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Tired of Nightblade

  • Aziz006
    I use dual wield/bow as everyone else. Nightblade has no ability that synergizes well with AoE abilities but this does not mean that you cannot deal with packs of mobs. You just need to use what you have on your nightblade. I used this build when I was vr3 on one of public dungeons which has 4-5 mobs in one pack. Here is the build and explanation how to use it.
    Dual wield:
    1. Steel tornado- simple AoE damage with great execution ability.
    2. Volcanic rune-
    3. Concelead weapon
    4. Evil hunter(change it with something useful if you are not fighting with undead or deadra)
    5. Invigorating drain
    Ult: Soul Terher
    1.Reaper's mark(that is the main ability in build I will explain how to use it)
    2. Other abilities is not that important you can use whatever you want

    How to use it?
    First of all, use Reaper's Mark to mark the target you are going to attack first. Change your bar. Do not forget to use your expert hunter skill if you are fighting undead or deadra and that will also reg you stamina. Get close to marked target when stealthed and use concealed weapon>> heavy attack>>stell tornado. As well as destroying first enemy in the pack it will full your health. Then use volcanic rune for knocking all enemies and then keep using your AoE(steel tornado). When you run out of stamina you can use invigorating drain for stamina or you can just time well 2nd volcanic after your first volcanic rune to knock them again while keep using Steel Tornado.

    That is pretty much it. It works well for me. You can use your ultimate if you think something went wrong. And one thing I noticed is when you are fighting undead or deadra and you have passive that gives you ultimate when killing them you can keep using ultimate every time you attack packs which is huge stun and self-heal.
    Edit: Please consider that I have a lot of passives and stamina to make this build work. Right now I have overcharged health and stamina as well as stamina regeneration.

    Edited by Aziz006 on May 3, 2014 2:45PM
  • IceDread
    I am playing a NB, now level 42. And im sick and tired of it.
    I skilled Dual wield and syphoning. Now...i wouldnt call myself a bad player, but there is definitely something wrong when you die several times at EVERY major quest.
    When i fight packs of three without my ultimate up, there is always a chance of at least 50 % i simply die.
    Bossmonster are alltogether impossible. Mannimarco at level 40 (mind you, im 42) killed me 47 times without me even getting him to 50% health. Yes, i do block, i do dodge.
    I even reset my attributes from Stamina to Magic (for nearly 5k gold btw), and it doesnt help.
    I dont even know which armor to wear. Light armor for the Syphoning? Medium Armor for the dual wield?
    This class makes no sense.

    Compared to DK and Sorcs we are lackluster. They are very easy to play.

    I died ~4 times against Mannimarco, then I slotted combat prayer and it was a *slow* walk in the park. We lack the aoe for dealing with packs of mobs coming at us, it also looks like we could use some better dps compared to Sorcs and DK with their yellow light attack of stupidity that kills everything nice and fast for them.

    The class as I see it is still viable, but requires far more from you as a player than dk or sorcs.

    It really is silly, I see so many dk take on huge packs with no problems but yet we have problems. And, to put my personal skills into perspective, in world of tanks I am excellent. Most players are not. I can usually take on four players and live to tell about it, and that's a game where there are no advantages to anyone save your patience and skill.

    So my role in pve I've taken as dps / support healer. Knives or restrostaf (fast attacks) + siphoning strikes makes for a good boost to get mana/stamina up and then burst again. Use a aoe with siphoning striks and it goes faster.

    However, to me it looks like you really have to switch back and forth between two weapon types to make it all effective and switching weapon is not all that fast and with *** *** game engine that enjoys lag, switching is sometimes easier said than done.

    I hope our class will be up to par with the other classes soon due to some balancing but who knows.

    Anyway, in pvp you can own anyone because all the kids wanna be vampire so you only have to slot the fighters guilds skill silver bolts ^^.

