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Tired of Nightblade

  • steinernein
    I wonder how Drain Power, Siphoning Attacks, Camoflaged Hunter, Shadowy Disguise, and whirlwind would do in an AoE situation. Someone go test it.
  • MisterTuggles
    I run an Argonian with full heavy armor, resto staff, and a mix of shadow/siphon/assassin tree.

    Sneak + marked target + teleport strike + veiled strike = dead anything +/- 5 levels of me.

    I think your biggest problem is you aren't adjusting your skill bar for situations you are encountering.

    i.e. if I know I have to fight multiple mobs I will load up prolonged suffering, and stun lock one or two out of combat for 12 seconds. Once prolonged ends, they join the fight, and are now taking a boat load of dot damage as well.

    Nightblade is more of a tactical class (imo), than anything else. We can do a lot of different things if you just think outside of the box.
  • Evergreen
    Anoteros wrote: »
    Lately i'm just fed up with how busted the NB feels that I think a DK or Templar would be better. At least they seem to work.
    I love the stealthy side of NB and the one shotting but there's just too much broken to keep me hooked.
    I'd also love an explanation on how the stealth passives (both from Khajit and medium armour) help. I see no difference when approaching mobs or when walking past them. The eye icon still slightly opens...Please if the passives only affect PVP then please label the bloody passive relevantly.

    Agree. At the very least Zenimax should start by fixing Nightblade skills that are just bugged. As it stands now Nightblade have the most broken skills of any class in the game making an already under performing class just plain sad. And I really hope no one suggests to avoid the broken skills as that defeats the purpose of picking the class in the first place.
  • elxdark
    It's your build, i could solo groups of 6 or 7 mobs without my ultimate.

    Bosses and grandbosses are a joke, if i can get the sneak attack first they almost are one shotted lol.
  • drakuel1ub17_ESO
    elxdark wrote: »
    It's your build, i could solo groups of 6 or 7 mobs without my ultimate.

    Bosses and grandbosses are a joke, if i can get the sneak attack first they almost are one shotted lol.

    Prove it.. Post a video showing you NB soloing 6 or 7 same level or higher mobs at once... There is always one in the group to cause drama, so easy to claim things like this another to actually lay down some proven facts...

  • elxdark
    elxdark wrote: »
    It's your build, i could solo groups of 6 or 7 mobs without my ultimate.

    Bosses and grandbosses are a joke, if i can get the sneak attack first they almost are one shotted lol.

    Prove it.. Post a video showing you NB soloing 6 or 7 same level or higher mobs at once... There is always one in the group to cause drama, so easy to claim things like this another to actually lay down some proven facts...

    I don't have to prove anything, I would record it but I'm too lazy to prove people in internet I'm good and they're bad lol.

    You need to think where you put your points which skills you use etc. It's all in your mind.

    This game is too easy at least before VR rank.
    Edited by elxdark on April 16, 2014 3:18AM
  • Yelgis
    I mostly run around in VR content with one bar full of skills I just use for leveling stuff and only swap to it when turning in quests. My main bar uses Killer's Blade, Concealed Weapon and Dark Cloak. My other 2 skills are just whatever I feel like leveling at the time (right now 2hander skills like Wrecking Blow and Momentum) my ultimate is currently Dawnbreaker.

    I do most normal enounters by gibbing a target out of stealth in 2 hits (Concealed weapon followed by Killer's Blade). The the target is beefier I might need to hit a heavy attack or one of the stam skills I am leveling. Then I finish up the other mob or two with cloaking and concealed weapon (for the stun) followed by a heavy attack or use Wrecking Blow for a stun followed by a heavy attack. This is fine for most normal trash and any boss mob that can be CC'd and doesn't have tons of adds.

    If tougher stuff happens I switch to real loadouts. I have a self healing build using resto staff heals and Funnel health that is good for some fights, and aoe setup if I need it using Impulse and Drain Power, and if I need more single target DPS I do something much like my normal build but using 1h/shield for the bash to dump stam as dmg.

    I am basically doing VR zones with a set of skills not at all optimized so I can level them and not having issues. I just think many people don't play very well.

    I am VR4 btw and using full light armor (most of it isn't even VR gear because I have a shadow dancer set in the 40's I still wear for the stealth speed set bonus).
  • drakuel1ub17_ESO
    elxdark wrote: »
    elxdark wrote: »
    It's your build, i could solo groups of 6 or 7 mobs without my ultimate.

