I can agree with this. I'm able to find more enchanting nodes on the starter island than I have been on the mainland.
alphasquid wrote: »It's getting harder to report them now. Was just on Bleakrock and the harvesting bots are mining underground so the nodes just disappear and you can't see the bot.
My question is: Is there a place players can go to get this information without stumbling upon it as I did? If more players were aware of this problem (and others that I am not aware of) this type of behavior could be spotted and reported faster.
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »I wonder how they make them teleport ... that is quite cool.
If they do its going to hurt us more. I have never seen a dev in any game make changes to stop bots that doesn't hurt real crafters even worse than the bots. Not to say I don't want them to do something I just need for it not to suck.
Hi guys, we wanted to thank you for the detailed information in this thread. This is an issue we take very seriously, and we posted a thread about this last night in the developer discussions forum:
Lets help to get rid of the bots then. When you see em, report to Zenimax as they asked.
j.murro2ub17_ESO wrote: »I know this is probly not practical to do but if ZOS could in a way turn their PVP on then we could hunt them and kill them ourselves - and when they die they drop their bags - we get the loot.
Thank you very much for taking action on this. Lets hope they can come up with a good fix soon.
Saw a big group of them on Saturday farming Vivec's Antlers. Moving as a big train, all with randomly generated names. Moving too fast to report. And even worse are the ones I seeing moving around at super-speed (with exploits like that I bet the Leaderboards in PvP are pretty meaningless too).
You would think the devs could just scroll through a list of new players and look for the one's with obviously generated names. I'd give pretty good odds that someone with a name like "dqdgdkddkfff" is probably not a real person. Or look for players moving at superspeeds or underground. Pretty good tipoff there too.
j.murro2ub17_ESO wrote: »I know this is probly not practical to do but if ZOS could in a way turn their PVP on then we could hunt them and kill them ourselves - and when they die they drop their bags - we get the loot.
Food4Thought wrote: »
If only that was possible. But I think you can't interact with the ones that travel underground. And even if you can, they don't have their heads up above ground long enough to engage in combat.