    The sad part is that we need siphoning strikes badly, our abilities just does not cut it, they do not do enough damage or cost too much power / stamina. Hopefully this will be balanced soon... I f**king hate seeing those dk's with that yellow light sabre having such an easy time. Still, you can do it, but it takes some thinking, it's not like the DK.
    Edited by IceDread on May 3, 2014 10:56PM
  • mblythe21b14_ESO
    Loved my NB until VR content. He could AOE faster than most other classes. In VR content the mobs hit too hard and have a lot more hps. So now its 1500 damage Surprise attacks to get the first mob down and kill the other two. Nothing really fast about it. VR content is killing my soul.
  • LHJMHalmansb16_ESO
    I am real sry for the trouble the OP is having with his dual wield bow build but I don't really sympathize sure a lotta passives are broken for nightblade especially in dual wielding etc

    That said I still think that it is more cause of you not playing your class correctly cause I have no problem killing anything in my path and also going dual + bow!

    Even groups of 5 or more I can take on solo even above my level be smart about it!

    Here is a hint tho since you need it desperately

    USE SHADOWS send them in wait for them to engage then you have 20 secs to pick enemies off one by one while they attack your shades. If shades are near end on timer then finish your current target quickly and go back into stealth back off then rinse repeat this is the ST way and kinda clunky I agree but it works!

    If you cant kill bosses try to stun lock them with invis / surprise attack combo while using stamina to burn during the stun! If he gets out of the stunlock change to bow and use your surroundings by LOSing his casts while you regen and try to get a new stunlock chain in.....

    All in all use yer freaking brains plz.....Nightblades are OP in almost every way if you know how to utilize it (not talking about the broken passives tho)!

    The other classes in the right hands are OP aswell.....

    Greetz styxxey
  • dracobains_ESO
    What I am sick of..? People blathering about how nobody is playing a Nightblade correctly. I cannot count how many hundreds of times elitist players and devs have spewed "there is no right way play however you like".

    LOS is BS. I cannot count how many times I have been shot through walls and columns. All the clunky workarounds to make this class slightly functional is just ludicrous. The only specs I see working decently involve Vampire which I will quit before I make myself into a vamp.

    The fact is, there is a very limited working window on how to complete various fights. This is not a robust class with innumerable builds it is a weak POS compared to other classes and that is fact no matter how you fluff up the crap on here. Can I make it work? Sure most of the time but I have to spend countless deaths and trial and error for every single caster elite I encounter and there have been plenty of situations I simply could not complete a quest until help arrived.

    Fact: 90% of the players which I personally knew dumped their nightblade and the other 10% haven't reached 50. I was the only person out of 100+ players stubborn enough to keep punishing myself in Veteran content. But I have never played anything but "rogues" . There are some brilliant elements to this game so I am willing to give them a month to get my class functional without gimmicks and if not, I wish them the best but won't support them further.
    Edited by dracobains_ESO on May 13, 2014 7:42AM
    IRONCLAD of Ebonheart Pact
    We don't have popularity contests because we believe it is better to be Feared than Loved.
  • LHJMHalmansb16_ESO
    What I am sick of..? People blathering about how nobody is playing a Nightblade correctly. I cannot count how many hundreds of times elitist players and devs have spewed "there is no right way play however you like".

    Devs can say play however you like and that is fine but if you choose a certain weapon setup in this case bow / dual wield you already have chosen a path and a playstyle that can only be altered by either changing weaponry / changing between ST / AE or changing armor from medium (for crits) to light for more regen.....which will in effect be an entirely different build...

    Any playstyle can work as long as it suits you and if you cant make dual wield + bow work then that playstyle simply does not suite you or yer too stupid to make it work....... And yes Nightblades are a bit more sophisticated compared to other spammy classes....but like I said in the right hands they are OP!

    And LOS is not BS if yer at range you can use rocks / pillars and all that to hide however if the mob casts the spell and fires at you b4 you LOS then obviously yer gonna get hit.....MOVE FASTER!

    You can also dodge btw don't know if you knew this but its possible to dodge fire balls that a pyro tosses at ya....if you don't know how to dodge make a new character and play the tutorial again...Or pick up enchanting and get some resist jewelry use yer shadows to figure out what kinda mage it is unless its in the name of course then swap into whatever jewelry resist you require voila less damage taken from that mage....and now he dies much easier and you didn't even had to die to find out........