    Bosses and grandbosses are a joke, if i can get the sneak attack first they almost are one shotted lol.

    Prove it.. Post a video showing you NB soloing 6 or 7 same level or higher mobs at once... There is always one in the group to cause drama, so easy to claim things like this another to actually lay down some proven facts...

    I don't have to prove anything, I would record it but I'm too lazy to prove people in internet I'm good and they're bad lol.

    You need to think where you put your points which skills you use etc. It's all in your mind.

    This game is too easy at least before VR rank.

    I bet you are lazy, too lazy to formulate any real discussion points relevant to the thread at hand.. Also selfish in knowing that you are exaggerating your skills publicly for some sort of self indulgence to boost you up as some sort of expert..

    You can be the greatest player of all time and when you purchase skills that do not fire or work as they are described on the class, it will affect your gameplay period. That is the point and really the only thing that matters is others are giving good advice to the OP, so he can build a spec that has less buggy skills on his bar..

    Personally I wouldn't want a class that could solo 6 or 7 mobs at once makes the game too easy and has not real strategy in it's combat. When things work properly , that is when mobs are actually firing off their skills and tactics together properly, the game is not as easy as you think.

    Granted there are areas that need tweaking, more mobs using their abilities together but overall I have found a lot of fights much more satisfying the past MMO's.
  • Gnaargh
    elxdark wrote: »
    It's your build, i could solo groups of 6 or 7 mobs without my ultimate.

    Bosses and grandbosses are a joke, if i can get the sneak attack first they almost are one shotted lol.

    Prove it.. Post a video showing you NB soloing 6 or 7 same level or higher mobs at once... There is always one in the group to cause drama, so easy to claim things like this another to actually lay down some proven facts...

    Here you go...a level 20 nb vs 11+ level 28s.
    You're the one in the group, btw. lol!

  • Yelgis
    Gnaargh before they jump you about that video I will step in. That video is old and no longer valid. It was done when Vieled Blades would generate ultimate on its own allowing you to keep it up constantly in AOE situations. It no longer does that so while it is still a very good ultimate for aoe it isn't as effective as that video shows anymore.

    That said, Impulse morphed into Elemental Ring paired with Drain Power with either Vieled Blades or the vampire ultimate is very very strong for aoe. A little more risky than a Sorc or DK aoe build but still very effective. Sorc has better self healing due to Critical Surge and DK is more durable because of Magma Armor, but Nightblade has better AoE damage potentential because of the 99% weapon damage buff possible with Drain Power causing Impulse to increase in damage (it is a weapon skill after all). NB can get the highest weapon damage for aoe due to Drain Power and with impulse being the best weapon based AOE,
  • Lanatireb17_ESO
    Gnaargh wrote: »
    elxdark wrote: »
    It's your build, i could solo groups of 6 or 7 mobs without my ultimate.

    Bosses and grandbosses are a joke, if i can get the sneak attack first they almost are one shotted lol.

    Prove it.. Post a video showing you NB soloing 6 or 7 same level or higher mobs at once... There is always one in the group to cause drama, so easy to claim things like this another to actually lay down some proven facts...

    Here you go...a level 20 nb vs 11+ level 28s.
    You're the one in the group, btw. lol!

    Frickin Great. An 'Expert' trying to show us how things work that is using a video that is no longer valid cause the skills dont work that way anymore. Gives you LOTS of credibility, my friend. Wouldnt be surprised if you dont even PLAY a nightblade. Epic Troll is Epic.
  • Gnaargh
    Gnaargh wrote: »
    elxdark wrote: »
    It's your build, i could solo groups of 6 or 7 mobs without my ultimate.

    Bosses and grandbosses are a joke, if i can get the sneak attack first they almost are one shotted lol.

    Prove it.. Post a video showing you NB soloing 6 or 7 same level or higher mobs at once... There is always one in the group to cause drama, so easy to claim things like this another to actually lay down some proven facts...

    Here you go...a level 20 nb vs 11+ level 28s.
    You're the one in the group, btw. lol!

    Frickin Great. An 'Expert' trying to show us how things work that is using a video that is no longer valid cause the skills dont work that way anymore. Gives you LOTS of credibility, my friend. Wouldnt be surprised if you dont even PLAY a nightblade. Epic Troll is Epic.

