be updated with the next Update!

    Cheers! :D

    This is misleading. Only a few changes are 1.1. Most of the big changes are 1.2
  • LHJMHalmansb16_ESO

    You did say you wanted a I win button not literally but between the lines and if you cant see that yerself then you are portraying yer shortcomings onto me, The available target I guess. Man would Freud have a fieldday with you!

    "You said something.. oh wait.. not really, it is what I think you you said that matters.. reading between the lines"

    You readily affirm everything I have mentioned above about comprehension and imagination.

    What the hell does Freud have to do with a gaming dispute? Is that some weak jab about my mental health or something?

    Sigh... seriously this is pitiful and non productive. Nobody has the right to tell others they suck because their experience is so grand. That is the bottom line. It is arrogant and repugnant. But people will justify rudeness whenever it suits them I suppose.

    Let me reiterate something to all those opposed to change. I am truly happy you are enjoying the game and find it fulfilling; you are getting your money's worth. There is, however, a very significant player base who either do not enjoy the level of intensity or find it too difficult for enjoyment and or success. If balance cannot be found to make their gaming experience more inclusive, then they will move on. It really is that simple. No muss no fuss have a great day and wish you the best. There is no malice here just a lot of different people expressing frustration to which they have a right to do. It doesn't make them right, it is merely an expression of their personal experience and it is as valid as anyone else. You do not have a right to malign people and call them stupid because their personal experience was different from yours. It is a juvenile approach to a conversation and that is what I called you out on.

    read yer own lines more closely and you know im right!
    On top of that I live in a free country with freedom of speech I have the right to say whatever I want....guess ya missed that class too!

    And telling people to use their brains is not the same as telling them that they are stupid, however you tend to lean to the latter cause you apparently cannot make this distinction! (look I hinted to you being stupid but I did not actually say that!!!)

    And Freud bah I guess you didn't do any psychology research ever in yer life that's fine not everyone is educated !

    Have fun in yer next game!

    PS: yes I say yer cause im lazy!
  • steinernein
    I am almost certain I can make a faceroll nb work. Time to find out next week.
  • vicNBitis
    I am almost certain I can make a faceroll nb work. Time to find out next week.

    Why are people acting like this is some accomplishment? NB is viable. Tank, healer, DPS...all viable. For solo. Quest leveling. The DPS one can AOE but it's nowhere near as efficient as other classes so again...solo...questing. The tank and heals are viable for dungeons but I don't think you'd get much time in one outside of PUGs(which are horrible btw) because they're not optimal(that'd be DK and Templar). But, yeah, NBs can solo quite easily.

    So make your dual wield NB. That will work perfectly at least until you hit VR. Cloak, Veiled Strike, Assassin's Blade, Strife, Cripple. Easy peasy. All NB skills. Or Blood Craze if you want more healing. Extremely viable. Also extremely, extremely boring. And slow. As slow as you could possibly imagine.

    Oh, wait, no. NB in VR is as slow as you could possibly imagine. Why? What changed? The mobs are harder, yes, but your abilities don't scale very well after 50 and to top if off, due to the mobs being healthier you now have to use Siphoning Strikes for resource management which means pretty much your only pre-execute skill is now doing 20-25% less than before. No problem! You'll just have to stab stuff one extra time. So each, individual, agonizingly monotonous kill goes from stealth, stab, execute to stealth, stab, invis, stab, execute. Doesn't sound too bad, right? Do it a thousand times. Or five thousand. And, oh yeah, SS bumped Blood Craze off your bar so say goodbye to the extra healing. Of course you can switch to Resto staff and get the 5% buff if you don't mind going from daggers to a long, nubby stick. Maybe swap out your ult for Dawnbreaker but then you lose the awesome Veil of Blades which is your 'oh sh!t' button. Oh well, those don't come very often since you only get hit every fourth fight. And it's just one more concession to keep your PREFERRED build viable, right? Other classes do that, right? DKs do that...right?!

    But viable it is. All the way to VR10. If you don't gouge your eyes out you'll have a stun-locking machine that puts out 300 DPS on boss fights. Just so you can say 'I told you so'....
  • steinernein
    What a nice rant, it's a pity you put zero effort and thought into your reply.

    Generally, before you go off on some tangent or ridicule another you really ought to understand what their position or perspective is.

    Let me offer you a bit of my perspective; I am a pre vr10/12 sorc (vr 8 wearing vr 6 gear) who yields over 700 DPS on many fights at this point which is, I would say, better than most sorcs. But I am utterly unhappy with the damage output even if I know I can reach 1k sustained because I think there is a better way and that's playing as a Nightblade.

    I am going to just leave it as that. Just remember, almost certain doesn't mean a guarantee but what is clear is that I know a lot more than you do about a class I haven't touched.
  • vicNBitis
    Not a rant. Just pointing out that making an NB work isn't special in any way. Lots of us have already done it. Even the worst preferred build is doable.
  • Reinmard
    I bet the NB is full of ***, but at least you can play, not like the templar with Bitin jabs.
    Hear me cry, forum!
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