    All in all I will settle on my initial comment about USING YER FREAKING BRAINS!

    Greetz styxxey

    PS: I run group dungeons solo most of the time (aside from the challenge) but if I can start from stealth heck even sometimes when I don't start from stealth I can take any boss down with some wits and tactics and sometimes some preparation, I only die if I am hastily doing stuff or if I am careless, or on purpose to get to the shrine quicker cause im too lazy to walk! If you wanna know how I solo group dungeons just wisp me on the US server its @styxxey!
  • Mucera78
    I would really really like to see a video of a NB in Veteran content just casually plowing through packs of 3-4 mobs.
    You are welcome. There are quiet a few more videos btw.

    Edited by Mucera78 on May 14, 2014 8:49AM
  • Koensol
    Mucera78 wrote: »
    I would really really like to see a video of a NB in Veteran content just casually plowing through packs of 3-4 mobs.
    You are welcome. There are quiet a few more videos btw.
    Doh! You ninja'd me on that one. ;)

  • Marricus
    Soul Shriven
    MysticAura wrote: »
    I'd just be happy if when I double tap to dodge, it wasn't so hit or miss. Seems to only activate half the time, even if I test while not in combat..when it works I do a ton better.

    I do agree that many skills do need to be looked over and adjusted, but proper build and gear makes a ton of difference.

    Used to have similar issues, two things you can try:
    - in the setting you can change the timing of the double tap I upped mine a bit and it mostly worked
    - remap dodge to middle mouse button, needs multi button mouse or the scroll wheel button
  • vicNBitis
    I would really really like to see a video of a NB in Veteran content just casually plowing through packs of 3-4 mobs. I'm a VR 6 DK, and every time I see a NB taking on 3 or more they have a really rough time of it. I can't count the number of times I see a NB in a public dungeon, waiting for someone else to come along because they can't solo it. While DK's, sorcerers, and even to some extent templars finish up public dungeons solo with no issues.

    I'm not saying an exceptional NB player can't do it. But an average NB player from what I have seen cannot complete with other classes when it comes to ease of soloing. Not without being a vamp, or having exceptional gear or skills.

    It's pretty easy actually though the road to that build can be painfully long and expensive. VR9 non-vamp, medium-armor, stealth, crit, Surprise Attack NB here and, if the interwebs gods and Zenimax are happy, I can do packs of 4 easily sometimes even without getting touched. And, no, it's not the invis-spam cheese method either. No glitches, clipping, or abuse of any kind needed. Just the occasional mana potion and Siphoning Attacks.

    weapon doesn't matter as everything is a class use resto staff

    bar--Surprise Attack, Strife morph, Killer's Blade, Siphoning Attacks, Disguise

    rotation--crouch, Surprise Attack, Strife(in case things go pear if it'd help), Disguise, SA 2nd target, KB 1st(one down), Strife 2nd, Disguise, SA 3rd, blah blah blah...intersperse light attack spam to refill bars. Yeah, it can get boring. You're a Nightblade! Buck up. Every 5th pull something will go wrong and for a brief, exciting moment you'll get to watch Veil of Blades save your hide(again) and hopefully not have to start the entire dungeon over again.
  • Aedh
    I'm playing my Nightblade as a Siphon Tank (I pretty much decided on a "shadow knight/dark templar" type of character during the betas), and it's working great.

    I'm vr6, running with the following build :
    1. Swallow Soul
    2. Sap Essence
    3. Refreshing Path
    4. Pierce Armor
    5. Siphoning Attacks
    U. Veil of Blades

    Works like a charm, and you can solo public dungeons without any issues.
    I went with a resto staff for the weapon switch, to add more self healing to the build (Mutagen and Quick Siphon), and solo some world bosses (not the ones with adds though, but doable if they're alone).

    Something I noticed : Quick Siphon procs with every tick of Refreshing Path and Veil of Blades. It's possible to attain indecent amounts of self healing (I'm talking about 6/700 hps or more) by casting several Quick Siphons on packs comprising 6 mobs, then dropping Refreshing Path, Veil of Blades, plus some Sap Essence spamming to replenish the ultimate.

    Kill time is slow, though, not a build to play if you want to rush through quests and dungeons.