    They do still work that way...the ONLY difference is the time in which it takes to build the ultimate up! Thanks for the laugh tho. Please, do us all a favor and close your liehole.
  • Gnaargh
    Yelgis wrote: »
    Gnaargh before they jump you about that video I will step in. That video is old and no longer valid. It was done when Vieled Blades would generate ultimate on its own allowing you to keep it up constantly in AOE situations. It no longer does that so while it is still a very good ultimate for aoe it isn't as effective as that video shows anymore.

    That said, Impulse morphed into Elemental Ring paired with Drain Power with either Vieled Blades or the vampire ultimate is very very strong for aoe. A little more risky than a Sorc or DK aoe build but still very effective. Sorc has better self healing due to Critical Surge and DK is more durable because of Magma Armor, but Nightblade has better AoE damage potentential because of the 99% weapon damage buff possible with Drain Power causing Impulse to increase in damage (it is a weapon skill after all). NB can get the highest weapon damage for aoe due to Drain Power and with impulse being the best weapon based AOE,

    I realize that but the build should still work for 7-8 same level packs which was what was asked to be proven. If it worked back then for 11+ mobs 8 levels higher than the player then surely it works for 7-8 mobs around the player's level. Thank you for the constructive comment but I thought that all this would be fairly obvious from the comments on the video channel which go on to explain that the build still works but doesn't allow for chain pulling quite as well.

    Your build would also be capable of taking on packs as well. So, there are options for nightblades to do pack grinding albeit at a slower pace. I'm going to give yours a try with a resto staff(what I'm currently using) as weapon change and considering vampire ultimate for that bar. Seriously, I haven't had much problems with nb leveling but I chose not to go melee so maybe that's the difference. I see melee builds posted on that look fun tho so I don't know...

    Edited by Gnaargh on April 18, 2014 5:06AM
  • Razzak
    Yankee wrote: »
    I have soloed my Nightblade to 46 so far. I find it easier than my DK or Templar was to level (took them higher during beta). I have died less on this NB than either of those. Mannimarco even went down first try. You can lock down and kill most stuff before it even hits you.

    For questing, 3 packs even 3 levels above are easy. I dual wield, have a bow also but hardly use it. I have only quest gear. The only dual wield skill I use is Blood Craze.

    I have a pretty even split between mag/health/stam. I eat magicka food. I have all of the medium armor passives.

    The first mob of a 3 pack goes down in a one shot from stealth. Immediately I Shadow cloak, lock down the second mob with veiled strike (concealed weapon) and kill it in a few blows. The third mob usually only gets a couple hits on me. Even when I lose the stealth opener I still usually survive. On long fights I swap back and forth between bow (stam stuff) and my dual wield bar (almost all magicka stuff).

    Keep your Siphon and blood craze ticking and you might be suprised how much you are healed.

    I took all the medium armor and wood elf stealth skills. If I do not feel like killing I can stealth up and then shadow cloak right through groups without being seen. Even through doorways with mobs guarding it. It is a tricky but exciting way to solo fetch skyshards from public dungeons.

    It has very nice single target burst (if specced for it). My morphed veiled strike from stealth hits normal mobs for over 1350.

    For me, for solo questing, the Nightblade is the easiest class of all.

    It is odd how the OP's experience is so different from what I have found.

    My experience is similar to OPs. But I only leveled my NB to 13 so I really can't complain. :)
    But I stopped playing it for similar reasons as OP. It just didn't feel as fluid as my DK. My main reason for not feeling right is, imo, Shadow cloak. I felt like it's the most important skill for fighting multiple enemies. But on the other hand it slows your progress considerably as you have to creep towards your target. That creeping and thus moving slowly was grating on my nerves so much I tried to use my NB in any other way but with Shadow cloak. And failed miserably, of course.
    The other problem I had with NB is that I felt my stamina and magicka are draining faster than they are on my DK.
    I will have to level my NB past lvl 15 to see how much it changes with weapon swap. It helped a lot on my DK, so I asume it will also help me with my NB.
  • jeagerb16_ESO
    Been running NB bow/dual wield med armour (7 parts) for the life of the char, just gone vamp as well and despite the increased fire damage (hurts but not generally fatal) surviving well for PvE both group and Solo. Personal build uses all 3 skill trees and weapon abilities and many many passives.

    Bow bar: Lethal Arrow, Silver Shards/Scatter Shot/Venom Arrow, Swallow Soul, Piercing Mark, Shadowy Disguise.
    Tactic: Pick off marked weaker enemies at 40yards with mark and snipe, unload remaining stamina as silver shards onto anything closing then hit shadowy disguise to change weapons.