  • vicNBitis
    Aedh wrote: »
    I'm playing my Nightblade as a Siphon Tank (I pretty much decided on a "shadow knight/dark templar" type of character during the betas), and it's working great.

    Enjoying my NB tank as well. Between Shielded Assault and Refreshing Path and the endless resources of Siphoning Attacks I can fly around at warp speed tickling** everything in reach!

    But as you say...sloooooow where it actually matters.

    **as in barely damaging
  • danreckerpreub18_ESO
    I took out Mannimarco at 43 or so... all armor points in medium. I forgot to swap out of my full heavy / light training trait suit before engaging. I plunked Siphoning attacks on him, held down M1 heavy attack spam... stepped out of AEs. I think I had to use a potion, he went down nicely.

    With a bow, and 0 armor skill points active (All bow passives except the 2nd point in the final one)

    I used
    Magnum shot,
    Surprise attacks,
    Siphoning attacks,
    Impale (ranged enhanced one)
    and the first siphoning ability thingy

    Took about 40 seconds
    Edited by danreckerpreub18_ESO on May 14, 2014 7:07PM
  • dracobains_ESO
    What I am sick of..? People blathering about how nobody is playing a Nightblade correctly. I cannot count how many hundreds of times elitist players and devs have spewed "there is no right way play however you like".

    And LOS is not BS if yer at range you can use rocks / pillars and all that to hide however if the mob casts the spell and fires at you b4 you LOS then obviously yer gonna get hit.....MOVE FASTER!

    You can also dodge btw don't know if you knew this but its possible to dodge fire balls that a pyro tosses at ya....if you don't know how to dodge make a new character and play the tutorial again...Or pick up enchanting and get some resist jewelry use yer shadows to figure out what kinda mage it is unless its in the name of course then swap into whatever jewelry resist you require voila less damage taken from that mage....and now he dies much easier and you didn't even had to die to find out........

    All in all I will settle on my initial comment about USING YER FREAKING BRAINS!

    One, your FOS. You cannot tell me that something that happens to me regularly, even with friends witnessing, does not occur. I cannot count how many times a fireball came right through a pillar or even wall and finished me off. Can it work? Certainly, and it works more often than not, but it is not something you can fully rely on.

    I will ignore your arrogant condescending comments about dodging and chalk it up to a personality disorder. But let me address a few things in that paragraph. I have been hit while dodging, again numerous times. Perhaps it is server lag and I will even entertain the notion and I am somehow missing the timing. But if you are building a weapon heavy build that uses Stamina, then things like dodging and blocking become very problematic as they tap into the same pool as your dps. Which is why you cannot build anything you like and it function as easily as you pretend.

    I decided to build a resist set like you have suggested when I encountered an elite caster mob V5 that was getting the better of me. I bumped up my resist to 70 points under the cap and the nukes decreased by 47 points of damage. That's right 47 was average reduction to nukes hitting me for an average of 445 went down into the 390s. I died over a dozen times testing this extensively. Bug? maybe there are certainly enough bugs to go around but don't ascribe how raising my resists will be the answer to damage reduction.

    And here is the whole thing, which by the way is where you could use your brain, gaming content that is designed to appease an elitist few will only entertain an elitist few. Good luck finding a profit margin with that model. When you tweak the Veteran content to make, my class at least, have to fight most encounters like they were all boss fights, it is not going to excite me or make me feel special each and every time I get through the encounter, it is going to exhaust me and make me hate playing. It is not entertaining to me and all of the people I have been gaming with for over a decade. Every person I know, still playing, finds veteran content exhausting and irritating with the exception of a very good sorc who keeps badgering me about how easy sorcs are and I should reroll like he did. And he still finds it irritating just not troublesome btw.

    I know nobody anywhere who desires to trudge through this content. In every guild I am in they are ALL looking for dungeon groups to get through this garbage leveling and spare themselves the agony of Vet questing. That is fact like everything else I have expressed and experienced first hand. Your experience may differ certainly, and good for you. I am happy you find things to your liking but you do not represent the total sum experience for all gamers and your arrogant view that everyone should experience things in the same manner is both juvenile and absurd.