    Dual Wield bar: Swallow Soul or Drain Essence, Blinding Flurry, Impale, Mirage, Shadowy Disguise.
    Tactic: Keep health up with drains/potions vanishing, blocking,and dodging as needed and using mirage/flurry to disorientate opponents, Impale to finish quickly.

    Ultimate: Soul Tether for when things close to deal heavy damage and buy time for mirage casting.

    For both phases if there's a fireball etc being cast, vanish to stop any damage (even if they finished the cast) and take advantage of any stuns/disorientates caused.

    The build tends to burn stamina and magika alternately but with decent regen changing the resource as needed works well (just remember to save enough to use an emergency shadowy disguise). It also requires a very fluid play style to react and change weapons/burn modes/position whilst invisible and get the most from it, in short a lot of fun.
    Edited by jeagerb16_ESO on April 18, 2014 8:37AM
  • Hexcaliber
    Gnaargh wrote: »
    elxdark wrote: »
    It's your build, i could solo groups of 6 or 7 mobs without my ultimate.

    Bosses and grandbosses are a joke, if i can get the sneak attack first they almost are one shotted lol.

    Prove it.. Post a video showing you NB soloing 6 or 7 same level or higher mobs at once... There is always one in the group to cause drama, so easy to claim things like this another to actually lay down some proven facts...

    Here you go...a level 20 nb vs 11+ level 28s.
    You're the one in the group, btw. lol!

    Frickin Great. An 'Expert' trying to show us how things work that is using a video that is no longer valid cause the skills dont work that way anymore. Gives you LOTS of credibility, my friend. Wouldnt be surprised if you dont even PLAY a nightblade. Epic Troll is Epic.

    This is a build and old video from pts reposted, so its not in the least relevant, god knows what balance changes have occurred since. Further, he opens with his ult, we all know you can pop an ult at the start of combat to help. Lets see him do it with a dual weapon build and no ult, so it is an atypical display of how an nb might face larger groups; we all know he cannot.

    This first display just makes him look like an ass. He clearly has some personal issues having to stoop so low in a vain attempt to stroke his epeen.
    Edited by Hexcaliber on April 18, 2014 11:34AM
    Regards Hexcaliber.
  • DGVish
    I came into ESO as a fairly new player to the Elder Scrolls games. Only ever played Skyrim before.

    I chose Nightblade back when the first announced the launch classes because they offered a bit of everything and I first liked the idea of being a DW/Bow stealthy style. Then I researched more and more and starting building with calculators and found the Nightblade build with a Destro/Resto Staff to be very interesting. I've always liked healing I feel like good healers can carry groups and a DPS healer with a lot in their toolkit should be in demand at Veteran rank for PvE and PvP.

    The first thing I noticed was the Siphoning tree and Power Extraction. Automatically knew when I saw that they had the highest sustainble AoE DMG in the game by a large margin.

    My Nightblade is currently lvl 21 and I'm loving him. I can solo packs of enemies with my destro staff, heal anything near or even well above my level, and I'm a bit tanky having gone full health build with Heavy armor. I just switched from 5/2 heavy to 5/2 light, and I'm digging the Magika soft cap atm.

    My time started out a bit tough getting used to the game. Moving, blocking, dodging etc but now I have a good grip on the game and nothing really stands in my way right now. Except maintenance.
    Edited by DGVish on April 18, 2014 12:38PM
  • DGVish
    I wonder how Drain Power, Siphoning Attacks, Camoflaged Hunter, Shadowy Disguise, and whirlwind would do in an AoE situation. Someone go test it.

    You should wonder what Power Extraction>Forward Momentum>Unstoppable could do to someone with Critcal Charge and max distance on their bar.
  • DGVish
    Razzak wrote: »
    Yankee wrote: »

    But I stopped playing it for similar reasons as OP. It just didn't feel as fluid as my DK. My main reason for not feeling right is, imo, Shadow cloak. I felt like it's the most important skill for fighting multiple enemies. But on the other hand it slows your progress considerably as you have to creep towards your target. That creeping and thus moving slowly was grating on my nerves so much I tried to use my NB in any other way but with Shadow cloak. And failed miserably, of course.
    The other problem I had with NB is that I felt my stamina and magicka are draining faster than they are on my DK.
    I will have to level my NB past lvl 15 to see how much it changes with weapon swap. It helped a lot on my DK, so I asume it will also help me with my NB.

    They have VERY good passives that help with each of those problems. 30% stamina regen after using an ability like Twisting Path, Siphoning gives 8% more Magika, also increases potions by 20% VERY GOOD, Siphoning Attacks solves all mana and stamina issues, stealthed speed, and you're using Shadow Cloak wrong.