    Edited by dracobains_ESO on May 15, 2014 4:01AM
    IRONCLAD of Ebonheart Pact
    We don't have popularity contests because we believe it is better to be Feared than Loved.
  • Tannakaobi
    I am playing a NB, now level 42. And im sick and tired of it.
    I skilled Dual wield and syphoning. Now...i wouldnt call myself a bad player, but there is definitely something wrong when you die several times at EVERY major quest.
    When i fight packs of three without my ultimate up, there is always a chance of at least 50 % i simply die.
    Bossmonster are alltogether impossible. Mannimarco at level 40 (mind you, im 42) killed me 47 times without me even getting him to 50% health. Yes, i do block, i do dodge.
    I even reset my attributes from Stamina to Magic (for nearly 5k gold btw), and it doesnt help.
    I dont even know which armor to wear. Light armor for the Syphoning? Medium Armor for the dual wield?
    This class makes no sense.

    I've leveled two to well past 40, each different from the other and have had no problems in level or the main story. I'm now on my third and still think they are a great class.

    Some of the passives don't always work, but once that's fixed they will be a very strong class. I suggest you take a look at some other builds. I have to say duel wield is the weakest build in my opinion. I only really use it as a finisher for my stealthy ranged bow user.

    I can tell you first hand that this is good build, I suggest you mix it up and try different things:
  • dracobains_ESO
    If you leveled 3 NB to V10 you are a masochist and I take my hat off to you. /bows
    IRONCLAD of Ebonheart Pact
    We don't have popularity contests because we believe it is better to be Feared than Loved.
  • SilvyrNixe
    I now spent 15k gold for a respec of skillpoints and attributes. now. show me some USEFUL builds, people. And please, no THEORETICAL builds. i wanna see builds that are in use, and working.
    The thing about you saying this, is that not every build is going to work with every person. Everyone has a slightly different way of playing, so trying to use someone else's build that let's say revolves more around sneaking about, while your style might be more of charging in full force. So of course this won't work for you. Just try out different skills and see which ones you like the most and that would work well together.
    "Real courage is not to give up hope, even in the most terrible darkness, and to carry on." -The Sight by David Clement-Davies
  • LHJMHalmansb16_ESO
    What I am sick of..? People blathering about how nobody is playing a Nightblade correctly. I cannot count how many hundreds of times elitist players and devs have spewed "there is no right way play however you like".

    And LOS is not BS if yer at range you can use rocks / pillars and all that to hide however if the mob casts the spell and fires at you b4 you LOS then obviously yer gonna get hit.....MOVE FASTER!

    You can also dodge btw don't know if you knew this but its possible to dodge fire balls that a pyro tosses at ya....if you don't know how to dodge make a new character and play the tutorial again...Or pick up enchanting and get some resist jewelry use yer shadows to figure out what kinda mage it is unless its in the name of course then swap into whatever jewelry resist you require voila less damage taken from that mage....and now he dies much easier and you didn't even had to die to find out........

    All in all I will settle on my initial comment about USING YER FREAKING BRAINS!

    One, your FOS. You cannot tell me that something that happens to me regularly, even with friends witnessing, does not occur. I cannot count how many times a fireball came right through a pillar or even wall and finished me off. Can it work? Certainly, and it works more often than not, but it is not something you can fully rely on.

    I will ignore your arrogant condescending comments about dodging and chalk it up to a personality disorder. But let me address a few things in that paragraph. I have been hit while dodging, again numerous times. Perhaps it is server lag and I will even entertain the notion and I am somehow missing the timing. But if you are building a weapon heavy build that uses Stamina, then things like dodging and blocking become very problematic as they tap into the same pool as your dps. Which is why you cannot build anything you like and it function as easily as you pretend.

    I decided to build a resist set like you have suggested when I encountered an elite caster mob V5 that was getting the better of me. I bumped up my resist to 70 points under the cap and the nukes decreased by 47 points of damage. That's right 47 was average reduction to nukes hitting me for an average of 445 went down into the 390s. I died over a dozen times testing this extensively. Bug? maybe there are certainly enough bugs to go around but don't ascribe how raising my resists will be the answer to damage reduction.