    You should use Shadow Cloak with Veiled Strike. This is actually a very powerful combo as the 4 second stun is priceless in PvE and deadly in PvP. You should already be near in position for your Veiled Strike when you use Shadow Cloak... you don't want to be wasting your 3 seconds moving into position. It is effective to shake enemies when you're in a tight spot.
  • MCNerdFlail
    zamiel wrote: »
    I have a destro staff NB. It was painful in the beginning, now at 35 it's getting awesome. Unstoppable+refreshing path+fire blocade+drain strength spam and everything dies easily. Probably NB deals the best AoE of all classes and are great for higher levels. 3 mobs or 8? Doesn't matter as long as you can control incoming damage.

    Please don't tell me nightblade is balanced as an aoe class.

    The nightblade is meant to be a damage dealer as a rogue. People will role that class expecting high single target damage but being squishier than other classes.

    Not giving nightblades their due roles as a damage dealer is a cop out and misrepresentation of not just the names but the actual abilities and how they play in assassination.

    The fact that other classes do just as much or more dmg than nightblades sounds broken. They should be the top dmg dealers on single targets. That's how rogues are and nightblades are rogues but try to mask as it as something else.

    Maybe it's better there were no classes then? And everyone can choose from the same class but different weapons. At least things would be fair that way and easier to balance.
  • MoMoOG
    zamiel wrote: »
    I have a destro staff NB. It was painful in the beginning, now at 35 it's getting awesome. Unstoppable+refreshing path+fire blocade+drain strength spam and everything dies easily. Probably NB deals the best AoE of all classes and are great for higher levels. 3 mobs or 8? Doesn't matter as long as you can control incoming damage.

    Please don't tell me nightblade is balanced as an aoe class.

    The nightblade is meant to be a damage dealer as a rogue. People will role that class expecting high single target damage but being squishier than other classes.

    Not giving nightblades their due roles as a damage dealer is a cop out and misrepresentation of not just the names but the actual abilities and how they play in assassination.

    The fact that other classes do just as much or more dmg than nightblades sounds broken. They should be the top dmg dealers on single targets. That's how rogues are and nightblades are rogues but try to mask as it as something else.

    Maybe it's better there were no classes then? And everyone can choose from the same class but different weapons. At least things would be fair that way and easier to balance.

    Nightblade is not "meant" to be anything. Most nightblade players wrongfully assume nightblade is rogue/thief when it can be any role just like any class can be any role. The rogue role comes from wearing medium armor and using the medium armor passives (which again any class can do).
  • DGVish
    A dual wielding Khajit Nightblade or dual wielding Dunmer will compete for top damage on charts for a single target boss fight no problem. It is all a matter of setting up a rotation and knowing which spells to use in order to bolster your main method of attack. Nightblades easily have the most varied toolkit in the game and can make any weapon/role effective. As a pure DPS they should always compete for top damage if played properly, and their AoE damage DOES IN FACT equal out their slight shortcomings in single target. That AoE damage is very important in veteran content and no other class comes close.
  • apterous
    vampire, full light armor, bow only (poison arrow), assassination tree (incapacitating strike, impale), shadow tree (invisibility, backstab), siphoning tree (swallow soul). in second weapon set you replace incapacitating strike, invisibility and backstab with bat swarm, drain essence and mist form. but then again, this works for me. might not work for you.
  • Sleepwalker
    The nightblade is meant to be a damage dealer as a rogue. People will role that class expecting high single target damage but being squishier than other classes.

    Uh oh, we've got another one of these people... You sir, are flat out wrong. No class on this game is meant to fit snugly and singularly into any one role. All four classes are capable of filling all roles with clever manipulation, and in my opinion the nightblade can arguably cross the realms of tank, healer, melee dps, and ranged dps better than any other class. It's close-minded thinking like this spoken assertively in the forums and in game that is crippling the imagination of real ES lovers. Go ahead and let that go; there is plenty of video evidence released online long before launch (after ZOS allowed it of course) that display how flawed your logic is here.
    "QUIT CRYIN'! Do some pushups or something!"