    And here is the whole thing, which by the way is where you could use your brain, gaming content that is designed to appease an elitist few will only entertain an elitist few. Good luck finding a profit margin with that model. When you tweak the Veteran content to make, my class at least, have to fight most encounters like they were all boss fights, it is not going to excite me or make me feel special each and every time I get through the encounter, it is going to exhaust me and make me hate playing. It is not entertaining to me and all of the people I have been gaming with for over a decade. Every person I know, still playing, finds veteran content exhausting and irritating with the exception of a very good sorc who keeps badgering me about how easy sorcs are and I should reroll like he did. And he still finds it irritating just not troublesome btw.

    I know nobody anywhere who desires to trudge through this content. In every guild I am in they are ALL looking for dungeon groups to get through this garbage leveling and spare themselves the agony of Vet questing. That is fact like everything else I have expressed and experienced first hand. Your experience may differ certainly, and good for you. I am happy you find things to your liking but you do not represent the total sum experience for all gamers and your arrogant view that everyone should experience things in the same manner is both juvenile and absurd.

    ...where do I start where do I start....I am not an elitist lets start with that but there is a big difference between being ignorant and a complete ***....

    Lets start with the way you approach a fight.... if you are fighting a caster and you are allowing him to cast at you and you do not have sufficient resists / dodge or anything defensive going to survive him to allow him to cast then yer doing it wrong...

    The way I see it there are a few ways to go about fights
    1. burst it down b4 he can do anything to you (this is how I play)
    2. try to outlast yer enemy (this means you have subpar damage but decent heals)
    3. Have a friend come help you!

    Now you clearly are not doing number 1, I don't know why you wouldn't try at least maybe not yer playstyle yea lets keep it at playstyle....
    2. Outlasting only works if you outheal / outdodge / outmanoevre yer foe yer clearly not doing that if yer still taking hits....
    3. I really hate asking friends for help to the point they will think ah man its that noobie NB again who always needs help to get anything done!

    Clearly you are best suited for number 3 cause the rest does not work for you!
    Altough maybe that sorc friend had the right idea for you to reroll a sorcerer or DK or whatever but nightblade is definitely not for you!

    About the resist thing it is not something to rely on its something to aid you if you are having trouble 45 HP less damage is on 10 hits 450....with strife running and maybe degeneration should be easily able to nullify those hits....Again resists do help but you cant lean on em to get the job done....

    Another thing about resists is you have a few kinds of them you have the general magic resist / and a type like fire or frost or electricity
    Now if you encounter a fire mage and lets say yer not a vampire like me what you do is (assuming you are unable to bring your brains up to speed to try and burst something down hardcore) use both kinds of jewelery general magic resist and fire resist.....i bet you didn't do that cause you were prolly not using yer brains!

    Now to top that off if yer dual wielding add 1 weapon with a damage shield and the other with a health proc + damage... look even more surviveability and keep in mind I DO NOT PLAY SUSTAIN I PLAY BURST....If you play bowstyle and are still getting owned cause you cannot dodge cause like you nicely put it lag issues....then put on a damage shield proc on yer bow.....this damage proc refreshes too!

    There is no way you cant take down a boss mob that is NOT immune to CC and is a caster with these tips if you still cannot do it killing him the slow way then yes i suggest you go sorcerer or DK or Templar or something else anything but nightblade....

    You can call me elitist or some kinda player hurting for punishment cause I like playing a nightblade etc but end of the story is I am killing content solo and im a VR10 nightblade now! While solo I am a king even with the broken passives once they fix those I can rule tamriel easily with my nightblade!

    In the end the problem lies with you and no one else blame yerself for not keeping yer gear up to date or not dodging or setting up a poor loadout or whatever the reason is its you behind the wheel of that nightblade and you are the one who is failing not me!

    Greetz styxxey

    PS: I do hope tho that you will get real angry at my post and go :" *** this guy if he can do it I can too"! And actually get *** done by thinking about what the *** you are doing!
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    funny I killed manimarco at minimal level by spamming funnel health and devouring swarm without even bothering to interrupt him the poor sod cried

    PS: I fought him with a restoration staff (laugh)

    I wonder how many nightblades out there go beyond being a stereotypical dual wielding stealth/CC NB... Plenty of things people can do but they go down one path.