    Grayfield - V2 Breton Nightblade
    Windspike - 40 Bosmer Sorceror
  • RatsnevE
    I now spent 15k gold for a respec of skillpoints and attributes. now. show me some USEFUL builds, people. And please, no THEORETICAL builds. i wanna see builds that are in use, and working.
    Good luck to us! My best conclusion at this point is to sit on the game for six months or so. I'm stuck owning the game right now. (It will be interesting to see how ownership is managed on the consoles.) I've reached lvl 10 with my first char, an NB, and what a frustrating mess I'm in--being a stranger to MMOs too.
  • Jeddahwe

    The above is a ESO fan site with tons of discussions about builds.

    I play Fire destruction Staff Breton Siphoning NB. The build is super fun and can handle single target and multiple targets really well. I enjoy the self healing (go to and find all the abilities that siphon health to you from the class and the guilds). AoE is also fun with a combination of class and fire staff abilities.

  • RatsnevE
    elxdark wrote: »
    elxdark wrote: »
    It's your build, i could solo groups of 6 or 7 mobs without my ultimate.

    Bosses and grandbosses are a joke, if i can get the sneak attack first they almost are one shotted lol.

    Prove it.. Post a video showing you NB soloing 6 or 7 same level or higher mobs at once... There is always one in the group to cause drama, so easy to claim things like this another to actually lay down some proven facts...

    I don't have to prove anything, I would record it but I'm too lazy to prove people in internet I'm good and they're bad lol.

    You need to think where you put your points which skills you use etc. It's all in your mind.

    This game is too easy at least before VR rank.

    I bet you are lazy, too lazy to formulate any real discussion points relevant to the thread at hand.. Also selfish in knowing that you are exaggerating your skills publicly for some sort of self indulgence to boost you up as some sort of expert..

    You can be the greatest player of all time and when you purchase skills that do not fire or work as they are described on the class, it will affect your gameplay period. That is the point and really the only thing that matters is others are giving good advice to the OP, so he can build a spec that has less buggy skills on his bar..

    Personally I wouldn't want a class that could solo 6 or 7 mobs at once makes the game too easy and has not real strategy in it's combat. When things work properly , that is when mobs are actually firing off their skills and tactics together properly, the game is not as easy as you think.

    Granted there are areas that need tweaking, more mobs using their abilities together but overall I have found a lot of fights much more satisfying the past MMO's.
    I'd actually like to discover the game could be this easy. I hate long frustrating battles--and then you die over and over again and would rather get on with the story. But I bend what an MMO is and try to fit in. My PCs and my strategy is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. But I can't give up on ESO just yet. I've got to try to get more bang out of my $60 bucks and if I somehow get past my last sticky point solo quest bosses I will activate my sub again.

  • Aicilef
    The way i build my character absolutely didnt work for me. I never did enough damage, i never was able to outheal the damage i recieved, and after level 30 i wasnt able to kill one boss without 5 to up to 47 deaths

    I agree 100% with you. And this is one of the major problems with this game, which will cost alot of customers: you can totally ruin your character. I'm sure there are alot of players like you out there.

    You got three choices now:
    1/ restart a new character
    2/ grind new skils with your current character
    3/ quit the game

    I think that many people in your position will do 3/ because they don't want to do 1/ or 2/. So, in my opinion, this skill mechanism is bad for their business, it's not good for their bottom line that players can ruin their character and has to start again.

    It's they price that players pay for their skillmechanism: if you pick the wrong ones at the start, you're screwed.
  • Koensol
    Aicilef wrote: »
    The way i build my character absolutely didnt work for me. I never did enough damage, i never was able to outheal the damage i recieved, and after level 30 i wasnt able to kill one boss without 5 to up to 47 deaths

    I agree 100% with you. And this is one of the major problems with this game, which will cost alot of customers: you can totally ruin your character. I'm sure there are alot of players like you out there.

    You got three choices now:
    1/ restart a new character
    2/ grind new skils with your current character
    3/ quit the game

    I think that many people in your position will do 3/ because they don't want to do 1/ or 2/. So, in my opinion, this skill mechanism is bad for their business, it's not good for their bottom line that players can ruin their character and has to start again.

    It's they price that players pay for their skillmechanism: if you pick the wrong ones at the start, you're screwed.
    Ahum.. respec?

  • Im_So_Tanked
    zamiel wrote: »
    I have a destro staff NB. It was painful in the beginning, now at 35 it's getting awesome. Unstoppable+refreshing path+fire blocade+drain strength spam and everything dies easily. Probably NB deals the best AoE of all classes and are great for higher levels. 3 mobs or 8? Doesn't matter as long as you can control incoming damage.

    Edited by Im_So_Tanked on April 27, 2014 5:12PM
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