    Might have worked in skyrim tho heh.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on May 17, 2014 8:51AM
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    funny I killed manimarco at minimal level by spamming funnel health and devouring swarm without even bothering to interrupt him the poor sod cried

    PS: I fought him with a restoration staff (laugh)

    I wonder how many nightblades out there go beyond being a stereotypical dual wielding stealth/CC NB... Plenty of things people can do but they go down one path.

    Let me state the obvious here - different people like different things but there are some things that are universally liked by many people. The dw stealth/cc/burst assassin archetype is one of those things. Nothing wrong with that.

    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    funny I killed manimarco at minimal level by spamming funnel health and devouring swarm without even bothering to interrupt him the poor sod cried

    PS: I fought him with a restoration staff (laugh)

    I wonder how many nightblades out there go beyond being a stereotypical dual wielding stealth/CC NB... Plenty of things people can do but they go down one path.

    Let me state the obvious here - different people like different things but there are some things that are universally liked by many people. The dw stealth/cc/burst assassin archetype is one of those things. Nothing wrong with that.

    There is if it doesnt work in those fights you have to do alone. Works great in a group or in cyrodil tho.

    Those having problems with typical builds everyone does because it "fits the class" should probably just try something different. Try some not-so-typical weapons and not-so typical skills from those not-so-typical weapons mayhaps.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on May 17, 2014 9:23AM
  • khele23eb17_ESO

    There is if it doesnt work in those fights you have to do alone.

    Thats a problem with game design/balance not those people's preferences.

    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO

    There is if it doesnt work in those fights you have to do alone.

    Thats a problem with game design/balance not those people's preferences.

    I think you feel that way based on how other MMO's work. Nightblade in another mmo would most likely not have very much leeway to go a bit outside of its class specifications. But the good thing about ESO is theres a ton of different things you can do outside of your 3 class lines.

    Then there is also the problem with many of nightblades class features not working properly that will be fixed soon. Perhaps that will help things as well.

    I don't see a thing wrong with the games design towards combat mechanics. You just need to adapt to the fact that this MMO is not that MMO. Any class can adapt to any situation thrown at them, just some slightly better at some situations than others. Slightly.

    Just know and remember there are nightblades who have beaten all these encounters others seem to be having problems with. Ask them how they did it.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on May 17, 2014 4:37PM
  • dracobains_ESO

    ...where do I start where do I start....I am not an elitist lets start with that but there is a big difference between being ignorant and a complete r e t a r d....

    Your post doesn't make me angry it makes me sad for you.

    I am VR7 and trudging through the content. I get it done. I do appreciate those on here who have offered meaningful advice as apposed to snarky condescending diatribes with no value but to bolster individual egos. So I have found useful information that I put to good use.

    However, if game mechanics are such that I have to use a magical staff or vampirism to deliver high end content then the class to me is completely sub par. Half of my friends have already fizzled out on this game and the ones who haven't *** all the time so I suspect it is a matter of time.

    The posts I have followed on Reddit are also quite interesting. Over 90% of the players who did not sub attributed it to Vet content. There is a vast amount of income loss due to insufficient class balancing and over-tweaked VR content. You can condescend all you like if it helps you feel better about yourself, but it doesn't change the fact that subs are dropping like flies. If the people on other forums are overwhelming ascribing this to VR content then it is you who are in the extreme minority not those on here asking for some assistance.

    So decorate your bubble and continue in that blissful ignorance it provides but the numbers won't lie. Sure I can do it even with my left arm almost completely useless due to neuropathy problems; I get it done. It is not easy for me nor is it enjoyable. I am happy there is a population that deems it enjoyable, you are getting your money's worth from this game. But telling others how pathetic you deem them and how great you are only reinforces the juvenile and childish methods you employ to communicate. Name calling after all is a key example of someone's inability to converse thus resorting to those silly grade school antics most of us have outgrown.

    Edited by dracobains_ESO on May 19, 2014 3:49AM
    IRONCLAD of Ebonheart Pact
    We don't have popularity contests because we believe it is better to be Feared than Loved.
  • Gisgo
    I wonder how many nightblades out there go beyond being a stereotypical dual wielding stealth/CC NB... Plenty of things people can do but they go down one path.

    Might have worked in skyrim tho heh.

    What if we *gasp* enjoy playing a rogue/assassin?
    Crazy, i know, everyone should be a mage.
    Play as you like as long as its a caster, right?
    Edited by Gisgo on May 17, 2014 7:49PM
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    I don't see a thing wrong with the games design towards combat mechanics. You just need to adapt to the fact that this MMO is not that MMO. Any class can adapt to any situation thrown at them, just some slightly better at some situations than others. Slightly.

    And some *cough* DK *cough* massively at any situation.
    Just know and remember there are nightblades who have beaten all these encounters others seem to be having problems with. Ask them how they did it.

    Im really past the 'vr is too hard because we play a crap broken class' thing. Ill get through the levels somehow. Itll take me 3 times as long as the average DK or Sorc... 3 times as many deaths probably too... but Ill get there. Thing is... Ill only get there to hear 'sorry dude, we dont take NBs to Crag challenge runs... because why the f... should we?'.
    Edited by khele23eb17_ESO on May 17, 2014 8:17PM
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • Grim13
    I'm in Sanguine's Demesne in Shadowfen. As a NB I have to sneak past the tightly packed groups of 5 mobs... because if they see me they'll F**K me up. I've respecced 3 times now, tried several variations, but I don't want to play some strange variation of a Sorcerer, I want to play a blade wielding NB... and this game just will not let you. So, while I'm slowly stealthing through the dungeon... in waltzes a light armour-clad Sorcerer, with a destruction staff, who runs into the middle of each group of five, stands there spamming the destructo staff, kills them all in a matter of seconds... then runs into the middle of the next group...

    Between the broken passives, skills that just will not work no matter how many times the button is pressed, and game design failures left right and f'n centre... I can't take it anymore. Unsubbed. I refuse to waste any more money on a game that does not work as intended.

    The final straws: Refreshing Path has not worked ONCE today. Not a single time. ..And I haven't had a single successful block of an enemies two-handed heavy attack ALL DAY, inspite of the fact that I've blocked it as soon as the animation started EVERY TIME.

    Whatever. F**k you, Zenimax, for taking my money when this game should still be in Beta. Bye.
    Edited by Grim13 on May 17, 2014 11:59PM
  • MasterLanz
    Grim13 wrote: »
    ..And I haven't had a single successful block of an enemies two-handed heavy attack ALL DAY, inspite of the fact that I've blocked it as soon as the animation started EVERY TIME.

    That's... awfully specific. I've never had problems blocking 2h attacks unless I was too low on stamina or at a bad angle. I don't think that's a Zenimax problem. I can't recall hearing anyone else complain about that.

  • Grim13
    MasterLanz wrote: »
    Grim13 wrote: »
    ..And I haven't had a single successful block of an enemies two-handed heavy attack ALL DAY, inspite of the fact that I've blocked it as soon as the animation started EVERY TIME.

    That's... awfully specific. I've never had problems blocking 2h attacks unless I was too low on stamina or at a bad angle. I don't think that's a Zenimax problem. I can't recall hearing anyone else complain about that.

    1) It's specific because it happened. 2) To me, your experience is irrelevant.

    Man, I wish there was an option to down-vote idiocy on the forums.
  • dracobains_ESO
    I have had this happen to me and what I discovered was it appears to be the angle I am at in relation to the mob which creates the failed blocking mechanic. I was actually running with a DK friend and he saw it as well. With a little experimentation it appeared to me that if I was not bearing down head to head with the mob I could get a missed block. I was at full stamina during the test and was just holding block down until the swing went off and sent me sailing backwards on my butt. Most of the time my blocks work fine but there is something peculiar going on with angles from my experience.
    IRONCLAD of Ebonheart Pact
    We don't have popularity contests because we believe it is better to be Feared than Loved.
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